Monday, November 2, 2009


Because this week's episode is a bit short (mostly due to Youmacon) enjoy a Double Feature!

According to an episode of "Behind the Music" about the 22 Brides, they used artificial growth hormone to try to look older... the problem is that it all focused on their legs.

And your bonus - the review featured on MarzGurl's Live Show on Halloween!


  1. like grind house, a double feature

  2. Wish it could've been longer, but still a good one, Lewis. So glad you included that JLU clip. And hey, nothin' wrong with being a Bee-Gees fan.

    What the hell happened to that drag queen that was on the cover? "She" was in one panel outside the club and then disappeared for the rest of the issue.

  3. I would love it if The Punisher went after Fonty

  4. This maybe short, but oh boy is it funny! Thanks for making my Mondays bearable! Oh and lol at the ending.


  5. Yay! New Linkara! Plus one where he talks about a good comic!

    My guess, thet mob-boss is the criminal verson of L. I mean dress like a hobo and has really weird quirky behavior while being at a high level in his proffesion, that is L in a nutshell.

    I loved how you had the Justce League clip in. "No, cause I'm evil." You just gotta love that.

  6. Sadly, the 22 Brides were minor supporting characters who occasionally appeared in Palmiotti and Quesada's MUCH better comic book "Painkiller Jane".

    In fact, unless I miss my guess, the woman holding the gun on the snotty guy in the opening of the comic is Jane rather than one of the Brides.

    Still, can you say 'one spin-off that didn't need to happen'? Suuuurrre you can.

  7. I lost it on the 22 Brides review with the triple dramatic reveal at the end.

    Adjusting the pitch of that sound effect was damn priceless.

  8. Great reviews, as always. I liked these even though they were short: pure, ungranulated internet gold. Nice short joke clips, good pacing, and even a repeated audio joke all in one package!

    However, I feel compelled to say that I am preparing a fallout shelter for myself just in case civilization ends from the sheer awesome pwnage of Linkara's delivery of the Goddamned Bat-Bomb next week.

  9. Once again, another review full of fun and laughs. You always seem to get me to laugh like crazy (Which in the middle of the night causes people to yell at me), and I still gotta wonder why. Hell, I don't even read comic books but I can completely and utterly understand everything you say. Good work man!

    By the way...

    Recently you've changed your opening into a longer version of it. Now I know we all have to change sometimes, but I actually like the older version much better.
    Mainly because:
    A) It's short and sweet
    B) The singing was a tad better

    Seriously dude, it sounds like whoever sang it tried too hard this time. I'm not saying it's terrible, infact I like it, but the older version I find better.

  10. Great reviews. I like how you're using "stingers" now. :)

  11. 1) This series could give just about any manga I ever read a run for it's money on panty shots. o_O

    2) I actually like the cover as a sort of pop art, but you're right that it tells you nothing about what's inside.

    3) About the sisters having different complexions and hair color - maybe they're half-sisters? If mom was white and one father was white while the other was black, they'd look different from each other but still be sisters.

    ...I know, I'm giving too much thought to a comic book that clearly just wants to have as many hot girls in it as possible, plot be damned.

  12. Between this, Warrior, and the current fiascos at Marvel, I'm really wondering how he got the Editor-in-Chief position.

    Oh, and it's people who aren't Bee Gee fans that need to apologise, not you. :)

  13. This comic appears to be a product of that period when in the late 90s everyone was trying to draw like Humberto Ramos.

    If you want your book to look like it was drawn by Humberto Ramos, hire Humberto Ramos.

    Funny review of forgettable comic.

  14. What on Earth is wrong with that woman's leg at 09:20 or so?

  15. hey linkara im new just wanted to say I enjoy your videos, I was looking for videos kind of like this for awhile like of people talking about comic story lines and showing the images so anyways great videos keep it up =D

  16. I'm amazed that you didn't make more One More Day jokes. Ohter then that surpize I enjoyed this dubble feature.

  17. The "Slimelight" is a play off the now defunct Limelight club in New York City. It was a huge spot for rave culture in the 90's.

    To address any confusion about the picture in the comic book the Limelight in Manhattan really was built in a burned out, neoclassical church, formerly The Episcopal church of The Holy Communion. The one in the comic looks about twice the size of the real thing but they're in the right ballpark, conceptually speaking.

    There's a photo of it here.

  18. oh, and
    4) I waited through this whole review for the cross-dresser to show up, and he never did! :(

  19. Ok, those women are gross. I don't mean in a feminist offended-sensibilities way, I mean like starvation victim shudders-inducing.

    Visual media cannot seem to understand physical attractiveness is, in large part, based on physiological indicators that show a given person would be a good mate (particularly, men tend toward signs of fecundity).

    That's why the freakishly deformed women in this comic are equally unappealing as ones weighing 500 pounds.

    It's not a feminist thing, comic book guys! It's an evolution thing.

  20. Great review, although I expected more OMD jokes :-)

    The physiques were just bizarre, and I found it ironic that while they're clad in towels they've actually got more skin covered than when they were "dressed".

  21. Can you still call Fabian Nicieza a good writer if THREE of his comics have so far appeared Atop The Fourth Wall? (Cable, NFL Super-pro, 22 Brides.)

    Although I 'did' like most of the comics he wrote for Gambit's ongoing series and Cable/Deadpool. So...

  22. With all due respect, I don't think you're being fair to Joe Quesada, Linkara. You give an apology to Fabian because he's done good work elsewhere and just happens to get roped into projects that not even Alan Moore could salvage, but you go straight to the One More Day reference for Quesada. But Joe Q has done a lot of good as a writer, an artist, and even as an editor.

    Probably especially as an editor, since the quality of the average Marvel book and the Marvel talent pool has sharply increased since Joe Q became editor in chief, profound mistakes like OMD notwithstanding.

  23. Surprised you didn't mention "This vicious cabaret", that's music in comics that worked, if you ask me.

  24. Awesome review of both

    btw i noticed that one character's name IN 22 Brides was Spyder spelt with a "y" and not an "i"


  25. Linkara: What rock-band could afford high-tech equipment... as well as tons and tons of guns and missiles?

    So the 22 Brides are basically the chick-rock equivalent of Dethklok.

  26. That ridiculous standoff at the end had me laughing.

  27. I have to say, I'm loving the new theme. Suits you marvelously, and very professionally done. Kudos to Vincent!

  28. I still don't understand why are there only 8 girls and they call themselves 22 Brides. Did I miss something?

    Anyway, excellent work as always sir and might I add my favorite Bee Gees song is Jive Talkin'

  29. Did someone called for a 22 Brides to be drawn by Humberto Ramos?

    Check out this link:

  30. I still don't understand why are there only 8 girls and they call themselves 22 Brides.

    The rest are still on honeymoon. :)

  31. Good one! I actually like the new version of the theme song because now I can understand the lyrics. And speaking of songs, there's nothing wrong with loving the Bee Gees.

    The art in this comic was just odd. It's like the artist was desperately trying to do J. Scott Campbell or Art Adams crossed with Humberto Ramos, but he didn't have any of their consistency (like that finale) or ability to exaggerate designs well. But I don't think that a better artist would've saved this. You get the sense that the team didn't want this to be a "serious" book, but they couldn't be bothered to actually work any real whimsy or humor into it.

    Unfortunately, now I'm curious to see if there's any RL 22 Brides music floating around there and see if it mirrors the comic for sheer badness.

  32. Holy Eff. Scott Lee? THE Scott Lee? That dipsauce behind the artistic turds Galactic Gladiators and Beastmaster?

    Seriously, Beastmaster. Have you seen these?:

    But for the your sake, don't ever open a page of Galactic Gladiators, not even a preview, ever. Sequential Tart had an article about the Galactic Gladiators on Bizarre Beast, and holy frak! Did he ever need to see more women or take more basic life drawing classes more than ever.

    I've tried googling a bit more about Scott Lee, but not much. Is there any more links where we can view more of his art so we can snark the living snot out of him?

  33. This might be a stretch, but twenty-two is the base-3 version of the number eight.

    I guess the produces figured a hyphenated number sounded better than "Eight Brides".


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