Monday, August 16, 2010

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

The return of Ensign Munro! ...a pity they had to get his ineffectual half-brother to stand in for him in this comic.


  1. YES! YES YES YES. I throw my YES at this.

    I knew it was coming, but I have to say THANK YOU for bringing Mecha back.

    This arc really has me by the lapels, Lewis, and I anxiously await the next chapter in the Lord Vyce saga.

    ...and I was right...this episode DID have something to do with Mecha! I CALLED IT!

    *gets hit with a brick*

  2. WOW! what an epic failure, Captain Linkara: the poor art, the errors, the sheer failure to adapt the video game! It's a wonder Starfleet didn't declare an act of treason on the writer of this story.

    Cool end credit, though one has to wonder what you heard whistling through the sky while talking to Lt. Monroe.

    Corporal Trevor

  3. Hilario as always Linkara!

  4. Oh great, now I've just had a complete nerdy spaz attack from that. xD Ending was so awesome. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to go pass out from too much epic. Don't mind me.

  5. and This is why making movie or comic adaptations of vidoe games is looked down on...

    Also an UNHOLY Alliance

  6. My god. How many times did Voyager recycle this plot. Seriously We've got Elite Force, it's comic, and the episode "The Void" using the exact same plot structure of "Voyager trapped by aliens in a space they struggle to survive in and must make unlikely allies to survive" It wouldn't be that bad if IT HADN'T BEEN DONE BY THE STAR TREK ANIMATED SERIES YEARS BEFORE!
    You think your a Star Trek nerd, mate I could give SFdebris a run for his money.
    The irony here is I liked Elite Force too. However I found it much more entertaining to run the holomatch mode and blast the Voyager crew to tiny bits with a sniper rifle as a Chaotica Guard. Screaming 'You ruined Star Trek! Now die like the dogs you are!' at the screen while laughing maniacally.
    As for the rest of the comic, The art was crap (characters looking nothing like their on screen counter parts) although seeing this was 90's wildstorm that's not surprising. The script took what little interesting plot there was from the game and threw it in the bin (seriously what's with the mirror universe?). Finally, as you pointed out, Ensign Munro proved that he was a very good solder and a skilled fighter.
    it would have been far more interesting to have this a prequel comic, showing that Munro was having trouble as a command officer. Unable to find his place in the utopian Starfleet future without a military challenge. This would make his impatience and skills in the game more understandable. However this would mean developing the character and adding dimensions. Two ideas that were absent in Voyager and 90's comics in general.
    Whoever thought commissioning this comic was a good idea should be shot on sight. Much like Berman and Braga.
    As for your review, it's fantastic to see more of the Lord Vyce costume, along with the arc developing. Mecha-kara's return feels like fan service but I get the feeling a Braniac Lex luthor sort of vibe is going to come from their arrangement. The only thing they have in common is this dislike of our hero.
    I can't wait for more, while the best thing to do with copy's of the comic is give them to Nelix to garnish his soup with. It might improve the flavour.


  7. Too bad Lt. Munro didn't show up in this comic. I guess he was still eating Hagan Das after his short date.

    Mr. Pollo=ROFLMAO XD

    I was hoping you'd do the Munro voice during the whole review. But I'll settle for the Lt. Munro cameo at the end.

    Keep up the reviews and the plotline involving Mechakara and Lord Vyce.

  8. To be fair, Linkara, this IS the Voyager we're talking about. You know, the people who were willing to turn down (admittedly Romulan) help to not get into this mess in the first place purely because they've done too much good in this sector to not have violated the Prime Directive by coming here and helping people, but apparently weren't willing to violate the Prime Directive to get back home in the first place? Expecting consistency and competence from the Voyager is like asking Worf to kick ass outside of Sisko's supervision, it just ain't happening. XD

    ...Come to think of it, how come all the Borgs look like cyberpunk humans, anyway? I'd pay to see a Romulan Borg. XD

    (Also, Vyce's outfit is getting more badass by the day and Mechakara is rocking the Vader Glove look. But I digress.)

  9. If the Forge was made for research, then Dr Insaneo must have been the head researcher.

    Multi-modal reflection sorting. Is there anything it can't do?

  10. "This process was begun"...

    Great. They can't even use good grammar.

  11. Hey Lewis, get this:

  12. You know the glove idea from Mechakara reminds me of the Mandarin from"Iron man Agent of Shield".Any reference to that?

  13. Great review, i'm loving this new story with lord vyce(hope i spelt it right)and the costume looks kinda badass, well thanks again Linkara hope too see more vids soon =)

  14. I had a ton of fun watching this video, and I loved your references to the video game. Your love for the show and the game clearly stands out, especially when you had Munro give that whole technobabble speech, regarding how he came back to your universe. And that Lord Vice plot is becoming more and more intriguing! You are truly a master of suspense!

  15. The Lord Vyce costume is looking pretty badass so far. If I could make one suggestion, I would love it if we never actually saw his face - just give him a full helmet with an imposing sculpted face and maybe some badass horns. (I understand how difficult it would be to shoot in something like that, though, and whatever Lewis has planned is probably better anyways).

    As for Mechakara, I don't know if I'm happy seeing him again. He makes a pretty good villain, sure, but I get the feeling that he'll suffer from the Worf Effect. Here's hoping he doesn't.

  16. Lovely episode. The only thing missing was a reaction shot of Insano on the whole "science is evil" thing, alas.

  17. Great review as always!

    One question, for someone more in the know about Voyager than me: was Tuvok this much of a jerk in the series?

  18. "One question, for someone more in the know about Voyager than me: was Tuvok this much of a jerk in the series?"

    Nope! In fact, he was one of the better aspects of the show, able to use some rather dry humor and was a pretty good Vulcan.

  19. Truly, dark times are ahead for our hero, but at least there's Munroe. I hope he's back for the next finale.

  20. Great review. I'm only marginally familiar with the Star Trek series, and the problems with this comic even made me wince!

    This story line with Lord Vyce continually keeps me coming back each week as well, and I'm still impressed with how you manage to tie in so much material from the comics and games you review. Judging from the "magic vs. technology" balance discussed in this video, is it safe to say the more Power Rangers references will be involved?

    Can't wait to see some more badass Lieutenant Munro! :D

  21. OH. HOLY. CRAP!

    Wow, this comic just kicked complete ass. Definitely one of my favorite episodes, and the Vyce-Mechakara exchange at the end was perfectly executed! Great job! My only question is, how did he escape from Insano's lair? Did Vyce just transport him out or what?

    I can't wait to see where the story goes from here. I will also be sure to avoid this ABYSMAL comic if I ever see it in a store.

  22. Great stuff...but do phasers actually have a "frag" setting?

    I know it's from the video game's tagline, but it would be nice to see a federation weapon with a dial that goes up to "BLOW S%^& UP, REAL GOOD"

  23. Continuity Alarm!!!! Didn't Dr. Insano have the remaining fragment of Mechakara? Not that Lord Vyce could not understandably attain it, but I would have liked to see Mechkara/Insano team up as well since it means crossing over with Spoony and any excuse for a crossover.

    Still, great episode and the myth arc stuff was certainly worth the wait! I'm glad we had the wait and build up before Vyce showed up.

  24. "Continuity Alarm!!!! Didn't Dr. Insano have the remaining fragment of Mechakara? Not that Lord Vyce could not understandably attain it, but I would have liked to see Mechkara/Insano team up as well since it means crossing over with Spoony and any excuse for a crossover."

    The stinger of Warrior #2-3 is Mechakara's eye reactivating and Insano mentioning that the containment unit for the remains is offline. Later, in Final Fantasy X Part 2 Insano briefly walks in on Spoony and mentions "Bad news, I think that Mechakara-" before just walking out in shock over Spoony singing "A Whole New World."

  25. I think that one of the ships floating around the forge was a Lambda Shuttle from Star Wars. I could only see part of its wings, but it had an uncanny similarity.

    Also, it was fantastic to see the super silverizer in action

  26. Those guys sure get thrown around alot, don't they?
    Tying the game into your story arc was a stroke of brilliance. There was much geeky rejoicing! How do you do this to my brain? Eeeeee!

  27. Long time viewer, first time commenter.

    I hate it when people screw up Star Trek. It's one of the greatest scifi shows ever created (I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that). Voyager isn't my favorite, but there is definately a line to be crossed. Just...ew. EWWW.

    On another note, I'm loving your uniforms Captain Linkara, and all your other gadgets from the show. That really added something.

    As for your story arc...well, I'm about to explode. Your story telling really sets you apart and has always been one of my favorite parts of your reviews. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next! I kind of wondered if you'd bring Mechakara back, and he's honestly as creepy as ever. Creepier, even. I also think it's clever how you tied Lord Vyce in with Trek baddies. That's like a garnish on your seven tiered cake of awesome. I can't wait to see more!

  28. Boy do I love your story arks. There always so creative and in depth. And they connect really well with some of Spoony's tie ins to them. I always pictured in my head, that you and all your pals, (Harvey, Ninja Style Dancer, 90's Kid, and Lt. Munroe) would have to attack Lord Vyce's ship to rescue the kidnapped TGWTG reviwers. ( Nostalgia Critic, JewWario, Spoony, and Angry Joe. Maybe The AJ Army could help?) Maybe some day.

  29. can we any full disclosure on if the extra story in your version is any better than the one you reviewed today?

  30. Hail, fellow snarker! Love this review and especially Poyo in his little Starfleet uniform.

    Sigh, the video game might have made a great SERIES of comics, but this is like they threw a generic plot in the blender and only poured out half of it.

  31. the lord vice costume KICKS ASS. and i haven't even seen the whole thing yet!

  32. Just a quick note to the anonymous guy who posted the "Triceratops joke":

    Look, the name Torosaurus is being taken out. Triceratops isn't going anywhere. It's Torosaurus that never existed. Stop being an idiot, please? Read the damn articles better ya stupid troll. Okay? Torosaurus is being dropped, not Triceratops. Triceratops still exists it just starts to look like a Torosaur when it gets older. LEARN ALREADY!

    Now as for the review, great work Linkara. Always fun to hear Star Trek jokes and comedy. I'm a casual fan myself by the way.

  33. Hehehe, You could have made a clip 5 minutes long of all the times Starfleet security officers got their buts handed to them.

    Anyway, whoever wrote that comic didn't know Trek, let alone VOY, because they just threw around references to the other stuff without knowing what they were talking about. The Kobeyashi Maru example you gave fits here.

    I always hate it when a writer doesn't seem to get the established characters, Tuvok case in point in this instance. The least they could do is screen a few episodes that feature him rather heavily... Granted half of those episodes have him behaving abnormally for him but still.

    The Lord Vyce costume... The glove makes me think Sauron, I think I commented on that when we saw it the first time. The Chest piece, dating myself a bit, makes me think Lord Dread from Capt. Power.

  34. A thought just occurred to me. Well, two thoughts, actually.

    If simply following the regulations was enough to get you through any conceivable situation (as Tuvok's jackass twin was implying), why do you need combat training? Just follow the established and all will be fine. Now, if you want to use the training to have them thinking outside of the box because the regulations couldn't have foreseen every possible situation, and quick judgment and thinking on your feet is important.... then the rant about following the regs is stupid.

    And for my second thought, the Magic Meeting Room is quite impressive. It can stop a borg invasion of the ship.

  35. Talk about Mechkara being a "Knight of Cerebus!"
    Wonder how or IF you can go back to something more light-hearted after this story arc...

  36. Kind of an annoyance, but I can't seem to close the ad. everytime I try it just becomes transparent.

    otherwise awesome episode.

  37. Well, as far as I remember, didn't all the crew-members wear those skin-tight outfits?

    Anyway, it really seems that the person who wrote this had only a passing knowledge of the Star Trek universe, most of the inconsistencies shown here were most likely based of assumptions

    Oh, and the Lord Vice armour seems like it has a re-coloured Dragon Ranger (aka Green Ranger for the US fans) plate on it.

  38. Is it just me, or does anybody else think Lord Vyce might be inspired, at least partially, by Lord Zedd?

  39. It is only fitting that this universes champ shall be destroyed by his own image?

    Have you stardet reading Sonic comics or something?
    (than again I´m not an expert for these kind of storylines which probably have been done before.Especially in Powerrangers.)

  40. Had I known the ending segment of the review was going to be awesome, I would have skipped over to it.

    Kudos, good sir.

  41. Well, they both have the same first name.


    A friend

  42. Wow! Now that's more like it! Don't get me wrong Linkara, your usual reviews have been fun but I could tell you had a lot of fun in making this video and that really came out, making me enjoy it too. Especially since I too am a big Star Trek fan.

    And this was another interesting piece of the puzzle of Lord Vyce. You're good at setting up teasers. Let's hope the WHAM from this will be Babylon 5 caliber.

    Speaking of, have you found any B5 comics bad enough to review? What can I say, I think adding on a Babylon 5-Linkara character would be extremely boss. Not to mention guest starring Spoony as Spoontauri. I think he could really rock the peacock-style hair, don't you?

  43. there was actually a star trek game for the pc that was based on the "next generation" tv show it was a point and click adventure game somthing like the game "full throttle", I remember my brother playing it and getting stuck trying to stop a machine from draining fuel from a vessal the away team was on and getting them killed when he had the team shoot at it.

  44. Speaking of, have you found any B5 comics bad enough to review? What can I say, I think adding on a Babylon 5-Linkara character would be extremely boss.

    I have all but the first issue (which I read elsewhere) and DC's run was rather good. Now if anyone else started doing the series, I never heard of it.

  45. Videos like this makes me wish I knew more about Star Trek.

    It was nice to see MechaLinkara again and it looks like things are going to get good. I missed the MechaLinkara saga, but not this one:D

  46. Linkara, have you ever had a chance to play its sequel, Elite Force II? It's apparently really rare
    (and expensive!) as the game only had an eight-day release window! The reasons for this are under the first link:

    Just looking through Amazon, you seem to be able to find used versions of the game for as low as $55.00; quite a bargain, consider the game unopened is usually over $100.00.

  47. This review was awesome! We see Lord Vyce, abet behind a...mask? Rob Lienfeld-designed shoulder pad? A massive chair he will swivel around sinisterly in before making a James Bond reference? Ah, whatever, it's still awesome.

    I've got to know, by the way...what are your thoughts on Scott Pilgrim? I know you've probably been asked this hundreds of times already, but I want to know.

  48. OMG that ending was awesome! And I haven't even seen all of it yet! Argh! It stopped loading partway through. D:

    'Captain of the Federation Starship... Green Futon' was the best line I've heard in awhile. I started laughing even though I'm technically supposed to be asleep right now.

    Vyce's costume is certainly coming along, but I have to wonder... is there any particular reason that the chestplate/mantle reminds me of a Vorlon suit?

    ...Probably just me, huh?

  49. I think my screen may have been damaged by the amount of awesome that was just displayed on it.

  50. You know, I was blissfully unaware of the existence of a comic tie-in to Elite Force. Now, I am wiser, but not happier, for the knowledge.

    I, too, am a fan of the game. I enjoyed the "Let's Play" series of the game. It is unfortunate that I can't play it any longer with my new system, but let's not open that can of worms.

    The comic, unfortunately, made to poor decision of trying to tell the same story as the game. Now, that might work if the game has already been out. However, doing so before the game was released? That's just asking for trouble. A wiser course would have been to have been to publish the comic with a different story, ether as a prequel (showing how the Hazard Team came into being) or taking place afterward. The second would work even better if they tried to avoid too many specific references to the events in the game.

    As to the review itself: Good, as always. I see we are picking up the Lord Vyce arc again, and that Mechakara is back as well. A plan to destroy our hero psychologically? That's going to be tough, considering that he has already faced Countdown and lived to tell the tale. I suppose they could make him review "One More Day", but that seems a tad obvious. Perhaps "Final Crisis", or "Infinite Crisis", or perhaps "Brand New Day"...

    As always, looking forward to the next episode!

  51. Wait, Harvesters? Collectors? A union against an age old enemy which time had forgotten by a recent enemy of machines and intelligent yet hive minded creations? Are you sure this isn't Mass Effect? Of course Ensign (or Lieutenant Munroe now) would be incredibly awesome in Mass Effect, and the IMOD would be a welcome addition to the blagooole gun! Well anyhow, this seemed like a rushed version of the game, but what do you expect with Wildstorm game comics (by the way, still waiting to see if you agree to do the Dante's Inferno comic by them)

  52. I-Mod? That's it?

    What about the portable torpedo launcher or the tachyon disruptor? You mean a fast firing phaser rifle somehow trumps anti-matter projectiles and an energy chaingun?

    What a load!

  53. Nice review. Glad to see a justification for Mechacara working for Vice (IE his world being spared, though I'm betting vice wouldn't hold his end of the bargain)

    Also, given we're talking about using "Magic" to break the mind of Linkara, dare I say that I think only ONE DAY of material will be required, and no MORE? Not necessarily in that order?


    Either way, I can't wait.

  54. Was that last bit leading up to a One More Day review?

  55. i saw a twitter that you only read scott pilgrim 1?
    ive never seen the movie,but i read all 6..theyre good.
    i highly reccomend you read em,as a fellow sega kid,you'll at least love the genesis era references.

  56. also me and my friends cant wait for HOPR..its so informative but funny.
    (since time force was cool i have a feeling the next series wasnt very good and thats probably whats taking so fucking long)

  57. one more thing,IS LORD VYCE A daaaleek?

  58. Yes! It's Ensign MUNRO! Great to see more allies being added to your arsenal. And for now on, your couch will be dubbed "Starship Gryynf'uton" because it's "kewl"

    Can't wait to see what happens when Mecha and Vice attack. I figure there plan either involves One More Day, the cancelation of Blue Beetle or a Black Lantern (Spoony or someone else)

  59. Good thing you've got your own blog; I haven;t been able to access TGWTG in 2 days.

  60. Hey. Just noticed it was your birthday yesterday. Belated Congratulations.

  61. Although the writing was bad, I actually liked the art in this comic. I've been a fan of Jeff Moy's art since I read the mid-to-late '90s Legion of Super-Heroes comic. I do think the coloring was too washed out and drab, though.

    I'm enjoying the development of the Vyce saga, and the return of Mechakara is the most intriguing twist so far. Will Doctor Insano get involved? I think he works better in your videos than in Spoony's because the Linkara character is more overtly heroic than Spoony and makes for a better foil.

    Thanks for another great review!

  62. Anyone else notice the shuttle from Star Wars when Voyager was in that floating alien wreckage?

  63. Nice review.

    Before you go any further with your story, you may want to look at this website.

    Just some food for thought, man.

  64. This was one of your best reviews ever, very funny, and pointed out stuff I would have missed otherwise!

    Also Ensign Monroe is cool!

    Any new Linkara fans please watch his "Let's Play" vids of the game, as they are awesome!

    So until someone tells me what would The Doctor, Odo, Data, Spock, Phlox, Quark, Worf, Seven of Nine, Tuvok, Morn, Dax, Major Kira, Troi, Ensign Ro, Garak, and B'Leanna would have to yell instead of "I AM A MAN" since they aren't human, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  65. I checked who write this stinker and I noticed one of the writers is Dan Abbot. The guy who wrote lots of Warhammer 40K novels and some Warhammer Fantasy novels. Kinda makes you worried a bit considering he's writing the Ultramarines movie then again he properly didn't like Star Trek compared to 40k (like I do) so that could be the reason why this comic sucks.

  66. "Watch Star Trek... I'll wait."

    I'm halfway through it, I swear!
    I started with 'Broken Bow' and at this writing am up to 'We'll Always Have Paris'.
    This isn't the first time.

    Did anyone else think the villains were pretty much just Borg themselves?
    @Steve - there's been a Klingon Borg, in the First Contact movie.

  67. "So until someone tells me what would The Doctor, Odo, Data, Spock, Phlox, Quark, Worf, Seven of Nine, Tuvok, Morn, Dax, Major Kira, Troi, Ensign Ro, Garak, and B'Leanna would have to yell instead of "I AM A MAN" since they aren't human, MAKE MINE LINKARA!"

    The Doctor, Odo, Data, Spock, Phlox, Quark, Worf, Tuvok, and Garak could still yell 'I AM A MAN' since outside of Tolkein it isn't usually used exclusively for your species.

    Seven (who is human, btw), Kira, Troi, Ro, Dax, and B'lanna could all yell "I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!"
    (I take it you mean the holodoc here, not the timelord?)

    Morn would yell something very long and rambling and boring, but the audience would never hear it.

  68. Star Trek Voyager Elite Force -- awesome video game that deserves Angry Joe's Badass Seal of Approval!

    Star Trek Elite Force the comic -- not awesome.

    The team-up with Lt. Munro against the badly-animated Vorsoth -- epic win!

    (Loved the early bird cameo of the mysterious Entity . . .)

  69. I gotta say Mr. Linkara, I am becoming inspired to get into good comic books! *is now scouring through your blog posts for good ones to start with*

    I'm rather new to your blog, and much if TGWTG, so I'm slowly but surely catching up. I really like your story arcs! But enough gushing from a new fan lol. Keep up the great work Mr. Linkara.

    Also, as a Trekkie and overall scifi fan, this is one of my favorite reviews thus far! The only thing keeping me from jumping to the Doctor Who review is wanting to keep the storyline straight roflmao. Again, great job.

  70. "I gotta say Mr. Linkara, I am becoming inspired to get into good comic books! *is now scouring through your blog posts for good ones to start with*

    I'm rather new to your blog, and much if TGWTG, so I'm slowly but surely catching up. I really like your story arcs! But enough gushing from a new fan lol. Keep up the great work Mr. Linkara.

    Also, as a Trekkie and overall scifi fan, this is one of my favorite reviews thus far! The only thing keeping me from jumping to the Doctor Who review is wanting to keep the storyline straight roflmao. Again, great job."

    I always love when people are going through the blog for the first time. ^_^

    When you reach the next April, there's a recommendation list for good comics, though ignore the ongoing series one since DC is pretty much scrapping all of their ongoing series in September.

  71. This comic is sooounbelievebly idiotic. And yet, not in the slightest as idiotic as the show itself.

  72. The author might be referencing William Shatner's novel Avenger (1998)

    In it, a person from the Next Generation era tells Kirk that in her time, the Kobiyashi Maru has evolved into a test of Lateral Thinking. The goal is to find a novel way of beating it. Looks like the comic author was taking this as cannon.

    Personally, I've always loved this interpretation of the Kobiyashi Maru, because it makes sense given how many weird and creative ways people have come up with to try and beat it in various authors' hands.. Just take a quick look:

  73. Jeremy Aron Patterson.February 28, 2012 at 10:20 PM

    IDW Publishing is going to reprint the Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force comic as part of 'Star Trek Classics' Volume 3, coming in May!



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