Thursday, September 16, 2010

So who is watching?

So, I suddenly got curious tonight after thinking about having done this show for 100 episodes - who exactly are my viewers? How old are you all? Do I have more men than women watching? Am I fun for the whole family? Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?

So, yeah, who are all of you people?

EDIT: Okay, closing comments on this one. XD I read through all 800 comments (yes, I did. @_@) and I frankly don't have the time to devote to reading through another 800 if it should come to that. XD

As such, thanks everybody who responded - I didn't expect quite so many people would be interested in this. XD ‎


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Unknown said...

I'm a 15 year old dude, I never really got to read comics but I would if I actually had some, though I have read the first couple Sonic comics through Sonic Mega Collection. I live in the US, in Arizona. I always watch Atop the Fourth Wall. :D

Shaggy said...

20 year old welsh dude, and watch most of your videos including the power rangers one for good nostaglia =)

Anonymous said...

12 year old (going on 13) from england. i read some comics, mostly marvel, and just saw you on youtube. (i love HOPR but not power rangers). i'm also one of the few people (apparently) who reads lightbringer, great new artstyle.

Anonymous said...

Twenty-six year old male retail worker in Pickerington, Oh. Former Comic reader who has had the spark reignited thanks to these reviews reminding me of how enjoyable a bad comic can be. To mock, that is.

I've a fan of both AT4W and HOPR, and have actually donated a few comics. I'm eagerly looking forward to when you finish the final HOPR, and do hope you do the idea you mentioned of reviewing other shows in a similar vein, such as VR Troopers and Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills.

Unknown said...

I'm 19 and I'm a sequential art student at The Savannah College of Art and Design. I've loved comics for as long as I can remember and I've followed AT4W since you started it. Typically, I'll post new episodes of AT4W over in The League Lounge, a comic community, at Gotta spread the word on your awesome show!

Egallardo26 said...

How old are you? 18

Are you male or female? Male!

Am I fun for the whole family? Since I'm the only one in my family who is interested in the work you do I'm not sure how to answer this.

Are you a comic reader or a non-comic reader? Non-comic reader

Where do you live? Los Angeles California

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? I do watch Atop the 4th wall on occasion but when I do watch I tend to watch multiple episodes at a time. I really enjoy HOPR more than ATFW to be honest simply because I'm a Power Rangers fan at Heart and because I get to view the episodes in a new point of perspective rather than just "ooh awesome fights and pretty explosions"

Anonymous said...

I'm Miki, aka JackofAntics on TGWTG. I'm a 22 year old female watcher from the US, Hawaii to be exact.

I first heard about AT4W from one of Little Kuriboh's videos and I was hooked. Granted, I don't actually read comics, but I find your reviews to be awesome. Maybe in the future I'll pick up a few to read. Of course, hearing what you'd recommend to new readers is always awesome. ^^

I also love your History of Power Rangers series. I ended up watching several Super Sentai titles so I'll be able to add my feedback on how each one is different from the PR counterparts in the future.

Andy Betts said...

I'm a 22 year old male.I can't really say you are fun for the whole family since I'm the only one who watches AT4W in my family.

I wasn't much of a comic reader before. I read a few series and learned most everything else from Wikipedia. However, after watching AT4W, I started reading a comics a lot more.

I live in Appleton, Wisconsin. But I am in Stevens Point for college right now and I am pumped for Daisho con.

I watch both History of Power Rangers and AT4W equally. I love them both.

Smeagol92055 said...

I'm The White Skull, San Diego's resident supervillain.
I love all things geeky and I can appreciate zany videos.

Anonymous said...

Name is Henry. 21, English (south West). I haven't read many comics but i do read Manga. I've been a fan of your since your first episode on The last cmoic i read was an X-men one where Wolverine died, looking at wiki etc i belive he became Death soon after that issue.
I don't do much for a living other than mess around and i love Deadpool. (Can't wait for Deadpool moive)

Argerorlux said...

Hello Linkara, I'm Argerorlux, 18, female, from Germany.
I'm a gamer, artist and somebody who loves good music.
Since I don't know so much about comics, I really enjoy your show. It teaches me a lot of pop-culture and comic-knowledge, and I learn English way better with your videos. In these 2 years, I went from a D grade to an A grade in English, thanks to you !
Keep it up, Linkara, I'm supporting you from my lovely Europe ! :D

Dragon FangX said...

I'm your mirror counterpart. I prefer manga over comics, I collect Kamen Rider belts and weapons (with a Doctor who sonic screw driver thrown in) and... that about all I know off the top of my head. I'm sure theres more mirror to me somewhere, though. XD

Unknown said...

Hello there. I am known as Scraps, AKA Joshua McGovern {Real Name}. I am 17 years old and live in Mass in the USA.

I am into anything fandom that seems interesting to me. I usually watch your reviews as well your HOPR videos {just in time, since just surfaced}. I also watch AVGN, NC, and occasionally Angry Joe and Film Brain for online videos.

I also have a blog called Random Fandom {} with reviews about anything I have the slightest interest in.

I do comic books too ICYAW. I'm doing the Comic Book Guy miniseries and just recently did a feature about the many alternate universe Spider-Men people haven't heard of.

So, that's all there is about me, and I'm hoping anybody viewing this comment can check out my website. Comments will be welcomed!

Anonymous said...

I am a 21 year old male Canadian who is a Sinology major from Vancouver, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Foxhack. 30. Male. Weirdo. Self-employed eBay pusher.

Hi. :P

Anonymous said...

This is Curiosity Inc. of . I'm 23, born and raised in Portland, Oregon. I'm currently unemployed, but I hold a degree in Bioinformatics and I'm currently in school for Bioscience Technology.

I'm a Power Rangers kid as well (watched a few episodes of Turbo before deciding I'd outgrown it) and I love HOPR. However, I've only watched each episode once so far. I've seen all the A4W episodes and I've revisited quite a few.

Nick said...

My Name is Nick, I never miss an episode of Atop the Fourth Wall. Although I am fascinated with History of Power Rangers. I've always been a huge comic book fan. You're a lot more family friendly than other online shows. I am 20, live in Chicago and I attend college. Love your shows dude, you and most of the people at That Guy With The Glasses got me to start trying my hand in being creative. Keep up the great work dude.

sonicforce said...

I forgot to add, yes I think that you are fun for the whole family, your style of comedy invovling less swear words gives you an unquie form of comedy

Onmi said...

Aaron Mikheal AKA Onmi Khaos, funny story was that 'Onmi' was a misspelling but since people complimented me on being a bit unique I kept it all these years. I'm 19 going on 20 years old this 27th and I am studying my Bachelor of Arts: Professional Writing because I want to write.

My Favorite movie etc. is weird, because if you mean the best MADE movie I've seen it's Rear Window, if you mean a movie I've watched multiple times and Enjoyed each time that's Digimon: Childrens War Game

Same as Favorite TV show, I've enjoyed shows like Xabungle, Daitarn 3, Digimon Tamers, Kamen Rider Double, House, Beast Wars and none of them are really my favorite

I'm an advocate of multiple game genre's save very few, I like both AT4W and HOPR equally, in fact HOPR has given me a much greater admiration for a show I wrote off when I was younger

I think my geekiness for Robots is what stands above the rest, I have a shelf of Zoid models, I eagerly await the new Super Robot Wars games, I squeed in delicious joy at the prospect of the 'Decade-Like' 35th Sentai series

I also have a tenancy to ramble on

Catena Lady said...

My name's Tracy. I'm a webcomic artist and I've been doing professional freelance stuff for a couple of years now. I'm 33, female, married, one cat. We live in Oklahoma for now. I'm a comic reader, though admittedly I dip more into manga than Western titles. I watch both 'History of Power Rangers' and 'Atop the Fourth Wall.'

I love your blog; it's one of the highlights of my week. ^^

Brian Shanahn said...

Well to answer your questions:
I'm male, 28, single, Irish, from Limerick, living in Cork. I will read comics, but don't often buy, I used like the Power Rangers but got out of them around Time Force (Pokemon's fault that). At the moment I'm a big Civver, also play a game called Football Manager and read Terry Pratchett a lot.

I pretty much watch everything of yours, but my favourite period was at the start of my viewing when I could splurge on 18 months worth of stuff at the one go, not saying you're getting worse, but that I like to overindulge.

Finally a big thanks for your show, if I weren't broke (no job) I'd donate.

phoenixsoul13 said...

Hi. =) I'm a 19 year old female college student from the state of Alaska.

I got into your videos through HOPR, although I watch everything now. I used to watch Mighty Morphin' when I was little, but didn't really get into the show until Dino Thunder was airing, so it's been fascinating seeing the history of the whole series.

Not a steady comic reader, although the only reason why I'm not after watching your show is because I don't have the money to buy both music and comics. XD I have bought and read Infinite Crisis and am working on getting 52 in trade paperback.

I haven't shared your show with my family, mostly because my parents aren't fans of swearing. I've been scolded for saying "What the hell?" I've mentioned the show though.
(I downloaded the mp3 of the song you did at the end of the Anita Blake review and played it for my mom. She insisted it was Ringo Starr. I had to explain it wasn't, and she said you should have a record deal. XD)

I've only been watching your show since April, but you quickly became one of my favorites on TGWTG. =D I want to thank you for the many laughs I've had these last five months, and look forward to many more laughs in the future.
(I must also thank you for collaborating with Spoony as much as you did, because I may never have watched his videos otherwise.)

Anonymous said...

Well I'm Megan and I'm 20 years old. Obviously I'm a female and I do read comics but I mainly read Transformer comics. I'm not into reading comics on my favorite superheros but I did grow up on the shows.

I'm the only one in my family that watches your show but I like it. I also live on the East coast in the U.S.

I watch both of your shows because they're both good and I grew up on Power Rangers.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Linkara. I'm a 46 year old guy from Missouri, and a general (recovering) geek.

Never been much of a comics fan, although I am huge animation fan (well, limited mostly to classic Warner Bros & some Disney, Batman:TAS and the like). Also, never liked Power Rangers in any form -- although, to be fair I was much too old to be part of the target audience when that show came out.

That being said, I'm still a huge fan of your work. Go figure! You just present your material in such a thoughtful and amusing manner that I can't help but be entertained by it. I've watched every episode of AT4W and HOPR, and will probably continue to watch anything you are part of. Keep up the good work.

Meister_Li said...

22 Year old German living in Ireland. :P

I'm a total nerd, but more when it comes to video-games and until recently, I didn't really read any comics - I read Mickey Mouse comics as a kid.

However, thanks to your show, that is different now. I still tend to stay away from the "big two" because the long storyarchs are somewhat intimidating even tho I now know the basics of the characters.

Instead of the big ones, I tend to read small indipendent comics like "Little Victory" ( ) and dreamkeepers ( ), but also Scott Pilgrem recently.

So, I wasn't a comic fan really to begin with - and I still really am not, but your show helped me into them a lot. ;)

When it comes to powerrangers, well, I remember them faintly but I never had much interest in them. I still watch your "History of Powerrangers" tho since, just like the comics, it's really interesting and you are absolutely great in presenting thouse with energy and clear excitement.

I actually wish you'd digg a little deeper into the whole Doctor Who thing. I am a huge fan of the series and since you made an homage to Powerrangers, I think it's time for some Doctor Who. :P I know there are also comics of the show out there, but from what I've seen so far, they're not that bad.

KaiKasparek said...

25, male. Non-comic reader. Not quite sure why I come around weekly, but I do. :I

RocMegamanX said...

I'm 24.
Single Male.
Midwestern United States.
College student.
I like Atop the Fourth Wall more than History of Power Rangers, because I haven't really watched EVERY single incarnation of the Power Rangers. I stopped after...pretty much the early seasons with the original cast.

X5Penny said...

Well, I'm 21 and, since I've lived in several places, lets say I'm from the Midwest. I do read comics although it's not as often as I would like. Being the college senior that I am, I don't exactly have money to spend on comics. Although, last January I did get to spend a three week class doing nothing but talking about comics. I ended up being ahead of the curve with knowing more about characters and having previously read some of the things we read.

It was my brother who first showed me the TGWTG site and I think the first video of yourswe watched was Superman at Earth's End. It's the same with History of the Power Rangers, though I've only, so far, watched those up to the point that I stopped watching power rangers.

Brittany Smyers said...

Hey there, Lewis! Cacaxa from Deviantart here!

I'm 19, a girl, living near Houston, Tx and heck yes you're fun!

I don't really read comics, but I have read "Watchmen" and hope to get the "Fables" comics. Have you read that series? If so, what's your opinion?

To be honest, the first time I saw was probably in the 1 year anniversary brawl. I never really thought about it afterwards, then saw you again in the "Alone In The Dark" review with Doug and Noah. Since I didn't know who you or Noah were at the time(I'd only really watched Doug's videos because my older sister had introduced me to the site) , I looked into your videos in curiosity. Not trying to seem weird or make you uncomfortable, but I honestly think you're cute, as well as your voice ^_^

You're practically the only one on the site that has an ongoing, epic storyline going on behind the scenes, which makes it unique.

I have watched your Power Rangers History videos, even though I never really wached the series. I did, however, have a Titanium morpher, Chrono Morpher,and Rescue Morpher when I was a kid, as well as the black Zeo ranger uniform (I couldn't stand to be a pink ranger xD)

And to be completely honest, you're the one member on TGWTG that's inspired me the most and look up to-I'm not one to use profanity, and that you do your best to avoid it makes you different from most other reviewers out there on the inter-webs. And as you know, I'm considering trying to make a internet review show myself involving books and their related offshoots.

P.S. May the Power protect you from the evils of Lord Vyce and Mechakara's team-up...

Emiazla said...

Hi Linkara! I'm Emily Nicole and I'm a 21 year old lady from Northern Illinois! I actually used to borrow comic books from a neighbor boy when I was a wee one to help me learn to read. And I still try to read a good (or awful depending on my mood) comic as often as I can!

I don't know if you're fun for the whole family (as I currently live with my roommate) but he's watched a few and he thinks your great.

I love AT4W so very much. Makes me happy. And the History of the Power Rangers brings back great memories. Keep it up! :)

John said...

I'm John. I'm 22 from Mississippi and I'm not a comic reader.

I'm not even much on movies, I'm a music and video game kind of guy really. I do enjoy both AT4W and HOPR. I started following you with your first video review and have watched even your lets play of star trek.

I really like HOPR because I stopped watching that show when it turned to In Space so it's interesting seeing what happened after I stopped watching.

As for who I am, I'm just a guy who works at a radio station making commercials and an aspiring voice over guy. I'm a cartoon nut. I love older cartoons, Loony Toons era and the late 80's early 90's era since of course that's what I grew up on.

Favorite movie is the breakfast club and Teenage mutant ninja turtles [I have class obviously]. Favorite tv show is Batman the aniamted series. Music I listen to everything and anything I can get my hands on to. And my dream is to be the voice of a villain in just something animated because I have a deep baritone to my voice and a good evil laugh.

I also am a huge supporter of donating Blood and helping out at a charity Halloween trail.

That's about it for me I guess...

Keep on being awesome. =)

Anonymous said...

This is Christian from Florida. I'm 20 and my top 5 all favorite graphic novels are:
2.The dark knight returns
3.Crisis on infinite earths
4.Batman: Year one
5.The killing joke
I have been a long time fan too among with many others here on the site, and I would like to say thank you sir. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't of gotten back to reading comics and also read "crisis on infinite earths".

Brendan said...

I'm a 20 year old male and I live in Ontario, Canada. I primarily started watching because I'm a huge Power Rangers fan but I have since gone back and watched all previous episodes of AT4W. Your regular show is actually extremely accessible to non comic readers and really funny. I show AT4W to my friends all the time. I've been reading Sonic the Hedgehog every month since I was 5 but every attempt to start reading something else has always fallen flat, so with the exception of one book, comics aren't for me. I gotta admit though... Sonic Live is bad. I almost forgot about that one.

Christopher said...

21 yr old dude from the "Great" (for somethings) state of PA. Big fan of both AT4W and HOPR. Not much of a comic reader, but I did watch the super hero shows of the 90's like Spider Man, Spider Man Unlimited, Batman, Iron Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, etc.

Jimi said...

A 13 Year old fat kid (sort of) from cold finland. And still i understand everything you say

Anonymous said...

I'm 20 years old, I am a man *punch*, and I live in the Chicago area. I wouldn't know if you're fun for the whole family but you're definatly more family-friendly then Nostalgia Critic or Spoony. I'm not a comic reader, I'm more into anime and video games. But you're reviews are very informative so I don't feel lost. I watch History of Power Rangers and I really enjoy it but I'm more of a fan of Atop the Fourth Wall.

Brian said...

Name's Brian, age 24 and from the United States. I've never really been into regular comic books in any form or fashion and have perhaps read four or five over the entire span of my life. I still get a kick out of your reviews, being a Graphic Arts major and all. It's especially fun to watch you tear apart the plot holes and bad writing as well as the sometimes horrible art.

Your Your History of Power Rangers also brought back a major nostalgia factor for me, at least up until Space when I stopped watching it when I was a kid.

And yeah, the whole story was basically based around Bulk and Skull, up to that point. =p

BanishedZaber said...

I'm a 19 year old college student in Ohio. I got into ATFW after seeing your cameos with NC and then went back and watched all the back episodes.

I'm not really a comic reader (was a manga reader, but not much anymore) though I do like a good graphic novel from time to time. However, I am a casual superhero fan from films and the DCAU, which is why I really appreciate all the comic history and back story in the reviews, and the humor is always awesome.

I watch both ATFW and HOPR, though I tend to go back and rewatch certain episodes of ATFW and only watch the HOPR once though.

Keep up the good work, congrats on 100 episodes, and here's to many more.

DiggoryLost said...

Well, to tell the truth:

I am a male 19, from the Mass who is a light comic and manga reader (I only read a few titles myself) and aspires to be a comic book writer himself.

I am also trying to start some text reveiws so I apologize if eventually I ask you questions regrading your opinions as not only reviewer and comic book writer, but also your viewpoints as a comic book reader and feminist.

Anonymous said...

I am 17 and live in London :)

Miss Kitty Fantastico said...

Well, the basics? I'm a 20 year old queer female from Atlanta, GA who is currently in school for Journalism/Public Relations/Music Management. I'm sort of a budding comic reader since I only started reading them about two or three years ago. I'm mostly a DC Universe girl, but I did like Marvel 1602 and I'm a fan of various indie comics like Scott Pilgrim and Dawn. I'm mostly a TV nerd, but I do sort of span the board with what I like.

I haven't watched much HOPR. Partially out of laziness and partially out of forgetfulness. I'd like to go back and watch it sometime soon though. My mom wouldn't let me watch it as a kid, so I feel like I've missed out on some essential part of being a kid in the 90s. I do make it a point to watch AT4W every Monday. Usually not long after it goes up on Blip.

I don't know about family, but I've made a few of my friends watch AT4W. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

Hey hey! 30 year old woman here from Michigan, now living in Chicago. I found you via a bunch of feminist sites praising you for your appropriate righteous frustration with rape as a plot device and the depiction of women in comics. Thank you for being you, in that respect particularly.

Came for ATFW, stayed for HOPR.

Anonymous said...

18 year old male college student from Conncecticut. Love both shows, but HoPR is my favorite.

deuxhero said...

Location:FL-24 (well, it is now, may change in the redistricting)
Non-comic reader.
I watch both.
Asian (Well, my skin is kindred pale and I'm an individual/American, but my great grandfather is from Russia, which is on Asia, and I like messing with affirmative action forms)

Don't watch much of the other TGWTG cast (Most of their "humor" is a lot of swearing), though Ashen is technically a part of the cast I guess.

Anonymous said...

Im a 19 year old guy from Texas. Just recently started to get back into comics in a big way after losing interest in them for years, partially because of AT4W. I'm mostly a DC guy, and my favorite franchise is Batman, but I read Invincible from image, and a few other Marvel books (check out Astonishing Spiderman and Wolverine if you havent already). Oh yeah and I have to thank you for introducing me to Blue Beetle and Booster Gold! Some of my favorite characters in comics! I watch AT4W mostly but I'm really into this Power Rangers Retrospective cant wait for the next one!

But anyways Congratulations on 100 episodes!

animehater said...

I just watched your videos mostly from time to time not really very often because I'm not really much of a comic book fan. It was only when you came out with history of the Power Rangers did I really become a fan of both you and atop the fourth wall.

Jessie said...

32 yr old male who moved from GA to PA after college. Not much of a comic reader, but I do use the net to keep up on them and if I hear of any great trades, I'll buy them. Other than the net, most of my knowledge comes from the old animated shows.

(Though I never did see the point of bringing vampires into something as censored as 90's Spidey. "Must have more PLASMA!")

My cousins collected comics and I'd read theirs sometimes so I got to know about bits of the Clone Saga/Symbiotes/Reign of Supermen from them.

I've watched your EF LP, all of your reviews and the HoPR videos. It's interesting seeing where the show(s) went after I stopped watching.

As for family friendly. I don't have any kids but I've definitely never seen you do anything offensive. (The issues themselves though...) I do show some episodes to friends who I know would find them interesting/funny.

Kavinsky said...

Kavinsky, age 21 Male

and I'm not really a comic book reader, I used to read a manga book here and there 3 or so years ago (best one I read was battle angel alita) but thats about it

and im a lover of film, mostly heist/spy/gangster films like Sexy Beast, Reservior dogs, charlie varrick, get carter, the harry palmer series save for billion dollar brain and the Terence Young bond films along with for your eyes only.

and I watch the show to see what crappy writing they got away with back then get its due and how bad and disrespectful it can get

Anonymous said...

Hi Lewis, I'm Andrea, 32 years old, a mother of 2 and happily committed to my partner Anna. We have been together for the last 10 years and we both love AT4W. I'm more of a comic nerd than she is but she still loves your reviews.

Kafei said...

My name is Alessandro, i am from Italy and I'AM a MAN!
I am twenty-one years old and a graphic designer and aspirant illustrator.
I really like AT4W and HOPR.
I'm glad too you had choose to being awesome as a career!
Sei un fottuto genio!

VermillionBrain said...

Well the most obvious and so far not taken piece of info about me is


I AM A MAN! *punch*

(The only thing worse about the joke, is if I am not the first person to do it.)

Really, any and all bio on me is available through the username link. This cavalier answer is mostly a result of laziness and ADD, really.

Got here through a TVTropes link (I believe it was to the Ultimates 3 review) I'm about even on the HOPR vs. AT4W love. I will admit my respect for you went up 9000 points when you defended Nextwave.

I have made attempts at Internet writing my own (quite neglected) blog and reviewing a few films for a movie/pop culture site called Pajiba, but I am not nearly as prolific as I would wish. Working on that though.

Um, that is about it, I guess. about dem Yankees, eh?

(Do not answer, I couldn't care less about sports)

Zaki from Malaysia said...

I am a Malaysian, Muslim, Man, 30 years old, been following your shows since well Law & Order. Came across you while reading TVTropes. I'm probably am the only viewer in Malaysia to watch your show. We have a sizeable comicscene here in Malaysia.
IMO, you just need to improve your humour a bit. The personality & charm is there, just need to sharpen your tongue.
One Malaysia, y'all!

Sena said...

19 years old male, watching from Holland but is actually an Asian student studying here, if it needs to be more precise. Know you (as well as the rest of the TGWTG gang) from the life-sucking vortex known as tvtropes. Watch more of AT4W than PR review, mostly because I only watch MMPR as a kid so there's not much nostalgia with the rest. Mainly a manga reader, but you're the person that has successfully influenced me to start reading comic books, starting from your considerations. Thanks for the 100 episodes, and here's to many more!

Sena said...

19 years old male, watching from Holland but is actually an Asian student studying here, if it needs to be more precise.

Know you (as well as the rest of the TGWTG gang) from the life-sucking vortex known as tvtropes.

Watch more of AT4W than PR review, mostly because I only watch MMPR as a kid so there's not much nostalgia with the rest.

Mainly a manga reader, but you're the person that has successfully influenced me to start reading comic books, starting from your considerations.

Thanks for the 100 episodes, and here's to many more!

Pete said...

The name's Pete, I'm 17, male, I think my brothers would like your show but not my parents. I don't read many comics, I just like the show, plus the little subplots you throw in, they're always great. I'm from New Jersey and I watch both shows, cause I like your humor and power rangers.

John said...

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Comic Reader: somewhat
from Ohio

I do like both the AT4W stuff and the Power Rangers stuff equally.

I like the power ranger stuff a lot and you are making get into that stuff, I'm wanted to check out in Space again and really watch Time Force.

I gotta say my favorite epsiode is the one with the college propaganda, it was a time when I got just as mad as you. Because I too know people who had to drop out and they're close friends of mine and it pissed me off when they said people who don't go are basically screwed.

Keep up the good work

Jeremy Hicks said...

Hi there.

Name: Jeremy Hicks
Age: 29
Job: Unemployed
City: LA for two years.

My wife and I have been watching your stuff since your first episode on and have enjoyed every moment of your show. I personally started watching your HOPR episodes since they started showing up. They reminded me why I loved Power Rangers because I hadn't watched it regularly since the end of Time Force. And the only reason I got to go to Power Morphicon was because she wanted the picture of you and me that I finally got.
I've collected comic books since I first got my hands on Wolverine #75 (I think it was the end of the "Fatal Attractions" X-over arc that revealed he had bone claws under the adamantium.) Unfortunatly, my collecting has been slowed by the absence of a job, so I have no idea what's going on in the comic world at large at the moment. And unfortuatly, I have the One More Day hard back. I was curious at first about what it was about, but regretted buying it as soon as I was done reading. I now let people who haven't read that intial story arc take a look at it.

Kate said...

My name is Kate. I live in Florida. I am 21 years old, and I am obviously female.

I started watching your show when I first saw it appearing on the TGWTG site. I was intrigued, which was surprising cause I never really was into Comics.

I mean, I know as much as the average person when it came to DC and Marvel stuff, and what I gathered from the shows, and friends who WERE huge Comic book fans.

But, without any comic background, I found myself in love with your show.

You, Spoony, and the NC (and his stuff) are probably my three favorites on the sites, and the ones I stalk regularly. (Did I say stalk? I mean watch! Hehe)

You always seem to make my day better when you post a new video, and you always seem to keep me coming back for more.

Emrys1987 said...

22 From Mexico, Male, Non comic reader, watched every AT4W episode, plus loved HOPR, especially the first 5 seasons. Medical Student. Kudos for the show mate.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Linkara I am a long time watcher of your show who has never posted and thanks for giving me a reason too. My name is Michael, I am a 36 year old male who lives in the magical land of ohio where nothing ever happens. tho the only person who watchs your show with me is my one year old nephew I feel you have a family freindly show. I am a comic book reader since i was about ten and on to now. Powers rangers was on when i almost graduated high school so i never really watched them however i am enjoying the history of it but i am mainly here for ATFW.Thank you for this oppurtunity to introduce myself also thank you for giving us the web veiwing public (as well as me)100 plus (i am including the joint venture after all i first saw you in the superman 4 reveiw) episodes you are very good at this and i enjoy watching.

Anonymous said...

Hey Linkara! I’m a 24 years old girl; I live with my mom and granddad, so yeah, most of my family – not my dad though (parents divorced), and planning my fiancé’s and my eventual wedding. I’m an only child – but one of my best friends who I consider a sister is also a big friend of yours too! *grins* I got her into the show – yea for me! (I also subsequently got her addicted to a couple later Power Rangers series because of your History episodes.) I don’t really read comic books, but I’m starting to think about reading some – just really don’t know where to start, especially since I’m really busy with my last year of law school, so I really don’t have time to do much but school work. Originally I’m from California, but now I live in north Florida and go to law school in Nebraska. I’m planning, currently, on becoming a criminal prosecutor – though, quite frankly, I’ll hire any legal office that will take me once I graduate, especially considering the current economy… Anyway! I’ve watched all the episodes of AT4W and I’ve started watching your History Power Rangers – haven’t finished watching past episode 2 yet though. So far I think both are awesome, I just haven’t had a chance to watch the second more than the first.

So yeah, that’s who I am!


age: 25

sex: male

family friendly: eh. up from a certain age maybe. ;)

comic reader: yes. big time.

nationality: i'm from germany.

preferred show: all of 'em!

Azereaux said...

Well, since you asked:

Age: 25
Gender: Male

Are small children allowed in the room when AT4W is on: If there were any around, sure!

Comic Reader: Heck yeah! I get behind sometimes, but I do try and keep up with Marvel's cosmic-level stuff, Furrlough, Usagi Yojimbo, and anything else that catches my attention (i.e. Deadpool)

Nation of origin/residence: United States (More specifically, Texas!)

HOPR or AT4W: Don't make me choose!

Additional data:

Favorite Comic Hero: Silver Surfer (honorable mention: Spider-Man, Batman, Miyamoto Usagi)

Favorite Comic Villain: The Joker (honorable mention: Carnage, Lord Hikiji, Magneto)

Favorite Movies: The Back to the Future Trilogy, Treasure Planet, Titan AE, Secret of NIMH

Favorite Video Games: EarthBound, Phantasy Star 4, Shining Force, Psychonauts, Phantasy Star Online, Starcraft

Favorite Tabletop RPGs: Ironclaw, D&D (pretty much any edition other than 4th)

Misc notes of interest: Writer (mostly short stories. Tendency to get my stuff caught in editing limbo), Furry (Active. Vampire Bat), Economics Major (Philosophy minor, former Math minor, considering a change to Automotive Tech), Have an Associates Degree (Business Administration), Like to give overly long answers to short questions like "What kind of person watches my show?"

Ben "BJ" Nutter said...

18 year old comic dabbler from Ohio, god Im boring but thanks for the recommendation on 52

Unknown said...

Hi Lewis,

I'm a 32 year old German female, who stumbled in here from Spooney's website due to the crossover vids and never left.
I work as a math teacher, play RPG's and love comic books (Gaiman, Moore and some Marvel for light entertainement) and although I never watched power rangers I tremendously enjoy your HOPR videos. I still prefer your AT4W vids though - they're the whole reason to start up my computer on Monday nights after our gaming group packed up.

So cheers to another 100 episodes :)

Karli said...

I'm a 16 year old female from the United States. I am a comic reader, but I'm fairly new to it. I've always had an interest and I would read the occasional comic here and there. But thanks to a genetic disorder, I've been bed-ridden for over a year and a half. So I've had a lot of time on my hands to start reading. But I really got interested once I started watching your show.

I'm a long time TGWTG fan, but I didn't start watching your videos until about 7 or 8 months ago (mostly because I was certain that I wouldn't understand any of the jokes or references. Of course, once I saw an episode, I realized I was wrong).
Since then, I've been reading a lot more. And I now watch both AT4W and History of Power Rangers equally.

Anonymous said...

Wazaraku here:

- Age: 23 in 3 days
- Comics: not a comicbook reader actually i just like comedy and history about stuff and you sir are very informative and comedy gold so thats why i love this show
- Country: from the ass of the world (althought technically since my country is long and short i could be called the p... nvm) Chile, which means i speak spanish but i can understand you perfectly anyway n_n
- lame joke: I AM A MAN! *punch*, but seriously im a dude

Nathan said...

my name is Nathan, I'm 17 years old (18 soon) and I live in England. I'm a guy, of course and I found out about you because of the 'History of Power Rangers' show and I absolutely love it, I will admit that until last night I had never seen any of your other shows but they're really, really good and I'll be sure to watch more of them in future. I'm studying Communication/Culture, English and Media at College.

Not sure what else I can say but keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Greetings, I am Michael M a 36 year old male from the magical land of ohio where nothing ever happens. I started watching the Critic when i saw superman 4 reveiw and then got hooked on ATFW. I feel you are family freindly. I am also a big comic book reader (and a lover of stories in general) i do watch HOTPR but because they were on after my time as a kid and i always wondered about the show. I am mainly here for ATFW. since you got me out of hiding i want to say thank you for all the videos. You are very entertaining and fun to watch.

Dodger Of Zion said...

I've told you my story of how I got into your show, so I'll spare you that in your blog comments.

I'm 24 (going to be 25 on the 23rd.), in Pine Hill, New Jersey. Two X chromosomes. I do arena work for a hockey team between October and April; otherwise I'm a broke writer.

Although I'm not a comic reader by habit, watching your show (Spoony helped too) has gotten me into reading the Blackest Night event, and I own a copy of The Undertaker #2 from Chaos...the comic that helped me meet the man I call my fiance...the man who I told you wasn't exactly your biggest fan.

I need to get caught up on HOPR, admittedly, but I NEVER miss AT4W, and I'm on the Blip page every Monday at 4:00 Eastern on the dot to catch the newest episode. Not too long after I got into your show, I took a few days to binge and catch up on everything. I've seen all 100 episodes at least twice.

And my dream/ambition? To be able to call myself one of your Channel Awesome colleagues one day.

Kevin "Jester" McGill said...

26 year old male who watches with his wife. Not a huge comic book reader, have read my share though, mainly Archie's TMNT comics. I have a working knowledge of the Marvel and DC universe, mainly because of the animated series from the 90s.

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Alex. I am a 17 year old boy from Rilliamsburg Virginia. I do not read any real comics, however you do such a good job reveiwing them, that I feel that I have a fairly good grasp of them. I have been following you and the rest of Channel Awesome for about 8 months, and have enjoyed every bit of it. I found out about you by watching Vincent E.L.'s performance in the Internet Show 'Monsters Anonymous'. I do enjoy these reviews and look foward to many, many more. Shalom.

CMWaters said...

28 Years Old

Southern New Jersey (no typical Jersian accent from what I've been told)

Stumbled upon your work one day browsing through TGWTG...first video I saw of yours was the Top 15 WTF Moments one. Got myself as well as a friend of mine who lives is Portland hooked.

Not really a comic reader, but I do try to keep up with certain characters via Wikipedia and the shows released. One comic series I wanna try to give money to is FemForce, simply because they're being made by a smaller company, AC Comics....that and I like Giant Women.

I'm a wrestling fan, and once I get better video equipment I'll try to start a review show based around good and bad wrestling based media. If I ever make it I may request in to try to review one with you Linkara. Warrior is among the worst, but there are other bad ones (Chyna, Sable, The Rock, Kevin Nash all have had some...then there's the recent "WWE Heroes" comics)

Loving the History of Power Rangers stuff. It's also inspired me for another video series if I make it..."History of Transformers Shows".

Anyway, keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Hello and welcome atop the...oh, wait, right. This's Eurochique Dani here, as you can guess I'm from Europe, which is no sub-urb of Boston, but that place accros the big pond, specifically Germany.

I'm 29 (which I'll stay for the next about 10 years) and my sister and me do comics (you once did a guest comic for *watches as the hamster spins, trying to remember who we are*) and work at an own retro-vlog - which I hope I can update by this weekend (there'll be Science).

I like chips with vinegar, tea with milk, The Last Unicorn and your purdy hat. I once proposed to it, but it turned me down. Still, a nice hat. Also I can do a passable imitation of Janis Joplin, when drunk - that is when she is drunk, not me.

Titan_Matrix said...

I'm Batman.

But seriously, Seattleite.
Comic Reader.
and HOPR enthusiast(more than the ATFW reviews, about equal with your AT4W plots :D ).

Top 3 movies for me are Serenity, Batmanbegins/dark knight,and Garden State.
Rock and Roller.
I'm also a writer.

Jessica said...

hiya Linky (yeah I call ya Linky big whoop wanna fight about it?)

I'm 33 years old, femmale, from Colorado, known you for a while before AT4W as we've posted to each other on occasion back when we were both on Comicgenesis, you even pulled my name at a Comic Genesis secret santa gift art exchange

anyway to your other questions, love AT4W,used to be HUGE into comics (especially Green Lantern, Emerald Dawn Issue 3 was the first comic I ever owned) but thanks to finances I had to drop them about 1998 or so and am only now recently getting back into them

havent seen your Lets Plays and I watched HOPR up till Time Force (which is about when I stopped watching Power Rangers in general)

oh also Lightbringer is on my webcomics I read list (and need to get around to RotM)

all in all you do great stuff and I'm a total supporter

Anonymous said...

I'm Larmo female 22ys and live in Virginia

i read some comics like Watchman, and even the Marvel Civil War even tho i only know the basics about most of the charters, but I read more Manga than comics.

But I enjoy you reviews and wholeheartedly agree about the portrayal of woman in comics, the images and 'armor' most female characters wear is a constant irritant (like your Athena review) and I appreciate that I'm not the only one.

I do enjoy your Power Rangers reviews even tho i never really watched the shows it keeps me informed and entertained.

so there you go

Wer-Kater said...

Hallo Linkara

I´m Ulrich, male, 28, from bavaria (germany)

Normaly, I don´t read that much comics cause they are freaking expensive here. And while i´m a writer myself, it´s nice to get a quick look on the mistakes of the oh so high professionals.

Beein also a Fan of Power Rangers from the first day, i enjoy to watch HoPR, but i prefere At4W. Propably because of the wider spectum in the material.

In both cases, you do very well as an entertainer an get an really good balance of information an jokes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Linkara. I'm a 46 year old guy from Missouri, and a general (recovering) geek.

Never been much of a comics fan, although I am huge animation fan (well, limited mostly to classic Warner Bros & some Disney, Batman:TAS and the like). Also, never liked Power Rangers in any form -- although, to be fair I was much too old to be part of the target audience when that show came out.

That being said, I'm still a huge fan of your work. Go figure! You just present your material in such a thoughtful and amusing manner that I can't help but be entertained by it. I've watched every episode of AT4W and HOPR, and will probably continue to watch anything you are part of. Keep up the good work.

VLok said...

A 22 year old guy from The Netherlands (that's in Europa. don't try to find it on the map). Sadly a NEET at the moment. >_>"

A comic reader but mostly I read manga, graphic novels or sorts. Not so mush super hero comics. (But I read 52 on your recommending.^^)

Follow Atop the Fourth Wall and The History of the Power rangers. Tried a lets play but I got bored.

Also congrats on the 100th episode!

Anssi said...

Hey Linkara, Anuojat here.

(one who sent you the appricition mail if you manage to remember) XD

Anyways, i ive been your fan since may 2009. Your rewiews kick ass and have given otherwise non-comic fan and insight into comic book world. (and also I begun seeing Marzgirls videos after seeing yours ;) )

I am A MAN, 21 from Finland (europe), Some of my family members have seen your rewiews... but they just like the humour and dont really care for comics.

PS. I only glanced at PR during ym childhood... nothing but nostalogia i am afraid. Still i love the rewiews of those tv shows aswell.

Loving your stuff, laughing out loud and getting !!!??? along with you any time rewiew of truly bad comic comes along.

PPS. My favorite one... "Amazons Attack" aka "DCs sanity requim" ;)

(...that is until Countdown came forth, when DC got close to TNA impact level of stupid...)

Chris said...

To get the basics out of the way, I'm male, a 20-something college student from the USA. I've watched your show for a little over 2 years now, after seeing the Warrior #1 crossover you did with Spoony. I wouldn't call myself a comic reader, since I don't read anything in the DC or Marvel universe, although I do like the comic format and read Manga, Alan Moore's stuff and a bunch of web comics. I'm actually trying to draw a webcomic, although since i started school I've decided to put that plan on hold until after I graduate.

Opoks said...

o hai there linkara

iam Paul (aka Opoks)

19 year old From Krakow in Poland

love your videos (no mather if is AT4W or HOPR)

Anonymous said...

I'm Emma, 17 years old, and a lifetime Washingtonian. I've actually read only about four comics in my life, but like to consider myself an equal opportunity nerd, and keep claiming I'm going to take up comics eventually (this has yet to occur, due to me being a lazy twerp, but I'm sure it'll work one of these days).

Really enjoy AT4W, and haven't yet gotten around to watching HOPR. ^^; Sadly, I can't say much of my family watches your videos, but most of them have declared the Mechakara fight awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 32-year-old woman in Chicago, IL, USA. I call my friends my family, and I watch with a friend, so, yeah, I suppose you are fun for the whole family. I'm a (mostly) former comic book reader, but you've made me curious about Wonder Woman: The Circle, so as soon as I have a little more cash . . . . I haven't watched History of the Power Rangers; when Power Rangers first aired I was outside the target demographic. Even though you didn't ask, one of the reasons I keep watching AT4W is that you are unapologetically feminist. ^_^

NickG said...

21 year old MN native. Currently going to the U of M Twin Cities. I only started reading Comics a few years ago but they have become increasingly addictive.

Favorite show has to be MST3K because well its Minnesotan, and as all people should know MINNESOTANS ARE BAD-ASS.

I started watching AT4W less then a year ago after my brother told me about it. After I had watched all your videos including HOTPR and your lets play i began to watch the rest of So it's thanks to you that i now check the web at least twice a day to watch new videos from NC, Spoony, Angry Joe and the rest of the group.

Thanks for being so entertaining and i hope for another 100.

PS whens the power ranger wild force review coming i'm really looking forward to it.


Sarah said...

I'm an 18 year old girl living in the lovely Orange County, California. I'm a college freshman, getting my major in Screenwriting. I tend to watch more of AT4W than HoPR, simply because I never really watched Power Rangers as a kid.

I've always been interested in Comics, though I've started reading a lot more due to your show, and finding friends who can lend me comic books, the first I ever really read being Watchmen a few years ago.

I came to your show through and I hope to continue watching for as long as you continue making videos. ^^

Unknown said...

Early twenties.
Non-Comic Reader.
I watch both whenever they come out.

Anonymous said...

I already left my info on Facebook, but I wanted to add this: I like the fact that you don't swear like a sailor. That sort of thing is common, and your less-vulgar choice of words makes you unique. Plus, your reputation for using milder language makes the few occasions in which you do curse so much more effective and likely to leave an impact.

Jigglysaint said...

Dick Greyson, age 12. Naw just joking. My name is Tom, and I'm 30 and I live in Mississauga Ontario, Canada. Though I don't read comics books, I enjoy AT4W because it gives me insight into the world of comics. More importantly, it's a bad X review show, and since I am a fan of James and Doug, it just seemed natural that I would pick up and enjoy AT4W. Of course my only real experience with comics were the old Arche Sonic comics, and old Scrooge McDuck comics. It's good to hear about the serious stuff for a change.

Also, I find the extra story bits to be quite awesome since I was like that when I was a kid. Of course there was less "magical gun fighting mad scientists", and more "magical sword fighting evil light bulbs". I'm sure if in a parallel universe, I wrote AT4W, I would be using the Tomblade to dispatch monsters on camera. Yeah I named my magical sword after myself.

Anonymous said...

19 year old guy, from Maryland, who pretty solidly sticks to elseworld, and what if comics.

drunkendan said...

I am 21 a casual fan of comic book and manga(though bigger into many of the animated versions of comic heroes) I am big into video games and I like watching the power rangers vids because I was a fan when I was younger

Anonymous said...

I am twistedpuppet. :)

I'm 28. I don't read western comics much because before ATFW, I had become rather dissatisfied with western comics and their inability to tell a story that I could follow or even action that I could follow. If I read sequential art at all, it's usually manga.

I also watch the HOTPR videos. I love these. I never watched the show past season 2, so the HOTPR videos are awesome. :)

Amdor said...

21years old Damian from Warsaw, Poland.

Watching most of Your stuff.
My fav? Linkara Storyline in episodes of At4W.

Hope to see Deadpool, but I suspect that it's fat chance. (Hmm or maybe in next good comic review)

Anonymous said...

Just another 17 year old dude watching some great vids I watch alot of your comic reviews and I really like your Power rangers reviews because of how in depth they so i hope that this helped and good luck with the rest of your projects
P.S i come here daily to see new vids

Tim Taylor said...

My name is Tim, I'm from Mount Pearl Newfoundland. I'm 23 years old and I'm currently on college to be a digital animator. I know at least two of my friends what your videos as well.

Alex Stritar said...

let's see, I'm a 20 year old male, living in a suburb of Chicago.

Funny thing, I was starting to get into American comics around the time you first appeared on TGWTG, so I like to think you helped me along with that in those regards.

Never been that into Power Rangers, not even when I was a kid. I'd watch a few episodes every once in a while, but never really fallowed it, so your retrospective is intresting in that it showed me what I've been missing out on.

I'm currently working on starting my own review series, I signed up on one of the collabs on the forums to help give me a sense of time for my goal. (It's the one for the Disney sequals, check it out at least for the other talented people ;) )

Favorate movie: "Back to the Future"
Favorate show: "Chuck"
Favorate comic: "Runaways" (at least Brian K Vaughn's run)
Favorate video game: "The World Ends With You"

Katie said...

My name is Katie, I'm 22 and living in California, and I'm one of the Hat Rangers who bothered you at Power Morphicon. |Db

I'm actually not a huge comic reader, though I do keep up on comic news. I think part of what makes AT4W so appealing to non-comic readers is the history you provide at the beginning, so we can follow along just as well as the people who know exactly what you're talking about.

As it is, I like AT4W and HoPR equally and I'm looking forward to more of each.

Cryptix said...

Ooo, a survey, coo'.

Ma'self, I'm a 19-year-old female, native to Minneapolis, Minnesota. I greatly enjoy (well-done) comics but never go out of my way to get them, so I mostly stick to webcomics and to review blogs like yourself, Superdickery, and What Were They Thinking. Currently in college for English, aspiring fiction editor, writer and artist on the side but not confident that I can support myself that way.

My family has kind of an odd definition of 'family-friendly', so I don't think I'm really in a position to answer that one. You're definitely clever and entertaining, though, with some great zingers and few cheap jokes, so it fits with my family's general sense of humor.

I prefer the Atop the Fourth Wall stuff. History of Power Rangers is great fun, interesting, and surprisingly insightful (despite never having been a real fan of the show), but now that my classes are picking up I don't have time to watch everything, so the HoPR falls by the wayside.

Anonymous said...

19, m, Wisconsin, non-comic reader, and I like both series

Anonymous said...

Hi Linkara,
My name is Frank, I'm 18, I live in New York and I been a fan for about a year now. I enjoy both Atop the Fourth and History of Power Rangers but I appreciate the Power rangers a little bit more because I've grown up with the show and its numerous reincarnations

Reverend H.B. Snood said...


My name is Jonathan. I'm 20 years old, male, and a native resident of Massachusetts. I watch Atop The Foruth Wall and History of The Power Rangers, and I am a fairly big fan of comics (although, I will admit I haven't bought anything new in two years, largely due to being poor).

I graduated from high school a little over a year ago, have no current plans of going to college, and am a writer with dreams of having comic books published and eventually starting my own talk show. I'm currently focusing the most on one particular comic book idea, a super hero book, but also have an idea for another series, a slice of life comedy about kids at an alternative education school, floating around in my brain, as well as an idea for a series of interviews with people I find fascinating to get my face out there.

I like sunsets, rainfall, long walks through the city, The Beatles, and just want someone to hold me close at night. :,(

Unknown said...

22 yr. old male. I used to read comics, but don't anymore. I've been meaning to get back into it. As a life long Power Ranger fan, I do watch HOPR and enjoy hearing your views on the seasons.

Jorda75 said...

Greetings from the great white north Linkara! I am a 27 year old Canadian male (New Brunswick to be specific, one of the provinces visited by Spider-Man in his terrible PSA comics) who was a huge comic book fan as a child (unfortunately this included the early and mid 90's). I stopped reading for a long time after Image comics ruined my taste for comics but within the last 2-3 years I've come back to them with a vengeance. While I was only a semi-fan of the Power Rangers series I did find your HOPR videos to be very interesting and really I watch anything you make. Thanks for 100 great episodes and hopefully many, many more to come :D

RaginCanadian said...

I'm 19, from Canada and I started following your blogs and videos since you, Noah and Doug's review of Alone in the Dark. I am a big superhero fan, with Batman as the cherry on the cake of my favourites, but I am more of a film buff. Mostly I watch your reviews to get a deeper insight to the comic book world and of course the good laugh (my favourite review of yours is probably Amazons Attack). I grew up watching a couple of the Power Rangers seasons so watching your history recaps has been very nostalgic for me and helpful in walking down memory lane.

Keep up the awesome work, Lewis! And congratulations on 100 awesome episodes!

Jannet_Jazz said...

Okay sweetie, because you asked...

I'm between the ages of 20 and 40 (yeah, you aren't getting THAT info from me). Female. Born and bred in the U.S. I am a social worker (hence why I got so worked up over the Barda/Superman comic you reviewed). I wasn't that into comics,until you showed up.

Okay, technically until my GF came into my life (yes, I am a Lesbian) and made me watch your show, I didn't even know you existed. But then you won me over with your intelligence, sincerity, and humor proving you don't have to curse up a storm like some geek in order to be funny or "edgy".

Are you family friendly? Well, usually. But some of the stuff you review, because of it's very nature is for older audiences. Though I have shown a few of your episodes to some of the ministers at my Church and they think that your opinions on feminism and tolerance would be great for the teens.

Keep doing what you're doing, sweets. You're one of a kind.

Ian said...

How old are you? 18

Man/woman? Guy

Am I fun for the whole family? Family doesn't know you

Comic readers/non-comic readers? Don't read comics, but love superheroes.

United States vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? US

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? Both rock.

Shawn said...

I'm a 20 year old history major who used to be a film and animation student.

Personally I enjoy your comic and HOTPR series equally. Considering they both have different feels, I'm not sure I could rate one over the other.

I'm on the east coast of the U.S.

I often do text reviews of RP related material and have written multiple essays revolving around character studies.

Favorite Comic: "Moon Knight" or "Nova".

Mysteria Indictus said...


Andreas be the name. 26, male, Sweden. Musician/Squaredance caller(!)/well educated yet unemployed teacher. Not really a comic reader, but you carry across well.

Here's for another 100 episodes!

Sam said...

I'm a 15 year old male. I live in st. Louis MO. I've been watching you for about a year now. You actually got me into comic books. I had already read stuff like Watchmen and Sandman when I started watching you, but hadn't really read any mainstream books. So, thanks.

Sieg-sama said...

Writing from Russia (Kaliningrad to be exact).
21 y.o. male.
Law student, but aspiring to be a mangaka.
Fun for the whole family? Well my brother likes your vids.
Comic books? Never really read them and they're not so easy to come by in Russia. But at your advice read 52. And then on the wave read Spider-man 2099.
I like AT4W and HOPR both in different ways. In one your acting as an entertainer and in the other as an analyst. So both are interesting to me.

Shamus Kelley said...

I'm a 19 year old dude who watches Atop the 4th Wall regularly, but I watch History of Power Rangers with my girlfriend. It's always something that brings us together :)

Anonymous said...

I am a 17-year-old young lady from Florida. I don't really like comic books or Power Rangers, but I watch you because I think you're hot...oh...I mean...witty and intelligent. :)

TL20xx said...

I'm 17, live in the midwest of the USA, and watch with my two 15 year old brothers. I watch both your shows, but mostly AT4W. I used to not read as many comics before watching the show. Now I read quite a few. Let's just say some titles put me off a few years back and I needed some nudging to get back onboard.

Tezzle said...

Name's Mike from Chesapeake City, MD. I'm 19 years old, male, and among other online hobbies, thanks to you and the rest of Channel Awesome I review movies.

I watch pretty much every video you make. I like your personality, your "Linkara" character as well as the real Lewis, I like the way you say "Room," and your Power Rangers toy collection make my inner-child extremely jealous.

Jehtman7 said...

Hello, Linkara. My name is James. I'm a kid from Arkansas who will be turning 21 next Saturday. I've been watching your videos since the two part X-Men comic with that bs "Nigthcrawler becomes Pope" plot and I've been following on twitter since Kickassia. My user name is Jehtman7.

I'm studying CADD and organizational leadership and will hopefully get a good job somewhere. When I'm not worrying aobut that, I'm hanging with friends and doing some writing. I've been writing reviews for the last two years and I recently taken up writing and GMing a Power Rangers game that a few of my friends have created.

I would just like to say congratulations for 100 awesome episodes, a great Let's Play, and for a History of Power Rangers segment that would make any Ranger fan proud! Here's to another 100 episodes and more!

Anonymous said...

hi linkara I live in fortsmith. ar.
im 15 and I started reading comics when I was 5 the first issue I read was sonic#98 i stoped reading the sonic comics around 157. back in 08 I started a comic book business buying and selling classic comics (usealy 70s,80s,90s,etc) I first lerned of at4w when you guest stared on nostalgia critic's superman 4 review. my line up of favs is nostalgiacritic,at4w, and then avgn. do I watch hopr?
yes I never really liked power rangers but its a lot of fun watching you talk about a show you really like also I lerned that power rangers is not as bad as I thought. now for story arcs do i like them? well sort of...they sometimes get in the way of the review but overall there not bad.
my favert tv show is combat (a ww2 tv show about a squad and there adventures in ww2 the tv show was made in the 60s but at times it feels like saveing privet ryan in the leval of qualty the show brings) my favret cartoon is loney toons (30s 40s and 50s)my favret anime is pokemon the 4kids dub (sesions 1-4 are my favs)my favret web show is freeman's mind by ross scott(its technaly a guy playing half life while talking into a mic but talking like he is the charichter that he is playing)favret movie is mel gibson's we were solders (awsome war movie)

my favret comic book game is spiderman for the n64 and playstation

my lest favret comic book game is the termator vs robocop ugh!

my 5 favret marvel charicters are
1 punisher
2 nick fury
3 spiderman *was* now its replaced by conan (well he was a marvel charicter)
4 wolverin
5 spider man/professer x are tied at my 5 slot

my 5 favret dc charicters is
1 batman
2 superman
3 the joker
4 the flash (barry allen sliver age/bronze age(8os i think))
5 lex luther

my 5 fav villins
1 the rouge gallery (flash sliver age/bronze age)
2 the joker (he killed robin he is that awsome)
3 khan (yes they have done a comic book adept of that movie)
4 robotnik (sonic the comic version you will feal sorry for him he is that tragic)
5 the deltites from nick fury vs shield

banjo tooie

Anonymous said...

I'm an 18 year old male College student in america. I don't read a lot of comics, but I still like watching at4w.

I watch both HoPR and AT4W. It's all good.

Justin said...

Hey Louis! I'm a 24 year old student at Temple University. I'm also a published writer of dark fantasy short stories and am currently working on a full-length novel. I love all SciFi and Fantasy in general but I'm especially a HUGE Doctor Who fan so I love it when you include references to it in your videos. I also love comics but because of cost I really limit what I buy, some of my favorites that I buy regularly are Doctor Who Classics, Hellboy, Star Wars Dark Times and Star Wars Legacy.

If you're interested dark fantasy, poetry, or reviews, check out my blogspot, it has a sampling of my work:

Thanks again for being the best comic-reviewer on the web! Looking forward to more of your videos!

Andrew said...

24 year old male anthropology/archaeology student at the University of Colorado at Denver. Huge anime fan, you might have seen me in Jew Wario's NDK video as Doctor Insano. Love the DCAU far more than the main DC universe. Still writing fanfiction for fun, but I'm not ashamed of it. It's good practice for writing research papers in some cases.

No job as of yet, but it makes going to school cheaper without one.


Hey Linkara, I'm Jordan, I'm from Louisville Colorado I'm 18 years old and have just started college. I'm majoring in English and minoring in film studies. I am very interested in making videos for the internet. My goal one day is to be on that guy with the glasses as major contributor like you and spoony. I was really only casually involved with comics before. I watched your show for about half a year until I thought I should really make a hobby out of buy comics. Right now I'm reading Brightest Day, Zatana, Superman, Green Lantern, The Thanos imperitive, Birds of Prey, The Flash, Booster Gold and more! My favorite movie is unforgiven, my favorite tv show is Doctor who, one of my favorite comics is All Star Superman, and my favorite comic book heroes is The Flash and Jonah Hex. And I don't just watch AT4W I watch all your videos your a funny guy man! I love your videos man their gettin me through this first month at college. Keep it up and someday I'll meet ya on TGWTG!

Anonymous said...

I'm a 26 year old female graduate student from Kansas. I don't read comic books now. I did some when I was younger and I was a heavy fan of most of the superhero animated series and the first couple of seasons of PR, although my interest waned when they kept rotating the characters. But even if I haven't read the comics I'm familiar with most of the characters from internet, movie and pop culture osmosis. I watch both AtFW and HoP.

WGP_Josh said...

Hey Lewis,

I'm a 21 year old male from Vermont. Been a regular viewer of yours since the very beginning and am a fan of all your work.

My background is in academia, specifically the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies (combining elements from cultural anthropology, philosophy science and technology) and I have a fascination with pop culture and writing. All of this has sort of come together for me as I'm beginning to realise my dream of having a website and web TV show of my own in the form of a forthcoming media analysis and creative writing site called WGP Productions I'm working on with some colleagues.

I wasn't a huge comic fan growing up, but I did always love Batman and Spider-Man (mostly because I loved their respective cartoon shows). I also religiously followed the DC and Malibu Star Trek comics because I, like you, am an enormous Star Trek fan. My passion has always been television, video games, music and animation, but I must say since discovering your show my interest in comics was revitalized and I've discovered quite a lot of great work thanks to you. Likewise, while I was never a Power Rangers kid, your great retrospective piqued my interest enough to go check some of the series out. I particularly liked Lightspeed Rescue, Ninja Storm and RPM.

I first became a fan when you landed the gig at and have followed you since. Both your shows have spread though: I'll share AT4W with my whole family (my sister is a big fan too) and my colleagues and I all sit down to catch the newest episodes of both shows.

Congrats on 100 episodes and here's to another 100 and many more after that from all of us at WGP: It's been a pleasure to meet your acquaintance and we'd all love to meet and swap ideas with you if the opportunity ever presented itself.


Josh from WGP Productions

Booyaka said...

Yo, Linkanator. I'm a 17-year old from NC. Love all your work. I bet if we met in real life, we'd be awesome friends, since we seem to have so much in common.

Anonymous said...

Linkara sir, the name is Joel. I'm a 25 year old male from Texas.

I'm not much of a comic fan, but I know bits and pieces of some of them, and I just started watching your videos only after I saw the Silent Hill: Dying Inside reviews (which are my favorite reviews, by the way).

I also find your History of Power Rangers videos very entertaining... especially In Space.

I'm trying to start small with internet reviews and hope to one day be on TGWTG as well.

Keep up the good work!

Your loyal viewer,

Trism said...

How old are you? 26
Are you male or female? shout....I AM A MAN!
Am I fun for the whole family? Well I'm happy to watch your shows in front of my 9-month old so yeah I'd say so =o)
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? Definitely a comic reader, Deadpool, Spider-Man and Venom are my favourite characters.
Where do you live? Great Britain baby! A small village by the seaside in the South-West of England.
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? I love both your shows dude, HOPR is a wonderful trip down nostalgia alley and the main ATFW show is always the highlight of my Tuesday =oD

Nybelle said...

I'm a 17 year old female, from the US, and have never read a comic :P

I have watched some of the history of the power rangers, but since I know little of it beyond the first few seasons it became less interesting to me.

Kyao said...

16 year old English girl here. 8) Unfortunately that sounds a bit like a porn add, lol. xD
I watch Atop the Fourth Wall and haven't really watched History of Power Rangers. Didn't watch the show when I was younger so that part's not appealed to me, really. ^^
More of a shonen manga reader myself but have recently started to swing into super hero books since I started to watch your show. Got ones like Runaways, Watchmen, Eternals and Batman off the top of my head, (mostly compliation books of the mini-series).
Also can't say enough how I appreciate that you point out when the female characters are just being used to draw in a male audience, to put it nicely. =)

Darren Esh said...

My name is Darren Eshenour, I am a 22 year old unemployed man. I have been for three years going through college getting my associates in Mass Media. I have been watching you since your first post on TGWTG. P.S. I've also been watching Iron Liz's stuff, and if you could tell her that she should continue her RPG review ASAP. Those are awesome.

Emily J said...

Hey Linkara! I'm hoping to break the demographic a little bit:

I'm a 19-year-old female from the US Midwest who read a grand total of 2 comic books until about a year and a half ago.

My dad is a HUGE comic nerd, but I was never that interested until I went to college, met some awesome nerds, learned what a "podcast" is, and started watching your show. Now I'm a rabid comic fan (Batman and Green Lantern mostly) due to several of those podcasts, but mostly your great show!

I like the HoPR (I'll admit I loved the Rangers as a kid too) and I really enjoy being able to see all my favorite series/characters/arcs highlighted again ... without having to watch 500+ episodes.

Still, I like your At4W vids more than HoPR- which is good, since they're more frequent ;) - but I still enjoy them. Even if I didn't ... well ... it's still YOUR show: if I don't like something you post, whatever, I'll just go rewatch the Mechakara Double Feature, or Alone in the Dark, or maybe your recent guest-hosted episodes (for the record: they were made of win ^_^)

End of long, rambling, survey response! Thanks for making all these great videos: here's to another 100+ =D

Daeron said...

20 year old comic book fan (Mostly the Titans though the "new" [old] Roster coming back has me in complete anger) from Mexico who now lives in the States and was surprised to hear that you were a Christian (being one myself).

I first got interested in your work because of HOPR then began to see the reviews of atop the 4th wall. Been a Fan ever since. Keep up the good work.

Michael said...

For statistical purposes:

I am 25 years old, male, and I live in Idaho. I am also a student of Mathematics.

I found out about ATFW through That Guy With the Glasses. Since then your show has become my favorite on that website. Your show got me interested in comics, and I base most of my comic purchases based on what you say is good, and what is not.

Finally, I loved the first two issues of Revolution of the Mask. I look forward to the next release.

RoninFox said...

Hey. 29 year old soon to be married man. I don't read a lot of comics, but I enjoy them when I do, usually go for collections and complete graphic novels though, my biggest problem with comic reading is having to stop in the middle of a story and wait for the next issue.

I'm living North of Denver Colorado, I watch pretty much every type of video you put out, whether I was interested in the topic originally or not, you make it interesting. I never watched Power Rangers at all for example, but I've caught every one of your history videos.

I'm an iRiffer, and there are plenty of people around the Rifftrax forums, including myself, who would love to hear you make an iRiff too, though from the sound of it you've got a hell of a crazy schedule making your videos already.

SatansBestBuddy said...

Let's see...

I'm 23, live in Kamloops, BC, Canada, go to university and happen to be male.

About the only comic I give a damn about is a manga called One Piece, though I also read other mangas and way too many webcomics.

My favourite hobby is playing games, reading about games, watching LP's of games, and overall overdosing on video games whenever I have a spare hour or eight.

I started watching Atop The Fourth Wall back when you did a crossover with the Nostalgia Critic for some Uwe Boll movie and I wondered who the hell you were, then went and binged on your videos for half a day until I had caught up with the newest ones.

And yes I do watch the Power Rangers history thing, as I prefer my history of stuff to be biased as hell, as history without an opinion attached to it is just homework.

日本文化のマニアック said...

Female, 26, college graduate (MA in Religious Studies), underemployed, living in the US. I read more manga than English-original comics (but the ratio is becoming less extreme since I started watching this show). I watch both Atop the Fourth Wall and History of Power Rangers avidly.

I continue to appreciate any suggestions you have on good comics. While some of my favorite titles were recommended by other people, I've liked all of the ones you've touted that I've read thus far.

Unknown said...


I'm a dude from the twin cities in minnesota, I'm 26, and came across the HotPR on TGWTG, and from there caught AT4W. I like them both, and like your references to our home state.

I used to read comic books, but the most hardcore i got was following bone, only dabbling in other series.

my wife will occasionally watch AT4W with me.

Gyre said...

I'm in my early twenties, male, and college grad living on the East Coast of the U.S. Generally I watch these by myself (though I suspect some of my relatives might enjoy it).

I enjoy the Power Rangers works as well as most of the comic book ones and don't read many comic books besides the classic graphic novels like V for Vendetta, Sandman etc.

Kylie said...

Hey Linkara!

Age, 14. And I'm the only one in my high school that knows about you or the Channel Awesome gang. Thanks for all the laughs, buddy.

I'm female, which makes it all the better for the "I am a MAN!" catchphrase.

Fun for the whole family? Well I have a cousin that's a year younger than me that really enjoys your show as well. My aunt got a kick out of your show, as well as my dad. AT4W ain't for little kids, though. We had a five year old saying the word "boner" over and over for three streight days because of your last top 15 list. (Once again, thanks for the laughs!)

Do I read comics? ...Yes and no on that one. While I am somewhat of a comic book nerd, I only manage to get to the comic book store every couple of weeks. Before I started watching your show however, I couldn't have cared less about the existance of comics.

I'm from America, Oklahoma, to be exact. I know, not very exciting.

HOPR or AT4W? Don't make me choose, I love both of them. As of this moment, I would have to say that I watch HOPR more, but I watch a ton of AT4W too. (By the way, I'm not rushing, but I can't wait for your review of Wild Force!)

Not much more to say about me. But I do want to say thank you for introducing me to Star Trek, MST3K and Doctor Who. Seriously, you were the reason I checked those out, and I haven't regretted it!

P.S, congrats on your 100th episode! Looking forward to what comes up in year 2! (That's next month, right?)

Maswartz said...

I am a 20 year old college student. Born and raised in MA. I'm actually taking a class on comics this semester.

spacepope said...

well Im a 23yr male viewer that doesn't read comics that much. Im more of a gamer but I do love your reviews. I really enjoy your HoPR vids that you put out since I remember watching them growing up and I have watched the Sentai of just about all of them so it is interesting to here a bit of the stories and backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 26 year-old male from te horrible city of Cornwall in Canada. Currently working a minimum wage job while aspiring to be a writer. I always thought comics were a worthy medium of storytelling, but wouldn't say I became an outright fan until my university days.

My favorite comics include Watchmen, Zot!, Scott McCloud's Understanding and Making Comics, 52, Animal Man, and most recently Blackest Night. Also a long-time fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Super Mario, Mega Man, and probably more.

First stumbled upon TGWTG after seeing the Nostalgia Critic review of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, and I'm pretty sure you were the first non-Doug contributor I really got into.

One last fun fact: I write a webcomic, and by the strangest of coincidences, my main character's superhero identity is named Smiling Man, which I believe is the name of a villain from a couple of your own webcomics. Absolute and total coincidence. Beyond the name, the fact that they're both in superhero comics, and the fact that they smile (albeit... differently), they have little else in common, though.

DanJN said...

24 year old, British, work in a call centre giving people housing advice. Checked your blog on the advice of a friend whose a big comics fan, though to be honest the last superhero comic I read was Runaways. I mostly watch this site for the power rangers guide. Love the nostalgia.

Anonymous said...

hi lewis . im a 16 year old guy . i come from canada quebec . and you are the one who got me into comic books. p.s in your countdown review you said you where sad for the poor comic newbie who pick up countdown thinking it was an action pack adventure. well i was that kid :(.

tu est genial contunu comme ca linkara (you are awesome keep up the good work)

Anonymous said...

Your survey seems fun. My name is Kevin. I am an 18 year old Asian male currently attending the University of Laurier in Canada (Brantford campus). I am a comics reader thanks to your show and Free Comic Book day. I watch both of the shows you produce, and your History of the Power Rangers have gotten me interested in Super Sentai. The face that you don't swear is refreshing seeing as many reviewers on the net swear.

Green Ninja said...

I'm 23 years old and live in Germany. Me and my older brother started reading superhero comics way back when Marvel's "Heroes Reborn" first came out.
While my friends and I watch a lot of thw TGWTG-stuff, I get the most out of your show, mostly because I'm a total comic geek. So yeah, I watch AT4W every week, most of the time from the moment you post it on blip. ^^

I also watch your Power Rangers retrospective, though I don't really like the show. Still, I haven't seen much of it and I embrace a lot of geeky stuff all around and it's always good to lern about a show I'll probably never watch myself again.

Anonymous said...

I'm 19 and female. I'm a manga reader but not a comic reader and I live in the US and I watch both HOPR and ATFW, and I love all of it~ I know my best friend (also US female, 19, manga-reader) is also a big fan but she prefers ATFW.

Zero-ELEC said...

I'm from Northern Mexico, I'm 16, and have a whole bunch of old comics that I never read.

corey said...

im a 22 year old male from seattle that usually reads manga but I have read dc comics such as all star superman and fifty two which ive read twice and its still fun to read, and my favorite episode would have to be the one when you reviewed youngblood #2 where liefeld pays "tribute" to jack kirby by having him potrayed the way he was in his crappy comic series and the various wolverine knockoffs that shows that liefeld has no origionality.

00dax said...

22,male, Minnesota, i wouldnt say im a very avid comic reader but i have read most of the army of darkness and evil dead comics and angel after the fall so yea but i like watching your vids your awesome and funny dude about the power rangers im gonna wait to watch all when you get done with it like others have said make a marathon out of it

Anonymous said...

Linky! I'm a 25 year old white male, somewhat overweight, I have a girlfriend I've been dating for three years, my first comic was Ultimate Spider-Man followed by Watchmen, I've been reading comics consistently since I was 18. I live in San Francisco, CA.

Anonymous said...

18 year old cowardly girl from Sweden. Currently studying art, and after that hopefully animation. I'm also a heavy gamer, been playing games since I was around six years old.

I've not read that much western comics, but a lot of manga. I've started reading 52 on your recommendation and so far it's great and I do understand most of it. I'm sure there's a lot of great western comics out there but the complex continuity that surrounds Marvel & DC scares me a little.

I've been watching your videos since the Batman #147 episode (the one with the leather thongs ^^') but it was the Superman At Earth's End episode that made me a regular watcher of your videos. I don't get all the comic references and such you make but I still really like your videos. The History of Power Rangers are pretty interesting even though I've never watched Power Rangers.

Keep up the good work and good luck with the next 100!

Also, you should record an audio book or something sometime. I can listen to you for hours without getting tired (wow, that sounded a bit creepy ^^').

The Shut-In said...

Well, since you asked...

I'm a 20 year old male from Britain, more specifically England, even more specifically a place called Gateshead. (It's cold and unpleasant here)

I've only been a comic reader for about a year now but I got into comics pretty hard, I'm caught up on both DC and Marvel in terms of the state of the universes and all the characters I'm interested in.

Fun fact: Your reviews inspired me to write my own weekly text based review on my blog. (/Fanboyism)

Also, I watch both History of Power Rangers and ATFW as soon as I see them posted.

Anonymous said...

Female from California. I find the show fun to watch, and though I haven't read many comics I still find it enjoy able since I generally know who your talking about anyway after years of superhero cartoons

sikk said...

Hey Linkara. Michael here, 23-year old business-administration student from Germany.

I find comics to be a waste of money but enjoy people rambling about all kinds of stuff. Especially if the reviews are well thought out and written like yours.

Anonymous said...

Okay... I'm a 21-year old man from Portugal, in Europe. I don't read comics myself (other than the occasional manga here and there), but find your videos entertaining and enjoyable. I like HOPR a lot mostly because I actually *did* watch Power Rangers as a kid (up to and including Lost Galaxy, after which I got tired of it).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your 100th episode! I've been following your show since July '09, I think. Now to the reason I'm actually commenting:
I'm Jasmin, 19 years old and from Germany. At the moment I'm a student at a technical secondary school focused on art and design (yeah, Fachabitur! :D).
I'm not really a comic reader myself (mainly because it's hard to get any over here plus comics are pretty expensive) but I try to keep up with the continuity.
Whether you're family friendly or not I can't tell since my parents are not into comics and quite frankly don't get the concept of an internet reviewer. My brothers seem to like you (sadly, they too are not really into comics or Power Rangers and are also not really fluent in english, which doesn't help either).
I watch Atop the Fourth Wall more than HoPR mainly because I don't know much about PR except for the few tidbits I gathered from the series when I was a kid, which was a loooong time ago.

So, yeah, that's me. I wish you all the best for the next 100 episodes and the ones after that and the ones after that.. You get the idea.
Also good luck with your moving into a new home and settling down!
And again: Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

The Black Fedora said...

Hey Lewis. My name is Neil; I'm a comic reader am twenty years of aga and live in Canada. And I AM A MAN! *punch* Ow my hand. Oh and I never watched Power Rangers so HOPR is not a high priority for me

GhostNPC said...


Well.... I'm Scott, 23, from Vancouver, BC. I'm a contemporary artist, my work is here if you're interested:

I read manga from time to time, but I rarely read american comic books. However, you are one the most entertaining reviewers out there, so content regardless, I'll watch you review anything anytime. Keep up the great work and continue to blow those plot holes a new... well, you get it.

Dingo said...

I'm 23, female, live and work in the Ocean City Maryland area (don't believe the hype, it sucks). I never read comics, though I've started a bit since I started watching you. I'd seen a little bit of Power Rangers, but I really picked it up since HoPR started, even if I couldn't watch half of Turbo. I'd say I watch more AT4W than HoPR, but that's just because I'm trying to wait until I finish each season before I watch your review. Hope that helps!


Plethora said...

25 year old dude, non comic fan I grew up watching Power Rangers so the PR vids have been an awesome treat for me, I fell out of love with comics a long time ago, Nightwing is and always will be my favorite character. I only know some comic history so it's fun to learn about Amazons attack and different books, though I did know about the Spider Man clone saga but I had no idea it went for so long, and was basically useless. I see Atop the 4th wall more like to learn about comic history and books from the past. Its really fun. And as you get further in the PR series I think that might become more fun too because I didn't watch a lot of those seasons on ABC. Should be fun!

Joel said...

Hey Linkara,
I'm 27, dude from Toronto, ON, Canada. I started watching for the MMPR reviews but since then I've gotten into your Comic book reviews because your review style is so awesome.

Can't say that I read comics per say (it's a finance thing). But watching your reviews gives me a chance to see what I'm NOT missing out on. :)

Keep up the good work!

D. William Pfifer said...

16-year-old girl (nearly seventeen and I've never cracked a romantic vampire novel) from Niles, Michigan. I'm not all that into comics, usually, but I'm interested in every form of entertainment, and you're good at informing us poor sods who are outside of the loop.

You also got me interested in Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. I blame you entirely for the Ted Kord action figure on my bedside table. :P

ThatKidWithTheSideburns said...

How old are you? 16.
Are you male or female? Last I checked, male.
Am I fun for the whole family? Well maybe not MY family...
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? Comic reader.
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? Atop the Fourth Wall, mainly because there's more episodes, but also because I don't want to ruin the nostalgia.

Information Geek said...

I'm a 19 year old guy from Wisconsin who just started college. I say your videos are popular among non comic readers because I watched your videos before starting to read a few comics based on your suggestions.

I watch all of your videos equaling, including the Power Rangers stuff. I use to be a fan (at least the first 3 seasons at least) so it is fun to see what it is like in a new eye and what I missed out on.

I say your show is fun for the whole family. I showed my dad your Tandy Computer Kids episode and he liked your explaination on what makes a good cover. Also liked your guest appearance in Superman 4 review and the Warrior comics.

Unknown said...

25 year old female from Finland (you really seem to have a lot of fans over here).

Wouldn't call myself a comic book reader, at least not an active one. There are some miniseries I've read and enjoyed over the years, and I have sentimental attachments to Garfield and Elfquest. But that doesn't detract from my enjoyment of your reviews.

Josh said...

Josh. Just turned 19. Student from England, and my comic book knowledge basically amounts to a kids' anthology book called The Beano. I've seen several comic book based series and films though. Favourite being The Dark Knight.

Never really watched Power Rangers, but thanks to your History series, I've ended up watching the stream on the website. So...yay?

HollyDaze said...

Hey Linkara I'm a 22 year old young woman from Nova Scotia, Canada.

I don't read many comics, but I really enjoy your show. I look forward to the times you yell at us to read certain awesome comics like 52 and New Wave. (Both of which I promise I will buy once I have some money. Damn Student debt)

You are really funny, and I enjoy your insight. I watch both AT4W and your Power Rangers show equally. They are both awesome. ^-^

I guess that's all. Bye!

BridgitKiido said...

I'm a 20 year old college student from New Jersey. Female. Never been interested in American comics, really (I'm more of a manga fan), but I always find Atop the Fourth Wall interesting despite not knowing what you're talking about sometimes. I also look forward to each new episode of History of Power Rangers - I only recently became interested in it and haven't had the time or patience to sit through 700+ episodes myself, so it's always an interesting time to sit down and find out what happened.

Risa said...

Since you asked: 22 year old female artist ( if you're curious) from Colorado who knows about comics books but rarely follows them (the lore tends to be way too convoluted for my tastes >_>)

Heather said...

I'm a 29 female lurker from the DC suburbs. I'm not much of a big comic book fan, but I read a few (mostly in my fandoms, which are I hate to admit, Animaniacs and Classic Disney *I'm a huge Mickey and Minnie Mouse fan . . . please don't hurt me.*)

I am familair with the DC Universe though having watched episodes of Timm's Justice League and Teen Titans.

I watch AT4W frequently, and I started watching in January of this year through curosity's sake. and you got me hooked after I saw your Scarlett review.

Two things I like about your reviews is your sense of humor and the fact that you don't drop F-bombs, as I'm one of the few people out there that HATE the Queen Mother of all Dirty Words. Keep up the good and entertaining reviews.

Malons said...

I'm Adam, a 19 year old Pacific Northwestern comic reader, I watch History of and AT4W. Started a year or so ago and check your blog for updates. I like AT4W a lot, but I really look forward to History, probably due to the long breaks in between and sporadic release schedule.

Big fan of your reviews, for the most part. Congrats on the 100 episode mark!

Nate Sarros said...

Hey Lewis. I'm a 16 year old dude from Colorado. I watch your videos equally. I've never shown you to my family. I just enough about comics to get your jokes and stories.

I'm planning a review series myself. Doing shows and movies from the 90's to now. Hope to work with you someday dude!

HollyDaze said...

Hey Linkara! I'm a 22 year old young woman from Nova Scotia, Canada.

I really love both your shows. Your humour and insight are great. Your reviews are intelligent, and your story arcs are really entertaining.

I will admit that I'm not much of a comic book reader. My home town offers no way to get comics, and when I moved off for university I was really overwhelmed. That's one of the main reasons I love AT4W. Not only do you warn against horrible comics, but every once in a while you mention awesome comics we should be reading. I fully plan to buy 52 and New Wave once I have some money. (Damn you Student Debt)

Okay I think I answered all your questions. I can't wait for episode 101, where you will once again teach us a lesson we won't learn. ^-^

MechaManiac said...

Hey, Linkara! Guess what? You and I are STATE-MATES!


Err... that is... we both live here in Minnesota... jeez, this is awkward...

MetaArmigata said...

21 year old man here. I live in Pennsylvania writing up different scripts and stories. Will be heading into college.

Big fan of both Atop the Fourth Wall and History of the Power Rangers. Been watching ever since you appeared on TGWTG. More of a lurker though than a commentator.

Used to be a non-comic reader, but only because they don't sell comics where I live. After watching your Tribute to Blue Beetle, I picked up a copy of it for myself and am loving every bit of it.

You constantly show what makes writing good and that in turn shows me how to do a better job at writing, but you never explain how to make character development work. I get most of my tips and hints from the video's involving you talking about what makes stories good. The only thing keeping me back from story writing all the time is not understanding how character development works, which is something I really need to understand.

Timelesswolf said...

I'm a 21 one year old writer who's a female

I live in main and I don't mind your power rangers vids, but I'm not really a fan so I only watch them here and there ^^;

as for comic books I love your jokes about them, but as for reading them I can't get into them I'm much more of a manga reader

I guess you can call me an "otaku" lol

Anyways I always watch your show with my family (sis and bro) and they love your show as much as I do

My bro is 23 and sis is 24... we still live at our mom's house since no one will hire us for a job ^^;

Other then that nothing much about me.

KEEP up the good work Linkara!! :3

Pokeprof said...

Let's see, where should I start...

A Writer and fan of the Nostalgia Critic originally, I was introduced to you, Linkara, when you did the cross over episode for Alone in the Dark. Curious, I decided to learn more about you and I've been hooked into your show ever sense.

As a 24 year old guy in college, it gives me something to watch as the time passes by between classes. And while I've never been much into comics (could never get a stable source of money to buy them and wouldn't know where to start in terms of actually reading them) I enjoy your comic reviews immensely and I'm always looking forward to more of them.

I've also gotta say that I absolutly love what you've done with History of the Power Rangers and I'm thinking, if I can ever find a way to easily get the footage, might do the same thing for Mega Man, albiet probably more centered to his video game career. But yeah, love the show and can't wait to spend the next 100 episodes watching, and hopefully more!

Anonymous said...

male mid 20s scandinavian. loved Power Ranger as a kid.rangers got canseled mid third season. found you when trying to finish it. have seen lots off your other stuff aswell and yiur great: )

Anonymous said...

Sweden. Male. 22. Huge nerd, comics and otherwise. I hope that answers some of your questions at least.

Anonymous said...

I'm sixteen I'm a fan of comics but to poor to buy regularly, I live in Edmonton a bigish city in Canada. I spend nearly all my time watching people review anything, and I started watching you when you posted the intro to the history of power rangers and then went and watched all of your other stuff.

bojak90 said...

22, male, I guess you're family friendly though the only other people I've watched AT4W with are my friends and anime club. Started reading comics again (had a hiatus of 5 years) after watching your show for a few months.

I'm in the US, Missouri. Watch both AT4W and HOPR regularly and pretty even between the two of them.

Anonymous said...

22 year old guy, non-comic reader, watches with girl friend once in a while, and watches ATFW and the ranger reviews respectively.

Matt said...

I'm a 19 male living in IN, USA. I've never read any comic books although you've inspired me to read some if I ever find myself with some extra money for them.

Fergus said...

I'm an 18 year old guy from Scotland, was not much of a comic reader till i saw Sin City and then AT4W made me want to start tracking down more comics (which is hard as hell to do here cause we only have one book shop that has two shelf's of comics).

I do watch the History of the power rangers stuff but only really the one for the first series since i saw that when i was wee.

Pete Wolf said...

Both me and my brother watch your shows. I am 25 and in college at Georgia Tech, and my brother is 16 and is in high school in New York City.
Neither me or my brother are avid comic readers, but he has some trade paperbacks, and a lot of those black and white Marvel Essentials trades. I mostly read from the dvd collections marvel released, but also read stuff like Blackest night, though usually in collected form, rather than individual issues. The only time I break that usually, is for an exceptional run of a comic.
I like both your HotPR and AT4W, but probably my favorite is AT4W. I also would like, if you ever get around to it, a return to the Q&A that you started Part 1 of.

Hmm... What else? Oh, I enjoy Comic book based Cartoons, with my favorites being anything in the DCAU, or anything being produced by Bruce Timm. I know you say that you don't particularly like adaptations, since you already have the perfectly good stories in comic form, but I enjoy your Vlogs about them, and if you could do, perhaps maybe a short Vlog every time a DCAOM comes out, detailing what you liked and didn't like from an avid comic fan's perspective, I'd like that.

Also, I feel like I'm rambling, but I want to ask, in case you ever pick up that Q&A thing you were doing again, what, if anything, would you do another show on, if you could do something in addition to AT4W and HotPR.

Eric said...

I am a 17 bisexual male who has been watching AT4W for over a year now. I started watching after seeing you on and I have loved the show since. I'm not a big comic fan but I still find the show interesting and I try to pick up a couple issues or tradebacks every now and then. I am more of an anime fan, though, and I would one day like to review anime on a regular basis.

I sometimes show my 14 year old brother your stuff, but the rest of my family is pretty much Internet illiterate.

I live in Florida, USA. I love both HOPR and AT4W, despite not being a big comic or PR fan. I just think they're well-written, researched and entertaining.

Sarah said...

31-year-old female Canadian. I'm usually a natural history teacher at our museum, but occasionally can be found working at the oldest SF/F bookstore in North America, when I'm not masquerading as a SpecFic writer. I'm only tangentially familiar with comics (there's definite crossover between our readers at the bookstore and at the comic store down the street), but I enjoy your reviews a lot.

Andrew D.C. said...

Well I'm a 14 year old high school student, born in North Little Rock and currently in Texarkana. I AM A MAN! You are much more family friendlily than guys like Doug or Noah. I think that you are clean enough to show at a school. I am a gamer who has an almost encyclopedic like knowledge of things off the internet that no one cares about. I am wanting to be an astronomer. I watch both PR & ATFW. I do read comics, both dc and marvel. I have two favorite characters, Deadpool and Green Lantern. I believe that you, spoony, and NC are the three best guys on the site. no offense of course to the others. My favorite tv show is invader zim. I can't wait for you to do Power rangers ninja storm and dino thunder, the ones i grew up on. But im sure those are far off. You have made my day over 100 times and heres to 100 more.

Greg said...

I'm archive binging so I haven't seen your new stuff. Coming up to Sultry Teenage Super Foxes part II.

- 26 years
- man
- non-comic reader for the most part
- Canada
- Your history of Power Rangers is in-depth and I like it. Bonus points for all the Bulk and Skull. I watch more AT4W tho.

Miyuko said...

17 year old female from canada started watching your reviews after the review of superman four with the nostalgia critic

Crystanubis said...

28 years old (until the end of September), skinny white guy from the St. Louis area, where I've lived for over two years after moving here from Albuquerque.

Found you through Spoony. Found Spoony through searches on YouTube for Let's Play videos for SWAT4.

In terms of my comic reading habits (separate from my manga-reading habits, which I won't go into), I guess I'm what you might call an off-again/on-again casual reader, coming and going in 5-year cycles starting around the Dark Age with Spawn and Marvel's 2099 series. Second cycle was spurred by the Daredevil movie, where I learned of the works of David Mack. You're responsible for my current third cycle, where I picked up Spider-Man/Red Sonja and Titans after their being mentioned and featured on your show. Now I'm about to start looking into some of Jim Starlin's work with The New Gods like Cosmic Odyssey and Death of the New Gods. In short, thanks.

Favorite (non-crossover) review of yours... tricky, but I'll go with Ultimates 3. Best joke in that review was the string of questions at the end, weakest joke was "One fish, two fish."

The only videos of yours I skip over are History of the Power Rangers despite my own fandom (which waned sometime after the exit of Lord Zedd as the villain). Nothing personal, I'm just not all that interested.

Well, there's my portion of the TMI for today, hope that gives you some insight. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

20 year old geek from Copenhagen, Denmark here ^^ I read the french/belgian series such as Asterix and Tintin and I'm really into Manga and Duck comics, watching both you and most of the tgwtg crew with glee alongside friends =D You're among my three favorites with Spoony and Snob being the other two

You've taught me alot about superhero comics as there have sadly never been much of a market for it here.. last december they cancelled our translation of X-men so now all we have is Spider-man, go figure :b

I also love the storylines you've got going to spice up your videos, good stuff

Sierradragon said...

female, age 26. Came here originally for your reviews of Miller's sucky the Dark Knight strikes back but then found your other videos hilarious. Mostly non-comics fan who is trying to get into the Batman comics (have read the Killing Joke and plan on getting some of the collections) because I loved BTAS and 4 of the batman films. Either way, love your show and look forward to seeing more in the future.

Johan said...

My name is Johan. I'm a 21 years old MAYUN! from Denmark.

I'm not into Star Trek, Power Rangers nor comic books, yet I've watched Let's Play: Ensign Munro, HoPR and a good chunk of At4W.

I find you very funny and you have a good voice. Also, it was the complete and utter awesomeness of the theme song that got me hooked on your channel in the first place.

Drakonis said...

I'm 21, from Germany, study Computer Science/Information Technology and watch both all episodes of Atop the Fourth Wall and History of Powerrangers, both are great shows.
I'm not following any Comic Series, even though I know a good chunk of the characters both from marvel and DC from the animated shows I grew up with, Spiderman (1994) and Batman: The animated series in particular. But you woke my interest in Comics.

Oh, and I AM A MAN *PUNCH*!
Sorry, couldn't resist.

Keep being as awesome as you are.

Anonymous said...

im Ramses from Mexicali,a 29 years old engineer, i used to read comics when i was young, but rencently i start again with the blackest night event, sometimes my nephew watch ATFW with me.

Anonymous said...

I AM A TEENAGER! *PUNCH* 15 years old, been watching this show for a few months. Oh, and I live in San Antonio, Texas (The Armpit of Texas, at least in my opinion)

I do read comics, but I'm not big into superhero comics. I'm more into the "Scott Pilgrim" or the "Flight" anthologies. I'm a huge art fan (have an art blog, too) and I'm more into the styles I see in these books than I am in any superhero comic.

I haven't really seen "History of Power Rangers", but since I do love your analysis of terrible comics on AT4W (my favorite program on, I'll check it out.

John "Juce" Bruce said...

Twentysomething male from the northwestern US here, employed in the software industry. I'm the only person I know who watches you, sadly. I have no preference between your two shows, having watched every episode of both so far. AT4W is funny and informative, while HoPR is nostalgic and thought-provoking.

I originally found AT4W because I was on a Nostalgia Critic kick when you did a cameo on Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, and I thought "Hey, another guy from!" Fast forward close to a year and I've watched far more of AT4W than either of those shows.

I'm not a comic book reader... yet. My entire "collection" consists of Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and an incomplete set of Neil Gaiman Sandman trades. I think I watch nonetheless because comic books interest me and seem like something I COULD get into. I particularly like the stories surrounding how these stories and characters get created. (I'd read Life of Reilly before I ever found you.) Although you're always tearing into bad comics, you teach a lot of comic book history and theory in this show, and I love learning about the hobby through AT4W.

Also, I wouldn't get any of the references and inside jokes in Batman: The Brave and The Bold without your help!

Captain Rufus said...

I suppose I will bite. Male, 36, New England states region of the USA.

I work at a casino, and am pretty much into every nerdy thing possible, though comics and Star Wars were probably my gateway drugs.

I'm mostly here for the comic bits as I was obviously a bit too old for Power Rangers, though I watched a bit here and there for the rubber suit monster v robot fights, and the 2nd Pink Ranger. (Kat was SMOKIN)

Unknown said...

I'm 16 from San Antonio, Texas and I watch anything that you do. Also to me your rating can vary between gan pg.

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