Saturday, December 11, 2010


Click "Read More" to see a few videos!

First, Liz and Linkara play Yu-Gi-Oh... AGAIN!




Now enjoy an episode of Brad Tries, wherein the crew of That Guy With the Glasses gather 'round and drink Pepsi Holiday Spice and some other stuff!

And finally, let's see Doug Walker do his impression of Linkara! And yeah, I'll post up the panel from youtube as soon as someone posts it.


  1. When you activated Enemy Controller...I couldn't help it, I ended up playing this in the background.

    Great duels as always.

  2. D:
    In the second duel, if Liz discarded the blue eyes in her hand, she could have reborn it with premature burial and suiciding with Linkara and then monster reborn it.

  3. Love the green ranger suit. I was expecting for you to pull out your magic gun and point it at Doug.

  4. Yeah, the banned lists are really silly but three words: Card Crush Virus. Tribute a dark monster of 1000 lifepoints or less, then check their monsters, hand and the cards they draw for three turns and destroy them if they have 1500 atk or more.

    Yeah, pretty overpowered.

    Or get Yata-locked. The banned cards seem less silly once you get to the really brokensauce cards.

  5. Nice to see you two dueling again, Lewis, though from the video it seemed like you were running on fumes the entire time. Maybe you guys shouldn't do this when it's so late at night! XD

    Also, on the Yu-gi-oh! Card Rulings, I found this interesting little site linked here: and from what I've seen, it gives you some of the rulings for the more hard to figure out cards and such. Don't know if you've got a laptop or something so you could access it on the fly during the duel to make sure of your rulings, but I thought it would be useful none the less.

    Hope we can get the rest of that panel up sometime soon, I'd LOVE to watch it.

  6. Great video, cool that you and Liz are brushed up on the rules, at least now if you made a drinking game that you take a shot every time one of you made a rules mistake you would be dead within the first duel.

    I kinda hate the ban list, but the advance banned list is more for tournament play to make it a little more competitive and take some of the brokenness out of some of the cards, and they do have a traditional banned list for casual players like you and Liz, so yeah, just keep having fun and putting up these fun videos.

    Also, now that you have bought and seen some of the new cards, is there any decks you and/or Liz would like or want to build ? I've been a fan of Crystal Beast since they came out in Yugioh GX. That's the deck I normally run at tournaments. I also enjoy playing my Psychic deck, my Spider deck (yes a Legion of Spiders) and actually I enjoy playing all of my decks that I have now that I think about it.

  7. Very cool. I knew that Green Ranger costume would get some play sooner rather than later.

  8. If you wanted to make a drinking game that would get you sloshed, take one drink every time Liz activates a spell with Trap Hole in the name and then take two drinks every time she forgets the activating conditions for regular Trap Hole and tries to activate it! I did and I'm drunk right now hahaha

  9. Moral of the YouTube clip's story: It's a good idea not to be late, but if you are late, make sure to do it in STYLE!

  10. Aww... you and Liz don't use Tuners and Synchros yet... they make the game that much more broken once you use them. I'm sure you'll use them eventually since they're easier to summon than Fusion Monsters. I also want to see you guys dueling with the Advanced rulings, but, again, I'm sure you'll do that eventually. Take your time reacclimating to the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game and with the eventual Pokémon TCG.

  11. I love it when you guys play Yu-Gi-Oh.

    Btw. The battle damage difference by spear dragon's effect is called "Trample"

  12. When will you release the AT4W 2011 preview?


  13. In case you were still wondering about Ash's Pikachu and its gender, you guys were right, it's male. There's a few times that they called it a "he", but the main confirmation was in an episode when a female Pokemon was using Attract on Pokemon, and Pikachu was affected.

    Anyways, I really enjoy these segments with card games and hope that maybe one day you could do a Pokemon TCG match.

  14. To other users: Yah know, the ban list is there for competitive play, and most of those cards have earned their place for one reason or another.
    There are a lot of broken loops, and some cards frankly Konami just wanted to cycle out for some more theme specific stuff.
    That being said, no one should give you any slack for how you play casually. But guys, learn competitive play a bit before you knock the ban list.

    Anyways, entertaining as always, a bit disappointed you havent put your stardust dragon to use yet :( You could yah know. Delta Flyer and your hordes of lvl 4s makes it easy

  15. Sadly I don't think I'll have enough time to put together a 2011 trailer.

  16. When your monster gives battle damage to your opponent by destroying their defense position monster in battle, the damage is called piercing damage. Trample is a term borrowed from Magic: The Gathering. Either term can be used but piercing is the official Yugioh term. Here's some more info on piercing:

  17. Being a nerd, the person who decided to play card games on motorcycles is Takahashi, the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh because he wanted to do something unique rather than repeat the same familiar elements.

  18. Love these Yugioh duels wit u and Liz. I play the game on and off online using both official(Yugioh Online) and unofficial(programs like YVD) methods and for the second time u got me back into playing just in time for the X-mas season. (TAKE MY MONEY KONAMI!) lol

  19. I personally don't play Yu Gi Oh, I'm more of a Magic: The Gathering player, but if you guys like playing card games, I recommend the game, Munchkin. It is a Hilarious game that is very easy and fun to play that lampoons every fantasy traditional game you can imagine. I highly recommend it, it is loads of fun.

  20. There's a Power Rangers card game you know... ;)

  21. I still think you and Liz should do tag team Duels with other players, and I still say me and my friend Matthew would love to challenge you guys if you wanted players who would either play without hesitation or with hesitation. lol

  22. I don't know why, but it's really fun watching you two play card games. Any chance we could see you or Liz duel your brother? Or dose he play anymore?

    Also, awesome entrance in the green ranger suite.

  23. No 'The spice must flow!' joke among all those Dune references?


  24. Aww you missed one hell of an opportunity for a 'You're in my spot, sir!' joke there with Doug.

  25. Not sure if anyone say this or not. If they did, then sorry for bugging you.

    In Yugioh, when you end your turn with more then 6 cards in your hand, you must discard down until you have six cards. I am not sure if this was an issue here, but when Liz was talking about Linkara getting 8 cards of the mallet, it made me think that this was one rule that was overlooked.

    I loved the game and the Power Rangers.


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