Friday, August 14, 2009

Revolution of the Mask Issue 2

While it hasn't been officially released, a preview for Issue 2 is now available!

Check it out HERE!

Issue 2 will be officially released on August 20th, though check back over the next week in case it gets out early!


  1. YES! FINALLY! And the preview only whet my appetite for more! ARGH!

  2. I keep telling myself to pick up the first issue but I haven't gotten around to it

  3. I like how, in the cover, the main character representing the "average man" is in the middle, yet your attention is drawn to the heroes on the side reflecting the "Equality means never having to stand out" part as the unaverage characters, of course, stand out.

    All one sentence! I'm not proud. Anyway, I'll definitely get this the day it comes out.

  4. That guy on the right must go through a heck of a lot of shirts that way. Great cover to what is sure to be a great book!

  5. A comic cover can make or break a comic, but THIS ONE makes me want to read it! This cover tells a story by itself, with the propiganda poster and the poor shlub wishing and dreaming in the foreground while the others actually do something about it.

    Irrelevant to the post, but you just have to see this Lewis.

    Nice cover indeed, I need an international credit card. :/

  7. awesome! can't wait to get my copy of it! The cover looks sweet! preview pages had me hungering for more, as good preview pages should do!

    So until someone says what song, would be the soundtrack, to dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  8. btw, are we going to see a review of superman vs terminator in the future?


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