Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let's Play Elite Force Parts 13 and 14

After the crap from yesterday, time for something happy. Enjoy the long-awaited conclusion to the Let's Play!


  1. Oh yeah, I always like a dose of awesomeness from ENSIGN MUNROOOE! Thanks for posting these, Lewis.

  2. About time your crew left you; they were practically no help anyway.

    Also, kind of off-topic question but, will we see ENSIGN MUNROOOOE in your review of Star Trek/X-Men #1? :D

  3. Holy heck, Rino Romano? Have you seen his profile at Wikipedia? The guy was friggin' BATMAN.

  4. I know you couldn't possibly have planned it, but at the beginning it feels like you're really bummed out by yesterday's "event", then get snapped out of your funk by more rant-inducing stupidity from the game :-)

    Hope to see more Let's Play episodes and, of course, Ensign MUNROOOO!

  5. Haha.. when I heard the laughter at the end I thought it was edited in there for comedic effect for a second..

  6. This was an awesome let's play and really funny.

    I hope you do another and hopefully its the sequel.

    Also, i cant believe u didnt make a joke about how ENSIGN MUNROOOOOO! had the same voice as the kidswb Batman

  7. Well worth the wait, Linkara. I love these Lets plays.

  8. An excellent conclusion to a truly hilarious playthrough.
    BTW, since you said Munroew will return, then does that mean you're going to do a Let's Play of Elite Force 2?

  9. from what i can guess at the end of the video, will you be doing elite force 2?

    if so, then awesome!

    EF2 is my favorite one of the star trek games.

  10. My goodness that boss took a good long beating. I'd be bored stiff with a tedious boss like that.

    The space condom comment made the irn bru I was drinking come out of my nose. It stung like hell, but I was too busy laughing to care at that point. I think you should be proud of that... maybe...

    And I might of misheard you, but in the final part during the boss battle I could've sworn you... well, swore. The s word me thinks. But I found "crap in a basket" way funnier. XD

  11. Yay! Finaly! Been waiting for this a really long time. Good to finaly see ENSIGN MUNROOOOOOOOOOUUUUUE kick some ass again, alien vacum cleaner football ass, non the less. And I agree, what's the point of invisible bridges?

  12. Glad to see this awesome Let's Play finally get finished! Linkara, any chance of some t-shirts in the future that say "I am Ensign MUNROOOOOOOOOOOO"? That would be so awesome.

  13. "Lieutnenant Munroe WILL return!"

    And the sooner the better.

  14. I know everybody's going to say this, but...
    "I am Ensign Munroe and I AM A MAN!" <3

  15. Aw, it's over already?

    Are you ever planning on doing another Let's Play? This was very entertaining, and Let's Plays usually arn't my thing!

    Great job as always, Lewis/Linkara!

  16. That climactic battle made Halo 3's look like a child's game!
    So...........are you doing the sequel? If not, okay, I can cope, but if you are, YES!

  17. Weirdly enough, after seeing a number of these installments I suddenly thought... "The voice for Ensign Munroe in the game sounds familiar.... Oh my god it's BATMAN!" Seriously, I think the guy voicing Munroe is the some guy who voiced Batman/Bruce Wayne in "The Batman" animated series (not to be confused with the far superior "Batman: The Animated Series"). Do I get geek points?

  18. Everyone brings up Batman, but he was also the voice of Spider-Man in the underrated Unlimited cartoon and in at least two video games. He's often the voice I think of when I think of Spider-Man.

  19. Rino Romano also voiced Edwardo in EXTREME Ghostbusters, and he kicked ass in that role.

    I noticed that the Vorsyth leader mentioned he was created by the "Ancient Ones", and based on his appearance, it led me to wonder; were they trying to tie in the Cthulhu mythos with Star Trek? I know they did it with Doctor Who, but not Trek.

  20. @James: Actually my first thought was of the Ancients from Stargate.

  21. Even if you don't LP Elite Force 2, You should keep doing some game related material. It makes for good variety, and frankly, I can't get enough Linkara...

  22. I'm surprised that you didn't make an "It's only a flesh wound joke!" in response to the end boss' laughable "This is only a minor set back!" line.

  23. I just watched the whole thing...thank god I had nothing better to do

  24. Finally! We get to see the awesomeness of ENSIGN MUNROOOOOO! without those useless teammates. I mean, who needs things like teammates? All Ensign Munro needs is his GUN!!!

    Besides, they were just in your way sir.

    Looking forward to more Munro and hopefully more LPs.

  25. Ah, what better way to kick off the weekend than with ENSIGN-er, LIEUTENANT MUNROOOOOOOOO! It's been a great LP, I hope you do a new one soon! :D

  26. Who, those aliens wished they were Reapers

  27. That was great! I hope that you will do a LP on the sequel.

  28. "Fear this, BITCH!"

    "You know what, Tuvoc? Screw you! Screw you, right up your Vulcan ass!"

    Laugh of the week. Thank you, Lewis.

    Also... Wouldn't gunning down an alien monstrosity be a violation of the Prime Directive? Or does their wanting to conquer the galaxy change that? But, if so, how did the Enterprise get away with not destroying the Borg when they had the chance? Urgh, I hate Starfleet...

  29. It's important to remember that Voyager's interpretation of the Prime Directive was really idiotic in comparison to other series.

  30. "It's important to remember that Voyager's interpretation of the Prime Directive was really idiotic in comparison to other series."

    I agree with you, although I enjoyed the series until the "scorpion" episodes. Nice way to ruin the borg, PPL!

    And the ending, my god, the ending.
    "The Hell with the prime and temporal directive, I'm a freaking Admiral I can do what I want"
    Meanwhile in the temporal cop headquarters, everyone was eating a donut or something

  31. When you only said Chang for Chang's credit, I cracked up, idk why. xP Glad to finally see the rest. :D I haven't played the second game at all, but I do hope you do it too at some point. Even a different game would be nice, but particularly a licensed title since listening to you giving your thoughts of the original source(s) & the game is great.

  32. Good lord. I was drinking water when you started singing "Tuvok was a dick" and was in the starting motions of spraying it all over my monitor. Kept it down, but still!

    This was a great Let's Play. I hope there's more of this in the future.

  33. Only watched part 13 so far.. but I was so expecting an Ultimate Warrior joke when that 'evil mastermind' was going on about creating the ultimate warrior race, or whatever.

    Awesome stuff tho.. but now, onto part 14.

  34. The Prime Directive dictates that the Federation cannot interfere with the natural development of pre-warp civilizations.

    Neither the Borg nor the Vorsyth are pre-warp (in fact, they both appear to be more technologically advanced than the Federation).

    That being said, the Prime Directive (as stated above) was broken quite often in all of the series!

  35. Great review Linkara! I was just disappointed with one thing. You didn't make a Back to the Future joke regarding Biessman. Tom Wilson, who played Biff Tannen, voiced him. There had to be a McFly joke in there somewhere. Unless you did and I just didn't notice... If that is the case, then... Look! A three headed monkey!

  36. Any plans, in the distant future, to LP Star Trek: Elite Force 2?

  37. Best Star Trek game ever. Loved your Let's Play commentaries on this.

    I expect to see Ensign Munro again.

  38. Nothing like rewatching a groovy Let's Play. Seriously though, that music, why did you never just mute the music since it never matched what was going on?

    Though I'll admit I'm quick to mute music that bugs me, nothing like being stuck in a town in an RPG with the same midi looped for three hours because you missed talking to one person behind a plant.

    Not sure the feasibility of it but if you ever get time to do another set of Let's Plays I'd LOVE to see you play Silent Hill.

    Beesman, my god! (I honestly never get tired of you making that joke.)

  39. So... when do you Play Elite Forces 2?


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