Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Odds and Ends and Other Stuff

This Odds and Ends is a HUUUUUUUGE amount of stuff, so I decided to hide it under the Read More tab.

So what are you waiting for? READ MORE, DANG IT!

EDITED TO ADD: Also just added another bit at the top - the lost video from Reno!

Lost Video from Reno!
Back in April when we were shooting Kickassia, some of the That Guy With the Glasses crew traveled to a comic book store and a game store! Now the game store wouldn't let us film there, but the comic book store did, and here's the video 8-Bit Mickey and the Game Heroes did of it!

Oh, and for trivia hounds, this is also the store where I got the California Raisins 3-D comics!

December - January Episodes
Well, we're only half way through November, but since I'm making a big update post anyway, I figured I might as well include the schedule for December and January. Yeah, I know, two unknowns and one of them I'm considering switching out, but hey, these things happen. XD

12/6 – New Kids on the Block #4
12/13 – Howard the Duck holiday Special (Subject to change - considering doing something different for this one)
12/20 – A surprise Christmas comic that I bet none of you ever believed would exist!
12/25 - Another surprise comic, though this one's not actually Christmas-related!
12/27 – Top 15 Screw-Ups of Atop the Fourth Wall
1/3 – Justice League: Cry for Justice #1-2
1/10 – Justice League: Cry for Justice #3-4
1/17 – Justice League: Cry for Justice #5-7
1/24 – Care Bears #13
1/31 – X-Force #1

Just a reminder to everyone, I will be appearing at DAISHOCON! on November 19-21st at Ramada Stevens Point Hotel & Convention Center in Stevens Point, Wisconsin! Doug Walker, the ever-lovable Nostalgia Critic shall also be there and if that isn't enough reason for you to go, then just go because conventions are awesome!

Power Morphicon: Ron Wasserman Interview and Panel
Yeah, I know Power Morphicon is loooong over, but I was going to post this in September and I ran out of time before I needed to work on the complicated Silent Hill review stuff. As such, I just wanted to finally get this footage out.

For those unaware, Ron Wasserman is a composer responsible not only for the original "Go Go Power Rangers" theme, but most of the music of the first three seasons as well as several theme songs across the show AND other shows you'd be surprised to learn he worked on.

KROOOOOZE of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged and ComicsOnline.com also managed to interview him, and as such I definitely didn't want that video to go to waste, so I hope you all enjoy! Oh, and if you're wondering why I haven't posted up clips of the riffing we did over a Power Rangers episode at the convention, it's sadly because it's really, REALLY difficult to hear and wouldn't really make for an interesting video. It's sadly the way these things happen sometimes, I'm sorry to say.

Part 1:

Part 2:


History of Power Rangers Update
Speaking of Power Rangers, where's the next History of Power Rangers video? They're coming this week. I've gotten an early start on Atop the Fourth Wall this week and I think I'll have it done pretty quick, and even if I don't I guarantee History of Power Rangers this week, and the beginning will feature a thank you to those who have been patient, and an explanation for those who haven't.

Revolution of the Mask Update
Speaking of updates, I guess many of you are also wondering why it's taking so long for the next Revolution of the Mask since I got a new artist and everything.

Well, I've sadly got some bad news and that's that Heather Nunnelly is sadly no longer the artist for it. NOW DON'T START MAKING ANY ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT WHY! It's very simple: Heather and I talked and she felt that with her workload and her art school stuff that she couldn't invest the time necessary for the project and I understand and support her in that.

Sadly, that means I'm back to square one in this and am reopening the search for a new artist. I don't have a deadline in place since, with everything else, Revolution of the Mask is not as big a priority as any of the videos since, well, I make more money on the videos. However, I am considering going self-published for the rest of the run to actually be able to produce a trade that people can buy.

Sure, I've been supportive of the digital revolution from the start and if I did go that route I would still offer it in an online distribution, but I know lots of people would prefer to have something they can physically hold.

As for the artists, those who posted in the last one may reapply if they wish, though I am planning on looking back in the old artist search along with any new ones. As such, I am linkin to the artist search perameters as before, along with the sample drawings of the characters for their models to be based on.

So yeah, no time limit on this one or anything, just putting it out there so I can see who's out there as we work towards finally getting this project done!


EDIT: Closing off for the moment since I may have found my artist. News updates to follow!

So that's all I've got for now! Thanks for the continued support in all things!


  1. I almost hate to admit this, but the main reason I'm looking forward to the next History of Power Rangers episode - indeed, a reason that made me look forward to this particular episode for many a month - is because of one particular episode. You know the one I'm talking about. :D

    Also, HOOO boy, Cry for Justice didn't take long to get on the chopping block, did it? That one is gonna be messy. But dammit, somebody has to take these morons to task for that kind of crap.

    Soooo...is Cry for Justice on the list for a number of reasons, or the one MASSIVE one everyone has in the back of their heads when that title pops up?

  2. Surprise comics! Surprise comics!

    Do you know how goddamn maddening it's gonna be trying to figure out what those comics are? XD

  3. Whoa. You're doing the Care Bears/Madballs crossover? This'll be even better than TMNT/Archie! Also looking forward to the upcoming holiday specials.

  4. Might be a stupid question but for those applying for the Revolution of the Mask search, do we simply leave our details and sketches in response to this post, as was the case last time?

  5. "Might be a stupid question but for those applying for the Revolution of the Mask search, do we simply leave our details and sketches in response to this post, as was the case last time?"

    Not a stupid question at all! Yep, just reply to this post, since I closed off comments on the old one.

  6. Fantastic! Well, here's my submission:

    Here's my sketch of Fireheart: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y137/maxheight/fireheartrotm.jpg
    Samples of my artwork (sorry, not a deviantart page but it's pretty easy to navigate): http://www.frankcandiloro.com/artwork.html

    Sample of my sequential art, here's my webcomic "The Adventures of White Wolf!": http://www.whitewolfcomic.com/comicthisweek.html
    Here's another one of my comics, this one in colour: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y137/maxheight/rabbitscomictemplate2.jpg

    Email: max_height@hotmail.com.

    Thanks Lewis, looking forward to seeing you rip into Cry for Justice!

  7. Linkara, I am warning you to avoid the next few seasons of Power Rangers. This is for your own good! There is nothing to be gained and it might be as devastating to you as Alone in the Dark was to the Nostalgia Critic. Don't do it!
    Oh yeah, good luck with your comic.

  8. I am hoping LIKE YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE that you're going to review the DC Comics Presents: Superman and Santa Claus issue where they team up to fight the Toyman.


  9. Cry for Justice! Hooray! Been looking forward to that since you announced it. I hope you will be eventually looking at Rise of Arensal afterwards in the future, but that is dicussion for another day.

    I'm looking forward to that next video of History of Power Rangers. I believe you mentioned in Twitter that you liked the series and then the last episode was ruined by the last 5 minutes or something.

    Also, I will attempt to get to that convention in Steven's Point! It's only 20 minutes from where I live and I must go to see you! I have a comic for you to sign!


    Seriously, I LOVE seeing new comic lists. They make me so ridiculously happy. And a new HOPR? Be still my heart!

    Looking forward to Cry for Justice especially. But I will be spending the next month and a half wondering what the surprise comics will be . . . *think think think*

  11. Looking forward to all this Linkara, especially "History of the Power Rangers" and the "Cry For Justice" review.

  12. Sweet. Looking forward to your Gay for Justice coverage.

  13. A Care Bears comic?! Linkara, are you MAD?! That sort of thing has been known to drive people to insanity!!! o.o

    Well, you did survive Silent Hill, so I guess you'll be okay. :P

  14. Worth a try. I'll work on it this weekend.

  15. Funny how a while back I was doing Let's Read Cry for Justice videos on Youtube. Good luck reviewing that Linkara!

  16. I know this is a long ways off, but are you by any chance going to Anime Central in May 2011? I was suppose to go to DaishoCon this year but was unable to make it. I almost destroyed a small building in rage when I found out that you were going to be there!

    Any plans to head to any other conventions? .......please? ;_______;

  17. My brother Eric is an artist (he has a Bachelors degree in Graphical Arts and Illustration) and would definitely be looking to work on something like this.

    You can see his artwork here:
    He also did the inside artwork for a book called Scenes In The Rearview Mirror by John Wallin (ISBN: 1438953429)
    I have let nhim know about this and he is interested and will probably contact you directly.

  18. I would totally buy Revolution of the mask #1 and #2 again, just to have a physical copy of them ^^
    It wouldn't even be a problem if the price was twice or three times of what the online version is. Actually, I think you made them much too cheap :P

  19. INFORMATION OVERLOAD. *tries to get herself out from under the pile of text*

    I'm liking the lineup for the rest of the year. But now I'll spend hours trying to guess what the suprise comics are... curse you.

    I'm also sorry to hear about Heather dropping out of RotM, but I wish her luck with her studies.

    I think I tried to apply for artist of RotM last time you were looking for an artist. I might try again, but I'll redraw what I did last time. I have improved a bit since then.

  20. "Any plans to head to any other conventions? .......please? ;_______; "

    Sorry to say I don't recall them contacting me, but if they invite me I might come. ^^

  21. Why not switch the dates so the surprised Christmas related comic is on Christmas day? It would fit better.

  22. *Snerk* New Kids On the Block? I am so looking forward to that.

  23. Wow. Great line up you have.

    Howard the Duck though, I wonder if the holiday special is really bad though. I actually read Howard to Duck and I'm down with him.

    Actually I say he's better than what we've had in office for the last 20 or so years.

    Anyway, this should be interesting. And with Secret Origins month, I'm quite looking forward to what you have.

    Regarding Secret Origins month, it would've been funny if you did Daredevil #1. I love Daredevil (favorite superhero), but his early stories were quite cheesy and quite laughable.

    I think eventually, you should do Avengers #8, where the Avengers fight Immortus, who summons Paul Bunyan to fight the Executioner.

    Whoo. That was long.

    Also incidentally I did an article on my blog on OMIT which I think you'll like.

  24. "Why not switch the dates so the surprised Christmas related comic is on Christmas day? It would fit better."

    Because it's a present to everyone and I need more time to work on it. ^_~

  25. I live in Las Vegas and rarely go out to Reno, but next time I ever do, now I have somewhere new to venture into. Such a nicely lit and organized comic store it looked like. :3

    Well, I have been one to eagerly await for the next History of Power Rangers video. Even if it doesn't come this week or the next of whenever for whatever reason, I'm just glad to get some kind of notice. I just assumed you were just busy with life and AT4W. You have a life outside of your work after all.

  26. Hey Mr. Linkara, thanks for your HotPR videos so far, I'm just about to start your Time Force ones.

    Though to be honest, I can't wait to see what you think of a certain episode of Dino Thunder. The one that had part of a (badly) dubbed Abaranger episode, to be exact.

  27. "Linkara, I am warning you to avoid the next few seasons of Power Rangers. This is for your own good! There is nothing to be gained and it might be as devastating to you as Alone in the Dark was to the Nostalgia Critic. Don't do it!"

    All a matter of opinion, Gyre. I happen to love Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder, and I thought SPD was pretty good too. I'm sure Lewis will tear them to shreds, but I think they all have something to offer.

    Can't wait to see your upcoming videos, Lewis! This is going to be a great ending to 2010!

  28. Ok Ok, now this is what I'm talking about. Just a few things, one if your mystery Christmas Special has anything to do with Dr. Doom and the Christmas Carol together, I would be scared to death. And two, glad to be seeing the HOPR review very soon, been looking forward to it, I was about to start going insane because it was taking so long since I thought I read that it would be out in October and October passed, but then realized that you never gave a confirmed date for the release of the video, so I'm cool now. I can understand why this video will be three parts long, there are two crossovers in it, and one of them probably needs to be addressed and I can't wait for your view on it, Linkara.

  29. I keep hoping that you're going to announce that you'll review one of the comics I sent you.

    It's extremely-selfish, I know, but I can't help myself. I mean, I sent you some doozies. That Image stuff alone...

    I'm sure the stuff you have planned will be great though. Looking forward to it.

  30. "I keep hoping that you're going to announce that you'll review one of the comics I sent you.

    It's extremely-selfish, I know, but I can't help myself. I mean, I sent you some doozies. That Image stuff alone..."

    Well, admittedly I've gotten A LOT of donations and there are some comics that I just think will make better episodes than others. ^^;

  31. Hey Lewis, which volume of X-Force are you reviewing? The original series? The MIni series? Because I sure hope it's not the recently-completed-series.

  32. I have a few problems with this update:
    * I am a tad upset that you have deliberately ignored the Red Circle heroes all this year. I really hope you give them some mention is the coming months!
    * Will you show pity for the Global Guardians?
    *Will the Shaquille O'Neal comic seen in last year's OP show up at all?

    I hope that you answer these questions!


  33. Thanks for the heads up Linkara, and good luck with the "Revolutions of the Mask" stuff.

    I don't know what I'm looking forward more too, HOPR or seeing you rip JLA:C4J a new one.

    Anyway, good luck and thanks again. See ya.

    PS This may seem odd but, what did yo think of the election results?

  34. Just wondering. Did you get my Fantastic Four/Spiderman comic?

  35. starwaredcraft, I'm betting the version of X-Force #1 he's going to review is the very first one. I have a certain fondness for that comic for nostalgic reasons but it's drawn by Liefeld and Linkara hasn't slammed him in ages. Ergo, Liefeld is due for another burning atop the fourth wall.

  36. "Just wondering. Did you get my Fantastic Four/Spiderman comic?"


  37. Dr Mr Lovhaug,
    Much as I LOVE your HOPRs - speaking as someone who never even saw a single episode - I say poo to the impatient.
    You are going out of your way to watch thousands, THOUSANDS of episodes, then condense the eperience in a way that informs and entertains. And indeed inspires, as I am busily writing my own PR type P&P RPG now.
    The effort involved must be extraordinary, and no matter how hard I pine I keep that in mind. You are doing all of us a favour, and I just feel lucky to have you. Plus, AT4W & IRL P&P corner. So, hooray!

  38. Really looking forward to your Cry for Justice review. I've read the summary for the comics and it sounds like it hurt...a lot. I'm also guessing that Rise of Arsenal wont be too far behind since it soulds like that was somehow even worse then CFJ.

  39. Sorry if I sound like an ass but have you ever seen those Let's Read Cry for Justice videos on Youtube since when doing those I was heavily influenced by your style of reviewing?

  40. Hey Linkara and fellow fans

    I actually have your entire panel on my youtube channel. The links to the videos are as follows:

    part 1:

    part 2:

    Part 3:

    Part 4:

    It is really hard to hear at times. But what you can hear is really funny. Me personally I loved the Q and A session more than the riff.

    Hey Linkara do you still have the script for the riff? You could post it either here or with my vids.

  41. Care Bears? RUN AWAY, Linkara!

  42. Okay what the hell would drive you to review a Care Bears comic Linkara? I can only imagine how painful this will be.

  43. Tossing my name into the artist hat!

    Deviantart: http://souzou-inc.deviantart.com/

    And specific examples:
    Full page: http://fav.me/d32580l
    Sketch Dump: http://fav.me/d324p0h
    Process Shots: http://fav.me/d322t0j

    My style can be adjusted quite a bit; I like to think I'm pretty versatile, especially when it comes to shading and such. I can do screentones if that's preferred.

    I can upload the pencils of that comic, as well, if you'd like to see them. They're.. quite messy. xD

    I have Paypal and have been using it for years. =]

    Any other questions, just let me know! Thank you for your consideration!

  44. Out a request of a friend, I want to try out as a title card artist. I may not be the best but I try at least

    Here's my Deviantart page


  45. Hmm, mystery comic, eh? I don't suppose that will involve the mythical "Manimal comic" from the alternate endings skit, will it? ;)

  46. "Sorry to say I don't recall them contacting me, but if they invite me I might come. ^^ "

    A note to any con organisers reading this blog: if you invite him, he might come...

    I really must stop quoting or paraphrasing movies...

  47. Hey Lewis, just wondering if you have any plans on reviweing that PR Zeo comic you own. Also, maybe you could do video showing off your Power Rangers toys and stuff. I'm sure a lot of fans would appreciate it (I know I would)!
    (Sorry if I'm asking too much questions).

  48. Hi, Linkara. I'm just expressing interest in the artist post you have going. You can find my Deviantart here:

    and there are samples of my comic work on my webcomic:
    and on my art site:
    My style is a 'fusion' one, with elements of manga and western comics mixed together.

    Finally, since it said in the older post about looking for artists, here's a quick pencil sample of ROTM characters. I've taken small liberties with the costumes:

  49. Care Bears? I used to have every single Kenner figurine ever made and a few of the plushes. I was so obsessed with that franchise. And I'm a guy! Please don't hate on it too much. But yeah, I thought the comic book was the worst contribution. Even worse than those movies. (and in all fairness, the second Care Bears movie was way better) Ok, I'm done now.

  50. I go that store every Wednesday. BTW, Jake no longer works there.

  51. And now I am spamming F5, desperately HOPRing against HOPR for that new HOPR to land.

  52. Okay...here's my official Revolution of the Mask submission. Sorry, no Deviant Art account, but everything's on my website and I tried to make it as easy to navigate as possible.

    Sequentials are first, from the newest volume of my graphic novel series, of which I've published a new volume every other year since 2006:


    and a recent short webcomic:


    And the RotM characters:



    And the fanart you've already seen, but what the hell - it's worth including cause it's some of my most recent stuff:


    And something brand new (and in color):


    Email is BJC@soulexo.com, Paypal is at the same address. Fingers crossed.

  53. You gotta love how your going from X-men #1 to New Kids on the Block lol. I can't wait for Cry for Justice I always love when an event is targeted. That's one off my check list, hopefully Ultimatum, Image United and a follow up to it featuring Rise of Arsenal.

    You know the first one that came to mind when you said you will never guess for some reason I jumped to that one Spawn Christmas issue, or maybe it was just a drawing. Well if it is that, I love it :P If it's something else I hate it, nah JK.

    and finally Thank you for giving an update on HOPR it's been so long I really should go watch the last one again. Good luck with the next two months man :)

    P.S. I am also more of a DC man myself, only a few Marvels for me

  54. Hello!

    Re:Daishocon, will you be there on Sunday? I only ask because know some guests only go to conventions for specific days. But my girlfriend can only make it for Sunday and she's a really bug fan of yours and would love to meet you!

    Thank-you so much and thanks for continuing to make us both laugh!

  55. "Re:Daishocon, will you be there on Sunday? I only ask because know some guests only go to conventions for specific days. But my girlfriend can only make it for Sunday and she's a really bug fan of yours and would love to meet you!

    Thank-you so much and thanks for continuing to make us both laugh!"

    I'll definitely be there on Sunday and I'll probably be leaving the same day, I just don't know at what time I'll be leaving.

  56. Please please PLEASE riip Cry for Justice a new one. Cry for Justice, Rise of Arsenal, and in my personal opinion Whitest Day: Return of all those dead heroes while we kill off all their successors, are what have turned me off the recent DC comics.

  57. Cry for Justice is gonna be hardcore pwnage for you, and nothing but pain for DC.
    Also, that T-Shirt REALLY suits MarzGurl...

  58. hey linkara i have a bad comic to suggest.

    sonic super specal 15:nagus games and spin city

    nagus games is a bland reserection of a decent villin along with bad art and and story makes little sense if you know what was going on storyline wise.

    spin city is a bad parody of sin city but since archie still uses the comic code it's just a wast of comic space that coulda been used for a good story

  59. I'll say this when you start to watch the Disney-era Power Rangers shows:

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  60. Oh, don't get me wrong or anything- I totally get it. I don't think that I'm the only guy who's ever sent you stuff.

    I'm still selfish, so I'm still going to check the listing every time you post your schedule. :-)

    Seriously though, that bit where they introduce Roman in the most over-dramatic way possible makes me laugh every time I think about it.

    By the way, thanks for replying. I know that you're busy and I appreciate it.

  61. I have to admit that i find it kind odd that your review christmas related books before Christmas but not on Christmas. Is there any real reason for that?

  62. Lewis, I was hoping on what opinions YOU have on the recent DCU Red Circle books?

    I hope I see some Red Circle stuff on the XMas Recommendations video or the 2011 preview video!


  63. "Lewis, I was hoping on what opinions YOU have on the recent DCU Red Circle books?

    I hope I see some Red Circle stuff on the XMas Recommendations video or the 2011 preview video!"

    Haven't read any of them.

  64. Well, do you read any examples of any of the previous versions of the heroes (1940s-era MLJ, late-1950s/early-1960s Archie Adventures Series, Mighty Comics Group, 1980s Red Circle/AAS, or Impact Comics)?

    Also, did you read anything by Heroic Publishing?


  65. "Well, do you read any examples of any of the previous versions of the heroes (1940s-era MLJ, late-1950s/early-1960s Archie Adventures Series, Mighty Comics Group, 1980s Red Circle/AAS, or Impact Comics)?

    Also, did you read anything by Heroic Publishing?"

    Nope to both.

  66. What New Kids on the Block #4 are you reviewing, as there were four monthly NKOTB comics at the time: the regular book, Backstage Pass, Comic Tour '90/'91, and Chillin!


  67. This is a bit late but I know what game store you're talking about. I know the owner and he can be a douche at times. Not sure if I should say the name of the store on here but I wish I could have seen you guys here back in May. Hope you guys come back here again.

  68. Lewis: Paul S. DID send you some old Mighty Crusaders comics a year or so ago. Did you read them?


  69. "Lewis: Paul S. DID send you some old Mighty Crusaders comics a year or so ago. Did you read them?"

    No, I did not read them and I probably will not. Frankly, JAP, I have found your constant efforts to push me into reviewing ANYTHING that you recommend to be annoying, repetitive, and frustrating.

    You fail to make any sort of argument about WHY they should be reviewed, you make multiple comments and posts about that subject and nothing else, and frankly it comes off like a stalker obsessed with a particular topic.

    In fact, it's gotten to the point where any subject that you bring up makes me believe I should avoid mentioning it altogether.

    In brief: STOP IT. You make a recommendation, I'll read it, but give me a damn good reason why and not just because you don't like it. Stop pestering me. Stop making thread posts on YABS about it. If I want to review something, I'll review it, but your nagging is not helping your case.

  70. hey lewis can tell us why cry for justice sucks relly cas im thinking you're gowing to forget man.

  71. Here is a review of the 1980s Red Circle 1st issue of the Fly that I wrote for Option38: www.option38.com/comics/80s/red-circle-the-fly-1.asp



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