Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Atop the Fourth Wall Storyline

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but there have been a lot of requests from people to post all the episode of AT4W that are relevant to the storyline, in order, since some people don't start watching the episodes in order and I think that's fair, especially since the Lord Vyce storyline is drawing to a close. So, while I wait for a bit more material before the next MAGFest Mega Post, enjoy this look back at every episode that is "necessary" to the plot of Atop the Fourth Wall. I'm leaving out stuff like Part 1 of Spoony's Final Fantasy X review (where it's first referenced that Neutro has gone missing) since it's only really one line that's important, and even then it's not THAT important. I'm also leaving out the first appearances of characters, like the Ninja-Style Dancer or 90s Kid.

Check out the storyline videos behind the cut!

Godzilla vs. Barkley

Neutro #1

Warrior #1

Superman vs. the Terminator #1

Countdown 4-parter (Only Part 1 and the Top 15 are relevant, but I'm posting all of them for simplicity's sake):

Cable #1

Zero Patrol #1

Blackest Night Special

Silent Hill: Dying Inside

Doom #1

Ultimates 3

Youngblood #2

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #1

Strange Adventures #136

Doom's IV #1/2

The Dark Knight Strikes Again Part 2

Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes #2

Athena #1 (For the beginning)

JLA: Act of God (Like Countdown, I'm including them all despite only part 3 being plot-relevant)

The Spirit

Warrior #2-3

Tandy Computer Whiz-Kids: Fit to Win

Anita Blake: The Laughing Corpse #1-2

Freak Force #1

Chain Gang War #1

Ewoks #9

Cable #2

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive

The X-Men #1 (For the beginning)

Power Rangers Zeo #1

Justice League: Cry for Justice


  1. Wow it is a long list of episodes that are important for the complete undestanding of this last one saga of Vyce.

    But that is good,I like that kind of attention, especialy in the comics (thing that is rare) becouse in that way it is easy to follow the history and the consecuencial order of comic to read.

  2. I normally hate stuff like this.... i watched the first 2... NOW I CANT STOP! Seriously though, Your reviews are awesome and, to my great surprise, your storyline/acting is entertaining too.

  3. Awesome! Thank you!

  4. Wow, and just think: all this was set into motion simply because Vince McMahon thought it was a good idea to push Ultimate Warriror as the face of the WWF

  5. Damn, where was this list when I first started watching AT4W? I actually searched through every single episode in order to get caught up on all the story arcs.

    Believe it or not, my very first episode was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1. I saw Lord Zedd on the title card and thought 'Ooh, Power Rangers! This should be cool.' All of a sudden Im watching Linkara fight an evil clone of himself and talking about something named 'Pollo' :P

    Needless to say I was a bit confused but the whole Mechakara thing got me curious enough to go back to begining and watch the old AT4W stuff as well as some of Spoony's videos to catch up. At the same time, I was also watching the new AT4W episodes as they came out. And the rest is history. ^^ Thanks for posting this up though. I might make a marathon out of this later in the week.

  6. "Wow it is a long list of episodes that are important for the complete undestanding of this last one saga of Vyce."

    Well, it's not necessary for Vyce necessarily, but this is the complete story.

  7. Watching the Ultimates 3 review again has me wondering... has Ultimatum dropped off your to-do list, or is that still something you're planning on doing eventually?

  8. Well, there goes my afternoon. LOL

    I've also started on another AT4W Epic Battle tribute drawing! Here's a preview sketch if anybody's interested:

  9. You know, I've been meaning to ask, what ever happened to Insano being presedent? I mean, did he get impeached after the whole Nuetro incedent or something?

  10. What?! How dare you suggest that 90's Kid isn't essential to The Atop the Fourth Walls Storyline! 90's kid IS The Atop the Fourth Wall's Storyline!! May All Power Rangers form the Zordon era as well as the the entire cast of Boy meets wold tie you to chair as you are forced to listen N*sync and the Back Street Boys. May every hero from a 16 bit video game burst out from their realities and into our own and hold you at gun point till you sing along to the hit songs from "Aladdin" "The Lion king" and other such 90's Disney classics. After which you will be forced to an eternity of playing Mario Kart 64 with the Original cast of 'all that' including the giant ear of corn!

    May the 90's have mercy on your soul!

  11. That's very helpful Linkara, thanks!

    You know, you could also create a blip playlist. It might be a bit of a hassle at first (although nowhere near as much work as copy/pasting all the embed codes individually) but you will then be able to immediately add new relevant AT4Ws with one click.

    Another drawback is that you can't add videos from other accounts (like Spoony's) to it, but the neat thing is that you can have one "storyline" post/page, embed it there, and it will update automagically. It will be one constant link you can point new viewers to.

    Anyway, just a tip to consider when you have the time.

  12. Why does a show about reviewing comic books need a story

  13. Um...

    Shouldn't the crossover review of "The Spirit" be on there too, since that was a Linksano plot to weaken Linkara in preparation for the other issues of Warrior?

  14. WOW so far we have come into the story... well i guess i can do a marathon of this getting ready... all this videos only take... 15 hours 48 minutes and 16 seconds... *passes out*

  15. Wow.

    So I just spent the better part of one week watching your video reviews and getting caught up on everything, and NOW you release a list of videos essential to the plot?

    Bah. It still doesn't hurt to watch the other reviews. Or Spoony's Final Fantasy reviews. Or the Brawl.

    Thank you for entertaining me.

  16. Thanks for doing this Linkara. I came in late and missed the entire Mechakara plot, so this will help for the Lord Vyce plot.

  17. Isn't Barkley Vs. Godzilla the Magic Coin's debut? Not the most important bit (given the magic coin doesn't pop up that much), but storylineish.

  18. Shouldn't Adamantium Rage be on there, too? That's how you get sent to that alternate dimension...

  19. I just hope we're not done with our friends Harvey Finevoice, 90s Kid..and I believe you already said Ensign Munro isn't coming back.

    Either way, I am a fan of your continuity, and a fan overall of how you link a story well as well as their motivations. Please, keep it up. It is always fun to see where you go with this.

  20. Oh, and since the Dino Morpher is cracked, Linkara? I know the Magic Coin is still around...but you can no longer morph using that Morpher, right?

    If you could, it would make a very nice first form over what seems to be a clearly more powerful Zeo Morph.

  21. Wow. I'm glad I've been following you for years and have seen all of these, or else I'd have a looooot of watching to do.

    Oh yeah, a question that occurred to me. I know that Blip has ads and you get a share of that. I also know that the That Guy with the Glasses website has its OWN ads. Do you reviewers get more money per view if I were to stop going to Blip directly and instead watch them at That Guy?

  22. hey linkara thanks for posting the long list of episodes also i would like to see you do a lets play on elite force 2 so we can have more monrooooe!

  23. It's nice of you to set this up (since it took me forever to track them all down previously) but personally I would have suggested that you simply provide links. I don't know if it's my computer or your site but a lot of them get errors that make me refresh the page or (more simply) use the search engine.
    On another note, after going through the Warrior comic reviews again I have to ask something? Why didn't you ever suggest that he has cancer? Based on the artwork it certainly looks like he has tumors all over his body. Were you worried about seeming mean-spirited?

  24. Excellent list, but if I may, I would like to make a suggestion for one more video to add. I know you said you wouldn't post part 1 of Spoony's FFX review, but what about part 2? Yes, like part 1, it is only a single line, but I think that one has a bit more importance than the Neutro line, and it serves as a good segue into Mechakara's role in the Vyce arc. And without it, it is kind of confusing to see Mechakara disassembled and then rebuilt and on Vyce's ship on his next appearance. With Insano's line, I feel it's easier to infer what happened.

  25. Lewis, you have got to be the nerdiest guy on the internet. I mean that as a compliment.

    While some are complaining about the fight scenes and whatnot, I enjoy them. Keep up the good work.

  26. Oh wow, thank you, Mr Linkara! I will get awatching this list straight away.

  27. Wow, someone actually listened to my (and apparently others') comment! Internet celebrities are the best!

  28. Thats a great idea! I love that you have your own comic book plot going on where you are a crime fighter and you just review comics as a day-job! :) I am actually considering making an AT4W video game!

  29. The cutting back and forth between different characters you were playing in your older videos wasn't too big an issue since it was rare and sometimes Spoony or other TGWTG people were there to interact with you onscreen. But it has been is starting to become A MAJOR distraction and takes me right out of the action when it's shot after shot of one character interacting with another offscreen.

    It was bad during the Zeo review, but I understand there is no real way to do a double roll any other way as the fight for you and Mechakara called for (maybe you and Liz should have switched opponents for a short while.)

    But now with Lord Vyce in the Cry for Justice video, the exact same thing is happening! He's a masked character, what could it hurt to have someone else don the costume when interacting with a maskless character that you're playing? You'd still be the voice of Vyce and you could still be under the mask for most scenes that don't require another of your characters to be on screen. Might take an extra bit of time to get another person to mimic your physical presence as Vyce but it would go a long way in making the videos that much better.

    I'm not trying to be an ass, I enjoy the videos you make and am thankful you make them at all. It's just that I think having two characters on screen can lend to more diversity in how you compose your scenes and make the interactions that much better (your videos with Spoony are my all time favorites because you guys bounce off each other so well.) The Vyce character being fully costumed is a great opportunity to do bigger and better things.

  30. "I'm not trying to be an ass, I enjoy the videos you make and am thankful you make them at all. It's just that I think having two characters on screen can lend to more diversity in how you compose your scenes and make the interactions that much better (your videos with Spoony are my all time favorites because you guys bounce off each other so well.) The Vyce character being fully costumed is a great opportunity to do bigger and better things. "

    For the record, I DID. Will is a friend of mine who donned the Vyce costume in the latest fight and he shall do so again. It's just it's more difficult to get interesting camera angles if it's just sitting on a tripod, so I had to act as cameraperson. And clearly we were both together in several shots.

    But yeah, the entire reason Vyce was constructed with a helmet was so I could have someone else playing him in the suit and not just interact with myself.

  31. Oh, thank you so much for posting that list! I only recently discovered AT4W and it took me a while to realize there story plots (since I was watching random videos with subjects that caught my eye). Now I can backtrack and follow the entire story!

    Is there any chance you might make just a text list of the plot related episodes? I tried loading the page at home and it kept crashing my computer. I'm at my local library right now which can handle the page with a huge amount of embedded videos on it. I'm going to write down the titles so that I can enjoy your reviews at home but a text list would also be wonderful if you happen have the chance.

    Thanks, Linkara! Keep up the amazing reviews and the fun storylines!

  32. This is really helpful to see the little bits of plot I may have missed. However my computer can't seem to process all the awesomeness on one page cause Java keeps crashing when I load it. So I'm just using the list and watching the videos on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses. Anyway I love the show and can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  33. It is delightful that you can proudly claim that Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes #2 is integral to your over-arching years-spanning plot.

  34. Yeah, really great. Spares me the "work" of going through your episodes on TGWTG.
    One things startles me a bit though:
    Is there a reason, the Zeo episode is before the two CfJ-Episodes here while it's the other way on TGWTG or is there just something screwed?

    Either way: I really enjoy your show and the story line.
    Number 2, make it so!

  35. "Is there a reason, the Zeo episode is before the two CfJ-Episodes here while it's the other way on TGWTG or is there just something screwed?"

    Basically, because I wanted the Zeo review to come up on Christmas, continuity-wise it should have happened before Cry for Justice.

  36. Convincing your viewers to watch old videos with an entertaining low-budget storyline to get more ad revenue? You magnificent bastard, I read your book! XD

    Silliness aside, I've always enjoyed the storyline of AT4W despite the criticisms my friends have against it. Keep doing what you enjoy, I say.

  37. I was watching your Countdown videos, and I noticed that the theme song sounds... different. The vocals have different inflections, the notes have different pitches, and, well, in some places the notes are completely different. Why did it change?

  38. "I was watching your Countdown videos, and I noticed that the theme song sounds... different. The vocals have different inflections, the notes have different pitches, and, well, in some places the notes are completely different. Why did it change?"

    The theme song originally was the version Vincent sent in for the theme song contest. When I reached the one-year anniversary with "Maximum Clonage," I asked him to create a full version of the theme song for the occasion, so he re-recorded it and I've been using that one ever since.

  39. I'll be honest; you lost me at Dead/Alive. Seriously, I've been watching this list of video beginning to end, and I still had no idea what you were talking about.

    Still, overall quite entertaining


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