Monday, December 21, 2009

James Bond Jr #3

So our hero doesn't drink martinis, doesn't sleep around, doesn't wear a tuxedo, isn't a spy, doesn't have a license to kill, and has the generic puns any halfwit could come up with when quipping. So, yeah, he's just like James Bond - except in everything that makes James Bond James Bond.


  1. I remember this cartoon when it was out. It used to bewilder me how the character could be "James Bond, Jr." when he said James Bond was his uncle. I mean, last time I checked, in order to be a 'Jr.' you had to be the son of the 'Sr.' My mind being what it is, and knowing how much Bond slept around I always figured this was just his illegitimate kid and no one wanted to tell the poor boy the truth.

  2. Funny you mentioned non-alcoholic martinis, because I just happen to have non-alcoholic martinis around. Yeah I'm a wuss.

  3. Oh, good, I was hoping there would be a reference to that horrible catchphrase of his. "What a coinkidink!" Ugh.

    Oh, the things that stay with us. I remember this crap, but ask me to multiply by twelve and I have to get a pencil and paper.

  4. I dont think thats Odd Job. All toughs colors. Its more like his brother or something. Maybe his real name is "Questionabul Work" >.>;

  5. You make Mondays ROCK!

  6. Is it bad that I don't remember the show but I vaguely remember the song. Awesome review as usual and again I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas.


  7. I'm glad I missed watching that show when I was a kid. I never even heard of it until now. Lucky me I guess. XD

    And thank you for faving my Harvey Finevoice fanart on Deviantart. I'm glad you liked it.

    Looking forward to the top 15 video.

  8. atleast you did not have to watch this cartoon in swedish, back when i was a kid all cartoons in my part of scandinavia was shown in swedish, why, i dont know.

    oh well, if you think you know pain
    i might decide to expose you for the norwegian dub of the Simpsons movie (something i will not do lightly, since i am not a sadist)


    PS: i dont mean to sound mean (rhyme) >_<

  9. 1) There was a Rambo cartoon? D: Urgh. It looks AWFUL.


    3) Dunno if you saw it on your forum, but someone thought highly enough of James Bond Jr to get half-a-dozen plushes custom-made from a particular online webstore. (And someone ELSE thought highly enough of Silent Hill: Dying Inside to get a Lauren plush custom-made.) Le facepalm.

    4) "Earth-cracker" made me giggle. It sounds like some insult to hippies.

    5) This was made a million times more hilarious by the Sean Connery voice. You're very good at doing all kinds of voices, but I think the Sean Connery voice is one of my absolute favorites.

    6) Pimps are really stepping up their bitch-recruiting strategies, aren't they?

    7) I bet the grappling-rope-watch-thing would be pretty useless. Any rope stuffed inside a watch would be pretty tiny. Like, thread-tiny. Unless it's some high-tech awesome MI6 wire or something. But if it's just "rope"...

    8) MINI SCIENCE LESSON! *hearts!*

    9) I wondered if I was the only one to catch the Wheeler resemblance.

    10) Puerto Maldonaldo looks like a lovely place. Same as the other city you pointed out (which I don't want to misspell).

    11) That's some special kind of laziness, not even glancing down at stuff you dropped right in front of you.

    12) You're questioning the logic of how Bond villains work? XD Bond villains ALWAYS come up with weird traps and stuff. They NEVER just shoot James Bond or whoever in the head and have done with it.

    13) Maybe the Peruvian people were just playing a merry joke on the dopes looking for El Dorado, and they just put a fancily-painted/decorated tarp over the pretty pristine (and very new) temple.

    14) Argh! Stupid puns!

    15) If my evil plans were ever foiled by children, I'd both swear madly and probably give up on evil, if my Evil-Fu was so weak as to be defeated by preteen idiot hipsters.

    16) Why was there an Academy Award in the wreckage, anyway?

    17) What weird, choppy animation.

    18) So he's Bond's nephew, supposedly, but he's got no British accent. Dubya-tee-eff. I suppose Bond's sister could have moved to the USA and raised him there, but still...

    19) I still don't like the slingshot-the-homing-device thing. I never even took physics in school (I took life sciences and horticulture), but I don't think that's how physics really work.

    20) What was that last clip from? That was pretty funny.

  10. P.S. Merry Christmas! :D

  11. I always hated the cartoon but its better then Captain Planet

  12. As any anime fan would tell you, the real question is why did they think they had to make the animated shows into children's shows in the first place?

    That said... this is just such a bizarre concept I don't know how you managed to even get upset over it. James bond for children? Isn't that Johnny Quest?

  13. Also, say what you will about cartoon versions of adult films, Conan the Adventurer was pretty awesome. I still remember watching this show every day after school. I forget if tht was during my Samurai Pizza Cats phase, or if it was earlier.

  14. Any day that has a Highlander cartoon reference is a good day.

  15. I was aware of this show back when it was still airing, but never actually watched, and therefore had no idea it was *this* bad.

  16. Oh...and have a merry Christmas, Linkara!

  17. Oh god, this As a fan of both the films and the books. I feel like I have been doused in Kryptonite, the colour orange, and some other stuff that various super heroes are weak against.

    Of course coming from Dr.No, Goldfinger, and Casino Royale. I can really see no way that the Bond from either film or book could become this much of a sickening James Bond clone. In the books bond is actually kind of a bastard. He hates people, loathes people who can't take him seriously, and is actually really sexist in the first novel. This kinda petters out though in Dr.No and other other later books. But I'm getting off topic.
    I'm glad I have never seen this comic, or the series until now when I have the proper mental conditioning to try and kill myself. If you desperately want teen spy, try looking into the Alex Rider series, far better-ish.

  18. - If you thought cartoons based on Rambo & The Highlander were absurd, they actually made TWO animated series based on RoboCop. Yes, that RoboCop.

    - If James Bond is J.B. Jr's uncle, and J.B. Jr. is a "Jr.", does that make J.B. Jr. a bastard child then? Just wondering.

    - I love how you used the Sean Connery voice for J.B. Jr., especially considering he's a teenaged kid, which adds to the hilarity.

    - And who the fudge is that M.C. Hammer reject supposed to be? 'Cause no way in hell that's seriously supposed to be friggin' Odd Job.

    - What an asshole James Bond Jr. is. After all the trouble they went through to save the temple, he just destroys it like it was nothing. Jerk.

    Another great review, as usual. Have yourself a Merry Christmas, Linkara. :D

  19. I did an honest to God spit-take at that invisible breasts remark. Now I have to clean Michelob Ultra off my monitor.

  20. they called their village port...

    well is still better than Pueblo village from Resident Evil 4 since Pueblo can mean village or town

  21. Nooooooooo! You beat me to the punch in exposing one of the most horrible "kid-ifacations" in history.

    Other why's, brilliant as always.

  22. That was kinda painful. Also kinda glad I never watched or read anything with James Bond Jr. And Rambo? For reals? That's just....weak. Seriouslly weak.

    Ironbite-so when's part 2 of Miller Time?

  23. LOL. Of all the implausible Bond gadgets, you choose to focus on the impossibility of the gold detector. You are such a geek. I love you so much... Are you busy next Friday? Can I take you out for dinner?

    You'll have to pay for your own plane ticket.

    Side note; do they make non-alcoholic martinis? What's the point? Then again, I don't drink, so I wouldn't know anyway, but it does seem purpose defeating.

  24. Given the mandate to develop a young, wholesome counterpart to James Bond for American children, animators went to the drawing board and came up with... Wheeler with Captain Planet's hairdo and facial features? Engaged in deadly games of cat and mouse with such villains as Odd Job pimped out in dope fresh gear? (Does he go by the name "Whack Skillz?") I think I need a martini now, and not one of those weak shaken ones!

  25. O.o
    That animation actually gave me a headache.

    On the subject of the gold detector - other than what you already pointed out, what is the point of disguising it as a camera? The bad guys don't want you locating their gold, but they're perfectly fine with you video-taping what they're doing?

    Merry Christmas :)

  26. OK, I just had to post this here.
    James Bond Jr. does not deserve to have the real music associated with it - instead, here's a knockoff/parody/tribute by German disco group, Dschinghis Khan!
    (you wish I was joking)

  27. Sadly, I remember this show. Have you noticed how James and his two friends' faces really don't show that much expression throughout the comic? BTW, good catch on him and Wheeler looking similar.

  28. Am I the only one disturbed by how much James Bond Jr. looks like the David Tennant Doctor Who?

  29. A great epp, it was really great.

    I do have a question, has their ever been a series that was doing great and was considered good, only to suddenly hit a wall and become a train wreck ?

  30. I am glad I missed that show too.
    There where only a few shows I liked anyways, I would have hated it.

    What happend to 90's Kid, btw?

    And ... Merry Christmas.

  31. My classmates used to call me James Bond Jr. in elementary school.

    God I hated that show.

  32. Ah, that's one I remembered watching when the choice was between that and being bored. I asked some of the same questions you if, like the "Jr." business. One thing it found out that I remembered wrong was that I though JBjr had been given an American accent. If not for your little extra, I might've posted that false fact as a problem with the show and wondered why you didn't mention it. (Though I usually check things before I post the, even things I think are true; so maybe I'd've been saved. Regardless, I'm glad that you added in a review of the episode for more reasons than how amusing it was.)

    Although it's probably not prudent to make statements based on my memory right after that admission, I think that one detail missed by the video was that Wharfed Academy is supposed to be a spy school. So the teachers are also spies or former spies. That's why talking-to the inviso-fondler wasn't weird. He had been a spy, and wikipedia says he had worked with JBSr. (Oh, and this site confirms my spy school memory: So the comic/episode isn't (aren't?) stupid for having him talk to a coach about intelligence work. It's stupid for having a school for spies that isn't completely hidden so that no one knows who goes there. All the enemy spies had to do to learn who their opponents would be for the next few decades would be to grab a copy of the yearbook (I bet Valerie Plame was homecoming queen the year JBjr. graduated) or stake the place out.

    If only Hanna Barbera had owned the rights to this show, there could've been a great Harvey Birdman episode that included an explanation of how the name Noseworthy originated.

    There are reasons that could be invented for why Goldfinger could've wanted the gold. He could've feared that that El Dorado was close to being found, and decided to take and hoard it all rather than have someone else take it and reduce the price of gold. Or he could've started to agree with Lenin just enough to believe that quantity has a quality all its own. Maybe the time he spent dead before his mysterious revival lead to brain damage. Odd-job certainly suffered brain damage during his death to switch to that outfit.

    But of course the real reason was basically what you stated. Bad writing. It's not a satisfying answer, though.

    The really weird thing about the Highlander cartoon was that for a series that claims there "can be only one," there were a lot of Immortal MacLeod's out there. And at least two final battles. I guess since the cartoon was set in the future, it wasn't Conor or Duncan but the cartoon character who was the one that in the end that there cold only be.

    P.S. Just thought I'd mention my favorite joke theory, that James Bond is in fact a Time Lord, exiled on Earth without a TARDIS, like the Doctor. Each time Bond's appearance changed (including the reappearance of Conery) was because he had regenerated between films. The seeming erasure of Bond's past with Daniel Craig's films is obviously a direct result of alterations to the timeline caused by the Time War. Moneypenny must be a Time Lady, since she's changed. With Blofeld, it was just surgery. I haven't decided about Felix Leiter. Maybe it's just the most common name of people who join the CA.

    P.P.S. Spoilers for the Casino Royal movie. Not the Daniel Craig movie, but the totally bonkers one with Peter Sellers & David Niven.

    By far the best nephew of James Bond ever: Jimmy Bond, played by Woody Allen, who was responsible for (writing, apparently, as well as acting in) the best scenes in that insanely bizarre movie -- both his scene in the beginning and his scenes at the end.

  33. I never was a James Bond fan (I always found him to be too smug & smarmy to be a good hero, and as I got older, his "bang 'em & ditch 'em" attitude towards women really rubbed me the wrong way), so this cartoon passed me completely by. If this review & tie-in comic are any indication, I didn't miss a damn thing. But I say that JB Jr. there is one of the original's several dozen bastard children.

    I gotta say, though, that giving him the voice of Connery made it almost tolerable. You provided more expression than the artist could be bothered to do!

    Incomprehensible Japanese Name Person - Jonny Quest is a thousand times better than James Bond even on a bad day. In fact, in the second half of the 90s revival, when the writers got the brilliant idea to make Race more like Bond, they took his least likable trait - the "girl in every port" womanizing - but nothing else, really hurting the series. Unfortunately, the new live-action movie WILL probably turn it into "James Bond for the whole family". Thanks, Hollywood.

    BTW - the only James Bond movie I ever enjoyed on its own merits and not via drunken heckling was the original "Casino Royale" with David Niven and Woody Allen. Now there's a Bond nephew who'd be good for TV!

  34. The thing that bothers me most about this comic is that Odd Job is not wearing a bowler. It's some kind of malformed top hat.

  35. Don´t know what's the problem in a city being called just Puerto (Port in English if you want). The second largest city in Portugal is called Porto, and that actually means Port. Just Port.
    Nice review though... except this part i just mentioned.

  36. I'm just thankful they didn't have Goldfinger's bratty daughter from the comics make an appearance; Goldie Finger. I'm serious. You would not believe the idiotic criminals that were created for the series. Take a look:

    Walker D. Plank? Baron von Skarin? Those are so lame I doubt even Carmen Sandiego would hire them.

  37. I'm not going to lie: I like the Bond films, but it's so much fun to over-analyze all of them (with the exception of the Craig films since I think it's more rooted in reality than the previous films). But James Bond, Jr. was just so horrendous, I had to watch it everyday just to remind myself how bad it is.

    And I know I'm going to get flack for this, but I thought Goldfinger's plan (in the movie that is) was so convoluted, even for a Bond movie. I could kinda see where he was coming from, but still, it doesn't range up there with anything that S.P.E.C.T.R.E. could've concocted.

    Anyway, good review, and nice of you to have words of wisdom from President Bartlett. Why can't our leaders be as cool as him?

  38. From the James Bond Jr. wikipedia page: "Jaws, a recurring villain from the Roger Moore film era, also made regular appearances, usually partnered with Nick Nack to form a bickering comical duo."

    My response to reading that was not unlike Phelous' response to the vegetarian zombie in the Day of the Dead remake. How does Jaws bicker? Does his side of the argument consist of gnawing Nick Nack's face off?

  39. If you're wondering why the tank shoots lasers, there's a trope for that. Specifically, "Where Did They Get Lasers?"

  40. There was a RAMBO cartoon?! I'm actually ashamed that I used to watch this every morning before school after Captain Planet (at least it was followed by Gargoyles) - and even more ashamed that I still knew the words to the theme song. And I always wondered if JBJ's similar appearance to Wheeler was why they showed the shows back-to-back.

    Why was "Gangsta" Odd Job wearing a top hat? If they were going to change his entire appearance for the worst, they should've at least given him a Kangol - it would've at least fit his "new look."

  41. Man every popular movie series had a cartoon back in the day, it didn't matter if the content of the film was adult or not. If there was a buck to be made there was a buck to be made. Tales From the Crypt had a cartoon on CBS Kids, wrap your head around that one.

    Watching James Bond Jr as a kid it always struck me as weird that Jr would fight all of Sr's rogues gallery and Sr would never show up- not even once. Seriously Dr No returns and 007 isn't sent in to take care of it? It's pretty sad when Rescue Rangers makes more sense than the James Bond cartoon.

  42. I never thought about it that way, but now that you say it, there are a lot of shows bases on adult material. There was a cartoon about Mortal Kombat for crying out loud.
    Oh, the Rambo cartoon is hilarious. You can see the first episode on youtube. It's a blast. XD
    Fun fact: Another show that was based on dark, grity and very violent source-material was the story about 4 baby reptiles who got covered in a toxic substance that made them humanoid and then got taught martial arts by a rat.

    "I dont think thats Odd Job. All toughs colors. Its more like his brother or something. Maybe his real name is "Questionabul Work" >.>;"
    Don't forget Oddjobs shoe-throwing cousin, Random Task.

    By Thor's Hammer, that James Bond song from Dshingis Khan is awefull!

    Completly off-topic: it's a bit older, but it's still a great read, the top 40 worst Rob Liefeld Drawings!

  43. Just went through the list I posted. How could he have missed DieHard's crotch attack. :D

  44. Trembler, everybody knows James Bond is a Time Lord. I'm more upset to hear that I'm not the only one who came up with a vegan zombie. So much for my uniqueness.

    I wasn't a big "Bond" person, but I did watch the show for a few episodes. I never really got into it. However, I did notice that the bad guy organization was called "SCUM" rather than "SPECTRE", even though they have many of Bond "Sr"'s enemies. Maybe they were a sub-group?

    Also note there was a Stargate cartoon when the SciFi series was in high gear. While it was still on Showtime, and even more adult than the movie. (Not porno adult, but still...) The Marvel Robocop cartoon was ok, but never watch Alpha Commando. Transforming, joke-telling Robocop is just wrong!

  45. Actually, a top hat does fit Odd Job's Flava Flav look. I suppose that if the show/comic were made today, he'd be sporting a cartoonish viking helmet instead.

  46. The only thing I remember about that show was this one shot from the credits of JB Jr. running in an incredibly awkward fashion. He was pumping his fists in front of his chest like he was milking a cow and his feet weren't moving forward, they were just sort of levitating up and down and up and down. Somehow Jr. managed to harness this opera of awkwardness and channel it into forward movement so he could outrun an explosion.

  47. Great video! If you want to watch a cartoon that handles the theme of El Dorado and epic adventure extremely well and not poorly like this James Bond cartoon, I suggest checking out The Mysterious Cities of Gold, a French-Japanese cartoon from the 1980s. Although this cartoon is not a comic book, it is a personal favorite of animation and highly recommended viewing. Here is the link, if interested.

  48. I had a theory about why he can be "Jr." without actually being the original's son.

    Perhaps he wasn't born as James Bond. Perhaps he had a different name upon birth...for the sake of this point I'm making let's say it was William Finkerton. Anyway, young William eventually met up with his uncle James, learned some of the stuff by him. Bond took a liking to the kid, and eventually after some training and such, let him take the name James Bond as his own, and he was known as James Bond Jr. ever since.

    ...what? It could happen. As a professional wrestling fan (prepares anti-flame shield), I heard about a similar incident in Mexico (where pro-wrestling is treated more seriously than it is here in the states). There was a wrestler known as Rey Misterio, and his nephew wanted to go by Rey Misterio Jr. Rey said the nephew had to EARN that name. Eventually he did. That nephew is the current Rey Mysterio in WWE today.

    Of course, that doesn't excuse the fact that this is a bad comic and TV show, or how some characters that died in movies could be alive for this TV series.

  49. I'm hardly surprised a feminist like you doesn't like James Bond. I wager you also don't like the old Doctor Who series as well, seeing as it shows an intelligent capable man who often has to rescue his more inept female companions.

    You know Linkara? I started out liking you, but I can't stand to watch any more of the crap you're putting out.

    Your videos are predictable and your reviews come off sounding elitist. I've been reading some of your replies to other fans of yours, and when you once said that a person can find fault in anything? That's true, but we have a name for those types of people: assholes, excuse the language.

    Furthermore, I read what you once said in the Twitter widget you have embedded on your home page. You said:

    "Yep, I get paid for my reviews. I wouldn't be doing them otherwise."

    Wow, way to show some love there for your fans. Did you hear that people? The second he stops making money off of them? They're done, whether you enjoyed them or not. That's how much Linkara cares about you, the viewer. I know someone will use the example of "Well if The BeeGees wouldn't make money from singing, they would stop doing concerts." but that's not the point despite what anyone says. The point is you are not that big a star to be acting like a prima donna. You're just some clown on the Internet, anyone can do what you do. You're not special like the BeeGees. I also really doubt you make enough money off of these videos to enable you to make a living off of them, let alone to depend on them to survive.

    I won't even ask why you're following Scarlett. Isn't she supposed to be Spoony's girl? Why do you follow her and not Spoony?

    Don't even get me started with your attempts to get noticed by courting controversy. The attacks on Frank Miller, Marvel comics, and Wanted seem to be the transparent efforts of an attention whore. In my opinion? You bait the fanboys with your views, hoping to get them good and riled all in an attempt to send your video views up. I guess that equates to you making more money right? So being an asshole is justified.

    You also claim to hate it when politics are bought into comics, but who was it who bought it up first? It was you on that one review you did with The Nostalgia Critic.

    You say you hate the way girls are drawn in comics, when they've been drawn and portrayed that way all along. Have you ever read some of the early Wonder Woman stuff? Also, if you see a comic has a nearly nude woman in it or on the cover? Why do you buy it if you know it's going to offend you? It's obviously not meant for you, so put it down and buy something else. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything.

    I'm sure your Internet tough-guy fanboys will rip into me, but I could care less. This is just to let you know I will not be watching anymore of AT4W, I know - you don't give a damn. What's one person in light on many? But I seriously doubt if you stop acting like a arrogant, superior, condescending jerk? You won't be winning any new fans. But then again this is The Internet, where being a creep gaurantees instant success.

  50. Tyrell, you are wrong on so many levels it is astonishing. First and foremost, Lewis is indeed trying to make a living doing this. Since he was seven years old he has had a singular vision: he has hoped to make writing a career. As a parent I can tell you that it is truly scary to see your son focus all of his energy towards a career in arts and entertainment, because you know that most people are not able to sustain it as a career choice.

    I will not go on to refute every one of your criticisms. You are entitled to your opinion no matter how far off base you are. But suffice to say, you truly do not know what you are talking about. My son is one of the most unassuming and humble people I know. He truly cares about what he is doing both as an art form and as a career, and a big part of that is working to understand his audience. He literally spends dozens of hours each week reading and analyzing feedback he receives in emails, forum postings, and physical mail. He is striving to learn how to perfect his craft and become a more versatile, prolific, and entertaining performer. To close, I also want to remind you that "Linkara" is a character just as much as 90s Kid and Harvery Finevoice are characters. Those characters do not necessarily reflect who Lewis is as a person.

    Anyway, I am so very proud of both of my sons and I am very thankful that so many people seem to enjoy what Lewis creates.

  51. "Tyrell Patton said...

    I'm hardly surprised a feminist like you doesn't like James Bond. I wager you also don't like the old Doctor Who series as well, seeing as it shows an intelligent capable man who often has to rescue his more inept female companions."
    The difference being that the Doctor didn't end up sleeping with them, nor did he want to.

    "I've been reading some of your replies to other fans of yours, and when you once said that a person can find fault in anything? That's true, but we have a name for those types of people: assholes, excuse the language."
    Or, you know, critics.

    "Did you hear that people? The second he stops making money off of them? They're done, whether you enjoyed them or not. That's how much Linkara cares about you, the viewer."
    I can't speak for Linkara, of course - but props, video software and the like cost money, you know. This isn't really something that can be done for free very easily.

    "I won't even ask why you're following Scarlett. Isn't she supposed to be Spoony's girl?"
    A man and a woman being FRIENDS?! Gasp.

    "Don't even get me started with your attempts to get noticed by courting controversy."
    Yes, how dare he review things that people are interested in and that might start intelligent conversations and debates.

    "You also claim to hate it when politics are bought into comics, but who was it who bought it up first? It was you on that one review you did with The Nostalgia Critic."
    The comics I'm guessing you're referring to are ones that either put politics in where they didn't really belong or just plain used them badly, both of which are examples of bad writing. Sort of his job to point that sort of thing out. And in the review with the Critic, he was only calling the movie out on its terrible logic regarding nuclear bombs. Also a writing flaw.

    "Nobody is forcing you to buy anything."
    Every time someone uses this argument against a reviewer/critic, I'm very tempted to slam my head into my keyboard...

    "I'm sure your Internet tough-guy fanboys will rip into me, but I could care less."
    Don't forget the girls. We have nails. :)

    "But I seriously doubt if you stop acting like a arrogant, superior, condescending jerk? You won't be winning any new fans."
    Interesting. I'm more inclined to label people as arrogant and condescending when they post comments full of patronizing, rhetorical questions that they answer themselves in the next sentence.

  52. OHNOES! We lost Tyrell with our dirty respect for women and abilities to recognize sarcasm!

    Let's see... that just leaves you with the rest of us who can actually pay attention, Linkara. I'm sorry for his loss.

  53. Uh-oh, sounds like somebody has the case of the humbuggers. XD

  54. "...anyone can do what you do."

    That made my day, Tyrell. Seriously, I laughed at that.

    I once went through the logistics of doing all that's required to produce an episode, all the script writing, filming and editing, on top of several other projects that I'm sure he has and possibly having a job. Ever since then I've had a theory that Lewis is actually a Time Lord. But that's not the point.

    Also, you might want to rewatch the old Doctor Whos. I seem to remember that often the female companions would end up saving the Doctor or at least finding/doing something useful when kidnapped and that the male companions got kidnapped nearly as often as the females.

    I knew that JB Jr was looking familiar for some reason. Curse you Captain Planet! Will you ever leave us alone?!

  55. "Also, you might want to rewatch the old Doctor Whos."

    Sadly, we may be dealing with someone who thought Doctor Who started with "Rose". Or else the mere existence of Leela would've shut their mouths before they opened.

  56. LordTirion:
    I don't know enough about Resident Evil to know what the town was like, but there is a Pueblo, Colorado.

    Oh yeah, Johnny Quest rocks. I meant no insult. My point was actually that you don't need James Bond Jr., you have Johnny Quest, who is awesome.

    Ignore the trolls. Seriously. They're like little children acting out, if you keep giving them what they want (i.e. attention), they'll never stop.

  57. Wow, this place just gets more and more negative each day. If it's not the comments attacking Linkara, it's his fans coming to his aid. What happened? If there's anything that would make me quit visiting here, it's all the drama.

  58. RE: Tyrell

    Well, you're entitled to your own opinion. I'm not going to bash you for it.

    But you do have a point with Doctor Who. I'm a big time fan of both versions of the show and indeed, the earlier shows of Doctor Who came under fire from various feminist groups. Anyone who doubts this only needs to read the various Doctor Who handbooks that cover public perception of the series.

    Characters like Jo Grant, Peri, and Victoria were there just to be rescued mostly and scream at monsters. Even women who were supposedly an attempt to break out of that mold, characters like Sarah Jane and Romana reverted back to the classic damsel in distress. As for Leela? Yeah, she was pretty tough, but also remarkably stupid. In one episode she was even shown believing she had to keep a yo yo going in order for the TARDIS to operate.

    Doctor Who didn't get it's first strong female character until Ace arrived near the end of the series. Of course after that, came Rose Tyler but even Rose can be criticized for her unwillingness to "move on" after her travels with The Doctor ended.

    Just my two cents!

  59. ThatGuyWithTheShadesDecember 23, 2009 at 1:03 PM

    Malaloba said...
    "...anyone can do what you do."

    That made my day, Tyrell. Seriously, I laughed at that.

    I once went through the logistics of doing all that's required to produce an episode, all the script writing, filming and editing, on top of several other projects that I'm sure he has and possibly having a job. Ever since then I've had a theory that Lewis is actually a Time Lord. But that's not the point.

    With all due respect Malaloba? It's not that big a deal. I know you're coming to Lew's defense here, but there are other people out there putting out videos like Doug Walker, James Rolfe, and Noah Antwiler, so it's not like Lew is the only one who can do this.

    Creating a video is nowhere near as hard as being a single mom, a soldier for the United States Army, a surgeon entrusted with saving lives, or a teacher tasked with educating students. In the relative scheme of things? An Internet reviewer is small beans. Anyone with a video camera and Internet access can put out a video. Look at Youtube.

    Also? How hard can it be if Chris Bores can do it? lol

  60. I agee with tyrell, u suck lol. glad sumbuddy had the sack to say it

  61. I would make a comment back to Tyrell, but I see several people have gottent there before I did. :) This review was really hilarious, as usual, Linkara!

    Junior really did look like Wheeler... Okay, now I'm going to have to go watch your Captain Planet review again, cause that one was hysterical! Anyway, great job. Oh, on a random note, I tried to click the link for the tutorial video on that you posted today on your Twitter, and when I did it was saying the video was hidden... Wasn't sure what to make of that, so I thought I'd ask.

  62. Lotta Dinaro was actually a one-shot character who appeared in only this comic & the Earth Cracker episode it was based on. She basically served as a lady that Bond Jr. needs to rescue!

    She was Hispanic in the show due the main kids (including two not even shown in the review, Gordo & Phoebe) are white!


  63. Hey Linkara, happy holidays!

    I don't mean to be starting anything here, but I read the comments and now I saw on your twitter gadget you made kind of a sarcastic response.

    C'mon Link, you're better than that. Don't let these bozos get to ya. Who cares if one viewer doesn't like you? Keep your head held high and take comfort knowing you still have a huge following. When you start flinging mud back at these trolls? You're letting them think they struck a nerve or something. To blazes with that!

    Keep up the great vids Linkara, I'm not leaving you.

  64. "Doctor Who didn't get it's first strong female character until Ace arrived near the end of the series."

    Ace is my favorite companion. ^_^

    "Wow, this place just gets more and more negative each day. If it's not the comments attacking Linkara, it's his fans coming to his aid. What happened? If there's anything that would make me quit visiting here, it's all the drama."

    I wouldn't worry about it. No need to read the comments if you don't want to and people are going to express their opinions one way or another. Come here for the vids and you'll be fine. ^^
    ...Or just go to TGWTG's sections for videos and all. XD

    "I don't mean to be starting anything here, but I read the comments and now I saw on your twitter gadget you made kind of a sarcastic response.

    C'mon Link, you're better than that. Don't let these bozos get to ya."

    But... but... THE BEEGEES!

    Nah, don't worry, it's not getting to me at all. XD I'm only going to respond if and when I feel like it. In the meantime, I must lament the fact that I do not approach the popularity of the BeeGees.

  65. I couldnt stop laughing at the allergic to pants thing!

    great review of one of your worst comics ever!

    so until they come up with Freddy Krueger Jr., MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  66. Oho, I think I smell a cross-over in the works between Linkara and the BeeGees.

  67. I don't know what's more impressive: that a comic about James Bond Jr. was made, or that Linkara actually made that same crap into comedy gold.

    Nice work! You've earned yourself a new viewer.

  68. Merry Christmas Linkara, thank you so much for your entertaining reviews.

    I'm a lifelong fan of comics, but getting to watch you review crappy comics is always a joy and a laugh.

    (Oh I also love your use of MST3K bits, it's been my favorite show since I first saw it when I was 15)

  69. "Trembler, everybody knows James Bond is a Time Lord"

    Sure, everyone knows it NOW.


  70. Oh, BTW, Re: the YouTube link I posted above, Spoilers for Recent Doctor Who stories. Except even saying Spoilers is a spoiler at this point so. . . Hm. . . Yeah.

  71. Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

  72. Pretty nice review, there, but it's got me thinking: plenty of other comics have had movies/TV shows made of them, and vice-versa, and invariably the new media version would share some story arcs with the old media version (ie. the X-Men animated series and the Phoenix Sagas, Phalanx Convergence, Asteroid M, etc.). Why not experiment with an occasional segment where you take one of those story arcs and compare the comic version to its alternate media version? Yeah, people could try to say you're cashing in on/ripping off the Nostalgia Critic, but as you demonstrated here, sometimes a specific scene will have details in one version that make it seem more logical and less stupid than it did in the other version, which left out those details. Just a thought.

  73. it apparently may be possible to be a junior without being a son of the person you're named for. THere's a wrestler Ted Dibiase. His first sone is named for his step-father Mike and is officially Mike Dibaise Jr.

  74. Who the hell thought a Rambo cartoon would be a good idea? My guess is that the party responsible went on to create Jack, thr clone of Spider-Man

  75. Ya know if James lost the accent, he'd be a dead ringer for Ben Reilly (no pun intended). It seems the Jackal's cloning plans have spread across the multiverse. But knowing the Monitors, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

  76. As a Peruvian I'm quite glad that you actually researched some data about my country and pointed out that typical Hollywood (or lame comics) portrayal of South America is (partially) wrong (though I have to point out that San Isidro is more of a district in Lima, the capital, rather than a different city). Anyway, great review as usual.

  77. Why the hell does this idiot need something to protect himself from a hat? These people have a TANK. I think he needs something to protect himself from a massive shell moving at a high speed towards him.

    For a plot hole, Fake Wheeler is clearly climbing up a rope that is already tied to a rock up above. When did he tie it? Did he climb up, tie the rope to the rock and then climb down again just so he could climb up a rope?

  78. "Considering he's apparently allergic to his own pants when around women" was comedic genius. I don't normally laugh out loud at things (yes, even your reviews), but I had to there.

    And I loved the clip at the end. I'm sure I've seen that movie...

    So glad I'd never heard of this show until now.

  79. Funny thing: In the novel, Goldfinger really WAS obsessed with acquiring gold (and whatever else he could get his hands on or tip the odds toward -- it was actually an interesting mindset) at any opportunity, right up to the original Operation: Grand Slam being to actually rob Fort Knox. (I was going to suggest that maybe he was trying to rebuild his empire, but then I remembered that Goldfinger and nearly everyone closely associated with him was last seen dead. Tricky business.) Granted, I doubt the writers of the cartoon knew that, and it certainly doesn't excuse anything else. Come to think of it, though he was normally cautious and had melting gold as part of his MO, I can't imagine how much value you'd lose in melting El Dorado. It would give me pause if I were a larger-than-life Bond villain.

    Anyway, though, good review. I'm actually kind of interested in this series, if only for the huge villain team-up in the last issue, but given this as precedent...

  80. I actually liked Conan the Adventurer. Sure it was a kids version of a notable barbarian, but it was rather good for it's time as a fantasy show and actually had a good continuity...well better than a lot of shows I was used to at that period in American animation.

    Oh...and I don't get why the heck Oddjob is suddenly a white rapper. What we can get a multi-ethnic Goldfinger but not a Harold Sakata look-alike? Oh early 90s...

  81. Why, oh why, oh why does IQ look like a young, blond Sasha Nein??
    Excellent review as always, Link!

  82. @ThatGuyWithTheShades

    With all due respect, Shades, Not all videos posted online are equal in quality.

    If anyone with a video camera and Internet access can do it, why don't they, and why aren't they at the same level of quality as each other.

    Sitting down to hem and haw at a webcam for 20 minutes about whatever randomly comes into your head in one long take with lags and stuttering isn't nearly the same as:

    sitting down to write a coherent and detailed script,

    film the footage (which has numerous takes),

    collect the additional footage/visuals/sounds from other sources necessary to further illustrate his point,

    editing them into a coherent and professional final product

    AND make that product entertaining and accessible to the public...

    can be very long and tedious work.

    There's no way anyone could create a product like Linkara does with a 40 hour a week job on the side AND be able to adhere to the weekly schedule he's obligated to honor. Sooner or later, it would turn something he loves to do into something he hates.

  83. Yeah, always thought this guy was more of James Bond's "nephew" than his nephew, if you know what I mean.


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