Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Liz and Linkara Play Sailor Moon: The Card Game

Once again watch as two adults stumble around trying to figure out how to play the Sailor Moon card game!





  1. I love that picture of you as Sailor Moon, Lewis.

    Not a fan of Sailor Moon (I got into anime way after it was popular), but it is nice to see you and Liz in more videos.

    I can identify with the whole "angry kid in middle school". Sucks that you got suspended, but I'm glad that you found positive aspects from that experience.

  2. Pretty Sailor Linkara just broke my brain. Grand :S

  3. That was enjoyable, especially when you where pretty much owned by Liz.

    I hope you two will be doing the Digimon card game next. And is there any chance of you two ever trying a Pokémon game with the new rules and maybe even Ranger Strike? :)

  4. If you and Liz are going to keep up the card game shenanigans, then may I suggest you play the Pokémon TCG next. The last time I played it was when the first Johto packs came out. I'd love to see all the rules and adjustments they've made throughout the years whist you're playing cards games Pocket Monsters-style.

  5. No wait sorry, That's the shortly lived 2008 Power Rangers card game. Not Ranger Strike which is the more popular japanese version.

  6. D: No plug for the titlecard on vid 2?

    That makes me a say steveman. T_T

    Thats pretty much how I played the SM cardgame when I played it in highschool.

    <,< >,>

    I dare you to try out the Dragonball Z cardgame! :3c

  7. And that picture is gonna leave me with nightmares of Linkara in a skirt. Thanks for the Nightmare Fuel!

  8. Interesting to see this game. It makes more sense than Duel Monsters at least (still not sure how I learned to play that game...) I'd probably heard of it at some point but I've never seen it played (I don't even remember seeing it in my local toy store) although the pulling out a character before the game starts reminded me of thre Harry Potter card game (which I thankfully only played once.)

    The new segment title fits quite nicely I think. Hope to see many more card games, especially if you've still got your pokémon decks hanging around.

  9. That was fun to watch! I've never watched an episode of Sailor Moon before, but I felt like I was getting a crash course watching this.

    I know how you feel Lewis, I was an angry kid in middle school too. Got OSS as well for having a little bit of a 'rage explosion' Amazing how different things can be 8 years later.

    Also, I'm really surprised you aren't a fan of Magic:the Gathering. I find that it plays very differently from Yugioh and it allows for broader strategies. Plus it's fun giving personalities and storylines to your creatures :)

  10. I have a binder of those..and I'm only missing like 7 cards all of which are holo's...

  11. So speaking of Sailor Moon....

    Megzie was in the proses of drawing a Sailor Venus for Liz when I started playing the videos.

    The whole time she is drawing, she kept saying "Senshi.Senshi.Senshi.Senshi.Senshi.Senshi.Senshi."

    Then I kept shouting out random dub lines. Why? Because I like being annoying.

  12. "D: No plug for the titlecard on vid 2?

    That makes me a say steveman. T_T"

    Hey, blame Liz! She was the one who picked the title cards. XD

  13. This is the cutest thing in existence. Games nights are the best.

    Makes me miss game night with my roomies.

  14. I have absolutely no idea what's going on here...and yet, still, very fun.

    Reminds me of my elementary school years, back when Sailor moon was cool, but being a guy meant you never watched it...god, I wish this show would make a comeback.

  15. That Sailor Linkara is rather mind breaking. I honestly had no idea what to think, I'm pretty sure my mind was stuck in processing mode for awhile.

  16. The second title card... argh, can't unsee!

  17. My eyes burn. Why would you do that to me?

  18. No! No! NO! You are totaly TOTALY playing all wrong! Oh thats just frustrating to watch. The monsters do not attack in the way you were having them do so in video one (I dont yet have time to watch the other ones) ... can I post you a video on how to play?
    Thats just... frustrating to watch...

  19. "Liz and Linkara Play" Is actually pretty simple and it works. I say keep it.

    Also, Whoever drew that title-card on vid 2 clearly wanted to punish all those with vision. More potent than any blind spell in any video game.

  20. "No! No! NO! You are totaly TOTALY playing all wrong! Oh thats just frustrating to watch. The monsters do not attack in the way you were having them do so in video one (I dont yet have time to watch the other ones) ... can I post you a video on how to play?
    Thats just... frustrating to watch..."

    YES! Go ahead! We want to know, too! The rule book, it does nothing for us! Explain how it woooooooorrrrrks!

  21. Second title card My eyes!!!! They burn!!!

    You guys need to play a card game neither of you have played. Like duel Masters.

  22. This was great fun to watch, although I wish you had been calling out lines from Sailor Moon Abridged, which is wickedly funny.

  23. Good. I wasn't 'as' interested in this video as I was when you were playing yu-gi-oh, but thats only because before it was a game I was familiar with.

    You did mention pokemon cards though, and Magic. Both games I'm familiar with and would like to see in future videos.

  24. I actually bought the Sailor Jupiter starter back in the day but never played it or knew anyone who did.

    Its really only been Magic in this area, or even in Virginia when I was in the Navy in the 90s.

    I have gotten to try some of the other CCGs out there. Like AniMayhem (the few players pretty much were so awful I think I played it once), Wheel of Time, Rage, L5R.. and.. uh.. not much else I have really seen played. (A little Warcraft, a little Star Wars. Emphasis on A LITTLE.)

    I quite liked Blood Wars though. Bought a ton of Jyhad but havent ever gotten to play it. Saw it played once however. I always wanted the Aliens Predator game to get going cuz you know, ALIENS AND PREDATOR.

    Its kind of fun to see some of these old games getting enjoyed.

    Most game shops if you can actually find people social enough to want to game with other people they pretty much only play D&D, Magic, and Warhammer 40K. Anything else is an also ran at best.

  25. Enjoyed this quite a bit. I have to say, I didn't even know there was a Sailor Moon card game. Of course, seeing how popular it was, that was kind of inevitable.

    I'm hoping you and Liz will do the Pokemon card game next. I haven't played the game since the early Hoenn cards came out and would love to see how they changed the rules since then.

  26. As someone interested in western comics and sailor moon. Would you like to see what you get when you mix the two.

  27. This is a pleasant surprise, Mr. Linkara sir!

    Nice videos. (And thanks for saying something about the cringe-worthy term "scout"!)

    Sailor Linkara needs his own anime series nao.

    Sailor Saturn, by the way, is my favorite.

  28. No offences Linkara But I would of sued the school back to the Stone Age. Then again I had a similer thing happen to me in high school at that time of the school shootings and I wasn’t taking any crap from any of the school administration. Why I was forced into special ed for behavior problem BD behavior disorder as they called it early on in my education, and it took a tooth and nail 6-7 year fight to get myself out of special ed so I could graduate with a real diploma.

    I had very few friends in high school and one of the few wore a trench coat as you can guess someone started a rumor that we were part of the Trench Coat mafia. We were called into the principles office read the riot act and half way through I stood up told the man to be quite and demanded to know what evidence and or information he has one ether of us. He got quite then got mad and yelled and threatens to suspend me I told him go ahead and I will sue the school. I then looked at him dead in the eye demanded a hand shake and an apology. I got both and left.

    sorry went on a rant there.... These card game vid logs are wonderful Linkara please keep them up.

  29. Lewis, I don't care how comedic your intentions are, putting a man in Sailor Moon's skirt is never a pleasant sight.

    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  30. Hey there,
    It's NagyMarci her,
    the guy who made that Marvel-style thingy in your intro.
    Sorry for bothering you here, but I think I've lost your address.
    The case is, I'd like to ask you a small favor. There's a cartoon series pilot I'm working on, and since my english can be quite horrible (and you seem to be a very well read native speaker), I'd be glad if you could take a look at the dialogues.

    My address:

    Many thanks in advance!


  31. ...WHY?! WHY is there Rule 63 Crossdressing Cosplay Fanart of Linkara? WHY?! Linkara as Tuxedo Mask, I can understand, but as a Sailor Senshi? WHY?! Unless this is a jab at the Sailor Star Lights, in which case it's STILL disturbing and calls up the question of WHY?!

  32. Finaly, got this thing uploaded!
    Here is the 15+min how to play sailor moon videos:

    I think I fudged the rejuvation, its 30, not 20. Other then that this should (i hope) help you to actualy play this game, any questions feel free to pm me on youtube! peace.

  33. That's nothing, Linkara. I got called in the High School's office for the police officer for a "dun-dun-dum"... a drawing!
    Did you know what it was that got me in so much trouble after the Columbine shootings?
    I was really into wolves at the time: So I drew my substitute teacher (who I couldn't stand) being eaten by wolves.

    I remember telling them the absurdity of it, after all, where am I going to get wolves when it's illegal to own them in the first place?

    The school also got a fake bomb threat that ended up excavating the entire school to the nearby College for a day.

    Anyways, can't wait for more videos of your card playing. And cool! You are going to make this into a series!

  34. You know what card game you two should try next? Star Trek CCG. Second Edition is very cheap to get a hold of, just look for the Second Edition Combo Box (comes with 8 starters of 4 different kinds and 1 booster box). Usually only costs around $20 at different websites.

  35. i'm surprised that you didn't make any sma references[whether that was a good thing is entirely up to you]. i'm guessing by the time you do this again, she will have marathoned that too[well, at least what's been reuploaded since megami's main account was kicked off of youtube]...

  36. not sure if you got my video responce for how to play, but both videos are in my blog:
    hope that helps! any questsions ask!

  37. You should try playing the Inuyasha card game sometime.

  38. Try the Star Wars CCG at some point.

    Fun game, rather in depth and, well, it's Star Wars...

    Another fun one is Legend of the Five Rings, though that's still a bit of a niche game

  39. Hey, Linkara,

    Unrelated, but I was just glancing through /co/ and discovered what your next project is according to the powers that be. Thought you might find it amusing. :)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Sailor Linkara isn't anywhere near as creepy-looking as Sailor Cinema Snob!

  42. So I was checking to see if you posted your new review yet and...HOLY CRAP!!! LEWIS AND LIZ PLAY THE SAILOR MOON CARD GAME!!! *dies a happy moonie*

    *revives* I bought a bunch of bunch of booster packs of these cards back when Sailor Moon products where still being sold in stores. I had no idea how to play the game let alone had anybody to play with.

    I still had a blast collecting them (even got 5 shiny cards), and I keep them all organized in my purdy glittery folder. Along with my regular Sailor Moon Trading cards, and Fullmetal Alchemist and Bleach game cards...who I also have no one to play with. *sigh*

    PS Oh, bonus points for referring to the senshi by their original Japanese names. <3

  43. *currently watching 2nd video* Nooooes! The Negamoon/Dark Moon was the 2nd half of season 2, not 3! Season 3 had the Heart Snatchers/Death Busters! D=


    Good point about Artemis there...

    In the original Sailor moon manga the anime was based on, with Sailor Venus being the first Sailor she was supposedly training Sailor Moon though the Sailor V arcade game. Then the Sailor V game was somehow tied in with the main computer which was from the Moon Kingdom...something like that. Then it was never explained in the anime, even in the Japanese version.

    The manga was a little weird and kinda hard to follow at times (perhaps it was because of Tokyopop's awful translations I read). but compared to the anime in terms of story, the manga was *FAR* better. (no pointless *beep*-ing filler!) The anime and manga are as different as night and day.

    If you still like Sailor Moon Lewis, have some free time, and don't mind reading a girly comic, check it out. Be warned, its long out of print and very hard to find, but online scans are available.

  44. It's been a while since I played, but I'm pretty sure scouts can only attack monsters and vice versa. The game would probably be clearer if there 2 arenas (Liz's scouts Vs. Louis's monsters in arena 1 and Louis's scouts attacking Liz's monsters in arena 2).

  45. I enjoy these Linkara vs Liz card game series. Keep it up!

    I have a bunch of Sailor Moon cards, although I never did play against anybody. I was just such a huge fan of Sailor Moon way back then and basically got them because they were fun to look at. I think I was the only one who bought the cards from my particular comic shop. Week after week, I was the only one who bought the boosters from the box near the register.

    My rarest card is The Negaforce. (Holo foil, 200hp, worth 6VP, Replaces Queen Beryl, does Negaforce Blast for 150 damage) :D

  46. Amusing, I have three of the theme decks (Venus, Tuxedo Mask, and Past) plus I had bought a few booster packs. Never got to play the game, the Rule Book is written almost to be incredibly mysterious and hard to read.

    Its nice to know I am not the only Minnesotan who bought the cards though.

  47. I've also been the angry kid in middle school who cryed often from misunderstandings, so I can understand what kind of grief that must have been like.

    I wasn't really a fan of Sailor Moon. For a team of superheroines, I was more interested in The Powerpuff Girls (my copy of the movie & series boxset are the pride & joy of my DVD collection). But I am curious to read the Sailor Mooon Manga as soon as I find a good copy.

    Sorry Linkara, but I found the Digimon TCG video more entertaining.


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