Thursday, September 16, 2010

So who is watching?

So, I suddenly got curious tonight after thinking about having done this show for 100 episodes - who exactly are my viewers? How old are you all? Do I have more men than women watching? Am I fun for the whole family? Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?

So, yeah, who are all of you people?

EDIT: Okay, closing comments on this one. XD I read through all 800 comments (yes, I did. @_@) and I frankly don't have the time to devote to reading through another 800 if it should come to that. XD

As such, thanks everybody who responded - I didn't expect quite so many people would be interested in this. XD ‎


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SagashiIndustries said...

21 year old male, and I don't read comics, but you're hilarious. I at first only watched AT4W but got into History of Power Rangers and now want to go watch Power Rangers.

Anonymous said...

17 Year Old Male That Lives In New York And I Am A Comic Reader I Watch Both Shows But I Do Enjoy History Of Power Rangers More Because Of The Commentary Style

Dont Ignore Me said...

I am a male 17 year old from Tennessee.

I have seen the show since your debut, but actually haven’t read a single comic book. However, You’ve made me much more interested in what goes on in the comic world, so I have that to thank you for. I would consider AT4W to be family friendly. I’m the only one who watches your show regularly, but my siblings and friends have all seen it and like it. I follow both HOPR and AT4W.

Lady Momus said...

Female from the U.S.

Are you family friendly? I'd say you're about at PG-13 levels. You're definitely the most family friendly of the reviewers at that I watch.

I'm a huge comics fan. I discovered you when I heard about the "Nightcrawler as priest" storyline and I was looking for a review of the issues. Thought the reviews were great, so I became a regular viewer. (I had a dial-up connection at the time, but I thought the loading time was well worth it.)

I prefer your comics reviews, but I also like seeing serious analysis of Power Rangers.

Anonymous said...

I'm Dan Davis, I'm from norwich Vermont and happen to 17, be turning 18 pretty soon. I watch both atop the fourth wall and history of power rangers.

CheesecakeSeptember said...

How Old: 22
Gender: Female
Located: United States
Comic Reader: Not originally. I've never actually had any interest in reading comic books until I started watching your videos. Recently started to pick up series here and there when they catch my eye. The only series I actually own is Spiderman Loves Mary Jane.
I watch both HoPR and At4W whenever a new episode comes out. Been watching since the first episode was posted on TGWTG. :D

Erin Rae said...

Just a 21 year-old illustration student from the fabulous Baltimore, MD... I've only recently begun to read comics, but I've been watching Atop the Fourth Wall for almost a year now.

I started watching AT4W with your reviews on the Silent Hill comics since those were something I really recognized, and I kept watching because your reviews are both interesting critiques and really entertaining.

Still working through those 100 episodes myself, but I definitely look forward to 100 more!

BallsMonkey said...

Name's Colin. I'm in my 20's, I live in LA, I'm an aspiring animator, and I love Ninja Turtles, Usagi Yojimbo, Hellboy, and, despite my strong criticisms of them, DC comics, with Red Robin, Superboy, and Kid Flash being my favorite characters. I'm a huge cartoon buff, with the Looney Tunes being my all time favorite, and I'm a huge sucker for 90's cartoons(love Darkwing Duck and Batman TAS)

I'm also, thanks to you, a born again Power Rangers fan. In Space is my favorite season and TJ is my favorite Ranger of all time. In fact we met at Morphicon, I'm the dude who said "I cant wait till you review rise of arsenal").

Anonymous said...

I'm 16. I'm male betting you have more male viewer ship just knowing the Internet. I'm not really a comics person more manga but I love your show even though I know squat about comics
I'm from the united states. I've watched every episode of HOPR and I really appreciate you doing this series. It's giving me such a nostalgia trip. AS for AT4W I've seen every episode except for like 2 or 3. Sometimes I procrastinate and just forget to watch them.

Love the show man. Me? Been around since a month after the site started. Also that Interview you and JesuOtaku did with Johnny Yong Bosch was awesome :D

Titania Bird said...

Hey Linkara. 26 year-old guy from Western Oklahoma here. I watch pretty much everything you put up, but especially the History of Power Rangers (as I'm nostalgically linked to the series).

I work in food prep at a regional fast food chain as a job, but I've been making some videos of my own, largely inspired by both you and Spoony. Trying to do my own stuff, though, developing my own style. Nowhere near as professional, either.

I used to read some comics. Actually, I used to read the Sonic series until just after the big 50th issue storyline, and I used to read some manga (mostly out of the US Shonen Jump publication). I don't anymore, though; I mostly read a few webcomics now.

As for your family-friendliness, I actually find it refreshing that you're one reviewer who expresses anger without a lot of cursing. That being said, i wouldn't show your AT4W vids to my niece, say, but mostly because of the subject matter of some of the comics...which is something that you really can't do anything about, as the responsibility for that lies on the writers and editors of the comics.

Nana said...

Hello Linkara!

I'm Nana, a 24 year old she-dork wage slave from Louisiana.

I started watching your blog because of HOPR. I tried to get my boyfriend to watch it too, but he's too embarrassed about liking Power Rangers in the first place to indulge.

I watched your 100th episode because I read many a Sonic comic when I was younger and though I'd enjoy watching you rip into it. Interestingly enough, I never owned the one that you reviewed.

I think I'm going to dig a little into your past videos, as I believe I saw several Warcraft comics in your 100th episode comic montage. As a Warcraft fan, I must express my utter LOATHING for the Warcraft comic and everything Med'an's poorly constructed Shaman/Paladin/Mage rise to power story arc stands for.

Ryan said...

What's up with all the sudden introspection? LordKat just had a post about the stresses of Internet semi-stardom. Anyway, I'm a 26-year-old college professor from Texas. I've never read a comic book in my life, but still love your videos. I watch both the HoPR series and AT4W; I loved the original MMPR series a kid, but never saw the later series (serieses? seri?) so I am really learning a lot from these videos. Oh and one more thing: I am going to a teaching conference in Memphis next month so I was looking up things to do around town, and apparently the museum is showing a civil rights exhibit entitled "I AM A MAN" - I just had to tell you that. Keep up the great work.

Sophie said...

My Name's Heather. A/S/L 28/F/USA

I do pass you around to my friends who are near my age, but my family isn't particularly interested in comics.

I do read comics, but mostly webcomics and Sonic comics (long time subscriber) though I do have a few traditional super hero comics and a few others.

I watch every AT4W and HoPR.

I'm a long time Star Trek fan (TNG ftw thank you).

I like a variety of different Anime. Though I don't expect you to review manga, I do suggest Natsume's Book of Friends, the anime version is on under the title Natsume Yujincho (which pretty much means the same thing). For a more American setting and sci-fi atmosphere though, Stan Lee created Heroman, which is also on Crunchyroll. It's got a few Spider Man references in it and it is an honestly good series.

I also love video games, though the newest gen that I could afford was the Wii and DS which honestly more than meet my needs. I'm currently working on Ookami. I also have Animal Crossing if you're interested.

I'm something of an artist. I can sing. I've been a cake decorator for 9 years. The fact I understand 99% of Weird Al's White n' Nerdy probably tells you a lot about me. :)

Hope to see another 100 episodes. Good luck!

Quicksilver said...

Hi Linkara,

I'm a 24 year old female currently in graduate school in Arkansas earning my MA in English. Originally, I'm from Louisiana. I've sent you one fan e-mail before and donated Chiarascuro, but that was some time last year.

I have a weird comic history. I began as a manga reader, worked my way through Europe and the bande desinee style, and only recently (like, 2 or 3 years ago) arrived in American comics. With that in mind, I think it fair to say that, yes, I am a comic fan.

I watch both the HOPR series and your regular show - I gotta say that the regular show is my favorite and the one I look forward to every Monday. It's more than just subject matter; I appreciate your analysis of the Power Rangers and the various seasons very much, even if I never watched them. What makes the difference for me, actually, is that I learn ALOT from watching your show. I learn about continuity issues, various writers and artists, various titles that I may have heard of but know nothing about. Heck, your timeline of the differences between the Ages of Commics taught me more than I ever knew before. As someone who didn't start in the American market, I appreciate knowing all of this information. Also, I like your running plots and think they bring an interesting flavor to your reviews.

I don't watch you with the family because most of my family members aren't interested in the subject matter. I DO watch you with friends and spread the word of your show whenever I feel I can legitimately plug it.

I think that's about it - keep on keeping on, good sir.

Unknown said...

Age: mid 30's
Gender: Dude (No, I'm not doing it)
Fun for the whole family: Wouldn't know; I hate my family.
Non-comic reader
Live: Midwestern US
AT4W vs. HOPR - Yes

Eventually hoping to start posting my own online crap, so I watch for research as well as humor.

Uncle Mroowa said...

My name is Adam, I'm 21, and I'm studying literature in Poland. I'm a huge fan of DC, especially Batman stories, since my childhood. I grow up reading Knightfall, which - as you may guess, was published little late here. I'm a huge nerd, so I'm also into video games, movies, anime and that sort of stuff. Your show exposed me to many book which of I never heard before. I'm very grateful of that and I think you're amazing.

Unknown said...

my name is Javon from Detroit.iam 19 years old,iam a junior in college you and the rest of the reviewers inspired to write my own blogs. also have u ever played marvel vs capcom series just a thought.

any way keep it up!

Unknown said...

Hi Linkara! I am a 30 year-old female computer programmer from Minneapolis, and I absolutely love AT4W. I got turned on to it after seeing your joint reviews of Superman IV and Alone in the Dark; I've been working my way through the backlog for about three months now.

The only superhero comic I've ever followed regularly was Young Justice; eventually I got burned out on DC's many, many super-duper crossovers and stopped reading. To date, I haven't found another superhero book that's really caught my interest, so I mostly read webcomics.

I watch HoPR when it's up, and I get a kick out of it. I dismissed the show as too campy when it was on, and you'd best believe you've made me regret that judgement.

Cody said...

Hi. 24 year old college student in the SF bay area. I don't really get to read comics that much, but I try to keep informed and I have fond memories of early-mid 90s Batman: TAS, Spider-Man, and X-Men cartoons. Hopefully soon I can get into some quality TPBs, but for now I mostly game and internet. AT4W is great, and it's interesting to get an in-depth look at the Rangers shows as well. Your videos are an online must-see for me, alongside stuff from Spoony and Doug. Here's to 100 more episodes!

NegaMatt said...

I am a 20yr old Guy name Matthew, I have lived in Ohio all my life and I like to read manga, and comics, lately I have grown to love Scott Pilgrim. Your show is great when ever there is a new episode I watch it. The way I found your series is through the TGWTG Brawl, I wondered Who is the guy with the magic gun? Also I follow you on twitter my Name is NegaMatt.

Kevin "Jester" McGill said...

I'm a 26 year old Arkansan who watches weekly with my wife, and I watch the HOPR videos to cheese her off (she's not a fan. She was thrilled when I sold you my Dragon Dagger.) I have a small collection of comics, but it's mostly ones that came with Marvel Legends action figures and Archie TMNT comics. I have a working knowledge of Marvel and DC comics through the 90's animated series, and my coffee table books.

Hope that helps. :D

Dan said...

19 year old Canadian guy here. Not really an avid comic book fan, but the stories are interesting enough. I'm a 'fan' of superheroes in particular. Thor is probably my favorite. I've fallen behind in the past month or so on your videos, but I see both HOPR and AT4W when I can. My family is...not into anything interesting, so they don't care about anything. I do however share the episodes with friends when they are over.

Here's to your next 100 episodes!

VioleNt_Smoke said...

Hey Linkara,

I'm a 25 year old female from Oklahoma. I graduated with my degrees in Microbiology and Biochemistry in 2007. I'm finishing up my masters degree in Forensic Chemistry this semester. My concentration is DNA analysis.

I LOVE your site even though I've never really read comic books. In fact the only graphic novel I own is Watchmen. I haven't checked out the history of power rangers yet but intend to do so.

I would consider your show close to family friendly, you hardly ever swear and the only reason why I don't say that is because of the content of the comics themselves. I don't know I would like kids to hear that spiderman made a deal with the devil, or Superman could have been in a porno.

I only gave you my education simply to convey that I'm elbows deep in the nasty side of society day in an day out and I rely on people like you, critic, spoony, lordkat etc. to help me unwind, relax, and have a good time. So thanks for all you do. Your hard work is very much appreciated!

Ryan said...

Linkara, been a big fan of yours since the beginning. I'm a 34 year old guy who used to read comics but got out of it a few years ago. I'm in Wilmington DE. I watch all of your Linkara comic reviews, and a few other videos. I am NOT a fan of Power Rangers, but I tried watching the first HoPR and couldn't get into it, so I don't watch any of the others. I do like that you do such things though, that expand your types of videos. I want you to be able to do the things you enjoy doing, that's what is important, and your enthusiasm and clear love for the comic book medium is part of why you are so enjoyable to watch. So if you want to do a Power Ranger retrospective, more power to you, and whatever else you want to expand out in, I'll give that a shot too (Hopefully a movie riff? Please?).
A fan,

Mildra said...

My name is Christian, and I hail from Plymouth. I came in a little late to the party, primarily on the recommendation from a friend of mine. I suppose you could say my start was the blue beetle review (and I swear, one of the writers for that one was taking notes from Guyver). Been a watcher even since and that is not likely to change.

Stay frosty,
The Monk

TheUberNerdyKid said...

My names Chris, and I live in Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. I'm 12 years old, and am probably one of the biggest nerds you'll ever meet. I love comics, movies, games, and basically everything nerdy. My favourite movie is Return to the Batcave, My favourite show is Smallville, my favourite comic series is, uhhh, my favourite comic character is Howard the Duck, and I enjoy writing.

Sethery said...

Aaaaaand my comment earlier missed my age and gender (19 and male). Curse you, copy-n-paste! Why must you fail me now after all these years of working in my favour? WHY?!

Anonymous said...

Me? I'm about to turn 30 next week. Trying to become a bit of an internet reviewer myself (while working at a grocery store) and... I'm pretty much a fan of just about anything nerdy. Do I love comics? Yes though not as much as I used to. But i love anything nerdy. Video Games, Cartoons, Anime, Fantasy, Sci Fi... just keep that sports stuff away from me.

Johnny Matt said...

I'm 24, male, college student in Toms River, NJ and former pro-wrestler....I would find a lot of your material to be family friendly because you don't swear nearly as much as Nostalgia Critic does lol....I am indeed a comic reader and I mostly read Batman comics( god). I watch more AT4W more than HOPR because there is more content for AT4W than the other program not that I'm complaining heavens no lol I know you're a very busy person.

Weirdmusician said...

How old are you? 26
Are you male or female? male
Am I fun for the whole family? i think so.
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? comic reader
Where do you live? In Colombia , Which is in south america, and specifically in Cali
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? i watch both, theyre both great and in the case of history of the power rangers brings back some good memories of the power rangers seasons i saw and gives me and idea on the ones i didnt see. i really like the analysis you do on the show. and the storylines in atopthefourthwall are fun too

Laserkid said...

I'm a 29 year old male, living in Parker, Colorado. I'm a rather huge fan starting with your nuetro review, and I have definitely been watching the History of Power Rangers very intently, as a huge nerd of many things (comics, cartoons, videogames, toys, sentai, ect) I definitely enjoy AT4W and HOPR equally.

Of all the channel awesome people, you and spoony (in that order) are my favorites. I dunno, I guess I really like your humor and the way you go at things is definitely similar to how I would. Also, I'm partial to the "of course, don't you know anything about science" line.

I'm a hopeless geek, so I don't know what else I should say about myself, other then I love your videos and I hope you keep at them! :D

Sol1D said...

Well, it seems I'm the only one from my country that follows your videos, I guest gonna introduce myself.

Name's Diego, 22 years old from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I really love "Atop the 4th Wall" and "The History of The Power Rangers" alike.

I try to keep on track some of the people in Channel Awesome (or is ThatGuyWithTheGlasses? I don't know) you been the 2nd on the list, only topped by a narrow margin by Spoony.

I just hope that you keep on doing the videos if you really love making them, becouse HELL I like watching them.

John "TH" Wells, The Arkansan Geek-of-all-Trades said...

23 year old male from the USA, not a comic aficionado, but do read them occasionally. I originally discovered AT4W while surfing this quaint little site called I started to check it out, but as I said, comics are not really an area of expertise of mine, so I didn't follow it closely. I gave it another look after the Kickassia event, and once the History of Power Rangers series started I was hooked. I appreciate the explanations for the uninitiated in your comic reviews, and began following them as well.

Anonymous said...

22, male, from the United States. I was a comic reader as a child, but lost interest (possibly due to the "quality" of 90's comics.). Not too long ago, out of sheer why-the-hell-not-ness, I picked up Watchmen, Batman R.I.P., and Blackest Night #1. I've been hooked again ever since.

I love AT4W, but I might just prefer HOPR a little more due to the nostalgia.

Shanya Almafeta said...

27 years old college student, currently in Kansas City Missiour. And yeah, I'm a girl; you'll notice the lack of a punch. (Oh yeah! We're running this gag so far into the ground we're going to break through to China with it!)

Sonic was the only US comic I read for years, but then I got into Civil War and Blackest Night so I'm slowly getting into some of the comics. I'm also writing my own webcomics - who knows, I might post a few someday.

I loved Power Rangers as a kid and I absolutely adored RPM as a "revival" (even if it was intended to end the series). I haven't had the time free what with classes to start watching your History of Power Rangers, but I mean to.

Tinman_XL said...

I've been watching your videos since "Mr. T and the T-Force!" I'm not an avid comic reader, but I do read some. And, I once knew a bunch of 90's kids back in the back in the day who thought their collection of spare Image comics would put them through college...


Melissa Ramirez said...

I'm a 17 year old teenaged girl in California and I watch your reviews with my little bro and sis. I started watching because my little sister told me you did speech, which I just so happen to do, too. I like comics but I don't have the time to, so this was the next best thing to get me into "training" to start reading!
Thank you!

ND43 said...

I'm 22, female, and I live in Southern California. I'm an English major and I'm studying to teach high school.

I watch your show with my younger brother (he's 18) and we both love it. You're one of the few TGWTG contributors that we don't mind watching when the rest of our family is home- you're good clean fun, and we never have to worry about you cursing... and you're always funny.

I am a comic reader, but not an active one. I'm personally more interested in graphic novels then I am single issue comics, but I know enough about what's going on in the industry to get your jokes and know about what you're talking about. Plus, I learn a lot from you as well, which helps me out because this semester I am actually taking a class on comic books... sometimes I am able to drop knowledge I've picked up from you, and it makes me seem like alpha geek! It's awesome.

I actually do not like Power Rangers, but I HAVE watched all your HOPRs! At the very least I find it an interesting look at a show that I may not have understood, but was a large part of my friends' childhoods.

Love the show, I watch every week! Congratulations on the 100th episode!

Anonymous said...

21 year old from Connecticut and very much an avid comic reader. I watch everything you throw up be it strictly atop the fourth wall, lets play, or history of power rangers.

Landon Kemp said...

Hey, Linkara. 1'm a 19 year old male from Missouri in college. I'm not big into superhero comic books or Star Trek (heck, I don't know where to start if I were to get into them) but I'm a big fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 & Atop The Fourth Wall, the latter of which I got into after seeing your collaboration with Spoony & The Nostalgia Critic on Alone In The Dark from last year. I love your snarky sense of humor & your insight, especially your detailed rants. I often say that I get most of what little I know about comics from you.

I'm considering trying my hand at doing a review show myself, mostly on cartoons & animation. I also like to draw, watch movies, read newspaper comic books, manga, & graphic novels, and, even though I haven't done this in a while, play video games.

Congrats on 100 reviews, by the way!

LadyShrimp said...

27 yo girl from Maine here.

I like anime, satire, science fiction/fantasy, bad horror movies and long walks on the beach.

As a fairly recent comer to the American graphic novel scene (after years of reading manga) I watch ATFW as much for the mentions you make of comics you DO like as to watch you rip apart the bad ones. I love your writing/delivery and a new ATFW episode always makes my day brighter.

And History of Power Rangers is a fantastic, interesting and fun nostalgia trip. I started following for ATFW, though, and that's really what I'm here for.

loupetron said...

Hello, Linkara

I'm a 31 male from St. Thomas, Ontario. Computer teacher and support is my trade. Only read comic books as a kid. Now, my brain tends to implode when reading comic pages. Thank god for iPad comics; I can read them again now that I can hide all but the current panel.

Thanks for the hard work! I always look forward to your show!

Unknown said...

30 year old male.
I live in northern Virginia.

I read comics when I was 10-16 years old (spiderman, superman) but I've bought a few comics that you recommended. You've renewed my interest.

I play a lot of video games. You should do a video giving your opinion (in or out of character) on that new DC Universe game coming out. : )

I found you after learning about the Nostalgia Critic who I learned about by watching the Angry Video Game Nerd.

Unknown said...

I'm a 20 year woman from Spain. I read comic books. I watch AT4W but I'm considering watching History of Power Rangers, once I have more time. I was only a casual watcher of Power Rangers so I don't know how interesting I'll find it, but I trust you as an entertainer.

As for whether you're fun for the whole family or not... your humor would go over the heads of many kids but other than that, yeah, I'd let my (purely hypothetical) children watch you. Kudos to you for hosting a review show without cursing! I can't imagine how hard that must be and I respect your reasons to do it.

Unknown said...

I'm a 20 year woman from Spain. I read comic books. I watch AT4W but I'm considering watching History of Power Rangers, once I have more time. I was only a casual watcher of Power Rangers so I don't know how interesting I'll find it, but I trust you as an entertainer.

As for whether you're fun for the whole family or not... your humor would go over the heads of many kids but other than that, yeah, I'd let my (purely hypothetical) children watch you. Kudos to you for hosting a review show without cursing! I can't imagine how hard that must be and I respect your reasons to do it.

Bruce said...

I'm a 27 year old guy in Dundee, Scotland. I barely read any comics, bigger fan of animated versions of comic books, especially DC stuff. I'm a big gamer/anime nerd. I Only saw the very early Power Rangers epsiodes before moving to New Zealand for a year (where I saw the 1st movie and had no idea who all these new guys were!) so have certainly been watching your History of Power Rangers to learn what I missed since getting back to Scotland and not seeing any Power Rangers on TV. I try to watch all your latest Atop the Fourth Wall videos but sometimes I'm just not in the mood/the comic being reviewed doesn't interest me. Looking forward to you reaching 200 eps!

Mindlesskirby said...

18, New York City, hardcore comic reader, at first I hated your videos but I slowly grew to enjoy them

KamenRiderGumo said...

25-year-old male here; favorite movie series is Star Wars, favorite TV show is Babylon 5; also enjoy MythBusters, wrestling and live-action Japanese productions (Godzilla, Sentai, Kamen Rider). My favorite comic series is Green Lantern (with Hal, Kyle or Guy; can't stand Stewart). My 12-year-old brother also watches your videos every week (he has, in fact, sat and watched every video you've ever made in chronological order at least three times). Both of us watch Atop the 4th Wall and History of Power Rangers equally and find you to be among the best, if not THE best, of the Internet reviewer scene.

Gaucelm said...

Hello Linkara, my name is Gaucelm, I am French, 24, live in Paris and I am an aspiring cartoonist... though for the moment I illustrate books for kids.

AT4W is one of the few video review shows I follow faithfully. AVGN is old video games, NC is 80-90s films, you are American comic books. I insist on the "American" because the vast majority of video reviews of comics found on the Web are about manga and your stuff makes a great change from that norm (this is the 2000s after all...).

I say, keep up the good work!

K. Major said...

28 years old. (Ancient!)
Comic book reader (and creator)
Have only watched a couple of the History of Power Rangers bits, mostly because I was just never that into Power Rangers. (Billy was my favorite though, for the record. TRICERATOPS!) So yeah, mostly watch AT4W. Good stuff!

Werebeagle said...


18 year old guy, am not a comic book fan, and Atop the Fourth Wall is hilarious.

I think you do a good job of catering to the comic book fans as well as the non-comic book fans. Although, I think I'm weird, because I avoid reviews that deal things I know about.

VermillionBrain said...


Good God, by the time my comment comes up, I am going to look like a dumbass.

...Oh well, wouldn't be the first time.

Rob Hyde said...

My name is Rob Hyde, I'm a 15 year old Canadian male. I watch both your comic reviews and your Power Ranger's History videos.

Anonymous said...

Linkara, I'm a 27 year-old man currently living in St. Louis for the time being. My wife doesn't have the time to watch the gout of videos I do, so I don't have any input from her on your productions.

I'm not a comic reader, though I've been trying to get into them over the last year or so. I've watched a few of your comics videos, but really love your HOPR retrospectives. I find you very insightful and your analysis always impresses me.

Viva Kickassia!

Kervin said...

I am a 25-year-old male, from Minnesota, USA. I got started watching History of Power Rangers on TGWTG, and then watching ATFW. I still watch both History of Power Rangers and ATFW as soon as I can when a new one comes out.

I was really into comics up until a few years ago when my comic shop closed. But I need to say that ATFW has made me look at comics in a deeper way.


P.S. How did the Continuity Alarm take to the move?

Amanda said...

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Located: Nebraska, USA
I would say HoPR and AT4W are watched about as equally as much for me, I think I got started into watching your stuff either via HoPR or I saw a video that had you as a cameo.
I like to watch your things even though I'm not a huge comic book fan, but I'm not totally out of the loop knowledge wise, I can get by is my extent.

Nyarlathotepsama said...

Hi I am 28 years old, male and live in the United States. I'm a Japanese American (hate that PC term but can't think of a better way to say it) and work in editorial branch of a major publishing firm. I'm a long time watch of both Atop the 4th Wall and History of the Power Rangers because I am both a comic fan and a Power Ranger fanboy.

My wife also watches when I do and she'll likely leave a comment in the near future. We have a 4 and half month old son who watches, as much as any infant does that is, when we do. As a humorous aside we decided on the name Lewis before he was born... but don't get a big head, he is named after his maternal grandfather. (I'd have named him after an internet personality though.)

Phantom Roxas said...

I'm a seventeen year-old white American male. I actually don't read comics except manga, and yet I actually would like to read American-published comics since I like your reviews. I enjoy the jokes and stories you include, and you're at a good level at bias when it comes to what you like and how you go on hating things. I watch AT4W more, but I love History of Power Rangers just as much, and it's actually gotten me back into the franchise. I'm currently watching RPM, but I've decided that I plan to watch each season before you release your latest review.

Fieryone said...

18, Male, College Kid going to IUPUI.

Been watching you since... practically the beginning, and I don't have that many comics, I usually get my comics from the Library when I do read them

Green Lantern all the way!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Linkara, I love your show. I'm female and I'm six months shy of 18. I also got a friend of mine to watch the show and she also loves it. I'm not big into comics, but I do love manga. I live in the U.S. I watch AT4W more than HOPR.

Jordan said...

hiya I'm an 18 year's old (male) living in Newfoundland (Canada). I don't read comic but i do like watching your reviews of them. I mostly watch you now for the History of Power Rangers but I was you before you started doing them.

Essencewing said...

I am Nathan (Male, journalism student), turning 19 in December. When it comes to comics, I only read the best in trade paperback (V for Vendetta, Sandman, 52, Watchmen).... along with some of the worst (anything by Frank Miller). I'm from an obscure part of Canada called P.E.I (anyone please visit, we need tourism money). I don't watch History of Power Rangers because I was a Beetleborgs fan when I was a kid. Oh, I also play RPGs (D&D, GURPS, WoD, Dark Heresy). We might be seeing each other since I'm working on a video series of my own AND I'm gonna try to write comics eventually.

Unknown said...

Hey, Linkara.

I'm a 30ish guy from Toronto, Canada, who tends to bounce in and out of comic reading due to many of the issues that you rail about week after week. Right now, you've got me reading again, dammit.

My GF and I have pretty much phased Cable TV out of our lives in favour of web-based entertainers, such as yourself. I guess it also kind of helps that IRL I'm a theatre Lighting Designer, so Entertainment tends to come along with the day job.

On a personal note, I'd like to say that you caught my eye right from the start due to your choice of credits music in your first review - "What the **** was that?" from Evil Dead the musical, a show I was involved with as LD during it's first three incarnations in a variety of small Theatre spaces in Toronto.

I've been enjoying your show pretty much ever since that time, and while I don't tend to get into the Power Rangers stuff (never really got into it the first time around), I've enjoyed watching you tear some truly bad books a much-deserved new one.

Here's to 100 more eps.



Anonymous said...

20 year old male peruvian comic book fan. Love ATFW and HOPW pretty much the same.

Furore said...

Male 39yo, Melbourne Australia. Long-time gamer geek, only about a decade of comic consumption. My Bat-pile is almost as tall as I am. I vastly prefer the DCAU and similar quality cartoons to the movies, even the good ones. I found you through the Critic, and always look to you and Spoony first thing every day. Also enjoying Iron Liz's tabletop RPG reviews.
That will do. Thanks for caring!

Kevin said...

Hey Lewis, I'm 19 years old and was born and raised in San Francisco. I'm not a comic reader, but I do read Manga.

As of late I haven't been watching ATFW, but I have been watching History of the Power Rangers. Anyway keep up the nice work!

BoyandHorse said...

Huge Star Trek Fan (I have that horrible Elite Force comic)
Batman fan(anything not written by Miller, worse than Schumacher)
Not a Power Rangers fan, but I do watch your History... make more faster!! It's a hell of a lot more interesting than Power Rangers was(is?) to me.

BumblebeeZ3 said...

31, Male, watch the reviews by myself, Buy too many comics, If you ask for viewers' pull lists later, then I'll provide mine, but it seems a bit long for a short comment.
Located just south of Atlanta, GA.
Watch Atop the Fourth Wall(usually on Monday), and History of PR when I have a nice chunk of time free.

Amethyst Asheryn said...

I'm sixteen, a born-and-raised Coloradoan and a fairly recent fan of in general. I saw the Angry Video Game Nerd first, moved on to the Nostalgia Critic, then Spoony, then you, although you're the one I've ended up watching most.

I'm totally blind and have been since birth, so, apart from a couple textually described by a good friend, I don't read comics. I do know a fair bit about characters and some of the bigger plots especially within the DC verse, though, so I'm not totally out of the loop.

I'm the only person who has watched your show in depth in my house; my family aren't big into Internet review shows or comics. I have watched parts of your Let's Play with my Dad, though, because we're both big Star Trek fans, and he did enjoy that.

I haven't actually watched HoPR yet, but I intend to eventually.


Anonymous said...

Hey. I'm a 18 year old guy from New York. I read comics, right now my favorites are Empowered and Red Robin(Tim Drake ftw!). I watch History of the Power Rangers as much as Atop the Fourth Wall(and woul like to see more Power Morphicon videos!). Nobody in my family watches you, ut most of my friends do. Mostly because of your Batman: Fortunate Son review XD

Gozer-the-Destroyor said...

My name's Matt, I'm a 24 year old living in Southwest Florida and I'm going to school in the spring to try and become a film director.

I'm not much into reading comics as I used to be, but I have several ideas that would work as comics if done correctly. I have tried to work on a few self-published comics on my own, but I still never get past the concept art and outline stages, so I figure I'd work better with a group. That day will come eventually, I'm sure.

I watch your work to get some insight into comics in general and for the same reason I watch other reviewers here: to get my weekly dose of schadenfreude. I also feel like it's refreshing to see a comic fan who, like me, is also an unabashedly opinionated feminist and that, my friend, is what keeps bringing me back.

Danielson15 said...

im a male
im 15 years old
I live in North Carolina
i watch every thing you do
i like comics but i dont have subscriptions to any i occasionally buy graphic novels
i love power rangers im actually trying to make a power rangers movie with my friends but were trying for a dramatic movie if youd like to read it id be more than happy to share it with you but remember this is my first try eith a script and its unfinished so thanks and stay awesome

Shawn said...

Hello, I'm Shawn, 19 years old male.

I don't read comics at all (Except Watchmen because I have heard so many good things about it). My brother is also a huge fan of yours, and we eagerly await all your updates. I watch AT4W more than I do HoPR, but I love both of them equally - especially the early seasons of Power Rangers, the Nostalgia overflow from that was overwhelming.

Keep up the amazing work, I look forward to your next one hundred videos!

Alex said...

Hi, Alex here, 13 year old male, avid comic reader, used to be a marvel zombie but now I by far prefer DC. My favorite fictional thing is Batman. I'm from Savannah, GA and I am a filmmaker. My favorite movie is Pulp Fiction and my favorite book is Watchmen.

Tengu said...

Greetings from the frozen country of Poland! Okay, not really frozen, though it is pretty cold right now. Anyway, human male here, age 24, occupation: student. I am an avid fan of both AT4W and HOPR, I've seen all episodes and watch the new ones the moment they came out. I have started watching your videos around a year ago, after seeing the joint reviews with Nostalgia Critic and after my brother has shown me the Warrior review (which was my first Spoony video as well, coincidentally). The funny thing is that I don't really read comic books nor am I a fan of Power Rangers, and yet you're my favorite reviewer on TGWTG. I'm looking forward to one hundred more episodes!

As a sidenote, one of my friends started to read Blue Beetle thanks to your reviews, and she enjoys it. And she's not the type to read a lot of comics either.

Unknown said...

My name is Jose (Joseph), I'm from a city called Tehuacan, in México. I'm 23 years old. I've watched all your videos and liked every single one of them. I don't read a lot of comics :s

oh and History of Power Rangers vs Atop the Fourth Wall, i have to say i loved them both, your videos are excellent,creative and funny.
Thank you.
You are awesome dude :)

Unknown said...

So... you probably won't even get around to this comment, but here it goes:
I'm a 21 year old girl from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (South America, Earth etc etc). I'm a graphic novel reader more than anything else, since serial comics are really hard to get around here(ones with anything resembling a passable translation, at least). I watch both History of Power Rangers and AtFW, and (to make Dayna happy) I found you through Made of Fail - hey, for once they were the ones to get you a fan!

PockyMech said...

My name is Josh, I'm a 19 year old Californian from Sacramento. I read Spider-Man & DC comics, and I'm obsessed with voice actors. You might know me as the guy with the Quatum-morpher who brought u & Kroze the sodas & pretzels at Power Morphicon.

I'm unsure if your fun for the whole family, but as far as I know: I met a few kids who like u,
and my dad agrees with most of your opinions.

I first saw your "Top 15 WTF Moments in Comics" on TGWTG, but I really got into your videos after watching your review of "Superman at Earth's End". I love your in-depth, critical, but overall fun annalysis on comics. Your HOPR series is what made you my #1 favorite internet reviewer. :-)

Alex Ingham said...

My name's Alex and I'm almost 26 years old, I live in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas, close to the city of Wichita. I work as an associate at Wal-Mart.

I've always been a big comic book fan and love your reviews, and having been devoted to Power Rangers years ago, I am thoroughly enjoying the HotPR segments as well! Definitely looking forward to all your 100+ reviews!

Anonymous said...

Ninteen year old WASP college student and confirmed lifelong nerd. No stereotypes there.

Quote unquote "filthy trade paperback waiter," who normally only buys a very few comics: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Atomic Robo, Hellboy, and, thanks to your show, Blue Beetle.

Unfortunately, I'm poor, and can only afford them at intermittant intervals. Otherwise, I'm stuck with what the library has, which usually isn't that bad.

I also dabble in other areas of nerdom: video games, action cinema, tabletop RPGs/Wargames, and books of every shape and kind.

Only discovered this show (via TVTropes! Go internet crack!) last year, and have faithfully tuned in every week since. Some reviews have been better than others, but, unlike your many coworkers on, I've never skipped one.

Keep the good work comin'.

Julian MacDonnell said...

20 year old living in SF, California. More of a video gamer than anything, however I do enjoy comic books pretty occasionally. Actually, I have you to thank for pushing me back into western comics. I was(still am) a pretty avid reader of manga, and never gave much though to western comics due to my small and horrible stint with them back in the 90's. I found you through the It started at with the Angry Video Gamer Nerd, then I found the NC Vs. AVGN videos and have been hooked ever since.

Evan said...

18 year old male, from Ontario, Canada, watches both your comic and Power Rangers videos.

SpotWeld said...

33 yr-old male Engineer from the US

I'm a fan of comics, but not a collector or an avid reader.

I've been enjoying both "History of Power Rangers" and "Atop the Fourth Wall" pretty much equally.

It's obvious that you are talking about things that are a great passion for you, and it's great listening to you work from that.

Cody said...

My name is Cody. I'm 2r, and I work at The Toy and Action Figure Museum in Pauls Valley, Ok. They sell older comics, so one of the main perks there is that I can catch up on all the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans and Alan Moore Swamp Things for free. Longtime fan of the show,(Loeb and Liefeld cannot be knocked down enough pegs, keep up the good work!) first post.
I think History of Power Rangers is kinda brilliant and it certainly kicked me in the nostalgia.

Carlos Hugo said...

who exactly are my viewers?
Carlos Hugo Sandoval Núñez

How old are you all?
24 years old

Do I have more men than women watching?
Count me as a 1 on the side of the men

Am I fun for the whole family?
I´m the only one in my family who watch this show, probably becouse I read comics and only I speek english

How many people in the United States watch the show vs.
Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.?
Saludos desde México

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?
I have watch every episode of both at least one time.

wootsman said...

im a 15 year old hispanic bot from houstan texas i look like spike lee from beabop and i think im the only one from my entire family who enjoys watching all your content

Brian said...

Hey, my names Brian, I live in Freehold, New Jersey, I'm 23 years old currently going to school for Broadcast Media Production, my personal favorite videos are actually both Atop the Fourth Wall and History of the Power Rangers. Not a big comic fan but I have read some stories such as Kingdom Come, Infinite Crisis, Crisis on Infinite Earths(more DC then Marvel fan), as well as the Death of Superman series.

Megan said...

I'm a 21 year old female cartooning student (er, that is I make comics) at an art school in NY. me and my friends have worked on a looot of comics while listening to At4W! we've watched your power rangers stuff too, but I like your comic reviews more.

Nyarlotep said...

Hi, Nyar here... I'm from Argentina (Which explains the terrible grammar) 31 years old. Film school student (5 finals from finishing the courses). I'm not a big fan of comics, I just started reading them when I started watching your show because it got me interested on this art form. I have a lot of comic nerd friends though but even when I have recomended the show to them is like they dont care about bad comics... I found that very weirds since I love to see reviewer of bad movies and movies are my main love...

Emerald knight said...

Well, Linkara, I am 25 years old male living with my lady love in Madison, Wisconsin. I watch science-fictiony TV like Doctor Who, Star Trek The Next Generation and Fringe. I have been reading comics since high school. I collect DC and Dynamite Comics materials due to budget.

I believe that you are one of the more "family-safe" reviewers on the interweb. You don't curse all that much,(though when you do, it tends to be important, or funny because you are actually cursing) and the majority of your humor is very suitable for an all-ages audience. Don't get me wrong, it's very refreshing to see some great humor that doesn't apply to either the human anatomy or family-guy style toilet humor.

You are great with the non-comic readers because you do a great job explaining the characters and storylines and why they are bad (or good on rare occasion) in a way that helps them understand it. You're like Customer Service or I.T. where you explain things so everyone can understand.

I typically watch more Atop the Fourth Wall than History of Power Rangers, but that's because I wait for a few HOPR videos to come out and then I watch via marathon. I love your work on both productions. Keep up the great work, Sir.

PadawanSerry said...

Hello, my name is Emily.
I am 19. Female (I feel silly for typing that out after putting my name down but moving on)
I showed my sister some of your episodes and she liked them.

I don't know if I am true comic reader. I still read Archie Comics and re-read Peanuts (odd fact my grandma says that she and Charles Schulz were in the same art class in college). I used to read Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield. I also liked Bone. One of the many comics I don't remember getting, it just showed up on my bed one day.

I am from the U.S.A. Born, living, and raised in Minnesota.

I would say I watch HoPR more, in terms of re-watching.
Random fact about me: I like plays more than movies.

Trevor said...

Name: Trevor
Age: 23
Location: XXXXXX, Texas, USA
Graduate Student
Love comics and movies
I haven't watched power rangers since I was a kid, but your HOPR are fun, entertaining, and bring back a lot of memories.
I am more of a Star Wars fan than Star Trek, but I do enjoy both series.

Also, check out my blog for movie reviews!

devin said...

I'm devin, 27, and from Portland, Oregon. I'm a struggling artist and have started a blog on of my own (called boundcompass) and am working on my own independent comic books as well as other story telling methods. I actually find you to be a useful resource - essentially a how-to on not writing bad comics.

I think you were the second reviewer I started watching on, and really, I've been watching fairly loyally ever since and laughing pretty hard. Even my girlfriend enjoys watching you - she particularly enjoyed the Anita Blake comic because she's a big reader of trashy novels. Despite hating - hating - The Power Rangers when I was a kid, I do watch the History of the Power Rangers, and really enjoy it.

I've got say, with this most recent AT4W video, you've really impressed me with your ability to get people to guest star on your show, or work with others. Seeing Spoony, Doug Walker, Benzai, Brad Jones, etc... all singing the theme was really impressive, not to mention all your "previously on..." segments, and other skits you preformed on.

Keep it up. I'm looking forward to another 100 AT4W episodes.


LordChaotic said...

25 y/o male from cedar rapids

Ed said...

How old are you? 19
Do I have more men than women watching? i'm a guy
Am I fun for the whole family? I wouldn't recommend my family to watch you, though simply cuz they wouldn't be intersted.
Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? I'm a non-comic reader at most, but i got Watchmen and i'm currently collecting Ultimate Spiderman having read several volumes.
How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? Add one Mexican to the count.
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? History of the Power Rangers.

Liz said...

I'm a 20 year girl from New York. i love both Atop the Fourth wall and your Power Rangers reviews. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

My name is James, a 17 year old male from Princeton, NJ. I came to watch your show through TGWTG, and I haven't missed an episode since "Maximum Clonage."
I have a pet peeve in life, and that happens to be internet reviewers who are hypocrites. For the most part, Linkara, you are not one of them; you are probably the best example of what an internet reviewer should be: thoughtful, provocative, intellectual, talented, funny, and at times, controversial. And for that, L. L. Lovhaug, I applaud you. Here's to another 100 episodes.

David said...

I'm David

I'm 27, male College graduate.

I'm not sure about family fun.

Non comic reader.


Watch both HOPR and AT4W evenly

Truce Weston said...

I'm 30 and am from New Jersey. I sell cell phones, and am a gamer-comic geek hybrid

I found your blog before you joined That Guy With The Glasses, and saw some of the first video reviews you did, and enjoyed them, and have been hooked ever since!

So until Gamera VS Jordan issue #1 comes out, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

Brandon T Rice said...

My name is Brandon Rice, I'm a 22 year old man currently residing in Maryland. I work at a seafood place, where I clean fish and perch for people to eat; but my passion lies in writing.

I found your videos through the Nostalgia Critic, and I'm a huge fan of just about everyone on Channel Awesome. You're probably my favorite, though, since although I'm not a huge comic book reader (aside from manga), I am a avid super hero fan, and even write my own super hero stories that have become pretty popular on a message board I frequent.

You've given me a lot of insight on how to write a better super hero story and how to avoid some of the cliches and stupid mistakes that I've seen in the comics you've reviewed.

Oh, and in case your wondering, the hero I write about is a woman. One who can out punch any man.

Kelly and Mark said...

Hi Linkara! Congrats on 100 episodes! My name's Kelly and I just turned 30. Both my fiance, Mark (he's 32) and I watch your show weekly! We live in Massachusetts.
I also loved Power Rangers but we both enjoy your History of Power Rangers videos.
You are fun for the whole family. I showed the Top 15 Countdown video to my mother and she loved watching you fight the Countdown comics monster.

I have been reading comics for 17 years. I am probably the biggest Robin fan ever. For the record though, I actually did like the Red Hood movie, but usually I agree with your opinions. My fiance has a bunch of old comics (really bad ones too). How do we send one to you if we found one that may be bad enough?
Looking forward to another 100 episodes with many more Star Trek, Doctor Who & MST3K references that we will also enjoy.

Ridley Litton said...

Sense you asked so nicely, my name is Ridely, I'm a 24 year old artist living in Ohio. I enjoy your comic reviews and your history of power rangers.

I'm a comic book reader but I typically stick to marvel when I read monthly but will pick up a collection on other comics if i get a good recommendation on them.

And like I said, I'm an artist, so if you're interested in seeing that, you can go here

Been a fan for over a year now, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hey Linkara:

23 years old
Both HOPR and ATFW

As far as comics go, I want to get into it but I am confused as to where to get in. It might be a good idea to make a video that is kind of a beginners guide to figure out how to pick out good comics, what story lines are well done, and where to begin because they have retconned the stories so much that its kind of hard for noobs like me to get into them.

OnionPuppet said...

Hey Linkara. AJ from Rhode Island. Not a huge comic book reader- the comics I do read are generally stuff about what I'm into, as opposed to being into the comics themselves. I'm a huge fan of Pat Mill's Slaine, and read and collect Slaine stuff rabidly. Not a huge superhero comic fan, per se.

The Window Keeper said...

While I go by "The Window Keeper," my real name is Ben. I'm a 26 year old Graphic Designer, and I'm going to school for my Bachelors of Fine Arts while planning two (well... three, now) web comics. I used to do text reviews of horror movies, but I was starting to get burnt out of GOOD horror movies, so I took a break, and started a design blog and comic development journal.

Quite literally, I learned to read from Spider-Man comics, and ever since, wanted to do my own comics. But, since the '90's, I haven't read many good comics (excluding "A Red Mass For Mars," which, I think is excellent and worth a read). When I'm not drawing, writing (my comics or songs), doing school work, or playing video gams, I'm usually found in a theater, or drilling with the Army Reserves. I've been watching Atop the Fourth Wall since "Superman: At Earth's End," and I still quote it to this day.

Stella said...

I'm Stella, female, and 21 (my birthday was the day your 100th episode aired ^_^). I live in California and i don't read comic books. I watched your let's plays, power rangers history, and AT4W. i've been a fan since early 2009

Ridley Litton said...

My name is Ridley, I'm 24, and an artist. I enjoy pretty much all your shows, they're good to listen too while I do work.

started reading comics when at age 4, mainly marvel, but hold the DC animated universe in the highest regard.

I've been watching your shows for about a year now, keep up the good work. And if you wanted to take a quick look at my artwork here's a link

Anonymous said...

I'm A Dude 22 and totally in love with you!

toad7557 said...

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Comic Reader Status: Casual/Beginner
Country of Origin: Canada
History of Power Rangers - ALWAYS
Atop the Fourth Wall - OFTEN

Other fun facts:
Fav Film: The Shining
Fav Book: Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findley
Fav Comic Series: Buffy Season 8
Fav Graphic novel: Watchmen (so far)
Career Aspirations: Recent Psych Grad, Social Work hopeful.

Polite, Bisexual, Afraid of toilet snakes and Jiminy Cricket.

Jetrocketboy said...

I feel like a youngster right now... Well anyway, I'm Kevin. I'm 15 and I am a video game nerd who from time to time picks up some comics. Right now I'm reading through the Marvel Zombies series again, and still reading some Deadpool. I'm not as big of a comic nerd as some other people, but I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about events in the Marvel Universe. I know people who aren't into comics who really like your show, but equally so I know people who aren't into comics who aren't into your show that much. Hope this helped out, and a cheers to another great 100 episodes and beyond!

Beebality said...

Hey there Lewis.
My name is Alex and I'm a guy (obviously..). I'm from a small town in the province of Quebec in Canada and I'm 21 years old. I am not really a comic book reader but I do want to start reading them. I actually own a couple of them like Watchmen, Batman : The Killing Joke and etc.. I want to read more but I don't know where to start with all the continuity and stuff.. I pretty much watched every video you posted on TGWTG. I love your style of humor and I intend to keep watching the next 100 episodes. Good Luck !

Anonymous said...

Hello I'm 28 male from Pittsburgh
I've shared your comic reviews to friends I enjoy the Power Rangers I'm looking forward to wild force with the forever red episode in it

The_Random_Ninja said...

Hey Linkara, I'm male, age 23 going on 24 next month. I recently graduated college with a BFA in graphic design. While I haven't yet gotten a job, I've had some prospects selling my art locally. I am a US resident. Mississippi if your interested. I am not much into reading comics. I used to be, but over the last few years I've been disinterested, but I love your videos. They're awesome. My favorite character is Batma, and I love Star Trek. I write and draw my own comic stories, as well as edit videos as a hobby and have a youtube channel for them. I've been a viewer of your show for a little over a year and have my own Blogger account thanks to you. Watching you, Spoony, and others like the Nostalgia Critic inspired me to throw my hat into the ring. My views have been growing slowly over the last year. While I have move text reviews than videos, I hope to increase the number over the coming months. But it is all thanks to you that I even tried. Thanks for all the laughs Linkara! You are greater than or equal to Awesome!

Anonymous said...

20 Years Old

I did not read comics until I became a fan of yours, Linkara. You got me into it.

My family is not into you, but I got my best friend into you. I have mentioned you in conversation with my family, though, and I would consider you "family friendly".

I do really love and look forward to History of Power Rangers, but I have to say I enjoy Atop the Fourth Wall more.

The Bog Man said...

I'm 32, male, live in Acushnet, MA (Nice and woodsy here.) I write my own web reviews (horror movies, mostly) and have been reading comics off and on for as long as I can remember.
You also have another viewer, my mom (in her 60's btw) loves to watch your reviews when I come over to visit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Linkara I'm a 25 year old former Landscaper now student going to Community College (lovin it by the way)

But also do Pro Wrestling reviews on the side Also I'm 6'2 and weigh 340 pounds yeah need to lose some pounds

oh and you probably get this alot but your one of my inspirations for getting in to Video reviewing

so yeah thats it from me Dukect


Anonymous said...

Non comic reader
Watch both AT4W and Power Rangers
In the UK
Found you from TGWTG
Been watching since you started there
I like long walks on the beach and being held close
I'm a Leo

Anonymous said...

who exactly are my viewers? Fans I would guess, less haters/trolls

How old are you all? Speaking for myself, one and one half score.

Do I have more men than women watching? Count one more femme in yr tally.

Am I fun for the whole family? I would to show some of yr greener vids to younger ones.

Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? Comic reader, but no longer willy-nilly reading any funny books as in my early 20s.

How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? My work is international but am based out of the best republic in the entire world: California!

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? If there were as many History of Power Rangers (videos focused on more detailed analysis of themes, story arcs, or individual episodes mayhaps?) I would to watch more HoPR than AtFW... but really I would watch both types of videos gladly.

- kc

Kimarous said...

I'm a 21-year-old Canadian, living in Victoria, capital of British Columbia... TLDR: along the West Coast. I'm currently taking a Creative Writing degree at Camosun College and plan to move on to Royal Roads University afterwards for a full Bachelor in Communications. I aspire to be a professional writer someday. I am also of the Christian faith.

I have been watching Atop the Fourth Wall from Day One and currently consider you my top favourite out of the entire TGWTG crew, followed by (in order) Spoony, the Nostalgia Critic himself, Todd In The Shadows, the Cinema Snob, Phelous, and Film Brain.

Speaking of favourites, my favourite non-TGWTG crew include LittleKuriboh and Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation. Your crossovers with the former and reference of the latter made me outright giddy.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, aka, Elzarynn. 24 F Manassas, VA. I got into At4W after I saw you in the Nostalgia Critic's review of "Alone in the Dark." I like all your videos, but At4W is the one I'm most likely to go back and rewatch. Although I have gone through the Let's Play Star Trek Elite Force twice, but that was mostly for background noise while I did something else. (It was also before I discovered Spoony's Swat 4. No offense.)

Mashni said...

Hello, 22 year old chilean nerd XD

Martel Dotson said...

My name is Martel and I'm 25 year old Male from Michigan. I pretty much watch Atop the Fourth Wall and I just started watching the history of Power Rangers. I read comic books but mostly DC comics, read manga and watch anime.

Cecilia said...

maybe my sis will post later since we both watch your show XD

female or male? female
age: 21 (22 in a couple o' months)
fun for the whole family: you have your highs and your lows as all of the people around the net do (tip: don't try too hard to develop your storyline, keep it simple and sometimes silly too! don't take it too seriously)
comic reader: nay for printed comics, I do love the batman universe though except for the Nolan movies, I predicted all the dark knight movie as I watched with my sister.
I do like reading internet comics, I follow lightbringer... though I hate the fact that it isn't finished, I hardly ever read unfinished comics since I hate hiatus, discontinued and cliffhangers XD
place: I live in good ol' South America in a little country called Ecuador (don't give a damn how people spell it elsewhere, Ecuador is the country Equator is the line!)
Power Rangers: yes I watch those, I love super sentai and I grew up watching Flashman, Liveman, Jiban and Power Rangers. and I must say I find it funny that you try so hard to explain stuff that is suppossed to look off, like the colored explossions, it is just a kids show, no need to theorize there XD
ATFW: I watched it since the very first episode that appeared on TGWTG and have been around ever since

I won't bore you anymore ^_^

Anonymous said...

My name is Avery, 27 years old from mountains of West Virginia. I work tech support for a living. In my spare time, I do normal geeky things that my budget allows.

Love your videos!!

Justin Campbell said...

Hi Linkara, My name is Justin Campbell I am a 23 year old college student living in Ohio. I have shown my Mom a few of your videos and she is even making "I am A Man" jokes. I was a comic reader a little bit, but I am more of an animation fan so I watched more of the D.C. Bruce Timm cartoons as well as most Marvel cartoons made since 1993 and that is what got me into comics. I am also a huge Power Ranger/ Super Sentai/Kamen Rider fan to so I love the History of Power Rangers and I get to be a kids again when I watch them. I really into Doctor Who both old and new and I have seen a least a couple of stories with each Doctor. I have even cosplayed as both the Tenth and fourth Doctors, and I have the scarf to prove it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Sara, a 21 year old female out of Memphis, Tennessee. I'm the only one in my family that watches your show, so how friendly you are to the family depends on their level on enjoying critiques like yours.

I'm not a comic reader, per se. I like omnibuses/ you use the Latin plural for that, hmmmm...and graphic novels over the comic books themselves, and got my start with Batman the Killing Joke, V for Vendetta, the Buffy comic series (which I'm kind of surprised you haven't picked up one of them yet), and some assorted manga. Know the universes well though due to interests in the series as a whole, even if I'm not up to date completely with them.

I love HoPR, but At4W was what got me visiting your site every few days for updates. Like I said above, love comics, but grew up on the Power Rangers, so I like them both a lot.

Dylan said...

I'm 16
I live in the US
I'm Male
I don't read comics
I prefer the Power Rangers Videos

Brandon said...

Hi linkara My name is Brandon I live in alberta canada I am 17 and I really dont buy comic books but i do like to read them. I watch both Power rangers and AT4W. My dad watches the occasional show and me and my youngest sister watch you every monday....and she hates comic books.

Anonymous said...

hi linkara i am such a big fan ive seen all your videos including your history of power rangers i find that facinating but anyway i am sam i am 16 years of age i live in plymouth ma i usto live in chicago i do read comics i cant decide witch of your shows i like the best my family hasnt seen your videos but i do quote you my friends love your videos from the ones i showed them i am a aspiring actor ive done many works of theater and thats me.

Michael said...

Michael Scott Prinke. Age: 22. Height: 6'0". Profession: Graduate student in interactive design and game development. Thesis topic: Narrative choice systems in games. Your show inspires me and shows why we should hold all mediums to the same standard of storytelling.

Machina said...

I'm a 19 year old college student. I'll leave other personal information aside. I'm more of a manga reader and don't really read comics, except for the sonic comics. However, I'm not one of the many who asked you to review one. The other comic I think I read was Civil War. A lot are gonna kill me for this, but I actually dislike Super Heroes. Superman, Spiderman, The Flash, Wonderwoman and so on. I actually have more of a liking to super villains like the Joker, Mr Freeze, the Lizard, Venom.

I actually started following you when I saw you in the Superman review with the critic. I was actually curious to know what you exactly did when you mentioned you reviewed comics. You instantly became a part of my three favorite reviewers.

Slade Dreizehn said...


Guess I'll join in this shabang.

Name is "SladeXIII" on the net, and "David Hayes" off. Having lived 29 years, I've seen... well, not that much actually. Still, attempting to put together something to get published by myself, it's fun to watch your shows and see all the mistakes and madness of folks that missed the mark (despite working in my dream job). Your reviews are a source of amusement and inspiration.

Living in California most of my life, I've watched a decent amount of Power Rangers, and even the short live piece of crap known as 'Masked Rider', thus I get a great deal of fun out of your History vids as well.

For me, both are just as good, in different ways.

Currently, I'm working with Bennett the Sage on some stuff; and no, those images in his MFT vids recently are no where near what I can really do.

... So yeah. Good times.

Keep up the great work, bro.

Till next.

Dan said...

My name is Daniel. I'm a seventeen year old kid from Canada (+1 more for the great white north!) and your show got me interested in mainstream superhero comics. Before I had discovered ur show (Secondhand from the TGWTG year on anniversary) I had only read Watchmen and Archie comics when I was very young. I had watched superhero shows and movies etc. but never cared to pick up comics.

Anyways, I'm not comfortable exposing too much about myself on the internet, but I'm currently in high school looking to go into psychology or literary studies in the future. I wouldn't know if ur that family friendly or not because NOBODY I know watches ur stuff, excluding me. I think all ur shows (AT4W, HOPR, LPEF) are awesome, even if I don't agree with what u say (HOPR: LR comes to mind but that's just cause it was my 1st PR show and I loved it)

And My favorite comic book character is Spiderman. That`s right IS. He still is. He was the first superhero I`ve ever known and I was crazy about it when I was like 5-8. My mom says I was convinced I was Spiderman. So his comics aren`t that good nowadays (Even though I read USM and all I have to worry about there is ultimatum...) It doesn`t mean that the stories written in the past or stories written in the future will be any worse.

Anyway, we don`t need to talk about OMD but seriously don`t let it get you down, it`s just one comic book :). Thanks for doing this whole fan intro thing I think It`s really cool of you.:)

Zyphron said...

My name is Rob, I'm 15 and live in a Chicago suburb. I don't read comics, with the exception of some that you've recommended. I watch both AT4W and HOPR, but prefer AT4W. I find this show fairly family friendly, but I wouldn't show it to most elementary school kids.

Allen said...

18 year old non-comic Californian cartoon artist.I live in San Francisco Bay area. Eeeeehhh I guess I should just add that Im a fem to male transexual. Sure I like some stuff but I don't have or read many comics.
My first ever comicbook was "Clan Apis" which I get from my library in middle school. Clan Apis is a really fun educational comic about the life of honey bees.....yep. Honey bees. My second comic was Death of Superman! I forget exactly what happened cause i didnt care as much about it as i did the bee comic.
I gotta say, I really only watch the Comic reviews. I know I should try watching your skits but I just get uninterested in them and zone out or get food. Its ok thats how I am with all the sites I visit. I'm just here for the comic reviews (and some of the comment wars) but not really for your own story lines.
Hope this helps ya somehow!

Matrixbeast said...

Hey! I'm Alex, a 19-year-old blackanese (Ever watch Rush Hour?) guy who collects Kamen Rider and Transformers. But I also love comics and Power Rangers and I have to agree, Maximum Carnage doesn't suck. I love it!

Celso Pollastrini said...

24, man, engineer from Brazil...never been a comic fan...

Anonymous said...

My Name is Andy.

I am 20 year old male.

I watch all your stuff, I am awaiting your Wild Force and Mystic Force parts of HOPR, I've only bought one comic which I lost but I am a fan of PR and Kamen Rider. the frist episode I saw of your I saw was top 15 WTFs in comics and I've been watching form than on.

I'm also a fan of the web-head.

Anonymous said...

Yo Linkara 16 year old american (USA) fan never got into american comics till your show as for my favorite..don't have one Atfw is awesome it it's own right but Hopr is amazing as well.

keep up the sweet stuff

Anonymous said...

25 year old male in Toronto Canada. i my self am a non-comic reader, which is one of the reasions i enjoy your show so much. i get to see and learn a lot about comics i never knew about. i watch your shows everyweek and i watch your HOPR when ever you get a new one out right away. my sister always watchs your show and is a non-comic reader and enjoys your HOPR as well, shes 25 as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm 16 years old live in America, not really a big comic fan, the only real comic I've read is watchmen but that's mainly because of money and I don't know where to get comics or what comics would be good
I do have a huge interest in comic history and though I don't often read them I do read lots of articles about them.
Love your history of power rangers series even though I barely remember watching the power rangers as a kid.

Saint Walker said...

Comic book reader who's 17 years old. Really like your show, watch Atop the Fourth Wall more then Power Rangers. Power Rangers wasn't bad but I fell back on it awhile ago and now I don't see it. I watch it alone though.

Matt said...

I'm a 22 year old male. I enjoy all of your videos equally. I'm a previous comic enthusiast plus video gamer.

Chris Hype said...

Well, Linkara. I am 25 years old from around Los Angeles, California (one of your sadly few West Coast viewers) and actually caught on to your show when a friend send me the link to your Superman: At Earth's End video and I've been hooked ever since.

I love comics and love the concept of you taking something as trivial as comic books and giving them the respect they so rightfully deserve, and showing through the examples of trial and error what could be done to make them better.

I watch your comic reviews (have been religiously) and I just so happen to love Power Rangers as well, so I've been fortunate enough to become addicted to your PR Retrospective as well.

I've also been fortunite enough to meet you at Power Morphicon, and look forward to whatever else you reveal to us in due time.


Chris said...

My name's Chris, a 23 year old vet of the cybertubes and I do nothing but hate bad games and worse movies. I've been watching for about a year and a half. Didn't get too interested until your sudden interest in Power Rangers. But I remember you most for The Warrior. I have to say, your work is mostly SFW granted for a few outburst of rage and really BONERRIFIC comments. Other than that, you're fun, informative and I can't wait till your next video. If all goes well, I might start getting a collection of Next Wave to see why you hold this comic in such high regard.

Judanas said...

22 year old Seminary Student from Australia here

I'm a fan of both your review and your power rangers segments. I'm a comic book reader, though primarily Marvel (Just never got into non-oneshot DC comics)

Anonymous said...

i'm 21 old bearded IT guy from a middle of the Russia. along with my girlfriend i like to watch your stuff and some other TGWTG things.

from what i remember - i started watching you because of Spoony crossovers, and Spoony because of "An Intro to TheSpoonyOne" on TGWTG, and TGWTG because of Doug's "fight" with Nerd, and the Nerd because of mentioning of his video in russian video game magazine few years back 0_o

since then, i collectionate videos from most liked TGWTG authors, including you.
you are my only insight into comix since there is none in Russia and i'm not into books myself. sometimes i wish you would show some of good ones but it's no big deal since it's just a good times in front of good show.

keep up the good work.

PS: i do not watch History of Power Rangers. even when i was a kid it looked too silly for me, so i'm not interested. and yes, they aired it in here.

Ant Cow said...

Anthony (Like hell I'm giving my last name)
I watch HoPR religiously because I still watch Power Rangers, even the "remaster."
I watch your AT4W when I can, which is (usually) often enough.
Oh, I'm 19, and in college, which is why I can't watch them every day on this horrible internet.

Sam said...

Hey Linkara the name's Sam; I'm an 18 year old dude from the USA. I'm not a huge comic reader though I want to when I have the time, I'm a fan of both AT4W and HoPR, though I Re-watch 1 episode of HoPR weekly. As for are you fun for the whole family? I say yes, but you do seem to be getting edgier bit by bit.

Unknown said...

Hello from Singapore! ^_^

My friend and I (both women and 26 & 27 respectively) follow and we look forward to your shows and posts. She doesn't follow the History of the Power Rangers much but I do since I did grow up with the series and bonded with friends and family over it.

Anyway, we watch both the comic reviews even though we don't really read much of them. I am familiar with some of the titles since I used to work in a bookstore.

We're both teachers and know of colleagues who actually do use some of your material to put across points in literature class so as to make the subject more interesting... XD

At any rate, keep it coming. Especially, the comic reviews!

CoreDumpError said...

Hey Linkara! I'm a 26-year-old Southern-Californian guy. I watch everything you make equally, and love all of it. Keep up the great work!

SpideyWing said...

Well, to start with my age, I'm a twenty-five year old male. This makes me...a perfect square! *Insert laugh track here* (I also live in the United States, but that's a small side-point)

As someone who was introduced to your site through your History of Power Rangers videos, I have enjoyed all your videos. The reason, for me at least, is a simple one: it's a lot of fun to watch them. After watching both...I like both equally. As a Power Ranger fan, (Why isn't my morpher collection as big as yours? Why???) I find your recaps and analysis interesting, bringing new insights into some of my favorite seasons. As a person who spends far too much time online, your Atop The Fourth Wall videos are hilarious.

I don't know what else to add to this, other than thanking you for well-done, entertaining, and informative videos.


Anonymous said...

Hello Lewis. My name is Angelo.

How old are you? 17. Just had my birthday two days ago.

Are you male or female? Among the Male species.

Am I fun for the whole family? I would say so. From what I've seen from your reviews you do avoid using fowl language which I admire. But other than that I haven't introduced your videos to anyone one in my family.

Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? I'm a non-comic reader, but I do read manga whenever I can and your videos have inspired me to start collecting and reading. As soon as I get some steady income..

Where do you live? I live in Chilliwack, British Columbia Canada.

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? I watch both HOPA and AT4W with great pleasure, and giggle uncontrollably until the video starts. I really am that excited to watch your videos. I really can really relate with watching HOPA because growing up it was my favorite show, series being mighty morphin.

What's more is since watching your videos, I've gained a deep respect for the comic book community. I've been tracking down scans of older Captain America, Spiderman, Superman, Batman and the like. And honestly I'm enjoying myself a lot.

Thank you Lewis for introducing me to your wonderful little world.

Melissa Neal said...

25 year old female from Orlando Florida here. :) I found you via TGWTG, the "Alone in the Dark" cross over review the be exact. I was already a bit of a Spiderman comic fan when I saw your show but would have kept watching anyway. You're pretty darn funny and cute to boot. ^_~ Your Power rangers stuff got me all nostalgic and into MMPR again. I even found my old copy of the first movie and a laminated poster. :D

Keep up the good work hun!

Miss C said...

My name is Cassie and I'm a 19 year old female. I am from the United States, living close to where Kickassia once was actually. ;3 My little sister watches you occasionally, but I've watched every AT4W vid you've made and every new one after. I am not a comic book reader, but enjoy your reviews on the good and bad. Your occasional recommendations make wanna go out when I get the chance to buy and read them. :3 Plus I enjoy watching the stories you make for your internet persona, fighting Dr. Insano or Lord Vyce or any other villain standing in his way! I do watch History of Power Rangers as well. It sure brings me back. I watch both equally and love all your work put into both of them. I'm happy to be a fan and watch all the things you do, it always put a smile on my face. <3

Roz Under Pressure said...

I am 22 years old Brazilian girl from Rio de Janeiro, I like comic books, my favorite at the moment being Fables, by Bill Willingham and I love Will Eisner in general, from “The Spirit” to “New York: Life on the Big City”, also his books on comics and graphic narrative and I really love Alan Moore's work too, specially “Watchmen” and “V”.

I don't see why your show wouldn't be for the whole family, since you're very entertaining by yourself, even to people who don't know comic books all that much.

I watch both Comic book and HoPR stuff, In fact I am waiting for your opinions on Jungle Fury.

I am an amateur artist, my arts online are mostly fanarts of "Avatar the Last Airbender" (I LOVE that show, just ask Angry Joe, it's awesome XD) I also write slightly better than I draw (again, most online stuff is fanfic and all in Portuguese only) and like classic movies and musicals in general.

My favorite movie ever is "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and I have to thank you for that, since I actually discovered the movie by researching “The Time Warp” song after I saw you using it on your show, so thank you for that. =D

Hope I helped give you a notion over your fans. Bye bye...

Jack T. Chance said...

I'm a 21 year old college kid from San Jose, California. I'm considering majoring in either film or Bio Med. I'm a casual comic reader, although still reading Green Lantern, GLC, and Fables monthly. I love movies, comics, and video games, but my main love is television. I hope to turn my passion for the small screen into a video series.

Andrenn said...

I'm a 19 year old Male. I live in America. I'm a big comic book fan though I love movies and video games too.

I am a big fan of Frank Miller, so your Miller Time episodes tend to irk me a little.

I grew up in the 90's, a lot of love for Image there. I mostly read Image comics, Spawn, Invincible, Haunt, Jersey Gods, Savage Dragon, Witchlade, the Darkness.

I've only shown friends one review of yours, your Adamantium Rage review and they love it.

I don't agree with everything you say, mostly on your Miller Time segments but you're still fun to watch.

I have a friend who really doesn't like your AT4W show but absolutely loves HoP. I like both.

Unknown said...

Aw, you really care about us!

Myself, I'm just a 21year college guy out of Boston. Fan of anime, RPGs, and various video games. Find your humor amusing, and I wish I could get into comic books. Watching your show makes me feel like I am. I watch your Power Rangers stuff, too. It's a delightful look at a show I only watched when it was Mighty Morphin.

I also only dream about being as cool as internet reviewers :(

Jenni's things that grab her interest said...

Hi Linkara, I'm Jennifer, I live in Los Angeles. I'm old. I work as a waitress and I write comics that haven't ever seen the light of day. I'm also an activist for LGBT rights.

I've been reading comics since 1986 and am still in love with the medium as I was when I picked up my first Uncanny X-men. I watch the thing about the Power Rangers , though I was never a fan , I like your take on it and it's made me want to give another chance. My favorite is AT4W. You know your comics and know what makes comics good and most importantly, your funny as hell. I always show other AT4W and even non comic readers think you're funny.

Razorgeist said...

Hello Linkara 26 year old male Pharmacy technician here.

Am I fun for the whole family? - Not mine so much then im the only comic reader.

Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? - Yes Mostly DC with some ultimate marvel.

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? - Both evenly.

Chance Thulin said...

Well, Lewis, I am a 21 year old male named Chance. I started watching Atop the Fourth Wall early on in the series. I am a comic fan in my own right with a fairly sizeable collection. I am currently working on several essay contributions on the philosophies behind the medium as a whole as well as various industries, characters, and motifs.

I am an english education major and a major nerd in my own right. I actually enjoy your brand of comedy in the history of the power rangers and AT4W.

I am currently working on making my own indy comics, along with an artist/writer friend of mine as well as working on my own review based series centered on the greatest debates in nerdom.

That is a little about me. Keep up the good work, man. I do appreciate you giving the sequential art its due.

Matt said...

My name is Matt, I am a 21-year old (22 in 5 days :D) male from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I must admit I haven't been watching for very long, the first review of yours I watched was Batman: Fortunate Son earlier this year, but I became hooked immediately.

Scordev said...

Louisville ky
IT support
My wife wont watch you because "Thats nerd stuff"

I never read any comics before watching you.

I've read (and loved) the Anita Blake series... the graphic novels should be burned

Unknown said...

Age: 25
Gender: Female
Am I fun for the whole family? I think you're probably an acquired taste ;P
Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? Well I don't read comics. Dont hate them, just don't read them.
Location: Beaumont, TX
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? History of Power Rangers at the moment. I very very recently decided to start following your comic stuff, so the balance will shift soon enough.

What can I say? I grew up preferring Power Rangers and such over more girl oriented shows, I play video games, and my main hobby is D&D. Not a stereotypical chick.

Jeremy Allen said...

Hello Linkara.

My name is Jeremy. I am 22. I live in the UK. I am a conservative. I have never read comic books before but I think your show is one of the funniest on the internet. Mt favourite book is the Da Vinci Code (before anyone asks, yes I know it's fiction). My favourite movie is the LOTR Trilogy and a have a great hatred for Michael Bay for wrecking one of my most cherished childhood franchises. My favourite episode of yours is your countdown review, simply because of how much you hate it :) makes it funnier.

Keep up the good work.

Tetsu Deinonychus said...

Hello, I'm Tetsu. I'm a male college student who is in my 20s, and I love your show.

I'm a huge fan of both comics and animation. And, I love cartoons and anime of all sorts of genres from all sorts of eras. These days I'm particularly fond of Code Lyoko, Kids Next Door, FLCL, Monster, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Æon Flux, and Jem and The Holograms.

I'm an avid comics reader, but while I dabble in reading Superhero stuff (Watchmen, Kingdom Come, World's Finest), I'm really much more into comics that aren't about superheroes.

I read alot of manga (mostly romantic comedy series), independent comics (alot of stuff by Oni-Press, SLG, Self-published, etc.), Sonic comics, TMNT comics, Amelia Rules, The Sandman, anything by Jhonen Vasquez, etc.

I enjoy to writing and drawing and creating CG animation using a program called Blender (which I highly recommend). I hope to soon combine those things to make my own comics and animated short-films. Wish me luck!

And other random facts:
-I like jazz music
-I also like punk rock
-my favourite foods include sushi, curry, and veggie burgers
-I'm a Buddhist
-I like to cook
-I'm into cryptids
-I love cats
-I'm into studying languages (mostly familiar with Spanish and Japanese)

Anonymous said...

My name is Aaron, I'm from North Carolina, I'm 20 soon to be 21, male. I'm a non-comic reader, but have read some and I think your show is mostly for those who like comic book characters in any media form. I will say that I have watched every part of the HOPR with all the bonus features you have added, and most of AT4W material (may have missed an episode or two). I'm a fan of both shows but I have rewatched HOPR at least 10 to 20 times each episode and with AT4W, I have probably watch most episodes at least twice.

Will said...

Will from Virginia Beach, Virginia. In love with your show. In a gay way. In a gay I'll have your children. THINGS AWKWARD YET?! No but seriously fuck 100 more, don't stop ever. Fuck it. Get syndicated. You, Spoony, and NC are funny as hell and the world needs more of you guys.

Anonymous said...

I'm 26 from Daytona Beach, FL. I found you because of way back and I've been watching ever since. I'm not a huge comic fan, but I enjoy your videos. My favorites are the Power Rangers retrospectives though. You're doing an amazing job on those! Keep up the great work and I hope to see another 100+ videos. :)


Zach said...

Howdy hey, Link(Can I call you Link? I'm calling you Link)!
I'm Zach from Manchester, New Hampshire. I'm recently turned 21, pursuing a degree in psychology but also dabbling in this whole review thing.
I watch literally everything you post on the site from HOPR to Commentaries to, of course, AT4W. Personally, I'd have to say you're the most creative guy I've seen on TGWTG and am always looking forward to see what you have to add to your stories from episode to episode.

Live Long and Prosper and kick Vice's ass,

k1000a said...

Hi! I'm an 18 years old architecture student in France. And incidentally, a girl.

I got interested in comics watching the Spiderman and X-men animated series and have worked my way up to Alan Moore and the rest from there.

I managed to get my two younger brothers (16 and 11 years old) into comics and later into watching your show (which I found through TvTropes). For us it is indeed fun for the whole family :)

And we watch History of Power Rangers too, though we tend to watch your regular show more. ^-^"

Love your videos, they bring a smile to my face every time and, even if you review the worst of the worst, they remind me of what I love in comic books.

Congratulations on 100 episodes and here's to a LOT more!! :D

Chris said...

Hey Linkara, My name is Christian, 24, from Houston, TX. I AM A MAN (PUNCH), OH CRAP, please be okay my computer screen. Oh thank god, no damage. Okay back on track, anyway, love both AT4W & HOPR, moreso on HOPR, but can wait patiently so take as much time w/ HOPR as needed. Read mostly anything Green Lantern and Avengers, although now I tend to get writer specific. That's pretty much who I am.

WriteOfWay said...

My name is Jeff Gwinnup, and I host a comic review show named "Way or No Way". You, along with Doug Walker and James Rolfe, inspired me to write and do reviews of my own. I'm just a high school graduate with a camera, torrents and a willingness to make jokes about comics that I either like or hate!

monkey1z said...

My name is Tony Canada. I'm an 18 year old from Chicago, I read comic casually and novels a lot. I watch a lot of Doctor Who. I watch AT4W more then HOPR, but I like both. My favorite comic character is Kyle Rayner, my least is DOGWELDER! My favorite Power Rangers season was Time Force and my least was Turbo.

Anonymous said...

My name is Sam. I am a 15-year old male from the state of Kentucky. I watched the first few episodes of History of Power Rangers (but haven't had enough time because of school and the like), and have been watching AT4W since around the Superman: At Earth's End review.

Are you family-friendly? Sometimes you are, but it depends, I guess.

I don't really read comics much (I know I had a Flash vs. Reverse Flash comic somewhere); the only series I've read being the Scott Pilgrim series. I plan to read more comics when I get older, though.

Can't wait for your next 100.

Anonymous said...

Male, 25, England none comic reader here.

I watch both but I am a old school power rangers fan.

M. Algayres said...

Congratulations for this 100th episode and for this great show.

Female, 29, from France. I mostly read european sequential art and got into comics when older, still an occasional reader when I find anything of interest.

Discovered the show through TGWTG and still one of my favorites ever since. I also watch HOTPR and find it very enjoyable as well, it actually got me warmed up towards the super sentaï genre (which I found very silly in my childhood)

Anonymous said...

I'm a 23 year old woman from Norway. I grew up reading Donald Duck comics (which are insanely popular in Europe in case you didn't know) and now read lots of independent comics and manga, but have no inclination to start reading superhero comics, though I enjoy your reviews of them. I watch both Power Rangers and AT4W, but first found your videos through AT4W.

My favorite review is the Daredevil & Spider-man crossover. I'd love to see you make fun of more melodramatic comics in the future.

Unknown said...

18 years old. From Moscow. Watch AT4W and MMPR History every time it's out.
I'm in university now, so there isn't anything interesting to say.
Was very glad, when you started MMRP stuff. Being a tokusatsu fan, I find lack of this kind of material on this genre quite sad.
For some reason your videos are one time only for me. I can't watch almost every older videos again, like I can with NC. That doesn't make your wok bad. It's just how it works for me.

Sorry for my bad english.

Tyr Germanic said...

this is really fuckin corny.dont polls usually pay?
so what?its like an AA meeting for being a dork,here goes...

im a pimp named derek.
im kinda better than everyone else..not that its hard to be.

21,long ass hair,loves folk metal and melodical black metal,i drink 6 beers a night.pothead.crackhead.haha im kidding im not a crackhead.are you?

my fathers side of the family,who are awesome,LOVE,i own cool ass silver age stuff like when superman goes to war world in justice league,the wonder woman kung fu change,alo of SGT.ROCK THE UNDERATTED..etc.
very rarely does a modern cape do it for me.

so i mostly read mirage's ninja turtles,Walking Dead,and anything Superman when its not shitty.

my friends watch your reviews with me but,my older family would only be interested in silver or golden age reviews(i like em too and they are very few).

Tyr Germanic said...

damn,i forgot,I AM A MAN.from CA.

look man,i filled out the census already.

Jonathan said...

I'm John, I'm 20 and I'm from Brazil. I used to read comic books a lot, but I stopped reading them because... actually, I don't really know why; I would love to pick up a recent issue of Spider-man or Justice League, but I'm afraid I wouldn't know what's going on.

Anyway, I do watch every episode of AT4W and HOPR, and I like the HOPR series as much as I like AT4W, it's a pretty neat idea. I watched Power Rangers up to Wild Force, then I kinda grew out of it, I am curious to see what the "Disney era" Power Rangers are like... well, one thing I can say for sure: the opening themes for most of the newer seasons are atrociously bad. I miss the cheesy rock soundtrack of the Zordon-era. :P

I would like to mention that you are my favorite reviewer at That Guy With the Glasses (besides the Critic, of course), I like how your reviews are fun, detailed and informative, and how you are always thorough, systematic and dedicated -yet open minded- in everything you do (yeah, it sounds like I'm just throwing adjectives here, but hey, I'm serious).

So, keep up the good work Lewis, you're great! Hope this little bit of info helps your survey.

Hippoman said...

Well Linkara I happen to be 18 live in the great nation of Australia. I don't read comics (I've seen 1 store in all of Australia dedicated to comics)but I am perhaps slightly more knowledgeable on comics due to a combination of watching your reviews, tv tropes and the DCAU

Unknown said...

I'm Jeff. Just turned 25. I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. Went to college for TV and Film production but my interests have veered toward becoming a novel writer.

I was turned onto your site through a friend, and got hooked right in with the History of the Power Rangers, having been a longtime fan. I do try to watch Atop the Fourth Wall as often as I can, but two jobs, working on the novel, and the occasional online blog taps your batteries pretty quickly.

Comics have influenced me but my nerd-ism extend more to being a proud GhostHead, having made an entire costume with props (I intend to do the Dragon Dagger once I have the time and funds). More into video games, role playing, and anime.

I think that's a good summary for now. Keep up the good work!

Talvrae said...

Hi Linkara, i'm a girl, i'm 26 years old, and i'm a french canadian from Québec, and you can say i'm a casual comics reader, mostelly X-Men and Batman

Anonymous said...

Hey Linkara!

I'm Jan, 24, male, living in lower saxony, germany.
I am a biologist and a casual comic book reader. Mostly the very good stuff (watchman, the sandman etc.).
Your question about AT4W or HOPR is quiet difficult. I watched all episodes from both shows. But I would rather gave up on HOPR. Btw. watched your show from the beginning at tgwtg, congratulations to your 100th episode and may you never run out on ideas!

Conner said...

I'm 23, male and from Norhern Germany (Jever). Right now I'm starting my third semester of English and Philosophy at Oldenburg University. I am a fan of comics in general and try to keep up with the main series though lately I am rather DC centred. As most people around me either don't like comics or don't speak English, I am the only one watching you. I watch everything you post as I also grew up on Power Rangers. Keep up the good work and don't fall into post boxes.



Anonymous said...

I'm male, in the mid 20's, and I stopped reading and collecting most American comics around the nineties. I read the occasional PTB and I collect toys, and PC-Engine games. I'm from Chicago, but I currently reside in Florida. I really like you're show since it reminds me of my love/hate relationship with comics.

Keirgo said...

Alot of folk call me Keirgo ^^

I'm a 23 year old Scottish University student stuyding English Literature. I'm in my Fourth and Final year and have have started doing 'contempary British Writers of comics and graphic novels.' (And I confess, 'Revolution of the mask' inspired some of the current work I'm doing for it.)

I've always loved super heroes, but only recently got back into buying comics, largely thanks to the Blue Beetle and Booster Gold.

Me and my girlfriend both watch your show, but I fear that my hat may be fancier than yours... said...

Age: 28 as of today *throws a party*
Gender: Male
Comic reader or not: not really, but I do like movies and animated shows set in comic book worlds.
Location: USA, southeast in particular (yet I somehow have no southern accent oddly enough)

Am I fun for the whole family?
I would say so, you do not resort to toilet humor or overly crude jokes nor do you use strong language. You also handle any offensive or sensitive material in the works you review very well.

Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?
I watch the reviews as they come out of course. However I tend to rewatch old ones when I am trying to pass the time, I will normally pick an older ATFW that I recall being particularly entertaining either because of the guest cohost or the comic itself. I will rewatch the HOTPR episodes sometimes as well but not as often because they meant to be more informative than amusing.

PS. Once the HOTPR series is over you should work out a way to sell it on DVD unless there are legal issues with using the clips in the reviews commercially as opposed to an internet review that is covered under fair use.

Marc Reyes said...

19 year old University student with a deep love for hockey, wrestling, and friggin' Scott Pilgrim. (That movie has changed my life for some reason, lol.)

All talk about 23-year old love-sick Canadians aside, I tend to watch both series of vids equally, though I find myself making repeat viewings of the History of Power Rangers videos, seeing as Power Rangers was the series of my childhood.

I've actually attempted to tweet you many times (@NotBlueBeetle, clever, huh?) And, uhm, yeah. I'm Marc.

Nightmare060 said...

I'm 21, male from the UK. I watch AT4W the most cause their are more episodes and a lower file size. Bloody download limits! ¬_¬;. I'm another fan who got into comics because of you =D

MoonTiger said...

Hey Linkara!
22 years old guy here, my name is Peter, yoroshiku ^^
I'm from Hungary, so you can count me as a European. My girlfriend also watches your videos, she's soon to be 20, called Anne. To answer your question I watched every single History of Power Rangers too, and I'm glad I did, you made a great sum up for those series. The only vids of yours I didn't watch were the "Let's play!" series. I found them kind of.. boring. It probably has to do with the game, I don't like ST games, so yeah.
I'm not really a comic reader, more of a manga kind of guy (I guess manga is a type of comic, but heaven only knows when was the last time I read any western kind of comic), yet I still find your videos hilarious, so keep it up ^^

Unknown said...

Came for the Fourth Wall, stayed for the Power Rangers. Great reviews and well thought-out opinions you have there, good sir. Keep up the good work!

Greetings from a 27 year old male Dutch programmer.

Sarah M. said...

I'm 19, female art history major in the United States. I've always been a huge geek, but I have to admit, it was your show that got me back into comics.

Actually, I've been wanting to thank you for a while now. You really inspired me to try to make my own comics. In that respect, your videos are incredibly helpful.

I watch both Atop the Fourth Wall and History of Power Rangers, though I lean towards AtFW. I have a friend who is a HUGE fan of sentai that watches HoPR, and loves it, despite the fact he more or less grew up on its Japanese counterparts.

I do believe that your show is mostly family friendly. I've always appreciated the fact that your shows aren't a huge swear fest. Not that I mind that, but sometimes, it feels like other internet reviews depend on that too much for their jokes.

So, thanks for everything, and I hope you find this survey and everyone comments informative Linkara. Do you think you could post the results? I have to admit, I'm sort of curious about the results as well.

Frankie Addiego said...

27 y/o M from the East Bay. You already knew that. My father, 62, sometimes watches, too, and prefers this to AVGN and Nostalgia Critic because of the much cleaner language of this show.

That's it.

Antsod said...

My name is Anton, i am from theSwedish town of Uppsala. I am 18 yeard old and go to Swedish High school.

Not really a comic fan, but i have started reading some comics like Daredevil, the main reasson being from the posetive things you bring up from time to time.

Never saw any Power Ranger when i was young, mainly becuase there wasen't any here in the north, but watching review by you and other i began to hear about this strange show, which got me curious and watching your show is a great way to catch up on what i missed out of.

Been a fan ever since you first appeared on the thatguywiththeglasses and i will keep watching you show as long as you keep doing it.

klunk said...

I am John of Kansas, age 20 born of the 90s era. I am a comec fan(not as much as you for reason of money and not knowing where to start in dc/marvel continuety) but still love comics and other stuff like transformers and manga. i love watching all the stuff you post. I watch your stuff because you are frikkin awsome also to learn what stuff i should watch out for when writing my own comic "mor Grove".

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm Bill and I'm an alco-
Sorry, forgot where I was for a second. I'd like to think I'm not the twenty-fifth person to post that gag. If you beat me to it, that's okay, because you're about to lose the game.

I'm a 22 year old American Caucasian and internet reviewer and college drop-out due to finances (thanks for sticking up for me and mine in PSA Hell). My favorite film from the past two years is Kickassia and my favorite of all time is a cross between A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Empire Strikes Back.

The vast majority of my comics collection, before it became populated by Star Wars trade paperbacks, was early to mid 90s, specifically the time period following the Death of Superman and the Marvel crossover involving the return of Magneto (I forget the name at the moment). I'm therefore a casual comic reader (I plan to do a review of Blackest Night soon), and I mainly watch you because you have the most well rounded review show on TGWTG and its partners (I prefer a linear plot rather than the episodic quality of the AVGN).

I'm equally a fan of HOPR and AT4W.
(If I've posted this already, I apologize, for Blogger does its best to make using a WP account difficult.)

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