Monday, January 25, 2010

Ultimates 3 #1 and 2

Ultimately incestuous! Ultimately banal! Ultimately confusing!


  1. I love the opening image so much.

  2. Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch incest, Venom bukakke... I'm gonna need some heavy duty brain bleach to get rid of those images.

    Another great review, Lewis. Excellent jokes and another impressive display of your voice talents (really liked your Venom and Magneto voices, and the argument bit). Also, if you're interested, Lorelei is a Savage Land mutate whose voice can hypnotize men.

  3. I think most of the problems with the Ultimate Universe is it's rather schizophrenic birth. Marvel President Bill Jemas initially pictured the Ultimate comics line as being this PG-rated property that could be mass-marketed in retailers like Wal-Mart while creator Mark Millar thought a break from regular continuity gave Marvel an opportunity to do an R-rated book similar to the Authority (which Millar had just finished a run on.) This resulted in a very bi-polar product with tons of family friendly merchandise with Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-men characters on it being put out for a few years, while the Ultimates was essentially a Mature Readers book.

    Anyway after Bill Jemas left Marvel the comics line slowly shifted into Millar's direction which is rather odd given that Ultimate Spider-Man was one of Marvel's biggest cash-cows for quite a few years, and it's sales didn't decline until Bendis changed his writing style to make the book more like the Ultimates...

  4. Just FYI -- *Not* a critique or anything because I love your stuff... and besides, I could be wrong... But I've always heard Jeph Loeb's name pronounced 'Lobe' -- as in brain lobe. Time Sale's name pronounced just like you do the word 'sale' as in: "Is that spiffy hat for sale?" Mark Millar's last name pronounced as "Mill-are" (with the are pronounced like 'Are you going to eat that?') And as for the character Lorelei I believe that name is usually pronounced similar to Lori-lie (with 'lie' like "Would I lie to you?")

    But watching this overall... I have to agree with you about Ultimates and Ultimate X-Men at least. I never liked those comics. Ultimate Spider-Man was okay at the start but then it really kind of went off the rails for me. But Ultimates? I read the first four issues and dropped that comic like a bad habit. And from your review... I haven't missed a thing.

  5. Let's not forget that this was also supposed to the be the 'big comeback' of Joe Maduiera (I don't care enough to check the spelling) between failing to give his creator owned Battle Chasers even a perfunctory final issue, starting two different video game companies that went nowhere, and designing the Darksiders video game.

  6. Great review.

    I especially enjoyed your voice for Tony Stark. I was completely unexpected of it.

  7. You outdid yourself with this one, Love your Drunken Tony Stark and the Magneto/Quicksilver whinegument, I don't think any of the reviews have made me laugh this hard before...

    And made me more grateful that I never bothered to pick up and thumb through these when wandering through or working at comic shops.

    I mean, ok, I'm a known mythology and manga freak so I've certainly seen a lot of incest-as-characterization-point, but this stuff wasn't even done to be INTERESTINGLY creepy.

    I can't quite figure out if the writers were lazy, over-espresso'd to no attention span, or what.

  8. I have to admit I'm a DC fan. A good part of that is from the Bruce Timm animated universe, but never mind that. When the Ultimate Universe first came out I was looking forward to my first in depth adventure into Disney... I mean Marvel.
    After the first few reviews and I decided against it. I'm glad to see that was a wise decision. My good god, is there anything resembling common decency in this comic? Sod the incestuous relationship, is anyone of these people a positive role model? is anyone likable? Every character in this is stupid to the point of idiocy.
    Bang Bang(my baby shot me down) is a great song and I'm always amazed at what you find to fit the review.

    Good job

    Mountain King

  9. I love the drunken voice for Iron Man.

  10. Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch! Ewwww! Hawkeye with guns??? What the Hell? "Illusion"? Could Mastermind's hand be in this? 2 to 1, the Brotherhood shot Wanda! Any takers?

  11. Now I know what you meant by "the dangers of pudding". XD

    PS- Nice pecs. :P

  12. You would think that Tony Stark would be able to afford to pay electricity bills, what with being super-rich and all. I mean, he can't be spending all that money on booze...

  13. Hush... the best Batmanstory of the last decade?! Yeah... right... and 'Omerta' was the perfect closure to Mario Puzo's revenge trilogy.

  14. A good review. Though I have not read the comic in question, was it really as confusing as you made it look?

    Plus, I don't think the incest angle was necessary. My guess is that they were trying to be "cutting-edge" or similar nonsense.

    All in all, keep up the good work. I look forward to your next video.

  15. Wait a second. Venom said "Now I have something for you," and not "Now WE have something for you?"

    Damn it, Ultimate Universe.

    Also, Valkyrie says "Ugh, that's, like, totally gross."

    DAMN IT, Ultimate Universe.

    And wait a second: when the power goes out in Stark's mansion, you say that he didn't think to put in a backup supply. The comic itself says that the "main" power is down. Well, if it says "main," then that must mean it has a backup, right? So why is there no backup? Where's the secondary power supply? Did Stark program the alert to say "main" because he was GOING to put in a generator, but he just didn't bother finishing what he started?

    This video is excellent. As was mentioned by others, I particularly enjoyed the Quicksilver/Magneto argument (almost expected an "I was frozen today!"), and I got a real kick out of the Maximum Carnage theme at the end. Boy, does that take me back.

  16. Better because Wolverine is here.

    I say this not because of my hatred of Wolverine (and yet I didn't hate the Origins movie) but because I've read reviews of what happens next: somebody is in for a world of disappointment.

  17. Lotus Prince just made me realize something. If the power is down, how is the computer talking?

  18. Excllent review.

    One issue I have though, it's a minor one, why is Ultimate spider-man viewed as dark as the ultimates? I mean sure Gwen Stacy's death was well, Nightmare Fuel Unleaded and sure it had some darker moments but for the most part it was about the same tone as regular spider-man comics and after the reboot, much lighter. Which does make the difference between that and Ultimate Avengers very jarring. but over all I find it to be a refreshing change of pace from the average comic.

  19. Adama-whatwhatwhat? *Is punched in the face* OUCH. If you are not shooting people when you greet them, you are punching 'em in the face. Meanie. *pouts*

    Who doesn't want to be shot in the kneecaps? That's what I'm getting for my 21st birthday next month! What an ungrateful, insest-loving young man!

  20. I will have to disagree with you, Linkara. If it wasn't for Ultimate Spider I wouldn't be into reading the Marvel series as I am now.

    That's not to say that I didn't pick up a comic book here and there, but it was really hard for me to get into them because I never read the first book.

    So I am glad that they made Ultimate series for newbies like me.

  21. I like your review and good one on the drunk iron man voice. I dont relley read any of the ultamate stories eather but theres one thing I want to know do you relly hate sonic comics?

  22. do you relly hate sonic comics
    good review

  23. I loved the "Shock" music you used for the Hank Pym reveal. Where did you get that?

    Why do I get the feeling that this will collapse into pure insanity fast? BTW, I do think that the best Teenage Spiderman incarnation would be the one in The Spectacular Spiderman Animated series, A show that holds a place in my "Holy Four" Animated shows (Along with Avatar, Futurama, and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

    I think you may want to use the song "Violent Pornography" by System of a Down (AKA, the Intro music to Gantz Abridged) for Ultimatum, if all the horror stories I have heard about it are true.

  24. Awesome review. ^^ And I got quoted, yay!

    The reason why Hank Pymm is in the Ultimates' basement though, is because Stark managed to get him to be signed into his custody under house arrest for some reason.

    It was in the annual Loeb did after Ultimates 3 were he actually manages to explain some of the stuff in a somewhat logical manner (who Black Panther is, Why is Pym there etc.).

    Kinda depressing that Janet goes back to him though. :(

  25. A few missed jokes. Some are mine some have been repeated elsewhere.

    1 In the first page. Why did Iron Man decide to show the tape to the entire team on a giant screen encompassing the wall? Did he not notice Hawkeye standing there? "Remember that person who killed your family? Go look at the giant video of her humping your boss."

    2 If a guy named Hawkeye because of his unerring accuracy, why is firing 180 degrees in the wrong direction when trying to shoot at Spiderman?

    3 Why was Venom so suicidal that he decided to attack the Ultimates by himself?

    4 The Quicksilver/Scarlett Witch romance was suggested earlier. That means that Loeb is less subtle than Millar. Let that sink in a for a second.

  26. 21 more days...I have a really elaborate theory written up (Because I'm a loser and have no life) but I'm afraid if I post it I may ruin your fun...would it be possible to email it to you?

  27. I love how in thecomments (not the review, the review was great) people just focus on the incest and sex of the comic to crticize it, political uncorrectness is not a synonym of bad story, this comic had worse things to worry about more than the incest, that being its bad narrative, the color pallet, and of course the story itself, I don't think the linework was bad,but with that color you can barely look at it without screwing your eyes. The comic jumps from a place to another without elaborating on the sitution, and well characters take non sensical choices in a book example of Plot induced stupidity.

  28. @ShadowWing Tronix

    That's a very good question...

  29. I neither like nor dislike Sonic comics because I have never read them nor do I have any real desire to read them.

    And feel free to e-mail me theories! I will neither confirm nor deny them. ^_^

  30. @Perkins

    You're more than welcome to post your theory on the TGWTG forums, we conspiracy theorists have had loads of fun with them (and we're very nice). :D

  31. "3 Why was Venom so suicidal that he decided to attack the Ultimates by himself?"

    You'll actually get your answer to this by the end of the series.

  32. Norse Armor = Most my body is protected from harm.

    Chain Bikini = One slash to bloody opponent.

    Aside from that, another entertaining review.

  33. Loved the drunken talk for Tony. You do that pretty well. Poor Stark, he'll never get out from under the thumb of being an alcholic.

    Although I think he's getting better. Thats what I heard.

    You know my anti-thesis for shitty comics like this? I mean really shitty event comics? Sinestro Corps War. Now that... that was a blockbuster of an event. They need to make an animated movie out of it. And not some shit 75 minutes, I mean a full blown 2 hours or hour 45 minutes. I would buy that in a heartbeat.

    And not just because its one of my favourite stories, the chance to see Mogo fighting an evil sentient Satelitte who is obssessed with killing Guy Gardner is just too awesome NOT to have animated.

    Say did you see the latest issue of Green Lantern Corps? Mogo like dragged all the Black Lanterns down into a green flame version of hell! It was badass!

  34. good review hard to belief you miss the "Two Seconds Ago" caption on the last page.

    @Lotus Prince
    Ult Venom doesn't talk like that in fact he's like 16 here yeah.

  35. Pardon me, Mr. Lovhaug, but ca you name *anyone* who like the Ultimates? I know I didn't (although I thought USM was fun to beat the band).

  36. I kinda liked Ultimates, it's dark but it has a fair number of fans.

  37. Oh my ...
    Incest in mainstream comics. There is not much left I haven't seen yet.

    Oh, and I would say neither chainmail bikini nor norse armor. The bikini is not comfortable for sure, and protect her very poor. And the armor looks laughable.

    My choice would be a better designed armor.

  38. A very good review as always, but I do have one gripe:

    (And I'll preface this by saying that I'm not a Marvel or DC basher, and greatly enjoy and respect your work as well. With that said, my gripe in full.)

    You rightly condemned the wacky fan-service with Valkyrie and Scarlet Witch's skimpy outfits, but why did you you blame Marvel as a whole for putting that in and not the artist him/herself?

    I only ask this because in the Countdown review (Part 2, I believe), you also pointed out the disgusting use of pantie shots on Mary Marvel. However, you also didn't say anything like "Way to show the panties of an underage girl DC, you f***heads."

    My point is, these shots of women in their bras, panties, or less, are all gratuitous, lame, and down right unpleasant. But why openly take Marvel to task for doing it and not the artist? Why was Marvel's use of fan-service (supposedly) so much more vile than DC's?

    I haven't read either comic so I'm probably setting myself up just to be torn down, but the two women being objectified in "Ultimates 3" are at least legal adults, since the art, writing and your own analysis didn't say anything to the contrary. It's still not right, but at least it's legal. DC's use of fan-service was used on a minor, which is not only creepy, it's down right offensive and w-r-o-n-g. (Now with that said, I'm still on the fence on which is worse: pantie shots of a minor, or cleavage shots of an adult corpse.)

    Not to come off as a dick (too late?), but I just didn't like the supposed double standard of DC getting a "slap on the wrist" for showing a teenage girl's ass, but Marvel- all of Marvel- is explicitly admonished for the same (albeit, of age) thing. I just found that kind of disappointing coming from you, is all. And I apologize for the overly long read.

  39. Just didn't think of it. ^^;

    Besides, the companies themselves are perfectly well to blame, since editors along the way should've caught it, sent the art back to the artist and said "put some damn pants on her." It's really a matter of how funny I think I can make it while also stating my case.

  40. Personally, I think the scenario Twin-Cest, when used/introduced properly can be a interesting (if provocative) part of a story. Especially if it somehow allows some greater understanding of the nature of the characters involved. Once you get past the "cringe" factor, you can appreciate it for its thematic contributions.

    On side note, I may just be more okay with this since I watch a lot of anime (a medium in which this kind of relationship is slightly more common).


    Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. I actually liked the Ulti-verse for the most part (I LOVED Ultmate Spider-Man), but there was always something about the Ultimates that bothered me - the fact that they were annoying douches. The twincest between Quicksilver and Wanda (and Wolverine's subsequent explanation for it) made me throw up in my mouth a little. And I definitely agree with you about Wasp trying to explain/justify their "relationship" to Cap; it's both stupid and creepy. I feel for you when you start Ultimatum.

  42. I love the Ultimate Universe, Ultimate Spider-man, X-men, etc. But god I did not like Ultimates 1 and 2 and at all. I found both volumes painfully boring and uninteresting, mediocre characters and I didn't like the art at all.

    Only reason I picked up Ultimates 3 was for the art by Joe Mad. Hell I even picked up the Black and White variant for #1 that was just his pencils and I absolutely loved it.

    But I'll admit while the dialogue was mediocre, I generally enjoyed Ultimates 3. It was stupid, yeah, but it was still a fun read. Though all your complaints are valid mind you. Also some moments (Valkyrie being an idiot, incest twins, etc.) where bad I still overall enjoyed it much more then I ever enjoyed the first 2 volumes.

  43. The sad part? This whole thing is a friggin' MASTERPIECE compared to Ultimatum.

    Wasp... ;_;

  44. Are you purposefully pronouncing Loeb and Sale wrong? It's LOW-OB and Sale, like a sale at target.

  45. To be fair, Lewis, there's inherent story value to rebooting a comics continuity-- when the Ultimate Universe was released, it may not have been to your taste ( and I give you credit for stating that ), but it wasn't redundant. The characters were/are familiar to the general public, but comics are a very foreign medium to many, and part of that is the extremely convoluted history in continuity and method that these books have acquired. A hypothetical someone who saw the X-Men movie and was interested in the characters as a result would be completely lost reading, say, the 2000 X-Men ( the second Claremont run, where the characters went on various convoluted fantasy adventures and dealt with overlapping soap operas that had little to nothing to do with the film's themes ).

    At its inception, the Ultimate Universe books offered this. A few years later, however, they were completely redundant, hence stuff like this swill.

    But if was a great review of a sorely deserving target, and I look forward to more.

  46. And also, you failed to mention that Loeb is an Executive Producer, writer and director on Heroes. Sale also does art for the show.

  47. Good stuff, Linkara. I think this was the first one I've read prior to your review. Yea this series was a total 180 from Ultimates 1 and 2. Those ones pretty much stood by themselves, then with 3 they tried to make it more "in-universe" by throwing in Venom and Wolverine and "you-know-who" at the very end. And yeah the first run issues I bought are super dark and almost unreadable at some parts. Wasp being cool with the incest was always a WTF moment for me. Great review so far, been looking forward to this one for a while, can't wait til part 2!

    P.S. Been collecting Sonic since I was a kid, and I couldn't stop buying it out of sheer nostalgia, but then it did end up getting pretty good when they actually hired a fan named Ian Flynn to write it around #160. Now that I'm in my 20s, I can safely say there was about 50 issues of crap, prior to that. If you ever do wanna dig up that pile of fertilizer, I can tell you where to start digging.

  48. Awesome my email is in the video! It's like im in the video lol. Thanks Linkara

  49. These comics SUCK!

    Oh, and that may be your funniest title card to date.

  50. yes the end is pimp
    the rest cut em when needed
    you say anything about how ultimate thors body looks ALOT different skeletal structure.
    but thanks for having thor in a review i fucking love thor.
    but only kinda the last 20 years.

    can you mention disney. i bought deadpool mwam 7 reprint today

    (jennifers body was a precursor?
    wolverine meets even stevens?)

    AND,spiderman i mean spider - man is going to be a high school student again too..ya it made sense in ultimate marvel but still, fuck disney.

  51. I thought the Ultimate Universe was a good idea. However at times I felt that Spider Man got unmasked way too many times by way too many different people.

    Also Ultimate X-Men had pages that were just fanservices for nerds

  52. This was definitely one of your better reviews. It was a long string of chained combo awesome when you started with a Twilight joke, went into Drunk Tony Stark and finished up with the Magneto/Quicksilver squabble. Good times!

  53. wait,so ultimate magnetos okay with his son penetrating his daughter?

    thats just too weird to describe.
    does he keep it in the family too?
    is that why theyre mutants?
    like some tribes in africa

  54. Tony Stark, the creator of Ironman, ladies and gentlemen. Too drunk to replace the battery down in his basement. What that battery is good for? Well, it's the back-up energy source. (If he were really smart, he'd also have a diesel engine somewh.. oh, we're talking of Tony 'The Booze is my best friend' Stark. Never mind.)

    And some one-liners were really cringeworthy. And someone bring a light bulb (or maybe 27)to the next issues. We really need some light in the panels.

  55. If I understand correctly what "Ultimate " comics are to "Superhero" comics in Marvel univers, than I would really like to see "Ultimate Deadpool"

    The only problem would be: they would have to hire some one clinically insane to write the Deadpool dialogues.

  56. Well, this makes me glad I never even heard of Ultimates O.o I guess I just don't get why it's so wrong for a comic to be fun and a little light at times and not always... eww... anymore.

    Thanks for another great review!

    -Someone whose first Big Two comic purchase was Ultimate Fantastic Four who hopes to all deities they weren't in this mess

  57. @ Scott Andrew McArthur:

    Jeph Loeb was fired from "Heroes" in 2008.

  58. The Amazing Mr Fat AssJanuary 26, 2010 at 12:21 PM

    More hate from Louis Loves Hogs.

    This is getting so boring. Your reviews are heavy on the negative and light on the humor. I mean really, have you ever watched any of your reviews? Bitch, bitch, bitch, whine, whine, whine. Lighten up, it's a freaking COMIC BOOK! I'm soooooo sorry if a COMIC BOOK fails to live up to your elitist standards. Maybe you should give up on comics and stick to reading Shakespeare if you're so fricking critical of everything you read. Truly Louie, if this isn't a character you're playing and this is the real you? You must be a total twat to hang out with in real life. You must have no friends.

    *whine*whine*whine* My cheeseburger didn't have enough cheese!*bitch*bitch*bitch*My soda had too much ice!*moan*moan*moan*

    Ya know, for a guy who likes comic books? You sure don't like how a lot of them are written. Maybe you should just stick to your totally gay power rangers. I mean really, power rangers? You like power rangers in all of it's cheesy glory and you have the nerve to say whether or not a comic book is bad? If you love power rangers so much maybe you should change your slogan to

    "I'M A MAN-CHILD!"

    But what you're really doing Screwy Louie is being very transparent. What you're really saying in these reviews is *whine*whine*whine* It's not fair!*bitch*bitch*bitch* I should be writing comics and not these guys!*moan*moan*moan*

    Grow up or dry up. Quit hating on comics because you're jealous you're not good enough to be in the big leagues. Linkara, my god, you're gonna end up as a cranky old man.

    Oh, and for all of your adoring fan-boys? People, Louie Louie Loo-ow is not your friend. He doesn't even know you're alive or care about you. You want a friend? Go outside, go to a party, talk to people. Maybe then you'll have some real friends and not have to rely on the dream that an over-rated Internet critic is your imaginary friend. Point in fact? Gooey Louie responds a lot more to criticism than he does praise. He only gives a damn when you voice an opinion when he's wrong. His ego can't handle it.

  59. " If I understand correctly what "Ultimate " comics are to "Superhero" comics in Marvel univers, than I would really like to see "Ultimate Deadpool" "

    They did; he appeared in an arc of Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man. Unfortunately, he was just an evil cyborg mutant hunter working for Mojo's lethal reality TV company.

  60. What amuses me, is that The Amazing Mr. Fat Ass' accusations of whinyness are actually more whiny then Linkara's ever been. As I read his rant I could hear it being voiced using Linkara's Superboy Prime voice.

    Now I could stand up for Linkara but he hardly needs me to defend him. In fact I think the fact that he's getting paid for doing something he clearly enjoys is the only defence he needs against sad little people like The Amazing Mr. Fat Ass.

  61. "More hate from Louis Loves Hogs."

    Oooh, insults I got from back when I was in elementary school. Clearly I am in for a battle of wits!

    "This is getting so boring. Your reviews are heavy on the negative and light on the humor."

    I freely admit I didn't think this episode was as good as others and for that I apologize.

    "I mean really, have you ever watched any of your reviews? Bitch, bitch, bitch, whine, whine, whine."

    Yes, it comes with being a CRITIC. You know, someone who specializes in CRITICIZING? And since I specialize in the BAD forms, OF COURSE I'm going to find stuff to complain about.

    "Lighten up, it's a freaking COMIC BOOK! I'm soooooo sorry if a COMIC BOOK fails to live up to your elitist standards. Maybe you should give up on comics and stick to reading Shakespeare if you're so fricking critical of everything you read."

    Comic books are as much a legitimate medium as film, television, literature, etc. And when it's bad there's nothing wrong with me proclaiming it's bad. And you apparently thought it was worth your time to criticize a reviewer on the internet, as if somehow MY show was worthy of your "thoughtful" analysis. And what, pray tell, are these "elitist standards" I seem to be living by? The ability to see what's gonig on in the book? The ability to follow the story without needing a flow chart?

    "Truly Louie, if this isn't a character you're playing and this is the real you? You must be a total twat to hang out with in real life. You must have no friends."

    Again with the grade-school taunts. "You must have no friends!" Clearly I am being shamed by a master! And yes, it IS a character. I don't recall capturing a Pyramid Head with a pokéball in my real life.

    Well, actually there was that one time but that doesn't count.

    "Ya know, for a guy who likes comic books? You sure don't like how a lot of them are written."

    If you had paid attention to the review, you would notice I gave a recommendation right in it for a comic as well as ones that others have liked, but just not me. I've done reviews of good comics, given recommendations, and done a whole video just on various comics people could buy and I've responded to people asking for recommendations.

    "Maybe you should just stick to your totally gay power rangers."

    Ah, using "gay" as an insulting term, nice to see where you stand on such things.

  62. "I mean really, power rangers? You like power rangers in all of it's cheesy glory and you have the nerve to say whether or not a comic book is bad? If you love power rangers so much maybe you should change your slogan to

    "I'M A MAN-CHILD!""

    MY GOD! Liking something from one's past even if they acknowledge that it's cheesy and over-the-top! CLEARLY HE MUST BE SOME SORT OF FREAK.

    As the Spoony One has said, something doesn't have to be good in order to be awesome. The Doom comic, for instance, is terrible, but awesome. But conversely, something bad is not necessarily going to be awesome. Like Ultimates 3, which is not awesome.

    "But what you're really doing Screwy Louie is being very transparent. What you're really saying in these reviews is *whine*whine*whine* It's not fair!*bitch*bitch*bitch* I should be writing comics and not these guys!*moan*moan*moan*"

    Quite an extrapolation of simply giving reasons why something sucks and evaluating them. By that logic, any time someone thinks something is bad they must just be jealous.

    "Grow up or dry up. Quit hating on comics because you're jealous you're not good enough to be in the big leagues. Linkara, my god, you're gonna end up as a cranky old man."

    I should live so long.

    "Oh, and for all of your adoring fan-boys? People, Louie Louie Loo-ow is not your friend. He doesn't even know you're alive or care about you. You want a friend? Go outside, go to a party, talk to people. Maybe then you'll have some real friends and not have to rely on the dream that an over-rated Internet critic is your imaginary friend."

    Yes, I clearly don't realize they're alive, what with me reading every e-mail and every comment sent my way, both on the blog and on TGWTG. Especially damning is how I have to approve every comment, ensuring that I don't miss a single one, even if they're on older videos.

    "Point in fact? Gooey Louie responds a lot more to criticism than he does praise. He only gives a damn when you voice an opinion when he's wrong. His ego can't handle it."

    That is the stupidest bit of logic from you so far, which is saying something. I respond to criticism more because with some I can have thoughtful debate with. Others, like yourself, I respond to because I don't want people to think I'm intimidated by your crap or that it actually gets to me.

    And the reason I don't respond as much to positive comments is simply that it'd get very boring very fast for me to just keep typing "Thanks! I appreciate it!" over and over. My fans know I appreciate them and the fact that they watch my videos. Simply by watching they're supporting me and that's all I ever want of them. Donations and the like are even more appreciated and I'm grateful that they took the time to comment or give me something and I just wish I could do more for them.

    And really, if my ego couldn't handle negative comments, logically wouldn't I just ignore them or make sure they never appeared?


  63. I would read the endgame saga of sonic its a fun and cool story and keep up the good work

  64. You tell 'em, Linkara!

    The best part is that I can clearly "hear" you narrating both sides of the, er, "debate" in my mind. And it is awesome. :-)

  65. Once again, Lewis, your handling of trolls and idiots proves that you are made of win. And a man.

    ... *punches Amazing Mr. Fat Ass*

  66. What's up with Mark Millar and incest? He thought it was hi-larious to make Hulk the patriarch of an incestuous gamma-irradiated family in Old Man Logan.

    Speaking of Old Man Logan, what the hell is up with Mark Millar period? :P

  67. Wow, Nice ownage there Linkara. Plus, you give people hugs at conventions, so you must care about us!

  68. I'm totally with you on the last two comments you just left, Linkara, especially on comics being a legitimate medium for art and expression, which should be held to standards of quality. Granted, nobody bats a thousand. Bad comics would still exist even if everyone in the comic industry gave 110 percent. It's the same as you saying you don't think this video is your best. But you do hold yourself to standards of quality and effort, and that is to be admired. The fact that you are willing to challenge people and companies who don't respect their medium, or are just using it as a way to make money with little effort, and put yourself out in the line-of-fire of people who don't share your opinions (some of whom could benefit from anger management therapy!) is also to be admired.
    You're good at this. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If someone doesn't like your videos, KNOWS he doesn't like your videos, and still chooses to watch them every week just so he can complain about not liking them... well, he is a ding-bat and should be pitied. Your reviews are mostly objective, even if people can't see that through all the caustic humor. The fact that you can dive into so many comics (and games and movies) that you don't like and still review them objectively makes you mature. Most of us are better off avoiding those things, as they tend to turn us into jerks.
    I admire what you do and what you're capable of doing. And, while I freely admit I don't agree with everything you've ever said in your reviews, I think you're indescribably cool. Long live AT4W.

  69. I'll never understand the fans views on the whole Disney buying Marval crap... I mean shouldn't by the same logic blame countdown on WB? WB owns DC you know...

    Well now that I got that little side note out of the system. So 21 espoids till Mekacara sub plot get's it's finalite? Can't wait for that.

    Anything out there that one thinks of as 'icky' can be used right in storytelling. But the twinsest didn't feel right for it to happen between those two characters.

    I'll be on pins and nedals waiting for the next review Link.

    PS sorry for the bad spelling.

  70. I love how this is your two thousand billionth episode, and NOW a guy comes in and pisses and moans about your general reviewing style. Maybe if this were episode one, his comments would be even slightly relevant. However, at this point you have an established fan base, and this guy comes in and criticizes the entire style. This blows my mind.

    Also, going way, way back to my first comment, about how the power is down, except it's maybe not, but there's no backup generator, even though the computer said "main power down..." I didn't even consider it to be strange that the computer was talking despite the power being down. Good call, ShadowWing Tronix. :-D

  71. Honestly Linkara, you shouldn't have even dignified the troll with a response. Everything he says is damning enough without having to explain it.

    Now, I haven't read this comic, so this is going to be largely based on wikipedia "research", but from what I understand, the QS/SW pairing doesn't really contribute that much to the story. Essentially, it works as a catalyst to get Quicksilver to defect - which I think he might've done even if he didn't have some incestuous relationship with her.

    That's what irritates me about it. Incest is something that really isn't discussed or even approached in comics, because it's one of the few taboos left in society. In the case of QS/SW (who I understand were raised together, so it isn't a case of the Westermarck effect not setting in), it could have been used to foster further storylines.

    How would Magneto react, for example? What would Polaris (if she was in this universe) think? How would society in general react? Yet instead of this, it turns out to be, effectively, meaningless. SW dies in the first issue, and apart from QS angsting, it doesn't seem to have any more impact on the story than if there was no incest at all.

    It's really annoying when people miss opportunities to engage in genuinely daring and unusual narratives, and instead use it for gratuitous shock value and "edginess." Now QS/SW are forever tainted by the incest dynamic, as surely as poor Hank Pym is forever associated with wife-beating, and Aquaman with uselessness. Somehow, I get the impression this comic has a lot of such nonsense.

  72. I have watched every one of your videos since you joined team TGWTG, and while I disagreed with you on your take on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Strikes Again I have largely enjoyed and appreciated your reviews. But I stopped watching your Ultimatum review about seven minutes in and will not watch any more of your videos.

    By so casually dismissing 'The Long Halloween' and 'Dark Victory' you have lost all credibility with me. It is not a question of tone or character direction where two comic book geeks can disagree or argue amicably. In teasing Snap Crackle Pop #3 or Doctor Strange vs. Gingervitis or whatever, I could assume or pretend that we were looking for the same things in the realm of high quality. Obviously we are not. Not appreciating the Jeph Loeb / Tim Sale collaborations means that you have an opinion that is not worth me listening to.


  73. Thanks for continuing to note the poor use of inappropriate cheesecake.

    Also? "Lewis Lovhaug" is one of the coolest names about. Just sayin'. Lovhaug!!

  74. "By so casually dismissing 'The Long Halloween' and 'Dark Victory' you have lost all credibility with me. It is not a question of tone or character direction where two comic book geeks can disagree or argue amicably. In teasing Snap Crackle Pop #3 or Doctor Strange vs. Gingervitis or whatever, I could assume or pretend that we were looking for the same things in the realm of high quality. Obviously we are not. Not appreciating the Jeph Loeb / Tim Sale collaborations means that you have an opinion that is not worth me listening to. "

    You're of course free to feel that way, but that seems a bit of an overreaction just because I personally didn't get the same response to it that you did. I'm not saying that the Long Halloween, Dark Victory, or the like are BAD, simply that I didn't enjoy them after reading them. I'm seriously not allowed to have a different opinion on this?

    Now if it's because I didn't go more in-depth of my opinion on it and was too "casual" about it, well I'll just say I was trying to get to the review, since it was taking a while to get started. And I'd like to think that I've been more fair to Loeb than others have been, since I've seen people who refuse to purchase or read anything associated with his name.

    But still, like I said, that's fine and at least your thoughts on it were more well-constructed than simply saying I'm jealous of professional writers. XD

    On that note, just want to remind my fans that I love ya all and I always appreciate it when you do watch my stuff, since I don't say it nearly enough. ^^

  75. Yikes, a lot of hate here. :(

    Well put though, Lewis. :)

  76. @The Amazing Mr Fat Ass

    Woah woah woah. Dude, do you need a hug?
    Maybe an MST3K quote is in order:
    Repeat to yourself "It's just a show, I should really just relax."

    And Link, I'm with Taranaich on this one; you don't have to defend yourself so eloquently against the trolls. Or at all, for that matter. We already know you're made of win.

  77. Harvey, I have to say that's a hell of an overreaction. I've had scrums and arguments with plenty of people over countless issues, but I would never dismiss their opinions no matter how strongly we disagree on something.

    It's a shame you're so fundamentally unable to get past Linkara's dismissal of a comic you obviously hold in high esteem, that you can't acknowledge anything else he says as a result.

  78. Lewis.
    Why don't you just ignore hatecomments?
    It's nice that you show them, because now I know that I got insultet by a random stranger on the internet for liking your show. So what?

    Not every episode can be amazing, you are a human after all. And he don't like it. Again, so what?

  79. "Lewis.
    Why don't you just ignore hatecomments?
    It's nice that you show them, because now I know that I got insultet by a random stranger on the internet for liking your show. So what?"

    Because he also insulted you guys. Plus it's good to keep my mind sharp and focused and deconstructing the works of morons is good practice.

  80. I saw the first issue of Ultimates 1 on Marvel's site when they had it for free, and I didn't like it. It was dark and "grim and gritty" for my taste. Everything I've seen about the series since has done nothing to change my mind. Hulk as a sex-crazed cannibal? Really? At least Blob kept his pants on thankyougod. I SHOULD be in interested in Ultimate Iron Man, but they lost me at "Tony Stark's body is essentially one big brain." How does that even work?

    On the other hand, I really liked the two animated movies vaguely based on the Ultimates. Ultimate Avengers was fun, action packed, and still had the concepts of Ulitmates that worked when the execution should have been executed. As in terminated.

  81. Well, I disagreed with your analysis on "Long Halloween." I thought it was a very good story-arc, though the "surprise reveal" at the end threw the murder mystery out of whack and seemed like it was just thrown in there for shock value. Still, overall it's pretty good. But hey, it's all a matter of personal taste.

    Also, I want to apologize for trying to introduce "Venom Bukakke" into the Channel Awesome & Affiliates lexicon. Hopefully this has not put any unpleasant images into peoples' heads.

  82. Linkara said...

    "Plus it's good to keep my mind sharp and focused and deconstructing the works of morons is good practice."

    oh yeah, anyone who disagrees or doesn't like you is a moron. Maybe fat ass was right, you do seem to have an ego problem.

    you know, it is possible to be a critic and not be an asshole who pisses over something people may like. just saying.

  83. @BloodieSharpie

    I know that we can post our theories on the forum, but that's the thing. At the risk of sounding very cocky, I'm pretty sure I have a solid idea of where Linkara's going with this, and have been writing up an elaborate theory which at this point is entering the 5th page on Word. (Yes, I'm really that much of a loser)

    The reason I want to email Lewis is because as I said, it's really elaborate, and I don't want to put him in a position where I mention something that could give away a key part of the story, or point out something other people may not have noticed. I know it sounds confusing, but I'm sure Lewis will be able to explain it better than I could once I finish it up today. I'm turning this into a long post anyway.


    Your email is correct? Or is there a different one I should send it to.

  84. You should totally review Lobo the Duck. It was so bad that they removed it from Canon in the Amalgam Universe. All the killing in it. And seriously Lobo combined with Howard the Duck, What were they thinking.

  85. As to the review,
    It was funny, But i did not have any laugh out load moments. Still Good Job.
    K, I don't like to respond to negative comments my self, but i just wanna say this to the Ronnie guy,

    The "moron" In question, did act rather moronically in my oppinion.
    His entire message was insults, Rather than criticism, And not even very Good insults.
    I have seen Linkara respond to many messages, Including Negative comments. When the commenter supplies his side of things, If he does so in a respetive, Constructive way Linkara generally replies the same.
    However if the reply just to say that he sucks, And hurl random, Childish insults, Linkara responds to them perhaps harshly, But with logical, And thought out criticism.

    As to "Pissing over" somthing somone may like, He... Never really did that.
    He simply gave his oppinion, in a realatively comedic fashion, whilst useing actual reasoning and logic to represent his oppinions.

    , I like Spoony, And i think FF7 was one of his best reviews.... Guess what? I'm an FF7 fan. But i still found his review funny.
    Now that that is out of the way, I shall post wye i come here,
    Aside from manga, I am not much into comic style books. Wye do i watch Linkara?
    1.I think, He in himself is a realitivly cool guy, And his reviews make me laugh, Even if i don't know much about the subject matter.
    2.Recon for Dr..... Erm... Nevermind reason 2.

    Keep up the good work Lewis.

  86. Linkara,

    If I may as be so bold to inject just a small observation to the proceedings here, I would like to offer the following constructive criticism.

    After enjoying some of your earlier works, I didn't really notice that much hate mail directed towards your efforts. Indeed, it seemed you were quite the Internet darling if you will, which is rare.

    But I also noticed a change in your attitude from the earlier ones to the ones being done today. With all due respect, many of your latter reviews just seem so mean and condescending. Perhaps you don't mean them to but that's the way it's coming off, you've sort of lost the 'tongue-in-cheek' aspect.

    I believe that's why you're experiencing the sort of backlash you're feeling now. Just as you said of the Power Rangers, some (not all) of what you review come from some of your viewer's past. Yes, it may indeed be cheesy but it holds a special spot in their minds and hearts and lo and behold, here you come to lift your leg on it. Of course you're going to anger some people in doing that. Just as you took offense when that troll took a potshot at the Power Ranger, some folk take the same offense when you take potshots at their fave properties or writers.

    Yes, you are a critic and I know you have to make your reviews entertaining. I know it's also the current style of reviewing now to bash something relentlessly. But it's a fine between being funny and being mean, and only the talented ones know how to walk it. I know you have enough talent to be funny Linkara.


  87. There's a difference between criticising something on one's blog and on someone else's blog though, Scarecrow. Saying negative things in a critical review in one's own space isn't on the same level as going to someone else's space and telling them their opinions are wrong.

    I might agree that Linkara reviews have got a little meaner or more cynical but the criticism is also usually valid - he doesn't just piss all over things, as you suggest.

  88. I quite enjoyed that episode. Haven't read all the comments but I did read your taking apart of that other guys overlong post. I love stuff like that. ^^

    To add something on topic:
    I'm also a big fan of Hush, I'd even go as far and say it's my favourite Batman book of all time. Long Halloween was nice, but I prefer the more modern kind of Batman story where his whole arsenal and back-ups come into play.
    It was also Hush which made me appreciate and follow Loeb as a writer. So far I haven't read anything from him I didn't like, but I might find something sooner or later.
    I live in Germany, so I'm always roughly a year behind on comics here. Ultimatum just came out and I only read the Spider-Man issues so I can't really say anything about it. But I'm already looking forward to your review. :)

    Let me just finish with that I still enjoy watching the show. You're doing a great job here Lewis. Please continue.

    P.S.: the Tony Stark voice was hilarious. xD

  89. I would read the endgame saga of sonic its a fun and cool story and keep up the good work

    Endgame was okay, but was a bit convoluted and does have some haters. Though Lewis, if you do decide to give Endgame a try (issues #47-#50), for the love of all things, read the special comic "Sonic #50: The Director's Cut" instead of issue #50. See, the 50th issue was originally written to be 40 pages. Unfortunately, the writer was then forced to cut it down to 27 pages. Needless to say, losing almost a third of the story made the end result be quite confusing, with things just coming out of nowhere and a lot of things not really making sense. The "Director's Cut" special went according to the original script, had the things that were cut out, and worked much, much better.

    Now, while Sonic the Hedgehog had its bad points, all long-running comics have their ups and downs. If you're looking for the downs, it's tough to find agreement on which were the bad portions and which were the good portions of the comic, but it seems virtually universal that issues #150-#159 were a bad time for the comic.

  90. @ Scarecrow: (I don't find your comment poorly worded or badly intended, just to be clear--I'm just throwing my 2 cents in the ring.)

    I don't see any increase in meanness in Linkara's reviews. o.o; He states several times that what he voices is just his opinion, leaving everyone plenty of room to disagree with him, as he's always done in his reviews.

    The only difference I see is that now he's tackling some material that's more "famous" or "popular"--and for some reason, this really bothers people much more than him bashing on what we can ALL agree are "bad" comics. But, the comedic timing hasn't changed, the interludes haven't changed, and he hasn't really changed.

    I mean, if someone was making fun of something out of my childhood/that I thought was good (and they have), it still wouldn't turn me into a simpering fangirl. There's really no cause to get fanboy/fangirl huffy over a difference of opinion--especially when the pointed out flaws ARE funny. So... I'm not quite sure how he's bringing it on himself, beyond the fact that no one can please everyone all the time?

    That all being said, I reiterate that I don't see an increased meanness in the reviews. An increased... seriousness, perhaps, but not meanness.


    Linkara, being someone totally afraid of decades of continuity, I can attest that something like the Ultimates would appeal to me. Granted, I did read SOME form of comic (began and still am a manga reader) so I would've caught wind of the advertisement easily enough.

    You also have me very, very afraid of the Ultimatum review whenever it comes out. For so many reasons.

    My favorite line: OH MY GOD HE ATE TOO MUCH PUDDING. Died laughing. Keep on keepin' on.

  91. Heh, this one had me in stitches. Goddamn, this thing is a piece of crap.

    Speaking of crap, did you ever continue your endless parade of crapping on Dark Knight Strikes Again?

  92. QUicksilver: this sort of thing would appeal to you because you're a manga reader. A manga series is generally written by one author or author team for its entire duration, and has a definite beginning, sequence, and (eventually) ending, without crossovers to other series (there are a handful of exceptions to that last rule). If you're not used to the more free-flowing style of American comic books, it's bewildering to begin.

    I managed to find a way into the DC universe with Gotham Central (though I did some backtracking to read No Man's Land and later Crisis on Infinite Earths), but I've yet to find one for the Marvel universe. The Ultimate series, from all I've heard of it (and not just here, but in many other nerd-oriented forums), does not sound promising.

    So I guess I'll ask: Linkara, what's a good place to jump into the Marvel universe? If nothing else, I so want to read Deadpool.

  93. "Linkara said...

    "Plus it's good to keep my mind sharp and focused and deconstructing the works of morons is good practice."

    oh yeah, anyone who disagrees or doesn't like you is a moron. Maybe fat ass was right, you do seem to have an ego problem.

    you know, it is possible to be a critic and not be an asshole who pisses over something people may like. just saying."

    Oh, for the love of...

    I just don't understand the thought processes of some people. They can misinterpret anything.

  94. @ 日本文化のマニアック:

    Oh, I definitely agree with you! Starting off in manga definitely shapes my perceptions of how a plot line and such are supposed to go, and in some ways I still prefer manga BECAUSE it's just one story as seen by one author/artist/team. (Lord, when I picked up my first American comic I went crazy trying to figure out how I was going to find the beginning of the story. Still adjusting to the idea of changing artists and such too.) Another aspect of manga to contrast to the American market is that what's canon is pretty easily marked off, what with doujinshi and all.

    However, I find the ways that characters evolve in American comics through the various ages fasctinating, and that's something that's pretty unique to it. I also like, to a certain extent, that there are lots and lots of stories--if you don't like one, it's okay because there's more out there with a character you like that'll probably appeal to you. It gets confusing for me because I don't know what should be considered "canon" or not, but a visual timeline would probably break my brain.

  95. I absolutely love everything Linkara has ever done, and I've been watching his videos for a full year, but he didn't care for one particular comic book that I cared for, therefore I can never watch anymore of his videos, ever.

    ...Wow. Seriously? Seriously?

    Also, responding to 715, who said:

    "Ult Venom doesn't talk like that in fact he's like 16 here yeah."

    What? For the third time, now, DAMN IT, ULTIMATE UNIVERSE!

    And don't give me any garbage about how the host is not Eddie Brock, and therefore maybe saying "I" works. The symbiote is an entity, and both Eddie and Cletus Kasady said "we." This is very disappointing.

  96. Seriously Venom getting the push over like that was just annoying and they haven't really gone into that plot much. Just gang banging Parker and interacting him for what five six seconds doesn't count as "Going in to plot".

    Seriously Did they have to kill off venom????
    Freeking annoying
    I love venom
    Just to see him wiped out like that is a little disappointing.

  97. *sigh* Sometimes, I wonder why I want to try and get into the review shtick, myself.

    I remember back when I was positing amateur reviews on the GameInformer boards, and I got similar flack for giving my opinion that Fable (the game, not the comic) was lackluster and boring, and that Revenge of the Sith was just as bad as the other two Star Wars prequels. I guess in cases like these, it's either the general consensus or nothing.

    I will say this, though; your wit in dealing with these kinds of idiots are miles beyond what I usually do.

  98. @Lotus Prince

    Actually, Carnage usually said "I" instead of "we", due to being bonded more closely to his symbiote than Venom ever was. It really also has a lot to do with the personality of the host. Eddie saw the symbiote as a partner, so referred to Venom as "we". Eddie saw his symbiote as a part of him, and thus used "I". The current canonical Venom is actually Mac Gargan (AKA The Scorpion), and he also usually refers to himself in the first person singular, as he sees the Venom symbiote as more of a tool than anything else.

    Just sayin'. ^_~

  99. I remember back when I was positing amateur reviews on the GameInformer boards, and I got similar flack for giving my opinion that Fable (the game, not the comic) was lackluster and boring, and that Revenge of the Sith was just as bad as the other two Star Wars prequels. I guess in cases like these, it's either the general consensus or nothing.

    Yahtzee said that Fable was lackluster and boring and as a result got a (presumably well-paying) job at The Escapist for it. Confused Matthew made a three-part video review of why he thought Revenge of the Sith sucked (nine parts if you count his reviews of the first two prequel movies) and he seems to have achieved a decent degree of popularity, though I find his reviews to be extremely hit-and-miss. In any case, a lot comes down to how you say it.

    Oh, and I should add that if you are looking for a bad Sonic comic to rip through, the "Super Sonic Special #15" (which contains the stories "Naugus Games" and "Sonic Spin City") is a good one. Naugus Games has art so bad the artist(s) are credited under a pseudonym, and Sonic Spin City is basically supposed to be a Sin City spoof in a family friendly comic, so you can guess how well that worked. Neither one requires too much a grasp of continuity, so that might be a good one to review. Just be sure you don't come after the rest of the comic series too hard because of it.

  100. Man, I can't take this anymore. Your reviews are getting worse and worse. I have FALLEN ASLEEP during two of them. Your editing is atrocious and you don't get to the point. I used to look forward to your reviews but now I can't stand them. I used to defend you from haters but now I have to agree. You're pretentious, obnoxious, and this whole series is really becoming a train wreck.

  101. "Man, I can't take this anymore. Your reviews are getting worse and worse. I have FALLEN ASLEEP during two of them. Your editing is atrocious and you don't get to the point. I used to look forward to your reviews but now I can't stand them. I used to defend you from haters but now I have to agree. You're pretentious, obnoxious, and this whole series is really becoming a train wreck."

    ...What's wrong with my editing?

  102. One wonders if Zen of Thunder isn't bitching about Linkara's reviews simply for the sake of bitching about something?

  103. Oh dear. This comic is all kinds of disturbing. Looking forward to your thoughts on the following issues.

    I kind of have a little nitpick that you seem to be overusing the gag (?) of using a single song that's relevant to a line of dialogue/event in the story. It was cute and humorous the first couple of times, but perhaps you should space it out more for a while? It feels a bit stale in this video.

    However, that's just my opinion, and it was a good review, as always, otherwise.

  104. "I kind of have a little nitpick that you seem to be overusing the gag (?) of using a single song that's relevant to a line of dialogue/event in the story. It was cute and humorous the first couple of times, but perhaps you should space it out more for a while? It feels a bit stale in this video."

    You're quite right, but it's one of those cases where I want to have music for the title card and end credits and I'd prefer the music to be relevant to the review in some way. ^^;

  105. You could easily cut out a lot of this stuff. That's what's wrong with the editing. The episodes drag on and on.

    I'm not bitching for the sake of bitching, I'm criticizing something that needs criticizing. Like Linkara does.

  106. ZenOfThunder said...

    "I used to defend you from haters but now I have to agree. You're pretentious, obnoxious, and this whole series is really becoming a train wreck."

    Sadly, I agree with ZenOfThunder :(

    I used to think the haters were just trolling or spouting off, but now I see what they saw.

    I don't think I'll be watching anymore. At4w just isn't fun anymore, it's just mean.

  107. "You could easily cut out a lot of this stuff. That's what's wrong with the editing. The episodes drag on and on."

    Well, I've pointed out the reiteration of "Bang Bang" that I probably should have cut, but what else?

    "I'm not bitching for the sake of bitching, I'm criticizing something that needs criticizing. Like Linkara does."

    Well, when you call me pretentious and obnoxious it probably needs some expanding on instead of just sounding like trolling. ^^;

    "I don't think I'll be watching anymore. At4w just isn't fun anymore, it's just mean."

    ...Mean to who? I've seen forums that actively call for Loeb's head and call him hateful names for his writing, even from before Ultimates 3 came out.

  108. Before watching 'Atop The 4th Wall', please observe the following rules:

    Rule #1: Linkara is always right, even when he is wrong. No matter how much logic you display, you are still wrong for Linkara is always right.

    Rule #2: When Linkara criticizes something, he's expressing his opinion. When you criticize Linkara, it's trolling.

    Rule #3: No comic is good until Linkara says it's good.

    Rule #4: Semi-nude women will be the downfall of western civilization. There is no greater threat.

    Rule #5: 'Revolution of the Mask' is the greatest comic story ever. Even better than 'Watchmen'.

    Rule #6: DC is better than Marvel.

    Rule #7: Begin each comment with "Great review Linkara!" and end with "I agree with you completely".


    Rule #9: Linkara's editting skills are superior to many Oscar winners.

    and finally, Rule #10: Nothing is funnier than the same one liners and gags said over and over and over and over again.

    Observe these rules and there will be a minimum of flaming by Linkara's fans and you reduce your chances to get a tongue lashing from the hatted man himself.

    Have fun!

  109. "Rule #1: Linkara is always right, even when he is wrong. No matter how much logic you display, you are still wrong for Linkara is always right."


    "Rule #2: When Linkara criticizes something, he's expressing his opinion. When you criticize Linkara, it's trolling."

    See Rule 1.

    "Rule #3: No comic is good until Linkara says it's good."

    If I fail to mention a comic, it means that it does not exist and you made it up!

    "Rule #4: Semi-nude women will be the downfall of western civilization. There is no greater threat."

    Battle armor for all!

    "Rule #5: 'Revolution of the Mask' is the greatest comic story ever. Even better than 'Watchmen'."

    I wipe the floor with Alan Moore's beard!

    "Rule #6: DC is better than Marvel."

    Amazons Countdown of Infinite Worlds at War is the Citizen Kane of our time!

    "Rule #7: Begin each comment with "Great review Linkara!" and end with "I agree with you completely"."

    Also accepted: I humbly request that my lord and master accept my offerings of gratitude for entertaining me!


    Go back to your Masked Rider and your Beetleborgs, non-believers!

    "Rule #9: Linkara's editting skills are superior to many Oscar winners."

    The only reason Jaws won that year was because of BRIBERY!

    "and finally, Rule #10: Nothing is funnier than the same one liners and gags said over and over and over and over again."

    I shall run all catchphrases into the ground AND THEN KEEP GOING!

  110. Psh, Linkara's too cool for haters.

  111. Re: Linkara's last comment
    Really, just ignore them. You don't need to keep proving yourself by answering to them.

    Personally, I liked this week's review, and found it rather funny. Last week's? Not so much. I thought a lot of his criticisms were shallow, but I knew that comments aren't a great place to get into an argument about the perpetuation of class in America.

    As far as I see it, nobody can bat a thousand, and I don't really see a trend in Linkara's reviews either better or worse. Some weeks he's off, most weeks he's on. If you hate his stuff, just stop watching.

    Btw, I really do want to know a good place to get into Marvel.

  112. Links for the Link-God, comics for the Comic Throne? I think you need a better angle (or at least a better name than Link-God) if you're going to set yourself up as a deity.

    Until then, I'll stick to "Blood for the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne, watch Atop the Fourth Wall already!"

  113. "I wipe the floor with Alan Moore's beard!"


    That one was pretty good. I'm still laughing while typing this.

  114. Just goes to show that the moment a critic goes after something some people actually like, he or she gets ruthlessly bashed. How many of the more negative comments would have appeared if Linkara had left out any mention of "Long Halloween" or "Hush"? FYI, I liked these two storylines.

    I'm pretty sure there's a Trope covering that.

    Honestly, I actually find it more interesting when Linkara reviews and criticizes comics that I did enjoy because I know the material firsthand and I like hearing someone else' take on it, so long as they aren't bashing me for liking it (which Linkara doesn't).

  115. I'm wondering how many of these negative comments only appeared because Linkara dared to admit that he didn't enjoy "Hush" or "The Long Halloween". FYI, I enjoyed these works but I can also see why Linkara might not.

    Maybe the commentators believe Linkara is bashing Loeb himself, which would be in poor form given everything that's happened to the poor guy. But that's not the case here.

    Honestly, I didn't detect any more venom in this review than in the rest of them. It certainly doesn't approach the sheer soul consuming hatred of his Amazons Attack and Countdown reviews. The only differences being that almost everyone can agree that these stories were bad and their writers haven't been through horrible personal tragedies.

  116. "@Lotus Prince

    Actually, Carnage usually said "I" instead of "we", due to being bonded more closely to his symbiote than Venom ever was."

    SON OF A

    Well, shows how good my memory of Maximum Carnage was. :-P

    Responding to ZenofThunder:

    "You could easily cut out a lot of this stuff. That's what's wrong with the editing. The episodes drag on and on."

    Uh, content is just a little bit different from editing. Linkara's editing consists mainly of cutting from him to the comic panels and back. It's pretty much impossible to screw up something like that.

  117. 日本文化のマニアック - few suggestions (I don't have time right now, so look at the wiki to find which issues):
    - Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon
    - Thunderbolts by Warren Ellis
    - Daredevil vol.2 (except for idiotic Bob Gale's story)
    - The Amazing Spider-Man by Joe Michael Straczynski
    - Avengers by Geoff Johns
    - New Avengers by Brian Bendis
    - Incredible Hulk by Greg Pak
    - Incredible Hercules by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente
    - X-Factor by Peter David
    - Fantastic Four by Mark Waid
    - Captain America by Ed Brubaker

  118. Jeez, now I'm really starting to wonder if being a reviewer online is worth it. So the guy doesn't like some of Loeb's more famous stuff, so what? There's plenty of stuff I disagree with people Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever being a decent action popcorn flick (as in that's what I think it is, not what the general consensus is). Hell, the way he worded it, it sounded like he found stuff about The Long Halloween that he enjoyed, just not enough to recommend it to anyone. Seriously, what about his statements are so vitriolic that you guys are automatically discounting him in droves as a hateful comic snob?

  119. Since I'm not really able to follow what's going on in the regular Marvel Universe, I like the idea behind the Ultimate world.
    I've read a few episodes of USM, but didn't like it. The first time aunt May and uncle Ben irritated me so much.
    But I liked the USM game :)
    I really liked the Ultimate Iron Man, maybe not every single idea, but the art and writing were good.

    About the Ultimates, I liked most of it. And it's a masterpiece compared to the Ultimatum. I mean the parts written by Millar.
    One thing that bothered me the most was the Hulk. Besides that, it was cool.

  120. Well I agree but I think the collection should have more info then it has.

  121. Actually, I'm curious how the video matters at all. (I'm also curious why the mansion robots are staring at it, but one rant at a time.) In this comicbook world of Jetpack Hitler and time-traveling gorillas...shouldn't it be easy to fake a superhero sextape? I imagine there's a huge market for fake superhero porn in the Ultimate Universe just like the LulzPhotoShop Brigade has exploited the real world's huge market for celebrity porn faking. (And honestly they've gotten quite good at their fakes by now. Many of them might pass for real to mere naked-eye inspection.) Only the implements for such things in Ultimates would be even more advanced with holograms and god-knows-what. Tony Stark and the Black Widow having sex in full video? Dime a dozen on the Ultimate Universe Internet.

    ****ing creators don't think their stuff through I swear...

    Wait. Wait. That's Hawkeye? That's not a random Warhammer 40k Space Marine in Mark VI "Corvus" armor? (Affectionately referred to by players as "Beakie" armor.) Really? Are we absolutely sure? See? He's a Beakie. The other dude is Hawkeye, but that first one is definitely a Beakie.

    Incest story...okay screw it. I don't care. I don't go in for morality judgements. However, you two better not have kids. Adopt instead.

    I know you said the coloring was bad, but...dear god. The coloring was BAD. To that I'd add the background work. I have a high tolerance for coloring. I have a high tolerance for low-quality backgrounds. I was okay with Pitt's backgrounds. They looked like something or evoked something or whatever. But the backgrounds here are these crazy washed-out nonsense whiskey tango foxtrotry and everything even in the original book (I checked, that's why it took me so long to review the review) that make the rest of the world seem out of focus and blurry and that's a really bad tactic for a superhero story.

    Huh. Guess my admonishment to them not to have kids doesn't matter any more. (Also the hole through the hand; I'm strongly reminded of a scene from the first episode of Darker Than Black 2 where two people with superpowers face of. One's a speedster. The other can call rain. Sounds open and shut? Hit some raindrops while going hypersonic and see how you like it.)

    Mystique clearly thought this was a panty raid, not a commando raid...oh god. I'm sorry. I'll never do that again.

    They've been drawing a lot of people with red noses in this comic. I think it's supposed to be illustrative of the fact it's cold out.

    Hey! Mystique/Black Widow nipples! Thanks for keeping it classy, Marvel! (Okay here's your catchphrase back. Use it in good health.)

    Hawkeye's not actually in this comic. The Beakie's going to take his place. Hawkeye is auditioning for Youngblood while still on the set of Ultimates.

    Well, to be fair, it's a multi-national billion-dollar company with ties to government by a guy who wears a garbage can. At least Magneto's only got one on his head. He's also not trashed nearly as much...

  122. Lets see:
    1. blonde and busty with a skin-tight costume
    2. long sword
    3. rarely any appearance in the book
    Linkara, this isn't Ultimate Valkyrie; this is UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie.
    Show of hands, who wants Kira Vincent-Davis in this comic

  123. I say you should have done a dx joke when Sabertooth told cap to suck it, partly because of the line, partly due to his resemblance to triple h

  124. I disagree with you sir, on the quality of the writing, and the plot of the Ultimates series. But, again, I'm a fan of the modern age of comics and don't wistfully pine for the 80s anymore, because Stan Lee ain't the Man anymore.

    I was a fan of the Authority while Millar and Ellis were running the show. I'm a Mark Millar fan through and through. I also like Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, and Keith Giffen and Simon Bisley.

    Which means, that Ultimates hits me in the right area to get me to buy books.

    Though, in recent weeks, I've been getting back into Silver Age comics and the vibe of the Silver Age again, even going as far as to watch old episodes of the Batman show for some good old fashioned good versus evil.

    Going from a re-read of Secret Wars to the Ultimates, it's like getting kicked in the stomach after eating a piece of birthday cake.

    I like the Ultimates, but you're exactly right about the tone.

    And, I disagree with your opinion, but as always like your videos, sir.


  125. Hey, I love the comic world but I don't "read" comics because everytime I pick up an issue of something Its issue 1million of it and I hate starting things from the middle so the Ultimate universe was amazing for me to see and a breath of fresh air. But just recently I will start reading "normal" series comics mostly Green lantern cause I wanna see was the hubbub is about Blackest Night, which looks awesome, but before a porked over 30 bucks I had to do research and how comic's work with innervating series, and your review of Amazons Attack and wiki pages helped me out, so I guess thank you.

  126. Hey Linkara.

    I've been rewatching your old vids when I noticed something. In this review you said that there were parts of Watchmen you didn't like. I'm not flaming, I know that everyone has there own tastes and nothing on this Earth is flawless. I am curious though, what exactly are your critisms of Watchmen?

  127. "Perhaps I am am locked away, and this is all an illusion."

    *rolls eyes*

    I hate it when comics try to be "deep". It just doesn't work. Whenever I see that stuff in superhero comics all I can think is "BE MORE INTERESTING!"

  128. Man this was hilarious. I'm eager to see some of your other videos. I see you've done some on Power Rangers, oh boy. I can only imagine.

    Btw I think Stark made that comment because Blob was in the kitchen and therefor he made a dining joke. I know it doesn't make up for it but I understand why the joke was made.

    Last but not least I prefer the old Valkyrie costume better. Not because I'm some nostalgia freak (because I'm not) but because it looks better IMO.

  129. The first time I watched this I didn't know much about comics or the Ultimate Universe, and my takeaway of this episode was "this looks stupid and violent." Now that it's been a while and I know more, my takeaway from this episode was "WHY ARE YOU GUYS WATCHING THIS IN FRONT OF HAWKEYE?" I don't understand why they have to all watch it all but even if they do, seriously, they couldn't wait until the guy whose wife and kids were murdered by one of the participants in the sex tape went home before they pulled it up on the big screen? No wonder he's crazy.

  130. now to state a opinion despite it being over three years since this was posted. hey at least i am acknowledging it.

    actually a public image can be very important to a hero. while it shouldn't be omniimportant or something, protecting people becomes much more difficult if they do not trust you. if someone thought superman was a dangerous, sexual deviant, people would be terrified of him. it is hard to try to rescue a woman from a fire if she thinks you are going to harm her, and in such a situation she would not have her head on straight to begin with.

    i do not care for the ultimate comics. while to be god honest, i like the idea behind it. the retelling of an origin can lead to many new stories as well. create a new wolrd and give the people within it a new start. look at the dc animated universe for example. it was pretty damn awesomem and it kinda follows that idea of a new start.
    in that sense i like the idea of opening up a new world for the reader to explore while still sustaining the old one.
    however i was totally against several of the changes. to this day i have to raise my eyebrow in immense puzzlement about why they made ultiamte collossus gay. i am not agaisnt gay character, i am agaisnt turning originally straight people gay. if they wanted a gay metal person, they should have created a new character.
    i also had issue with the origin of venom and carnage. on one hand, i do appreciate it to a point, as it made them far more personal and thus more deadly foes fro spiderman, fighting what he father made. however i cannot accept the idea that the suites were jsut mindless monsters. one of the great things about venom is that there is a psychology to him. the bond between the symbiote and his host is addicting to both sides, a warped kind of affection and closeness. all of that lost in the new monsters.
    i am not acknowleding the existence of ultimatum. it would take me decades to list those mistakes.

    to be honest i think a series could potentionally benefit to having two different realities in their comics. it gives one a few new options ehre and there. however it seems to be comic books are not one of those, as too many different people have to work with the same character at once some times, and thigns get messy after that.
    the all star series i think failed largely because of frank miller's version of batman. while i will admit i read some allstar superman, and it was good, it could do little to obscure THAT abomination.

  131. and the brother, sister incest thing is...... ick. however i can see it could have potential as a story element.

    my moto is that if you want to have a incest filled romance going on, CREATE some god damn characters taht have this unnerving dynamic. or even create a REASON for it beyond just lust or a warped perception of a relationship. then again knowing marvel and its current state, they would probably just kill them off for kicks first chance they got.

  132. The Pym turning evil thing is actually made as an homage/retread of a mainstream storyline where he sicced a robot on the Avengers to regain their trust when he defeated it (essentially Syndrome's plan from the Incredibles), but it's a pretty big leap from "manipulative plan brought on from untreated bipolar disorder that would have ultimately resulted in no one being hurt" to "joining up with terrorists and willingly almost killing your significant other".


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