Monday, June 21, 2010

Freak Force #1


It's 90s Kid's turn to fend off a comic! ...or, rather, help it along, it seems...


  1. Dude! This is the most hardcore review EVER!!! I mean, what's a better way to review an awesome comic like that than with a person who loves them the most.

    Interesting way to end the review with gameplay from the Genesis. My bet for next week would be Ninja-style-dancer but I'll probably be wrong.

    Great review and look forward to seeing "Linkara" again in two weeks

  2. oh this was AMAZING. I've been wondering when 90s kid was going to get his spotlight. The theme song was really ingenious the way 90s kid just took it over. The comic itself's something alright =p...But great review as always dude.

  3. Well that was relatively painful. The comic, as much as the review. I dislike the 90's over here in the UK, America must have withered the brunt of that diabolical decade. You would just print anything over there in the US wouldn't you? I mean forget talent in artwork, script, or concept. You just churned out crap so fast it almost tore a hole in the space time continuum.
    90's kid is great as a one shot to be used every so often. A reminder of just how shallow and attitudes were back then. Unlike Harvey Finevoice who, like Vic Fontain in DS9, celebrates the real boom time in American culture (post war 1950's) 90's kid is the paragon of arrogant ignorance.
    While in this case most of the review was concentrated sarcasm (the only true chasm being between 90's kid's ears, play on words sorry) I have to say this comic is so in character it physically hurts.
    Occasionally I've had the opportunity to read Image comics collections in the library (you expect me to pay money for this sort of crap?) and nothing here jumps out as original. Lots of colour, explosions, and impossible women. Little or no plot, character or anything of real interest.
    In this case 90's kid was well used, taking a vanilla review and making it a little more interesting. However while I would certainly like to see more Harvey I don't think anyone would really mind if 90's kid went playing in a minefield for a while.
    Before I go I just want to say thanks. The last two days I've been racking my brains about the Dr Who cliffhanger. You've given me the perfect distraction with your own "... to be continued!"

    AKA Mountain King

    PS you own two copies of Shac-fu. Isn't there a group dedicated to annihilating every copy of that game in existence, or are you saving that as a contingency incase the NC calls you a Nazi again. Promising to make him play it at magic gun point?

  4. Ahaha. I kind of love 90s Kid XD

    Ooh. Is it gonna be Iron Liz next week? :D

    Poor Harvey.

  5. Oh, wow. 90s Kid doing a review. His not-so-great singing during the opening song was just hilarious.

  6. Funny review, but I have to say that 90s kid voice get grating after a while. By the end I was starting to get sick of it. 90s Kid is cool for brief stints but I don't think I would enjoy another full review like this with him.

    As for the comic. Skulls for pupils is kind of cool in that terrible cheesy way, but seems wasted on a villain like Major Disaster. That terrible, terrible major disaster pun made me laugh. I have a fondness for bad puns and that one was pretty bad. The art style seemed really bad for that comic at times. Other times it just looked meh. From the writing alone it looks like a comic I'd want to send through a paper shredder though.

  7. I had a feeling 90's kid was next up (I was hoping for Iron Liz, heh). I love how he gets bored and starts playing video games instead. Also, yay, more Harvey!

    So with our favorite comic book nerd still not back (another two weeks, right), does this mean Iron Liz is up next week? If not Liz then called me stumped.

  8. Interesting. 90s Kid, in a way, is a lot like Jay and Silent Bob. He works mucb better in small doses and not as a main character.

    I love how you build up the plot to the season finale. I wonder who the final replacement will be. Iron Liz? Spoony?
    I think there was a 4th good guy you played in the Mekakara showdonw, but I can't remember who.

    Also: Shaq-Fu? Two copies? Are you friggin' kidding me?

  9. @ GreenNinja

    Were you thinking of Ninja-style dancer? XD

    Though I'm not sure how he can pull of a review since he doesn't talk... yet.

  10. When I saw 90's Kid, I knew I was in trouble. This comic was going to be everything he loved, but in general, everything I dislike. When I saw the cover of this comic when I researched it, I instantly thought of 90's Kid. I think next week's comic would be perfect for him.

    Who is it going to be next week? Your girlfriend? Spoony? The Ninja? Polo? Your dad? Some person we never saw yet?

  11. Ouch. It really sounds like it hurt to do 90s kid for an extended period of time.

  12. Two weeks? BOGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS! Probably the most hilarious part was when 90s Kid sung over the theme song! (I do that sometimes). He's just so out there that he's awesome! Awesome review! Next week cannot come soon enough!

  13. Lewis, how did you manage to keep a straight face when doing this?

  14. Honestly I was thinking "I wish Linkara made a sarcastic episode with 90's kid" today and POOF it happens. Wow, I'm really happy for that.


    But seriously, that was awesome!

    Zubaz FTW! :-D

  16. I really don't care if the 90's Kid's voice is grating to other people or not, I've been waiting forever for something like this to come up, and I loved it!

    IT WAS SO... DEEP. O.O

  17. Okay, the annoying thing is, Ricochet could make a decent name, but no, they had to give it a feminine ending, 'cause, you know, she's female. And... ugh, I dunno. Maybe those of you more up-to-date on feminist theory can follow the idiot logic.

  18. yea, 90's Kid WOULD own a copy of Shaq-Fu!

  19. Could it be.... Ensign Munroe reviewing X-Men/Star Trek TNG? ^_^

  20. Not bad...though I miss Harvey :).

    Any chance you'll continue "Miller Time" with ASBAR?

  21. It had to be 90s kid who sang over the theme. Something was just right about it. Ah, that was fun. Huzzah for short attention span! (I was kinda into the opening of that game. Is that bad?) I would love to get a look at that comic for myself. A lot of it was just PUZZLING.

    Ooo, Green Ninja, the other good guy was Ninja-Style Dancer.

  22. Duuuuuuuuude!

    Great video man. I though 90s kid would be hard to take for an entire video, but it worked well. Loved him doing the sound effects.

    I shudder remembering that JL game..

  23. Well I have to admit that after the kinda shaky Harvey Finevoice episode that I wasn't 100% convinced 90's Kid could carry his own episode, I am delighted to say that I was absolutely wrong! This is easily one of the best episodes you've ever done. Him singing the theme song came out of nowhere and was excellent (though I personally would have had the lyric go "Brodsky you are a genius, Liefeld you are a PHEONIX, cos pheonixes are awesome flaming condors. That means they BUURRRRNNNN!")

    I mean the episode wasn't perfect, if anything I would have just kept the laugh track rather than have Pollo be asleep at the controls. But other than that, flawless episode. Well done good sir, well done

  24. "Seriously, WHY?"

    Yeah, Mr. Finevoice's comment sums up how I feel about this episode. Painful, painful, painful. I hope your "successor" is worth more than the 90s Kid. Actually I have a pretty good idea of who it might be... Ah well. Here's hoping this story goes somewhere.

  25. I will admit, there was a brief moment when I started to think the 90s Kid thing was getting old... But somehow the fact that it kept going became really funny. (Though having attempted that voice myself, I imagine that got tiring after a bit) Loved the theme song as well. xD Great work as always, dude. :)

  26. 1. Theme Song = Win. Were you planning this from before, or did you get it from my comment last week?

    2. It feels like you changed 90's Kid for the purpose of the review. Once you get past reviewing the cover, it feels like 90's Kid somehow realizes 90's comics weren't, and that he's trying to live life the way he always had despite his realization. Still, 16 minutes of 90's Kid's actual personality would be pretty grating, so I don't blame you.

    3. Finevoice is right. Why in the world did Pollo think AT4W by 90's Kid would be a good idea?

    4. A successor?

  27. I had an Idea for a review (because I'm a budding review) with 90's kid. you see I review different aspects of stoner culture (not that I'm suggesting 90's kid smokes ganja) I had an Idea for a joke where I would be stoned and some how blown away by some thing 90's kid said then linkara would ask "what are you high and in response I would say "why yes, yes I am". I don't know just a thought is all I don't have anything I could use to make videos on a daily bases so feel free to take that Idea

  28. I fell out of my chair laughing at this one several times. 90s Kid reviewing a comic is PRICELESS just because I can imagine how much you'd be twitching in rage at his positive review. Rock on Lewis!

    And I'm declaring now - three to one odds that next week is either Iron Liz, Lewis' brother, or Spoony. Dark horse bet is Mechakara. Any takers?

  29. @Green Ninja - That would be Ninja Style Dancer. Who doesn't talk. So I don't think there would be a review starring him.

  30. We had Spoony (who really didn't help during the showdown ;)), 90s Kid, Harvey Finevoice, and Ninja Style Dancer.

    I don't think the NSD would be able to do much of a review since he doesn't really talk. Although a review done in interpretive (ninja style) dance would be awesome!

  31. I'm amazed Lewis didn't lose his voice by the end--that much full-throated awesome is hard on the vocal cords. ;) Can't wait to see what's next!

  32. Hehehe; even as 90's Kid your Minnesota accent snuck through, and it was gloriously funny. An amalgamated Minnesota Surfer accent? In the words of Mr. Buck, I never thought such a thing could be accomplished.

    Seriously, when I saw the title card over on dA, I wasn't so sure about this one. You pulled it off very well though, the Hell does 90's Kid know about Tropes? I expected him to get bored a lot more given the relative lack of action in this title, but he went through 95% of the review pretty much just as I thought he would.

    Pollo can generate laugh tracks now? Hoo boy. At least he can tell 90's Kid that he fails, though.

    The little Genesis bit at the end brought back a lot of memories; I actually rented that game one day and it pissed me off to no end. I won't even touch the fact that you own two copies of Shaq-Fu.

    Two weeks until we can get Linkara back into this dimension, eh? I wonder who the "successor" is...hmmmm.

    Excellent work, Lewis. Can it be next Monday yet?

  33. I'm beginning to like Harvey Finevoice more and more with these last two episodes.
    I can't wait to see more of him.

    Also, I thought for the longest time I was the only person who remembered Justice League Task Force. That opening with Dark Seid used to give me nightmares so "radical."

  34. Ninja-Style Dancer next week please? :P No idea how the dynamics of that would work, but I'm sure it would be amazing.

  35. Who's next? 80s Chick? (Actually, I agree that the obvious choice is Iron Liz, but I'm curious to see if its a surprise. Maybe Ensign Monroe.)

    I think you missed one opportunity when discussing 90s Kid's distaste for that heroe's name (i can't even recall it now). When he said strike should be spelled with a "Y," you could've had him say "because poor literacy is kewl" and meant it.

    This must be one of the harder reviews for you to write since you have to make his claims seem just plausible enough for him but still convey the meaning you want. I think you did well, but I certainly don't need him to review another one anytime soon. Loking forward to seeing how this story progresses.

  36. i wonder who will review next week hmmmmmmmm. i really like Harvey Finevoice "he" should make reviews more often. and 90s kid is much better in small doses but still "he" deserved at least one review.also you're like really good at singing you should sing a bit more often like once a year that would be as the 90s kid might say "XTREM!!!!!!"

  37. Very funny, but you must be glad to give your voice a break after filming this review.

    Will we see more Video Game reviews by 90's Kid? I remember you mentioned this idea two years ago.

    And I'm with you, Linkara. I also have a copy of Shaq Fu on the Mega Drive. I bought it at a flea market after seeing the Nerd's Xmas Special from 2007 (I think).

  38. That was HARDCORE! I liked this one much better than last weeks. It's cool that you did a 90s Kid video game review, like you mentioned during the rehersal for the Alone In the Dark review. Was it really hard on your voice doing for such a long time? Can we see bloopers from this? I imagine you must have cracked yourself up a lot.
    Keep up the good work.

  39. Why is it that even though I know I could never date anyone as obnoxious as 90s Kid in real life, I find myself suddenly really attracted to him?


    I did not just type that.

  40. Was the ending with the Sega Genesis a subtle plug for 90s Kid video game reviews, as alluded to in the Alone in the Dark Vlog? =D

  41. This was BRILLIANT, Lewis!!! The theme song ("Brodsky, you are a genius/Liefeld, you are my gaaaawd!" XD), 90s Kid's commentary, the ending, the sheer suspense! You promised that there would be more POWERHOUSE EXCITEMENT in 2010 and indeed there has been and certainly there will be more! I thought you couldn't possibly top the Harvey Finevoice review because I enjoyed that one quite a bit, but in a different way, I believe you have. As I've said before, you have a gift for taking on different characters and it's always fun to watch! As for next week, my money is on either Iron Liz or Ninja Style Dancer (cue cards anyone?).

  42. DUDE!!! Thia review was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!

    I rememeber Freak Force. And to be honest, I didn't grab it when I first saw it, and I am so glad I didn't. This was the time in my life when I was just getting into comics as well. I wasn't as bad as 90's kid. There were few Image comics that actually did shine, and this wasn't one of them.

  43. My guess is that it's going to be Bear next week. Think about it: these were long-standing instructions from Linkara. After all, who has Lewis known the longest?

  44. Has 90s Kid been diagnosed with ADHD yet?

    Well, nevertheless, he's a HARDCORE MUSICAL GENIUS!

  45. Duuuuuuude, that was the best review EVER. 90's Kid totally has the most radical taste in comics in the world. And his review comments are really deep, man! It's, like, meta or something! But what a plot twist! Who will be the next Linkara? My vote goes for The Spoony One, cuz' he's so HARDCORE!

  46. I KNEW 90s Kid would do a review while you were gone, I KNEW it. That said, my favorite part was 9:57-10:14. Despite his terrible tastes in comics, it's hard not to enjoy his enthusiasm. XD

    Though Harvey made me laugh the hardest. He had a point, Pollo.

  47. Now that was an interesting way to deconstruct the nature of your reviews.

    Confession time: I had my doubts when I saw 90's kid as the front man for this review, but you really played him out in such a way that he was actually very entertaining and a good change of pace.

    Ace work, Linkara my man, ace work.

  48. Nice vid lewis,Ive always wanted 90s kid to do a review! Now i wonder who will do next weeks show?

  49. I wasn't sure if 90s kid would be palatable for an extended time but for me it worked, especially the theme song. I find it rather disturbing that Mighty Man could have no right eye as far as I can tell.

  50. @Green Ninja, it was Ninja Style Dancer. And I sincerely hope Linkara doesn't intend for him to be next.

    No offense, Linkara. Your characters are the best and have the most personality of any of the others at TGWTG, and Harvey Finevoice made for an interesting reviewer. But like everyone else is saying, 90s Kid is better as a brief cameo; given a whole episode to himself, he got a little boring.

  51. Is anyone else besides me suspicious of Pollo? The whole "I found a replacement" thing seemed off to me for some reason. I guess we're gonna have to wait two weeks to see if my suspicions are right.

    Other than that, I thought this episode was funny.

  52. I'm hoping for the Ninja-style Dancer for the next review, myself :P

  53. Major Disaster? They couldn't come up with their own villain name? They had to take one from a DC villain? Sure, he's not extremely mainstream like Joker or Luthor, but he's still been in a good amount of stories, dating all the way back to the second Green Lantern series in the 60's. They even almost copied his abilities. He was able to create natural disasters. Shame on you image. Shaaaaame. Great review though.

  54. I realize that 90s Kid is supposed to be as annoying as possible but for some reason I just want to hug him.

    Can't wait for Chain Gang War.

  55. Everyone keeps thinking it's going to be Liz next, but I know who it's really going to be: Ninja-Style Dancer!

  56. Mighty man is an awesome amalgation of both captain marvels from DC and Marvel. :) I do kind of wonder your thoughts on the savage dragon series.

    And I hope you do a normal style of your reviews on Supreme. GOD I'd love to see that.

  57. alright Ninja style dancer next week

  58. I'm on the fence about this one. Kinda felt like you were stretching for material in order to not make it 15 minutes of thinly veiled sarcasm.

    Love Harvey Finevoice though, he's probably the best character on your show apart from you.

    Hope we get Spoony as your sucessor! :D

  59. I think we all knew that 90's Kid would take over this week. While amusing it's not as strong as I thought it would be. Like the rest of your fans I'm curious who Linkara chose as his "heir the the wall"

  60. I remember Justice League Task Force. Not being a big DC fan at the time, I found myself wondering why Cheetah was naked.

  61. you know whats sad? Image comics holds the rights to my favorite comic book universe, the Top Cow universe, home to the Witchblade, the Darkness, and the Magdelana, all of which are awesome characters and have awesome stories. It just sucks that Image could produce crap like youngblood and then churn out gold like Witchblade, but i guess a lot of comic book companies do.

  62. Kevin "Jester" McGillJune 21, 2010 at 9:32 PM

    Wow, 90's Kidd (I added the x-tra D because it's X-TREME!!!) is almost....BIZZARO LINKARA!!!

  63. Okay...that wasn't as bad as I feared. Well, let's take it from the top.

    Please...for the love of Euterpe, never let the 90's Kid sing his version of the theme song ever again. Leave the crooning to Mr. Finevoice.

    Now, the actually review. No surprise that the Kid would be pumped over an Image comic like this. He does, in his own way, point out the key "features" of this little offering of the "style over substance" era. It confirms my very wise choice to never ever have bought one comic from that company.

    Ah, the old Sega Genesis. I remember those days. I didn't own one, but I remember how big it was. And Justice League Task Force. I didn't realize they made a video game based on that series. Of course, it looks like "shovel-ware", as a by-the-numbers fighting game...

    I wonder who is up for the next review?

  64. @BloodySharpie Ive been suspicious of Pollo since Mekakara i mean we now know that Pollo has a capacity for extreme evil and could quite possibly be Mekakara or want to kill linkara just as much pollo went from being small robot to possible killing machine in 2 reviews

  65. I've really enjoyed these last 2 reviews. It's fun to see your other characters get to host the show for. Although 90's Kid did get a little annoying after awhile, I still enjoyed the episode alot.

    I find Harvey Finevoice to be alot more fun, he's just cool and I love him. I still got plenty of laughs off of 90's Kid and his love for crap from Image comics.

    Oh and him getting tired of the comic and going to play some Sega Genesis was very funny.

    It was cool seeing Poyo and Harvey talking after it was over, esp their reactions to how 90's Kid spent an hour on the JL Task Force game. I really like how you have been presenting Linkara's dissaperence. I'm looking foward to when he comes back.

    Oh, and you have TWO copies of Shaq Fu?! That's both funny and scary at the same time. That's one of the worst games ever made. I know because a friend had it and we played it.

    Can't wait to see who will host next week. Keep up the great work Lewis!

  66. DUUUUUUUUDE! "The Sign" by Ace of Base is AWESOME!!!

    Seriously though, I love that song.

  67. Lord knows how badly I want Iron Liz to do the review next week!

  68. Bravo. Harvey Finevoice is better in large doses, but you did a good job doing this as an opposite day type thing.

  69. weeks huh? Linkara's successor, and a fourth brings us up to 5...all the morphers were whown a few weeks ago...hmmmm. Methinks something is coming that will be truly epic.

  70. At first, I thought that 90s Kid was going to get a little grating but as the review went on, his voice didn't cause me to cringe. I do wonder who your successor is, seeing how you kind of freaked out over that in the Blue Beetle review, who earned your trust so that you didn't go crazy again.


    I was feeling pretty down, but this review made me do an almost complete about face... I was laughing so hard... especially when 90's Kid started butchering the theme song.. *LOL* "Brodsky, you are a genius, Liefield, you are my God!!"

    Oh man... So many funny lines in this review... I would personally be all for a 90's Kid show... *lol* I don't think I could ever get tired of 90's Kid... His boundless enthusiasm and immature antics just combine into a big plate of awesome sauce!

    :D... *Also... I'm kinda suspicious about Pollo, too... I was a little suspicious of him last review as well* Could this be the catalyst that drives Pollo to the dark side? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

  72. Hi Lewis,

    Great job on this. I'm guessing your temporary 'successor' is probably going to be Iron Liz. The only other person I could think of is Spoony, and I know he left last-minute to go to E3 with Angry Joe. The only other option I can think of would be the Nostalgia Critic perhaps, or maybe Bennett the Sage. But in all probability, I'm guessing it's going to be Iron Liz just due to your location.

    But hell, no matter who it is you get a free summer vacation :)

  73. Really liked this episode. 90's kid was annoying but the episode was still funny.

  74. Another great episode, Lewis. I personally found 90's Kid's over the top review to be pretty funny, but that's just me.

    Looking forward to seeing who is going to be the successor, but I really can't wait for Linkara to come back, after two weeks without him I kinda miss seeing him.

  75. I too am hoping to see Ninja Style Dancer next!

  76. Sweeeet! 90's kid rocked in this episode! You're quite the actor Linkara! Onwards to CHAIN GANG WARRRRRRRRRRRR #1, with an EXTREME Cobra Commander; especially two other dudes in masks.

  77. Figured 90s kid would be up to plate next. Although its clear that he's someone that's hard to do for 20+ min. Then again, considering the source material...

  78. It got a touch long in the tooth with him trying to singing to the theme song but other than that it was perfect.

    and that justice league games sountrack was actually pretty catchy.

  79. My god, that was physically painful. I've never wanted to throttle a fictional character as much as I have 90s Kid. For once, the comic wasn't the worst thing about this. While it certainly wasn't anything spectacular and the villain was beyond dopey, it certainly wasn't the worst book Image had put out. Seriously though, this is why 90s Kid should be taken in small doses.

    Here's to hoping for Iron Liz next week.

  80. Poor Harvey Finevoice. XD That was a fun episode, but all that DUUUUUUUUUUUDEing must've killed your throat

  81. Damn, I miss the 90s

    Those were the days when you could draw characters with over-the-top anatomy, without having some nerdy internet kid frowning on you!

    Back then any problem could be solved by running straight in with guns blazing, and no-one had to talk about their feelings.

    Man, comics nowadays are for wusses with their endless wangst and Twilight!

  82. I called it last week: Too! Much! EXTREEEEEEEEEEME!


    Seriously, though, not bad. 90's Kid is no Harvey Finevoice. The shtick cannot carry an episode. It wasn't bad per se, but the nature of it doesn't lend itself to anything longer than a scene or two. It's rather like an SNL skit in that regard.

    I'm looking forward to next week. Is it Pollo? Iron Liz? Spoony? Ninja Style Dancer?

    On the whole, Lewis, well done.

  83. Linkara, come back! Save us from the 90s madness!


    I had that Justice League game, but on Super Nintendo. It was kinda lame, but for years, it was the only venue to play as certain characters.

  85. So, just to join in the guessing for the successor... Pollo probably would have said something if it was him, Ninja Style Dancer is pretty minor to be the successor, Iron Liz... is actually the most logical answer, but my personal guess is Bear. Why? No clue at all, but I had to add to the betting.

  86. I expected one day someone would look at Justice League: Task Force and laught. Not here or now, though!

    Overall good stuff, in here.

  87. haha this was amazing! '' this is a case of really deep comic writing'' or something like that... it was hilarious!

    To be fair with Image... nowadays is a really cool company! It as a loooot of diferent and original titles... including one of my favorites super heroes Invincible and other great book The Walking Dead

  88. The following paragraph is done in character, so don't go all crazygonuts on me.

    90's Kid? Did Poyo cross a wire? You've have to be evil to be more anti-Linkara! My first thought on seeing him was "this is going to be a headache, isn't it?".

    The next paragraph is out of character.

    Have you ever killed someone just to watch them die? Turned out it wasn't as fun as you'd think.*

    And now to be completely myself.

    When I think of "Mighty Man", I think of the old 80's cartoons of my youth.

    90's Kid was an interesting choice, and probably the right comic for him to review. Not that I'd want to see him regularly review something unless you need a new series, but I was entertained.

    So do we get to call your successor "Linkara Beyond"? :D

    *The commentor has not ever commited, would ever commit, nor condone someone commiting murder to the point where he won't even touch a GTA game. Thank you for your patronage. Tip your waitstaff.

  89. Oh, and when I saw Darkseid show up on the monitor, I thought it was supposed to be Lord Vyce (official sp?), since I've only seen the SNES version. Having him take over 90's Kid mind would funny, not to mention rather easy. :)

  90. It's Darkseid isn't it?!!! He's the one the Insaneos are afraid of! Why else would you throw in that tidbit of him talking and scaring 90s kid?

    You may say that's a longshot-of-a-guess, but the moment I saw it I felt like it had more importance than meets the eye. He controls technology, I think he said. Well Harvey and Poyo are using technology to find Linkara. And well... he's scary and I trust my gut

  91. You know Mountain King, while yes the 90's had some real crap come out of it but to generalize the whole decade and America like that is kind of wrong. Of course doing a parody of the bad to come out of it is a good way to remember how culturally backwards we really were back then. I do have to agree with just about everything you said about Harvey Finevoice though. Oh and as for the Doctor Who cliffhanger, I'm pretty sure I've figured it out; it probably helps that I've seen a lot of old who though

  92. My money's on Mechakara doing next week's review. He after all escaped from Dr. Insano's lab as was covered in the last few minutes of Spoony's latest Final Fantasy X review. It would make a certain amount of sense if he showed up as he's the most well known character that Linkara has in his personal acting arsenal.

  93. DUDE! It was so TOTALLY EXTREME! There's no way any comic could ever become more AWESOME! Unless it's reviewed by 90's Kid, in which case it's EXTREME-ness jumps to over 9000 percent.

    But in all seriousness, good review my good sir.

    Also I couldn't help but notice... the sticker on the Justice League game looks to be from Games n' Go.

  94. When 90s kid laughs, he sort of sounds like Peewee Herman.

    Just saying.

  95. Don't think it's on your end, but I thought you might want to know; Blip's been doing something weird about not loading the video (at all, blank white spot where it's supposed to go). If the vid appears on the entry for the "front page" of the blog, it will work without exception; if you have to go into an individual post to find it, about 20% of the time it won't. It will also be universal for that particular timeframe, lasting at least a couple hours.

    Or maybe it's my browser brainfarting, but it doesn't seem likely both IE8 and Firefox would do it at the same time.

    Anyways, on to the actual work.

    I aspire to one day render a movie themesong on Bad Movie Night as badly as 90's Kid does the Atop The Fourth Wall Theme here. I really do.

    Wow. What is up with that guy in the upper-left corner of the cover's face?

    90's kid has denied the sexy of legs. He must be destroyed.

    Manipulate pollutants in the atmosphere...where the hell is Ma-Ti? We need him! CAPTAIN PLANET, HELP US!

    Ace of Base. Wow, that takes me back. I might just settle for making '90s Kid listen to All That She Wants for hours rather than destroy him, thereby imprinting on his mind that all females are out to get him and evil. Since he is the 90s equivalent of a memebot, this will undoubtedly be effective...sorry, channeling my Inner Evil Overlord for a moment. Still kinda like Ace of Base in moderation, though.

    I sense we hold extremely different values on the utility and value of using lethal force. Of course, there's a good chance this is a false positive; superheros can get away without because, well, they're super. Normal heros, not so much.

    Well, as much as I hate to say it, they did sort of suck, and even 90s Kid saw where. Oh well. :P

    You know, in retrospect, it would have been fun to push 90's Kid a bit further down the sliding scale of crazy and have him slamming an issue of 52 or Trinity here. Yeah, I know, it'd hurt me too to do that, but I think the end effect might have been worth it. And if that doesn't work for you, you could always have substituted something from Grant Morrison's Animal Man run. 90s Kid freaking the hell out over that would have been quality entertainment.

  96. that was great!!! definately very different styles all the characters have with their reviewing of comics! And this new arc is getting my interest!

    So until someone comes up with a good reason why anyone would have two copies of Shaq Fu, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  97. Great episode as always!

    Could I request Captain 3-D? I haven't personally read it but it looks absolutely ridiculous and shoud serve a prime example of why this 3D trend must die.

  98. Dud, I always thought that a whole video of 90's kid would be the funniest thing in the world because he alweys make me LOL in all his appearances, but now I realize that he is so funny, because it is a one moment character, therefore it appeared in full-time are not as funny, but at least served its purpose in this saga, now it's time to send him back to the 90's.

  99. This is one of my favorite episodes! Judging from the comments, 90s Kid is a love him or hate him kinda guy. I thought this whole thing was hilarious.


    That game is infected with enough glitches and bugs to startup the bubonic plague!

    I may have some extra footage of that game, somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it up.

    "Duuude! I kid you not, that game is beyond broken, man! You'll see..."

  101. You should really make this a common thing, 90's Kid Reviews are totally awesome!!!!

    He is like your 'bum review' only doesn't suck!!!

    Seriously though, more 90's kid reviews!!!

  102. can you review SPIDER-MAN REIGN if
    not then tell me why not.

  103. Hey, looks like your next video will be your 100th in the main line. Anything planed?

  104. wasn't major disaster in that episode of batman B&B, Hail to the tornado tyrant?

  105. The 100th episode of Atop the Fourth Wall isn't until September.

  106. The Main reason i find this funny is the sarcasm in it. I mean if The 90's kid find's this awesome, it takes a whole bizarro effect. Lol, Like This is Awesome, Mean WTF is this!. Linkara You Keep finding ways to Win

  107. Huh, I disagree with a lot of people; I thought the entire episode was great, and 90's Kid never got old to me. Stuff like "We learned so much about those characters! Like, we learned this guy had to go to the bathroom!" was pure gold, and I loved his attempt at singing the song, especially when he gets confused midway through and stops singing. I also liked that at some points even he seemed to admit the flaws of the comic.

  108. lulzwesome review you got there. Almost everyone and their mother knew 90's Kid was up for this episode BUT even in the predictable you manage to become hillarious all together so i love that and also make me look forward to Iron Liz tomorrow (yes its confirmed guys, search for the tittle card and you will know)

    and now for some little conspiracy theory... i watch this revie for the 5 time in a marathon of the Linkara is missing arc and i notice something that can be 100% wrong but who knows: where Poyo and Harvey are watching the review since like its the room where you keep you stuff (you know the one that we see always in the intro) and i notice now its empty and with many boxes around,,, heres my wondering now: ARE YOU MOVING OUT? and if its that will you at least bring the futon to your new place? we will miss it

    this stupid tangent of thougth was briught to you by me being bored out of my skull

  109. Huh, your page on TGWTG says you you have 99 videos in the main section.

    On closer look it includes the 2009 and October trailers (making it 97)

  110. It also includes Vlogs and specials that AREN'T actual episodes of Atop the Fourth Wall.

    Plus it's out of order because it lists them as they appeared on TGWTG and not the actual order they're supposed to be in. ^_~

  111. lol
    90s Kid actually made the comic look interesting

    And I must agree with him, having a team which doesn't work properly from the start, and having them develop their skills and team-work over time IS more interesting than having them super-competent from the start!

  112. Jeez, dude. This one must have hurt your throat! Lol. Epic as always, duder. Love 90's Kid, much better than Harvey. When I watched the Harvey Finevoice review, I stopped halfway though and watched "The Sinatra Group" instead. Keep it up, man!

  113. This episode is one crowning moment of funny -- Pollo and Harvey's horrified reaction to the botch-up is still priceless.

  114. I don't remember the specifics concerning FREAK FORCE #1 but I remember loving the series because it was so unlike most of the early IMAGE books--it was a SATIRE, made in the same spirit as JUSTICE LEAGUE (INTNL) from the late 80s.

    The bit about MIGHTY MAN having to go to the bathroom was a clue\joke as to the identity of M.M.'s alter-ego, a nurse who had previously been "peppermint-pants'" room-mate!

    Mighty Man was supposed to be a knock-off of Captain Marvel and what had happened was that his host\"Billy Batson" was dying of old age so just before he kicked off, he transferred the Mighty Man powers to the woman who had been his hospital nurse! I thought that was a clever idea, much more original than anything that's been done lately with Billy Batson!

    Freak Force was a nice little comic that was co-written by KEITH GIFFEN but Larsen ended up cancelling it because it didn't make enough money. I guess it wasn't "awesome" enough...

    -Leader Desslok-

  115. Don't quite know why but I rewatched this review a ton when it was first aired and have rewatched it a few times already as I go through stuff.

    Okay I have an inkling (not sure that's the right word there) that it's because it's so damn funny. Both the review itself and the end of it where Pollo and Harvey are watching it.

    Like 90's Kid's version of the theme song, well before he distracted himself.

    When he was transfixed by Darkside... was the entity anywhere close and saw how easy he could be taken over? I thought Vyce comments to his shades later that the entity wasn't present for the moment, was wondering when the entity decided that 90s kid would be a good host/place to hide.

  116. Idk if I could see 90s kid calling Bronski a genius. He adores everything that involves senseless violence, not misogyny incarnate.


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