Thursday, September 16, 2010

So who is watching?

So, I suddenly got curious tonight after thinking about having done this show for 100 episodes - who exactly are my viewers? How old are you all? Do I have more men than women watching? Am I fun for the whole family? Am I more popular among comic readers than non-comic readers? How many people in the United States watch the show vs. Europe, Australia, Asia, etc.? Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?

So, yeah, who are all of you people?

EDIT: Okay, closing comments on this one. XD I read through all 800 comments (yes, I did. @_@) and I frankly don't have the time to devote to reading through another 800 if it should come to that. XD

As such, thanks everybody who responded - I didn't expect quite so many people would be interested in this. XD ‎


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TheBlondBaka said...

I'm Peter, recently turned 19 and just about to go back to University, I work in a pub, I'm English and still live in my home town in the north of England. I watch both AT4W and History of Power Rangers, I read comics, I am a fan but not as big a fan as a lot of people, I'm about as big a Doctor Who fan as your likely to meet and I have too many fav films to list. Though I am an art student and do a lots of drawing my main passion is writing fiction, mainly novels and short stories but also a few comics.

I also have friends who I've shown your reviews too who've enjoyed them ('it's a crack baby fool!' can now get one mate laughing his head off anytime i say it), these range from my age to a bit older and a bit younger (about 12 to 30 i guess), and there both male and female.

Watches the show since about 'Mr. T and The T-Force 1/Star Trek 1', and loved every minute!

hope I didn't make this comment too long, and thanks for all the entertainment !

Anonymous said...

I'm a twenty year old living in Maryland and I look forward to
AT4W each week, though I will say that I enjoy your HOPR slightly more. Power Rangers is a show that's close to my childhood and I've enjoyed hearing your opinion on each season.

Kruxis said...

I'm 21, way down in South Carolina. Doing the college thing, and playing video games and internetting when I can.

I first found out about TGWTG (and subsequently yourself) on TvTropes about a year and a half ago.

Endless said...

Hey Linkara:
-I'm 25 years old.
-I'm male.
-I'm Latino(Dominican), but I was raised in(and live at) New York City.
-I'm a very casual comic book reader. I followed Ms. Marvel(but stopped after Civil War), and recently I started reading NextWave(thanks for that BTW). But that's where my comic book experience ends.
-I would not qualify you as "fun for the hole family". You are not quiet G rated. You're somewhere between PG and PG-13. Comics that involve rape don't quiet make for G rated material.
-I started by watching AT4W. I've been following your videos for about a year and half.

Gorvar said...

20 year old male, Belgian but studies in Europe.

I watch your normal videos and your History of the Power Rangers videos, which I love a lot.

Got interested in your videos thanks to your collaborations with Spoony, but also because of your reviews on Marvel comics and World of Warcraft.

Anonymous said...

19 year old, male, from Santa Adélia Brazil, comic fan.

Adwyn said...

23 male from your neighbour to the north Canada. Comic reader but I don't normally buy monthly usually wait for them to come into collection form. I watch both AT4W and history of power rangers. I tend to watch more AT4W since I am currently in a course in college on comics your insight on different things has helped me more than once in the course so thanks for the help lol.

Kieron said...

17 year old student in the UK for me.
I have to say your videos are by far my favourite on the TGWTG site, you even got me into comics.
Plus I've been taking inspiration from AT4W for my own attempt at a web series, notably the use of story within the show.

Rurik said...

Let's see, male, 22 at least for another month. I love comic books, mostly read Marvel because DC doesn't have many heroes that interest me. Though I do love some of the villains and have become hooked on the Green Lanterns, especially Guy. I suppose I technically watch more of Atop the Fourth Wall since it seems to be updated a little more frequently, but I also follow History of the Power Rangers and am looking forward to SPD which is one of my favourite newer seasons. And as for my location that would be Hell, also known as Florida to the poor pathetic fools who don't live here and honestly believe it's a nice place.

coreymon77 said...

Hey there Linkara! I'm a 19 year old male Canadian. I wouldn't say I am really I am a comic book reader, however I am a massive nerd (and proud of it!), so I still understand all of the jokes.

As for which show of yours I watch the most, that would probably be HOPR. I have watched the large majority of your AT4W videos and have really enjoyed them, but I don't always watch them a soon as they come out. Making my way through all of the Power Rangers seasons myself, something I started doing last September (I just finished SPD at the start of this week), so hearing your reviews of the seasons is really great. I always watch them the instant they come out. I will be honest, I have mostly been watching PR for mindless entertainment, but it is very fun to see you take a more serious, in depth approach to the seasons while still making it funny. It is also good to know that there are people even older than me watching Power Rangers.

Keep up the fantastic work, Linkara! I look forward to more videos!

Anonymous said...

21, Male, USA, White

Not a big comic book fan, but a big comic book hero fan. Got into 'comics' by playing Marvel/DC Vs. System, the collectible trading card game.

Was shown your history of power rangers video. Consumed all up to the last one done, then started to work on your videos. I prefer the newer videos you have to the older ones. I love your written articles more than either. And overall, I prefer your History of Power Rangers. It would be nice if you did History of , and picked another series from a similar era.

Overall, you're doing great.

JEY said...

17-year-old male in North Carolina. I showed your show to my brother but he doesn't really like it as much as Spoony's or the Critic's. He loved the whole battle with mecha Linkara though. I actually bought all the Blue Beetle comics because of you. I'm not really big on comics, but I enjoy the information you give on them. i don't watch AT4W now that I started college, but I will never miss History of Power Rangers.

Niel Jacoby said...

Reusing some other guy's survey form:

How old are you? 16
Are you male or female? Male.
Am I fun for the whole family? My whole family loves you, less so my mom, but she's not really into comics.
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? Avid comic reader descended from a comic reader, with 2 brothers being groomed to be comic readers.
Where do you live? Lafayette, IN, Home Of Purdue University, in the good old US... of AMERICA.
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both? AT4W more, but then, I'm no PR fan.

Norris said...

20 year old male Michigander and college student. I buy fifteen comics a week or so, delivered via mail because the store back home rocks and the one here at college sucks. Love Atop The Fourth Wall, have not yet begun to watch history of power rangers (because...well...I know the information already having grown up on that stuff). I follow anything sci-fi or comics related that is hitting our airwaves or movie theaters with a vengeance. Hint - Smallville Season Ten will be full of comic book characters right out of the gate even feature a cosmic power with a habit of chilling out in people's living rooms as the big bad.

Fun fact: The first thing I purchased with my first paycheck from my first job...was a copy of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers The Movie. I was already in college at that time.

Caitlin R said...

My name is Caitlin. I live in Georgia. I'm 19, and I've been watching your videos for about 9-10 months. My friend got me into them. I don't read comics. The only comics that I own are "X-men versus Fantasic Four", since it belonged to my dad. I'm not sure if I stole it from him as a kid, or if he gave it to me. I love History of Power Rangers, because it was a part of my childhood. I didn't watch it as long as you did, but it still was important for my childhood. I even dressed up as the Pink Ranger for Halloween. A Mighty Morphin one to be exact. I own an "I am a man shirt." It's my favorite shirt after my purple sesame stree shirt and my ninja turles shirt. I love your reviews, and sadly, since I got back to school a month ago, I'm a little behind in the comic reviews. It sucks having a laptop from 2002 that has a wireless card that you have to plug into it. But I'm dedicating the next few hours in the library to catch up on videos. Thank you Linkara for some very entertaining stuff.

Truth Unknown said...

I am a 23 year-old Texan, I certainly read and watch all you posts regardless how often I read a comic which is maybe once or twice a year. The Power Rangers Retrospective and Related is certainly nostalgic and fun, plus the Let's Play of the Star Trek game was great. I'm running into a backlog since I'm moving and the public libraries provid enough Internet access to keep an eye on things. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Cool, I'm up for giving some demographic feedback. :D

I am 20-year old female university student, born and raised in West Virginia. I've never read comics on a regular basis, although I have picked up a few graphic novels like Watchmen, Frank Miller's Ronin, and Neil Gaiman's Sandman series. That being said, I am a big enough geek (especially when it comes to video games and Star Wars) to recognize a lot of references to subjects within comic continuity and other media. So your series is still very entertaining regardless of whether or not a few jokes go over my head.

I recently tried to get a few friends and family members to watch the show, and managed to get my younger brother hooked on it thanks to your hilarious commentary on Brute Force (ROBO-BEAR VS. CYBER-GORILLA!).

Didn't pay much attention to your History of Power Rangers series at first. However, after hearing other fans of AT4W praise it, I tuned in and found it very interesting and informative, despite the departure from your normal style. I almost look forward to it more than your actual comic reviews now.

I'm so glad I started following your series, watching the new episodes is the highlight of my Monday. Keep being awesome, Linkara!

Anonymous said...

I'm a 28 year old female, I live in Colorado. I'm a comic book reader, but I'm taking a short break from collecting. I started watching your show after your interview on the Webcomic Beacon.

dnangel said...

How old are you? 16
Are you male or female? man
Am I fun for the whole family? Probably as I know my sister watches you as well.
Are you a comic reader or a non-comic readers? Non-comic reader
Where do you live? Good ol' US of A.
Do you watch History of Power Rangers more than Atop the Fourth Wall or vice versa or both?

Both but I watch more At4W than power rangers mainly because I can go back and watch the review episodes and still be entertained.

Lotus Prince said...

I am Justin, from New Jersey. I am 24 years old, I have a Master's degree in English education, and as Lotus Prince, I do Let's Plays of games that I like - I've mainly done survival horror so far.

ElBarto said...

Hello Linkara:)

My name is Bart, I'm 24 and I like your show very much. I watched every single one of the episodes. I just love them even though I don't really read comic books myself.

I live in Poland and I'm an engineer. My day at work consist of making measurments on construction sites, hard work really. After I'm back home I really enjoy watching AT4W. It just make my day brighter :).

I love your really intelligent reviews and that you just seem a nice person altogether:). Keep up the good work and congrats on 100 episodes.

Long live Linkara aka the Man!!! :)
Greetings from Europe,

Anonymous said...

Male, 23 from Finland. I like comics but I rarely read them. I watch all your stuff. Keep it up!

Grunty said...

I'm 23, male, german, live in the capital city of the most norther state of germany (Schleswig-Holstein) and i'm currently a university student.

I primary watch your Atopthefourthwall stuff, mainly out of good old (as TvTropes like to call it) "narmcharm", for stuff that is so horrible that it's funny, stupid comics i thankfull missed in my childhood (Liefeld, X-force, Image, etc.) or to see what horrible comics i thankfull missed in the current times (countdown, Ultimatum, etc.).

I however also watch your History of Power Rangers stuff, out of intrest to see how the series continued after i stopped watching it (after the third Mighty Morphin season).

I don't see myself as a fan of your show but merely an intrested viewer. If i don't find any of your videos intresting i skip the week. Same if your sidestory acting is taking to long. This is not meant as a point of critic but merely being honest about how i stand to your show. I still love your jokes with Spoony though.

If it's of any intrest (though i doubt you are still following these comments at this point, 800 wow), i'm mainly mainy a Marvel read, especialy in X-men comics, though i'm also following what's going on in other Marvel titles, but not that focused.
Laugh if you want but next to Rogue and Nightcrawler one of my favorit characters is the d-lister Marrow (possibly nostalgia towards my first books).

Also i sometimes look into DC comics if they appeal to me (Gothman Sirens is currently on my list for being easy to follow), so i rather see myself as neutral in the old depat on which publisher is better.

Anyway, good wishes.

TheDWgeek said...

I'm a 17 year old male from merry old England. I've been reading comics since I was a kid, and watching your show for a good long while now.

I've gotta say that I enjoy AT4W more than HOPR, but regardess of that, I find both enjoyable.

Keep up the good work, man.

Dark Side of the Sun said...

18, female, New York.
While I love comics, mostly humor comics and webcomics, I don't actually like Marvel or DC comics (did I just say Detective Comics comics? >_<). I just... don't like the art style. I'm more into the animated versions. (My favorite comic is Scott Pilgrim, if that explains anything.)
I draw comics, but that's mostly because I cannot make an animated cartoon. I watch AT4W, and not the power ranger's history series. I think I saw one of the Let's Play.
I'm a gamer, clinging to all things Nintendo. I attempted to make a let's play once. didn't go well.
Oh yeah, and I'm a troper. XD

I don't think everyone's giving you their names, but mine is Sam, which is crazy common. XD

Michael said...

Hey Lewis - I guess by now you're regretting asking for feedback (as much as I regret making the obvious quib as someone will undoubtly have made it)

My name is Michael, 32 year old from Berlin Germany. Been into comics since I´m 19, mostly DC Stuff and a bit of Marvel (although there is a tiny phase of reading Spawn for which I always will be ashamed about).

I was introduced to your Blog via TGWTG and now I regulary follow ATFW as well as HOPR. Power Rangers are a real mystery to me as they were broadcast late in the 90s in Germany when I was just to old to care about them. So its nice to catch up on the series with the help of your videos.

Keep up the good work and thanks for 100 brilliant episodes!

Chris Redfield said...

I am known as Chris Redfield to some people(Not even joking) I read comics and I live in your neck of the woods Linkara

Ericka said...

Hi, I'm a 20 year old girl. A College student majoring in English, living in Arkansas. My sister and I both watch the series.

I like the Atop the Fourth Wall videos, even though I'm not really a big comic reader(I like reading comics, but I don't read them often.) I like drawing comic books and writing in my free time, and the show has really helped me work towards making better comics and writing better, by showing me what to do (and not to do).

I also am a huge Power Rangers fan, so I also like watching for the History of the Power Rangers videos. You actually bring up fair points about the show, often bringing up points that I usually find myself agreeing with, and some I find myself going, "I never considered that" and sometimes, "Interesting point."

So yeah, That's me. one of your viewers. Nothing much else to say really, without making this too long of a comment.

Anonymous said...

Male, just about to turn 18. I live in Texas, and while I don't read comics, I am familiar with them.

I watch both the AT4W and HOPR segments, but not the power morphicon ones (yet). Other than you I kinda visit Spoony One and sometimes Nostalgia Critic.

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