Friday, November 26, 2010

Bum Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

Chester A. Bum and Lester B. Bum review the latest Harry Potter movie with the help of the fine people at Daisho Con 2010!


  1. I am laughing out loud!!!! I wish I was at that con. By the way any chance you and/or Iron Liz will be at Anime Detour and/or Convergence?

  2. I am so jealous of everybody who was in that review who wasn't a bum. I would've eaten my socks to be in that vid. It looked like you guys had tons of fun.
    Hey Linkara, are you a Potter fan? Did you actually see the movie, or were you just going off of Doug's script?
    Great job you guys. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

  3. All I have to say is "OH MY GOD! NEEDS MORE SPOONY BUM!"

  4. I totally recommend watching this at like 3am. Why? BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS EVEN BETTER AT 3AM! 8D

    Damn it damn it damn it, I am so utterly pissed that I missed out on seeing this. But it was just awesome.

    At least I got to see you and Liz on Sunday. Sorry for getting weepy on you!

  5. Dang. How did I miss this when I went to DaishoCon? Oh well. Hope you enjoy the Extreme Sacrifice I donated to you and thanks for signing my copy of Blood Pack and Cool World. Was awesome to see you!

  6. Loved the review. Would've put up with Dobby to teleport into that one, that's for sure.

    Darn it, I want to be a bum, too! My parents say I'd be good at it. Bumnesia, anyone?

    I've got lots of fun hats for change collecting, too. Kermit cap, sequined teal cowboy hat, green bomber hat, top hat, cyan fedora, moogle cap... Need more change to buy more hats!

  7. I'm so glad I was at the right place at the right time for this. I only had one second of screen time, but it was awesome.

  8. Oh gosh, I laughed until it hurt! I've got to make it to a con where you guys are one of these days. <3

  9. Haha, this is awesome! (Also, are those Rin/Len Kagamine cosplayers I spot?)

  10. OHMIGOSHTHISWAS THEGREATEST REVIEW IVEEVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! How awesome was it to see Chester and Lester together, like brothers! Tell us about how the con was!

  11. Neeeeat :D
    But you are aware in a good six month you simply have to do Part 2 ?

  12. XD ...I'm laughing to hard...

    Final Verdict: Best Bum Review EVER!!!

  13. I'm proud to say that I can be seen in the background in the final shot. Woohoo!

    Should've been there earlier, though, maybe I could've played the role of Harry Potter, I look a lot like him.

  14. This is the best bum-review ever. solid gold entertainment :D

  15. This is extremely funny, and you certainly raise some good points, but about the question at the end that the film lighten up. . .have you guys actually read the books? Of course its dark, its MEANT to be dark and kind of depressing, that is why it is such a great book and the adaption is really quite good.

  16. @Jon: I guess it sort of is the point of the joke: The Bums not really realizing that there'll be a part 2.

  17. Must be really epic for you huh. Seeing a cosplayer cosplaying as yourself >=D

  18. The only thing better then Bum is having another one. And the only thing better then having two, is having two and bunch of random people on a con. Good luck topping that with second movie.

  19. @lilmaibe: I know that was the point of the joke for the bums, but their actual opinion of the film in the credits tells the film to lighten up as well, that is more what I was commenting on.

  20. In the book, Hermione didn't just erase her parents' memories, she sent them to...

    ... without jobs or ID...
    - Mik


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