Monday, July 12, 2010

Cable #2

Two times the grimacing! Two times the plot holes! Two times the utter stupidity!


  1. Hum. Well Cable 2 was just as I expected.

    A dull 90's comic with lots of explosions and philosophy that is meaningless when you try to think about it. I keep banging on about this but while the 90's were a troubled time for America's comic book industry over here in England it was a great time. With 2000AD really pushing the boundaries, sometimes too far but that was the point.

    While this would have been the perfect opportunity to use 90's kid I'm glad you resisted it. Giving the feeling that you chained the annoying snot in his room. That or gave him a Saga Genesis to play with and left him to it.

    As for the story line this felt like a filler, no more like a breather. It's easy to tell you want to give this story line some time to develop and that's good. More time to breath, as it were, gives the idea a scope it wouldn't otherwise have. Lord Vyce, as a not entirely original character (sorry the Power Ranger influence is a little too strong), still deserves a lot more build up than Link-sano.

    All in all this very much felt like filler, but good filler, especially here, can be very good. I loved the use of the Three Doctors clip.

    One thing I have to mention though is your hatred of rotating the book. There are sections of V for Vendetta that use that trick well and I would love to hear your opinions of that unbalanced comic but, in keeping with Alan Moore, you really should pick up Promethia issue 11. The entire issue is in "portrait" and Moore is so far out of his mind with that series you might as well be reading Grant Morrison's run on Animal Man.

    Entertaining fun

    AKA Mountain King

    PS The last couple of times I've tried to post these I've gotten the message that the URL is too long and I've posted twice to make sure. Sorry about that.

  2. Yay! I was beginning to get 'Huge Unnecessary Gun' Withdrawl!

  3. Hey lewis don't you find it ironic you release this issue focusing on Cable given what happened in the recent X-Force issue? I can tell there is clearly no way you could have predicted THIS!

  4. Great review Linkara. A bit surprised there weren't more elipses in this comic than in the previous one. It's sad because Cable is now an awesome character. Or at least he is when I read him in the Cable and Deadpool series.

    Great to see you back to normal and not having anymore guest reviews (Although I question how Pyramidhead would do a review)

    If you need a Cable comic for next year might I suggest New Mutants #98. Yeah it's more famous for Deadpool's first appearance but what better way to talk about his movie for next year than to say how Deadpool and Cable met up for the first time.

    Long story short: Keep up the good reviews of bad comics and looking forward to next week's review.

  5. When you said the power signatures were in flux, I thought you were going to reveal that Vyce is in the Nexus!

  6. A few things I have to say:
    1) Why does a samurai have ninja assistants? Ninjitsu historically was created for the pesants to fight back against the samurais' corrupt land extortion. It seems off for Ninjas to be hired by their historic enemy. Even weirder is the fact that the ninjas should try to assassinate them from behind, rather than jumping at them en masse.
    2) Maybe the yellow washed Stryfe was supposed to strike fear in the readers' hearts, by telling them that he joined the Sinestro Corps.
    3)Apocalypse actually is a lot less frightning to me than he should. I think it's the purple bodysuit.
    4)Applecrust? seriously?

    Glad to have you back. Cant wait for 9 more episodes. I can see an epic climax coming along.

  7. Uh, it doesn't sound like you COULD care less about them arguing, it sounds like you could NOT care less about their argument.

    You also said he lacked any use of basic camo and then called him a "Nimrod" (great-grandson of Noah, known as a talented hunter).

    Though I am surprised at the lack comment on the alleged sound effects. I fail to see how they are pronounced, let alone demonstrate anything.

  8. Impressive technobabble at the end there. ;D And brilliant review as always. :)

  9. Does that old timey piano jig even have a name? I've heard it beforeand isn't listed in the credits and I really want to find out more about it.

  10. Good review, Lewis.

    As for an example of side spreads actually adding to the comic: Sandmann - The Doll's House, where Rose WAlker's dreamsequene is done entirely in sidespreads, using this to emphasize the estrangement she as the vortex brings into the dreaming. The panels leading up to that are gradually dropping in ankle mirroring her fallling asleep.

    Other than that I can't think of an example.

    (It still buggs me that I have to turn the book though)

  11. I saw this on blip. I liked it, but the Dan Green joke made me cringe. I like Yu-gi-oh abridged and I know you were tying to do a shout-out to it, but it just felt like a forced and unnecessary cameo.

  12. The only thing that could have made the Ninja Style Dancer bit better would have been to try and dance with massive shoulder pads on.

  13. man, am I seriously the only guy who liked the 90's kid episode?

  14. no wonder i never read much american comics(i mostly read european comics and manga)bad artwork,unlikeable character
    wtf!moments and storytelling make me stray away from anything americains

  15. Did you get that sonic scredriver after you beat up Film Brain, or did you get it some other time?

  16. "Does that old timey piano jig even have a name? I've heard it beforeand isn't listed in the credits and I really want to find out more about it"

    It IS listed in the credits. "The Entertainer."

  17. "man, am I seriously the only guy who liked the 90's kid episode?"

    Oh, plenty of people liked it, myself included, but the entire cast of MY show hates it. XD

  18. Aw man Linkara, you forgot the most awesome Apocalypse quote ever! "I am the eternal shore-Crash against me, and BE BROKEN!"

    But otherwise, it's great to have you back and your family is clearly the most awesome ever if they're guest starring on your show. This Lord Vyce arc is turning out to be really interesting.

  19. As far as sideways comic pages go, what about the scene in Gaiman's "The Dolls House" (the second Sandman story ark) where Rose falls asleep and the sideways panels are there to indicate that she has entered the Dreaming. I realize that this is a very subjective thing, but I liked how they used it to emphasize the distinction between the real world and the Dreaming.

  20. Sorry if this has been asked before, but why the heck does Cable's eye keep glowing like that?

  21. That ending was perfect. But in some ways I think a review hosted by the ghost of Jacob Marley and Christmas Present would have been awesome. (And just for the heck of it, throwing Pyramid Head in there, too would be pretty interesting and certainly unexpected!) Christmas in July, anyone?

  22. Hey, neat longer episode linkara :D

    Just what i was looking foward to after the guest-rewiers (whom i though Liz what still the best off even though your take on finevoice was ok :P)

    PS. Hey... prepearing for upcoming magical robot invasion???

    Is this Power rangers ZEO all the sudden? :O

  23. Wow. That was just...bland. I think this is what your Q-Unit review would have looked like. Bimbos in Time was actually pretty funny, but this only really had the spine-music and the giant samurai robot that consorts with ninjas to make me stop and go "wtf" or laugh. I think you might have been better off skipping this comic too.

  24. "Wow. That was just...bland. I think this is what your Q-Unit review would have looked like. Bimbos in Time was actually pretty funny, but this only really had the spine-music and the giant samurai robot that consorts with ninjas to make me stop and go "wtf" or laugh. I think you might have been better off skipping this comic too."

    Cable #2 actually had stuff I could make fun of, like reeeeaaaaally bad physiques, bad dialogue, nonsensical plot points.

    Q-Unit had... nothing. I could not make it funny.

  25. "How can you be stealthy with shoulder pads like that?!"

    Ask Spoony about his current D&D campaign with other TGWTG hosts, and the quote "VICTOR STEALTHY! CLANK! CLANK! CLANK!"

  26. Thanks for the Portal reference. Now you are officially awesome. ;)

  27. Gotta admit I always hated Cable. By product of the huge musclesgun-totting era. Was pleasantly pleased with X-Force 27.

  28. How did John Romita Jr go from one more Liefled impersonator to the artist he is now?! How?!

    I'm bit confused about how the robots are a threat now when they were taken out so quickly last week.

    And now I'm interested how Pyramid Head could host a review is beyond me.

  29. I almost spat up my food while laughing during the spine-piano bit. Bravo, good sir. Bravo.

  30. You know what honestly bothers me the most about the cover? "Part 2 of two." Seriously? You couldn't choose between the number and the word, so you went with both?

  31. Personally I think David Mack's the only artist to effectively use double-page turn-over spreads as a story telling tool.

    Loved "Dan Green"'s cameo at the beginning.

  32. This comic is actually how I imagine Micheal Bay sees the world: everything is stupid and then it blows up.

    Good stuff on the ninja dancer and spine music skit, those really got me laughing!

    Good job, Linkara.

  33. "Oh, plenty of people liked it, myself included, but the entire cast of MY show hates it. XD"

    Oh I knew that, but it's just that the amount of "evers" you put into "don't let 90's Kid host the show again" just made me think "Wow, apparently alot of fans hated that episode and Lewis really wants to communicate he's never doing that again."

  34. Well, duh.

    The reason Manhattan's name was changed to Applecrust, is because, in the future corporations took over the government, to the point they were able to change Manhattan's name to the brand-new, hot and delicious Betty Crocker's Applecrust Pie! In a store closest to you, today!

    It's so good, the name remained for 700 hundred years, surviving the names Cherry and Almonds, Lemon, and Cranberry and Cheese!

  35. Special kudos to showing clips from the 90s X-Men series. That show was great!

    And yes, Cable's portrayal in that series was much, much better than in this comic.

    - Jason

  36. Personally never had a problem with the turning the book sideways. I mean I can get why it would annoy some people, but sometimes I don't even bother. But then I learned to read upside down when I would sit across my mom at the breakfast table and she would read the paper's comics, so the skill to read at odd angles is kind of ingrained into me.

    Not a complaint against the review, (like I said, I can see why it would bother some) in fact I rather enjoyed this review. And it's one of the few comics I actually owned that you've reviewed, so there was charm in that.

  37. Glad to have you back in full effect Lewis! I do think this comic is blindingly stupid and may be one of the worst examples of HORRENDOUS '90s artwork that I've ever seen. How you put up with this crap on a weekly basis is beyond me. Can't wait to see next week's review!

  38. Why is your sonic screwdriver so much shinier than mine? And why does it have lights on the side? Mine just has a painted blue strip with a button on either end.

  39. "Why is your sonic screwdriver so much shinier than mine? And why does it have lights on the side? Mine just has a painted blue strip with a button on either end."

    Mine is the one that comes with the two-pack sonic screwdriver/laser screwdriver game. I purchased it without realizing it wasn't the same as the toy versions and am currently awaiting the real one in the mail. In the meantime, this one works as a prop (it doesn't make the right sound and it doesn't extend out).

  40. Hmm...okay, so magically-charged constructs that powerset and actual connection changes from universe to universe? Hmm, seems like what I was saying about preparing people for them was right. After all, you have proven you can take them out with significant magic and melee abilities, just not guns...for some reason.

    Also, Cable #2 sucks.

  41. I'm suprised they actually had Stryfe and Silver Samurai in the same issue. They practically have the same outfit, minus Stryfe's holistically unnecessary cape.

  42. You know, when Romita was not drawing EXTREME 90'S KEWLNESS, I could see his normal art style poking through. For instance, that shot of Stryfe's face after he put the shirt on looks like it would fit in on one of Jrs issues of Avengers. The story was, of course, alternatively stupid and forgettable, but what can you do?

    So Lord Vyce has both science and magic? Interesting. People have mentioned Power Rangers as your influence, but would I be correct in thinking that a certain dictator from the Marvel Universe is another influence?

  43. Was that the Ghost of Comics Past, Present and Pyramid Head?

    It's not even December yet. Just how far in advance was Poyo planning?

    Still, great review.

    Hm...if the Shades are directly linked to the power supply on Vyce's ship across dimensions, couldn't you theoretically capture a Shade and drain all the energy off the ship; thus trapping Vyce between parallel universes for all time?

    .........need a sidekick?

  44. linkara please if you ever find a comic this bland again don't review it. just skip over it and do the next one, even with your talents this was a painful 20 minute review.

    please just stick to the really odd, bizarre, interesting and funny ones like your star trek one

    that being the last really funny review as your normal self in my opinion.

    hell I think only 90's kid could have saved this one

    sorry if this is comes off as overly harsh on you but please for the love of god never review shit like this ever again plus my headache at the time didnt help my mood any

  45. Nice man,I cant wait for the next apearance of vice!(paying homage to lord zed is awsome) also thier was a comic were PETER PARKER WAS MOSLATED!!!! just touht you would like to know that.

  46. I was always fond of X-men Evolutions Apocalyspe...

    Anyway, funny review.

  47. Linkara, please, let 90' kid host the show again- that was an awesome episode !

    I really think You should do video games/comics reviews as a 90' kid too.

  48. I am truly shocked nobody has come along to explain Stryfe (I'm assuming PLIC is in effect here) to us. Truly shocked.

    ...or maybe nobody really DOES care about him.

  49. This actually opens up a major plot hole. If Cable can travel through time freely then WHY DOESN'T HE? Stryfe running away while you have to save your friend? Go back in time and set up a pit trap.

  50. Dear Linkara

    While Cable is indeed quite a bad comic, don't you think you have done enough 90s reviews for now? It must be weighing quite heavily on your psyche, I know I would go crazy if I had to analyse that much of them.

    I suggest you take a look at X-women #1, an issue released about a week ago. It is truly a horrible, horrible comic, but at least it is not from the 90s.

  51. Hey Linkara,

    I'm just a fan asking this so don't feel like you have to worry or something.

    I was just wondering if you can tell us something about the Q&A part two .... just out of curiosity you know. Please tell me


  52. Everyone in that comic had lips like Steven Tyler!

    I've heard good things about that Cable and Deadpool title though. But I haven't read it because I don't want to have to hate Deadpool. He seems like one of those characters like Batman or Wolverine that'll quickly become over used and a single gimmick hero(?)

  53. Every time i see muscle bound hulking heroes i think of the Meanwhile in JTHM.... yeah this comic would annoy the hell out of me.

    Also i just was able to catch up with your videos and the Heathers Reference killed me. My favorite movie.

    Keep up the good work Linkara.

  54. XD talking about them being stealthy just brings up power rangers quotes in my head dammit XD
    "Nothing says covert like bright red, yellow and blue spandex." - Dillon, RPM

    Also I love the Dr. Who references

    So.....Lord Vyce (reminds me of Sauron) has robotic nazgul putties. You have a magic gun, power rangers weapons and a pokeball with a pyramidhead. And Liz has Drizzt's swords. THIS IS GONNA BE EPIC

  55. Well, since the ninjas don't seem to have loads and loads of pockets, like many of Liefield's characters, I think their huge shoulder pads are where they store their throwing knives, shurikens, darts, and other essential ninja throwing tools. Yes I know its an old post, just wanted to put my half-assed theory out there.


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