Wednesday, June 9, 2010

History of Power Rangers: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

The History of Power Rangers heads to the Lost Galaxy, where the Rangers join the mobile infantry to stop the bugs.

Part 2 of Lost Galaxy! People lived, people died, but at least we'll always have magic tears.


  1. Yet another excellent & very much appreciated vid!

    I'm sure you'll get a lot of comments about the Magna Defender Morpher though- its a repainted device from the Sentai series "DaiRanger," which is the same year that gave us the White Ranger & the Thunderzords.

  2. Awesome. :D One thing I don't remember though, when was the implied child death last season?

  3. That was amazing Linkara! Please finish the HOPR series no matter how impatient the fans get. I know it takes time, I will wait 100 years just please finish this!

    Are you going to keep making these for the new series that Nick announced? Like keep up with it? That would be awesome. Cant wait to see Tommy again in Dino Thunder, he will allways be the best Power Ranger.

    It also sucks that behind the scenes problems hinder the ability to fulfill the full potential of a season.

    Anyways, keep up the great work with this and AT4W, your awesome dude!

  4. Since they're sending a colony ship, I assume they've already done all the scouting they need to.

  5. Great videos as always.
    I'm looking forward to your videos about the Wild Force series, as that was the one I first watched (even though I was like 11 when it started). And then I was on off with Ninja Storm, so be good to get the gaps filled in on that one.

    Also, wrong video series, but I thought you'd like to know, it was your videos that first got me to try comics, as I was really interested in all the backstories you mentioned.

  6. Ah! Thank you Lewis. You've brightened up my day.

    By the way, is it just me or does Scorpius sound like the Overmind from Stracraft? I was half-way waiting for him to demand that I "SPAWN MORE OVERLORDS".

  7. I bet Ron Wasserman's glad you like his music so much, but I've seen Dino Squad and he really seems to have lost his edge.

  8. Thank you very much and no matter what all the other jerks tell you. you just take your time making these. you really do, do alot for your fans they should give you more respect

  9. I can't stop seeing Scorpius as the Overmind....

  10. Insightful as always sir. I think Lost Galaxy was the ending point for a lot of people. I know I stopped watching at Lost Galaxy. I also find it strange that they decided to continue the space theme again. Maybe to milk some more out of the awesome In Space. Lost Galaxy felt like it was missing something. I can't really put my finger on it but something just wasn't there. Good luck with Lightspeed Rescue. I watched it a few years ago at thought it was a trainwreck

  11. Once again, a nice job with the review. I found this one a little more detailed, probably cause you actually had to watch and research the series, until having already watched the others and know what's what, although I think it also made it twice as long, but it was good, and well thought out.

    I was equally deceived by the title and was expecting something more like they were lost in a galaxy trying to get home, which seemed not to be the case either. I stopped at Turbo, so this is way beyond my normal scope.

    I would like to make a suggestion for the next review, if I may, for previous seasons you talked about different themes like magic vs. technology and gave your thoughts on that, if the opportunity warrants, I would like to hear your thoughts on those kinda of ideas. I realized while watching they did a blend of mutant sci-fi with mystical elements, although I think the mystical parts got lost in there, probably going back to the lack of back story like you mentioned. It's not so hard and fast like previous seasons, but it's not utter chaos like turbo might have been.

    Alright, done typing. Can't wait for the next one :D

  12. OK weird question, you seem to have talked about Sentai from your past HOPR videos, but why didn't you include that this adaptation outperformed the Sentai it was based adapted from? more importantly how did it outperform Gingaman?

  13. To be honest Lost Galaxy felt like a lot of wasted potential, as you've commented the writers had all these ideas about what they wanted to do but just never came to fruition.

    The fact we never got to find out about what happened 3000 years prior to the show and the origin to the galaxy powers was disappointing.

    Also Kendrix coming back to life at the end was in my opinion a big mistake; I have no ill feelings towards her and the actress playing being forced to leave the show because of developing leukaemia was a shame but Kendrix died making the ultimate sacrifice to save her fellow Rangers and her just showing up alive again at the end of the series just feels really cheap.

    Also having 2 space themed shows one after the other was probably a mistake.

    Since I suspect a lot of people are gonna toss in their ideas as to why Scorpius and the evil forces in Lost Galaxy are still around as well as the evil forces we’ll see in later Ranger series despite the ‘Z wave’ I might as well throw my 2 cents in as say that you could look at it in one of two ways.

    1) The Z wave only destroyed the members of the United Alliance of Evil and since Scorpius and Trakeena weren’t members the Wave didn’t affect them.

    2) You can also make the Unicron argument. In the Transformers universe Unicron is regarded as the embodiment of evil and no matter how many times you defeat him he cannot be completely destroyed, the physical embodiments of good and evil can be damaged and destroyed however the very essence of both are eternal and will always find a way to return.

    Since you didn’t sum up the series in a term I’ll do, Lost Galaxy can be described as: New Beginning.
    With the Zordon era over Lost Galaxy presents the opportunity to start over with new characters, villains, themes and settings. Whether you think it was effective or not is a matter of opinion.

    Next up is Lightspeed Rescue. (sigh) Yeeeah, have fun with that.

  14. This was my first Power Rangers series and it was cool when I was like 6 or 7 along with the Spider man cartoon on Fox kids ever Saturday, but looking back it is not as good as I thought it was, but it was my first so it still has a special please in my heart.

  15. Lost Galaxy is both better and worse than I remember.
    I do fondly remember, though, that Lightspeed Rescue is my least favorite of the Post-Zordon Era X(

  16. Very interesting review.

    Yeah, the outfits for the rangers weren't the best. Though I did like the "chomp" effect that happened when they morphed.

    Was also neat to see that there was a ranger team that ALL used swords, insted of the Red Ranger only like had usually been the case before (I Think).

    One thing that I have to wonder though, having recently rewatched your "Top 15 Worst Moments of Countdown" video, and your rant about character would you rate Kendrix's character's death? Was it a moment of awesome for her, or do you think that it could have been better?

    Eagerly looking forward to the next the more you do, the closer you'll get to one of my favorite post-Space seasons: Dino Thunder (which has a great theme, IMO...and has more MMPR references and homages than just...well, I won't spoil for those who haven't seen it.)

  17. Does anyone know why there are so many shows/films with the Starship Troopers uniforms? They seem to pop up everywhere.

    Great review as always, I genuinely look forward to these.

  18. I like the part where you appear on screen reacting to Kendrix getting killed. :) It's too bad they didn't have the chance to develop the Leo/Kendrix relationship. You could tell it was love at first sight for both of them.

    I never minded the new team, since powers and zords kept changing from season to season, it kept the franchise fresh and found new stories to tell. Lost Galaxy was proof to me that the new direction for the series would work out. I do agree about the music and the underuse of Maya, Bulk, and the prof.

    By the way, I don't know how far you've gotten in Lightspeed Rescue, but I hope you note that the Ranger team-up was actually released on home video and distributed through McDonalds in 3-D. I have a copy, and while they avoided the usual 3-D cliches, I don't recall the effect being all that spectacular anyway. (Then again, I haven't watched the video in years.)

  19. Not the biggest fan of this series of the PR, but two elements were nice. The King Arthur style background was a great idea to use; brilliant idea. And with some of the villians having a code of honor. That gave them depth and personality you usually dont get in kids shows-kudos! Good review Linkara; keep up the great work. -Dream

  20. Thanks, been waiting for this (but you already knew that)!

    BTW, you did hear about a second Power Morphicon coming to Pasadena this August, right?

  21. Kevin "Jester" McGillJune 9, 2010 at 11:37 AM

    I'm surprised how much continuity there is in this first of the "New Season New Rangers" run of the "series". I wonder how much there is in...which Ranger series is next again? Oh yeah Light Speed Rescue. Thanks Wikipedia!

  22. I'm with you, Linkara. Power Rangers in Space was the last season that I ever followed regularly. I'd watch an episode here or there but it never really clicked for me I guess.

    Keep up the great work, man!


  24. This was the last season where I watched every episode of the show. Lightspeed is when I lost interest in the show for a while. Tho I did get back partially into it again for Timeforce.

  25. That Psycho Rangers reveal was pretty fuckin' epic. Though you can see why there are now a million parody videos on Youtube featuring the new Dalek paradigm and a certain badass theme tune...

  26. Anyone else having Star Trek Generations flashbacks after watching Terra Venture's dome crash into the moon?

    Thank God there aren't any bridges in this space drama.

  27. The only thing I love about the new generation of power ranger, not all, is when they show a well developed villain, one that not only is someone just plain evil, it's also intelligent, good warrior, and more important it is honorable; And I think this season is where they begin to appear and collect true meaning, someone might say it was in past seasons with Ecliptor or General Havoc, but eventually they died as villains

  28. I was trying to catch up but I only got halfway through galaxy, still, if I knew what happened there would be no point in watching apart from your hilarious comments lol.

  29. Great episode Linkara. It was worth the wait. Looking forward to lightspeed as its one of my favorites since it changes up the dynamic. If you're short on nostalgia, I'm sure many of your fans will happily provide that for you. Lost Galaxy was one of my favorites because it continued the trend of actually giving a damn about its characters.

  30. Great episode worth the wait. Can't wait for the next one.

  31. Well done! Fantastic! I loved it.

    I really especially appreciated your review/summery for this one. Lost Galaxy was one PR Season that I absolutely could not follow. (I have no idea why--lack of commitment?)

    A thought: Maybe, since Kendrix's soul was implied to be in the sword, that was what enabled the magical mumbo jumbo to resurrect her? If a Quasar Saber can turn stone into flesh--flesh from thin air should be at least...feasible.

    It would have been stupid and disrespectful to her sacrifice, but at least possible.

    The flower thing, as sweet as it was for Villamax to reach out for it at the end--didn't it seem kind of silly when Trakeena crushed it like a lit cigarette.

    And where did the Galactabeasts get the fireworks?

  32. Suicide bomber Stingwingers? Were they expecting to get a reward of 72 ladybugs after blowing themselves up?

  33. At the end it also shows the American perspective, or at least the one that its pushed through its media, about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, on side a bunch of mindless drone, and the other people in a technological oasis just trying to survive without bothering anyone, of course, this is pretty stupid and simplistic.

  34. While Lost Galaxy was, arguably, the best of the Power Rangers Renaissance, since it was basically a sequel to Space, there were flaws in in that you pointed out in your review as well as some you didn't. For one thing, I never understood why Zhane never showed up in the team-up episode. Maybe it involves the actor who played him, Justin Nimmo, not getting enough money from the project, like Patricia Ja Lee, or maybe because he was busy with other projects. Either way, the episode would've been more awesome if he showed up. In fact, the episode, To The Tenth Power, was kind of a lie since, if you include the Manga Defender, there were Eleven Rangers fighting against the Psychos. In fact, the entire idea of Lost Galaxy was a lie as well, since they only explored the titular Lost Galaxy for like 8 episodes or so, hence why I said the Rangers Sorta explored the Lost Galaxy in my last comment.

    Speaking of my last comment, I theorized that even though Zordon's dead, evil forces still must run amok, if they aren't a part of the United Alliance of Evil, and I'm surprised to see that Fury Cutter actually agrees to my theory. Of course, I also agree to the theories that you've made so far in the past analyses History of Power Ranger, since, they actually make some sort of semblance of sense since it's Power Rangers and all.

    As for the themes, while I do agree to the overall theme of loyalty going through the season, I see that a secondary theme to the season, which would become the primary theme in Time Force, is destiny. In this case, the word destiny is mentioned so much, it might as well be Yu-Gi-Oh!... or maybe that could be applied to Time Force, since it's more obvious and prominent there. Anyway, the secondary theme of destiny is that you'll eventually be chosen to do great things in the future. Simple enough. Time Force's theme of destiny... I'll cross that bridge once we answer the signal for Lightspeed Rescue.

    Also, very subtle unintentional racism in To The Tenth Power when the Green Ranger who's a black guy teams up with the Black Space Ranger. Whoops. To make matters even more subtle for unintentional racism, the Lightspeed Rescue Green Ranger is also black. Again, whoops.

  35. Well worth the wait

    One of the true joys of Power Rangers is no matter how chessy it gets there is always something to keep you watching. A new twist or idea that just about makes it worth while. Of course early lightspeed does make one question just how stupid the premise is but that's later

    Lost Galaxy always felt, to me at least, to be set a lot further into the future than it claimed. I know that somewhere someone has put together a PR contiuity but whatever that says I've aways had the feeling it's somewhere just before RPM and after Jungle Fury (I kind of think of it like Zordon era, Lightspeed, Wild, Ninja, Dino-thunder, Overdrive, Jungle then Lost Galaxy followed by RPM, SPD and ending with Time Force)

    Anyway, now that you're no longer looking back to your childhood you can be a lot more analytical. I think that shows and you're going from strength to strength.

    I don't know what more to say about the review. As a series Lost Galaxy was decidedly average and dispite Kendrix's "death" that was both undone and a matter of necesity rather than a creative choice I don't feel that very much happened. Sure there was better charicter development than the previous seasons, but that was because we needed closuer on them, rather than "we'll resolve it next season" attitude from the Zordon Era.

    While I'll be waiting don't rush the next installment. Whatever happens it will be worth the wait

    AKA Mountain King

  36. LEWIS! you IDIOT! how can you approve this comment it's a kid's show.

  37. Link-It's amazing how much I have enjoyed these Power Ranger shows of your. I never watched the PR. I was well past being a kid when they were playing on TV. But, I think it's a real testement to your story telling abilities and enthusiasm and jokeattering that you've been able to turn these shows into real sagas that I've been interested in watching.

  38. I'm getting more and more into this series - it was nice to see the PR I knew and loved recapped, but now that it's into seasons I never watched I'm actually.. intellectually engaged, I guess? Hah.


  39. haha, during the opening of the first part i really expected you to go with " god." but i guess the way you went was a little more relevant. as always, Lewis, great stuff. it's always fun to reminisce :)

  40. Oops, let me clarify my last comment: Lost Galaxy never clicked for me.

  41. I wasn't expecting it so soon, and so far I'm enjoying it. You definitely picked the perfect training montage song.

  42. Do I detect a sense of attachement to the Light speed Rescue theme?

    Anyway, I notice You atleast mention the Stingwingers, yet only give passing statements on the Swabbies? Dare I say you found some grunt lower then the P-Trons?

    To Explain, Zordon's Z-Wave...
    Scropious is in a Ship, With a shield. Easy Math, Remember Zordon's Z-wave caught all of the Alliance off guard and out in the open.

    To Say LG's development was a nightmare, is an understatment.
    Leo's love interests seem to shift from Kendrix, and Maya Before Kendrix even dies! and then it just shifts around from Karone and Maya.

    I do have to say, Why did you leave Karone out of the character recap? Personally I liked that we got Karone over Cassie*and I love Cassie mind you*

    Anyway, Good Job Lewis.

    and To sum up Lost Galaxy in a single word?

    "Forward", While it clearly takes a step away from PR establishments, it keeps a single foot in the past, but by the end even the past is left behind in Journey's End, and only the Signal, and The Danger is ahead!

  43. Man, I missed some good stuff by dropping out at Turbo. :|

    In a way, I'm glad later seasons didn't use the same cast. It seemed that they were dedicated to keeping the same type of character in each suit (IE the "chick" as Pink Ranger) until the shift around, which is why having Kendrix as Pink was so surprising.

    And yeah, the American-made footage is awesome. It's so great to see the Megaship show up and do stuff, especially considering it comes from an entirely different series. Though, I suspect the reason they never used its Megazord form was so it didn't overshadow the Lost Galaxy stuff.

    And as others have mentioned, Lost Galaxy outperformed its Sentai source, Gingaman, when dubbed and reverse-imported back to Japan. I'm sure you already learned that in the course of your research, I'm just saying it again because I think it's pretty dang funny.

    Come to think of it, I've noticed that Power Rangers tends to try to be more "epic" than Super Sentai. Most SS shows are smaller-scale and focused on their local area, while PR does bigger plots and covers a lot more territory. I'm sure a Sentai fan is going to flame me for saying that, but too bad; it's the truth, and I'm sticking with it.

  44. Those Starship Troopers putfits sure get around a lot. They were in 'Firefly' too. They must get rented out cheap to US Sci-fi shows or something?

    Once again, a brilliant retrospective, seeing new ones of these always brightens my day. I'm actually making a pitch for a publisher here in the UK (but I can't say who just now, not that I imagine you'd be familiar with a UK comics publisher) for a sentai-inspired comic for children, and trying to build on what I feel are the best elements of both Super Sentai and Power Rangers from over the years, so hearing the views of fans on the various seasons is really useful to me in a professional context too!

  45. Ah Lost Galaxy, this is such an enjoyable series. I feel it took what was so popular with In space and ran with it. Now we get to Lightspeed and the Time Force. Lightspeed was Really Really bad at times. It had by far some of the most idiotic moments up to this point in the whole series. However when it was good it was really good. i look forward to the next review.

  46. Your speculation as to the explosions reminds me of a hilarious bit on RPM where they actually did sort of explain it.

    Looking forward to your reviews of Lightspeed Rescue and especially Time Force, as well as the team-ups in Wild Force!

  47. Thumbs up is all I've got to say. Keep up the good work you great teacher of Power Rangerness you.

  48. Hey! Furio is actually Dr. Hinelar!
    The main antagonist from Megaranger! (the sentai Power Rangers in Space was based off)
    What the hell have they done to him? (on the other hand, the main villains from Dairanger were reduced to mere monsters in MMOPR, so I shouldn't really complain)

    Damn, they are gender-bending again.
    After two sentai seasons where the yellow ranger was actually a woman, they once again proceeded into changing the rangers gender (Ginga Yellow was a man)

    Budou/Treacheron is surprisingly fateful to his original sentai counterpart.
    In Gingaman he actually WAS a samurai!

    OK, I must admit, Villamax is actually a huge improvement over his Sentai counterpart.
    While Sanbasshu was a very good villain and clearly had his moments of awesomeness, he wasn't even nearly as well developed as Villamax.
    Kudos to Saban!

    Damn, they made Captain Zahab / Mutiny a real pushover!
    He was the main antagonist of Gingaman and his flying castle could destroy entire planets like a Deathstar, yet here he gets taken out in a single blow.
    Well, I guess you should never underestimate the Zerg.

    In Gingaman the Gingabeasts/Galactabeasts sacrificed their lives early in the season to save the planet. They were afterwards reborn with mechanical bodies (alto for some reason they could still return to their animal forms)

    This seasons seams to have carried over allot more aspects from their Sentai counterpart than the previous seasons did (except for the fact that Lost Galaxy took place in space while Gingaman was all about Earth)
    The magical swords, everyone turned into stone, the two brothers separated and then re-united (even the scene with the chasm was identical!)

    The Magna Defender's back-story is IDENTICAL to that of his sentai counterpart BullBlack - including him absorbing the heroes brother, sacrificing himself and passing his powers on to the hero's brother.

    But I find it ironic that of all the things that were carried over from Gingaman, the two who didn't make the cut were Moku the Wisdom Tree and Bokku the Acorn Fairy who not only served the same purpose but also had the EXACTLY same personalities and demeanour as Zordon and Alpha.

    Despite all I said above, Lost Galaxy actually seems to be an improvement over Gingaman.
    Gingaman could be described as "Captain Planet done right."
    The series had a strong environmental message but without shoving it into people's faces.
    It was a more light-hearted series, but it had some serious parts as well (like BullBlack's story)
    Lost Galaxy seems to have kept everything thatwas good about Gingaman, but added their own stuff that seems to be good.
    Trakeena seems to be a very good original villain (alto they already achieved that with Astronema), and Villamax is not only the first instance of Power Rangers re-tooling a Sentai villain that did not end up making my teeth cringe, but seems like a general improvement of an already pretty good character!

    And once again, kudos for keeping Budou's/Treacheron's original personality in tact
    (just as they did with Yugande/Ecliptor and Guirali/Darkonda in Space)

  49. What's everyone's problem with Lightspeed Rescue?
    I thought it was pretty fun.

  50. OK, after rewatching two thoughts came to mind.

    1)Where was Zhane, the Silver Ranger, during the In Space/Lost Galaxy team-up? Did the actor just not want to appear for it?

    2)How did Karone get that far out into space? My guess is she and Andross were visiting K0-35, but still...

    3)When Leo's battleizer is activated, why do I get reminded of the show "The Centurions"? You know...the three guys wearing suits that could have various attachments to them? POWER EXTREME!

  51. Part of the Ratings dip for Lost Galaxy, was because Fox Kids decided to use the time slot in order to promote the English dub of Digimon.Coincidentally, in the next season of light speed rescue, when ever a monster grew giant size it was accompanied by a swarm of bats, the same thing that happened when Myotismon turned into the supersized Venommyotismon.

  52. So, the whole time I was seeing Deviot as Robo-Kefka. It's a shame he was less successful in his treacherous machinations. Also, Villamax is evil Captain Falcon. Red helmet, bitchin' jacket with a sweet-ass collar, little falcon badge on his chest . . . all he needed was the ascot.

  53. @ Anonymous

    That metaphor doesn't quite work; Mirinoi was not the Stingwingers' home planet, and I don't even think they were trying to go to Mirinoi or any particular planet. Also, the humans who left Earth weren't persecuted or exiled.

  54. Ah yess thank you for this <3
    Seriously, I really love these and the time you've put into them, I feel they are well represented. I have a soft spot for all things that relate to sentai or theme costume hero groups. Lost Galaxy was the last season I watched, and I thought that the villains were what made it the most enjoyable, since the premise felt all over the place.

    Looking forward to the future seasons, as those are all somewhat new territory for me.

  55. I loved this series; not as much as my favorite (the very first season of MMPR) or what I feel to the best (Zeo), but I definitely enjoyed it. You said a lot of fans left the franchise at this point, but it took about a year longer for me. I admit that Lightspeed is what kill Power Rangers for me. I tried to get back into it with Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder, but just when it seemed to be getting interesting again, SPD finished what Lightspeed started for me (it was at this point I started watching the Sentai series).

    I'm looking forward to seeing your take on Lightspeed, but at the same time I'm dreading reliving that experience (seems a few others who posted before me feel the same way).

  56. Lost Galaxy is the second series in the best run of Power Rangers (creatively). Wild Force brought it to an end and it brought my following of Power Rangers to an end. Although Wild Force does have it's bright spots, it brought a blandness that became tradition once Disney took over.

  57. Great entry as always, Linkara, but somehow watching all this about PRLG seemed to make me realize this strange sense of deja vu:

    -This is a Power Rangers series involving a lost space colony trying to find a new home in some sort of space opera
    -The Rangers begin their journey on the moon.
    -One of the five is a girl named Maya who has a connection to animals.
    -There's a massive Arthurian/British feel regarding honor and loyalty.
    -It's the MMPR series of 1999

    Something tells me there is a connection but I can't figure out what it is, though. ( is weird the second half of the season premiered on the 25th of September...instead of the 13th)

  58. "LEWIS! you IDIOT! how can you approve this comment it's a kid's show."


  59. I can't say much about Gingaman, since I've only seen the first episode, though I did notice a few parallels to it. I also have a few comments regarding Sentai besides Gingaman.

    The scene in the second episode where the Red Ranger dies and passes his power onto someone else happens almost exactly the same in Gingaman, except it's the red ranger's older brother, and he falls down while protecting his younger brother.

    Having to put a key in a morpher is somewhat like Carranger, where they would pull out a key, mime steering a car, then stick the key into their AccelChanger.

    Galaxy Megazord sounds like a shout out to Megaranger's Galaxy Mega, one of the "megazords."

  60. Heh, random bit of unintentionally amusing information: Kendrick is the name of a girls' school around my way (Reading, England) so a female sciency person having the name is kind of interesting to me.

  61. A great review, I just wish you would have spent a little time talking about the Zords. You just seemed to skim over them.

  62. @ Julian and Chris

    No, Lost Galaxy never outperformed Gingaman. That's just a lie that some fans made up and has gone out of hand. Lost Galaxy was hardly recognized at all in Japan. It's Gingaman that outperformed Lost Galaxy in Japan. That's the fact.

  63. Why exactly is Alpha so happy to see them? If the Rangers are there, that means that the 'z-wave' didn't finish evil off. Was he so bored by the thought of a museum that he welcomed the return of evil and people in danger?

    On the second episode, where are the Psycho's getting their power from? The great big Maligo- Dark Specter is dead.

  64. I liked Lost Galaxy, too. I remember when Turbo was on that it really became a chore to watch it, but once In Space came out it was like the franchise got a big shot in the arm, and I kept on going until Time Force. To this day, I don't know why I lost interest when that show was on, since I kept hearing how good it was. I guess I got tired of waking up early on Saturday morning, or I guess that's when I moved and I ended up losing track of the show.

    I tend to agree with much of what's been said: the show had a bumpy start and was a little slow to get to the good parts, but the good parts were really good. I actually think it was better that Karone got to be the new Pink Ranger than Cassie. I think Cassie would have been fine, but Karone was just a more complex character and had the pathos of having been a former villain. The LG Rangers themselves were pretty good. I thought Maya seemed a little wasted in her development, but Leo, Mike, Kendrix, they worked for me.

    Also, I've noticed that the older adult characters start getting good around this time. In the older seasons, you didn't really see any adult figures in the Power Rangers' lives. They were the heroes and relied on each other or Zordon for their moral and structural support. Now we have characters like Captain Stanton in LG and Captain Mitchell in LR who aren't just oblivious to what's going on, but have their own significant role in the story. I guess with Zordon gone, it opened up the role for characters like them.

    - Jason

  65. Cannot WAIT to see your review of Lightspeed Rescue! It was one of my all time favorite seasons. Mostly because the rangers were a rescue force equiped with powers and weapons made by humans and not an outside alien force. It showed humanity was finally prepared to defend itself with no outside assistance. (although, I DO believe Andros and crew shared morphing secrets with LR...)

  66. What? No comment on Karone's character development? How come?
    Overall, a great review of my second-fave Power Rangers series.

  67. Great episode as usual, Lewis. Actually I don't mind if HOPR episodes will be slower because I stopped watching the series after Lost Galaxy. We can wait. Keep up the awesome work.

    I should mention that while watching the series, I had a huge crush on Kendrix. She had that hot librarian look that I couldn't resist. And when she sacrificed herself, I was sad.

  68. the theory about the explosions huh...Can't wait till he reaches RPM.

  69. You know, because of your show, I've been singing the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers theme song all day at school. I hope you're happy Linkara.

  70. Another great video Linkara. Lost Galaxy's big mistake was definitely continuing the space opera after In Space, it felt really like a second In Space rather than its own show. Can't wait for your LSR video, although many people seemed to hate it, I remembered it being fairly decent. I guess I wait for your video to see if nostalgia was clouding my memories.

  71. huh, and here I thought Lost Galaxy would be a waste of time after space. The Big problem with a one season plot is that you don't have much room to flesh out certain characters.

    Take Villamax for example, guy actually seemed interesting but was killed off due to the time constraints of the show. A random Quote that reminded me of him "Innocence is precious, it should be cherished, protected always...I was innocent once"

    At any rate awesome vid Link. Thanks for adding the audio for the training montage, that was hilarious.

  72. um, recited magic words from an ancient book started events that brought them to another galaxy?

    lemme guess.. Klaatu barada nikto? :-)

  73. Terra Venture reminds me of the city spaceship in Macross 7 and the space fortress Abao A Qu from Mobile Suit Gundam. SEIG ZEON!

  74. Interestingly enough, Trakeena is one villain I wished you had talked a little more about. Going from a spoiled princess to a vengeful queen was an interesting switch. Yes she wanted to kill the rangers, but it was because they killed her father. Not that they had no reason to, in fact they were slaying an evil monster set on destroying them.

    Still, even for a villain losing your father is a harsh thing. I was kind of hoping she would make a transition into an anti-hero right up until the last episode.

    I think the point where she truly crossed the line and went from being just evil to an outright monster was after she merged with Deviot. It clearly drove her to new levels of darkness, whereas before there were some lines she was not willing to cross. Granted those lines were WAAAAAY far back, but they existed.

    It's a shame, because part of me kept hoping for some kind of moment of remorse, a point where she would take a sort of "honorable yet evil" position like Villamax. When he said "you've learned nothing..." I knew then that there would be no redemption for her.

  75. This actually came out earlier than I expected

    As a hard-core sentai fan I never expected to say this, but Lost Galaxy DOES seem like an improvement over Gingaman (alto that's not a hard thing to do since Gingaman was a more light-hearted series)

    Well, looking forward to seeing how they adapted GoGoV which was a quite unique series

    Also can't wait for you getting to Wild Force!
    While I personally never watched Wild Force (besides the episode Forever Red), I can tell you that the sentai season Gaoranger that it was based off largely feels as if it was done by Rob Liefeld

  76. I think I know a way to get people to finally stop asking when the new episode is out. Stop making these videos so darn excellent. :P

  77. The last series I actually intentionally watched pretty much all of the way through was MMPR, so most of the rest of it was 'fish out of water' for me. Sure I caught bits and pieces here and there, but not actually gone out of my way to watch anything all of the way through... Maybe except a few Dino Thunder episodes, but nothing since.

    After watching this season review, I decided to change that by watching one of this show's episodes, not the one you specifically recommended, but the one you put the 80's music to because I wanted a feel of a more typical episode for the season. The only part that made me cringe slightly happened to be when ever the Rangers were running around, and not in the middle of a fight. I look forward to what comes next, when you get the time, of course.

  78. This Power Rangers series your doing is great! It's probably my favorite thing that you've done so far, which is kind of strange as I don't think I was ever really a Power Rangers fan.

    I apologize if you've heard this before, but you should really watch "Samurai Sentai Shinkenger" sometime. Not necessarily as part of this series, but just because I think you'd probably like it.

  79. Awesome review, Louis. Looking forward to Lightspeed Rescue, since it was the first Power Rangers show that I watched regularly.


  81. "I apologize if you've heard this before, but you should really watch 'Samurai Sentai Shinkenger' sometime. Not necessarily as part of this series, but just because I think you'd probably like it."

    I think that would be a good idea considering that the upcoming Power Rangers season will most likely be based of this season

  82. Great vid, and a good advert for the Postscript to the end of the Beginning.

  83. Another well-done analysis. Lost Galaxy was one of the series that I didn't watch regularly. Just every so often, I would turn it on to see what was happening.

    I had forgotten about the death of the Pink Ranger, as well as Karone becoming the new Pink Ranger, though I did remember the scene of Karone posing as Astronema.

    The end of this series seems to high-light something I thought was odd: before this one, the reason the Rangers got new powers was usually because the old ones were destroyed. The only exception so far were Turbo (given supposedly better powers because they just happened to have them). Now, apparently, the Space Rangers still could access their Ranger powers, they just chose to put their morphers into storage. Why? Why did they do that? It doesn't seem to make sense. Likewise, why do the Galaxy Rangers stick the sabers back in the stone? While it does work in a "come full circle" kind of way, is there really no more use for the Galaxy Rangers? I hope you will touch on this in future episodes. Of course, I'm looking forward to your next installment. Let's go Lightspeed!

  84. Great vid as always, Linkara.
    Although, looking at the comments, i'm suprised no one mentioned that "The Rescue Mission" was actually directed by Steve Wang. Who was also responsible for the Guyver movies and Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. (Guyver 1 is okay, 2 is better, and Dragon Knight is awesome)

  85. I think her resurrection had to do with the pink sword, it being re-energized and thus her?

  86. I find it odd that nobody suggested that these monsters didn't disappear with the "Z wave" because they employed honor and loyalty in their dealings and thus, they were not as irredeemable as their predecessors and were given a chance to live.

    fridge brilliance anyone?

  87. Huh, it continues to amaze me how the writing has improved, even from mid-Turbo (where I DID notice an improvement, even though they were saddled with the crappy villains and such from before. Case in point: the episode where they trashed the Rangers HQ looked effectively done, they just didn't have the character materials).

    I was also surprised that the Pink Ranger really died. It showed that they'd managed to get beyond the behind the scenes inspired random character changes. On that note, I wonder if Kendrick's actress was wearing a wig, if she was getting treatment for Leuchemia.

  88. If these monsters were left because the Z-Wave deemed them pure--wouldn't they have been purified like Rita and Zedd?

  89. I love your History of the Power Rangers. I am sure you already mentioned this, but where do you find all the episodes and each season?

  90. The funny thing about your energy overload theory is that it's kinda supported in the series. The videogame Power Rangers Super Legends actually weaponizes the pose-explosions, turning them into screen-clearing one-hit-mook-kill attacks. AND IT'S AWESOME.

  91. Ah... Next is LightSpeed Rescue. Treated just like Turbo, There is clear sense that the guys doing the season have this "We're waiting for TimeRanger Footage" just like how in the First half of turbo it's clear that the crew had thrown up it's hands and said "We're just killing time till we can adapt Megaranger"

    Ah... but you Showed them Didn't You LightSpeed! You showed the fools!

    Enjoy the Team up... The Next one isn't really up to par.

  92. I did my best to explain the sparks and power rangers thing:

  93. Viredae: The most common theory is that the Z-wave only affected the evil that was actively attacking the universe at the time. Since Lost Galaxy was originally meant to take place many, many years after In Space (though this is later retconned, more on that later), it stands to reason that Scorpius and his forces (and all future villains) weren't active during Countdown to Destruction, so they weren't destroyed. And later shows can be explained with the Z-wave not destroying evil itself, thus leaving room for more evil beings to be created and come forth. If they became active after the Z-wave, they wouldn't be affected and were free to go about attacking Terra Venture as they pleased. Whether or not they were honorable villains seems not to matter, since Ecliptor was the defining noble villain and he got turned to ash. Also, Scorpius and Trakeena and the like didn't strike me as Noble Villains, just loyal to the cause they believed in. Villamax is the only true noble villain in this series.

    Anyway, thank you again for this review, Linkara. While Turbo may have been the first show I saw while it aired, and Space may have been the first show I started watching regularly, Lost Galaxy was the first show I watched from beginning to end as it aired. Except the very last episode, which I missed every single time it ever aired, even in reruns, until ABC Family's Best of Power Rangers. And I have to say, I for one really loved it. It had a solid cast on both sides and fairly good plots. Plus, it had the Magna Defender, who is such a total badass I went as him for halloween that year. \m/ I want the actual suit (or a good replica of it) so goddamn badly. I never found his gravelly voice to be awkward, in fact, I thought it fit his look and demeanor quite well, and when Mike took over, it felt weird hearing his voice come out of the suit instead of Kerrigan Mahan (who incidentally also voiced Goldar, as well as a few monsters of the week from various seasons). I was so torn about his character as a kid. It was probably the most complex thing I had seen in children's entertainment ever, because unlike Astronema, who was evil who struggled with her good nature, he was good and struggled with his evil nature. Since good has more standards to live up to, the lines he crossed were more controversial than Astronema's, and there were times where I wanted to root for him but I just hated the danger his actions posed to the colony. I really enjoyed that. It proves that you can write somewhat complex, intelligent stories and still be acceptable content for a children's demographic.

  94. Karone taking over for Kendrix was another really well-written story. Normally the teamups following this one were just for the hell of it, and had little to no impact on the plot of the show. However, they wrote the return of the Psycho rangers (which was amazingly not a plot hole, and seemed incredibly well planned-out considering Space was supposed to be the final season) and the death of Kendrix into it, as well as having Karone come full-circle from being the main antagonist to being an actual Power Ranger. That's just amazing right there, and it still fits her character quite well. What better way to atone for her actions as Astronema than to fight the current evil plaguing the universe as a ranger? It was all a beautifully written story and it awes me to this day that they were brave enough to actually kill Kendrix, and not have it just be a cheap fake death. She died and stayed dead, only returning as a ghost....and somehow coming back to life at the end of the season. But still! She was dead for half the show, this was serious. When I saw that as a kid, my jaw dropped, it was such a powerful moment. Looking back, it is one of the most amazing things on that show.

    Back to Magna Defender for a quick moment, I have to point out that, as others have said, Mike's Magna Defender morpher was actually a repainted Aura Changer from Gosei Sentai Dairanger, the season of Sentai that the Thunderzords, the White Ranger, Tor, and Serpentera came from. And the open/insert gimmick was used before LG with the Zeonizers and the Turbo Morphers. In Japan, Bullblack transformed simply with the sword. It looks like for Mike's sequence, they superimposed him over the Japanese footage once he catches the sword.

    I'd now like to address something Divineall said earlier.
    "Also, very subtle unintentional racism in To The Tenth Power when the Green Ranger who's a black guy teams up with the Black Space Ranger. Whoops. To make matters even more subtle for unintentional racism, the Lightspeed Rescue Green Ranger is also black. Again, whoops."
    That's not really racism. They paired up the rangers from each team by color and had them fight their respective color Psycho Ranger. Andros and Leo vs. Psycho Red, TJ and Kai vs. Psycho Blue, Ashley and Maya vs. Psycho Yellow, and Cassie and Kendrix vs. Psycho Pink. Obviously, Carlos had to fight Psycho Black as the black ranger, but Lost Galaxy had a green ranger instead of a black ranger (no, Magna Defender is not a black ranger), so Damon teamed up with Carlos. There is a very good plot or thematic reason why a black man is fighting a black monster, so it's not even unintentional racism. I view Tommy as Red Ranger in a similar light. Red is the leader in every season except MMPR2 and 3, and Tommy is the leader of the Power Rangers starting with season 2, so it only makes sense that, while they keep the same cast, he take on the mantle of Red Ranger, ignoring his Native American heritage. With Trini and Zack, yeah, there was no good reason for them to be Asian and black, respectively, other than to add racial diversity to the team (something all PR shows strive for in a not-too-subtle racial equality motion), so yeah, that was kinda racist, if accidental and utterly inconsequential to their characters. But a black man as the green ranger fighting a black-themed opponent because he's the opponent of his previous season counterpart, who was a Hispanic black ranger, that's not any sort of racist.

  95. Whoa, I didn't know Archie Kao was a Power Ranger. (Sorry, just had to exclaim that. When you see people on screen at indie film festivals, seeing them in something more familiar gives one a certain jolt.)

  96. I think that in the future you should talk about your thoughts on the morphing sequence. You see it a lot throughout the season.

  97. Hey Lewis, I don't know if you've answered this yet (it may be in the intro video) but where are you finding all of these episodes? I'd really like to go back and watch some stuff and if you're getting it online, I'd like to know.

    Great job on this one. This is also where I stopped watching, and I'm excited to see where it goes (I did watch some dino thunder though, for Tommy).

  98. I love this show, It is great to hear your insights on the show as a whole as well as the characters and themes.
    The fact that this is something you seem to really care about makes it all that more enjoyable to watch. Take all the time that you need to make this the best you can. May the power protect you Linkara.

  99. Lost Galaxy is, to my mind, where the franchise grew up. The bodycount and less optimistic tone help establish that things are serious throughout, instead of "ohcrapwe'reseriousnowsee" at the very end of In Space. The expanded villians brought more grey to the franchise.

    The Lost Galaxy theme is better than the Lightspeed Rescue theme, in that I can sit through it. This is somewhat sad, since Lightspeed Rescue is my favorite season so far. (And it appears I'm watching along with you in my pace.)

    The colony makes sense. Consider: Astronema just came very close to blowing up the planet. A colony ship, or many colony ships, with undefined destinations provide redundancy. Macross went with the same method for the same reason: if Earth goes down in flames, the human race isn't going with it. Because their destinations are undefined, and space is huge, whoever took down Earth won't be able to find the colonies.

    My personal theory on the sparks is that it's a sign of the failing defense. Non-sparking hits are rejected. Sparking hits are whatever keeps the Rangers safe normally blowing out in a pressure wave, like a backdraft, and taking the damaged bits of the suit with them.

    Ah yes. You know, I'm usually against lyric'd music in shows or games because it breaks immersion, but for To The Tenth Power I make an exception. Though I did notice a distinct lack of Silver Ranger.

    I actually much prefer the Battlyzer from this season, though I suspect it's not for any quality of its own and rather because it reminds me a bit of Ripley's exoskeleton from Aliens. Being a sucker for powered armor and powered exoskeletons has its downs, too.

    Maya is in denial. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    I look forward to your Lightspeed Rescue review. When you give the Rangers the willingness to Just Shoot Him...LIGHTSPEED BLASTERS!

  100. Though Karone was a great pink ranger, I'm rather interested in how Cassie would've turned out. They'd definitely have brought back the Phantom Ranger stuff for their possible romance together.

  101. Awesome video review as always. I loved Lost Galaxy and like others, it was actually Lightspeed Rescue that lost my interest.

  102. I realize budgets have to be relatively tight on "Kids' shows" but Trikena's (Sp?) head gear is absolutely ridiculous! It appears to be a cheap bicycle helmet with dreadlocks, and some rubber bug pieces attached to it. Making her look like one of those stereotypical "special" kids that has to wear a helmet due to their love of running head first into walls.I really can't help but feel sorry for the dwarf or child actor in that goofy little villain suit during the training montage.

    Anyways thanks Linkara for another entertaining retrospective. It's hilarious seeing the direction this series took after it basically dropped out of existence for me.

  103. So I've had a bit more to think about it, and I'm going to offer

    My counterpoint to The Wasserman Factor can probably be neatly summed up by two scenes from the first and last Matrix movies.

    The lobby scene from the first movie, set to a tune called Spybreak by some guys going by The Propellerheads. It has no lyrics, and it needs no lyrics. It simply is, and it is awesome.

    The second example is Rob Dougan's Chateau, used for the scene of the same name in Reloaded. This scene is actually improved by the actor's lines and sound effects being removed in favor of emphasis on the soundtrack itself. I've seen a couple youtube videos which more or less prove the point, but I can't link them at the moment. (Work rules. Look up a user called soundtrackx)

    Lyricless fight music is not bad; much the opposite. Lyrics make it easier to make music evocative, but they also distract from the ongoing action. (Seriously. Take any of the productivity studies on music as an example; anything with lyrics that are even slightly comprehensible to the listener will distract them. The opposite is true of lyricless music.) The ideal music for a fight scene would actually be without lyrics, but this is more difficult to execute well as an unintended side effect. Lost Galaxy's fault lies in its lack of budget or inability to locate talent, not in its choice to move away from Wasserman's legacy.

  104. The problem isn't so much lyric-based fight music but rather the wrong music being used for a fight scene. The music used for fights in Lost Galaxy neither got me excited about the fights nor did it seem to match up to the action.

  105. Actually this is the series that got me back into Power Rangers. So there's a lot of nostalgia in this for me :D

  106. Now that I think about, Trakeena really reminds of the AntAgonizer from fallout 3

  107. awesome review linkara
    also what the song at 15:30 i can't get it out of my head

  108. Lost Galaxy seems to take a lot of influence from Titanic (especially since they named the hero Leo and had the launch of Terra Venture mimic that of the Titanic.) The music is too orchestral in an attempt to be epic and as a result and does not fit fast paced fighting.

  109. Brilliant episode.
    Can't wait for your next installments as, while your era was the beginning of the Power Rangers through to Lost Galaxy (OK, Lost Galaxy was where you lost interest, but you were there for the start at least), my era of Power Rangers was Lightspeed Rescue to SPD so it'll be really interesting to see what you thought of the episodes which I personally have nostalgia for.

    Brilliant series, am loving it. You take all the time you want on the next episodes. I want the next episodes to be as great as possible and don't mind waiting longer for the next bit if that means that the next bit is better.

    Keep up the great work, from a fellow comic book fan, Power Rangers fan and a fan of Atop The Fourth Wall :)

  110. I watched the Magna Defender arc for myself and was impressed by the vocal performance. I was surprised it was Kerrigan Manning (who played Goldar and many of the various monsters.) When I first heard the voice, I though it might be Eric Southward, a stunt man on the show and later the Quantum Ranger, who has a similar voice.

    Power Rangers has had some very good voice work throughout the years and it has been critical to making many of the stories work as many of the sentai costumes lack facial expressions. Great characters like Frax and Eciptor were only possible because Saban didn't get lazy when it came to the voice work.

    Even in the Disney era seasons, when some of the worst actors to play Rangers make the good guys insufferable to watch, you can count on the voice actors to give the villains a lot of life.

  111. Why is there still evil?

    Possible reasons, as mentioned they could have had a suffiecient form of protection.

    Maybe it didn't go that far.....

    Perhaps they were in other dimensions at the time.

    Maybe they simply weren't born yet, a seed that will sprout evil isn't evil as of yet and a child/individual that turns evil later on at that point might arguably still be "good" or at least neutral.

  112. umm your part 2 isnt working currently, or at least it wasnt, and part 1 is still fine though.

    so if you could fix that i would really apreciate it

  113. Another excellent review. I never noticed the whole "chivalry" thing before except in Loyax's Last Battle. Still, this was a good season. Have fun with Lightspeed, all I remember is how Ryan barely showed up, and the rest of the characters were kinda bland.

  114. @
    As for the Z wave idea that some characters were not born yet, I would like to pose the counter arguement. In Wildforce, 5 members of the Machine Empire are still alive, and evil as ever. They even whip out Zedds old Zord. Ironically one of them was the Green Beetle Borg.

    Somehow theres always a plot hole that negates any arguments that we can make. Sadly. I liked the grow up and be evil idea.

    Frankly the only decent part of this excuse for a series was that they actually gave the villians some thought. Though Mutiny was a bit of a let down. How can you magically take a bad guy... Give him a decent background... and BOOM kill him off in half the time of his particular story arc.

    Now as for Trankeena, I wonder what you have to say about her use as a continuity between LG and LSR.

    On a scale of 1-10 for villians and rangers, LG actually ranked about a 7.5 for villans and a 6.5 for rangers. Mainly due to them not exactly explaining the rangers as much as they did in other series.

    The Kendrix death and ressurection was what could be considered the only major mistake of the series. How can you water down the most noble act a character can pull off. Oh yeah...Kids show.

  115. Titanium "barely showed up" because they didn't have footage of him since he was the first Ranger made up for the show and wasn't in Sentai. But you are right, he was easily the best part of Lightspeed. Bandai seemed to remember this as he got his own superposable action figure in the Super Legends line last year.

  116. This is actually the only Rangers series I started watching from the beginning. However, I was young, and didn't really understand most of the stuff going on.

    But this seems to be a good series overall. So next is Lightspeed Rescue, the only other series I can remember. That may also have my personal favorite theme song.

  117. As I see it regarding the Z Wave, it just seemed attracted to anyone who was currently active. It's easy enough to hand-wave this away by saying "these villains didn't exist yet"...but unless you're talking of the "future-based series" (Time Force, SPD, RPM), I can't take that as an excuse. Most of them were just not active in their plans for domination or weren't really pulling anything that Zordon would be able to trace down. (well aside from the obvious "it was just a magic hand wave")

  118. I really have to wonder why you makes a big deal about being "Worthy" to be a ranger seeing that, The Selection process is rather questionable at best... shotty at worst.

    Granted I can think of one glaring example of where "why the Hell is he a Ranger?" but that's way later down the road, So um... Surprise!!!

  119. I was the same as you Link. I only watched 5 or 6 episodes back when this came out too. I was put off by being having a new cast thrown at me. Not to mention that Countdown to Destruction's ending had heavily implied that all the bad guys in the universe were either killed or turned good. I did watch the In Space / Lost Galaxy cross over back in the day, it was awesome!

    Wow link, after watching this, I kinda want to watch this season now. Despite the set backs, it looks like a solid season. I will try to track this season down somehow and watch it.

  120. I have to say. One thing I strongly disagree with is your assessment of the theme song. Yeah, it lacks the hard rock punch of the original and some of the earlier themes, it's still more lyrical than half of them. The original didn't have ANY lyrics other than "Go go Power Rangers, you Mighty Morphin Power Rangers". Zeo had a bit of lyricism, Turbo had a bit less than that, but still more than the original. Space had lyrics, but still didn't tell much of a story. I mean, how much can you get out of "Set controls to outer space now, flying higher than ever before Rangers"? Lost Galaxy at least tried to tell a story, even if it ended up not being the story of the season. "Long long ago, deep in space, in a galaxy unknown, there lies a key to the answer of the powers you will know." Does it feel incomplete? Yes. But it's more than any of the other songs ever gave us. Also, I don't think the first six seasons' theme songs ran together. Yeah, Zeo was a sequel to Mighty Morphin's theme, but the others were independant and unrelated spare for liberal use of the word "Go".

  121. Hey Linkara, I know it's a while off yet (and I don't mind waiting) but when you get to power rangers time force can you talk about the stupid time travel system power rangers has, an example is in episode 9 of time force where they need to repair the megazord in the future before a monster attacks the past, but can't they just take their time repairing it and send it back in time before the monster attacks? Because according to power rangers whatever time passes in one time zone, it passes the same amount of time in another time zone, complicated I know but it just doesn't make sense, your right, power rangers punches science in the face!

  122. This was said before, but it kind of was buried under the other comments:
    I, and I assume many others who haven't watched the seasons you are reviewing, would like to see more about the Zords and transformations of the Rangers and what you think of them.
    In this episode there were barely any scenes involving the Zords, maybe 2 minutes or so overall in the whole thing.
    And the transformation sequences changed drastically from the first seasons where it was only a still picture of their morpher with their color and a bit lightning and their head saying the transformation words and then voilà transformation complete, to the cgi transformations of the newer seasons.
    So, yeah. A bit more about this stuff in the next reviews would be great!

  123. Re: last comment:

    I think that the "chomping effect" scenes that Linkara showed were the transformation sequences for this season (already a significant upgrade from MMPR). Similarly, I think he showed the "In Space" transformation in that review (at least for the Black Ranger), where he was spinning around and it had some computer-y effects, even if he didn't explicitly say, "this is the morphing sequence."

    But yes, more footage/info/opinion on the Zords would be welcome in future reviews.

    BTW: the fire, lightning, waterfall, etc. seen in this season's morphing sequences and opening credits were put in the Sentai because their powers were actually based on the classical elements.

  124. Mountain King said:
    "Lost Galaxy always felt, to me at least, to be set a lot further into the future than it claimed. I know that somewhere someone has put together a PR contiuity but whatever that says I've aways had the feeling it's somewhere just before RPM and after Jungle Fury (I kind of think of it like Zordon era, Lightspeed, Wild, Ninja, Dino-thunder, Overdrive, Jungle then Lost Galaxy followed by RPM, SPD and ending with Time Force)"

    Did you forget the Mystic Force season? Because, going by your logic, I'd put that one between Dino Thunder and Operation Overdrive.

  125. Actually Mike's Magna Defender morpher is in fact the Dairanger's morpher which is where the white ranger from the Thunder arc in MMPR came from. It's strange that they used it in this season though.

  126. @Julian, it didn't; that was a lie that got spread around.

  127. @Drago
    You said ". The original didn't have ANY lyrics other than "Go go Power Rangers, you Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"."

    I said; the opening theme, yes. BUT! The full version had lyrics, and was used in various places like the movie and some episodes. The first verse for example was,
    "They've got....a power and force that you've never seen before
    They've got...the ability to morph and to even up the score Can ever take them down!
    The power lies with yi yi yi yi...
    Go Go Power Rangers x3
    You Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers"

  128. I like your HOPR videos and there's some nice insight in them (like the science vs magic themes from MMPR that I never picked up on as a kid) but I really think you could structure your videos better.
    I think it'd flow more smoothly if you examined in detail each element of the series in turn - the Rangers, supporting cast, villains, Zords, notable story arcs, themes - rather than just giving a large synopsis of the main story arc episodes and leaving all the real insight and criticism for the end.

  129. That could be one of the best cases of unintentional foreshadowing I've ever seen - flash back to MMPR Season 2 and "Wild West Rangers" when Zordon tells Kimberley that too much pink energy is dangerous. An ultimately fatal whirlwind sounds pretty darn dangerous to me.

  130. The final episode of The History of Power Rangers needs to just be 20 minutes worth of funny Bulk and Skull clips.

    Oh, and I guess we've found a new potential bug lady love interest for Jimmy Olsen, haven't we?

  131. The Red Ranger's Battlizer in Lost Galaxy always reminded me of the Centurions. Every time he would activate it, I couldn't help but yell out "Man and Machine..Power Extreme!"

  132. Hi there I love this history of power rangers series as well as your other ones.

    Here's a little something you could have forgot to mention - there was another show made by Saban around the time this series came out - Mystic Knights Of Tir Na Nog and later there was supposed to be a second season but it was cancelled later and that's why the budget was put towards this season of PR instead.

  133. I seem to recall reading that there was an episode written/shot with Patricia Ja Lee as the Pink Galaxy Ranger, but ultimately scrapped due to contract disputes.

    And Trakeena = hotness to the 11th power.

  134. The Wasserman factor is real for more than just this though. I got my hands on the season 1 and 2 MMPR wasserman fight songs and my friends and I used to play Super smash bros with it blasting in the background. Whenever we did this, the battles were more intense, the point totals were higher, and we would each have so much more kills than normal. lol go wasserman

  135. This is a little late, and a bit minor and very theoretical, but it's something I figured about Damon and the Megaship.

    I get the feeling he DID already know it's the real thing, seeing as he knows how to fly the ship when Kai does a bang up job of taking off, despite his claim. He probably only says that to dissuade anyone from even thinking of trying. Though that does make it admittedly kind of a weak security, especially since he doesn't even really actively try to stop Kai at all. But it's possible that the Megaship was disguised as a replica of itself and Kai correctly deduced it was the real ship. That way, it lends a little more credence to Damon's initial claim, since, as stated, it hasn't been THAT long since the events of In Space.

    It's a bit far-fetched but I think it makes more sense if the above was the case. Maybe somebody's already posited this, I dunno. But what do you guys think?


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