Sunday, October 31, 2010

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive Alternate Endings

Happy Halloween! Linkara defeated the evil spirit! But how else could it have gone?


  1. You have the Manimal Comic, I thought it only existed in legend...

    Anyway, thank you for giving me the nightmare incarnate that was the thriller dance. It reminded me of the Thriller / Time Warp mashup we did in college.

    A nice bit of fun, at times I wondered how you kept your face straight.

    Happy all hallows eve.

    AKA Mountain King

  2. do not ever try to dance again for the sake of a review, even if if it's something that ends up on the cutting room floor[but i know it's your show and not mine, so whatever]...

    unless it's ddr or the caramelldansen...

    aside from that, i enjoyed the alternate endings. particularly the punchline for the first alternate ending.

    and for the the thriller ending, i thought the zombie nurse would've started dancing with you once it got to the chorus.

  3. There IS a Manimal comic, but its not what you think it is...

  4. I think i pissed my self when i say Lewis dancing. So it is true. Nurd should dance....but that wont stop us! :)

  5. Link, I gotta give credit where credit is due: you had some serious stones to attempt the Thriller dance.

  6. Linkara, I love you, baby, and the thriller bit was hilarious, but you forgot one crucial piece of information...

    White men can't dance, yourself included. XD

  7. Bad ending = hilarious. xD I love how it keeps getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on. That malevolent spirit was awful patient... xD

    Worse ending = ...whut. o.o

    UFO Ending = lulz. xD

    You know what? I just decided. Everything should have an alternate UFO ending. With Alien Harvey Dent. Just because. :)

  8. That second ending was pure "Big Lipped Alligator Moment".

  9. OMG! I laughed so much at the "Vincent's Revenge" ending! All three were awesome. Happy Halloween.


  10. Wow, 3 years ago was a weird time. Glad I don't have to live there anymore.

  11. I agree about the Michael Jackson dance, I did it a couple of years ago (in a Dath Vader mask no less) and I was in better shape then you at the time and I earned huge respect for him

    And I couldn't stop laughing through the constant Phone calls.

    Were the scenes with Liz reshot or just reused footage,if you made her get in that get up again I hope you offered her compensation

  12. great stuff Linkara loved the Thriller section, yeah your dancing needs a little choreography work but still good anyway

    I used to be able to do the dance myself, I'd probably do worse than you now hehe

    incidently is it just me or is your hair a little longer than it usually is?

  13. You know this almost would have been my first Halloween without hearing the Thriller song get played somewhere or another. Thank you so much, Lewis! You got the moves down pretty good by the way.

  14. I preferred Vincent's Revenge, but the dance was nice too (just needs a little more pop in the shoulder).

    Oh, and for the love of the maker change your ringer, it gave me flash backs to Phelous' show.

    The Horror... the horror... the horror...

  15. YAY! I havn't heard the Rangers In Space theme in a very long time. :)

    I was looking forward to this after the Silent Hill review, and yet again, you did not disappoint.

  16. Oh my god. Linkara's dancing is so horrible that it destroyed the monster! XD

    So why were you speaking in still-shots during the last ending? Was it an homage to something in the Silent Hill series (I haven't played the games)?

  17. "So why were you speaking in still-shots during the last ending? Was it an homage to something in the Silent Hill series (I haven't played the games)?"

    The UFO endings are joke endings in the game and tend to be told in still-shots. Look them up sometime on youtube. ^_~

  18. Okay, that was hilarious. But now I have to ask... "They made a Manimal Comic?"

  19. Linkara dancing... truly, a fitting image for Halloween!

  20. You know, I think I'd be far more horrified by Thrilllinkara if I hadn't been exposed to the wondrous horrors of Eight Bit Mickey's Speedo in that one promo of his. The horror, the horror...

    Is it sad that watching the UFO ending made me crave a Power Rangers version of Plan 9 from Outer Space? XD

  21. Hey great job, man. Loved the throwback to Brad calling himself from the past -- always love crossover moments.

    If someone were to write a comic based on the Channel Awesome Universe would you review it?

  22. You doing the thriller dance was hilarious.

  23. Awesome alternate endings! I'm glad you went with the ending you went with, but they were still fun to watch. I love the power rangersness of most of them. It's getting me pumped for Wild Force. Which also reminds me that I still haven't watched Forever Red.

  24. The phone calls were great. Did you happen hurt yourself during Thriller? Seems like a physically intensive song.
    In any case, next time you're inflicted with a Silent Hill comic can I suggest some of The Warrior's most psychotic quotes for the phone calls?

  25. Thankfully someone posted something at least somewhat original on Halloween. Good lookin' out Linkara! Also, you had to sit next to Brad the whole flight out to Reno?

  26. "Also, you had to sit next to Brad the whole flight out to Reno?"

    From Chicago to Reno, yup! Fortunately the seats next to me were empty, so we were able to talk for three or four hours, helpful to him since he doesn't fly well.

  27. If Cinema Snob doesn't take the Manimal comic from you, I WILL!

  28. That. Was. Hilarious. You're dancing is just so intensely horrendous (in a good way) in the worst ending that it's hysterical. I'm going to have to watch the Thriller video though. I have to see that dance done properly now.

    I've seen the Thriller dance done at a dance recital, and it LOOKS hard to do. There's steps off beat and the whole thing is just CRAZY.

    BoyandHorse: I think the choice of ringtone was a deliberate shoutout to Phelous. It's also a hilarious song to hear as part of the gag.

    As for the Manimal comic: Do I sense a crossover review?

  29. (Potentially Stupid) Question: Are these seriously other ideas you considered for the actual ending, or just make them up and film them to create a more video game-like feel?

    Either way, they're awesome and I laughed quite a bit. Thank you.

  30. Holy shit! Tom-Servo in the background!

  31. Hey! That looks like what happens when I try to do the Thriller dance!

  32. Dear Lewis- you can act, you can sing, you can even draw (not that we saw you do it), but for the love of god- dont dance again. EVER. Just, dont.

    Otherwise, awesome as always.

  33. I expected the bad, "Can You Hear Me Now" ending would be you not being able to hear the Gun call you "partner" and "friend" and you'd commit suicide, but what actually happened was far funnier.

    During your call with the Snob, I expected you to suddenly be covered in bruises and bandages due to a retroactive ass-kicking from the Snob when you two met for real. Maybe you had a truce over the Manimal comic?

  34. First time I recall hearing the full In Space theme.

  35. Good that you kept his mind off the fact that you were both thousands of feet in the air and the possibility of death loomed at every corner of the cabin. What a chum!

  36. Say what ya want about Linkara, but at least he knows how to dance. Gotta give credit 4 do'n Thriller, I'm speaking from experience, and its not easy to pull off.

    Heh heh, the phone calls were funny. The UFO ending was cool. Listening to the full version of th "In Space" theme was just badass.

  37. Awesome, I really love the phone call segment, and your Thriller dance isn't half bad! None of those endings seemed all that terrible, though granted I'm not really keen on seeing you get your face ripped off by monsters.

    I didn't comment on it in the Halloween special video, but this story arch is extremely clever, and provides a very interesting back story for the gun (could that also be why it's a toy? Was it one of her posessions?)

    Oh, and I didn't even know there was a full version of the In Space theme, so thanks for that too!

  38. Gotta admit, I didn't get a lot of the phone call references.

    Also, does anybody remember the Smooth Criminal clip, where Michael Jackson leans about 45 degrees just from the ankles?
    Yeah, uh, I saw him do that *live* once. (on the 'HIStory' tour)

    'Fit' is not enough to do what he did.

  39. I loved all these alternate endings Linkara, the can you hear me now ending and the thriller one were my favorites.

    By the way what was the song that was playing when you got those phone calls?

  40. "By the way what was the song that was playing when you got those phone calls?"

    Can't remember the exact name, but it's by Imogen Heap. Most people know it as the song played during the "Dear Sister" sketch, or a scene from the OC where it originally happened.

  41. I made the most insane noises when you were 'dancing'. That outfit suited you wayy more than it should've. You should dress like that more often. Maybe get Spoony into a yellow version of the suit, and Nostalgia Critic in a red one, and have you all Caramelldansen or something. My life would be complete.

  42. How did I miss this the first time around?

    Was half expecting 90's kid to call at one point and ask you if you'd seen his copy of Blood Stryke.

    I loved the Worst Ending. Go your super Thriller dancing powers!


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