Monday, November 30, 2009

Bimbos in Time #1

There are so few words that could describe this comic. Here are two: "Utter. Crap."


  1. You win for the Doctor Who reference. ^^

  2. Two things, Lewis:

    1.) Thanks for the literary recommendation. I will try to check out The Once and Future King as soon as I can.

    2.) Do you have the addresses of the people responsible for this abomination of a comic? I want to do terrible things to them with an icepick.

  3. I have no idea why it's so amusing to see people drag themselves through the most horrible pieces of fiction ever created, but it is. For that reason, yes, I'm definitely checking out Zombie Bloodbath. Oh, and easily the most epic "next episode"-hook ever, of course.

  4. What was that?! Some sort of comic/humour Dadaism?! *tilts head* *eye twitching*

    Oh, and in hope this might help get your mind clean again:

    Hope you'll like it and that it helps.
    (Yes, it's danish, sorry ^^)

  5. Wow, that comic was ... um ... something. So many random parodies of stuff that aren't actually funny or parodies. You sure this wasn't made by the people who made Disaster Movie?

    Wow, you got Little Kuriboh to cameo! Does this mean we should see you cameo in the next Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged video?

    You know, it is sad when you can honistly say you can draw better than that, but then agien, as you said, this was pritty much amurchure hour.

  6. Wow. This had to be one of the funnier episodes yet. Although with all the cutaways I thought I was watching an episode of Family Guy, I still enjoyed it. Can't wait till next week.

  7. IT'S TOOL TI- Oh...wait.

  8. So.....Manos....

    Wow, that was just awful.

    Great episode.
    Even though I know you are doing Miller again next week, I honestly thought you were going to swerve everyone and do the constantly rumored/mentioned Identity Crisis review. Either way, controversy creates cash.

  9. As soon as I saw the title, i'm sure this review almost wrote itself, especially with your views.

    Keep up the great work Lewis.

  10. How did the guy sent you this comic got his hands on the POS of stapled paper?

  11. Oh Linkara you spoil us with Awesome. Can't wait for Miller Time!

  12. I know why you wanted a couple more hours. You didn't want to kill us with this crap.

  13. Wow... that was almost painful to watch. I can't imagine how bad it must have been to read and work up your script for the episode. At least some of the comics you review that suck still have redeeming qualities. Give me Jeph Loeb's Ultimates 3 any day compared to this crapfest.

  14. ugh even the title of the comic sucks

  15. Wow...just wow...You never cease to amaze me.

  16. 1) That title alone made my head hurt. D:

    2) Bimbos in Time = The Anti-Life equation?

    3) Zombie Bloodbath looks pretty hilarious, actually. I kind of want to see it.

    4) Jeez! I'm pretty damn terrible at art, but I think I could draw better than that using my feet. You know what it reminds me of? Jack Chick's crappy tract art.


    6) You poor guy, tormenting yourself for our entertainment. Here, have a sympathetic bag full of internet-toffee. I daresay this is even worse than Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes.

    7) Astroboy?

    8) Here, have some more sympathetic internet-toffee.

    9) Maybe the rolling pin is like Nanoha's Raising Heart staff with its cartridges.


    11) OH GOD, NOT HOLMES. First he has to pop up in this comic (a cocaine-fever hallucination?) and then he has to get horribly messed up in the upcoming movie. STOP MESSING UP SHERLOCK HOLMES!

    12) Is that Fang from Chick tracts in the background with Holmes?


    14) Morbius? MORBIUS?!

    15) Here, have another bag of sympathetic internet-toffee.

    16) OH GOD, NOT DUNE, TOO.

    17) The Lone Ranger and Holmes and Elvis don't deserve all this horrid mistreatment. >:( What did Holmes, the Lone Ranger, and the King ever do to the dopes who wrote this, huh?

    18) I can't fathom what sort of comic is worse than this. O___o

    19) And here, have a little bit more internet-toffee in preparation for Miller Time.

  17. This must be part of some sort of Anti-Feminism Equation.

    Sinnamon+Sultry Teenage Super Foxes+Bimbos in Time=Anti-Feminism

  18. My god... That was bad. You know it was going to be bad from the title, but I didn't see that ani-humor shitstorm comin'. And Thanks for that Monty Piethon clip. It did help.

    I feel this hit me just as bad as NC's Garbage Pail Kids review..... Yeah that hard hitting is this comic. I miss the days of Crazy Steve, when an attack at Batman's character was the hardest these bad comics hit my very soul.

  19. I feel anti joy when I watch the distressed watcher

  20. Sweet Show MAn. You are my favourite guy to go to for comic stuff! Keep up the awesome work

  21. In error spelling nº3 I think he wanted to say "I also know you". It make a very very little more sense.

    By the way, I tried to read the comic you're going to review next week and I must say, I couldn't pass beyond pag.7

  22. Cold Guy ImpersonationNovember 30, 2009 at 5:31 PM

    I love your Tim Curry voice

  23. Well with a title like "Bimbos in time" were you expecting anything less?
    If you think this is bad just wait until some sick doubletroll decides to publish Sonichu for the lulz, its only a matter of time.

    reviewing DK2 to point out the ridiculuousness is kind of missing the point as it was some form of Brave and The bold "Millerized" for fun. It's like getting Mad at "Funny Games" for beaing the dark piece of humor it is.

  24. What an episode! A comic so bad it required you to make even more references than the original source material! The appearence of a certain duelist was also a great little bonus. Can't wait for the next review!

  25. Bimbos In Time? man even the title blows

  26. From what you are saying at the end of the review(and from the list of reviews to come) it's seems that you are going for shock value, criticising comics created by big names in the industry. The problem here, is that you are doing this to stuff that poeple already accept to be at least pretty bad...I mean, you would have to be insane to say that DK2 or ASBR are well written books.

    I dare you to say that Alan Moore is not a perfect writer, and even he, has his flaws, minute in comparison to those you usually present Atop the fourth wall, but still present. This would show that you have two or three sets of...well you know what. And made of brass, at that.

    But stil, I eagerly await for your DK2 review and the Ultimates 3 one. I am curious how Leob could have screwed things so much that everyone hates those comics with such fervor. Although I am curios as to why would you rant over only about the third volume, and why everyone kinda love the first two. The writing is not much above that of All Star Batman and Robin, and while there is a story to talk about, from a ideological point of view, they are doing the same thing the Miller comics are doing.

  27. OK, some other words to discribe this comic...

    "Pure suffering."
    "Utter pain."
    "Fecal matter."
    "Worse than Battlefield Earth."
    "Dreamworks"...wait, that last one was from a Lord Bravery sketch on Freakazoid. Sorry, don't know how that got in there.

    ANYWAY, to the review itself...yeah, I don't get why they had so many "Fantasy" historical figures other than other ones from the time periods that they went to weren't as famous.

    Or the author didn't do enough research. I'm thinking more along those lines.

    Huh, nice reference to Bubba-Ho-Tep...since I just re-watched Cinemassacre's Monster Madness 1 last night where James over there mentioned it.

    Very fun episode watching you stave off insanity. All you needed was "I AM A MAN!" and "Bees, my god" (though that second one wouldn't have fit and the first one would be tricky too) and it would have been a nearly complete cavilcade of classic callbacks (that one's for you Linkara, since I know you love alliteration).

    Once again, I must point out to people: You want a comic where, while the women do dress scantily in a way, they are their own characters and such: GO GET FEMFORCE! Don't bother with this stuff.

    And I can't wait till next week. Miller Time should be fun this time around. Even though the only scenes I know from "The Dark Knight Strikes Back" were the ones with The Atom and some chick dressed like a leopard or something.

  28. little kuriboh snuck in?!

    Awesome review or awesomest review?

  29. DEAR GOD AND ALL THE SAINTS! This...this.....

    Linkara, I have always respected you. I have always thought you were one of the best entertainers on the internet and that your commitment to your art was beyond question.

    But after reading this illustrated atrocity, I have to say that you are not just committed and talented, but also blessed WITH FORTITUDE THE LIKES OF WHICH THIS WORLD HAS NOT SEEN BEFORE!

    My hat is off to you, dear sir.

  30. Found it funny that you started singing Slow Ride when I was thinking of it to dull the pain of this comic.

  31. Little Kuriboh cameo for the win!

    Great episode, Linkara! Your expressions on the cut-aways made me bust a gut.

  32. I love how the cover looks like it was drawn by a very competent child. Seriously, it's like high quality children's doodles. That is a new level of awful.

    Also, the Zombie Bloodbath 2 bit really made me laugh. That guy was SO over the top!

  33. Linkara, you scare me.
    Also, I'm happy that I got most of your references. And now I have "Smoke on the Water" stuck in my head. Thanks.

  34. That title alone is a dead giveaway to the crappiness the comic holds.

  35. Oh, my God.

    I REALLY feel for you, man. I'm also a big fan of Arthurian legend, and I'm also a big Sherlock Holmes fan, so seeing this makes me boil over with rage, as they not only got Arthurian legend completely wrong, but Holmes canon too.

    But anyway, great review, and I love how you got LK in there! Can't wait for the next episode!

  36. Well to be perfectly honest, I was expecting a porn comic.

    Looking forward to more Miller Time.

  37. ...Wow... does not compute... how bad comic is... At least all the references made it more tolerable, especially the YGO:TAS one.

  38.! That must be that anti-joy you were talking about kicking in.

    Where did you even find that comic?

  39. ...That image at 14:15 is going to haunt my nightmares FOREVER. Somewhere, Arthur Conan Doyle is crying.

    Yay, Miller Time! :D Controversy is fun.

    Good to know this comic didn't break you. XD

  40. Did you notice that there was a tombstone in one panel with "R.I.P. Vincent Price" on it? WTF

  41. Actually, it's just called "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". Or at least it says on my copy.

    Anyway, this comic sucks. I wanted to ask what kind of mentality you would need to think this is good, but as you mentioned near the end, it's like They Just Didn't Care.

  42. Oh...jeez, WOW that was a horrible comic. Comics like these make me wonder if we fans ever thank you enough for reading bad comics for our enjoyment, because I would have lost my sanity if I had read that myself.

    In fact, just seeing snippets of it has made me somewhat crazy.

  43. "Is it just me or am I making a lot of references in this episode?"

    The references are what keep us sane, without them interrupting this comic... the world would be roughly unchanged but that isn't the point.

  44. I didn't think it was possible, but my brain actually slow down just listening to you describe the story and while looking at the artwork.

    Speaking of which, I hearby say that is the worst artwork I have ever seen in my life!

    Anyways, you said you couldn't find much information about the movie Bimbos in Time so I'll take the liberty and research the film myself using my resources, which is just consoluting a b-movie fan website.

  45. fun vid for sure. chump work or professional, don't matter much. it's always nice to see you rip into comics. with each new episode, i see more things NOT to do when it comes to comics.

    which is just as important as the 'how to do's XD

    looking forward to next week. good ole frankie getting ripped on will sure make my day. he's one of those guys that started out awesome and somewhere down the line went batshit loco. something i, being an aspiring comic artist, would like to avoid.

    till next.

  46. Excellent! As usual! I especially loved the appearance by LittleKuriboh.

    My only gripe is the joke of yourself singing Smoke on the Water and Slow Ride. Far be it from me to criticize, seriously, but other than the novelty, it just didn't work for me.

    But that's just me. Otherwise, I loved it! And I'm excited for the DKSA review.

  47. That was great!

    You missed a chance for another Doctor Who gag, though. A character named "Morbius?"

  48. Another good review, though I suspect you may have to make sure to limit the blandly bad comics reviews or else you’ll have a lot more times when you’ve got generic its bad / I don’t want to read this jokes. It works for a while, but may get repetitious. Thankfully, it hadn’t yet.

    Ever since you reveled that blocks of your reviews have themes, I’ve been considering what the current block’s theme is. Or well, in the past few weeks, since it was quite clear what the theme of the linked Silent Hill reviews were. I’m wondering whether the current theme might be sexist portrayals of woman. You had All Star Crazy Steve and Robin with Vicky Vale verbally tugging on Superman’s. . . (uh, never mind), the 22 Brides, and now this. Is that it, or is it just that such portrayals are so common that it’s easy to see if one’s looking for patterns?

    On the subject of Elvis Presley not being at all shook up about time travel, you’re right. He does seem to be the Billy the Kid in this excellen. . . that is, this bogus journey. Indeed, if this is the movie’s story, I think we have an exploitation ripoff on our hands.

    Hooray, a reference to a Seventh Doctor story, and the one that introduced the revised personality that made him one of my favorites despite not enjoying most of his stories.

    I’m not familiar with anything more that the basic way Elvis spoke. Does anyone know what “onec” likely meant? My only guess is “honey,” but I’m not confident.

    On the subject of Elvis, I’m surprised you didn’t have a call back to Batman Fortunate Son.

    I have to admit that the I’m the King/ No , I’m the King exchange could be funny depending on the acting. (Of course based on the clip you showed, signs aren’t good.)

    Also, on the subject of Arthur always being faithful, remember Mordred. Whether he is or he isn’t Arthur’s son depends on the source, but infidelity can be the least of the problems with his conception.

    So is there any explanation for the bimbos who are already in the past?

    Does the comic ever specifically identify the Lone Ranger or Tonto? Because they at least appear to be under copyright, though who owns it seems confusing. And I doubt suing this goy would be worth it.

    The niece of Sherlock Holmes could actually be a good story. Pity it isn’t here.
    (Just as the nephew of James Bond *could* be a good story, but I see that you’ll be taking care of the reality of that soon.)

    Depending on time travel’s rules, it can be really dangerous to leave enemies in the past. They may kill one of the shrew-like beings that is a direct ancestor of every living mammal or a feathered dinosaur that is the ancestor of every bird. What happens then to the timeline? Even leaving good goys in the recent past is risky, though I suppose the Bimbo’s future doesn’t seem worth saving.

    One time I am looking forward to is Miller Time.

    BTW, thank you for showing that clip form Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  49. After your monologue you should have said, "yeah well I'm not going to do that" and you should review Civil War.

  50. Sigh... Dark Knight Strikes Again wasn't THAT bad.

  51. I think half of my brain died while trying to figure out what was going on in that comic. X_X

    You deserve a big hug for somehow being able to keep your sanity.

  52. Wow, that was so bad, you got Dan Green to wear a crappy YamiYugi cosplay costume.

    Haha, just kidding. I see you're becoming good friends with LittleKuriboh.

    That comic was worse than the one I bought at a con, and the one I bought at a con was baaad, I mean really bad. Art, the guy did the art himself and wasn't a good artist at all, I mean, can't draw or photoshop and then the writing was also bad and was a clear rip off of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

    And after all that, the panel where a "bimbo" gets hit by a train is the worst thing I've ever seen in a comic. Wow.

  53. Man, that comic WAS rancid. And to think that was actually published!

    The art was terrible.

    Seriously though, Bimbos In Time?!

  54. Man, when will they ever learn? You never reference something funny in the middle of a bad comic! All it does is (as Linkara noticed) make the reader realize what better things they could be doing.

    This happens all the time in terrible elements of a medium. They always go and try and bring in something better as if the goodness from that will rub off on their horrible, horrible excuse for a work.

    MST3K really was before its time.

  55. Wow,this was a great episode, Linkara! Though I can't wait for next weeks, when you review The Dark Knight Strikes Again! To be honest, I feel that comics like this shouldn't exist! Comics like The Dark Knight Returns and Kingdom Come, both of which I own in paperback, should not have sequels! They should stay contained to just one run because thay degrade so much when this happens. BTW, are u planning on doing Ultimatum? I heard that was really bad.

  56. the was an odd piece of something...looking forward greatly to Miller Time next week!

  57. Calling this "utter crap", is an insult to utter crap!

    Damn! This is the worst I ever seen on here! It makes Warrior, Countdown, and Amazons Attack look like Watchmen by comparison!

    Funny review there! So the crossover with Sultry Teenage Super Foxes and Bimbos In Time happens, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  58. Whisky. Tango. Foxtrot.'re reviewing The Crazy Steve Strikes Again aren't you? Or was this made before David Miller decided Batman was apparently an insane, pedophilic, cop hating psycho?

  59. You're a dangerous man Linkara. A very dangerous man.

  60. 48 pages! Of THAT?! Dude, that ain't right.

  61. That comic is made of suck.

    It really says something if Miller's comics are considered worse than that thing.

  62. To note: It's actually Goo Goo G'joob, not coo coo kachoo.

  63. There are even more horrible things you didn't comment upon in the comic, like Jack the Ripper wielding a disposable razor, or one of the headstones in the Old West reading "RIP Vincent Price". I can't tell if the sheer badness of this comic should be enraging me or just making me numb.

  64. Linkara should have teamed up with The Cinema Snob. He is a trained professional that can handle movie shot on Shit-o-Vision.

    Great review btw, that looks like the worst comic possible.

  65. Fine, universe, I'll watch Bubba Ho-Tep!

    Excellent video, man, especially given how almost painful the comic obviously was, even the brief glimpse we got.

  66. Oh man. This comic just hurts me with its mere existence.

  67. Nice one! One of your best yet!

    Keep the vids coming man!

  68. looking forwards to see this video after work, the title card certanly looks "promesing" :D


  69. No Linkara, not Frank Miller! It's a trap!

    That comic would have made me sick too :P

  70. Great video as always, but I can't wait for you to dig into Miller again. And nice Robert Heinlein reference, didn't see that one coming

  71. I would support Tim Curry´s world domination campaign, even if he pays minimum wage

  72. Boy, Linkara. At the beginning of that review I thought the feminist part of your brain was going to explode.

    Anyway, great review and sorry to hear you were sick. I hope you are feeling better!

  73. It's kind of hard to hate a comic like "Bimbos in Time" because just like you said: none of the people working on this thing could have taken the art or plot seriously. It's almost like a vanity press sort of thing.

    Shame on the people who actually parted with their hard earned dollars to buy this piece of crap, especially if they were a 'fan' of the movie and wanted more hot bimbo action lol

    Sometimes? You can judge a book by it's cover.

  74. DKSA?

    To paraphrase Hot Fuzz, this sh!t just got real. . . ;p


  75. Three words

    Brooklyn Feminist Rage!

    Great review. Now I must yell at the wall that such trash really exists.

  76. Why is everyone in this comic a ****in bimbo???

    Totally funny review!

  77. I don't know, he seems to be bit old to be controlling the renegade Daleks.

  78. Wow....Just wow....

    So this comic is your version of Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's revenge?

    And I have a feeling one of the Bimbos was shot by a Dalek during the time warp, judging by her body lighting up like an X-Ray.

    I have a feeling that this was created when somebody got horribly stoned, and played finger painting with a ton of paper.

    The publishing company found said paper, mistook it for actual work, and published it soon after.

  79. With a title like this you know you're in for a wild ride...

  80. I have a couple of things to say. First, dear Lord, what an imbecilic piece of junk! That had the feel of being cobbled together by high school freshmen, if that.
    Second, I love your Elvis impression. I watch the "Batman: Fortunate Son" review at least once a week so I can hear it. Uh-huh-huh.
    Third... and speaking of Elvis... imagine a combination of Elvis, Beatles, and Edward Cullen fangirls all jumping up and scream-cheering at once... and you get roughly the sound that went off in my head when you said "It's Miller Time." I. Cannot. Wait.

    So, yeah, excellent work, as always. Oh, and I've been meaning to thank you for getting me into comics other than manga... in particular, for introducing me to Gail Simone's work. I wish I'd found your show six months earlier than I did, because then I would have had an opportunity to actually MEET Gail Simone, but maybe that'll still happen someday. She's a great writer, and not only am I thrilled and entertained by her work, but I'm soaking up all I can to try and improve my own writing. But, to be honest, I never would have given Wonder Woman a second glance if it hadn't been for your show. (And I never would have found your show if it wasn't for TV Tropes, so I should probably go thank them, too.)

    I guess that all boils down to "Thank you!" and "Great job!" Nothing more to add, except for wishing you a terrific holiday season. May there be only awesome comics under your Christmas tree this year... or, barring that, bad comics that give you really great ideas for new shows.

  81. Can I give you money or something for having survived that comic? If that's not the worst movie tie-in comic ever, I'm not sure I want to know what is, and you deserve some sort of reward from your viewers for having the balls to cover it.

  82. Comics like that make me really want to see some women in clothes. In fact, right now there could be nothing sexier.

    I am going to look through some sweater ads.

    Thanks for making me smile with your review!

    You actually manage to make me look forward to Miller time.

    He is fun that way, over the safe distance between here and wherever you are and without me actually ever having to touch the comic in question.

  83. You missed a spelling error. In the same panel as the first one you pointed out, it says "Well, your a tough one all right..." I'm assuming counting the comma errors (like the one I had to quote above) would have gotten too out of hand, because those were all over the damn place, as I'm sure you noticed.

    Good stuff, though.

  84. That title just about sums it up.

  85. Wow. Just wow.

    I think this is basically the comic book equivalent of something like, say, Epic Movie, or Disaster Movie. The filmmaker (or comic author in this case) doesn't seem to understand that references aren't funny in and of themselves, and so thinks "Hey! We're in a desert, so let's put a sandworm in! That'll be funny!" Or "One of the characters just mentioned batteries, so we'll have the Energizer Bunny show up!"

    Oh, and the spelling errors. This honestly reminded me of stuff my little brother wrote when he was in Third Grade. I can understand "your" instead of "you're", but "onec"? You'd think a spellchecker would have caught that.

    Honestly, though, we all knew what this was from the title. "Bimbos in Time" just doesn't bode well, and the comic pretty much fulfilled what you'd expect from the cover page.

    Anyway, great review, and I loved the Bubba Ho-Tep and Dune references (unlike the comic's references, yours were actually funny, mostly because unlike the comic's, yours made SENSE).

    Well, see you in two weeks!


  86. I...

    I have no words.

    That was some of the most unappealingly drawn work I've ever seen in-- well, calling this a comic would be a severe injustice to comics, so-- this what purports to tell picture-story and whatnot.

    I think the "bimbos" dropping out one by one because they'd Found A Man And Were Complete Now Bye annoyed me the most. Especially saddling poor Holmes with one of them. He's one of the most notoriously asexual literary characters, too!

    Just... wow.

    SAN check?

  87. A good review, really liked the fun references. What an awful comic that doesn't even deserve to have wasted paper by being printed.

    And oh, goody...going after Miller next week. If you don't like DKSA I can understand, that's fine. I liked it a lot but whatever. I just hope you don't call him a hack in that review when he's anything BUT a hack.

    Looking forward to your future review still though, but I'm sure I'll have something to say to disagree with you on it.

  88. "I had a dog named Ashley onec."

    I just bursted into laughter there

  89. This comic fails on levels that previously haven't been invented.

  90. I pop in to leave a comment and just about everyone beat me to it.

    Still, though, that was some bad stuff. The artwork, oddly enough, half-reminded me of the original Ex-Mutants series for some reason.

    I tried to track down the movie and couldn't find it anywhere. o.o I don't think even the torrents have it.

    Oh well.

    That being said, I can't wait for Miller Time.

    Oh, and Linkara? The Walrus is Spoony.

  91. the people that made this comic should really thank Linkara for making a video about it, since this is probably the first time anybody has actually smiled when confronted with it (well, us fans anyway, not poor Linkara that actually had to read the damn thing)

    Miller time next week eh? dont mind if i do, Miller is a pretty good beer and...wait, you mean THAT kind of Miller time! well allright then, i'll make sure i have some beer handy to numb the pain (like i did on the last Frank Miller video) :P


  92. Ugh!

    Why do you subject yourself to stuff like this? ^_^

    Interestingly enough, now I want to re-watch "Dune" and see "Bubba Hotep" for the first time :-)

  93. When I first saw the title my first thought was "Gary Brodsky" strikes again!.

  94. Finally popping in to response. This comic as many have mentioned already is just... wow.

    It's an insult to all levels of greater intelligence. The art work is horrid. So bad it made me long for Liefield artwork and that's saying a lot. It looks like a was drawn by a grade schooler rather than an adult. Speaking as a Sequential Art student, this is unbelievably mind numbing that something like this exists.

    To top it off, the grammar and misspellings is awful. Did no one bother to spellcheck any of this? Also the "humor" is not funny in the slightest. Before I lose my own sanity typing this, I compliment you for having enough strength to review this and I hope you treated yourself to something better, a thousand times better than this trash, after reviewing it. If it were me, I'd burn this with unyielding passion.

  95. *respond. Sorry about the slight typo.

  96. Oh god, Dark Knight Strikes Again... I foolishly tortured myself with that garbage after loving Dark Knight Returns. Just remembering it makes me nauseous.

    Meanwhile, though, in regards to King Arthur, if you want to treat him as a historical figure rather than as the literary one he became after centuries of added stories and several switches in language (from Welsh to English to French to English again), then you can't have him in the Middle Ages. He was a 5th century Celtic warlord. No shining armor, no tourneys, no stirrups. Just the Romanized Celts defending their way of life from the onslaught of the Anglo-Saxons.

  97. God I hate Bliptv... I've been to porn sites with far better video players.

  98. Miller Time

    I Love these videos but have never read any of the comics depicted. I found Batman the Dark Night Strikes Again at the local library (not paying for it), I snapped it despite the bad things I’ve heard because just once I wanted to be in on the jokes! Besides I LOVED Sin City and 300 both the comics and movies so this comic couldn’t be that bad rite? I could be so bad it’s good again rite?

    I went from laughing with it, to laughing at it, to eventually having all the Joy sucked from my life by it. The art work looked like someone had drawn left handed while drunk. When plastic elongated man shows up with the ‘eye popping’ I literally cringed. The backgrounds are nonexistent, either plain colours or some pixels image with a bad Photoshop filter. The plot is just confusing though I seriously didn’t want to read the wording twice. The depiction of any character not to mention the over sexualized women was pain enduing. I could seriously go on but that comic has already taken enough time away from my life.

    The final note the book ends on left me feeling hollow inside. I suffered Lewis! Make Miller suffer too!

    (seriously though what was going on with the part where Superman and Wonder Woman after screwing mid air are talking in completely identical text boxes? ‘I’m pregnant again’ ‘And I’m hungry’ was that Superman’s blasé response to that news? Or Wonder Woman making a passive statement rite after a big announcement? I honestly can’t tell who is speaking but either way it’s horrifying!)

  99. It's really hard to believe, something like this was ever created. It's even harder to believe, that this comic sold more that one or two copies.

  100. Is... is THIS what it would be like if Coleman Francis had ever turned his talents to comics?

  101. So, you hate it when Arthurian legend gets misconstrued, huh?

    Fair warning, you might not want to look up a franchise called Fate/Stay Night. Personally, I like it, but it likes to play loose with the legends it references.

    Plus, it's weeaboo crap, so there's that.

  102. comics like this makes me think of something that has been spining around my nogin for years: people that work at printing houses must see a lot of strange and sick stuff! most bad comics will have atleast decent artwork, even if the scripts suck, but then something like this pops upp, something that looks so bad its hard to belive it actually got a publication. That said, even this is probably peanuts to what printing employees must think when they end upp with some of the more extreme porn and hentai comics out there, to be honest, i am not generally against porn comics, they can be as well made as any other comic, but really who the hell gets of at...mutilation, rape, and murder!?
    Working at a printing press seems to me as a jobb that can be both very fun (when you can laugh at crap like "bimbos in time" to horrible and mentally scaring when the latest "rape hentai" plops down on your desc to be inspected for printing failures.


  103. from what i have read the word bimbo is of portugese origin, and was originally a term describing stupid men, funny how the meaning of words gets warped and mutated over time, also the "male bimbo" in this comic thus becomes a double bimbo, sort of...:P

    heh, etymology is fun! ^_^


  104. ...and yet, it's STILL a better comic than Westone Page.

  105. You know, I think you're right. This is a sequel. Basically, I'm going on title progression of the previous movies. Armageddon City pops up in the comic, and some of the other title stuff recurs.

    This comic is...well it's giving me flashbacks to the "*blank* Movie" series, with all these random references. I'm going to have to watch the Batman TAS opening about five times to cleanse my brain again.

    Morbius. Who the hell named this girl Morbius? Seriously? And what's with all the Setzer and Friedburg-esque references? Why when the train comes by does everyone's butt grow huge?

    Although it's curious to me. For what was so clearly an opportunity for a T&A comic, they didn't do it.
    I mean seriously. The cheesecake, if you can call it that, is really weak. Consider the cover of the movie: that girl at least had something to show off. These don't. They're very buff-looking, though. It's almost like somebody really knew what a trained fighter would look like without implants.

    Or maybe I'm making too much of the artist's inability to draw. Then again, there was Morbius, who seemed more cheesecakily proportioned.

    As they say, "Sense makes stupid be knowing." Or in this case, "I know so you bimbo!"

    Anti-Joy Equation. Mechkara. Because every villian needs a poorly-defined goal that could justify nearly any action as rational from their point of view.

  106. If you hate seeing Arthurian legend wasted, what do you think of Quest for Camelot? Or that Doctor Who story, Battlefield?

  107. Quest for Camelot was stupid.

    Battlefield was awesome.

  108. You do a damn fine Rod Serling impression.

    ACKPTH -- NO! Do NOT drag Holmes into this! In ANY capacity! NO! Bastards! Those bastards!

    This comic needed to be burned. I'm normally against burning information, but this... this could not possibly benefit anyone, ever. It needs to be permanently erased from the face of the planet.

  109. Unbelievable. I'm pretty sure they actually had spell-check by the time the movie came out. The only thing that seems to be a lot worse is Ultimate Warrior. If this is as bad as the movie comic is, I don't know if I even want to see the movie released on DVD.

    Hell, there are a lot of bad comics I'd rather be reading than Bimbos in Time, like Amazons Attack or DC Countdown, or Superman Earth's End. Hell, I'll take Cry for Justice or Rise of Arsenal or even One More Day. At least, they had spell check.

  110. I must say this was a very good review, and you did great.

    Also the name Draculina kind of sounds similar to the character Draculaura of the Monster High dolls/web-toons.

  111. I know exactly how you feel about your love of Arthurian Lore being raped. I'm the same with Sherlockian... OH THAT COMIC CAN BURN IN HELL!!!

  112. Only one question : "HOW DID THAT AND THE SOURCE MATERIAL ESCAPE THE CINEMASNOB RADAR ????" That excuse for wasted ink is so much him and so not much you.

    I think you was in total denial after reading that, Miller never made anything resembling that. Bad written, bad art, that should give you a trauma or aggravating an existent one.

    Poor Lewis.

    End Credits Greatest American Hero Theme Song - Believe It Or Not

  113. To you it was Camelot, for me Sherlock holmes. This is the worst comic on the face of the earth!

  114. Woo hoo! Monty Python and the Holy Grail! And the black knight no less. :D That's my favorite part of the movie. Mostly because his Coat of Arms on his chest is a boar, much like the one for my family name. Who knows? Maybe I'm related to him! ROFL That would be awesome.

    And by the way, of what I can tell, you've got great taste in music. 8D It's great to see people of our ages listening to music like that. I've found so few people who listen to those songs.

  115. Hurray, a comment on a four year old post! Go me. :P

    Well, this was...something, I'll say that much. Your review was hilarious, but this comic was...well..something.

    If I may recommend something with 'Bimbos' in the title that's actually really good: if you haven't read it, check out 'Bimbos of the Death Sun' by Sharyn McCrumb. It's actually a murder mystery that takes place at a convention. (The title comes from the in-universe title of a hard sci fi book...)It is a bit dated in some ways-the tech is very 80s, and it was written at a time when Cons weren't as mainstream as they are now, but it's still really, really good-and very funny.

  116. I really love your Elvis impersonations :D

    This was awesome, a really good comic find.


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