Friday, August 6, 2010

Power Morphicon 2010

Yep, since people have been asking, I am indeed going to Power Morphicon 2010!

Get tickets and information HERE!

As far as I know, there isn't a panel for me or anything like that - let's face it, I'm just a popular fan of the show and not a big-time actor and this is about the show itself, not my History of Power Rangers series. I will, however, be walking around, doing the riffing (no, I'm not telling you what we're riffing), and I'll be happy to sign autographs, do photos, and answer questions just as I'm generally milling around and taking up space.

I'll be there all three days (though I'll be leaving on Sunday afternoon), but yeah! Come on out and enjoy!


  1. Have fun, sweetie. You definitely deserve a bit of a break for all your hard work.

  2. Kevin "Jester" McGillAugust 6, 2010 at 11:15 PM

    Sweet....a Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger Blade Blaster....I mean...the gun they use in the first PR series....WHAT!?

  3. Wish I could go. :( Especially as it isn't a yearly thing...

  4. I so wish i could be there...

  5. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  6. Gah, wish I could go, but work and all that. Maybe I'll schedule some time off and go next year; sounds like a lot of fun. Have a blast, man.

  7. I know you probably get tired of hearing this, but I hope the next HoPR is up before then. Not only would it seem odd to not have one out around that time, but the next one is TIME FORCE! I could be totally patient for any other episode you have and will do, but TF is mah fav PR series :3

  8. You play with toys?

    "Ppppppppphhhhhttt...HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

    ...Just kidding

  9. nice, but it's not in my country

  10. Can't wait to see the antics.

    On an (only slightly) related note, any plans to attend New York Comic-Con in October? It'll be a damn big one this year...

  11. Dude, that is freaking Awesome! I might actually meet you there. I was the dude being punched by Johnny Bosch and his band on youtube!

  12. I've been wanting to go since I first heard about this a few months back, but I don't have the time or money...

    I hope you have a fantastic time there though! ^-^

  13. Maybe you could get some interviews from this...I just wonder if anyone knows of your project. Honestly, after how well your Johnny Yong Bosch one went, I sort of want to hear more behind the scenes stuff regarding the show's development.

  14. "nice, but it's not in my country"

    Yeah that sucks.

    Say Linkara, do you plan on coming to, I don't know, Germany next year? :p

  15. will you film anything else at rhe morthicon besides the riff

  16. hi linkara i really like your show and HOPR.
    i know you really like the theme song for Mighty morphing Power Rangers and i was wondering if you had ever listened to the cover verson endoh masaaki did? because i find that version to be really good maybe even better then the original :D well to me at least.
    you should really check it out if you havent already :)

    your fan Mike0dude

    thank you for reading and i hope you continue to work hard to bring us good laughs and fond memories.

  17. I so wish I could go! That would be freakin' awesome! Have fun Lewis!

  18. That's awesome man! If anyone deserves it, it's you!

    Has anyone else actually done a series like HOPR? I've seen one-season reviews (mostly for the original Mighty Morphin series) but never a full series review like your doing.

    P.S, totally not rushing you, but I am looking forward to your review of Time Force!

  19. i would love to go to this but its like a million miles from me lol

  20. Please say you're gonna make a vid or two based on your experience going to Power Morphicon & I can not wait for the "Time Force" review.

  21. The first Power Morphicon was such an amazing experience. I wish I had the funds to be able to go to this second one. Linkara, you're going to have an INSANELY AWESOME time. Especially if you get to hang out with Paulie and Jason. As great as the characters they played were, they're even more awesome in person.

  22. Lucky SOB! I hate this Con Commercials, because I know I can't go. I have school and money problems to deal with first before I can do anything.

    Just be sure if your done with them, give them away so they can entering other kids, so they can learn of the glory of the Saban years and learn what "MORPHIN" means.

  23. Sounds light a lot of fun, Lewis! You riffing on POWER RANGERS sounds familiar, huh? :) Hope you take photos, film some interviews, event footage, etc. so us FOURTHERS can enjoy the event like we were there with you!

    Loyal Soldier against the forces of Lord VYCE,


  24. You childlike delight is absoulutely adorable! I hope you have fun! :)

  25. lewis can i ask you this is Warren Ellis a crazy weirdo. sorry if i offended you.

  26. "lewis can i ask you this is Warren Ellis a crazy weirdo. sorry if i offended you. "


  27. I live about 15 minutes away. Would love to say hi & get a photo but I don't think can attend. Just outside the convention center maybe? :)


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