Friday, May 15, 2009

Wolverine: Adamantium Rage

When Linkara learns that Spoony is going to review a comic book, he decides he has to create his very own COMPLETELY ORIGINAL video game show!

NOTE: Special thanks to Pike for the logo!


  1. Good ol' Maximum Carnage...sounds horrid on the Genesis. (SNES was better)

    Ah, well, at least you reference it.

    Also, avoid the SNES version of this game at all costs. It's LEAGUES worse than this.

  2. I just realized. Your name is "Love Hog". Thats awesome...

  3. Hehe, that's great!

  4. this is awesome you and spoony are my favorites on TGWTG. Also excatly how old were you when you started reading comics.

  5. Hilarious and it's great to see some old comic games reviewed, it's your forte my friend.

  6. Yes. Completely original. Absolutely.



    Ps. Seriously funny stuff from you and Noah alike. Can't wait for part two!

  7. HAhaha great, and for those who are working to made LINKARAAAA'S THEME this openning can give some ideais... Great mimic of Spoony by the way...

    I just thought you're talking about the Black Summer review that Spoony did last year (yeah, that would be late to argue), but, so, let's wait the comic reveiw...

    And... NEUTRO!!!

  8. touched the Nerd....*sigh*

    ...okay, you touched his fist with your face BUT STILL!


    Most EPIC REVIEW EVER. I loved it when Spoony just up and pwned you with the "physically impossible" jump. Heh. I do that to my friends all the time. It breaks their minds because, you know, being a GIRL and all, I can't do such things. *eyeroll*

    Can't wait for part 2. I love you guys.

    Anonymous #1...yes, I'm sure he didn't hear that TWENTY THOUSAND TIMES growing up. :P

  9. Awesome! That encounter with the AVGN,epic!

  10. Linkara, why's the robot's name Pollo?

  11. Just for reference, who hits harder Benzaie or the Angry Video Game Nerd? ;)

  12. Well, I got up sooner with Benzaie than I did AVGN... ^_~

  13. Well, I got up sooner with Benzaie than I did AVGN... ^_~THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! XD

  14. I watched the review, and thought it was pretty good. Though when I used emulators, I'd have a hard time with a keyboard. I'd rather use a PC controller.

    I wish I still had a Genesis. :(

  15. "Adamantium Rage" haha that has to be my favorite part of this video.

  16. Oh jeez, right, that comment about using controllers with emulators reminded me to show you something:

    A must for anyone with emulators NOT THAT I PROMOTE INTERNET PIRACY AMIRITE

    I've got the NES and SNES USB controllers and let me tell you, holding that controller and playing Contra never, ever fails to make me melt into a little gooey pile of happy.

  17. Awesome video. Can't wait to see part two.

    I know it doesn't mean anything, but what were you ADAMANTIUM RAGEing between the Kirby and the Genesis?

  18. A copy of "Superman: Ruin Revealed."

  19. Thats funny, I just got the TPBs of Greg Rucka's run, including Ruin Revealed. Is it really bad? I'll read it anyway, but I was just wondering, especially after readin some pretty glowing reviews of those comics.

    Though nothing can be better than Joe Kelly's Superman books. "Whats So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?" FTW, overly long title not withstanding.

  20. It's not really that bad, though Ruin's identity earns a 16th spot on my Top 15 Worst Heroes to Villains. Really didn't understand where it was coming from.

  21. If you ever do a follow-up may I recommend X-Men on the NES? Horrible stuff. The Wolverine game on the system wasn't much better.

  22. I JUST recognized who the last boss is! It's Trevor Fitzroy, time-hopping thief and murderer, Black King of the Hellfire Club, and possibly one of the worst-conceived villains of the nineties!

  23. I still think that the "ADAMANTIUM RAGE" bit is one of the funniest things you've ever done. I hope it makes an appearance in a future AT4W segment! The expression on AVGN's face when he punches you makes me crack up every time!

  24. Awesome video game review. I loved the Adamantium Rage rampage gag and Spoony's increasing frustration that led to you using cheat codes. And that fight with Dr. Insano -- hilarious, especially when you try to guess Dr. Insano's identity and you having cheat codes that are still active to survive Insano's lightning strike.

  25. Hang on, does this mean that Spoony Adamantium Ragequit? Sorry.

  26. Hahaha, I love when Spoony appears in one of your episodes and vice-versa :D

    But in which episode of The Spoony Experiment is this continued in? Haven't seen that one.

  27. "Hahaha, I love when Spoony appears in one of your episodes and vice-versa :D

    But in which episode of The Spoony Experiment is this continued in? Haven't seen that one."

    It's continued in the Warrior #1 review. ^_^


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