Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Odds, Ends, and October 2010 Trailer

What's Linkara reviewing this October?

Hit "Read More" for the full schedule for the next two months!

EDIT: Since so many people have been asking, the song in the trailer is "Hell Frozen Rain" from the Silent Hill: Shattered Memories soundtrack.

Schedule for Upcoming Atop the Fourth Wall
10/4 – Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #1-2
10/11 – Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #3-4
10/18 – Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #5
10/25 – Spider-Man: The Greatest Responsibility

NOVEMBER: Secret Origins Month!
11/1 – Action Comics #1
11/8 – Amazing Fantasy #15
11/15 – Detective Comics #27
11/22 – The X-Men #1
11/29 – Brute Force #2

Thaaaaat's right! Two months of absolute fun coming your way! First of course is another Silent Hill comic and then the two-year anniversary of Atop the Fourth Wall with another look at the Clone Saga, and then in November we begin SECRET ORIGINS MONTH!

What's Secret Origins Month? Well, a while back a fan donated a reprint of Amazing Fantasy #15, the first comic ever to feature Spider-Man, and so I got it into my head to look back at the very first stories featuring some of the iconic characters of comic lore. Do these stories hold up after 40, 60, or even 70 years? Well, we'll find out as we look at the origins of Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and the X-Men! Why is Brute Force there? Because I felt like it.

A bit late notice and for that I'm sorry, but if you live in Minnesota or are in the area, come up to Fallcon! Here are the details copied from the Midwest Comic Book Association's website!

Date of Event: Saturday – October 16 – 2010

Open to Public: 10AM to 4PM

Location of Event:
MN State Fairgrounds – Progress Center
1621 Randall Ave – St. Paul, MN 55108

Admission: Tickets at the Door. $7 per adult. Children 9 & Under Free. Get $1 off w/a canned foodshelf donation.

I'll be there at a table with a monitor playing episodes and (if I can get it ready in time) possibly premiere the final episode of the Silent Hill reviews early! I'll also be selling a bit of swag (comics I've reviewed, signed and at cover price) and any other crap I can throw together! Autographs for any other items will be free and yes, that does include body parts for those who want to wash off their autographs instead of keeping them!

I'll also be at DaishoCon in Stevens' Point, Wisconsin from November 19th through the 21st! More details can be found at their website, but at the moment it looks like I'll be at a panel and you can also meet some other web celebrity who wears glasses. I don't know, I think he's on youtube or something.

As for FallCon, still no word on whether or not I'll be going, but when I have confirmation one way or another I'll let you guys know!

History of Power Rangers
I do apologize that this one is taking so long. As I said in my more ranty post a while back, I watch the next season before I make the video for the season before it. As such, with moving into the new apartment, making new props, and filming some stuff you'll be seeing in the coming weeks and months, I haven't had much of a chance to sit down and do my standard "Watch half a season in a day" that I've done with other seasons.

Needless to say I haven't forgotten about History of Power Rangers and the reward for your patience will be three, yes THREE videos for Wild Force (yeah, there's a lot to talk about).


  1. It's funny, I was actually just thinking about the trailer you did for last October today. Weird, huh?

    Also, three parter for Wild Force? WOOO! Though...am I right to assume part two completely focuses on Forever Red?

  2. Greatest Responsibility was my first comic book ever. I haven't read it in ten years. This was a conscious decision, because I've slowly come to the conclusion that it probably doesn't hold up to the childhood memories.

  3. Let me put it this way - character development with Spidey and Mary Jane? Goooood. Thinking virtual reality alters actual reality? Baaaaaaad.

  4. Damn. A three part halloween special? And I don't actually have to wait til Halloween for it? That's hardcore.

    Wait a minute...hardcore....


  5. Awesome! I can't wait to watch them.

  6. Oh, I was so hoping there would be another Silent Hill comic! I love that series so much . . .

    . . . so I really shouldn't be happy you're reviewing the comic, seeing as how it is absolutely going to suck and have nothing to do with Silent Hill. *sigh*


  7. These are some interesting reviews you're going to be bringing us over the next 2 months. I look forward to them.

    As for HOPR, no rush. Though I'm apparently not alone in thinking about what at least one of the vids for Wild Force will end up being.

  8. I'm surprised you can get 3 videos out of Wild Force, though if one is focused on Forever Red, then I guess its not too unbelievable.

    And it looks like Dead/Alive is a sequel to Dying Inside. Great. And looking it up, there seems to be three one shots that take place inbetween them.

  9. Awesome trailer, and I cannot wait for the episodes =D

  10. Wait a second is it just me, or did I just see that scary as a not, foul mouthed little twirp from the last Silent Hill series you reviewed?

  11. So happy you're doing Action Comics #1. It's considered a classic and it's worth a ton, but it's also really, really dumb.

  12. I'll be at DaishoCon in November as well. A friend of mine convinced me to go a few months back and, well, since you and Doug will be there, now I'm more excited.

    I'll finally meet a fellow comic creator (and critic).

  13. Oh lord, a sequel (or maybe prequel) to Shattered Memories? So you're going to subject us to more of that foul-mouthed little brat and the Mary Sue-ish interpretation of Silent Hill as something that a single human being can control? You're a cold, cold man, Linkara.

    The Secret Origins thing sounds pretty awesome. I can't believe you managed to get your hands on so many awesome classic comics.

    BTW, if you want a suggestion for another "event", I'd say it might be fun to hunt down the "lesser" comics done by legendary creators, like Seigel and Shuster's Funnyman.

    And I think I can speak for most of your fans when I say take your time with HOPR. The series thus far has been great, and while I'm definitely looking forward to more, I can certainly wait for it.

    One final note, at a brand licensing convention in Europe, a member of Saban's staff suggested that a revival of Masked Rider might be in the cards, mentioning a crossover...which can only refer to the crossover between Shinkenger, the series they're using for PR Samurai, and the highly controversial Kamen Rider Decade...

  14. I'm betting video 2 of Wild Force will actually be both team-ups (Reinforcements from the Future and Forever Red), since, judging by your tweet about Reinforcements, you'll have plenty of gushing to do there. Also, I know the morphing sequences for both of those are REALLY long, and since you have included the full morphs of the team-up episodes thus far, I'm guessing that trend will continue here, which will probably eat up a lot of video space.

    Can't wait to see what craziness you have in store for the two-year anniversary! Any chance of more cameos? Or did you use up your quota on THE GREATEST THEME SONG EVER?

  15. I think with your upcoming Wild Force review, it would be a good time to talk about the transitioning Head Writers throughout the Power Rangers series. With how Doug Sloan started in MMPR, Judd Lynn taking over during the later half of Turbo, and now that he left after Time Force, it'll fit in pretty well with the team of Amit and Jonathan Tzachor Wild Force.

  16. Alright, now I know what to look forward to these next two months. Also, yay for the 3-parter on Wild Force. Also, you can watch half a season in a day? Man, you are more hardcore than me. I can only watch about 5-8 episodes a day.

  17. Yay! I love trailers! Can't wait for October. =) And Secret Origins Month sounds like it'll be fun. I LOVE learning about beginnings.

  18. Were AC1 and DC27 reprinted?

    Looking forward to Origin Month more than another 'IDW sucks with their licenses' month, because, well, I felt that it should be common knowledge that IDW only does something right once in a blue moon, being Larry Hama back on GI Joe ARAH and that Drift Mini which is shaping up to be quite good.

    Have you read Hellboy, Linkara? I've been told it's damn good.

  19. Looking forward to the upcoming AT4W episodes especially the Secret Origins Month. ;) I'll get a glimpse of some of the collector's item comics.

  20. Neat idea with the Secret Origins. I read Thor's origin story a few weeks ago and actually found sort of hilarious. So I'll be looking forward to see how some other classic first issues hold up.

  21. The one I'm looking forward to the most, strangely enough, is Brute Force if only to see if it tops Robo Bear vs. Cyber Gorilla.

  22. That looks fantabulous! You spoil us, sir.

  23. Small question, since Action Comics, Detective Comics and Amazing Fantasy are anthology comics will you be looking at the whole thing or just the stories for Superman, Batman and Spider-Man since those ones are obviously the reasons for looking at them?

  24. I always forget that stupid plot point, mostly because said first comic was actually part three of the story, and I wouldn't get the other parts until months later.

    But yeah, virtual reality! That was The Big Thing for about six months in the late 90's. And in retrospect, Lady Octopus trying to generate a VR program to be her lover is actually quite disturbing.

    ..."Lady Octopus' Virtual Lover" sounds like a movie Cinema Snob would cover.

  25. I am going to assume that you got your hands on a million dollar original of Action Comics #1 instead of one of the many reprints! Way to go etc.

  26. Wait.

    There's another Silent Hill comic that is just as deserving of its own month as Dying Inside was?

    ... Holy Mother of Cthulhu, that's terrifying all on its own.

  27. Holy crap, I was just joking with my brother when I said Wild Force will have three videos, but that was only because I said the second video would be completely dedicated to Forever Red.

  28. Three Wild Force reviews? As it is I post the two parts separately (finally getting to Lost Galaxy so take your time) and now it's three? Is this a plot to absorb my site? :)

    As to a "Masked Rider" return, I doubt it. As far as I know the guys who made Kamen Rider Dragon Knight would still have a lock on any Rider show, Masked or Kamen. They may either not use that footage or write Decade off as someone else.

  29. It's called Silent Hill: Dead/Alive? Does it at least feature a priest who kicks ass for the lord?

  30. Sounds like quite an adventure back through Silent hill? But does this mean that Lord Vyce or Mechakara are behind this devious road trip to Cristabella's hometown?

    Then, we have November to await the Fourth Wall treatment of classic origin stories? Is there anything you won't do for the fans, Linkara?

  31. Silent Hill! 3 Part on Wild Force! And reviews of classic characters origins! That's 300% awesome, to the 10th power!

    I sense multiple editions of "Comic history you don't care about but need to know in order to understand this" for the origins stories!

    So until Action Comics #2 is on your roster, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

    Take your time on HOPR. I have a feeling what one of the videos, or at least a good portion of one of them will be about.

  32. Looks like Halloween's gonna be some good fun. Awesome trailer and song (artist? title?).

    Secret Origins month looks interesting. Being a huge Spider-Man fan (and GOOD GOD, is it ever heartbreaking to be one these days) I've read Amazing Fantasy #15 lots of times, and, in it's way, It still certainly holds up very well. That's saying something, since in it's day, it was positively revolutionary.

    I've perused the other origin books you mentioned on occasion, but not well enough to have an opinion. But a trip back in time may be just the medicine for the avalanche of awful comics you (and by proxy, we) have endured lately.

  33. And it looks to be a great two months, sir! :D Can't wait to see the new HOPR.

    Btw, I was terribly disappointed when you closed your "So who is watching?" post. Not that I blame you, I mean HOLY COW, 800 posts? SHEEZA!

  34. DaishoCon? Con I never heard of, so of no importance...but Stevens' Point, Wisconsin? OF importance, because that's the closest you've gotten to my home thus far. Hmmm...

  35. A secret origins month huh? Sounds fun. btw whose the character in bandages at the beginning? I only know the bare basics of Silent Hill, which is to say nothing. But I love me my bandaged psychopaths.

  36. Aw man this looks like a good month. keep up the god work Linkara, and as for HOPR i am looking forward to the wild force review because i stopped watching after time force and am curious if wild force is worth checking out.

  37. Awesome trailer video! Very evocative. And a great choice of comics for Halloween. Love the idea of focusing on character origins in November too. Looking forward to that.

    Wow, three videos for Wild Force? That's awesome. It's one of my personal favourite seasons, I know it has its flaws but there's something about the sheer wonder of it and fairytale feel to it that I just can't resist, even now. Looking forward to seeing and hearing what you made of it, and hope you enjoy the rest of Ninja Storm. I think it's pretty good season. Definitely one of my favourites of the Disney era.

  38. Halloween event looks awesome. And I see that Sabba got added to the arsenal. Nice.

  39. Looking forward to this month. I really enjoyed all the little touches you put in the previous Silent Hill reviews, and this looks just as good.

    Any chance you could tell us the song name or artist?

  40. I'm SO looking forward to your x-men #1 review mostly to see if you comment on the three panels that bugged the hell out of me when I read them


    I mean seriously what the hell

  41. Oh, boy. Looks like it's gonna be costume city for October. Lookin' forward to it.

    Though, I still think you should do a parody of the just finished season of Doctor Who and its teaser trailer, with the Doctor looking at the newly remodeled TARDIS and saying "Okay, what've you got for me this time?"

  42. My first reaction:

    Ok, Linkara posted a trailer. I guess I'll wat- HOLY CRAP, was That was epic!

    Not only that, but I've been looking forward to origins month since you first announced it. (It was, like, Febuary. I guess you do plan ahead.) AND there's always the Year 2 video to look forward too. AND there's the three parter of Wild Force coming in a slightly distant future!

    Win, man. Just... win.

  43. I remember in your 2010 trailer you said you were doing a Silent Hill sequel, and I thought, "Wow! I wonder when he's gonna do it?" and then I saw this and thought, "In October, you dumbass." Yeah, I'm really stupid. :P

  44. What song is that in the trailer. What we hear sounds good.

  45. I predict the Batman origin will definitely hold up, Spidey will most likely hold up, the X-Men, I'm not sure, as I don't think I have ever read X-Men from the 60s.But it probably hold up, too. Hey these titles are still around for a reason.

    Superman may not hold up. The character is a relic, and is only around because he is the first superhero, and DC is trying to hold on to the "iconic" character.

  46. Thanks for showing us your schedule, Linkara- much appreciated.

    Now, three weeks to review a Silent Hill mini? Is it THAT bad?
    (SH has never impressed me. I've seen better haunted-town stories. Not to mention, whenever you point out a plot hole to somebody, their answers usually is "that's just part of the crazyness!" Riiight.)

    As for taking on the classic origins- whoa. Didn't expect that from you. But hey, nice change of pace! You will, of course, take into consideration the time they were published in and the target audience they had at the time, right?

  47. I'm psyched for Secret Origin month! I suspect that there's a fair share of goofiness ahead of us in those installments.

    Congrats on the Amazing Fantasy #15 donation. Glad to count myself among your astoundingly awesome fanbase.

  48. My bet is that since Wild force is the last of the Saban era of PR, that one video would be talking about that; end-capping any theme arcs and over all quality to them.

    The other two would be heavy, long ones about the series, themes and both crossovers.

  49. my word verification word by chance is hymin,im not joking.

    ive been biting my tounge for a long time,but with a 3 part wild force review...

    WHY THE FUCK DOES MIGHTY MORPHIN-THE GLORY DAYS-GET SO MUCH LESS REVIEW TIME THAN THE REST? maybe you were just getting into it,who knows..but it deserves more hopr time than the rest. its just logical.

    also,great idea with secret origins month,i cant wait to see the cool and odd parts and analysis of those comics.are these to be real reviews?(ala part one of the dark knight returns strikes again)because ripping on them mindlessly(churn out 1 a week nostalgia critic style) wouldnt be right.

  50. Interesting idea for the Secret Origin comics. Maybe it could be a yearly thing considering some heroes have better "origin tales" than others...and some are just reflective of the period. Though I do wonder...since I know Action #1 and Amazing Fantasy #15 have other stories in them, are you going to do the other stuff in the comic or just the big one?

  51. Let me guess, out of those 3 videos, at least 1 will be dedicated solely to Forever Red won't it?

    Not that I'm complaining, there really is A LOT to talk about that one.

  52. Hey, Linkara, have you ever considered doing a review of Creepshow? I don't think its bad, but I just want to know what you think about it. Can you do a review on it? Wheither you say yes or no, I still like your show on That Guy With the Glasses.

  53. "Hey, Linkara, have you ever considered doing a review of Creepshow? I don't think its bad, but I just want to know what you think about it. Can you do a review on it? Wheither you say yes or no, I still like your show on That Guy With the Glasses. "

    Never seen it and I probably will not be reviewing it.

  54. But how... how will you defeat Pyramid head this time! Heh. I know this is off topic, but my friends and I referred to the scene with the nurses in the movie as the "most terrifying game of red-light, green-light ever." I saw the nurse in the clip and I just remembered that and it made me smile.

  55. If you do another special month, it should be a special on Elseworlds and stuff like that. Not crap like JLA: Act of God, but the good (and truly elseworldic) stuff, like 1602 and Superman: Red Son

  56. So the clone saga is to return to the fourth wall huh? I personally never read that issue but I was wondering what your thoughts were on the clone saga as a whole. I mean despite the bad stuff it had some really good issue in it that everyone forgot about it. Amazing Spider-man #400 remains my favorite comic of all time.

  57. When you post History Of Power Rangers, you're not just posting Wild Force are you.
    But Wild Force, and Ninja Storm which explains why you're taking two weeks (or more) to post.

  58. when i first saw the list i thought someone had donated action comic 1 to you on the condition that you had to review it

  59. For me, the cool thing about Secret Origins month is that I have all the comics you're reviewing for it!

    'cept Brute Force.
    I'm evil, not insane.

    - Mik


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