Monday, July 26, 2010

Interview with Johnny Yong Bosch

So recently anime reviewer JesuOtaku and I were able to interview Johnny Yong Bosch of both Power Rangers and various anime series fame and ask some questions! Have a listen and enjoy!


  1. How did you guys get a hold of Johnny and get him to agree to this? You guys are so lucky.
    I wasn't a huge fan of Adam on Power Rangers, but I love his voice work in Trigun and Wolf Rain. I'd love to meet him some day and I am so disapointed that he's not coming to Morphicon.
    Great job on the interview. It was great to listen to.

  2. Well, this more than makes up for the "Kristanna Loken Incident". Nicely done!

  3. Speaking as a fan of Haruhi Suzumiya, I would of liked it if they did the change actors or accents thing. In fact, that alone would probably make me buy the dvd. (yeah, I still have nightmares about Endless Eight. Why! WHY! WWHHHHHYYYYY!!!!!!! :S )

    Anyway, I'm glad to see (well hear) two of my fav TGWTG contributers interviewing a voice actor from various works I've enjoyed over the years.

    Also, out of curiousity, what was up with the part with Rollo T?

  4. Thanks for asking about the Turbo cast change, it's one of those nagging questions, so it's great to finally hear about it firsthand.

    I laughed when he mentioned Overdrive as cheesy. I only watched "Once a Ranger" to see the team up, and the parts that didn't have Adam were atrocious. The Overdrive Rangers were so whiny and unwatchable, they certainly weren't heroes. Had he been asked to guest during the Time Force era he might have had a different impression of how the show had evolved.

  5. This guy is pretty cool. Have seen some con footage of him with Jason David Frank and it was absolutely hilarious.
    Very good interview you have here. Nice questions asked as well. First time I've heard him talk about his getting fired in Turbo.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Its always great to see a childhood hero's actor is cool in real life.
    man,you really went on a limb with some of those questions.
    I agree,fuck saban,penny pinchin sleezebags!
    they should make it up by making a new MMPR movie and not fucking it up like star trek,hiring new actors..but use xmen 3 tech to make the orignal actors look young again-HA!

    what the hell?
    He was in Akira? Thats a legendary film,a step up from power rangers by far.

  8. Never realised all these connections

  9. Wow! My two favorite web personalities together?! Great stuff.

  10. When was this interview done? Funimation recently licensed the Trigun movie.

  11. Huh, bit surprised to not hear about any of his video game roles (Adell, Souji Seta/Tohru Adachi). Otherwise interesting.

  12. Oh Linkara, you didn't need to get me anything for my birthday, but I'm so glad you did.

  13. We'll you've got a much better interview with a film star(I know he's TV and voice acting, but still) than Kristanna Loken here, good job.

  14. Yeah that was fun. Thanks Hope and Lewis for actually not being nervous and really interviewing Johnny. That alone makes it awesome.

  15. That was awesome. I always like hearing from actors from stuff I loved as a kid, and especially nice that they still come out with new stuff that I love today. Thanks for posting!

  16. I really enjoyed this interview, lots of great stuff. I'm a bit disappointed that he didn't talk about one of his more interesting roles, Adachi from Persona 4, but I suppose neither of you played that game and you can really only ask what you know. It was still a great listen and I look forward to possible future interviews.

  17. Interesting. How did you get this guy to talk to you? Is it over Skype, or were all of you guys in the same place, (for a Con or something) and your like, ''Can we interview you?'' and he's like, ''OK''?

  18. Hmmmmmmm... someone write some fan fiction about it. Hmmmmmmmm... ;)

  19. I decided to check this out as a supplement to your PR videos, but I was also curious about what he had to say about his anime work and that was an interesting interview. I had the same 'oh man' moment as Johnny did when Hope, is it, admitted to not being much into PR because she wasn't old enough when he was originally on it. hehehe. All of his little tidbits were interesting to hear, but yeah, he shouldn't have expected Disney to approve what he's been wanting to do with the character for a while. If Saban asks him to do a guest shot in one of their new shows, he might get his chance though.

    As for his Anime work, I've seen 2 of the series he's worked on, Bleach and Eureka 7. Bleach, I could see if I didn't already know. Eureka 7... Not so much, and that one must have been murder on his voice since Renton spent half his time screaming about what was going on around him.

  20. He seems like a really cool guy

  21. This was really cool. I got to meet a lot of the Power Rangers at AnimeExpo last year, but not Johnny. It's cool that he sat down and did this.

    Unfortonatly it made me want too see the "Time Force" HOPR video even more now, so the wait is going to be all the harder lol.

    I'll just have to make due with all the other updates till then.

  22. Congratulations on the cool interview! I hope you get tons more like this! Hey, has Bosch seen any of your HoPR videos?

  23. I thought I recoginzed his voice in the War For Cybetron game. He does a great job, and seeing as Bumblebee is my favorite Autobot I'm going to be very picky as to how he's portrayed.

    I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to have you go through the Power Rangers years and then let Jesu take over for the anime stuff (chronlogically speaking) instead of switching back and forth like that, but you both did a great job. It must have been cool to interview a childhood hero.

  24. I laughed when he mentioned Overdrive as cheesy. I only watched "Once a Ranger" to see the team up, and the parts that didn't have Adam were atrocious. The Overdrive Rangers were so whiny and unwatchable, they certainly weren't heroes.

    You do realize, Once a Ranger Derails the OO Rangers to make the Vet rangers look better, right? You know Those things Linkara mentioned Shouldn't happen in a team up/Crossover... Yeah

  25. Hey, Linkara, You didn't bring up his Epic

    "Maybe it's the Devil!" Meme

    What up with that?

  26. Dude, when I met him the first time, I was just as nervous as well. I didn't want to seem like the annoying guy as well.

  27. Incidentally Lewis, are you planning to go to Power Morphicon?

  28. 6:19

    The spear dodge!!!

    "Whoa... That was close!"

    I love that scene from the movie!

    Anyone see the recent Iron Man movie?
    There was a cheesy-awesome fight scene around the beginning where Whiplash is trying to kill Tony at a NASCAR stadium. Whiplash lashes out at Tony's crotch, but he misses as Tony splits open his legs and scoots himself up a bit to avoid being neutered. My sister and I were watching that scene, and she was about to whisper in my ear, but I already knew what was on her mind. "It's like the Power Rangers Movie all over again." Not to mention, the whole fight was practically a Power Rangers fight. That's when I remembered how much I loved Power Rangers as kid.

    Feeling nostalgic, I decided to check back on Power Rangers, just to see what the recent installment was. I was big fan of MMPR, but I quit after it changed to Zeo and Turbo made me vow to never again even pay the slightest attention to the series(Friggin' CARS! Stupid Divatox! And you wanna know what I think of Justin? Here: )

    So years roll by, many Power Rangers installments come and go. I see Iron Man 2, and I think about Power Rangers and I decide to see what the recent installment is, and perhaps just watch the first episode of it...

    Wow. Just wow.

    Power Rangers, in fact had always been a cheesy series about a politically correct ensemble of teenagers changing into the spandex uniforms of their individual colors so that they can go out and haul ass onto ugly cannon-fodder assclowns, and then move on to beating the tar out of an ugly, Barney-esque monster, and, once it enters RAGE MODE and grows big, ultimately destroy it with a super mecha formed out of their other mechas Voltron-style. All edited footage of a long running Japanese Henshin series set to one of the greatest rock scores brought to you by Ron Wasserman and Buckethead.

    But this new series, RPM, is not only a good show, but a show that I am totally unashamed of watching as an adult. It's almost like the time when Alan Moore went to Image and wrote a groundbreaking run on Rob Liefeld's Supreme.

  29. Power Rangers, in fact had always been a cheesy series about a politically correct ensemble of teenagers changing into the spandex uniforms of their individual colors so that they can go out and haul ass onto ugly cannon-fodder assclowns, and then move on to beating the tar out of an ugly, Barney-esque monster, and, once it enters RAGE MODE and grows big, ultimately destroy it with a super mecha formed out of their other mechas Voltron-style. All edited footage of a long running Japanese Henshin series set to one of the greatest rock scores brought to you by Ron Wasserman and Buckethead.

    But this new series, RPM, is not only a good show, but a show that I am totally unashamed of watching as an adult. It's almost like the time when Alan Moore went to Image and wrote a groundbreaking run on Rob Liefeld's Supreme.

    The writers of RPM had somehow managed to inject a lot of maturity, depth, and complexity into the plot and characters. But the best part about it is the pacing; the plot unfolds in an ever-continuing episodic manner akin to shows like LOST and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
    Interesting I mention the later because the series deals with the "Power Rangers" being the last stand for the survival of humanity and its last domed city on Earth, Corinth. The plot has to do with a rogue computer virus called VENDRIX, that made all computers around the world sentient and self-aware ala Cyberdyne. The infected computers took control of industrial factories to mass-produce a nigh-endless amount of mechanical robot drones and combat vehicles to bring out their hostile takeover. Every city is lost except Corinth. I should also mention the lack of magic in this series. It seems as if the writers wanted to go with a "Dark Knight Trilogy" kind of direction in where fantastic elements are removed and real world explanations are given for the technological products in order to create a world that is believable as it is frightening. And believe me, this world is so scary, that I don't know how they got away with a Y7 at times with all the strict censors we have today.

  30. And believe me, this world is so scary, that I don't know how they got away with a Y7 at times with all the strict censors we have today. For one thing the world outside of Corinth, from what we see anyway, is a hot, and gritty barren wasteland. High death tolls are heavily implied. And the Vendrix drones... At first glance, they are kind of like a cross between the putties of MMPR and the Machine Empire soldiers of Zeo, but whereas those other two tended to incite laughter for audiences upon their futile efforts to defeat the rangers, and humiliating demises despite their menacing demeanor, the Vendrix drones are the unleaded fuel of nightmares. Whereas the battle cry of a putty from MMPR would be the usual "wudldawudldawudldawublbawudldada" muffled, Cockney-esque sound of an ugly person wanting to get hit badly, these Vendrix drones on the other hand, come out of nowhere and make these sinister mechanical whirs and cybernetic beeps that sound like "VreE!vrOo!BeePvRe!evR0uoVReeVroO!" as they attempt to beat people down and drag them back to their headquarters so that they can take them in as slaves, or worse, roboticize them. While the classic putties of MMPR attempted to be scary and threatening, they reveal themselves through each battle to be just hapless wimps with ugly stupid faces that can be taken down with a few hits as they helplessly gibber about. Y'know, like Insane Clown Posse fans. They were also known to show weakness. I remember in an episode of MMPR where the Rangers were turned into children, the Z Putties attempted to attack the de-powered kids with no shame, but still lost because the kids relearned their weak point. And so, the Z Putties were humorously defeated with dodgeballs. One scene that really stood out was when after one of the kids shout "HIT THE Z!" one of the putties actually made a GESTURE by covering his Z medallion and waving his hands as if to say "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! DON'T SHOOT!" Plus, how many times can you count the times when the original Putties fell for Zack's old "The hand is quicker then the eye..." quote? After he would say it, they would look at each other all confused like, and subsequently GET HIT by a moving object, like a carnival ride or something.

  31. Plus, how many times can you count the times when the original Putties fell for Zack's old "The hand is quicker then the eye..." quote? After he would say it, the putties would look at each other all confused like, and subsequently GET HIT by a moving object, like a carnival ride or something. The Vendrix are hardly like that. Like all the other "minion patrols" in the series, they have been shown to get repeatedly trounced over and over again. Yet, they show no weakness and attack aggressively. In addition to that, whereas the Putties have the expressions of Faygo drinkers, the faces of the Vendrix drones perfectly reflect their drone like behavoir; cold, emotionless, expressionless, and menacing with a red eyepiece. There was one horrifying scene where one of them tried to get on the bus. The door closed, cutting it in half, yet it was still moving with the intent to attack and without the regard of its condition.
    It's like the whole concept or "Kids-changing-into-Warriors-of-Justice-to-empower-themselves-fight-hideous-and-scary-monsters" has been deconstructed and reconstructed at the same time.
    The characters like I said, have a lot of depth to them, and you really understand why they are here as Power Rangers and as the domed city's defenders. My favorite characters are Black Ranger, Dillon; a lone, amnesiac youth who escaped the Vendrix, and sets out to find his identity with his only lead being the antique watch he keeps, and Green Ranger, Ziggy; a hapless, yellow-bellied trickster with a heart of gold.

  32. Interesting idea about a Fanfiction based on Adam's continued career... I think I'm gonna have to tackle that; my head is bursting with ideas!

  33. Very cool! He is my favorite ranger and a very nice guy!

  34. I think my favorite part is when you are start off the the interview with Johnny. I think saying "HI!" is very professional, mostly because that's exactly what I would do in your position. Hahahahahohohohoho!

    But really, I kind of envy you. I really like the voice actor of Vash. Trigun is one of my faves.

  35. It was nice to find out how humble, kind, accessible and grounded Johnny Yong Bosch is. I was pleasantly surprised how entertaining, and interesting this interview.I hate to admit it but I was actually rather pessimistic at first. Great job Linkara, and Jesu!


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