Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kickassia Part 4

The epic continues! Witness an exile and the descent!


  1. i love that look on your face befor spoony turn into insano you like what the hell is ever one talking about by the way when did you find out spoony was Dr. insano?

  2. //>.>\\'... I'm hoping in the next video that you will have some kind of reaction to seeing Spoony as Dr. Insano... It'd be a continuity error, otherwise...

    *I'm thinking that's what will happen in the next video.... You did seem to look kind of confused about the whole madman thing*

  3. Oh man, I've been trying to be patient and not watch until they're all up, but I gave in. I'm loving this whole series so much. I would buy a FOR KICKASSIA T-shirt and wear it every day, no matter how disgusting it got.

    I too am pretty excited to see Linkara's reaction to finding out Dr. Insano is Spoony. Especially after that magnificent transformation sequence.

  4. Damn, Nostalgia Chick is evil!

  5. Well, I guess you know Spoony is Dr. Insano now... or do you?!!? But something is still wrong, if Insano is Spoony, then why and how did Insano plan to kill Spoony in the FFVIII review? Alternate universe anyone? Love to see your reaction to the Spoony-Insano next video.

  6. Best part, by far!

  7. I have no ideas how you guys managed to do it, but each part is even better than the last! There was absolutely NOTHING in this one that wasn't insanely funny, unironically awesome, or a combination of both! WOW!

    Dr. Insano's here, and there's still 2 parts to go... how will you top it??

  8. I'm confuzzled... I thought Spoony implied in his other videos that he is not Insano. Although... there was that one time in your Adamantium rage video where there was implications... hmm. But then Insano has been in the same room or seen talking to Spoony in other videos (Final Fantasy 8, Clones of Bruce Lee... etc).

    Gah... ok, I think I have a theory... I think...

    Insano is a split personality of Spoony that was created through the suffering Spoony has endured by reveiwing crappy movies and games (or something like that). As for how Insano can be seen in the same room as Spoony in some videos, Insano must have some device that allows him to travel into the past/future or break demensional laws (that might also explain how Mechakara and Linksano crossed over).


    Spoony's clone or Black Lanturn Spoony is Insano or we have a different sort of clone as Insano altogether.


    Everyone else (including the viewers) are insane and Insano is just an illusion.

    ...Or maybe I'm putting too much thought into this. Huh.

    Part 4 was awesome, btw.

    ...My brain hurts.

  9. Hah! You thought that you could hide a small Red Dwarf reference while you were standing there in the background, but I saw it!

  10. Wasn't Dr.Insaneo President at one point?

  11. Dear God, what have you unleashed.

    Also, nice background acting, you're always putting on relevant expressions and reactions to each moment.

  12. Y'know, I found myself *so* expecting someone to remind Linkara, during his objections, "Hey, it works for Deadpool, doesn't it?"

    But maybe that was just too obvious.

  13. So....what? Dr. Insano is a Venom-like Symbiote? He just forms his essence into clothing and whatnot for Spoony?

    So, that means...


  14. Oh for the love of all that is decent and safe... WHY?!?! You Cannot put out a fire with gasoline. Well technically you can since only the fume is flamable and the liquid is not... Thats not the point. You CANNOT RELEASE DR INSANO and expect to survive the science induced lunacy... We're doomed.

  15. I've probably watched this for the fifth time. It's still hilarious. All of the parts of Kick*ssia lend themselves well to viewing more than once. There's a lot of little things going on in the background that you don't notice the first time around. I didn't notice NChick fiddling around with that little gun until the second viewing.

    Or that 3D Lee is constantly doing something that emphasizes his awe at being 3-dimensional. Whether it be poking himself or staring at his hand like its some kind of foreign object.

    I think my favorite moments are when I catch someone trying very hard not to laugh or smile. It's not obvious the first viewing through, but you go back a couple of times and you see it. For instance, in this episode, Spoony's lips seemed to be twitching just before JewWario says, "Won't somebody think of the children?!"

    Funniest characters in this episode would be Film Brain, Spoony, Ma-Ti, and Lee (even though he doesn't really have a major part... that one line... "Have you ever felt the water as it pours down into your 3-dimensional organs? I have, and it is miraculous" cracked me up.)

    Film Brain for his exaggerated story to the Nostalgia Critic and the incoherent gun scene (He's so excited about everything. It's a good thing he's not in charge, otherwise I'm sure he would've already blown Kick*ssia sky-high)

    Spoony for his transformation into Insano. *I like how it was a blend of hilarity and almost horror. The whole breakdown sequence was quite hilarious in most parts, but there was a couple of parts that make you think, "Wow, he really looks like he's having a mental breakdown." It makes me think he could probably actually perform a serious mental breakdown for a movie or something*

    And Ma-Ti... Just Ma-Ti. From Captain Planet. *LOL*

    Everyone else was funny, too, but these guys were the funniest in this episode. Not to worry Linkara, you had a funniest moment, too. That part you did when you thought MarzGurl had died... I couldn't stop laughing.

  16. For those who either don't understand how Spoony is Insano (or who don't watch Spoony's videos), the basic idea, as far as it can be pieced together, is that there are 4 Spoonys.

    1.) Spoony/Insano A was so baffled and incensed by the plot of the first Final Fantasy game that he vowed to prevent it (and, thus, the rest of the FF series) from being made. Unfortunately for him, it took him decades to invent a time machine, and he was an old man by then. So he went back into the past and gave the future knowledge and technology to himself immediately after he decided to become a scientist.

    2.) Spoony/Insano B, now with both the knowledge of future technology and his youth, he sets off into the past to accomplish his goal. Predictably, he fails, and he proceeds back to his time. Unfortunately, his presence in the past created a divergent timeline, and there is already a Spoony present.

    3.) Spoony C1 is the one we see in all of the Spoony Experiment reviews up until the end of Final Fantasy VIII (with the exception of the FF1 review, which featured Spoony B and was Dr. Insano's origin story). As far as we can tell, he never became Dr. Insano (apparently never having reviewed FF1 due to the butterfly effect of Insano B's presence in the past). He was killed in the finale of the FF8 review, but resurrected as a Black Lantern, only to be healed, turned back again, and healed once more thanks to events we should all be familiar with. He then committed suicide (becoming a BL YET AGAIN) when he realized taking over the Experiment would mean reviewing Final Fantasy X.

    4.) Spoony/Insano C2 was cloned from the remains of Spoony C1 by our dear Linkara. Until Kickassia, there was no real indication that he, too, became Dr. Insano. As a result, it's difficult to say if we've ever seen him before or not (although it's notable that Insano had his very own episode of the Experiment just last month, set in Spoony's room and featuring Burton). However, while Spoonys A and B embraced the madness, Spoony C2 seems frightened by it, perhaps because of his past encounters with Insano B.

    There. Simple, right?

  17. @Celey

    I concur, but I think Sage has to get some props for his very well thought out and albeit speedy response. Now thats the Sage I remember from Ask That Guy...

    Anybody else get the strong hunch That Guy will show up and save the day again? I hope not. I hope we get some surprise cameo at the end and we find out that Melvin The Brother of the Joker gets blown sky high to kill the character for good.

  18. I want that squeaky hammer the Critic was using during the trial.

  19. Johnboy... What is it Spoony is always saying?

    "There is no Dr. Insano origin, there is only Dr. Insano."

    Something like that... *lol*

    Sage was pretty funny, as was JewWario... But... The real gutbusters (for me, anyway) were the characters that I listed. For this episode, I mean...

    And hey.... I actually like Melvin.

  20. Cinema Snob is Insano! It all makes sense!

  21. I loved Angry Joe's expression after you asked him if he is high. =D

  22. Oh my gosh I love you guys! This is so hilarious. Spoony turning into Dr. Insano was actually kinda scary though.


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