Monday, November 16, 2009

Doom #1

Suddenly I understand why the designers never had this guy talk in the actual game...


  1. You had a little typo in the ending credits. You wrote "Mnemic" by Ghost, but it's the other way around the band is called Mnemic and the song Ghost.

  2. At first I hated the space marine, but now he's one of the best video game protagonists EVER!

  3. Re: your comment about how there seemed to be a few panels missing:

    I remember someone on TV Tropes claiming once that this comic was intended as a parody of Liefeldesque comics, and that when Something Awful posted their scans of it, they deliberately omitted a number of panels that might have tipped people off that this thing wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I'm not sure how true either part of this claim is, but it *might* explain the apparent missing-panels problem.

  4. I read the comic while watching this review and it doesn't seem to be that bad.
    I mean it's certainly better than this crappy Doom movie with The Rock.

    Doom is still one of my all-time favorite games. I think I'll take by GBA version of Doom and blast some demons into oblivion right now.

    Oh and btw.:
    I laughed hard about the Plan 9 joke :D

    Good stuff, Linkara.

  5. Wow, you even got the Press Start crew in on the shooting. That is awesome.

    Poor Ed Glaser dies again though.

  6. like the Dramatic Reading verson voice better but still great

  7. Well, look at it this way: at least there wasn't random references to demon genitalia or time paradoxes in the comic like the novels had. "Rip and tear" and the chainsaw being the great communicator I can handle, but seriously, what's up with the demonic bas relief with the erect phallus as a door switch? Weird...

    I guess this just further goes to prove the point you were trying to make with the Kool-Aid Man review: comic books created simply to advertise a product that's already getting tones of advertisement elsewhere, and being given out as free promotions, are pointless, wasteful, badly-made, and should not exist. Makes you wonder how Free Comic Book Day caught on, huh?

  8. Guess it does exist after all O.O.

    Are you going to review the rest of All star Crazy steve btw?

  9. Hey, I'm actually gonna leave an actual comment, instead of shouting something. I think the warrior impersonation was pretty good, and I enjoyed it as long as it lasted, but it couldn't really carry the whole episode, and since it was kind of supposed to be ridicolous, you were pretty screwed from the git-go, as far as comedies go. It's like making fun of Starship Troopers.
    In other words: You probably shouldnt take this kind of requests again.
    I really hope we get to Mech-Kara soon. It's getting a bit old by now.
    Anyway, I liked that.. Ok, to hell with it. FIRRRRST!

  10. I am a MAN!! and a HALF!!

    The Destrucity is strong in this one.

  11. How does this type of comic get published? I vote for Hulk powers personally. Nameless Space Marine is already half way there.


  12. I think a long slow hum is in order here.

    Doom never had a plot. It was literally a case of "boom boom! What's next?" I could buy TV Grady's explanation that this was a parody. I mean really you can't say that this was serious.

    Then again it was the American 90's. They wouldn't know irony if it wheedled a BFG 9000 and sang a song. Far too subtle.

    Mountain King

  13. Very interesting.

    It's amazing how painful some of these things can get.

    ...sadly, I think Warrior's comic dialogue made more sense than Mr. Marine's here did.

    Great use of "Night Train To Mundo Fine" for the video. Though now that song will be stuck in my head the rest of the night.

    Also, glad to see you didn't forget about the Linkarinator (that's what I'm dubbing him). I was wondering when you would get back to that plot.

    All in all, fun video.

    Incidentally, on a completely unrelated to this video subject, here's a picture I think you might like:

  14. Yay, Beary with a gun!
    It was fun to watch as always, but Beary was the best part of it all.

  15. Seriously did the Marine corp check this guy he seems more batty than Jackal and Crazy Steve. What did they bring into the corp to be used as canon fodder? Also I say after being dumped in radiation I wager he gains the ability to changing into an 8 foot mutated demon with a side effect of gaining mindless berserk rage.

  16. Okay, there's no WAY this comic is meant to be taken seriously. If it is, I have lost almost all hope for humanity.

    Great review, though XD

    (And this whole Mechakara plotline is rather intriguing.)

  17. good review but not your best

  18. I've always been of the opinion that this comic is INTENTIONALLY "bad". Just completely over the top. Like, say, Nextwave.

  19. I would agree that the comic by itself is really nothing special, but with the Ultimate Warrior voice added, it becomes absolutely hilarious. I wonder what it would sound like with the Superboy Prime voice?

  20. Groovy review! Been waitin' a long time for this one.

    As hilarious as the Ultimate Warrior voice is, I think doing a Bruce Campbell impression would've worked a little better.

    Love this anyways, though.

  21. "My cause is just, my will is strong, and my gun is VERY, VERY LARGE."

    I want that on a T-shirt.

  22. Oh, man, I LOVE the idea of a big action movie based on this starring Bruce Campbell. That would be AWESOME!

  23. 1) Don't worry, Linkara! We still think that antique flintlock pistols are still awfully neat! :D

    2) Jeez, the Space Marine in this comic has got the body of a Rob Liefeld reject but the mind of a three-year-old. A particularly dumb three-year-old.

    3) MONOCLE! ...Where on Earth did you get that, anyway? I've never seen a monocle for sale anywhere. I kind of want one now.

    4) AGAIN WITH CHAINSAWS USED AS ZOMBIE-KILLING WEAPONS. FFFFFFFFFFFFF. *froths at the mouth* (I have a big long rant on why chainsaws suck in general and especially suck as anti-zombie weaponry here-- anybody wants to read it. I shan't start ranting here.)

    5) Massive multiplayer crossover, go! AWESOME!

    6) The gatling gun makes a reappearance! I was wondering when we'd see it again.

    7) Plan 9 from Outer Space! Epic win!

    8) The hell-portal outside of my mailbox always opens up on Fridays. I wonder if we could trade hell-portal locations. I don't have anything to do on Thursdays, so I wouldn't mind killing time by killing blood-slavering monstrosities from beyond space-time, but I have shows to watch on Fridays.

    9) I would TOTALLY watch a movie version of this, but only if it starred Bruce Campbell. It would be absolutely horrid if it was anybody else, but it would be mindblowingly AWESOME if it was Bruce Campbell.

    10) The Cable Gun! I was wondering if we were gonna ever see that again.

    Also, I'm gonna have the Doom music stuck in my head all night now.

  24. That was just awfully bad. The only redeeming feature of it was the Ultimate Warrior style of dialouge. That was it.

  25. Oh my god.

    Insane yet awesome one-liners, an interlude with so many cameos (and I dun care what Spoony says, Ghost is an awesome song), more use of the props, your Warrior voice... this review was spectacular Linkara. Be proud, man.

    By the way, yes, the band is Mnemic and the song is Ghost, not the other way around. Ah well, friggin awesome review anyway ;)

  26. You know, I'm surprised video game opponents back in the day didn't use this comic back in the day to "prove" how bad an influence the game would be. It scares me that Id greenlit this.

  27. havent laughed so hard since bearded santa! i loved every second of this review, thanks dude. you are the MAN!

  28. Damn. MarzGirl is a sniper.

  29. I laughed so hard that the back of my head hurts now. This comic is just so ridiculous! A+++



  31. This comic seems like a breeding ground for Internet memes.

    Crazy Steve and The Space marine should go bowling together.

  32. much to comment!!!

    1) I noticed your ammo count. It's over NINE-THOUSAND!!!!!!

    2) HOLY CRAP!!! MarzGurl is PACKIN'!!! Remind me not to piss her off...

    3) (after you fired your BFG) ...OOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!

    4) My GOD!!! This has to be the worst comic you have reviewed! Good job!!!

  33. You know what's really funny, or really scary, depending on you you view it?

    So, in this comic, the Doom Marine is a crazy psychopath who shoots anything that twitches. But in the official backstory, he got shipped off to Mars after assaulting a superior officer when the guy ordered him to fire on civilians. So they were actually setting him up to be a somewhat decent guy, but things like this comic make everyone thing otherwise.

  34. I remember reading this about 10 years ago. It was horribly bad then.. but your take on it was hilarious.

    Anyway, I need to go play some Doom now.

  35. I have to agree with the people suggesting this thing is a parody. It's almost mocking the mentality of the people who really, really get into Doom.

    But just Doom. Not other FPS'. ¬_¬ Maybe Call of Duty.

  36. hahaha, i am sorry Linkara, but seeing Beary with a machine gun ended upp being a total show stealer in thise video ;)


  37. Great review! This is the most bizarre comic. Not as bad as Warrior but still, just crazy, with funny dialogue.

    So until someone shows what constitutes half a man, MAKE MINE LINKARA

  38. You mentioned that the Marine gets charged by the demon into the toxic waste out of nowhere but if you look in the background, in the doorway area the panel before that you can kind of see the demon's outline while the Space Marine is talking.

  39. I thought about that, but you'll notice the thing suddenly grows a few sizes up and again, turns the marine around for no particular reason.

  40. I was almost wondering when Cyborg Linkara was going to make another appearance.

  41. Damn, this comic practically reviewed itself, didn't it?

  42. To be honest, the Mecha-Linkara Story-line is getting a bit dull. I enjoy the 'Linkara's wacky life'-sequemnts of the show just as much as I enjoy the actual comic-review but the evil-twin thing is getting old.
    All build-up and nothing happening. It's almost like two seasons of Lost. ^^

  43. My, my. I remember reading this comic and cringing. Now, I just wonder if this comic isn't somehow just refined essence of Uwe Boll.

  44. Hey Linkara.

    I have a question/request. What do you think of the X-Men event called "Age of Apocalypse"? It's about a world where Professor X dies and Apocalypse rules the planet.

    So until Ash teams up with the Doom space marine, Make Mine Linkara.

  45. You know I think this was meant to be a joke. Him hugging the BFG with the hearts appearing around him kinda make it a valid theory

  46. There are a couple of reasons I can think of why this comic is the way it is.

    1. the obvious parody angle
    2. John Romero signed off on it (given how Daikatana turned out it's not hard to see)

    That's about it really. I've always found it odd how people seem to want to avoid the "portal to hell on Mars" story that Doom goes by. I mean it would've been fine for the Doom movie but instead they made it some lameassed thing about genetics gone mad. I mean for as much story as Doom didn't show back in the day it actually had a story to it. It's probably why they went and remade the original when they made Doom 3 because they could actually try and tell a story this time around.

    Also I'd like to say I liked how the AITD shooting montage also featured a send-up of the first gun-kata scene of Equilibrium. I mean I like Equilibrium and I actually like that shot just for the stylishness of it but I know it is somewhat silly even in the context of that movie.

  47. It was extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.

  48. You shot the Critic. XD

    On an ironic note, I'm watching this on a Thursday.

  49. The huge knowledge and love of guns... My theory was right! Ensign Munroe is Linkara's descendant! You can bet if Ensign got the BFG 9000, he would totally destroy the Harvester faster than he already will.

    As the the toxic waste, maybe it will give him the power to wall through walls and shoot energy balls from his hands. Like God Mode in the game.

  50. Beary with a gun has got to be the most awesome thing of the month...

    Look at the size of that cannon, it's bigger than him !

  51. yesh, we all love Beary, he's da bomb! :3

    He should have his own comic: "Beary blood comando" or something like that XD


  52. Linkara... This review was terrible!

    But I don't blame you Linkara, I blame the moronic fans who requested this review.

    That said, you guys SUCK. Don't you know that this is the DOOM comic? As in "THE DOOM COMIC" based on the video game of the same name, DOOM by ID software written by FOUR WRITERS, each gifted with dorky-darky nicknames?

    Anyone can make fun of this comic! Even I recalled that remarkable scene from "Plan 9" when Doom Marine Guy was calling out the stupidity of his undead aggressors! You stupid stupid stupit fans just requested this review because you were too lazy to make a video yourselves! Thus, you've wasted the precious time of this fine young man so you could clap your hands like seals to laugh at obvious jokes we all could easily make!

    This comic does not deserve to be "reviewed," it only needs to be read and observed at like a pop art spectacle at your local modern art show.

    There are bigger sequential art atrocities to cry about, like DEATHMATE RED & BLUE VERSIONS(each sold separately with over 150 Liefeldian Joke'manz).

    At least this was true to the source material!

    What this masterpiece deserves is not a 'review' but a dramatic reading by the man himself, Bruce Campbell.

    ...And, if we can't do that, we shall seek out the next best thing, Nicholas Cage. I'm pretty sure he'd do the "WHAZZAT WHAZZAT" with the magnificent acting finesse we'd expect from his immortal rendition of "The Wickerman"...

  53. The sad thing about this comic and the Doom movie is that someone somewhere probably could make a really interesting comic or movie based on the Doom franchise and give it some depth and character development. That being said, I didn't know a comic book could be as bad as this one until I saw your Bimbos in Time review.

  54. if this is meant as a liefeld parody, then it works

  55. I love this comic! It's so bad it's good!

    How bad? REAL Bad...

    If I ever get into film school, I'd so want to make a short film adaptation of this madness!

    It would have the original music score masterfully remastered by a local garage band, lots of blood and gore, and I would try to get Nicholas Cage to play Doom Guy!

    It definitely be better than that other "Doom" movie starring The Rock!

  56. This stands as my favorite AT4W EVER. Everything about it just works. I AM A MAN, 90s Kid, the Ultimate Warrior Voice, the Alone in the Dark callback, HOAK HOGAN, throwing away the magic gun to the Buffy/Angel theme, John Carradine singing “Night Train to Mundo Fine,” Evil Dead II, Beary with a gun, the various cameos (especially Bennett’s), Plan 9, and of course Mechakara! I’m so glad you finally reviewed this sucker, not because it was so awful (I mean, it is, but there are much worse comics out there) but because it gave you such a wealth of material to work with.

    You, sir, are made of awesome.


  57. I must admit, if a portal to opened up and unleashed demons upon the earth, I rather be Doom marine crazy, then sniveling, in the fetal position, in some dark corner. At least with that sort of insanity, I might actually slay a few before I die.

  58. Meh, those are nice BFG's (I always think of Big Friendly Giant before the gun version of the abbreviation) but the Redeemer will always be my favorite. <3

  59. I know you originally had reservations about doing this comic but I'm very glad you did. It's a fun, rather nice for length and quotable review that was just what I needed right now.

    So thank you.

    Though I will have the 'Night Train' song in my head for a day or so. ;)

  60. This reminds me of SUPERMAN #75, Superman vs. Doomsday. Except that this one didn't have umpteen issues leading up to it. It got straight to the violence.

  61. I actually have a copy of this comic for sale over on ebay at the moment. Tho I am open to offers if noone wins

  62. The Doom movie should have been like this comic.

  63. This totally deserves a movie based on it.


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