Monday, December 14, 2009

Extreme Super Christmas Special #1

Nothing like a yuletide yawner to celebrate the season.


  1. first!

    (i havent even watched,i just wanted to insult people who say first)

  2. So within 10 seconds, Linkara showed that he's a Q! (I love Star Trek references) How come you haven't used these powers before to take things like Rob Liefeld and Amazons Attacks out of existence?

  3. Wow... Troll is just so annoying. The Wolverine parody from Kids Next Door was better executed than that! Also, why do I feel that the depiction of Circe as an overweight bald women is going to appeal to some fetishists? Pity she didn't say "today" after her "I was sheared!" comment, because that would've made for a good Suburban Commando callback.

    Very nice review, Lewis. Admittedly, I wish you would've commented on more of the bad dialogue, but the parts you did cover were executed well. And fending off the Spirits to avoid a Christmas Carol parody was a very nice touch. Your parents and brother bring a unique character when they act in your videos.

    I look forward to next week's review, but until then my friend, may you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. ;)

  4. Troll on the cover?

    No crapping, if I could ever track it down in the cardboard boxes in the attic, I was totally going to donate Troll #1 for a future episode.

  5. i did already watch it (magic of blip XD )

    nice cut on the christmas carol... and even nicer set up with mechankara being the ghost of christmas future.

    merry christmas bro. and indeed, a happy new year!

  6. Man, that comics reminds of Disney's Christmas Carol, I mean the one with duck. For this comics, I thought Wolverine disguise as Mr. Scrooge to wait for the ghosts and kick their asses.

  7. Wait. The comic had "extreme" in the title, Rob Liefeld was one of the artists, and yet, no 90's Kid? I mean, I'm not trying to be picky or anything, but... really?

    Oh, yes, and bagpipes are quite awesome.

  8. Boy, I knew there's a bloody problem with the book as soon as I saw the muscle bound Wolverine wanna be. Come to think of it, the story that Barkley beat Gozilla in basketball game sounds several times better than this SUPER EXTREME YOUNG BLOOD knock off.

  9. Merry Christmas to you, too. And thanks for the early present, Lewis.

  10. Yay it's Linkara and family! It's always nice to see you play around with the review format! Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas.

  11. Hey, the gangs all here!

    Always nice to see you and the family work together on a video and this was a stronger review because of it.

    Merry Christmas and Glad Tidings, Linkara.

  12. So, if this is your christmas review, does that mean you'll take a break next week?

    Happy holidays.

  13. Wow...I swear you must have some sort of mutant power to time things perfectly. I notied this literally [i]right[/i] just as my mood began to go sour.

  14. Is it me, or did Circe look sort of like a bald version of Divine?

    And I can't help wondering why '90s Kid hasn't appeared in a while...

  15. TODD NAUCK (actually pronouced Knock)?!


    I can't believe that, especially since I met him and he was such a cool artist! But then again, this was his early years and Liefeld gave him his first jobs (as Todd told me) and he was very influenced by his style so...

    THE MORE YOU KNOW! And the less I want to remember the Liefeld years. ;______;

    (At least he improved right? Like, Jim Lee also had the Liefeld touch on him I think)

  16. That was just awesome! The Christmas Carol parody was very well done; and I loved the Mechakara-Ghost of Christmas future. That was great. Plus a shout out to Muppet Christmas Carol - such a fun movie, one of my favorite versions of A Christmas Carol, right up there with the Disney version (the Scrooge McDuck one, not the new Jim Carrey one) and the Mr. Magoo version. Great job, and Merry Christmas, Linkara!

  17. Good review and a fun Christmas special. There was something that caught my attention. Did you say that the Ghost of Christmas Yet to come had a robot hand? If so, hmmmm.... I wonder...

  18. "The day of reckoning is at hand!"

    Ominous foreshadowing FTW!

  19. I actually didn't like your parents and siblings being in the review. I loved it that Troll got arrested though

  20. Troll-verine was pathetically lame, as was the rest of this comic.

    And yes, this comic was "Extreme" all right, "Extreme-ly" BAAAAAAAAAAD.

  21. LOL. I caught that message in the "EXTREME!!!" bit. And then Mechakara... The plot thickens :P

    And... Okay, I have to admit: I thought the cover art for the comic was just a really bad drawing of Wolverine.

    Anyway, great video, although I was wondering if '90s Kid was going to show up.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours. :)

    (And about the Kool-Aid Man thing - if you start checking all of the "SCIENCE!" behind the comics, Insano will have won.)

  22. It makes me wonder when you have the logical disconnect of "How do corporations ruin art?" when you keep commenting on "I hate to see good artists doing working on crappy things." They do crappy things because that's what they were paid to do.

    But, yes, thank you for totally nixing a Christmas Carol parody when the story has been beaten down with so many adaptations.

  23. Maybe I don't read many a comic these days outside of a realatively few I can get online but...what was so extream about that?

    Ironbite-it wasn't was stupid!

  24. Excellent review, Link! Although I gotta ask: what in God's name are you doing with a Shaft action figure? You didn't actually spend money on that, did you?

    Thank goodness I never got into Youngblood. I was already into another Liefeld creation at the time (Cable, that is; don't judge me!) Having seeing this Troll character, I can hardly see the appeal of this. Although this does give me an idea to do a meme of him and post if I ever see trolls posting on online forums, if it hasn't been done already, of course.

    Again, awesome review, and from one Lewis to another, Merry Christmas! :)


    Also: wasn't Circe Greek? Why would she even acknowledge a Christian festival? And why not, if you're going to make him go to all this trouble, just have a fake pear tree and laugh at the fact he took you, Circe, a master of deception and manipulation, at your word?

    Hasn't he ever heard the saying beware Greeks bearing gifts?
    Surely that applies EXCLUSIVELY to characters from the Oddessey?

  26. I liked your kick in the face to every hackneyed version of A Christmas Carol and agree. The only versions that I care about it the Patrick Stuart one and the muppets. Although I have to say you were a bit too on the nose with the ghost of Christmas future there.
    As for the comic, at least it wasn't that bad. I mean, the protagonist was an arse, the plot was reliably pointless and the time spent reading it could have been better used attempting to count backwards from infinity, but at least it wasn't the clone saga or One more day.
    By that I mean your not chewing the furniture in rage or physically burning it in place of firewood.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year

    Mountain King

  27. Bagpipes are indeed awesome. Also, nice take on the whole Christmas Carol thing. If only Scrooge had that kind of conviction.

  28. 1) Christmas double-hat! Stylish.

    2) Patrick Stewart did a version of A Christmas Carol? I gotta look into that.

    3) Giffen and Nauck?! Wow.

    4) This plot sounds stupid already and it hasn't even started.

    5) Exploding sheep? Well, that actually made me laugh. Why did it explode, instead of merely morphing back into Circe quietly?

    6) At the risk of sounding creepy, your mum is pretty. :D

    7) How long did it take to get that tongue-twister down?

    8) The "twelve days of Christmas" plot baffles me entirely. Why bloody bother?

    9) Why anybody thought Troll was a good character at all, let alone a good choice for one to star in a Christmas comic, baffles me, too.

    10) I wish to kick Troll into a wall.

    11) Aha! The secret to cure Youngblood's Disease!

    12) The British stereotyping! It BUUUURNS! I'm not even British, but I have a deep affection and admiration for that culture, and tend to just go "Grr!" over stupid stereotyping of it. I'm weird, I know.

    13) New WMG: Mechakara is the Ghost of Christmas Future! He turns into Mechakara 'cos he was out of a job since Linkara already liked Christmas.

    14) I agree, bagpipes are cool. I dunno why they get such a bad rap.

    I loved this review. X3 Good fun, and your family seems so cool and supportive of your internet adventures. Lucky you!

  29. This was well worth fighting my computer in order to watch. I think the thing's become sentient enough to start reprogramming itself and join forces with Mechakara...

    But that's an entirely different story.

    I'm now curious to see this prop that you're so excited about. Also, was that meant to be a Mechakara appearance?

    Anyways, thanks for making me actually look forward to Mondays again.

  30. The sad thing is when I first saw Troll I thought he wasn't a poor man's Wolverine as a poor man's Puck from Alpha Flight. How sad is that?

    Why do I have the sinking feeling that Keith Giffen reworked a leftover Lobo plot for this book?

  31. Nice reference to The Room :D
    First comment I ever made and it was in regards to that terrible, terrible movie. Linkara...look at what you've done to me.

  32. Nice to see your family having some fun in on the act!

    Just wishing you and everyone on this here, a Happy Holiday season!

    I am still trying to figure out what was the point of this comic? Bimbos In Time at least established what the bottom of the barrel is. Many others, even the bad ones, have their purposes. Even The Kool Aid Man, trying to get people to buy Kool Aid, by advertising in comics. But this?

    So until I figure out what was this comic's purpose, MAKE MINE LINKARA! And God Bless us, everyone!!

  33. I love the Muppet Christmas Carol as well. It's actually my favorite.

  34. Another awesome episode, and you earn extra for it being a Christmas episode.

    Although this is the first time I feel I must put in my two cents on one of your comments. You seemed kinda surprised that there are Air Force Bases in England. I'm an Air Force Brat and I actually lived on three different Air Force Bases in England for seven years of my life. There are multiple Air Force, Navy, and other armed forces bases located all around the world. Not being mean spirited (its Christmas after all), just expanding knowledge.

    With that being said, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

  35. Always nice to see the Lovhaugs!

    Nice twist on a cliche.Really, it came out as a cliche itself, but it was funny so, whatever.

    Excellent review!

  36. So wait, if the ghost of Christmas Yet To Come is a robot... Does this mean you've already planned a huge showdown next Christmas? O:

  37. Am I the only one that saw the Circe-sheep blow up and wondered if a giant cursor was above her clicking vigorously?

    Maybe it's just me...

  38. And a Merry Christmas to you Linkara.

  39. Good video. This comic was awful. Hopefully you will have a good christmas. I got sinestro corp wars for christmas. What comics are you reading at the momentor would you reccomemend as I want to read some good ones at the moment

  40. Yet again I saw this on Blip before you posted it here or on TGWTG. On the naughty list I go. XD

    This was a great review of a terrible comic. And I can understand why the 90's kid didn't make an appearence. First off, you had the christmas ghost plot going and adding the 90's kid would make the whole thing seem a bit crowded. Second, despite the comic title having the word EXTREME in, there was nothing extreme about it (except maybe the exploding sheep) and the guns that appeared in the comic were simply not hardcore enough.

    ...Or he caught a cold or something. Tis the season to catch the sniffles.

    It was nice to see your family get in on the act too. Overall it was a great christmas special. Merry Christmas.

  41. I have never heard from that character before. Thank god.
    In my opinion, the original Wolferine is ... err, I stop talking right here before some fan try to impale me.

    Your relatives (Mother and Father?) where really funny in this, is there a chance that they make an appearance somewhere again?

  42. I'm surprised you didn't mention the art more.. though I suppose pointing out Leifeld among the artists was enough.
    Anyhooo, I don't usually make comments just enjoy the show, but I have to say it; the art is atrocious. Anatomy? Perspective? Professionalism? Who cares!? It's EXTREME FARTING!

  43. Cashing in my anti-Troll vote.

    I liked the Ghost of Christmas present. Nice robe, too. :D Oh, and wearing the Santa hat over yours was funny.

  44. Great episode. Keeping the foul language to a minimum must make involving your family a lot easier.

    I still have my first comic too. Unfortunately it's a barely adequate Spider-Man/Ghost Rider crossover. Merry Christmas Linkara!

  45. I'm a fan of the George C. Scott version of the Christmas Carol myself, though the Muppets and Patrick Stewart are also really good ones.

    Big hello and merry Christmas to your family; I can only pray that mine will ever be that supportive of my nerdiness.

  46. Aha! I've solved the mystery! The ghost of Christmas future is in fact Mecha-Linkara, who has made his first attack on the real Linkara with that robotic backhand!

    My god, I'm a GENIUS!

  47. In the 12 days of Christmas, it is a "Calling" bird. They had it right in the book.

  48. Stewart? Muppets? Meh, give me George C. Scott any day of the week, or Alister Sim! ;)

  49. *puts on helmet and prepares for incoming verbal abuse* : i friging hate christmas! (yeah, i'm a grinch and whatever)

    otherwise, great video Linkara :)


    PS: long live Patric Steward!

  50. Here's an extra bit of stupidity that you missed, by the way.

    The comic's writer thought he was being clever by pointing out the "calling bird" thing, but he got it wrong too. It's not coly birds, it's colly birds, which is an old term for blackbird. Those yellow things in the comic certainly weren't blackbirds.

  51. That was awsome! I haven't read these comics, or most of the ones you talk about. But you're gonna convert me into a fan! You make everything funny, even if I'm a bit more into manga then american comics. Great job, and merry whatever!

  52. Sweet, I checked all the comments, and apparently I'm the only one to notice this, so I don't feel bad about not noticing until now.

    This morning at about 12:30 I was in bed pondering what Mechara's latest appearance could have to say about his intentions when I realized... he was sitting on your couch, just like freakin' Darkseid in Countdown!

    Dude, I had a hard time NOT waking up my little sister with my side-splitting laughter. You. Are. Awesome. I can't believe it took me almost an entire week to notice that. I'm going to call it a Fridge Funny. (Yeah, I'm a Troper, too.)

  53. Pollo is working with Mechakara! Pollo is working with Mechakara!

    It's clear with that line of the day of wreaking is at hand. He's in on the whole thing. I know it!

    Would love to have Troll be stuck in an endless state of near death wishing forever to die, but never to do so...

    And I loved this review, but I'm one of your fan's it'll be hard for me to not like your work.

  54. You know what really bugs me about this?

    The swans should have beaten Troll within an inch of his life. THAT would have been comedy. I mean, he's not much bigger than they are, and swans break people. They're nasty buggers.

    Or I'm just projecting my warped desire for anguish from bad sources of fiction into "humor". Either way.

  55. This comic is even offensive to the Dutch, even though they don't even appear. The clothes of the Bavaria women are traditional DUTCH clothes. Bavaria is in Germany... And it's the Dutch that are really famous for cow milking...

    It's just a WRONG comic!


  56. One of the many things I love about this show is how I get to re-discover all sorts of Weird-Al songs I've forgotten about.

    Also, GOOD COMIC RECOMMENDATION! *jots it down*

    You gotta be quick in these reviews to write down the rare mentions of good comics Linkara recommends. ;)

  57. Greetings!

    I know the timing for this is kind of... odd, but I decided to comment just now. Perhaps because the timing may draw your attention to what I have to say.

    Anyhow, I thought you might want some additional material to include in any potential future Top 15 Missed Opportunities video. Or something.

    The people who made this comic apparently thought that Europe is located somewhere on the Southern Hemisphere. Why? 'cause it'd be quite odd to see lush green trees and meadows in Europe at that time of the year otherwise.

    It kind of bothers me.


  58. Dwarf wolverine. Now I have seen everything.

  59. Going back through these older reviews, I pick up things I hadn't before, such as the Ghost of Christmas Future pointing to Pollo and mentioning the day of reckoning.

    Feels sort of silly I missed it but as you've said, hindsight is a bitch.

    I think that was the phrase...

    Sorry for the trailing off thought ellipse(wc?) there.

    Anyway, just a rather delayed nicely done.

  60. So your first comic was Spiderman's #351? Well, mine was a Power Rangers comic.
    I do not remember how I got my hands on it or where it is now but I do remember it being very enjoyable.

    Now that I think about it I don't even remember which incarnation of the Power Rangers they were since I never actively watched any of the series, all I remember is that the red Ranger had long hair. Huh.

  61. so people have probably told you this already but just in case the haven't troll also appeared in his own halloween comic special


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