Sunday, December 6, 2009

AT4W 2010 Trailer

Shown during the live show last night!


  1. Saw this in the live donation drive and went nuts. Then I went to bed (it was like 5am by then and I was close to passing out), lol. I can't wait for the Mechakara conclusion. You sir, have me on the edge of my beanbag.

    Also, I'm glad to see more of Harvey Finevoice. I'm guessing he'll be in the final battle too? Looks like he'll have to put off smooching dames for another time.

  2. Ooh, sounds like some of your best stuff yet. And like I need to watch more of Spoony. Looking forward to it.

  3. That. Was. Awesome. I can't wait for 2010!

  4. This was completely awesome Linkara.
    Now I just have one question. you've obviously filmed all of these in advance, how do you manage to come up with all of this weeks, nay months before the actual rewiews?

    And then keeping them in the script, awesome.

    Looking forward to a new year with you

  5. That just makes me more excited for the Mechakara conclusion. Heck it makes me excited about 2010 in general.

    I hope that you never grow tired of making us laugh.

  6. I didn't noticed Spoony in the trailer when they played it in the DOnation Drive, AWESOME!

  7. Man I can't wait to see TNG Linkara.

    On a connected note: Is it wrong of me to look forward to your episodes way more than to the next issues of comics I subscribe to?

  8. O.o

    Coolest. Preview. EVER. 2010 is going to epic! I love the end; the music and the clips work very well together.

    My connection cut out in the middle of this during the donation drive, so it's nice to see the whole thing. :P

  9. My gods, do you really work this far in advance?

    That surprise aside - my GOD this looks like fun! I can hardly wait. =)

    The donation drive began at 1am for me: I just wasn't able to stay up. Donated a little, though (money is tight, so I couldn't do more).

  10. When this finished...I clapped. I honestly applauded you and what you're doing with this entire epic storyline. I've even gone back to see what I could pick up from Mechakara and I do not know where you're going with this. All I can say is I honest to god think he's just a Terminator brought back to the past to kill you.

  11. Okay, after watching all of the video's he's appeared in, here's my little theory:

    In the future, the television has become obsolete and everything's going on 'teh interwebz'. In order to stay ahead of the game (and because they enjoy it so much), the members of Channel Awesome decide to come up with a way to still make videos for years to come, even long after their deaths. The solution: ANDROIDS (I say androids because since they're half-human, they can display emotions)! They decide to build beta models that, in case they go crazy and decide to harm anyone for whatever reason other than self-defense, each android requires a specific electrical charge to their torso to deactivate them, which Linkara decides to have it set so only his gun can deactivate him (FORESHADOWING!). To make sure each android has the near-exact personality of each person, they download their memories, experiences, etc., into the brains of each android (how? SCIENCE!), fully aware there might be some minor differences between the real person and android. All went well with the procedure, though there is some minor concern with Mechakara that the team doesn't know about; Dr. Insano secretly sent a virus into his system that creates a "ticking timebomb" in his subconscious mind. After a while, all was well, until Linkara fell in love with a girl that was very similar to Harley Quin. Mechakara was secretly in love with her as well, but was angered that she was only interested in humans and Linkara hid her from him because he was afraid the android might severely hurting her in case she made Mechakara angry. Because of Linkara's growing success, he becomes arrogant and decides to have Mechakara do all of his reviews for him and won't help him. The jealousy from the girl and Linkara's success is enough to activate the virus that Dr. Insano put into him. Fueled with rage and revenge, he decides to go back in time to try and steal Linkara's gun so he can kill him and take his place in the future so he can be with the girl.

    God I need a life! XD

  12. I am so, so, so excited for ULTIMATES 3. Needs the Linkara treatment SO MUCH.

    ...hey, can I buy that TNG uniform off of you? :)

  13. Wow. Just... Wow. I just recently started watching your reviews and pretty much fell in love, but then I watch this trailer and hear something off my top ten list of most epic songs (that being The Wars of the Last Wolves), and I pretty much jumped out of my chair in joy. Good job, sir, and I look forward to 2010!

  14. I'm not going to lie; I squealed when this came on the live broadcast last night, and I am thrilled to see it again. You, sir, are truly awesome! I'm looking forward to 2010 very much now - though I still can't believe you're going to subject yourself to another issue of Sultry Teenage Super Foxes just for our amusement. You are a far braver person than I! :) Can't wait to see how the Mechakara storyline pans out; I really wish I had a wild guess, but I'm really stumped as to where you're going with it. I am really looking forward to seeing it though, especially since we're getting more Harvey Finevoice and Ensign Munro!

  15. I'm stoked for the 2010 episodes. It's gonna be good.

  16. Oh dear Lord, you are going to review Sultry Teenage Super Foxes #2?! You maybe in trouble!

    Wonder Woman worshipping God instead the Greek gods? As much as I appericate that as a Christian, it doesn't seem right to me at all and should really not happen. You just can't mess with a character's history and make it seem all hunky dorey.

    Anyways, you seem to have a good lineup on hand plus the interesting wrap up of the Mechakara. Can't wait to see what you got!

  17. I think more people from should get killed only to be resurrected as Black Lanterns. Also MechaLinkara is really Lewis from a earth where krypton never exploded and Branic took over. Then he created MechaLinkara to go and conquer other dimensions

  18. Wow, can't wait to see you tear into new comics, seeing what makes that X-Men comic so special, and the sequel to Silent Hill: Dying Inside, and of course, the showdown with Mecha-kara.

  19. Your gonna review Chris Claremonts and Jim Lee's X-men comic!. Sweet I can't wait for that. and more importantly Ultimates 3.

  20. in the X-Men comic, are you gonna comment on the stupidity of trying to make a Rogue and Magneto relationship work?

  21. Judging by the clips of this epic confrontation at the end... reality is going to be fucked up the ass, isn't it?

  22. Was that an Insano version of Hannibal from The A-Team? If so, then 2010 is going to be even more awesome than I previously thought. I also must admit that I chuckled at the jab at the Battlestar Galactica remake.

  23. I liked the reference to the awful, awful movie that is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier or as I like to call it Star Trek V: William Shatner Kills God (Directed by William Shatner).

  24. Anybody else having problem watching the videos? I've had no problem before, only this weekend. Since I can still see videos in other sites OK, I'm assuming it's something wrong here.

    *testing to see if posting works*

    PS. Thanks for all the funny vids! ;)

  25. I believe there's going to be a review of the Star Trek/X-men crossover.

  26. SWEET! :D 2010 will be good afterall! ^^


    PS: love the trench coat ;)

  27. ThatRedshirtWithThePhaserDecember 7, 2009 at 1:23 AM

    Huh. Why do you have a 23th century phaser while wearing a 24th century uniform? ^_^

    Anyhow, that's awesome! Can't wait for 2010! Man do you have some badass shows coming. and please more ENSIGN MUNROOOOO!

  28. Awesome trailer, Linkara. Can't wait to see how the Mechakara storyline plays out.

    And I saw a very familiar Star Trek comic. <3

    Can't wait! :D

  29. This is going to be a totally awesome year.

    Also, I totally know which Liefeld pose you were shocked by, and yes, it is quite heinous.

    The only thing this was missing was a 90s Kid cameo!

  30. I can not wait for 2010

    I'm not sure but I think I'm Your only fan form the Middle East

  31. Excuse me while I run around screaming and then faint at this awesomeness! Can't wait!

  32. Okay that was good.

    yeah, don't know if there's much more that I can say about that. As your archive of crappie comics grows ever larger we plummet to new depths of despair, bewilderment and out right horror at what has been committed to paper.

    I'm a fanfiction writer and even I've not come across horrors as bad as what your going though next year. and I've read Yoda Jar-jar slash fiction (there was no warning, NO WARNING!)

    I guess there was more to say. Looking forward to next year


  33. anyone knows, what is the title of the second music?

  34. To call this thing awsomely awesome would be an understatement. Honestly, Mechakara, Finevoice, Zombie Spoony, Ensign Munro for Azathoth's sake, oh and... ehm Dr. Linksano? 2010 is looking to be a good year indeed.

  35. You must be the first reviewer to have ever put in a somewhat coherrent storyline between videoes x)


    Theories of Mechakara.. Well.. It HAS been a while since we heard from the continuity alarm..

  36. jounouchi-sama, you're wrong, I'm also a Mideasterner! ^_^

  37. That looks freaking awesome. I can't wait.

    I noticed the Ominous Latin Chanting in the background. Does anyone know what it means? Is it a clue? Or was it just put in because it's cool? Either way it's cool.


  38. Man, I can't die in 2010. It's going to be a great year!

  39. Oh my God! So awesome!
    You're previews are the best.
    What was the music though?

  40. I'm always scrambling the day before scheduled to finish editing a video, and you seem to already have several months in the can. You, sir, are a professional.

  41. That was made of sheer epicness! Epic sounding music (what music did you use anyways?), a diabolical villain, an evil laugh that sent chills down my spine, text that starts making fun of itself- wait...

    Wasn't this just a show about some guy reviewing bad comics? Where did all the awesome come from?

  42. You're reviewing X-Men #1? Jim Lee and Chris Claimont's X-Men #1? You have balls, dude. I actually re-read that recently and don't remember it being too bad, but I'm certainly interested in hearing what you have to say about it.

  43. Are you going to do an April Fools review of a comic you like? I actually think Revolution of the Mask would be a good April Fools episode.

  44. Looks like 2010's gonna be a fun year! And kudos for the "Frank Miller Love Song".

    It depresses me to know that Sultry Teenage Super Foxes made a second issue.

    "Act of God" must have been designed to offend everyone - Christians, pagans, comic fans, and probably puppies. I can see Diana being someone who respects the gods of other faiths (since they pretty much all exist in the DCU), but out and out worship? Uh, no.

    Ah, X-Men #1... takes me back to junior high when my friends & I thought we'd be rich because between us we had all five covers. As you can see, it didn't work.

    Harvey Finevoice at the final battle? With Black Lantern Spoony? That's gonna be awesome!

  45. Have you actually filmed all those episodes already or did you just have ideas in your head and filmed enough bits that you could splice together to make a trailer of sorts?

  46. is it weird im super exicted?

    also The anita blake comics? wow you are really taking a bullets there. its kinda sad they wasted trees on making the adaptions to those books.

  47. I finally have the answer you people have all been looking for! The song in the second half is Pompeii by E.S. Postumus. A link to the song can be found here:

  48. Will there be a new Global Guardians team at the aftermath of Cry For Justice?


  49. Oh, lord, you are NOT doing a review of the Anita Blake comics, are you? Not that they aren't bad; I honestly cannot make any claim about them either way due to not reading them, other than the artist being Brett "Demonpuppy" Booth, professional artist and part time member of the furry fandom whose other works include some of the revamped Thundercats miniseries (most notably the "Dogs of War" arc), and the how-to book "Freaks! How to Draw Fantastic Fantasy Creatures", of which I own a copy. I used to be a big fan of Anita Blake before writer Laurel K. Hamilton's breakdown twisted the later installments into badly written porn fanfiction, and I agree the comic adaptation should've never been made. And to top off the bizarre suckiness of it, from what I heard of the comic, it actually subverts the implications of bringing in a furry artist to draw a comic version of a novel series notorious for its rampant, pseudo-homophilic sex scenes with hyperphallic men by NOT having any sex in it. Wow. Be brave, Linkara, be brave.

    I think I have an idea as to what Mechakara's plot is, though it seems kind of obvious to me, now, after I rewatched the preview: the appearance of Dr. Insanara at the end makes it pretty obvious that Mechakara is Insanara's creation, and he's being used to push you into becoming the Earth Prime version of Insanara, and take your place as reviewer. On the other hand, there's evidence to suggest that, while the above is true, Mechakara actually DOESN'T want you turning into Insanara, possibly fearing the original Insanara and wanting to avoid having to deal with two, with the only way of preventing your change into him being to kill you.

    I guess I'll have to wait until the finale to see if I'm right, or just making up stuff as I go along.

    Finally, although I know the series is broken up between several issues with their own storylines, and both parts of it is separated by a pretty big release gap, I'd like to request you tackle the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog answer to Amazons Attack and Countdown that is "Mobius: X Years Later". It's like the worst extremes of the comic industry: the first part (written by former head writer Ken Penders) is slow, dull, and is filled with so much pointless padding and talking about a threat we never see, while the latter parts (written by current head writer Ian Flynn) is basically all the bad things that were in the Dark Age of comics. Thank you.

  50. 2010 looks good!

    Also, I'm officially a nerd for noticing that you used the bgm from Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal.

  51. Promise me it won't end with the obvious "Mecha Linkara lives and real Linkara dies"

  52. I think I'm going to dig up my copy of X-Men #1 to see what's so bad about it. Actually, I have two issues. One was bundled in a three-pack someone gave me. Obviously one of the problems was it came at a time where people believed that collector's comics could be intentionally manufactured.

    I remember Magneto wanted to steal nukes from a downed sub to defend Asteroid M. He has a misunderstanding with the X-Men, and a fight breaks out. Well, off to search for it then!

  53. We're not worthy!
    We're not worthy!

  54. i have that x men comic and there was an irrelevent 2 page spread was just "odd". and also for a first issue it doesn't really give a ton of characterization. also the reason that Kitty Pryde and nightcrawler arn't with the team in the issue is because that at this point in comic history they are hanging out with Excalibur in Europe. just in case anyone was wondering.


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