Thursday, September 16, 2010

So who is watching?

So, I suddenly got curious tonight after thinking about having done this show for 100 episodes - who exactly are my viewers? How old are you all? Do I have more men than women watching? Am I fun for the whole family? Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?

So, yeah, who are all of you people?

EDIT: Okay, closing comments on this one. XD I read through all 800 comments (yes, I did. @_@) and I frankly don't have the time to devote to reading through another 800 if it should come to that. XD

As such, thanks everybody who responded - I didn't expect quite so many people would be interested in this. XD ‎


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Twan van Eijk said...

Name: Twan van Eijk
Age: 19 years old
Location: Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands
Personalty: Gamer

Rest you can find on my facebook :P!/profile.php?id=1177212790

Anonymous said...

I'm a 21 year old Texan male. Not really a comic book fan, but I grew up on the animated versions of super heroes on Saturday mornings. Planning on getting into comic books once I get some more disposable income.

Scott DePouw said...

Hello. I'm 23 with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Kent State and live in Ohio (around the Cleveland area). I actually haven't read any comic books. Most of my fandom lies in the various animated series of the 90s (Spider-Man, Batman, etc).
I really enjoy your shows. One of the reasons I really like it is that it shows that one don't have to be a swearing machine to be entertaining (no disrespect to the Nostalgia Critic; he's pretty hilarious too).

I'm absolutely enjoying your History of Power Rangers as well.

Thank you for making entertaining videos for the masses. I really get a kick out of your stuff. Here's to the next 100 episodes of AT4W.

Juan Antonio said...

Juan Antonio, from Spain. Age 28, professional unemployed telecom. engineer.

I spend most of my time reading and playing video games, and the rest is divided evenly between movies, comics, manga and some other minor hobbies, like board games.

In movies, it doesn't get any better than "The Sting" o "The Untouchables" (yeah, I'm a pretty old-fashined kind of guy), though since I started watching TGWTG and Cinemassacre's videos, I've expanded quite a bit, with titles like "Red Dawn" or "The Seventh Seal". As for comics, I've been much more exposed to Marvel than DC, specially X-Men. Other than that, I like (off the top of my hat) things like Marvel Zombies or the recently discovered (thanks to you, sir) nextwave. Brilliant.

I mostly watch your show because it's interesting, not because I particularly like reading comics. It's very interesting to think what went through some people's heads to create certain plots, characters or art, and the way you present it is really enjoyable, even for casual readers such as myself. I watch your HOPR for the same reason: I was never a big fan of the show, but I like hearing about the plots and the way the show was handled. Make no mistake: if you weren't as entertaining as you are, I'd probably pass by HOPR without a second glance, but you make it interesting, and have actually created a genuine interest for the show in me.

I really hope to keep watching your videos for a very long time. Thank you, sir. You rock.

Anonymous said...

My name is Wes

I'd tell you more specific personal details but I'm very wary of posting personal stuff on the internet

I can tell you that I am 20 years old, am a white male, and have been a fan of your work since Late August of last year. As of this post, my favorite of your reviews is probably Voyager: Elite Force. My favorite book along with my favorite movie is Watchmen. On that note I'd like to add that in my humble opinion, if the movie had done the squid, things probably would seemed really cheesy to a modern audience and the ending we did get was quite satisfying. I'm also a massive Bat Man fan, My favorite stories being Hush and Long Halloween. I went as Two Face for Halloween last year.

I absolutely Love HOPR. Power Rangers was one of my favorite shows as a young child and I am currently in the process of writing a power rangers fan fiction comic script which takes the story far more seriously but keeps the stuff that made it cool intact. I'd love to send some of my early idea's to you if you're interested. I've also started writing an original story about a bounty hunting werewolf. I one day aspire to be a comic book writer.

So yeah that's all I got without sounding like a gushing fanboy. Keep up the good work and if you really are interested in my power rangers story (which you more than likely are too busy for so don't worry I'm not holding my breath or anything) comment and let me know

JD said...

Hello I'm JD. I'm a guy from the Kansas City area. I'm 30 years old and I've been reading comics on a regular basis since I was 13. I've watched most of your videos (save for the Elite Force Let's Play), so I don't have a real preference there though I'm definately more of a comic nerd then a Power Ranger geek.

I also like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.

Armaina said...

I'm Aubrey, a 25 year old lady-type artist living in the vast desert that is Arizona.

I read mostly indie comics and manga and very few superhero comics. I tend to mostly watch cartoons faaarr more than comics though >_> I'm kind of a cartoon junkie. Even so I got into your show due to the superhero comics (mostly because I was familiar with the characters through said cartoons). I had always wanted to read certain ones but was intimidated by the huge backlog there was. Watching your videos has taught me more about the continuity and lore of several superheroes that I don't think I could have found so easily on my own.

Also, I've been working on a script for a comic of my own. So not only do I find your videos entertaining, your critiques of comics and writing has helped me with my script writing, such as what not to do in a comic.

And I love HOPR just as much as ATFW. I have a soft spot for Sentai and Magical Girl Type series, anything to do with. Power Rangers was a big part of that for me, I watched it all the way until Lost Galaxy, so the history thus far has been a nice cover of the things I remember. Now that it's venturing on to series unknown, I get to see what I've missed.

And just to add, I've loved your videos so far. You're one of my favorite video reviewers out there. So keep up the videos, I always look forward to them!

Daniel said...

Hey, my name is Daniel, from Jackson, Michigan. I'm 19, and not a big-time comic reader, although I do occasionally pick up random trade paperbacks for cheap at garage sales and flip through them. I'm single, majoring in Political Science, and a fan. Favorite author is Matthew Stover, favorite T.V. show is a coin toss between The Office, Arrested Development, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, though I could never pick. Lastly, I absolutely love the History of Power Rangers series, sometimes more than the comic videos, sometimes less, depending on the video.

Unknown said...

My name is Felipe, I am from São Paulo - Brazil. I am 26 years old and i work as a designer.

I read comic books, mostly Marvel, but also some indie and european stuff. I love Asterix.

Anonymous said...

22 and from wisconsin

Anonymous said...

Male 23 years old.
i live in gotheburg, Sweden and have never been interessted in reading comics thou i like the idea of superheroes wich i guess is mainly a comicbook thing.
make my living as an electrician and my hobbies are cars and games of all genres, both console and pc.

Anonymous said...

16 year old Australian male. Watch AT4W, but no HOPR (never watched the show). Non-comic reader, but still enjoy your reviews. Massive fan of Doctor Who. First review 'Bimbos In Time' (after Little Kuriboh posted a link to it). Sometimes watch it with mother,and sister enjoyed Ewoks review. Enjoys sentence fragments.

JDarkley said...

Me and my brother both watch your show so I'll answer for him too. I'm 22, he's 19. We're both from the south eastern US, and we're both dudes. We're both comic readers, and webcomic makers as well! We tried doing some LB fanart a while back but the guy who used to do the lettering never go around to lettering it and by the time we started lettering it ourselves my brother (the artist) had a change of art style and needs to redraw the whole thing again for the sake of consistency. We have a Facebook fanpage if anyone is interested ( Yeah, I'm pretty shameless.

*ahem* Anyway, we both watch AT4W and HOTPR whenever they come out. I've been watching AT4W since day one (I kid you not, it was first day I ever visited TGWTG too) and introduced my brother to it not long after that. So yeah, I guess that's it.

Unknown said...

Fernando Wada, 26 years old, from São Paulo, Brazil.
I work with advertising in a small agency, specialized in gastronomy.
I started reading and enjoying comics in the 90`s, with Spider-Man, ironically during the Clone Saga. By the time I thought it was pretty good. Well, what did I know?
Nowadays I read more independent comics and occasionally some superhero comics, but only the ones with complete stories.
I`m a big fan of your show and most of the other TGWTG shows. I like the experiments you always do in Atop The Fourth Wall and the way you`re constantly improving it. Also, I love History of Power Rangers, although I wasn`t really into Power Rangers as a kid.
Wow, my post is now HUGE. Anyway, keep up the awesome job! Maybe one day I`ll be able to go to the US and meet at least some of you guys!

frappermac said...

Hi there. My name is Freddy. I'm 29, male, and I'm Massachusetts. I work in retail, but on the side do occasional video reviews of stuff like my classic game collection and tongue-in-cheek game reviews, on youtube.

I am a comic book fan, and have a good collection of some stuff from the 70's through 00's. Hulk, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, X-Men, and some occasional others like 52 (which I just started collecting). I had stopped for a while, but finding your blog before it joined with TGWTG, got me back into collecting comics when I can.

I enjoy both HOPR and AT4W, and even got my co-workers and friends into watching your stuff regularly. The fact there isn't as much harsh language on your stuff won over a few people I know.

Great quality stuff you put out! Congrats on 100 episodes and here's to the future!

Nobody said...

26 year old, male from Portland, OR.Read a number of comics, fave current titles include Booster, Green Lantrern Corp, and Secret Six. (And JLI Gen Lost).

Love AT4W, like HOPR. Would love to see some of the bad modern comics.

Ashley W. said...

Well, I'm a 22-year-old woman in the U.S. for starters. I'm not a comic book reader, but I'm hoping to get into some comics or manga once I actually have money to spend on them. I started watching your videos after seeing your crossover Alone in the Dark review with the Nostalgia Critic. Even though I don't know much about comics, you explain them well enough that they're still interesting to me. I'm mostly a fan of Atop the Fourth Wall, but I did watch your Power Rangers videos recently and enjoyed them.

Chilly Willy said...

I'm a 17 year old Canadian who doesn't read comic books. I watch Atop the Fourth Wall more than History of Power Rangers however I tend to watch them both just as they come out.

Suraht said...

I'm 35, I'm a guy, I'm divorced and have custody of my daughter, and I live in Tulsa, OK. I definitely approve of your angry-without-cursing style, as I don't have to put headphones on while watching your reviews to keep my daughter from hearing something that would merit an R rating in most movies, as I do with the majority of reviewers on

I'm a former comic reader that stopped reading them when the 90's brought us Liefeld. Your Atop the Fourth Wall videos have brought me quite a few laughs, and strangely enough, a few comics to put on a short pull list should I ever return to reading them.

Your Let's Play that you posted was enjoyable because I'm a guy that plays video games with fond memories of the NES days, and a few months ago, I started making my own video Let's Plays and posting them to YouTube.

As for your History of Power Rangers videos, I was just a little bit too old to get into Power Rangers when it was introduced. However, as I had and still have several friends that watched and remember the series fondly, your HoPR videos are a good look into the series for me, so I understand their interest in the series a little better.

Justin A. Harwood said...

I'm a 28 year old male, not exactly a frequent comics reader, but I've done my fair share over the years. I love Atop the Fourth Wall and History of Power Rangers equally, you just manage to put together a really entertaining show, even if it's covering a comic I've never heard of or a season of Power Rangers I never watched (like you, I kinda jumped ship after the end of In Space)

Kingzero said...

I'm a sixteen year old high school student. I'm Asian and male, and I don't read that many comic books. I enjoy both History of the Power Rangers and your comicbook reviews, but I suppose if I had to pick one I'd pick Power Rangers. I mostly watch your reviews so I can become a better writer and know what's a bad idea to write about and what's good.

Anonymous said...

joel but many call me JAK
male (of course)
prefer HOPR over AT4W
studying game design at collage

non-comic reader (with exception to the odd issue ultimate spider man and yu-gi-oh manga)
into anime DBZ, bleach, yugioh (5D's is easy to rif on)

love your stuff
encourage you to take your time and try not to over work yourself

NeonRaine said...

Well, I'm 20, female, English and studying Japanese at university. I've been considering starting to review Japanese films, but there are so many reviewers out there that it has put me off! Comics wise, I only read Fables and I'll always have a soft spot for the Teen Titans. But my dad, sister and I always enjoyed watching the Power Rangers when I was a kid. In fact, my dad would get up early to watch kids TV with us :D.

Tropical said...

Heya Linkara,
How old am I? I'm 21 years old. about to go 22 in a few months time.

Sex? Male

fun for the whole family? Sometimes my brother might come and watch, but I don't live with my family so

What type of reader? I'm a casual comic reader with on and off periods. A couple of years ago I only followed Spiderman and Sonic comics, but I'm following Batman (more so the B&R than the detective comics or the solo title, though I did check out the Bat pirate issue) Batgirl (love the covers) Spiderman (though I miss JMS, as I was a fan of his Civil War take on Spidey) Iron Man and was following Green lantern up to Agent Orange (I don't like to follow the company wide crossovers they just drive me insane trying to understand what the hell is going on) but I like to collect trades more because it helps me get a better idea of whats going on. Some of my favorites include The Immortal Iron Fist, Planet Hulk (not WWH though) and Batman Face the face (I like more toned down or obscure storylines that don't try and become great epics and fail miserable at that).

Where am I? The Untied Kingdom.

ATFW or HOPR? Both of them really, I used to like the power rangers as a kid so it's always interesting to see you revisit them.

Jamibu A.K.A. Zen119 said...

Hello, Linkara! First time to post on your comments section.

Age: 30(going 31 this year)
Sex: Male
Location: Philippines

AT4W, Family Friendly? Most of the time, IMO.

I once collected some Marvel comics a long time ago(mostly X-Men and Wolverine[fave Marvel character] comics, ADAMANTIUM RAGE!) XD On the DC side, My fave is Batman but I'm more of the Movies and TV Shows/Animated series fan than on the comics. But right now I'm more of a Anime/Manga fan than a comic book fan. But I still enjoy your reviews on bad comics and makes me relive my comic book days.

Though I have watched some Power Rangers' series. I watch more AT4W than HOTPR(though I watched the earlier videos but stopped at Zeo Rangers for now).

Leemaster777 said...

Well, my name is Lee, I live in Florida, I'm 24 years old, and I AM A... oh wait, someone's done this joke already, well, I'm a guy.

I started watching you for AT4W, but I was never really a hardcore fan. When you started your HOTPR reviews, I started watching your main show much more frequently, and even started catching up on more of your older stuff. No one else in my family watches your stuff except my sister, and she only watches HOTPR (which she loves).

I wouldn't really consider myself a comic book "fan", if only because I've never owned too many of them, but I've always loved superheroes.

My favorite comic has always been Superman 714, which has the Joker come to Metropolis, and start dressing as Superman (please note that this is during Superman's mullet phase, so try to imagine Joker wearing a Superman costume with a green mullet). He then attacks a parade with an army of giant robot Furby suicide bombers, and Power Rangers. No, seriously.

Anonymous said...

Joel (most call me JAK)

collage studying game design
non-comic reader (except odd issue of ultimate spiderman and yugioh manga)

love your work because you show it is possible to make a good joke without swearing every 3 seconds.

advise you to not overwork yourself and take your time and pay no atention to those who tell you otherwise

Anonymous said...

21-year-old female, Eastern United States, Taoist, left my heart in Oregon. Amateur writer, loves Buffy, Firefly and the X-Files, certifiably insane and loving every minute of it. Never read a comic book in my life, but stumbled across AT4W at the beginning of JLA: Act of God and have been hooked ever since. Also a big fan of HOPR . . . you just make me laugh, man, and there needs to be more of that in the world.


Tanner Vogelgesang said...

17 Year-old homosexual University Chemistry Education major from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada with brown hair who wants to be ginger. I watch both your shows equally and love them, but not really a comic reader. I want to join the site because you're awesome. And I once wrote slash of you and Spoony. I'm deeply ashamed of that last part...

PumamanRedux said...

42 ... male .. lives in the Northeast USA

Jave watched many Spoony eps and some of yours (mainly Admantium Rage, Star Trek: Voyager play through, some of your ATFW stuff]

Used to read a lot of DC comics [during the 1980s: The New Tens Titans, JLA, Brave and the Bold, All Star Squadron were what I had the most of] way back one ... I did have a reasonable amount of Marvel stuff ...

and as my handle suggests I am an MST3K fanboy

Oh and I've pestered @Linkara19 over at twitter

Kuwagata said...

Name is Jason Bowen. I'm 31. I read trade paperbacks than individual comics themselves. My brother also watches your stuff so I would think Family Friendly. Currently living in Denver, since it was either move here or lose my job. Originally California. I've like both your Power Ranges and ATFW equally. Both are really well done.

Also a fan of Doctor Who since the Jon Pretwee days. /bow Thank you for the entertaining work.

Jemma said...

Hey Linkara.
I am:
21 years old
Going to college in New York City
Majoring in Cartooning!
I'm pretty sure my History of Cartooning class would have been right up your alley :D

mff said...

13 from portugal watch all your stuff
and you got me in to reading some old comics that used to be from my dad

Anonymous said...

My name is Joe, I'm a 26 year old male, from America and I do read comics.

Can't say I have a preference to AT4W or HOPR.

On the one hand ya lead me away from the worst of the worst comics, and recommend some good ones at times.

On the other you've brought up a large part of my childhood that feels nostalgic and it's enjoyable to listen to the stuff I didn't know about or had forgotten. Heck you even got me re-watching it myself when I see it on.

Adam C. said...

Lessee. 31 years old, male, bearded, read mostly European comics, but am growing increasingly tempted to try your recommendations should I find them. =)

Dave P. said...

Gunarm Dyne here, been a fan for about a year and I turned 28 today.

While my brother is the greater western comic fan between us (I'm the anime/manga otaku) I'm still a big fan of a great deal of superheroes with Batman and Spider-Man being my favorites from DC/Marvel respectively.

I live in Utah and stick with AT4W as I was never a Power Rangers fan.

Adam C. said...

Oh, and Edinburgh, UK.

taekarado said...

18-yr-old female from the united kingdom here. i used to be only a very casual comic reader, but watching your show has helped me expand my scope into and beyond the big three. and also into trilbies.

ironically, ive been watching your show since round about this time last year, when you released the zero patrol review; so this is kind of an anniversary event for both of us. =3

Alex Álfþór said...

I'm a 20 years old man, comic reader, from Iceland. I watch AT4W.

Unknown said...

Well, I'm from Brazil, 22 years old, and i already got an arguew with my girlfriend because i watched your History of Power Rangers she think "is too childish to see sth power ranger related" but i think is AWESOME.

You already helped me and i remembered you when i bought the Novos Titãs here in Brazil with the Titans #0 and #1 inside, i almost was foolished by the cover change that happens here but no, beecause of your review i knew what i was dealing with.

I must admit i don't buy comics much, most because "thing you need to know to understand this but you dont want to" fpr some time e bought the early 90's x-men comics, but for short of money i stop buying it, but when i came back was a ¨f*** fest, Rouge had all powers of the world, Xavier as walking, and Magneto was i just gave up.

Now i'm folowing (or trying to follow) The Blackest Night IT arrivied LAST MONTH here in Brazil).

Hasker said...

name: Hasker
age: 21
location: Netherlands

I watch mostly the History of Power Rangers due to me growing up with the show and watching it untill halfway Wild Force. Then I quit. I'm quite curious how the other seasons were so I joined in.
I also watch the occasional AT4W, and though I find it funny I sometimes find said episodes too long and lacking in motion. But that's just preferance, you have a huge fanbase for AT4W so you're doing it right. I just have bad taste that way;p

I also read comics, though I didn't read them when I started watching AT4W. It didn't motivate reading either though.
I mostly read Batfamily comics and just started with Preacher.

I do sometimes watch your vids when we're at a friends house and want to laugh. Our favorite though is the Alone in the Dark colaboration review in which you, spoony and the nc were probably at their best.

Gratz on your 100th video, I hope you make atleast a 100 more!

TokenFembot said...

Hullo from Michigan, Linkara! I'm Danika, 18-years-old, female, going into Video Game Design if I can manage it. (Perhaps Graphics Design if I can't.)
My brothers, ages 11 and 14, also watch you. I really love how family-friendly your show is (well, most of the time,) so thank you so much for that. The fact that I can share your show with my younger brothers without too much worry is something that really sets you above most other internet reviewers, in my eyes. Everything's more fun when I can share it with the two kids as crazy as I am! (:

Been a fan of yours for, oh, I'd say at least half a year now. I was looking up something on TVTropes, probably Deadpool, and somehow that led me to you, haha. :P
I went through the show archives almost immediately. Haven't regretted a single moment of it. (:

I can honestly say that you're the guy who got me into comic books. That probably sounds weird, considering you review BAD comics, but all the GOOD comics you compare them to got me interested.
I went from only having read Deadpool, to reading Iron Man, Moon Knight, and Blue Beetle. (I finally tracked down some issues of that, by the way. You were so right: it's awesome! My youngest brother agrees. ♥)
I'm working on finding other series I'll like, too. So thanks, Linkara. You've pretty much introduced me to the world of talking space scarabs and "zombie men riding zombie alligators filled with zombie snakes." (Best. Moon Knight line. Ever. ... Too bad the rest of the series is, well, inconsistent sums it up. Everything is inconsistent. That makes me sad.)
You rock!

Oh, and I watch just about everything you post here, haha. I do love your History of Power Rangers series, it's certainly faster and more informatively fun than watching the shows myself, but I love your reviews a teensy bit more.

Unknown said...

Oded, a 22 years old guy from Ra'anana, Israel. I actually got into comics because of you - I read Watchmen and V for Vendetta, but watching your show and roaming TVtropes got me more into comics,
I read trade paperbacks only, since it's too expensive and time consuming for me to bother buying every new issue - so I bought stuff like Batman Hush, Watchmen and Astro City. I'm mostly a DC geek but Im trying to expend my horizons - I only have half a shelf of comic books. so I'd love to get some advise about good comics to get.

I've been following you since you did some crossover with NC or Spoony or someone, and while I haven't seen all AT4W episodes, I watched every single episode of HOPR and enjoyed them quite a bit.

Keep being awesome!

Charles said...

I'm 20 years old, male from RI, I would say your reviews are good for the whole family at least ages 9 and up. I don't really read comics any more used to read the Sonic comics a lot but I'm starting to consider reading more comics after watching atop the fourth wall.

I initially started watching the History of Power Rangers episodes though I've gone back and watched almost all the atop the fourth wall videos. Keep up the great videos, always fun to watch even if I don't know much about the characters the comic is based around.

juupa... said...

I'm 20 yrs old Finnish school massac...erm... student and I don't read any other comics than Donald Duck and some manga.

Discofjolla said...

I'm a 20 years old female assyriology student from Sweden.
I'm a comic reader, but a lot of my friends that don't read any comics likes your show.
I've only watched Atop the Fourth Wall so far, but I'm planning to watch your other stuff.

Charlene said...

Hey Linkara! Congrats on reaching 100 episodes! Here's to a hundred more!

I'm a 23 year old female from Melbourne, Australia. I'm not that much of a comic reader (I read a few webcomics though), and I don't think you'd be fun for my family because we have very different senses of humour. I can think of a few friends who might be interested in your reviews, though.

I've seen the entire HOPR series so far, I loved that show when I was a kid! Mainly watched the first two seasons of Mighty Morphin but I've seen a number of eps from the other series too - Turbo, Space, Time Force, SPD, maybe two episodes of that capes-and-magic one (I'll look it up later).

I started watching AT4W soon after Kickassia. I was only really watching NC at the time, but the movie made me branch out and watch some of the other talented TGWTG reviewers. And that's how I ended up here!

Anonymous said...

Female, 22, Georgia (USA)

I'm a grad student working my way through school by tutoring English and Latin to student-athletes. I'm hoping to teach Latin in a few years.

I am a comic fan, but I don't follow the weekly releases. I prefer to grab a trade paperback. Spiderman is STILL my favorite, but I haven't kept up with his current run (from what I've read over my younger brother's shoulder and heard from critics like you, I don't think I'm missing much). Sandman would have to be my second favorite.

I've watched all your videos at least once, but I keep going back to AtFW because it's funnier (IMHO). I also love the story arcs you've been working into your reviews and your recurring characters.

My 18 year-old brother watches as well, but our parents don't, despite my dad being a huge comic book geek (he got my brother and I into Spiderman and he picks up certain series weekly both as a collector and a fan; he knows it won't make him scads of money).

But yeah, that's who I am! Congrats on 100 episodes, as well as your run on HoPR and your ST Let's Plays! Woo hoo!

Gwen said...

Hello, this viewer is a 22 year old college girl from Ohio. I read comics on occasion, mostly because I can't afford to buy them on a regular basis. I watch ATFW more than HoPR, though I have seen a few of those too. I'd say fun for the whole family. You have one of the few review shows I would share with my parents and I think they would enjoy nearly as much as I.
Basically, thanks for keeping us entertained for 100 episodes and congratulations.

Jon H. said...

Pittsburgh, PA

I admit I'm not a regular comic book reader and therefore watch primarily HOPR and your crossovers with the TGWTG crew (both of which are great BTW).

That being said, I have tuned in to an AT4W here and there when the topic interested me enough, and I really like what you do. No fault of yours, comics just aren't generally my cup of tea...

James Faraci said...

@ Lewis Lovhaug I'm James Faraci & as I said in my last comment I am a high functioning autistic, I live in Sullivan County in New York. I earned a Presidential Academic Achievement award back in 2003 when I graduated High School with a Diploma & GED, I am artistic, I have a web written blog character to which I call "The Last Of The Americans" who for his first true review reviewed "Kickassia" to which he did not enjoy, I come for "Atop The Fourth Wall" & I stay for "History Of The Power Rangers" & by the by I pronounce my last name Far-Ah-Chi.

Logion said...

Markus Hansson, currently live in Gothenburg where I work at a University. 25 years old. I am not a huge comic-book fan myself but I like your show you have great humor and dedication in your reviews.

I don't watch your power rangers reviews, probably because I never had a chance to watch them. I don't think that show is all that well common in Sweden.
Apart from that I love your work and I think you are one of the best reviewers out there on TGWTG.

Celey said...

I'm 22 and female. I'm in college, majoring in biochemistry (That's right. Science!!) I'm from the United States. I'm more of a TMNT fan than a Power Rangers fan (I have little interest in the Power Rangers). So, I watch Atop the Fourth Wall. I'm trying to make up for my comic-deprived childhood. I've always been fascinated with superheroes. I prefer DC over Marvel.

If I had to give your show a rating, I'd probably put it along the lines of PG-13 due to some mild cursing and naughty moments (usually in the comics themselves, but I still remember the butt-shot from that one episode)

ZeldaQueen said...

I'm a girl, age 19, from Pittsburgh, PA. I work at a Wendy's and want to kill my general manager. I'm writing a children's book and want to be a published author for a living.

I love fantasy and science fiction and I love comedy.

My favorite book series is Harry Potter and I also love fairy tales and the Disney Princesses.

Yawret said...

I'm 29 years old. Norwegian. I mostly read Marvel, probably cuz the specials they sell here are very accessible. Last one was called "Hirsoshima Logan" Wolverine. Anyways. I am a comic reader. I enjoy both HOPR and Atop the 4th Wall.

Unknown said...

Hi linkara, well my name is carlos, I am a 23 years old male, i live in south america, Colombia to be exact.

I watch both Shows and while Im not a comic reader, i do like to see what is happening in the comic world, specially for DC characters.

Unknown said...

My name is Andrew, 30 year old male from Winnipeg Manitoba. At the moment, I'm slowly finishing up an engineering degree.

Ryan Keys said...

O hai Linkara.

My name is Ryan, I'm from Derry in Northern Ireland, I'm 21 years old and I'm a musician and qualified sound engineer.

I love comics but I don't really follow them, the only one I did follow was Spider-man, which started and pretty much ended with JMS' run. I tried to follow it afterwards for about a year but just sort of gave up, and started flirting with DC.

Other than that I'm a big Sci-Fi nerd. My fave show is Babylon 5 (everytime you refrence B5 I squee... I wish I was making that up) then I have tons of Stargate, Star Trek and then really obscure shit like Space Precinct and Brimstone.

I watch as much of Atop the Fourth Wall as I do History of Power Rangers. Although I have to say, how you can continue when the new show starts makes no sense, how is it History of Power Rangers if you're talking about the current show?

But yeah, I love your stuff and can't wait to see more of it in the future.

Also when I get myself set up again, if you want a oover version of the theme song for any reason, I'll get right on that.

Kari said...

I'm 34, live in Iowa currently (but have lived many other places as well), am female, am a painter and a massage practitioner, have magenta hair and over-the-top fashion sense, am legally blind and despite that last bit I read comics, A LOT. My favorite comics ever are in a tie: Sandman (which ended neatly) and Poison Elves (which ended with an author existence failure. *sniff*) In superhero comics I'm mostly Wildstorm, where, like their other half, they've recently taken to writing dizzying crossovers and killing little girls. *sigh* Beyond that: DC> Marvel> Image, with a few exceptions.

I have friends who watch your show but no family members do as of yet, that I know of. I have mentioned you to my dad, but I don't think he's got around to watching.

I never watched Power Rangers but did watch your reviews of it out of a sense of random curiosity, I guess, but it actually sounds like a good show.

Jblare said...

I am a 31 year old man living in Greenville, SC. I only occasionally read comics. Though I am currently working my way through 52. And I have enjoyed watching your History of Power Rangers as well as Atop the Fourth Wall.

Yogurt said...

Okay then!

I'm a 26 year old guy from NY, USA. I work as a Real Estate Agent (both in the US and in South America). I watch all your stuff, really.

Now as to it being family friendly...well, at the very most you go up to PG-13 (which is more than I could say for some other contributors on TGWTG). But you are all about the positive messages so I think you would be good for parents and older children.

TK said...

I'm an 18 year old male college freshman in scenic Kutztown, PA. I'm not a comic reader, but I do keep up with comic news. I originally started watching TGWTG for the Nostalgia Critic, but started watching HoPR when it debuted since I am a longtime fan of that series. From there, while waiting for new HoPR episodes, I've begun to watch more TGWTG material, including the Nostalgia Chick, Cinema Snob and AT4W.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'm 21, a dude, and a struggling college student. I've been stuck in Kansas since the day I was born, and I'm surprised Superman isn't everywhere here.

I do like the Power Rangers videos more that the comic reviews, but Power Rangers was more like a third parent to me. Heavy Metal music is a fourth.

I myself am a wannabe reviewer. I would post videos, but I'm lacking in hardware. I have a camera, but no way to get game footage onto my computer. I have a text review on my wordpress if you or anyone is interested. Haven't done some in a while, though. I could also post a video of a profanity laced rant review of the Last Airbender movie too.

I work in a movie theater and had a small accident and once I get paid again, I'll post videos. And if you're ever in the Kansas area, come to the Warren Theater! I guarentee you'll never have a nicer movie going experience!

Rhomega said...

I am a 24 year-old male from Anthem, Arizona, just north of Phoenix. I've been watching Atop the Fourth Wall and History of Power Rangers, though I haven't watched the Power Morphicon videos or listened to podcasts.

I'm also Dark Megazord on Rangerboard.

Theo Ad Absurdum said...

Ahoy, Linkara. My name is Mark and I'm a 23 year-old college student from North Carolina.
Fun for the whole family? Depends on your definition. I would personally say yes, since you're less crass than other reviewers, but that's just me.
I don't really have the time or the money to be a faithful comic book reader, but I do greatly enjoy comics.
And I watch every episode of both AT4W and HOPR.

Anonymous said...

Heya Linkara! I'm Amanda! I'm from Ontario, Canada, a few hours away from Toronto. I'm a 24 year old Cultural Studies student in my last year of my degree and I have only been into comic books for about the last two years, actually.

I started following you because of the Blue Beetle tribute you did. BB was the very first comic series that I read all the way through and it has a soft spot in my heart for being not only one of my first experiences with comics but my example of what a really good comic book SHOULD be.

So yes. That is me and why I am here. 100th ep was awesome, man. Looking forward to the next 100! :D

Anonymous said...

English, male, physics student, I watch every episode of both. I'm always collecting at least one series of a comic.

David 2 said...

Hey Linkara... name is David 2... freelance writer, online radio personality, online columnist, fan-based comic creator... I actually found your stuff through your article about "Cry for Justice #7" when you mourned the death of Lian Harper (and, by extension, James Robinson's talent). I'm still playing catch-up with your previous videos, but you do a great job summing up some of the worst productions. And BTW, I'm still looking forward to do you doing that review of Ultimatum... ESPECIALLY after the job you did with Ultimates 3.

Siko said...

im 21, i live in Australia.. i i just got into your show "the Atop the fourth wall" i cant believe i never overlooked it, and i enjoy the history of power rangers reviews because im a huge power ranger fan i spent the hole 2006 - 2008 downloading all 700 episodes lol

Eric said...

Hey Linkara. I'm Eric, 24, Canadian. I've been watching you for... maybe a little over a year now. I didn't read many comics before I started watching, but I've picked up quite a few afterward, mostly Deadpool. I'm mostly interested in graphic novels and TPBs. I'm not much of a Power Rangers fan, but I have been watching HOPR. Its almost like watching the series.

I discovered you through the Nostalgia Critic's episode Alone in the Dark, and I've been watching fairly frequently since.

Keep up the good work!

Marchy said...

Long time fan Linkara. My name's Marchy and I've been with you since about you're top 15 good guys going bad (badly). I'm 21 years out and live in a smaller city outside of Boston Massachusetts. Keep up the awesome work.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I watch all of your shows, including the Power Rangers stuff.

She's a game designer and I'm QA (working on a degree in art). She's in her late 20s, I'm just over 30. We live outside of SF.

She was a big fan of CrossGen back in the day and still reads the occasional comic book. I am a sporadic comic book reader.

lilmaibe said...

25-year-old german female here. Never been much into american comics (I prefer the european ones, mostly for their different kind of storytelling most of the time), but I think I can say your reviews are easily understandable and entertaining even if one has only a basic knowledge if any at all :)

Benjamin Crawshaw said...

Hey Linkara, I'm Ben and I'm 22 years old (we share the same birthday). I live in the heartland of America, Kansas. Currently I am an English major in college and I've been watching your show for quite a while. My Dad was real in to comics so I was curious about your reviews. Ever since I began to watch your reviews I've started my own collection of comics. I really like the Blackest Night series. I also enjoy your HOPR series because I am a huge fan of Power Rangers (which my parents think is a little weird). Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

20-years old from Germany. Saw your videos on TGWTG and soon liked you the most out of all the others.

Grescheks said...

I liked ironbite's "surevey" idea, so I'm gonna steal his condensed questions...

How old are you? 22
Are you male or female? Male
Am I fun for the whole family? I don't have any non-adult family, so I'm not the best judge on this, but I'd say you're probably PG-13 at least (ie if I had younger kids, I'd want to watch with them rather than have them watch alone).
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic reader? Casual comic-reader. I don't follow any regular issues of any stories, but I'll buy a compilation TPB if there's an interesting storyline I want to read.
Where do you live? Canada
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? I'd say I probably watch them about equally (taking into account HOPR's longer release schedule). I might rewatch HOPR more than AT4W, but that's just because of the different release schedules, not any preference for one or the other.

Comments: I love your work here, Lewis. You do a much better job than most internet personalities of balancing the reviews with the entertaining storylines, which give your videos a more cohesive feel to them (though I think Spoony's starting to pick up some ideas from you). Keep up the great work, and you and the TGWTG team (or at least you) should try to make it up to Canada more!

Digimon Digital Liveblog said...

23 yr. male old non-comic reader, lives in Illinois, USA, and came here because of word on HOPR, but decided to watch AT4W because hey, it was on the same site.

I enjoy that you don't really curse as often, and am glad I won't have to worry about you reviewing any porn. (UGH.) I love your reviews, whether it's for Power Rangers or comics (though to be honest I care more about the Power Rangers than for the comics as I, of course, don't read them).

John said...

26 year-old male from Pennsylvania, here. I don't read comics anymore (last thing I read during its release was Transmetropolitan) and have never watched (or wanted to watch) the Power Rangers, but I'll typically watch At4W and HoPR.

Similar to Simo, I started with AVGN, then NC, then ended up seeing your stuff.

DaphneRunning said...

I'm 23 years old (apparently that's a very popular age on here), female, from California and New York. I'd never read a comic book or watched superhero cartoons before watching your series--my parents thought they were evil, so I wasn't allowed growing up.

I write fantasy novels, and I'm trying to get them published. In the meantime, I do caretaking for my aging grandfather.

Your show is a bright spot in my week!

Michelle said...



My name is Michelle, 26. I am a amateur short film writer/director. I reside in Iowa ( Go Midwest! )

Never really been a Power Rangers fan, But I still watched the HoPR. I enjoy the AT4W more. It's interesting to hear what you have to say on both, so I know I will continue to watch them all.

Comics, I'm not a big reader. I only own a few and they are focused mainly on the Batman and Joker. I'm more of a villain person. There's no purpose for a hero without them.

You may be fun for some people's family. Just not mine. =( They are Anti-imagination Nazi's who have been persecuting my creativity. Run before they find you!

n_n Well, That's me. Sort of, Kind of... in a Nut Shell.


Anonymous said...

I'm just a 20 year old, male college student from the U.S. who is a closet comic book fan, and loved Power Rangers up through Time Force. And I watch pretty much everything you put on the site. Power Rangers for the nostalgia, and AT4W because there were never any comic book stores where I grew up. It allows me to see into some of the stuff I (luckily) missed out on.

Kellen said...

Well, this'll be my first comment on your blog ever.

Name's Kellen. I'm from CT, 21 years old, and in college. I'm a male actor trying to break through. I started watching around the middle of 2009...yeah, that's not creepy.

Honestly, before I saw your show I never gave comics a second thought. I grew up with most of the superheroes (i.e. Spider-man, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Superman, Batman, ....more marvel than, but never really read comics other than the occasional strips in the newspaper.

After watching your show a couple of times though, it got me interested in the comic world...well more often than not it let me know which ones to avoid, but besides that I got interested in stuff like the old batman graphic novels for example.

HOPR, same deal. Except I knew a bit more about power rangers without watching it regularly, thanks to friends at school.

Having seen alot of your episodes now, compared to the Nerd, Critic, and Spoony, you're the more tame internet reviewer. In other words, yes, you are family friendly. XD

So....yeah, thanks for opening some worlds up to me.

C-2000 said...

22 years old Canadian man here. I read comics a lot when I was younger but now read mostly manga with some franco-belgian comics.

I watch AT4W more and I love it. Haven't tried HOPR yet. I'm shy about trying new things like that.

Anonymous said...

lets see, i`m 27, male from Argentina. don`t know about entertainment for the whole family but i do watch AtFW with my buddies at work and i do watch history of power rangers, mostly because i really like toku shows but stopped watching power rangers early on dismissing it as an american bastardized version but now thanks to you i know what i missed these all this time

Mathias said...

My name's Mathias, I'm a 21 year old male comic book fan in your hometown. I'm going to school to learn screenwriting and television production, I watch AT4W on release date each week.

I also wear a trilby at all times. And have glasses. And complain about comics. And live/grew up in Shoreview MN.

This show has managed to make my entire identity feel like a shameless copy and every time I see your videos I die a little inside and cry in to my pillow.


TheSeb27 said...

I am a 30 year old male. I do tend to show many of your videos to my girlfriend and my sons, mainly to my 9 year old. He gets a kick out of the fight sequences. I am a comic reader, but, I tend to read only Batman trade paperbacks. I'm impatient, lol, so I wait all of the way until the story is released in a combined book. I do reside in the United States, SouthEast, more specifically. I watch the Let's Play and Atop the Fourth Wall. I began watching The Angry Video Game Nerd sometime in late 2007. I saw the video confrontation between him and The Nostalgia Critic and knew nothing about Doug, so, I watched some of his videos and, well, it all spawned from there. Being a comic book lover, I saw your videos and they appealed to me. You and Spoony have arisen to becoming my two favourite reviewers on tgwtg.
And I keep telling my girlfriend that I want to be Linksano for this year's Halloween party that we attend.

Mountain King said...

Name:- Thomas

A 25 year old madman with far too little time on his hands, but more opinons than a whole battalion of angry movie geeks.

Based in the north-west of england I read more British comics than US. Mostly focusing on the older stuff. Classics like Dan Dare and Charlie's War I also like seeing how UK writers are still shaking things up in the US Industry. Even if they are getting a little stale these days.

I picked up on AT4thW about a year and a bit ago now, I think the first review of yours I saw was the one with Sultry Teenage Super Foxes Issue one.

As for HOPR I think they are a little more in depth than AT4thW but thats because they are in depth reviews with humour. AT4thW is more of a comedy drama with review elements

AKA Mountain King

Punky said...

My name is Valerie and i'm a addict... oh wait, this is not... never mind

I'm Valerie (aka Punky aka tgwtg) from Puerto Rico, 25, freelancer. When i was little I read a bunch of comic books with my brother but nowadays it's more casual and prefer to watch your videos and LOL :P
(Also my brother is a big fan, his name is Gabriel, 29 and he's a Psychiatrist )

rmhenry42 said...

34 year old male from Oklahoma. I watch AT4W and went through the archive. I've also watched and enjoyed your HOPR series. I was a huge comic fan in the 90s and only catch an occasional trade paperback or manga now.

FallingStar said...

My name is Vikki, I am 21 years old and I live in Mass. I watch AT4W, and History of Power Rangers. I love both shows ALOT, but I don't read comic books, just manga, but you make me want to get into them, and I like to hear what you have to say.

Michel said...

I'm a 25 year old male from North Carolina. I don't read comic books, though I had some familiarity with the characters and stories from comic-based cartoons, movies, and Wikipedia. I enjoy superhero stories; I just never got into actual comic book reading (partly because my disposable income is very limited and goes to other hobbies).

I was introduced to your series by a friend who showed me the Uncanny X-Men 423 and 424 reviews, and Superman at Earth's End. It was hilarious, and I proceeded to watch everything you had done up to that point (I think you were up through the introduction to Amazons Attack).

I watch and enjoy AT4W and HoPR equally. I was a Power Rangers fan who joined the series in season 3 (and saw a lot of seasons 1 and 2 through daily reruns), and left after a couple episodes of Turbo. HoPR has given me a lot of chances to be nostalgic, and has convinced me to take what chances are presented to check out later series, which are honestly far better than I had expected.

So...yeah. That's me.

rmhenry42 said...

34 year old male from Oklahoma. I watched AT4W and went through the archives. I also watched and enjoyed your HOPR series. I was a huge comic reader in the 90s, but only catch the occasional trade paperback or manga now.

Mandi said...

I'm a 19 year old woman from Colorado.
I only recently started getting into comics, so when you do back histories or talk about a superhero I don't know that is the best for me.
I've been showing my roommate your videos and That guy with the glasses' because she's only knows/watches Manga.
I've been watching you for two years.
I'm a college student whose double majoring in History and Art History.
I'm a huge video game, Dr. Who, Supernatural, AOTS, Stargate, ect. nerd. So basically I'm either a really awesome chick or part dude. That's me.
Any more questions and I'll be gald to answer them.

MisterTTG said...

I'm 19, male, and I live in Kansas. You are one of the cleaner critics on TGWTG, and though you don't swear or tell the dirty jokes as often as Doug or Spoony, you are still one of the funniest people on the site. As for whether you're popular among non-comic-readers, I've always liked superhero movies but I've never followed comic books (though I do follow several manga). BUT, I have bought a volume or two of certain series' you recommend (All Star Superman and Blue Beetle, specifically). So you could say watching your show is getting me into comics. I watch both your shows religiously. Like I said before though, I don't have a lot of experience with comics, so I watch AT4W for your witty commentary, and HoPR more for nostalgia (I always thought I stopped watching Power Rangers after the first season, but I remember a ton about Zeo, In Space, and Lost Galaxy, particularly the villains meeting at the beginning of In Space. I think I hated Turbo, though, and it was interesting to hear you say it was an unpopular season).

Well, that's who I am, but WHOOOO ARE YOU




Anonymous said...

I'm Cory, a 19 year old Northwestern University student with a Nightcrawler action figure sitting atop my desk. I first learned about you from another Nightcrawler fan because of your review of that awful story with the Church of Humanity.

I'm also a girl, by the by, though my name doesn't indicate that strongly.

I love your hat, sir. I watch AT4W more that History of Power Rangers, but Power Rangers was my entire life back when I was a young'un, so I'll get around to that soon enough.

John Stewart said...

--I AM A MAN!!

Well now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'm 25-years old and live in New Jersey.

Initially I started watching your History of Power Rangers series, and then I started watching Atop the Fourth Wall. I'm not a comic book reader, but I still enjoy the reviews as they are very well done and contain a lot of clever humor.

Steffen said...

Hi Lewis, I'm Steffen. 27-year-old, male, Sound Engineer from the Twin Cities, MN. I've been watching AT4W on TGWTG for about a year now. Absolutely love HOPR, I stopped watching the show before Turbo, but kept up with the Megazord toys because I love transformers; it's been a treat to have your synopses and analyses of the series since then.

I've been aware of comics for a long time, though only comparatively recently been collecting ($0.25 a book in the clearance racks at Half Price Books!)

The only running series I've ever kept up with is X-Men, and that was more from watching the Fox Kids cartoon show than the reading comics themselves. Mostly I like things that have had a definite end, like Generation X, or the Age of Apocalypse, and the DC vs. Marvel crossover. That way I'm not committed to buying a new $4 issue every week or month, and getting betrayed by new idiot writers whenever the editors pull the good ones to go and do something else.

Wikimancer said...

twenty-something human male from late scarcity Earth here - specifically in what is presently the United States of America
I don't read much in the way of western print comics, though I do read quite a few webcomics. That being said, it's interesting to hear what folks like you and @dresdencodak ( have to say about sequential art.
Regarding your shows, I'm basically in it for Atop the Fourth Wall, though I did watch those Comics in 5 Panels that you did.

Unknown said...

Hey Linkara, my name is Dominik. I'm 18 years old and I live in Poland. I didn't read comics until I've found out about your show (except of Spider-Man).

Great 100 episodes so far, can't wait for the next ones.

And please, give 90' Kid his own show. That would be AWESOME !

BTW Is Liz your girlfriend? Sorry if it's too personal.

Anonymous said...

I'm miranda, 20 years old, from south bend, indiana. I'm not *really* a big comic reader- i have read some of the buffy\angel comics, though.
{if it has to do with one of my fandoms, i'll read it, if it is good} I love both Atop the fourth wall and history of power rangers.
{by the way, the last season i watched though was dino thunder, the newer seasons are new to me too!}
I enjoy the fact that not only do you do reviews but you have a story arc as well!
i started with the nostalgia critic, then the nostalgia chick
then you, then spoony.
{going though all the older stuff was time well spent! :)}
till next time i'll be watching on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next chapter.

Celluloid Memories said...

Hello, Linkara! Since you asked, my name is Pedro, I am from Puerto Rico, a teacher, 28 years old and believe it or not I am that big of a comic book fan but still watch your show. I found your stuff through the Nostalgia Critic (mainly when you did crossover reviews with him and Spoony). I decided to take a look at one of your videos and had a lot of fun.

I enjoy that you are very detailed, analyze every aspect of the comic and offer very different points of view about the industry and the comic.

I also watch the History of Power Rangers. I am a big Power Rangers fan, but I missed out on many seasons and those that I did watch I forget details about it, so the series is very informative and helps me appreciate the series far more.

Percy said...

17 year old female student, American living in Sweden. I watch AT4W, been loving comics since birth, basically, but it's hard to get 'em here in Sweden.

DrougSpered said...

I'm 33 years old, from france and I'm alive. I prefer and know european sequential-art better over comics ; I watch both AT4W & HOPR.

For the family friendly thing, I just can't understand how cuss word work, it's so different in french ; so I can't judge that.

Anonymous said...

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Family fun: Sure, why not
Location: Albany, NY (college)
Comic reader: Trying to be
Favorite show: AT4W

Ali said...

I'm a 21-Year-Old guy in a wheelchair. I'm not a comic reader, but I would be one if I could actually find a comic store around here.

KKDW said...

Well as for me: 20 year old British bloke with Aspergers. Long time fan of Doctor Who, Gerry Anderson, Blakes 7 and the Hitchikers Guide the Galaxy. And not quite so long time fan of anime, Discworld, The Tomorrow People, Sapphire & Steel, The Goodies, Dark Season and many many other things.

Started watching Atop the Fourth Wall a little bit before the Batman: Fortunate Son review. And after watching some of your videos (specifically the bits that mentioned the good stuff) started reading comics, starting with 52 (though before hand I had read Watchman and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, along with a 7 years worth of the Beano and slightly less than that of the Daney, the comics printed in Doctor Who Magazine, and my Dad's Dan Dare collection). Picked up the first volume of 52 last September and last March started picking up regular issues (current favourites, Batgirl, Booster Gold and Justice League: Generation Lost). Have been mainly going for DC Universe stuff though have now started going for Marvel and other things (I've read Kick-Ass now, and I've recented picked up the first to big collected volumes of Runaways and the first two omnibus volumes of Hack/Slash, while my brother picked up Dead@17 a while back). Also read the Gargolyes comic and IDW's Doctor Who comics.

Also have been watching History of Power Rangers though I never watched it as a kid due to not being allowed to, and when I did finally give it a go (with an episode of Ninja Storm) I didn't like it. However after watching your videos I've given it a second thought and have had a go at watching RPM (and rather enjoyed it) along with a bit of Super Sentai (specifically Samurai Sentai Shinkenger).

Also, I intend to start my own review series sometime soon and start up my own webcomic. Also want to become a writer, either to TV, novels or comics.

Ok, I think that's enough about me.

Anonymous said...

24 years
English student
comic reader (mostly a mix of American, British, French, Italian and Japanese titles, as well as our own rather small comic scene mostly presented by indie titles like Oskar Ed written and drawn by Branko Jelinek)
Writing as a hobby - both fanfiction and original work
rabid Super Sentai fan
Loyal watcher of both Atop the 4th Wall as well as History of Power Rangers
I'm watching you ever since your Superman vs Terminator review
Almost stopped watching you due to two rage-outbreaks caused by you dissing the artwork of Ben Templesmith and later your negativity towards The Maxx and Sam Kieth's artwork (which I adore)

Cevian said...

I'm a 20 year old male college student in Alabama and huge fan of anime and manga. Most of my experience with American Comic Book Superheroes is through the old 90's cartoons and the various movies series. My dad's a pretty bug fan of comics but I've only read a few of what he buys. Ironically the only comic book series I've followed was the old Sonic comics but I haven't picked up a new one of those for about 10 years.

So yeah. I'm a 'Casual Superhero Fan' who hasn't read many comics, outside of webcomics(Yours included). I am, however, a pretty big fan of Power Rangers and I was still at least half-following it until RPM disappeared off my radar and am hoping to stea- I mean imitate, the sincerest form of flattery, part of your HOPR style, along with other styles, and start reviewing anime... eventually. College is such a Time Eater.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 21-year-old male living in Virginia. I prefer comics in collected form rather than individual issues, and I also prefer indie series with beginnings and conclusions (Bone, the Sword, Scott Pilgrim, etc). The comic that got me into comics was Marvel's Runaways, and I used to read Deadpool at one point.

I watch both shows, but I prefer AT4W. I originally found you through your youtube page (way back before time began).

Bosh Depanzer said...

~~Linkara's Survey~~

Who exactly are my viewers?
~Mostly nerds and geeks of various subjects that grew up in the 80's and 90's I would think.

How old are you all?
~I'm mid twenties. Child of the 90's gamer geek.

Do I have more men than women watching?
~Out me down as male.

Am I fun for the whole family?
~Couldn't say for sure. Your material is clean in terms of profanity (for the most part) but a lot of your subject matter might be over the head of younger viewers.

Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers?
~I don't consider myself an avid comic reader but I do have series that I like and own. I am aware of the mythology and current events of several comic universes so I suppose for the purposes of this survey you can say I am a comic reader.

How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.?
~U.S.A. upper east side.

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?
~I watch both but AT4W tends to get more views by sheer nature.

So, yeah, who are all of you people? ‎
~I am a mid twenties gamer geek male who grew up in the 90's from the USA upper east side who occasionally reads comics.

Madol said...

Hey, 21 year old male, I watch both Atop the fourth wall and History of Power rangers. I'm in Canada

Avi said...

I am a 28-year-old male. My future brother-in-law and I enjoy your videos, but we just watch them and then discuss them later.

I live in Grand Rapids, MI. I know of comic books and the various characters, but that is mainly thru television shows and pop culture since I am not a comic book reader.

I have watched every episode of HOPR and have been sharing them with other people. I am behind on a few ATFW episodes, but I watched the 15 comic books you wouldn't do just to see what was on the list.

You do a good job and enjoy your videos. Keep up the great work.

Cameron said...

My name's Cameron and I'm a 21 year-old male from Colorado. I'm an infrequent comic reader, having started on old sonic comics before taking interest in the dc and marvel universes.

I started watching your shows after seeing an appearance of you in one of spooney's vids, and was curious enough to investigate. After going through the posted videos, I've been a regular watcher through that guy with the glasses and recently here on the blog.

I was intrigued when you started the history of power rangers, and have also watched and enjoyed those.

I'm impressed by your lack of cursing. It's quite easy, these days, to see someone dropping f-bombs here and there, but seeing someone who shows restraint and chooses their words differently is very refreshing and quite a welcome change of pace.

Keep up the great work!

E. Wilson said...

Welp, I started watching just this summer. I'm male, 24, Floridian, single, enjoy long walks on the beach. Preferred characters include Spider-Man, Batman, and Green Lantern. For financial reasons, I trade-wait. Because I'm a book snob, the vast majority of my collection is hardcover.

I do watch History of Power Rangers as well as AT4W, but mostly as a curiosity to see how one of my favorite childhood shows ended up. I will occasionally re-watch AT4W episodes, which I don't do for HoPR, mostly due to length and the lack of comedic content in the latter.

I recall you saying in one video a while back that you're an English major; I am, as well.

For whatever reason, I tend to find your reviews of crossovers more entertaining, possibly because of the larger amounts of characters and sillier events involved. So, yeah, Amazons Attack, Countdown, Ultimatum, those are, off the top of my head, the videos I've enjoyed most. (Although the recent review of Clark And Barda Make a Porno was equally parts hilarious and disturbing.)

I discovered your videos at ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, where I also watch Nostalgia Critic, Ask That Guy, Cinema Snob, and Obscuras Lupa. Beyond following those folks, I tend to watch others based on the subject matter of the video.

Incidentally, I read 52 specifically because of your praise of it, and am quite glad I did.

Sagefire said...

25 years old, male, living in Utah. I work as a writer and teach college writing classes at night. Life-long comic book reader who started watching after your nostalgia critic crossover. Watch every atfw and hopr. Big star trek fan as well.

Jacob said...

I am Jacob, Currently in Canberra, Australia and I am a year 9 student.I am 15 and my favorite movies are: Terminator 2 and Inception. I watch The history of power rangers and AT4W in equally and have been watching your stuff for 9 months now. I am a huge gamer and my Favorite food is pizza. Is that enough info?

PWBOT said...

Well, I am a 16-year old boy from the small island of Singapore. Anime, manga, games and occasionally cartoons make up my life. Not really a comic book fan but I do have World's Funniest, Watchman, one issue of Deadpool from the new series and a strange G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers (I got this one for free).

Been watching your shows ever since TGWTG held the contest for new talent where you first debut. I would say that you are definitely family friendly but my parents aren't into this sort of things. I watch both AT4W and HoPR, the first one getting me into comic and the other one bringing back nostalgic memories.

Unknown said...

26 Year old IT Guy, in crappy Albany, NY. Love the comic reviews, and History of the Power Rangers kicks ass.

Dakostro said...

I'm Dan, 27 years old, from Sweden.

Been a superhero fan since childhood, regardless of medium, but was a relatively late bloomer when it comes to comic books. Besides enjoying the superhero genre and comics in general, they inspire me a lot in my own writing (I've written a superhero-themed book that I've self-published online).

One of the things I like about AT4W, that I get a chance to learn stuff about comics while I'm being entertained. Sure, I could go and look up Wikipedia whenever I want to learn something and picking up an actual comic book is too complicated, but that doesn't beat listening to a reviewer who's as informative as he's fun to listen to.

Also, I really appreciate the HOPR videos, because of how you treat PR so respectfully and don't immediately dismiss it as a lesser form of entertainment. That's been a great help for me to not feel ashamed of being a Power Rangers fan. I even bought the Ultimate Rangers DVD thanks to your encouragement. =)

charlie said...

13 year old boy from england

favourite superhero: deadpool
favourite non superhero series (kind of) : scott pilgrim and also favourite movie

Ross said...

Hey there, 25 year old programmer from Indiana. Love AT4W, love HOPR, and I hope you keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Well let's see I'm 19, male and live in the US. I'm a casual comic fan I read manga more. I love your History of Power Rangers, but I love A4W equally!

Poki3 said...

23 male from Poland (Europe), looking for a female... wait, wrong website.

No one else in my house understands English. I don't read comics. I have a few issues here and there, but it's a matter of availability. Over here comics just don't come out often. The only local Manga publisher is almost bankrupt.

I love both shows for different reasons. I'm finding myself looking forward to Power rangers more, but that's probably because the episodes are rarer and longer.

Foone said...

25, US/North Carolina, male. I've not shown any family members, but if they were interested in web video I'd definitely show them. I'm not a regular comic reader, but I've read a few graphic novels (watchmen, league of extraordinary gentlemen) and a few comics I read in collections (transmet, preacher)

I definitely watch History of Power Rangers more, as I've seen all of them at least three times and I usually only see each Atop the Fourth Wall once (and I skipped a few during the Linkara-is-missing arc). I never watched Power Rangers as a kid, so I find it more interesting/amusing than nostalgic. I tend to watch it like SFDebris episodes, I put the whole series on my movie player and let it run while I'm doing homework, playing games, or just reading random webstuff.

That said, I don't know if I'd say I like History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Forth Wall. I definitely started watching for AtFW, and I still enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

Sex: Male
Age: 26
Rating: Awesome
Watching: Atop the Forth Wall.
Comic fan.
Enjoy the Power Rangers history though, despite never watching the show as a kid.

Mark said...

Name: Mark M.
From: Iowa
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Comics: I don't read them as much now as I used to. Way to expensive, but I do try to keep up with what's going on anyway.
I'm a huge HoPR fanatic on your site. It's actually gotten me to go and watch the entire run (only having really seen up through Turbo when I was growing up). However, I do really enjoy AtFW as well.

Damien said...

How old are you? 31
Are you male or female? Male
Am I fun for the whole family? Mostly me in this household. Others sometimes watch when it is on my screen, but don't seem to go out of their way to watch.
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? Non-comic reader mostly. Once in a while I would pick up a comic that caught my eye, but never really followed many of them. Enjoyed a few of the comic-based cartoons and movies over the years.
Where do you live? USA, Maryland currently, though I am about to change states yet again.
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? Atop the Fourth Wall. I watched a few of the power rangers episodes, but just have no interest in the content even if it is well composed, so stopped.
Other: I consider myself a writer, though I have had any number of jobs over the years from Correctional Officer to RPG game designer as the whim and needs of life suited me. Similarly I have done things many others have not such as Thru-hiking the Appalachian trail. I originally found your AtFW reviews through a Silent Hill forum when you reviewed one set of the comics. I was there doing some research for the online SH-based game I am working on coding, so it was really mostly chance that drew my attention your direction. I have been watching ever since.

Anonymous said...

40s film professional, actor/screenwriter. Long time comics reader. I actually remember the heady late eighties before Image ruined everything.

I watch because you have become the great hope of the comics medium -- quality control. If creators know they will be pilloried by you when they get sloppy, and their work incinerated while the fans cheer, then we'll have fewer embarrassments like Civil War or Countdown.

You have fans in the creative community. Don't stop.

Damien Herdman said...

Hey first time posting and I'm a fan of your videos.

How old are you? 18
Are you male or female? I am a man! *punch*
Am I fun for the whole family? Eh my whole family don't usually watch internet shows.
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? I read comic books. Mostly Marvel books and I'm a fan of Spider-Man.
Where do you live? Up north in Canada eh.
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? I watch both and I love both. Can't wait for the next HOPR video.

nosferatu said...

My name is Daniel. I'm 25 years old from Asheville, NC and I've never really read any comics outside a couple of graphic novels. My wife also enjoys your show, but she has a collection of comics.

Unknown said...

I'm Josh, I'm from Sydney Australia. I am a 19 year old University student in my 1st year doing BA of Applied Environmental Science. I am not a comic reader but I enjoy your show especially references to "Patton" and Star Trek before the franchise reboot. I'm a big fan of Enterprise as I watched it in my teenage years but seriously I still like it now.

Oh and my fellow housemates and I are big fans of the original Super Smash bros on N64 and we play it more then the 360 haha.

Kyoko M said...

21 years old
Born and raised in GA
College student at UGA
Aspiring writer who is about to send out query letters for a literary agent. Already written two novels and am working on a third.

First comic book I ever read was Marvel vs. DC, which I got from my Dad because he bought it when he was younger. I'm not a huge comic book reader--I just read anything I can get my starving little hands on. Which is where you, Mr. Linkara, come in handy because you help me know which stuff to get and which stuff to avoid. ^^

I'm mostly a DCAU girl. Batman TAS changed my life when I was around seven or eight so I live my life by The Bat.

You are totally fun for the whole family, in my opinion. I mention you enough in my day-to-day that my parents know who you are, to a certain degree. I usually just watch AT4W because I'm not into Power Rangers, but I'm not against turning on your other works like Let's Play every once in a while.

Once again, congrats on your 100th episode and thanks for your interest in us fans!

P.S. GCF Talk also says congratulations on 100 episodes! We hope to interview you again in the future if you wish it to be so. ^^

LoneWolf said...

I'm a 25 year-old man from rural Kansas, with aspirations of art and authorship. I like to watch AT4W because it allows easy access to a subculture I feel I cannot afford to get into, and because I find your reviews to be educational.

Teej Turtle said...

I watch it all!

T.J Logan
22 (soon to be 23)
London, UK

Love AT4W! Love HOPR!
Your shows get this Art College student through some slow days.
I do read comics but not to the extent of buying loads (I mainly buy DC, Invincible and American Vampire lol).

Keep it up as I'm always checking to see if something new is up!

delenore said...

Well, I'm a 36 year 'boy' from the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.
I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who, Red Dwarf and MST3K have a comic collection that threatens to overwhelm my home office and family. AT4W is my addiction, and I appreciate the effort you put into your reviews.

Crusader said...

19, Male, I live in the English countryside. I never would have got into comics without your nudging, but am swiftly becoming a strong fan.

Who is furious about the new power girl creative team. Furious, furious, furious. They try, they do, but they can't recapture the magic.

I'm a student of Coastal Geography, which is taught at only one institution and only gets six graduates a year.

I wouldn't call you fun for the whole family... while you don't swear you do cover some adult topics... not really more than are in the comics, but whatever. 12+

Atop the fourth wall is what I tune into you for mostly, but I also watched your Lets Play and History of the Power Rangers mostly to listen to the sound of your voice. HTPR is good for nostalgia too. But mostly the voice thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 22 year old male from Germany, and I enjoy watching both ATFW and HOPR. I'm mainly a Manga reader with some investments in wester comics (like Watchmen, and I'm getting increasingly curious in Nextwave and Scott Pilgrim).

I love HOPR because of nostalgia, and I love ATFW thanks to the funny reviews and nice insight into the comic industry.

Oh, and I usually watch with my 4 years older brother who is a bit more into comics, but seems to prefer HOPR more.

Kendall said...

Hello Linkara, I'm a 22 year-old North Carolinian male currently living in New York for grad school. While I do read some comics (mainly Blue Beetle, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Justice) I am more much a manga person even if I did grow up with the DCAU.

Fun for the whole family? The girlfriend likes you but she's the only person I've had watch your videos.

I like AtFW and HOPR equally. The latter is actually responsible for getting me to finally hunt down the episodes of RPM as I had stopped watching entirely after SPD.

Have been a fan of yours since the Anniversary Brawl on TGWTG.

DKolakowski said...

24/M/NJ... wow, havent had to type that since the old chatroom days...
I am a Photographer and Graphic Designer. And I watch both series, but watch AT4W over PR.

Sampo Pitkänen said...

27 years, male and from Finland.

I originally heard about you through Spoony (The X-Men part 2 video, the name of which escapes me at the moment), and have gone through all of your videos after that. Although the power rangers stuff is very nostalgic, I still prefer the AT4W stuff.

On the comics side my recent favorites are Planetary, Queen & Country, Bone and almost anything that Mark Millar or JMS write. And Watchmen of course. And yes, Nextwave is awesome.

Conan_Edogawa said...

Me, I'm 19, though I'll be 20 a couple weeks from Monday, I'm a guy, I find you fun despite not really reading many American comics, though I do know enough to hold a conversation about comics for maybe 5 to 10 minutes, I'm from the US, and i watch everything equally, because I only just started watching you back in early to mid August and watched every post you have on this blog until i got all caught up. I finished just before you posted the Time Force panel videos, so I'm all caught up, and now I'm gonna watch stuff as you release them while I go and finally start watching Spoony.

So, basically, you're awesome, what you do is awesome, and i look forward to more awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm 22-years old, male, living in Seattle, and a fan of literature in general. Although I do admit I don't read a lot of comic books. Mainly newspaper comics, webcomics, and manga, I'm afraid.

I'm also an aspiring author which is one of the reasons why I've come to respect and acknowledge you: you know that stories should be controlled by writers and not editors and you create storylines of your own for RotM and Lightbringer.

Also, like I've said before in other comments in your blog, I'm a big Power Rangers fan myself.

CyberXIII said...

Linkara, I started watching your videos a few months after I really got interested in comic books. Thanks to TVTropes, I found out about you, and decided to give your show a try. I watched your early Superman at Earth's End and the multiple Countdown reviews and was nearly hooked instantly. Congrats on reaching a hundred videos, and good luck with the next hundred!

Oh, and I'm from South Carolina and I'm 18.

Anonymous said...

Well my name is Jenny, I'm 29 from Portland, Or. Bored Housewife.

I have 2 kids 13, and 9 both whom enjoy your show. :)

chaosyourgod said...

well im a 19 year old guy and i watch reviews, play games watch movies, eats junk food, i would read comics if i had a comic shop around here in England, Birmingham to be more precise, oh but i do read books warhammer 4k books alot of the time, and that's because they fit into my jacket pocket, cos me college is rather far off so i get a taxi and need something to do, at college im doing my second year of a games development course, its awesome, i have friends but they're all at the college :/ we do try and game together but we don't usually get enough time to do it, there's more about me but most of it is either boring or personal shit

MetFanMac said...

Recently turned 20, live in Israel. Orthodox Jewish male. Big comics nerd, prefer DC. I'm a cartoonist.

Glad to see we share so many tastes ;)
Do more Let's Plays!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Erik. Early Twenties. College Grad, working as a freelance Illustrator/Cartoonist. ( I love comics, television, and movies, pretty much any visual storytelling medium. Currently residing in Michigan.

First comic I ever read: Fantastic Four (vol 1) #5, first appearance of Doctor Doom, its been one of my favorite series ever since.

Discovered Nostalgia Critic with his Top 11 Naughtiest Animaniacs video (as I had gotten into the cartoon itself about a week prior to the posting)

First video of yours I saw was US-1 #1, and was just swept away by the sheer absurdity of it all. After Superman Earth's End, Austen's X-Men and Neutro, I knew I was hooked.

I dig your gags and critiques. Not so high on the complex bad guy fighting arcs you do with Mechkara and Lord Vice, but to each his own. Was really into your Power Rangers history at first, but once you past the Mighty Morphin era, my interest waned because that was the only one I knew.

Anyway, congrats on reaching the three digits, best wishes for you (and Liz) on your upcoming episodes.
Hope this helps your little survey.

CrazyHoboRae said...


Hi linkara, I'm Rae the 18 yr old college student (ancient history, psychology, film).

I've been following your reviews for a while, seen 'em all and love most of them all. I've kinda watched the powerrangers and the comic reviews equally.... hey if it pops up on your site, I'm gonna click play.

I'm not a major comic book reader, most of my knowledge comes from wikipedia and your show, but I will pick up a comic if the cover looks enticing.

Keep up the amazing reviews and congrats on 100 episodes strong!

Kevin said...

I'm Kevin, I'm 26 years old, and I was born and raised in La Crosse, WI. I am going to college for Culinary Management, and I currently only have two classes left before that degree is done.

I've watched you with my friend Andy (founder of Century City Games, maker of World's Greatest Villain) almost every week since just before the "brawl" video. My favorite comic book character of all time is Kyle Rayner.

I also enjoy watching HOPR because I grew up watching PR as a kid, but stopped during Turbo and never went back.

Anonymous said...

Hey Linkara,

24, Male Pakistani in origin... I don't really read comic books nor do I have real interest in them. I came for the Power Rangers stuff, but decided to stay for your comic book stuff. Keep up the good work. :)

Naomi said...

Sorry if this is a repeat send, but something went wrong when I tried to send it the first time. Feel free to get rid of this post if it's a repeat.

My name's Naomi, I'm a girl (in case you couldn't tell), and I live in Birmingham in the UK ^_^

I'm 16, soon to be 17, and I'm aspiring to be a writer (of either novels, TV shows, movies or maybe even comic books if I can learn enough about the medium). I'm not a big comic reader, but I've read a couple of trade paperbacks of Birds of Prey, an issue of Batgirl and all of 52, all this encouraged by your awesome show (as well as an ex-friend and an ex-boyfriend who both turned out to be more horrible people than they'd led me to believe). Loved all of them, so I'm hoping if I can bring myself to get properly into comics, I'll see if I can find some stuff by Gail Simone to start off with.

My taste tends to venture into the gothic and strange, though my favourite things don't consist entirely of this style. My favourite villain(ess) is Harley Quinn. :3 She's just so adorable and fun...and sadly I feel I can empathize with some of her less positive characteristics...poor Harl.

I'm hoping to start my own show soon, mainly inspired by you, Spoony, the Nostalgia Critic and more or less everyone on Been a fan of AT4W for a while now, definitely more than a year.

Oh, and I watch both HOPR and AT4W, but I don't know if I'll be giving HOPR as much re-watching as AT4W. I never got into Power Rangers when I was young, so it holds less nostalgia for me than with most.

Hope all this was helpful, Mr. L ^_^

Rookeealding said...

I own maybe, three comics, read in my entire life? 5. ( But Darkwing Duck's new comic series is out and I did shell out some amazon cash for that though..)
One of the crossovers with Spoony led me your way (and as for him I only got into, believe it or not though the comments on one of BoardJames videos) and as soon as it did I went ahead and watched them all ( as of that date) Now I keep up.

I don't comment much. I tend to spell pretty badly, and I tend to like to write like I talk.

Nice to meet you!

( are you named after the monster in one of the Talespin episodes? I had to ask)

Anonymous said...

29 year old Canadian female that doesn't read comics but I do read manga.

I'm not sure about the whole family but I do link AT4W to my 26 year old sister (also a non-comic reader) sometimes and she enjoys it.

I enjoy both Atop the Fourth wall and History of Power Rangers but AT4W is what got you noticed by me. Actually, it was the promo to Countdown that I caught and decided to check it out. After that, I watched a few more new episodes then went back and marathoned the older episodes for a few days.

With Power Rangers, I watched until Johnny Yong Bosch left (hey, I was like 16 with a crush at the time!) so I enjoy watching the episodes on the series I did watch but forgot some things and even enjoy how the series evolved after I left the fandom.

Egor said...

Male, 20 years old, studying at Gorky's Literature Institute. Love comic books and manga. Also, i live in Moscow, Russia.
Такие дела.

Rumkitty said...

There's a severe lack of female contribution here (which isn't surprising given the subject), so I'll throw in my .02.

I'm 24, female, US resident (South Carolina) and a senior in Japanese Language and International trade at Clemson University. My boyfriend and I have been watching for a little over a year now, and have seen just about every episode up on TGWTG. Since we've been watching everything, I guess I have to say I watch more AT4W just because that's mostly what you do, but we LOVE the Power rangers stuff. We both grew up with the original series (which is still my favorite just because I say so) and seeing what they've done with the concept through the eyes of a real fan who isn't 'spergy is great.

I'm not really a comic reader, though I have my niche, but I've been flipping through more and more since picking up on you. I was always more of a fantasy/gaming geek girl. Thanks for holding the comic door open for me and helping me find my way in :3

As for how family-friendly you are, I'd say you're pretty much one of the most family-safe reviewers from TGWTG. Less cursing, and commenting on how skankiness isn't exactly the best thing in the world makes me feel like I could show you to a kid if I had one. Keep up the good work, and here's to another 100 episodes of awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 16-year-old male from Iceland. Pretty sure I'm the only one in my family that watches your stuff, but I know you have more fans in Iceland. Big fan of AT4W, (to the point that I usually wait a few weeks and watch about 7-8 episodes at a time) but I watch HOPR as well.

Anonymous said...

Ok here goes: My name is Peter. I am from Denmark. I am 16 years old. I am an aspiring artist and hopeful creative and all that. My favorite movies are Unbreakable and Forbidden Planet. My favourite tv show is Doctor Who and alot of cartoons (JLU, SRMTHFG! etc.) I like both your shows but I have to admit I enjoy you HOPR more then you AT4W stuff. Keep on the good work Lewis!

Ps. Oh and I am a comic reader and my favourite book is Justice

Justin T said...

Hi Linkara, my name is Justin. I'm 32 years old, Male, and I live in the Finger Lakes Region of NY.

I've been reading comics for over 20 years. I was originally a Marvel fan boy only, but the work of Geoff Johns drew me to DC and I read books from both companies now.

I'm a Sci Fi loving kind of guy. I'm a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, new BSG, Lost, Sliders, Quantum Leap, the Dune books (and the movies) and Fringe. I am also a huge fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Whenever you make references to any of the above in you reviews it puts a big smile on my face.

I became a fan of AT4W after I watched your Amazon's Attack reviews last year. I really loved seeing a web series taking on bad comics and giving them the treatment they deserve.

As a fan of Power Rangers growing up, I have also really enjoyed your History of Power Rangers series as well.

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

arw1985 said...

Name: Ryell W.
Age: 24 but in 5 days 25
Sex: Not much..I mean male
Fun for the whole family? For the most part yeah
Comic reader? Definitely. I came across your review of Maximum Clonage on TGWTG, and I have been a fan since.
Live? P-town, Tennessee
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall? ATFW more than HOPR, but I like HOPR too.

The Movie Maniac said...

I'm 14, have a show (the Twiglet Award) on, i'm a movie nerd, comic book nerd, video game nerd, i watch all your shows, i'm from UK and i think Pollo and Harvey Finevoice need more cameos!

Anonymous said...

20 year old male student.
I live in Alabama, and am an avid manga reader, but grew up watching the all the DC animated universe shows.
I do have a comic reading friend who also watches you and keeps me in the loop for the DC comic universe.
You actually ended up making him a comic book fan by convincing him to buy all of Blue Beatle and he loved it.

I much prefer AT4W then HOPR. Not that HOPR is bad, but I watched the show to, and I think you romanticize it a little...

Lonewolf23k said...

33 year old Male from Quebec, Canada. Currently working in a restaurant, but working on perfecting my skills as a comic book artist.

Big-time Sonic Fan, so I was really eager to see you review a Sonic comic.

Mel said...

My name is Mel. I am a 22 year old college student (dual major in Elementary Education and English).
I am a woman. I am a reader, but I read novels more than comics.I'm trying to expand my horizons into more comics as of late. I live in the US, specifically New Jersey (South Jersey closer to Philly). I'm also a huge They Might Be Giants fan. I love them.
Keep up the great work Linkara!

The Fiend said...

Name's Patrick. soon to be 22 year old college student that lives in Chicago. I love fiction in all its forms and I wish to write. I've been a fan of both At4w and history of power rangers for quite some time, but I post sporadically.

Are you fun for the whole family? Not so much, but my friends and I have had quite the good laugh at your stuff.

I think this show appeals to me so much is because I used to reading superhero comics every week as a kid but then stopped when I turned 15. Mostly because of the prevalence of inanely stupid comics that dominated the industry at that time. These days a superhero comic has to work very hard to earn my notice. So you basically serve as one of my secret windows to what's happening in comics. Just to give some perspective ill say I quit reading anything with over 555 isues about a year before All Star Batman and Robin and One more day reared their ugly heads. Thank god for Transmet and Sandman or I would have sworn off comics all together.

Am I forgetting something? oh yes. I AM A FIEND!!!(punch)
Later Linkara.

Osa said...

I'm currently 22 and going to college and working very very VERY part-time at a hardware store. I read a lot of Japanese comics, but very few North American comics. At least, not as much as I used to. My brother is still into western comics for the most part, and we talk about it, so I still enjoy and appreciate the reviews. AT4W is what I watch the most, but I'm also watching your Let's Play at the moment.

Oh, I also live in Minnesota, in the Twin Cities.

Christwriter said...

Hey, Linkara, 24 (God, I'm old!) female, Corpus Christi Tx. Comic reader ... kind of. On and off. More off than on.

I found you because I was reading a Laurell K. Hamilton complaining thread (AKA Why Firing Your Editor Is A REALLY BAD IDEA, Especially When It's Because They Told You You Can't Write Porn) and someone mentioned you were doing the comic book (AKA Why We Don't Do Verbatum Adaptations). And I went ... heeeeey, isn't that the guy I used to see once in a while on Comic Genesis? HEY! It IS! COOL!

And then I started watching and completely forgot about any Six Digrees stuff. You are Awesome. :D

Alohilani said...

Hi, Linkara!

I'm a seventeen-year-old girl from Minnesota. Before your show, I had barely read any superhero comics. I liked them, particularly DC, but was put off by the massive amounts of comics out there, not knowing where to start reading. Your show helped me know where and now I read a lot of superhero comics and enjoy them greatly.

I also want to draw my own comic eventually (probably just on the web) and I view your wonderful show as a valuable resource on how to do comics right.

Oh, and you're incredibly entertaining, but you knew that.

I recently introduced my brother to your show as well. He's 13. He loved it.

nebosuke said...

Happy to answer your questions, Linkara.
My name's Michael. I'm from Houston, Texas. I'm 24 years old and a graduate student in Library Science.
I've been a fan of yours since Superman At Earth's End, which I happened acrtoss out of curiosity. I introduced my brother to your videos and he likes them too, and I just recently introduced some cousins to your reviews as well with similar results.
To be honest I'm not that big a comic fan. My experience with superheroes comes from the cartoons I watched as a kid, and after that moved on to anime/manga and video games. I was a big fan of the Power Rangers (and even a couple of its clones like Superhuman Samurai Cyber Squad and Masked Rider) up until Turbo where I ended abandoning the series (amd mow that I've seen how good it got afterwards thanks to your History of the Power Rangers, I've been kicking myself ever since).
To be honest, I enjoy both your comic reviews and Power Rangers stuff equally since they both appeal to a nostalgia before my otaku years, that and your comments and all always give me a good laugh.
To be honest your reviews are getting me to consider internet reviewing myself someday. We'll see though

Oracle said...

Your humble servant is a 25 year old lady person from Ed Wood's hometown, scrambling to make use of an animation degree. Meanwhile, I write a webcomic with almost 20 whole readers! (Nancy Drawn-

My moniker is the counter part to my best guy-friend's Batman. I own a "Joss Whedon is my Master Now" t-shirt. I was raised on Sherlock Holmes, Sondheim and British television. I'm a casual Otaku, and have been to comic shops in 3 countries. It started with Scrooge McDuck, moved on to the eternally re-readable Bone, and now...

TVTropes sent me towards Nostalgia Critic, then Chick, then AT4W. You are now my favorite. :) I've been watching HOPR out of curiosity, but I'm not familiar with most of the stuff personally.

I've turned my fellow into an AT4W fan, and we watch Iron Liz too!

PS: Thank you, THANK YOU for turning me on to Gail Simone.

Anonymous said...

Hiyo. I'm a 23 year old currently unemployed Alabama girl whose first experience with computers was causing a total system meltdown when I was first learning to walk by wandering onto a keyboard. I love RPGs, Star Trek/Wars, writing, drawing, comic books, action movies etc.

Uh, officially, I'm volunteering at my family's surveying company, answering phones, fixing computers, and doing some light drafting. I sorta wandered here from Spoony. I watch Atop the Fourth Wall and your LPs.

Now you know! *star*

The_Zack_Cantrell said...

I'm a 21 year old sociology major living in Kentucky.

I stumbled across your site when someone over at the GameFAQs Comics & Graphic Novels Forum linked to the Superman at Earth's End review, I never really followed up on watching the rest of the videos until a year or so later.

After that I marathoned several other Channel Awesome Folks as well, and am attempting to get my own review show off the ground, but that is a little ways away. You were my gateway drug.

I'm also avid comic book reader.

Akamay said...

Well....I live in Brazil
I'm 20 years old and I'm not a comic book reader, yet I watch both AT4W and HOPR and think that they are entertaining and funny
Even thought I watched Power Rangers all the time when I was younger, usually I'm watching AT4W instead of HOPR :/

Penguin General said...

I'm an Irish male student currently in secondary school. I am 18 years old and enjoy your videos very much.

scareBro said...

I'm a 25 yr old caucasian male in San Antonio, TX. I work security. My favorite movie is the Princess Bride. My favorite book is The Scarlet Pimpernel. My favorite show is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

I got started watching your Top 15 WTF Moments on Youtube. After a few reviews I decided to check out your site. And I actually launched off you and got into TGWTG.

I enjoy watching ATFW and Power Rangers review. And I can't wait to see more of both!

Tommy said...

22 Year old Norwegian.
Not a big comic reader, but like your videoes!

JouninJ said...

Hi linkara,
Im a 22 year old man from Holland and i really like watching AT4W i know my brothers like it too and being a old power ranger fan i watch ur HOPR too and i think ur doing a great job

keep up the good work

Jon Skinner said...

I'm Jon Skinner and I'm a college student, about to turn 21 in November. My major is in Game Design and my minor is Concept Art for Game Design which also bleeds into Sequential Art (comics and graphic novels) and and Storyboarding for film and television.

I've been watching all of your stuff and I am a huge fan. I currently attend an art college where I am taking two classes on Sequential Art and Sequential Art History, and one class of Game Design this quarter.

I live in Georgia, U.S.A, which is coincidentally also where I attend Art College. Ideally, I'd like to be a concept artist and game designer, but I also have ideas for comics and movies. I'm really ambitious and have ideas to break new ground wherever it is I end up.

I watch all of your stuff as soon as it comes out, much like Spoony and Nostalgia Critic, and, to a lesser extent, Cinema Snob and Angry Joe.

Terexen said...

23 year old dude from west Texas here. Comic reader, though the local shop shut down earlier this month. Gonna have to start mail ordering. Love Atop the Fourth Wall. Grew up with Power Rangers and thoroughly enjoy the History of the Power Rangers series too.

Barachiel said...

33, Caucasian Male, living in Virginia, USA. I'm a librarian and amateur writer.

Movie of the Year: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.

Favorite Movie of All Time: the original Star Wars

Favorite TV Show: Supernatural (now); Babylon 5 (past)

Mae said...

I'm Mae, an eighteen year old from Michigan. I discovered AT4W when browsing through the Christmas-themed episodes last December, and have been a fan since.

HOPR, while I find it very fun indeed, usually waits a while on my 'to watch' list, simply because they're longer and it's harder for me to set aside an hour and a half or so of video watchin' time than for just a regular half-hour AT4W review.

Even my mom, who normally doesn't have time/motivation to watch any kind of internet show, often asks me if the new Linkara episode has been posted yet and is an avid watcher. She likes the PSA From Hell reviews. xD

Smug_Bastard said...

Well im 15 male (perfect impersonator of Marek from Yugioh abridged) from less known country of Poland you know that world war 2 shenanigans i watch all of your shows i love HOPR and AT4W. I have a man crush on you and when i want people to watch your show i sound extremely gay (not that i have something against gay man and your a very handsome guy ...DAMN IT THINK ABOUT BOOBS). I was kind of wondering if green lantern nr 1 from Poland (not the real 1 one this one is from the 90s)first time we see Hal Jordan and i was wondering if it was worth any thing (like in money and stuff XD) LOVE THE SHOWS!!!!

Unknown said...

20 yr old male comp sci major @ University of Maryland. I don't consider myself a comic book fan, but I enjoy seeing what your views on them are. And I also enjoy the HOTPR things you do.

Silverookami said...

I'm a 27 year old Canadian girl, big into anime, comics, doctor who and pretty much all things considered 'genre' this day in age. I watch both AT4W and HOPR, and I've succeed in getting several of my friends also watching you. As for family friendly? Well, it's just me and my mom and she's deaf, and sadly most internet content isn't closed captioned.
Also FYI you're my favourite internet personality because you don't have to resort to profanity to get a joke across, you are respectful of pretty much everyone, and you have a excellent sense of humour. Come to Canada, you'd fit right in.
Final note: I also love the sheer loads of cross-over and cameo content you've accumulated, I actually first found out about you through LittleKuriboh's stuff. Keep up the awesome work!

Anonymous said...

My name is Wesley Muench and I live in New York. I'm 19 and attending Nassau Community College.
I found out about you through the Alone in the Dark review, but I didn't watch you as much as NC or Spoony until you started doing the History of Power Rangers series. Since the PR comic review I give every video at least one view so I can keep up with your sub-plots with Mecha-kara and Lord Vyce.

Plague said...

I'm Péter Farkas, I'm 22 years old. I live in Hungary, Europe.

One of my earliest memories is of a comic book my brother gave me one day (I learned to read relatively early, I was about five when this happened). It was the last act of Marvel's Inferno crossover, where Cyclops killed Mr. Sinister with a full-powered optic blast. My parents threw it away and said it wasn't for kids. I cried for hours and I consider myself a comic fan since then. My favorites are some of the classic X-Men stories (especially the first Genosha-saga and the aforemantioned Inferno) and the Spiderman vs Juggernaut story. The old Spiderman versus Wolverine comic is pretty good too.

My family sadly doesn't speak english, so they wouldn't understand you. But I have a female friend who love your show.

I watch both Atop the Fourth Wall and History of Power Rangers (and the occasional specials as well). Though I didn't watch one episode of the Let's Play yet.

Avianheart said...

Hi there linkara, 17 year old british guy here who absolutly loves your stuff, and watch anything I can from you.

Goldendriger said...

Ahoy! Im 19, none comic reader, but i enjoy your reviews none the less =) from jolly Ol' England, and i love all the HOPR stuff you do, (But the panels can be a little hard to hear) but almost every video you've posted over the last year or so ive watched fully and enjoyed (Plus i made a google account just for this post =D)

Luna said...

29, female, Calgary,Canada (lol a/s/l)

I watch mostly AT4W because I'm a budding comic artist myself, and long time comic book reader. It's fun to see what pitfalls to avoid, but it's equally fun seeing comics I've read/owned get totally roasted.

I'm a huge fan of the reviews on TGWTG's site.

Zora the Geek said...

(American, Female) Hellow, Linkara! And congratulations to you on your 100th episode! I've been reading comics since I was a wee little girl (I'm 25 now) so naturally I was drawn (No pun intended) to AT4W , and have been watching for a long time. Anywho, I was also a big fan of Power Rangers, so I definitely enjoyed 'HOPR' as well. I personally think you ARE family friendly, since you never really swear or use vulgar material in your reviews. (Which is really awesome, btw)

Hope I've been helpful! Congratulations again on the 100'th episode, and I am eagerly looking forward to more from you and Liz!! ^_^

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

Been watching you for close to 2 yrs now Linkara. 22 yr old male in Orlando, FL. Not a die hard comic reader, but I have some that I read. Senior in college, majoring in Religion. Work as a musician (drum/multi. perc.) in the region. I found you on TGWTG, and really watch you for your unique humor, great story arcs, and over-all entertainment( and I like learning a thing or two from you about comics and lit.). Loved the last 100 eps, and looking forward to 100 more!

Anonymous said...

How old are you? 23
Are you male or female? Male
Am I fun for the whole family? Not mine, but I can see why your shows in particular would have wider appeal.
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? I don't read comics at all (I do have a few manga volumes and the Scott Pilgrim series - I'd probably have more if I had the $), although I'm familiar with major characters, etc. I've probably learned more about comics from At4W than any other source.
Where do you live? The United States
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? I've seen pretty much everything you've posted on TGWTG and watch everything new you make available. I didn't watch Power Rangers either when I was a kid, but you make both it and comics interesting and entertaining enough that I'll tune in consistently anyway.

Kuni said...

Hey, I'm Vicky, 26 and from Kentucky. I started watching you when you did your Power Rangers review. The fight with Mechakara I think is what drew me in.

And now once a month I slap down money for 3 or 4 comics (usually Wonder Woman or Deadpool). Thanks! lol

Nombre said...

22 years old, female, California. I only started getting into comics after watching your show and on the recommendation of some friends. Sometimes watch HOPR, almost never the LP.

Tengu said...

Greetings from the frost-bitten land of Poland! 24-year old male university student here. I'm an avid fan, I've seen all episodes of AT4W and HOPR and check new ones the moment they appear. The funny thing is, I'm not really a fun of comic books or Power Rangers, I prefer manga and anime - but thanks to the memories from my childhood, internet knowledge inertia and your very informative style, even a relative layman like me can enjoy your videos.

I started watching around one year ago, after my brother shown me the Warrior #1 review - coincidentally, apart from the crossovers with Nostalgia Critic, that was my first video of both you and Spoony.

Keep on truckin'. After 100 great episodes I'm looking forward to 100 more!

1. Poland isn't really frost-bitten, at least not in the winter. It's pretty cold here right now though.
2. I hate you for being younger than me and already finishing college. But it's the good kind of hate, so don't worry.
3. Thanks to your reviews, my friend who's even more of a weeaboo than me started reading Blue Beetle. She enjoys it.
4. Speaking of Blue Beetle, I was disappointed that he didn't have a statblock in DC Adventures Hero's Handbook. Maybe in a splatbook...?

The Shades said...

Name: John "The Shades" Tague
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Location: Florida

I watch both shows about the same, but i do enjoy HOPR a little more, but that's because i'm a hardcore MMPR Fan.

I'd say that your mimimum amount of swearing makes it enjoyable for most, but not all, of the family.

I can't call myself a Comic Reader, though i enjoy the stories that Comics have given us. I like the characters, but i've never been able to sit down and read a comic book.

crystarr said...

I'm Gareth, I'm 31, male, from Wales. I'm a light comic reader, though am good friends with a really heavy reader, so I kind of absorb comic book knowledge by osmosis! I tune in for Atop the Fourth Wall each week, and watch the Power Rangers thing too, as I remember them back when I was a kid, and I also enjoyed your Let's Play too!

Gavin said...

Name: Gavin
Age: 18
Occupation: English and History student (just moved into Uni, scared as hell!)
Location: England

Basically Little Kurriboh mentioned you a few times and I decided to check you out and I've been a big fan of your work ever since. I watch your HotPR because I was a fan as a kid, and I totally intend on watching your "Lets Play".

I'm pretty much just a general geek, I like the internet, TV, comics, movies and all that stuff, and I'm a big fan of LXG, though not as much for since after Volume 2 and they made major changes to it all. I also swear I'm totally going to get into the interne comedy business some day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Linkara

I'm a 20 year old male college student in FL, and I'm a big comic fan. I've got a pull list and all that good stuff. I love AT4W, even if I don't always agree with you on stuff. I only read DC and Tick Comics, but I want to get in to more indy comics. Marvel just isn't my thing (grew up watching Bruce Timm-verse stuff, and never watched Marvel shows, so that's probably why I'm like that.) Anyway, I love what you do, and I love that you told everyone to go buy Secret Six. I've been reading it since Simone began her run in 2008 (Secret Six was what got me into collecting current comics, as before that, I was just reading 70's and 80's back issues, trying to learn the history and stuff.) Anyway, keep up what you're doing. And I love 90's kid. Whatever happened to him reviewing video games as a series?

Anonymous said...

hi! my name is dennis moyer.
i live in cochran georgia & i watch HOPR & AT4W equally. i first saw you in the nostalgia critics review of superman 4. i acually tried to send you a comic about alice cooper, but some issues came up in my life & i didnt.

Wayne said...

Hey Lewis, Im a 20 year old Canadian. College student in Consept art. I wasnet a huge fan of comics before watching your show. I was much more a manga fan, But ever since things like for example your blue beetle tribute and such, I have gotten pretty heavy into comics. All thanks to you dude.

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