Monday, March 29, 2010

Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes #2

More Sultry! More Teenage! More Stupid!


  1. Oh man, how could a series this crappy merit a second issue? And seriously: mail-order piranhas? What the hell were they thinking?!

    Another great review, Lewis. BTW, what exactly has Rick Olney done to make himself such a dick?

  2. James, for over ten years, Rick Olney cheated creators out of work without paying them, perpetrated frauds to steal money and artwork for fake charity auctions he was holding, and in the case I referred to in the video, promised a creator some money around Christmastime who was between assignments and desperate for money. The creator did the artwork that Olney asked for, but all he got was "Yeah, I'll send the check tomorrow" and "It's in the mail" while the creator was unable to get money for groceries.

    The only reason he's not a real threat anymore is because people like Chuck Dixon and Gail Simone stood up and called him out on what he was doing, leading to other people to admit he had cheated them, but that they were silent because he threatened to sue them. However, much like every other lie Olney has perpetrated, he has no legal leg to stand on and even then in the past has tried to hire lawyers without paying them.

    The guy's complete scum.

  3. Great review Linkara but I have to say aww, no Linksano?

  4. Was anyone else kind of hoping that 80s Chick from Spoony's Party Mania was going to show up for this one?

  5. Great review Linkara. Its good to see Mechakara again. "All that he sees, he conquers" very interesting makes me look forward to the future. I really like Black Lantern Spoony. I wish that other members of That Guy With The Glasses became Black Lanterns though. (Getting Phelous to become one would be child's play)

  6. Wow I'd rather read an over rated story of an insane selfish girl who is in love with a sparkly unemotional uninteresting non-bloodsucking vampire- wait screw that I'll go read 52

  7. I might be seeing things, but I swear there were bits of blue scribbled on that comic. Ah well. I enjoyed the review.

    Urgh... don't get me started on Rick Olney. Really, I could rant all day about that scumbag. The sad thing is there are more people like him these days who think artists are emotionless tools who don't deserve payment for their hard work.

    I knew a person on deviantart who did a shedload of commissions for one guy and when she asked for payment he made didn't respond. Months later he was found on another website where he had posted the work she did for him. He did cough up eventually... a year later. And that folks is a reason why most artists ask for payment (or half of it) upfront before doing any work.

    Friggen' Rick Olney... you hold him down and I'll puch him...

  8. Ahh, *whimpers in a corner rocking quietly to himself*

    Alright not as bad as the first issue, but still a steaming pile of "gold". I could just happily punch the creator in the head repeatedly for a whole week after tattooing the word plot on my knuckles. I'm glad there wasn't a third issue as that solved a load of problems. Namely me beating my brains out with a spade to make the pain stop.

    I just have to follow the abridged version you put forward in your reviews and it amazes me that they would waste perfectly good ink and toilet paper on such a thing. Even reviewing it gives it more acknowledgement than it deserves.

    (I spent a good part of today organising bad romance books for a charity shop and this was just the straw of bad literature that broke the horse's back)

    Now if you excuse me I'm going to find something that makes slightly more sense and is a lot better. Maybe I can dig out my copy of Nemesis the Warlock...

    Mountain King

    PS Loved all the Power Ranger's references but I think you're overdoing them at the moment.

  9. Wow.. as a female artist, this whole concept is pretty offensive to me. I'd love to make my own comics and animations some day, but to think that there are people who are willing to rip somebody off for their work just bugs me.

    Great review, Linkara, always love your stuff. :)

  10. Undoubtedly, everyone in the world will hate me for this, but I honestly wonder what it would be like for a really talented writer like Marv Wolfman or Grant Morrison--who can make seemingly static characters brim with personality--would do with this.

    You gotta admit: it'd be an interesting challenge for a writer.

  11. To infer is to draw a conclusion. I think you meant the guy wanted to IMPLY that strong women are threatening.

    Or that he wanted YOU to infer that.

  12. So, in a nutshell, Rick Olney was the Pat Lee of his day?

  13. Gosh, in preparation I watched your first video on Teen Foxes before this one. Those were a tough 40 minutes.

    The point of comic books is that they have stuff going on, action, adventure, characters. This was endless chatter about boys. To be honest it's a good thing it wasn't coloured as they'd probably have those God-awful fake orange tan on.

    This comic book is pretty much an emboyment of everything I hate, including the production team. Thanks for tearing it a new one Linkara.

  14. Lewis: Wow... I had a feeling I would hear he did some nasty stuff, but not as low as what you told me. How is that slimeball not in prison?

  15. Man, it's never a good sign when the cover of the comic features a characters with Youngblood's Disease.

    great review as always, Linkara!

  16. I was totally expecting an End of Time reference when they mentioned their dreams.
    Other than that, another redonkulously awesome episode~

  17. The "Super Stealth Fighter" will probably just be Owlman's Owljet that Wonder Woman stole from another universe.

  18. Wow. Just wow. I have no idea how comics like this ever got published, but I am definitely glad that this one didn't survive.

    Great review, Lewis. You continue to deliver excellent videos that make me laugh to no end.

    Also, the Satan voice at the beginning with Mechakara is quite intriguing. I can't wait to see the conclusion to that!

  19. @James: There have been several default judgments against him because he never showed up in court (did I mention he's also a colossal idiot? He claimed that his "leaggle team" [He also can't write to save his life] advised him to NOT show up). Local police in the area of New York where he lives are apparently aware of him, though.

  20. If they tell us about the "super-secret stealth fighter" then it's not really a secret anymore, is it?

  21. With the scene where one girl were accusing the female pilots of being vampires, two of the girls laughing at the idea, and another one saying they needed proof, I was thinking that a "Baily School Kids" referance would fit well there. But considering that the series is 20 years old, I don't think many people would get that referance. Besides, the Twilight joke was definately better by both being recent and its ability to be made fun of.

  22. The Wikipedia page actually says this is a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles parody drawn by Chuck Wotjkiewicz." Except for the title, I don't see the resemblance whatsoever. This comic isn't smart enough to qualify as a parody of anything.

    It is a little disappointing that it wasn't as notoriously bad as the first issue...though that one was a classic. I don't know how you top turning dog poop into gold.

    - Jason

  23. Hello Linkara, long-time-watcher-first-time-commenter here. Nice episode today. Doesn't stand out as some of your previous work, but I'll blame that on the comic. These independent titles rarely have much going for them, with some few exceptions.

    You know, considering the ludicrous plot of it all, I would never have imagined how a story involving space-faring, alien vampires would be a disappointment before today.

    ... wait a second. A thought occurs to me; if they had taken a picture of one the vampire women, why did the image develop in the photograph? I know there are some divergent themes considering vampire lore and mythos, but what average comic reader is going to know that? ... and for that matter, why am I trying to bring logic into such a horrible story anyway?

    Oh well, keep up the fantastic job, Lewis. You're a credit to us all.

  24. Actually, now that you'd mention it, Linkara, I'd love to buy some piranha just so I could become an James Bond-esque supervillian. It couldn't be worst than say... being the inventor of a machine that turns dog poop into gold.

    I really do hope that there isn't an Issue #3 now.

  25. Why does this Rick Olney person remind me of someone? Oh yeah, you basically just mentioned the Irate Gamer on steroids.

  26. I was going to ask about the blue marks, but you explained at the end. However, I would like to note (with an eyeroll and a sigh of frustration) that most of the extra lines seemed to be enhancing the female cardboard cutouts' (I refuse to call those shallow airheads "characters") chests and butts. Suppose that means we know exactly what the target audience this rag was.

  27. Nice review. BTW, although I do think a good number of modern fantasy authors (Terry Goodkind, Robert Newcomb and Sunny) could give this comic a run for its money in offensiveness to women.

  28. Gee Linkara. The Rick Olney guy sounds a lot like Pat Lee from the Dreamwave Transformers series. Guy didn't pay a lot of his people either..

    Some of the new Transformers comics might be a good choice to mock. Particularly The Beast Within. Most fans consider that to be horrible.

  29. If it turned out that Stephanie Meyer was Gary Brodsky in drag, I would not be surprised. XD

    But yeah, I'm kind of curious what you think about Twilight. If Sultry Teenage Super Foxes' misogyny bugs you, then Twilight's sexism must've gotten a legendary reaction out of you. XD

  30. I greatly enjoy the idea of buying piranha out of the back of a comic book. It hearkens back to America's golden years, when piranha trucks drove up and down the streets, jingles playing, selling all types of piranha. Vanilla, chocolate, rocky road, freshwater...

    Seriously though, was this a comic aimed at supervillains? Is that what the piranha ad is about? Is that why it's so bad? So they could use it as a tool of torture?

  31. linkara, I got bored and checked the wikipedia entry on solson productions and it said that sultry teenage super foxes was a parody of teenage mutant ninja turtles.I never read the ninja turtles comic so I have to ask,did you get that impression at all while you were reading it?

    by the way great review.

  32. I was noticing someone's mention that STSF was a TMNT parody. In a way, STSF reminds me more of the '80s and '90s TMNT cartoon, where they acted all air-headed (especially Michelangelo) and even then it's a bit of a stretch.

    I don't think it's a "parody" so much as just trying something intended for a similar market (black & white, overlong name, etc.) but I don't see anything specific other than there being four of them.

    On the other hand, the original TMNT was said to be a "parody" of stuff like Ronin and Daredevil. While the similarities are pretty obvious, it's not much of a "pardoy." It reads very much like a standard (if somewhat weird) action/adventure strip, and from what I've read of it (admittedly a few odd issues), the humor is sorely lacking, especially for those of us familiar with the films and cartoons.

  33. So now the base commander is going to have to call the Senator and inform him that his son was chewed on by life-sucking vampires? I guess the kid really should have gone to the Bomber squadrons rather than into fighters.

    ... I've seen way too much MST3K.

  34. Sorry Linkara but after DK2... most comics seem good.

    My definition of "a comic that sucks" has been changed forever. I've reached a state of comic zen.

    I doubt you'll ever find something awful enough to get more than a "meh" out of me.

    So Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes... meh!

    Also, this comic is offering a mail ordered man eating piranah. This is AWESOME! just for that I give it a passing grade. That and the fact that its not DK2

  35. As for the unknown woman approaching Barry to have that silly conversation, I'm almost ashamed to report that I did understand what was going on. It was "80s Hair," or Jasmine, and basically what she was trying to figure out is whether or not she should actively pursue the pilot she had the hots for, or wait passively to see if he got bored with the female pilot he was currently dating. The scene was very clumsily done, and made little sense. The only reason I could follow it is because that trope was used to death in the Sweet Valley Twins books, which I read voraciously between the ages of 10 and 13.

    Don't ask me how I managed to remember their names, either. Maybe my high-manga intake has conditioned me to identify women by their hairstyle.

  36. The piranha ad is kind of interesting since there are 40 different species of piranha, but only 17 of them are carnivorous. Random animal facts ftw. :P

    I would try and come up with a theory as to what Mechakara meant by his statement, but I won't be able to share it with the awesome people on the TGWTG forums since I've been having trouble logging onto the site. :( That, and I can't think of anything right now. >.>

  37. It's here! It's here! Joy and happiness!

    Yes, I have no soul, but the original STSF was probably what convinced me your show was awesome, and if I hadn't had that I'd never have picked up 52. You've enriched my life with STSF! And I am the only person on this planet who will ever say that! There might however be a guy on Mercury who does too!

    Onwards, and downwards.

    Ex-pornstar I bet. They have a horrible habit of staring at the camera.

    ...the piranhas had me busting up.

    Can't ID the jet well because it's been draw poorly with almost no intakes. Delta wings and the timeframe suggest it's an F-106 Delta Dart. Greatly improving on their performance from the last comic, this is an aircraft the USAF actually flew in the timeframe we're discussing. (NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: I guess this sets the tone, since this issue wasn't as awful. The Delta Dart actually was useful for something! Who would have guessed?)

    Holy shit. He's saying the only reason that these women can fly aircraft are because they're not humans. How did you not pick up on this, man?

    Crossover v-slingshot bikini. I don't believe such things actually exist, though I think they should. And didn't rotunda have a MUCH BIGGER BUST last issue? How's she hiding it? (NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: I guess she got a reduction from the last few panels where her bust stayed smaller even in her ridiculous fetishistic Vampire of Venus getup.)

    Wait. A monster from another planet? I thought they were demons possessing homeless people and hookers? Or is this the SG-1 Clause at work: There are no supernatural entities, just Sufficently Advanced Aliens whose ass has yet to be kicked?

    I think she's actually one of the STSF. Feathery-hair one. She went to Burton later too, just to reinforce my guess.

    Illusion and telepathy could be the same thing, projecting thoughts works for both. Makes a lot of sense anyways. ...oh god I'm defending STSF. HELP ME. NO. FLEE. SAVE YOURSELF.

    What reveal of the stealth fighter? No third issue! But fret not, Linkara! We already know it's the never-existing F-19 from the first comic where it was sitting under wraps. You can go play an old Microprose game to enjoy it fully.

  38. Great reveiw Linkara but you missed a joke that you could of made about the head vampire at 7:29 looking like Deanna Troi and the monty python clip was a little out of place and felt like it was unnecessary stuck on.

    Since you said and now for something completely different and then switched over to the clip saying the same thing making it seem a little redundant.

  39. that was a bad AND boring comic! very funny video but i feel bad for you having to read this to make it!

    So until I get my mail order piranhas with issue 3 of this, MAKE MINKE LINKARA!

  40. With all the books I read, I've never seen an ad for man eating piranhas! I guess I'm just not lucky.

  41. I'm not sure this is a case of Youngsblood disease (talking about the cover). Sometimes you see with characters with certain superpowers that their eyes glow so bright you can't see the pupils. I think that's what the art team was going for here.

    Obviously they failed...

  42. I am sick of looking.

    Where can I get this week's title card? I found the Deviant Art Page, but it isn't posted there. Thanks.

  43. Another fantastic review Lewis :) Great job!

    I do have one (hopefully constructive) criticism, however. I've noticed that you use the "wait, what" line quite abit... to the point it seems somewhat overused. Just my opinion though, maybe I'm over thinking it.

    Anyway, this was probably my more favorite review in awhile, I really like you going over plotholes and careful yet funny reflecting on certain scenes more than the mimic mocking; and this review seemed heavier on the former, which makes me happy. :)

  44. Oh, I personaly thought it was quit as bad as the first issue. A complete plotturn, inconsistent story, bad art, no real characters, spacevampires that are leeching lifeforce and so on.
    Nothing of that has anything to do with the rest.
    To me, it felt like a dozen completely different ideas, that were not planed out, and pushed together into once.

  45. Mr. Lovhaug,

    A question about the "one who conquers all that he sees": Is it a new character, or one that's already been introduced?


  46. TECHNICALLY he's already been introduced, but he's a new character.

  47. Hmmm... Oh, I get the parody of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles now!!!

    So there are four girls that receive powers due to SCIENCE!!!! and face off against an occultish force of evil. Which are a force of inter dimensional succubus named after the Buddhist demons of lore and are dressed in bad costumes.


    So the foxes are actual human beings and not anthropomorphs for the sake of violent dysentery feces level fan service and is a parody for the sake of funny and corporate money gathering.

    Wow. This is the most backass, stupid, utter waste of energy designed to scam money out of eight year olds yet. Luckily it failed.

    Let's hope that others that tried this and got away with suffer the same fate.
    YELLED AT AND TORN INTO PIECES. Then fed to a dog and its poop burned, then the ashes buried in Yucca Mountain. Then nuked and the space that it occupied warped into the ninth dimension. But I'm pretty sure the inhabitants wouldn't like that, so let's hope for some divine intervention! From the New GODS!!!!! But let's hope that Naraka and Buddhist Hell has a reservation for the creators.

    By the way Lewis, do you know when Gunsmith Cats Vol 5 Final is coming? 'w'

  48. Oh, and I thought vampires didn't show up on film. Editor?

  49. Btw, on piranha- they're 3 pound fish and about as skittish as any other fish that size, and have the size of stomachs you'd expect from a 3-pound fish. While they have been known to bite humans on occasion, it's mainly an annoyance to fishers, and their school size is a mere 10-20.

    Their danger is largely overrated and I don't think they've ever killed anyone.

  50. I really want a linkara action figure. how awesome would that be.

  51. I know its super late but LORD VYCE MENTION!

  52. Guess what Brodsky's doing today?

    Youtube videos on his fave subject:

  53. I still can't believe Brodsky managed to put out a second issue of his awful series, Sultry Teenage Super Foxes. (Of course, all of Brodsky's works are terrible, but Sultry Teenage Super Foxes is the worst of the worst.) Can you even begin to imagine what issue three would be like.

    Loved that cameo of Mechakara and the first hints of Lord Vyce.

    Incidentally, I hear this Rick Olney has a blog. They keep taking down his blog only for him to put it back up again.

  54. Hey, you think Mr. Brodsky is totally sexist? Look up Dick Masterson. He truly lives up to his name.


  56. Your facial expression at 00:23 :D :D :D

    I wonder what do you think about the TMNT comics and will you (or did you, after this) review some of the bad ones?


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