Thursday, November 18, 2010

VLOG: Linkara and Iron Liz Play Yu-Gi-Oh!

First: We open some packs! ABSOLUTE POWERFORCE!

Duel 1!

Duel 2!

Duel 3!


  1. You guys should duel ME one of these days... IF I ever meet you.

    Also, in case you ever duel again.

    Look at the bottom card after cutting. If it's a spell or trap, you go last.
    If both cards are monsters, the monster with the highest attack goes first.

  2. I think I threw up a's not you, it's the Yu-Gi-Oh anime flashbacks it induced. Just awful stuff...I tried so heard to forget it existed. And then there was that picture of Mai! *barfs*

    I think I need to watch some Deathnote or FMA Brotherhood to wash that from my brain.

  3. It's crazy, like looking back at memories of times ages ago when I used to play this game. I'm still stunned this game still exists, to be honest. Pretty funny stuff.

  4. liked it would love to see more

  5. If you want a Blue Eyes Ultimate, I'd be more than willing to trade for the Darksoul since I'm building an XX Saber deck. If you want to, I'm on Twitter (Leonhart321) if you want to talok about it.

    As for your deck, I'm surprised you didn't add Honest with all the Light attribute monsters in your deck, could have caused some major grief for poor Liz

    Still fun to see you guys play and enjoy yourselves with this. Maybe we could see you guys play more games like this (I'm thinking Magic, Munchkin and Chez Geek to name a few) since you seemed to enjoy it just as much as we enjoyed to watch it

  6. It was actually really cool to see I used to play Yu Gi Oh with my brother but I never played it since

    also I was very sick today so this was not at all long enough, I would love to see you two play more card games the amount of references you two make is just incredible!!
    Great Job

  7. Actually, that was lots of fun. Was especially fun in the second duel when Liz was steamrollering your brother's deck.

    Most amusing. :)

  8. I used to have a light/dark beatdown deck based around Black Luster Soldier : Envoy of the beginning before it got added to the banned list, stopped playing around the time soul of the duelist boosters were released.

  9. back when i used to play i had one card that if you knew how to play it could destroy any card that i came across. it was the shadow ghoul and it had 1600 attack but it had an effect that it gained attack from every monster in the grave. you play it at the end of a duel where you have a lot of monsters in the grave and it can become beastly.

  10. Wow, I havent played this in years. The only card game I ever played. I would have to say that Gravity Bind was my favorite card. No monster over 4 stars could be summoned or move. Pissed off my opponents every time.

  11. I am ashamed to say that I find this whole thing incredibly surreal. I really only half-believed you when you said you were a fan of the game, but wow. This is like seeing Doug Walker showing off his collection of Anthrocon memorabilia or the Spoony One going LARPing as Titus, it's just bizarre.

    At least you enjoyed yourself, and if you ever want to take duel challenges from your fans, I'll be willing to join in on the fun.

    Gotta love the Twilight joke there, though.

  12. Seeing you two duel brings back memories for yours truly. Nowadays, I still duel but mainly with video games and computer programs because, in my opinion, there are too many players out there who take this game WAY too seriously and because I hardly know anyone my age who's actually kept track with some of the recent rules, regulations, and restrictions that are currently in play for duelists.

  13. oh and in addition to my earlier comment about the shadow ghoul. one of my friends that played this played in some tournaments around here and he had a very good deck. he had three blue eyes white dragons and the three headed version. in one game i killed all of them with the shadow ghoul.

  14. Nearly a good amount of teens in my Middle School Days (Chippewa Middle School) played this game.

    I have a deck...And it consists of hand me downs from my friends and they range from decent to useless...I never really won a duel with it.

  15. I hope you realize how glorious this is. And to think, I thought Atop the fourth wall couldn't get more awesome.
    Yugioh playing con-goers would love to play you guys, no matter your skill level.
    Did you consider that Tactical Evolution copuld mean "Evolution of Tactics"?
    "Storm of Ragnarök" is one of the upcoming sets, that's a cool name.
    Do a little research, you may end up getting back into the game properly.

  16. Linkara...


    *nostalgic critic punches me*


    There, reference of my own. I'll also admit I was playing yugioh on my DS as I watched this. Anyway, great to see you two having so much fun with it. I still go to tournaments once in a while and its so competitive no one has fun anymore.

    Like a lot of the other commentors, I'd love to duel you some time, but the chances of that are pretty much zero. Still, good to know there's still some other people playing.

  17. Thanks you two, you have now made me go pull out my Gameboy DS game of Yu-gi-oh, reset it, and started playing it again.

    And really, this was rather fun to see you two just relax, play, and have fun, particularly when you guys did your references or voices. It was also to see just how obvious it was that you two haven't played in a while as well.

    Here's to hoping we get to see more in the future from you two with these different card games, and I wish you guys luck as far as the Digimon Card game is concerned, as if i recall correctly, that sucker was rather difficult to get a handle on.

  18. Hey Linkara, you guys should Tele-Duel some of your fans.

    My Slim-Keeper deck would love to face you.

  19. Wow, it really HAS been a while since you guys played this game, hasn't it? Here's a hint: Marauding Captain only gets out a monster when it's Normal Summoned, not when it's sent to the graveyard. No offense meant, honestly, but the moment I saw the title, I kept thinking to myself "this is going to turn into a train wreck, isn't it?"

    Love the choice to have Joey/Mai as the cover art for these videos, btw. Fairly appropriate, in my opinion.

    Also interesting that you liked GX for Jaden; then again, I dunno if you watched the anime past the first season, so you probably didn't see Dark Emo Tyrant Jaden in season 3.

  20. This was a nice change. Me and my friend still play this, but we do best of 7 matches.

    Jinzo's awesome. You can totally dominate a game if you can use him right.

    Speaking of Jinzo, Traphole doesn't work on Jinzo. Neither does Bottomless Traphole. You can Solemn Judgment or Rigeki Break.

  21. I'm gonna say this once because it sounds awesome in my head and it may degrade in quality over time: "Have The Source agree to a Linkara Meet-n-Greet/ a wee bit of Yu-Gi-Oh amongst fans and Linkara if willing"
    Oh, and on top of what SynjoDeonecros said it should be noted that flip summoning Marauding Captain wouldn't have triggered the special summoning part of his effect either so all in all it was an illegal move. I'm only saying this because knowledge is power!

  22. Tons of fun. Reminds me of the old days when I played with my friends. You know, you two should do a whole new series like, Link and Liz try card know, like Brad Tries. It's very nostalgic and you two are just wonderful to watch and listen to.

  23. Nice! I haven't played Yu-gi-oh in years. Very fun video, you guys make a cute couple.

  24. I just spent two hours watching Linkara and Iron Liz play a children's card game. On one hand, I enjoyed it. On the other hand, maybe I should really look into getting something called a 'social life.' But that would require leaving my house, wouldn't it? Ah, bleah.

    I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh myself. Couldn't keep a strategy straight for more than a turn and almost never won, but hey, I tried. My favorite card was always Wingweaver. Seriously, 2750/2400 stats? That fairy pwned.

  25. Ah, I used to love this game. I quit once they added a bunch of the regulations. It just erked me that I couldn't use my favorite cards. Ah, well. Still have my deck in its tin....somewhere. I'd say I'd love to face you but since I'm all the way in Massachusetts...

  26. I actually enjoyed these videos and look forward to more of these. I'm actually looking to start playing Yu-Gi-Oh so this was educational.

    You two should start a new show together: Lounging with Liz and Linkara.

  27. "just spent two hours watching Linkara and Iron Liz play a children's card game. On one hand, I enjoyed it. On the other hand, maybe I should really look into getting something called a 'social life.' But that would require leaving my house, wouldn't it? Ah, bleah."

    Yeah, social lives are completely overrated. On the other hand, though, it's difficult to play card games without leaving your home.

  28. Loved it!XD Lewis your the best. You have inspired to play again. Not Yu-gi-oh though, Magic FOREVER!!!!(Fist Pump)

  29. That was pretty funny. If you ever get any of the online stuff you need to definitely play. Oh I wish I never gave away my actual cards. :P

  30. I used to play this game. My favorite deck was a fiend-theme deck; not particularly big on huge monsters apart from Dark Necrofear, but it had a really nice synergy. Fiends have a lot of effect monsters that serve mostly to screw with your opponent in nasty little ways.

    "You killed my Newdoria? Cool. Your monster dies, too. Oh, attack my Giant Germ? Surprise!"

    Good times.

  31. I have just watched 2 people play a card game I have only passing knowledge of for several hours and I can say nothing more than this: where is game 4? I feel like I do after watching an episode of lucky star.

  32. I did the same thing just a short while ago, me and a friend bought a tin and two structure decks on impulse and went at it. We say the Synchro stuff they added but pretty much discarded them since we didn't have enough Tuners between the tin and structure decks to make use of them.

  33. Haha, brings me back to the days I played YGO. The format changed a bit too quickly and I stopped playing, but it was fun nonetheless. Currently playing the Pokemon tcg, which is way deeper than people give it credit.

  34. You guys are awesome. Loved the entire thing. I can't wait for the next vlog of card dueling. BTW my favorite cards have always been dragon cards. My favorite dragon's though are the Blue Eyes Shining Dragon and the Red Eyes Darkness Dragon. Plz do another Yu-Gi-Oh Duel again it was fun.

  35. Tell Liz she can place spell card on the field in the trap monster area and not always have to activate them.

  36. You bought the cards that came loose in the pack?

    You might want to recheck those cards. There was a BIG flare up over WotC printing fake cards that were sold in those kind of packs. It's the biggest reason they no longer print YGO.

  37. Blah double post :(

    First... The "Victory Viper" is actually Vic Viper from the Salamander and Gradius series. Gradius is the planet.

    Second... I think you were playing a bit wrong... I looked like you were sacrificing FACE DOWN monsters and getting their flip effects. You can't do this. If they are face down and sacrificed, their effects do not go into play. You have to flip them up first THEN use the effect, THEN sacrifice.

    BTW: Whenever you shuffle you have to offer your deck to be cut.

    How about getting an extension cord and plugging your computer into the other side of the apartment ^-^?

  38. I liked it, really fun to see you and Liz just having fun with a game and going back and forth, and would watch more.

    Never played Yu-Gi-Oh with cards (I did play the hell outta one of the GBA games, and honestly I end up liking video games card games better because it seems more fun to me to play XD)

    I use to use a cheap Dark Axe Equipment Deck that would make a make a weak monster into a +5000atk, so fun.

    I owned a lot of Digimon Cards but never got a chance to play it so watch you two would be interesting. (Again the only chance I got to play that was PS card game version).

  39. It's been a while since I played Yu Gi Oh. I couldn't see all the cards, but I immediately recognized one of them in Iron Liz's hand, when you both started playing. The Change of Heart card. Too bad they banned that card. It was so easy to screw others with it. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon on the enemy's side. Use change of heart. Sacrifice it for anything and then use monster reborn to revive Blue Eyes.

  40. I enjoyed this, I watched all four vids. You and Liz have great personalities and it's just fun to watch the two of you together no matter what you're doing.

    You've both been a great inspiration to me, and I love old CCGs so keep it up, I'm really intersted in seeing the Sailor Moon match... I've got a Sailor Venus deck somewhere.

    Also I'm sure more then 4 people have seen Flash, remember he's just a man... with a man's courage.

  41. Hello Linkara I am a big fan of your History of Power rangers and i enjoyed your Yugioh game. I honestly wish to Challange you and Liz to a Tag Duel with me and my friend matthew if only to a have fun and b to introduce you guys to the new style and new cards of yugioh. Also Your decks interest me and Im sure it would be fun. Finally I look forward to the next HOPR as well as any further duels you have with any and all Yugioh Players If you ever are interested in the challange my email is

  42. As a Magic the Gathering player I'm offended, I don't know why, but I am.

  43. Man Linkara, now I want to duel you (or anyone with a deck really). D:

    The Duels have now put me in a dueling mood. Would awesome to duel ya, course I highly doubt you'd want to duel your fans on the internet considering if you did you'd never get ANYTHING DONE. Reminds me I need to retune my deck so it's tournament compliant with the new ban list.

    Also, when monsters have the same Atk/Def during an attack both monsters are destroyed. Either way fun to watch the duels

  44. Just call your brother's deck the "always let the lady win at least one," set. ~_^

    Fun stuff.

  45. Just because I recognize the name, catoblepas is not a yugioh thing. Why do I know this? Because in gaming I have been killed enough times to develope a loathing for the thing. It's like a buffalo that can turn you to stone by looking at you or breathing on you. So it's doubly dangerous.

  46. I just have to say Stardust Overdrive sounds like a great 70's Disco band

  47. I have two questions that have bugged me for some time, and I apologize in advance if one of these is too personal:
    1. Who is that one man who sometimes appears in your videos, the one that sometimes wears your hat and has a beard?
    2. What is up with you and Iron Liz anyway?

  48. Heh, this brings me back. Oh, and Red Eyes Black Dragon was my favorite too. Freakin' pansy White Dragon with his purty blue eyes.

  49. I quit when I finally got the card of my Favourite seiyu, the Black Rose Dragon by a stroke of luck. And I kinda miss it but my wallet is happy and fat again. lol

    My favourite card was the Dark Blade in combo with Kiryu. And Jinzo was always plan b.

  50. I'm loling on this as i have been playing for years.

  51. lol I still play the game. I didn't like ABPF set. It had maybe 1 good card.

  52. Lolz. I play the game still. The meta is... pretty stupid so it's nice to watch you guys play is really enjoyable

    Congrats on the Dark Soul Linkara. It's going like $20 on ebay XD

  53. I remember back when I played, I had a strategy based around pulling three Buster Bladers in a single turn. Considering that, back then, just about everyone carried around a Blue Eyes or three, on the rare chance I succeeded in pulling this move, I'd likely have three monsters with at least 3100 attack. It was a simple use of having a few Emblems of Dragon Destroyer, an Earth Chant, a Skilled White Magician and a Monster Reborn.

    I'd first summon Skilled White Magician, who's effect lets me sacrifice him with three spell counters to special summon a Buster Blader from my deck. To get the spell counters, I played two Emblems of Dragon Destroyer, then Earth Chant. As this was before the ruling that made it so you could only summon ritual monsters with Earth Chant, I was able to discard one Buster Blader to summon the other in my hand. Then I'd activate the Skilled White Magician's effect and pull the third from my deck. This was closed off with a Monster Reborn to pull the Buster Blader I threw out for Earth Chant out of the Graveyard.

    The only problem was that it required a specific set of cards that were severe pains in the ass to pull.

  54. "I have two questions that have bugged me for some time, and I apologize in advance if one of these is too personal:
    1. Who is that one man who sometimes appears in your videos, the one that sometimes wears your hat and has a beard?
    2. What is up with you and Iron Liz anyway?"

    1. I'm pretty sure that's his dad.

    2. Probably a little blunt don't you think? But they clearly are living together, I think that's enough information for you no?

  55. Hey, Linkara, this is unrelated to your post, but...oh well.

    You might remember me from Daisho Con on Saturday. I asked you if I could record you saying "YOU ARE A MAN" for my FtM friend, Alex.

    Just wanted to give you some follow-up on that. I showed it to him, and he LOVED IT. His other friends are digging it, too. Thank you so much for helping bring a smile to his face. :)

  56. " Thank you so much for helping bring a smile to his face. :) "

    Not a problem! ^_^

  57. Heh, cute. I haven't played this game since I lost my copy of the Yugioh DS game...which wasn't all that long ago. Huh. Feels like a while ago.

    Anyway, this was a fun little diversion. I'm more of a Magic man myself, but I always love watching people play TCGs, regardless of which one it is. So this was a pleasant little surprise when I pulled up the site to wait for the AT4W tonight.

  58. I so miss casual play... back before it was "Who can deal a billion damage first"-Gi-Oh...

    Fiber Jar... you magnificent bastard, I READ YOUR *BOOK*!!!

  59. You do not fool me Mr. Kara you were in that Toy'R'us to buy deadly weapons! (One might say weapons befitting a ranger that is mighty, powerfull and can morph.)

  60. Hey Linkara, let me know if you want to trade for a Legal Obelisk The Tormentor, Blue Eyes, Dark Magician, Or Red Eyes.

  61. *sees cat hears and jaw drops* *falls over* ...sorry about that, lol. Anyway, I haven't finished watching all of this yet, but I am loving it so much, it's some much fun to watch as well as you two interacting. I was more of a pokemon card player as a kid....never played right though o.O

    Would love to see more vids like this in the future

  62. Please....stay the fuck away from my game! Seriously you guys made this probably the most painful and embarrassing thing to ever be related to YGO. From REAL players, you and your Fugly girlfriend are what give us a bad rep.

  63. Lol at "I'll edit this out"

  64. "Please....stay the fuck away from my game! Seriously you guys made this probably the most painful and embarrassing thing to ever be related to YGO. From REAL players, you and your Fugly girlfriend are what give us a bad rep."

    What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your douchey, elitist, insulting, dickheadedness.

  65. I loved every minute of this. I would like to see you play more than just the Sailor Moon and Digimon CCG together that you hinted at. Since Iron Liz is into RPGs: Maybe Vampire/Jyhad, Rage (I'm a collector of it), or even Arcadia?
    Hell, I wouldn't mind if you played normal card games like Uno. Which can be a beast when played with a ton of players.

    Hooray! Another Yugioh GX fan! But yeah, it sounds like you only watched the first half of the first season. 4Kids only dubbed three out of the four seasons and changed a lot of what was really being said in the original show.
    "Dying = Sent to the stars", really, 4kids?
    But man, are there a lot of moments of awesome for some of the characters who do go out in the third season.

    Yes, the Elemental Heroes are based on Super Heroes. What you might like is that in the second season, Judai/Jaden changes his deck to one involving NeoSpacians which are based upon Sentai Heroes (Power Rangers-like deck). And he faces off against an antagonist who uses cards based on the Tarot. However, these Tarot monsters are also influenced by Konami's own Silent Hill series.

    I only own a few of the cards, so I don't have a deck to play with anyone. I do have the Tag Force games for the PSP, which help a lot in learning how to play the game and do have the banned lists on them.

    Another thing: To have been really evil to Liz, you could had some Restrictor Revolution cards in there to use every time she had more than five cards in her hand.

  66. Well, that was an interesting two hours. Brought back a lot of nostalgia, in spite of the fact that I still do play this game. I remember buying my first packs of the Japanese OCG at Epcot shortly before they hit the states. I loved the artwork and ended up liking the gameplay, as well.

    I'm not going to sit here and nitpick at anything in particular with the gameplay, as many people have pointed things out to that effect before me. However, one thing did bug me: one of you could have used Stardust Dragon to try out the Synchro mechanic. It's like fusion, but faster (though the downside is that Fusion monsters still tend to have better effects).

    Speaking of mechanics, there's one card I never agreed with when it came to being banned, and it happened to be Fiber Jar. Good to see someone use that again.

  67. Honest is one of the best cards in the game

  68. That was a lot of fun to watch. It brought back a lot of good (and exceptionally geeky) high-school memories for me. You should do more of this! Though definitely help Liz out with her deck; yours was very deadly and delightfully Kaiba-esque!

  69. Oh my god.
    I just realized you were doing Dan Green Pharaoh Atem voice.
    You sir, win.
    Even when you lose to your girlfriend.
    Yeah right, like anyone really loses when you guys play card games.
    Basically, everyone wins.

  70. Here is the real challenge. Play this children's card game again... ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!!!!

  71. Hey great duel man. Any chance you'll be getting Duel Transer for the Wii? It's got online play, so you could duel anyone anywhere.

    Also, would love to teach you all about Synchro Monsters someday.

  72. Dear mister Linkara and the charismatic madam IronLiz; this weekend, you two have made me spend over five hours of my life watching three slow loading videos of people's hands moving pieces of cardboard/paper around a glass table, broken by a few meager shots of soda cans and one or two face shots. The fact that I had to sit down and wait for a mere card game to start up, and then sit through a decent grade video just for hard to distinguish cards to come across my sights, is something I shall not forget easily. This is especially true as it took up the time I could have spent reminiscing about a few gifts I'd come to possess in the same weekend.

    I thoroughly enjoyed myself all the way through it, a smile plastered to my goofy face as I watched you two re-take up a game which I've always enjoyed playing, but had to contend with a computer much of the time to really play with. It was great seeing two (relatively) inexperienced people playing this time-lasting game even after it has changed so much, and enjoying it to boot. Liz's enthusiasm for the game reminds me of the timeless experiences of when I was growing up and learning the game from scratch, not to mention watching the TV show (on and off). That's not to call her childish; it's to call her invigorating.

    I'm rather interested, too, how your own learning of the game has evolved Linkara, and if you and Liz break the game out again every other rainy day or so. A good game should never be fated to gather dust on a shelf.

    Thanks for allowing me to revisit my childhood, you two - don't let the elitists of the gamers beat you down. You two rock! *fist pumps*

    [End overtly long message]

  73. Ah, one of my guilty pleasures... not the anime- unless you count the original version... the 4Kids! one sucks, but I love the card game... This was very entertaining and would like to see more!

  74. Personally I'd love to duel either one of you on YVD. It's an online Yugioh duel program that allows you to build a deck with any cards. Rather primitive when you compare it to other online simulators like Pokemon's Shoddybattle since you still have to do all the card effects (movements) manually.

  75. Damn, didn't think I'd see this today, and I'm extremely glad I did. Being a huge yugioh fan and playing competitively for about a year now, this was a pleasant surprise.

  76. Darn you Linkara. You caused me and my boyfriend to have a fight. :-(

    After watching all your videos (Well ok I skipped the beginning) I was very eager to try on Yu-Gi-Oh. I told my boyfriend about it who was about 1/10th as enthusiastic about it as I was. Which then escalated into a fight and.. Oh well. I won anyway, and am going to have my first game tonight! XD Wish me luck. ^_^

  77. This was actually really fun to watch! :D And Sailor Moon cards!

    Now I feel all nostalgic. Looks like I'll have to dig out my cards and restructure my deck.

    Let's see if I can find anyone to play with me though, haha.

  78. yeah, my deck was total dragon deck baised around blue eyes shining (gains 300 attack per dragon in graveyard) in the end he has over 9000 attack(lol not kiding either) and has a selfdestruct, killing anything I want, it also negates spell/traps and monster effects as I chose... way overpowered

  79. The Yu-Gi-Oh card player in me twists and shouts of you for not playing by the rules... but the Humane part of me laughs out loud because of this xD

  80. Hahahah, I thoroughly enjoyed that whole thing. I am a Yugioh player myself, even to this day, keeping up with the rules and cards and such, and I must say I got a kick out of watching you guys play, it reminded me of the good ole' days.

    As for the whole Jinzo vs. Trap Hole thing, no, you cannot activate Trap Hole on Jinzo since you are right, his effect goes off immediately, Liz wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

    Also, you are right that you can only normal summon once per turn, but that also includes setting monsters as well. In other words, you must choose between setting a monster or normal summoning a monster once per turn.

    Just wanted to let you guys know this information because its for the love of the game. Keep up the good work!

  81. I loved these posts becuase I played yugioh a LOT until summer 2009. I had (and still have) 4 decks, and my favorite is my elemental heroes. If you put up more duels, I'd love to see them :D

  82. In the first duel the captain was not normal summoned, it was just set face down so if you wanted to activate its effect you have to flip summon it first before use it as a tribute in the white dragon ritual card.

  83. I watched it completely. I didn't think it was boring at all!

  84. Yeesh. I'm a massive dork about this franchise; I have just so much to say.

    1.) More zones? There's the Field Spell zone, for Field Spells...and technically anything removed from play.
    2.) Honest is unbelievably potent. It basically means that a LIGHT monster gains the ATK of the monster it's battling for the duration of the battle (i.e. 2500 vs. 5000 --Honest--> 7500 vs. 5000)
    3.) In part, Light of Destruction refers to GX Season 2's antagonist.
    4.) Temple of the Kings can yield nearly anything, even the most massive Synchros there are. Be weary, Linkara, be weary.
    5.) Don't waste your time on D-Fortune unless you have a TON of chaos cards.
    6.) Most of those cards in that pack are related to Batterymen. Not sure how well you'll be able to use those.
    7.) Beware Phantom Darkness...Yubel!
    8.) Tactical Evolution here really more refers to what way you'll advance your monsters; more like evolution in the "growing-up" sense.
    9.) Yeeahh...if you just picked up these new cards, I doubt you can use them well. Most cards released these days are specifically tied to an archetype of some kind, and certainly most you announced were. You're free to use them...but they won't be very good without others of the same kind.
    10.) It's apparently an advanced form of Stardust Dragon in Season 2 of 5D's. I wouldn't know; I've been avoiding looking at it so I won't be spoiled as I haven't gotten that far yet.
    11.) That would be a Synchro Monster, all right. They're like a combination of Ritual and Fusion monsters. They're like Fusion monsters with where they're stored and treated with regard to certain effects (i.e. returning to hand), and that they require multiple monsters combined to be used. They're like Ritual monsters in that the levels matter; to Synchro Summon a Synchro monster, you send the Synchro-Material monsters on your field to the Graveyard and then summon it from your Extra Deck, assuming the Materials total Level exactly equals the Level of the Synchro monster. And as a follow-up, each Synchro lists exactly what it needs; nearly all require exactly 1 Tuner monster, of which there are many across all Types and Attributes, even other Synchro monsters.
    12.) So you liked GX because at first it was fun-loving and all about the card games?'s commonly regarded as the best season of that show, including by me...but you might want to look out for season 3, certainly so if you go with the original.

  85. 11.) That would be a Synchro Monster, all right. They're like a combination of Ritual and Fusion monsters. They're like Fusion monsters with where they're stored and treated with regard to certain effects (i.e. returning to hand), and that they require multiple monsters combined to be used. They're like Ritual monsters in that the levels matter; to Synchro Summon a Synchro monster, you send the Synchro-Material monsters on your field to the Graveyard and then summon it from your Extra Deck, assuming the Materials total Level exactly equals the Level of the Synchro monster. And as a follow-up, each Synchro lists exactly what it needs; nearly all require exactly 1 Tuner monster, of which there are many across all Types and Attributes, even other Synchro monsters.
    12.) So you liked GX because at first it was fun-loving and all about the card games?'s commonly regarded as the best season of that show, including by me...but you might want to look out for season 3, certainly so if you go with the original.
    13.) Every "Watt" monster is a cartoony-looking electric animal with the word "watt" crammed into the animal name. The original ace of the archetype was Wattchimera. They're a weird bundle of cards.
    14.) Delta Flyer might not seem like much, but given as how it's a Tuner with the ability to elevate monster Levels, it's nothing to scoff at.
    15.) "D.D." here means "Different Dimension". It's a common moniker with cards with effects involving cards removed from play or that remove cards from play themselves.
    --that's DIFFERENT dimension, you fooool! (I kid)
    16.) Trigon and Dragon Laser are cards themed off of the Gradius games, as is that Blue Falcon card from earlier. Konami loves to use this game to plug their other games. I shudder to think what'll happen if they ever try to use Yugioh to plug Silent Hill.
    17.) Blackwings are a bunch of crow-like monsters that specialize in swarming the field. The guy who uses them in the show is also named Crow.
    18.) Don't bother trying to figure out the rarity levels. Nobody can figure it out.
    19.) The Reptiliannes are an archetype used by the bustiest woman in the franchise that specialize in giving monsters 0 ATK, then exploiting that (thematically turning them to stone).
    20.) The Koa'ki Meiru are a bunch of monsters that revolve around the Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru. They're strong monsters that require a strong internal core, represented by recycling the Iron Core card or by displaying a show of power (a certain kind of card revealed or discarded).

    21.) Quick-Play Spells are commonly misunderstood. You can activate one face-down from the field or in your hand at any time during your turn, or one face-down on the field during your opponent's turn. The only exception is when you Set the card; then you have to wait until the next turn to activate it (this applies even if an effect causes you to Set one during your opponent's turn).
    22.) Yeah...the original Gradius card isn't particularly good.
    23.) Basic, but potent. Yeah...Pot of Greed is NOT legal by any stretch; it's really amazing it got as long a run in the show as it did. Its potency in a game like this is insane.
    24.) Ah yes, Spear Dragon. A lesser-known card of Kaiba's, and not a bad one either.
    25.) Only time Balloon Lizard was in the show was to hyper-evolve it into a Black Tyranno.
    26.) Man-Eater Bug...used by a girl...nah the show already did that joke, never mind.
    27.) Actually, she should've still taken damage there.
    28.) Dian Keto isn't actually very good. Poison of the Old Man, however, THERE's a card.
    29.) "Thrill as I set all my monsters in Defense mode. Stalemates are VERY exciting!"
    30.) Several more cards of Kaiba's. And...actually slight misplay there. You only need the total Levels (not exact) for the Ritual Tribute; you don't need 2 or more. You could've just gone with Tributing Spear Dragon.

  86. I actually came across this vlog thanks to AT4W's TV Tropes page mentioning it, and being a YGO player, I thought I'd watch it. Well, I wasn't bored. Heck, sometimes I'd yell "Finish him!", "Finish her!" and "Get on with it!"; point out misplays, which other people have already commented on; and say which cards were banned or limited. I enjoyed seeing Cyber Jar and Fiber Jar in action, especially Fiber Jar. Yay for the reset button.

    All in all, this was fun to watch. Sure, it was slow-paced--hey, you haven't played in a while--but the banter between you two made it enjoyable. Heck, I flashbacked to when I started playing, and to this day, I am amazed that I thought Giant Germ's effect could Special Summon two Barrel Dragons from my deck in attack position. Silly me. Thank you for sharing your match with us.

  87. "Please....stay the fuck away from my game! Seriously you guys made this probably the most painful and embarrassing thing to ever be related to YGO. From REAL players, you and your Fugly girlfriend are what give us a bad rep."

    Wow someone is a jackass. You say it is people like Linara and Liz who give the game a bad rep. But the way you are speaking is giving fans a bad rep. The point of these games are to have fun not be a douchebag.

    Also yoou call Liz fugly(which she isn't.) when for one atleast Linkara has a girlfriend. You on the other hand probably only have your right hand.

  88. The Source is an awesome comic shop! I used to go there all the time in high school. It's where my Gundam model addiction first began. Haven't been there is a few years, however.

  89. I remember during high school going to the Source all the time to buy Gundam models and assorted nerdy goods.

    In fact, I passed my Psychology class by writing a thesis on people buying toys & comics to fulfill nostalgic memories of their childhood.

  90. Man, you guys make me wish I still had my non-tournament legal cards like Yata-Garasu, Witch of The Black Forest, my Cyber Jar and Imperial Order. :( I remember doing a combo using Spear Cretin, Cyber Jar and Black Forest to fill my monster areas.
    I really wish I could get back into this game but I do not know anyone whose still into it :(

  91. Lord Typh/Gamemaster0422March 23, 2012 at 2:58 AM

    I wouldn't mind dueling you, if you ever had the time. I even know a few good dueling programs. Heck, I wouldn't mind helping explain some of the mechanics and stuff. Just send me a message on Yahoo or Skype (Gamemaster0422 and lord_typh respectively) if you're interested. Um, sorry if this is a bother to you.

  92. Just as a certain someone played Serketh I thought two things simultaneously: "Uuuuuh, nasty." and "Well played. Well played, indeed."


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