Monday, February 14, 2011



It's the double-sized finale of the Vyce Arc! Will Linkara prevail against the interdimensional conqueror?

Youngblood #3

Doctor Who Classics #7

And since there's still time...!

Also also: Masterthecreater, Atop the Fourth Wall's title card artist, needs your help! Please go to THIS ADDRESS THAT IS ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS SO YOU CAN MORE EASILY SEE IT and vote for his drawing of a character for the Stan Lee create-a-superhero contest!



  1. Awww, man, you didn't use my song. :-(

  2. "Awww, man, you didn't use my song. :-( "

    I considered using it again, if it makes you feel any better. ^^;

  3. lol, it's cool. I really should rerecord it.

  4. More like it's an American thing to replace an S with Z.

    Just saying.

  5. Double feature? Oh goodness! Comments on Youngblood first.

    The ambassador is Cut Man! Er, Woman. She clearly comes from the reploid race!

    Take a look at Shaft's right arm on the cover. That's some bad anatomy right there. Like, REALLY bad. Even by Liefeld standards.

  6. Maxwell Edison?
    Majoring in medicine?

    Great reviews.

  7. Wow, I cant imagine how busy you've been with two full length reviews AND the climax of the Vyse arc, and all still as good as always.

    Few things have made me laugh like hearing Kung Tai Ted reference Kamen Rider, my preferred hero-in-helmet series. Mispronounced, but then again, with Youngblood 3 no words are safe. Also noticed Vyse and his Shades have a fighting style that largely consists of throat-grabbing. Their efficiency in combat seems to be limited by their lack of Freddie Krueger gloves.

    Very glad the hand prop made such a prominent appearance. I'm glad you're getting some mileage from it, though I second an earlier suggestion of an Evil Dead severed-hand fight scene, if only because I wish I thought of it before sending the prop.

  8. first of on the youngblood video badass move calling out Vyce like that second i noticed that badrock referenced the ninja turtles what the hell no joke

  9. Aw man, you missed the greatest joke ever with the Maxwell Edison thing.

    As for Youngblood, I'm starting to think that this humor-well may be tapped. There isn't even enough established to be particularly funny.

    And as somebody who doesn't really care for Doctor Who, and has only seen a few episodes, I don't see the difference between the stories in Doctor Who #7 and the typical stuff. But eh.

  10. Ok, Link, you've outdone yourself. Great action, intresting story, funny reviews, neat costums and effects. All n all, awesome job.

    One thing I want to ask. I've been wanting to get into Dr Who for a while, where would you say would be the best place to start?

  11. Quite a tour de force, Linkara!

    I especially found the kung tai ted character funny.

  12. I have to admit something of an affinity for Youngblood, if only for the series' constant crossovers with good comics like Spawn, Savage Dragon and Invincible (BTW, Linkara, have you ever read Invincible or anything Savage Dragon-related other than Freak Force).

    You ever read Alan Moore's short-lived take on Youngblood (which was preceded by Judgment Day, which was basically Alan Moore criticizing Liefeld's violent anti-heroes in a universe-bending yarn) or his run on Supreme?

  13. Good guys with Lord/Emperor/Etc in thier name...

    Lord Captain Cecil Harvey

    Emperor Karl Franz

    ummm I think of more latter

    Also... You've doomed us all. I heard the Entity's Giggle and it is the thing of nightmares! You should have just let Vyce kill you!

  14. During the showcase of Doctor Who clips, when the Doctor walks between the two fighting knights and tips his hat, I thought of the guy at the end of The Deadly Bees who walked on to goofy music and tipped his hat just as the end credits started to roll (and then did the same on the Satellite of Love and Castle Forester too)

    You know, with that shot of the abandoned bear, that just proves that your BEAR can survive a nuclear holocaust.

  15. Mila Jovavich? Heck, Miss Piggy did the whole crashing a cycle through the window thing better.

  16. Okay, now I'm done with the Lord Vyce fight and I gotta say... that was underwhelming.

    Like, I understand that you don't have a budget. I understand that you put these out weekly, and I certainly appreciate your consistency and humor. I also understand that it's hard to set these things up when you and Joe live miles apart, and most of the characters are you. Considering that, it was a good story with good special effects, with distinct characters who were cool.

    It's just that I really enjoyed the first Vyce fight. It was interesting to see you... well, struggle. I don't really enjoy watching powerups happen. For a guy who was built up as conquering galaxies, and who had Quadrillions of minions... he went down kinda easy.

    Ah well. I look forward to next week. I'll just go on record that I prefer it when the reviews overshadow the inbetween plot, rather than the other way around.

  17. This was awesome. I didn't think it was possible to top the fight with Mechacara from last year but you did it.

    I was at a local comic store the other week and was almost tempted to buy a Youngblood comic. Thank you for making glad I didn't

  18. I'm sort of surprised Vyce wasn't revelead as an AU version of an existing TGWTG character.

    And why do I have a feeling that the Ninja Style Dancer is being tortured by the Entity?

  19. XD Oh, you forgot the most important question of all, dear sir. Dalek vs Borg? Come now, tis the fan battle of the century! XD

    Also hooooo boy, that ending (or should I say, the beginning) actually spooked me a little bit. You should totally proposition it for a key plot point in the TGWTG anniversary. (Of course, this is from a guy who wants to see Steele from Hooker with a Heart of Gold fight Mechakara, but still. XD)

  20. Nifty finale, although I was totally waiting for Linkara to rip off Vyce's helmet, only to reveal that Vyce is an alternate-universe Linkara. What a twist!

    Also, "Yabba Dabba Doom" is hilariously over-the-top, and probably a bit too funny to actually be in a Youngblood comic.

  21. Part two!

    That knight from the first story was such a Mary Sue. He did everything all by himself! The ending was clearly inspired by Evangelion though. Congratulations!

    Mad Max being a vegetarian as a special power is the joke here. Dry British humor, you see. I think that two-parter would have been pretty good if the alien lifeform actually, y'know, did something. It wasn't even shown for a single panel!

    I loved the cameos in your review. Both Joe (and Joe's army!) and Kung Tai Ted in the part one. I kinda feel bad for Lord Vyce - maybe you shouldn't have exiled him to Canada.

    Sorry to say it though, but the greenscreen effect of you and Liz on Vyce's ship looked... really bad. Your images were far from clear and it was obvious that the background is not really there. That scene didn't last long though so I do not mind too much.

    Oh no, the Entity is SHODAN!

  22. Actually, "Stars Fell on Stockbridge" sets up the next story "The Stockbridge Horror". It turns out there was an alien being on that spacecraft. And unbeknownst to the Doctor, it possessed the Tardis allowing it to escape onto an unsuspecting Earth!

  23. no exaggeration: shit just got real in a good way.

    on a less overwhelmed note, i love that youre getting to grips with greenscreening - having four linkaras and a liz on screen at once couldnt have been easy to pull off.

  24. Linkara...a character named Maxwell Edison and you don't make a joke about Maxwell's Silver Hammer?

  25. Very interesting ending to the whole Vyce saga. Admittedly it was not as epic as last year's (no offense) but I think it's because it had more surprises and more build up but that's just me. I'm not complaining and still satisfying as a birthday present XD.

    Also I see many similarities between Vyce and the Spiral King Lordgenome from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Both want to protect everybody from an entity beyond us but had to sacrifice many people in the process but I'm sure there's more to the "Entity" and am looking forward to what you have in store.

  26. "Actually, "Stars Fell on Stockbridge" sets up the next story "The Stockbridge Horror". It turns out there was an alien being on that spacecraft. And unbeknownst to the Doctor, it possessed the Tardis allowing it to escape onto an unsuspecting Earth!"

    Aaah. I would have felt better about that had there been, say, a "To Be Continued" or something - otherwise it just felt like it was meant to be a story in and of itself without any follow-up.

  27. Great wrap up Linkara, I really love how much action Liz got in this finale too.

    All in all a great job.

    Suprised to learn you're not among the legion of Tom Baker fans... I grew up with Doctor Who on PBS and always loved the Baker episodes.

  28. "Suprised to learn you're not among the legion of Tom Baker fans... I grew up with Doctor Who on PBS and always loved the Baker episodes. "

    Oh, don't get me wrong - Tom is fantastic... but Syl is my Doctor. ^_^

  29. Allen Moore's run on Supreme, in my opinion, is simply a delight to read. I'm happy to hear you managed to pick up some of it.

  30. "It's just that I really enjoyed the first Vyce fight. It was interesting to see you... well, struggle. I don't really enjoy watching powerups happen. For a guy who was built up as conquering galaxies, and who had Quadrillions of minions... he went down kinda easy."

    Ah, but that's the reason for those explanations and I've been hinting at this since the Cable review - physics don't work the same way in all universes. In our universe, Vyce ISN'T as strong as he normally is, which is why he needed a power supplement from his ship... thus isn't it convenient that Linkara had an agent onboard who could lower the ship's shields, send in the cavalry, and cut off his power feed.

    And even then, Vyce still survived the attack.

  31. Hmmmm I knew it!!!
    The entity is really Rob Liefeld!!!
    Destroyer of Universes.

  32. wow....

    that was awesome! Totally loved the Doctor Who comic, Linkara! My favorite Doctors are 4, 9, and 10 (Sorry, I haven't seen a lot of the episodes with 11 yet). Still, what a fantastic way to end the Lord Vyce saga!

  33. I don't normally leave comment's but I've been visiting the site for a long time now, and I think this is probbaly one of the best show's i've seen from you in a long time, being british I really loved all the dr who refrence's and the fact you reviewed a dr who comic. and yes synthesiser is spelt correctly that is we spell it here. I will show this to my mate on thursday as he is a huggge dr who fan.

  34. Nice to see a Doctor Who comic featured on here! Yeah, I'm not too keen on the Fifth Doctor DWM comics either, but the Fourth Doctor ones started OK, and things get pretty interesting with the Sixth Doctor ones, that feature the sidekick Frobisher, a shape-shifting wise-cracking penguin (Really!) and some stories written by Grant Morrison!

    I also hold up as a gold standard for Doctor Who comics the period with the Eighth Doctor; it has incredible storylines (including a clever take on regeneration, two brilliant Dalek stories, and an epic confrontation against the Master!), great, solid artwork and it finds some new things to do with some old characters from the strip's history (like Shayde, the sphere-headed guy in today's issue, the psychotic and utterly adorable Beep the Meep, and Kroton, the Cyberman with a soul!), I highly recommend the collected volumes of them!

    Neat conclusion to the Vyce Arc too!

  35. I guess the flaming head chick was Rob's rip-off of Dormammu.
    Anyway great eps and nice to see a conclusion to Vyce.

    Side-note for the ship. An inverted V means "L" in the cyrillic alphabet, so you can redecorate the ship easier.

  36. Good ending, though I enjoyed the MechaLinkara arch more. For Biesman LOL, nice.

    Hartnell didn't really choose to leave. It was more a producer decision; his excuse being Hartnell's health I believe, but I've heard they had problems with each other, so I'm more leading towards that, but idk. Since Seven is your favorite, I'm surprised you used the Eight/Nine/Ten versions of the theme and not his. I don't blame you not using it, but I was still surprised. And maybe I need to watch Battlefield again because I didn't like it the first time. :P

  37. I realise that Gloustershire isn't pronounced as it's spelled, but you pronouncing it as "Glow-kester-shire" made me laugh more than anything else in the video.

    Sorry, dude. Keep up the good work.

  38. Entertaining as always but one thing left to bother me. When did Linkara actually make his deal with Dr. Linksano? I don't recall seeing that in any episode.

  39. Well, first off, thanks for actually responding to me.

    And it's less about the logical aspects of it (there were no plotholes or anything). It's more a feel thing. Like, after the buildup, it just didn't feel like the payoff equaled the list of Vyce's accomplishments.

    And I am glad that Vyce survived. He is, in my opinion, your best villain. I like the aspect that he's a fallen hero, his costume is awesome, and he has a real "voice" the way you write him. So it'll be fun if/when Linkara has to try and get info from him about the Entity ("I told you so."). I look forward to more appearances.

  40. "Boot!"

    That made me laugh more than it should've done.

    Excellent work on both reviews. I can imagine you be pretty tired after all that. Both you and Liz did very well with the fighting too. Great to see all the cast at the end too (but no Ninja-style dancer... hmm). Not suprised by Linksano being a sort-of ally. That guy has more loose fruit loops in his skull than anyone can imagine.

    And now it looks like what Vyce is scared of is close behind. I wonder what this entity is...

    Anyway, props to you, Liz, Joe (his storming of the ship was badass), the prop lady and everyone else who made this awesome.

    ...Wait... what happend to Judas Liz? *Dun dun duuuun*

  41. "Entertaining as always but one thing left to bother me. When did Linkara actually make his deal with Dr. Linksano? I don't recall seeing that in any episode. "

    Happened off-screen so it could be a surprise.

  42. Are you ever going to do a review of the follow up story "The Stockbridge Horror"? I would love to see you review that one too. The Fifth Doctor is mostly useless in that one too. More reviews of Doctor Who comics would be fun. I can't think of any really bad ones on top of my head though, but there are a few average ones that would be perfect to review.

  43. Cool review Linkara,
    And if anyone has said this before I apologies, but...
    In my little mind I was hoping that at the end Lord Vice (hope I spelled it right) would take of his helmet and be revealed to be another version of you. (not so original i know) but I think that the idea could have been cool, keep in mind that you decided to keep the ship at the end, leaving room for the possibility that the Entity was something so terrifying that in order to keep people safe from it there would be no other choice but to "embrace the darkside".

  44. Definitely an exciting conclusion to the Vyce Arc. Although, Judas Liz's departure seems to indicate to me that she's more than just an alternate Liz.

    Perhaps she is in league with the entity?

  45. Haha! Awesome conclusion, sir!
    Loved the reviews, especially since i own that particular Doctor Who issue. I remember Big Finish referencing it during one of the recent 5/Nyssa trilogies (2009's I think?) where they went back to Stockbridge.

    ALSO! HELL YEAH another Charlie fan. While she's not my #1 fave, she's definitely up near the top.

    As for Colin's coat, Colin's my favorite Doctor (Thanks to Big Finish), and I own a cosplay version of the Ultimate Adventure stage show coat. IT. IS. FANTASTIC.
    If you're looking for the tv version, I could try and point you in the right direction.

  46. dude... That ending with the laugh of madness and fear, That is how you start off with a creepy aswesome foe like this Enity is. I'm loving it!

    Got mixed feelings about how you end up with Vyce's ship after everything... Hell I hope the next few weeks end up a bit more downbeat. But really loved this as a whole, just loved it!!!

  47. i havent even seen this yet.Just some positive feedback..
    the double feature is a pimp move.

    its not new for at4w either,one day last year,you debuted a half hour of at4w and like 2 hours of HOPR at the same time.

    also we cant wait for HOPR,its probably BY FAR the most extensive documentary about the PR.or hell even that whole genre from japan.

    dont throw a conniption fit when its think nolan does that with dark knight rises?or any pro director for that matter?

    cant wait for DC to give u that question movie,and thanks for the free entertainment again.

  48. Personal theory: the entity is a fusion of Rob Liefelds artwork and Quesada's story ideas.

    Reasonably clever way to take down Vice (or is it vyce?) Liz's battle armor gave me a laugh.

  49. Great wrap-up to the Vyce arc! Kind of expected Linksano to be the mole, but oh well, the finale was still enjoyable regardless.

    Quick thoughts:

    - Oh god, Liefeld's artwork is so bad it's physically painful to look at. D8

    - Really liked the Dr. Who comic review, even though the comic wasn't as bad as Youngbloods, I thought your commentary on it was a lot funnier. Also, I have several friends who are fans of the series, but hearing you gush about it may have finally convinced me to pick up some DVDs and start watching it now.

    - I can't believe you missed the reference to The Beatles in "Stars Fell On Stockbridge". Maxwell Edison? Majoring in medicine? Ring any bells? ;)

    - A villain that manipulates events behind the scenes with a magic eight ball for a head? OH SHIT the Shadow is Doc Scratch from Homestuck!

    - As for the actual fight scene, I don't want to sound too critical, but while your writing and dialogue is excellent, the actual fight choreography was... not very convincing. I feel bad for complaining though, because I know a lot of work must go into these big battle sequences and you all look like you're having a ton of fun doing it. I did like seeing Ensign-er, I mean Lieutenant Munroe and the Angry Joe Army show up. "Time for a fanservice" moment got a laugh out of me too.

    So overall, good wrap up to a fairly lengthy story arc. I'd like to see the series start to focus more on the actual reviews now rather than overarching "serious" plots, but this one was rather enjoyable for what it's worth.

  50. PLASE ANSWER THIS...well by this point probably you have already been asked this... but what's up with all those Young Blood action figure????

  51. Lewis, I hate to point it out, but didn't Spoony get a couple more "Thunderdome" jokes over you just from MAGfest alone?

  52. "The Stockbridge Horror" was already mentioned, but as far as "The Tides of Time", I gave the whole arc positive reviews when the IDW reprints came out and as a whole it's not a bad story. (Although the Doctor doesn't do a whole lot other than explore.)

    Nice end to the Lord Vyce arc, and I wonder if he WILL become a factor when the Entity make his/her/its appearance.

  53. I just have to ask... how do you vote on MTC's character? I'd tried to do this before when he pitched it on his journal, but I had NO IDEA on how to submit my vote. If it involves using Facebook, then screw that part! I really do want to add my vote but I don't want to associate myself to that website.

  54. "PLASE ANSWER THIS...well by this point probably you have already been asked this... but what's up with all those Young Blood action figure???? "

    One was a donation by a fan and the others I found at a convention going for a buck each. I figured they might come in handy somewhere down the line. XD

  55. Wow! 7th Doctor truly is awesome! Great reviews, great ending. What gave you the incling to buy a Youngblood hardback?

  56. Yeah about the Z/S thing.

    Synthesiser and Synthesizer are pronounced the exact same.

    Apparently they do spell it with a Z in parts of England, but I wouldn't know.

    Don't usually like to pick but it really irks me when you mock a valid spelling or pronunciation of a word. Seriously man I know you're busy as hell and uber American, but it's like 2 seconds to look up.

  57. Gloucestershire is pronounced

    "Glosh- ter- shir"

    So what? We name our counties oddly.

  58. what is the song at the title card of youngblood please email me at to tell me cause i dont have time to check every 5 seconds to see if you posted it yet and yes i do know you dont have much time either.

  59. So hey, Lewis; when will you deal with this entity that Lord Vyce was so afraid of?

    Also, I still think that your ultimate reviewer suit needs a cane. A white cane.

  60. Just like all your arc endings, this one did not fail to blow me away. Story line was really awesome, as well as the dialogue and action scenes (especially the end). Even the comic choices were good ones (*finds it especially ironic since she's wearing a Doctor Who shirt she just got this weekend*). Great work, and can't wait to see the next arc.

  61. This was a fun battle, but I was expecting more explosions. Probably a side-effect of the Youngblood comic. *shrugs*

    At first I thought you, Liz, and the Captain were going to triangulate your fire, like when the Beetleborgs did against Borgslayer.

    Thanks for the shield/flute combo, but I was a little disappointed that it didn't reflect the attack back. Will you ever use The green Ranger's "Blue, unexplainable, org of power" on anyone? You remember, the energy attack Tommy only ever used once in first part of the "Green With Evil" 5-parter right?

    Linksano may of been in it for himself but it's a good thing he helped out. Made this a lot easier.

    I still think Mister Mind is the entity that's killing everyone. The buzzing at the end makes me think it even more now.

    Hope to see where all this goes soon.

  62. Great double feature Linkara, Ive always liked how most of your episodes are part of a bigger story and I loved Kung Tai Teds cameo, great stuff. Also Spoony's ahead of you by quite a few "Beyond Thunderdome" jokes but I'm sure you can pull it off and catch up to him. :D

  63. Always when epic happens tooks SOOOO much to load so i'm gonna comment during time

    first... WOOT! MY HALFASS NOT SO DIFFICULT GUESS OF THE COMICS WAS RIGHT!!!!!... ahem... that out the way

    Could it be the guy guessing Linksano being a double agent right? Mmm... i'm guessing no since he wouldn't have been so depressed after being defeated. My guess is Insano itself makes a mad move... OF SCIENCE!

    Oh hai awful artwork

    English is not my main language and i have a shitty grammar sometimes... but “lisence”? (also YES Youngblood cant be “kewl”)

    btw Youngblood toys? WOW

    Rob Leifeld: precursor of anime hairstyles or just a weirdo using too much crayon on people's head? Either way its still ridiculous

    Kung Tai Ted... aparently not friend of the snow but know his ninjas well (also wondering if the Ninja style dancer missing is a plotpoint)

    DIEHARD'S CROTCH (with a vengance) WILL LIVE!

    CALL IT! I'm laughing my ass off (yes i need to spell it entirely) at Linkara making fun of Vyce >u< seriously, it only lacked the “NANANANANA” at the end XD

    Waiting the ultimate battle in the goofiest way possible i can think of... note: MUST start watching Dr. Who soon

    Take a breath man i know you love Dr. Who and wanna share the love but seriously that was a lot fast, not badly done thought just too fast

    Ok... so the first story was kinda random. And i'm thinking it needed context but the video is already 32 minutes long so mi guessing this is for the sake of time isnt?

    A Dr. Light comic XD thought the second story was kinda good, but nothing that much... as review... it actually was padding but with the point that no one could really point a bad Dr. Who comic... interesting


    No one messes with Iron Liz with Linkara around :D (SUCK IT UP TROLLS!)

    :D …. just :D

    and the stinger give me goosebumps... the entity HAS BEEN HEARD AND RECOGNIZED

    overall awesome ending and i guess we will see Vyce once more in the future... at least to call for when the Entity arc really hits the fan

    also name for the ship: the InterWall... not best name but hey a v is a half of a w XD

    also also a round up aplause for Will, sorry for not notice that someone else was playing Vyce i noticed actually today watching the first fight right before this

  64. Because, from watching your mistakes video, I know how much you love it when your pronunciation is corrected, I should point out that Milla's last name is pronounced "yo-VO-vich", not "JO-vo-vich".

    And why wouldn't evolution give that alien lady giant spikes on her head? Maybe she uses them to butt heads with others of her species to express superiority during mating season.... Ever think of that?

  65. Given that it came out on Valentine's Day and all I figured you might at least give Liza a peck at some point, to celebrate victory and all that. :( Anyway, congratulations on ending the arc, and I look forward to the inevitable next chapter where you face off with the Entity.

  66. Amusing, it was especially interesting to see one of those Classic Who comics reviewed. I keep seeing them at the Source and am back and forth about picking them up.

    It seemed rather random, it certainly didn't tempt me into buying one anytime soon. Even though you reviewed a comic with my second favorite Doctor of all time. (The Tenth Doctor being my favorite.)

    I enjoyed the fight, though I find it sad that I pretty much picked out all the references to the various fandoms that both you and Liz have scavenged, magic and tech from. Sometimes I have far to much trivial knowledge in my head. LOL

  67. Ok Linkara, you deffently outdid yourself. Costums, effects, story, acting, jokes, insite, everything. Makes me wonder how you'll undoutably top this next year.

    Youngblood #3, well, how did anyone think this was good back then. I don't really remember much from the time (I was like 2 when that comic came out) but I'm sure the standered of quality must've been beter than this. I might have to get that Youngblood book to see for myself, after all, you were the one that caused me to get 52 and Showcase Presents Booster Gold (why must you have such good taste?)

    Doctor Who, well, that kinda makes me want to ask you something. When would be a good starting point for someone who'd like to get into DW?

    Also, something I noticed. As someone who's read Crossoverlord, I noticed that exiling the multiversal concorer to an Earth without human life seems to be the prefered method, why is that?

    Anyway, I'm rambling, so great job, try to keep it up. ;)

  68. HOLY CRAP WAS THAT AWESOME! Seriously, that was fantastic and well worth the wait. But damn cliffhanger endings! Yeah, yeah, Vyce is taken care of at all, but DAMN that ending spooked me!

    I was totally waiting for you to make a comment on the ad on the back of the Youngblood Comic. Looked like an ad for Star Trek II, but what got my attention was the huge "KHAAAAAAAAAN!" across the top.

    Seriously, though, awesome awesome awesome. I cannot wait for more about the entity. Also, I seem to recall a mysterious book at the end of the SH:DA review that hasn't shown up again . . .

    Favorite line: "Linksano is insane." You just said that so matter-of-factly and Vyce was so shocked, like, "Damn, I didn't think of that!" I DIED laughing.

    I salute you, sir.

  69. "What gave you the incling to buy a Youngblood hardback? "

    It was on sale for $5. XD

  70. Latest 2 reviews are brilliant Linkara, show keeps getting better. Just so you know; Gloucestershire is pronounced 'gloss-ter-shear' :D British placenames have absurd spellings. Also, synthesiser is the correct English spelling, though it's becoming archaic already.

  71. You know, I always enjoy starting my week with watching this show. And you certainly didn't disappoint with this double feature finale.

    And I am not sure other people have noticed but you have certainly been honing your craft as a storyteller. Besides your comics, this show's own storylines have continuously been entertaining and ever moving forward. The progression from storyline to storyline has been wonderful and you & your show's characters (or personas) have developed into rich characters which are the opposite of the majority of the books you have reviewed over the years. Please, if you, Liz, Angry Joe & others haven't patted yourselves on the back, please do!

    Youngblood is a nightmare. Just a damn nightmare. Liefield, thankfully, is no where near as popular as he used to be. Thank you for reminding us how much of a nightmare he is. (Still can't believe he came out with Zombie Jesus.)

    Been recently getting into Dr. Who, so this was a treat. A weird but entertaining treat. Still deciding on my favorite doctor.

    The dual morphing sequence is awesome but why do I get the feeling that a whole Linkara Ranger team will be formed soon enough. I loved that you also used the Dragonzord Coin and Green Ranger shield.

    Entertaining and insightful reviews and a grand, enjoyable mini epic. Great Job as always. And now you have your ship. Good luck fighting Galaxia . .. I mean the Entity. What? she sounded like Galaxia. Maybe she's a female Unicron.

    Looking forward to more. May the power protect you!

  72. The World is not ready for Maskohara, Linkara. Be prepared for me, Maskohara, for when I pre...pared...Link...ara....I will come and des...troy....Olamekha........

  73. Yeah, it is an English thing to write with an s instead of z. "Realise", "Synthesise", etc. We Canadians do the same thing (though I prefer the American way)

  74. "Yabba dabba doom!" worst catch phrase ever. I had to pause it for two minutes, I was laughing so hard at how preposterous that line was.

    Um... did the Green Ranger power shield just disappear in the middle of the battle?

  75. I wonder how much fun Angry Joe had for his segment of the review.

    Also, that was freaking awesome!

    And wow, who knew that only Lord Vyce could stop the one that is Lt. Munrrrrrroooooo.

  76. You really needed all those Youngblood toys, didn't you?

    Strangely enough, I sort of figured your review would be already done by the whole revelation of Felicia's "your head is on fire" bit to Dormamu in flowed right into my head seeing "fire-hair girl" in the Youngblood review. Yeah...Liefeld just kept getting worse with it...and was it just me or did the nerd guy remind me of that guy from the infomercial with the round glasses and the suspenders?

    And the Dr. Who comic...what, no Beatles' reference with the obviousness of "Maxwell Edison"? Well I guess he didn't have a silver hammer...I was humming that song through the review. (that and the Genesis song "It" alongside your weird appearance of the Steven King clown of the same name..."The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" is awesome even if it has nothing to do with the Doctor)

    And...great finale and can't wait to see where the Entity storyline goes.

  77. Hmmm I always love a good over the top battle.

    It's interesting that Liz reviews Tabletop RPGs and Linkara is a Dr Who fan. It makes me wonder if Liz owns a copy of the Deathwatch RPG. Reading the background in that book reveals information on something called the Omega Vault. Which from the sounds of it contains many super-weapons from the Doctor Who universe, theres even some hints it was created by The Doctor, since it's Time Locked and only unlocks parts of itself to dispense one weapon at a specific time.

    Watching his epic battle against Vyce and MechaKara i'm starting to wonder if Linkara himself has access to the Omega Vault. Hell considering the time period Deathwatch takes place in Linkara could by the guy who originally created the Omega Vault!

    I think I just blew my own mind!

    Also I loved the reviews. It's always a pleasure to see Leifeld get a kicking and revel in some Old School Doctor Who tomfoolery.

  78. Wow... I don't know if you noticed this. But that alien chick you were commenting on for looking so weird, basically looks like a blatant rip off of Lilith a villain from the Ghost Rider comics.

  79. Something living on a ship for over a all that time and evolving into a different species? Red Dwarf did it ^o.o^

  80. Excellent work! Great job with the reviews and the Vyce story.

  81. Sad to see this arc come to an end. Now for the entity arc and all its glory. I'm laying ten bucks that it turns out to be Dr. Insano's son.

  82. Man, missed joke about anime nosebleed in the Youngblood review. I truly expected this clip from Naruto:


  83. Ah, Doctor Who. Good times. So we have at least three new questions from this resolution. Where is Ninja-Style Dancer? What about the entity? Where's Judas Liz? And what ever happened to baby Jane-no wait, wrong reference.

  84. Hey Linkara, ever though of doing your "Story segments" as your own show instead of awkwardly fiting it in a review/showcase show, in which said review/showcase has nothing to do with the actual thing you are reviewing/showcasing?

    We got a point where the people who enjoyed your show for the reviews are skipping over your storyline bits tha take over the show.

    Anyway, just a friendly tip.

  85. Why doesn't Vyce just blow up the building?

  86. Was the scene with you baiting Vice an intentional homage to Kirk baiting Khan in Star Trek II? I noticed the TWOK music in the background, but you use that anyway.;)

  87. ZOMG!!! I have been waiting for this FOREVER!! >XD I loved every bit of the story part. Especially IronLiz's parts. :D And AngryJoe's Army was incredible! >XD

    Now then. Next we move on to the entity. :D I can't wait!

  88. Happy anniversary Lewis!

    Doctor Who and Youngblood...

    Two of which I don't know anything about, yet I watch anyway for the good reviewing and analysis of sequential art in general.

    And congratulations on the Lord Vayne arc! The action and suspense was really well done!

    Go Lewis!

  89. Awesome episode, can't wait to see what happens next, but just because I am ridiculous I have to point out that you cited your Gundam 8th MS Team track wrong. The show was scored by Kohei Tanaka. Chihiro Yonekura only did the openings and endings to the series. either way its a great track to choose.

  90. hhmp now I want to buy that score thanks alot.... lol

  91. Also, calling her "Liza" was a typo due to the word "a" appearing right after. Ugh, I need to double-check my spelling more carefully. >_<

  92. Man no wonder you haven't answered that E-Mail I sent ya yet. You've been WAY too busy with all this.

    In any case it was a pretty good fight, not as good as the first confrontation, but you do have an explanation for it as you've elaborated on. He needs his ship to help him out in this universe and you cut that supply off. I gotta say I did not see Linksano Twist coming. That was a genuine surprise.

    Interesting use of the fact that physhics wouldn't apply the same way to every reality. I heard about that factoid a long time ago, nice to see it elaborated on here.

    Anyway, great little ending to everything.

    As for the reviews themselves, they were pretty funny and pointing out the crappy artwork and storyline of a Rob Liefeld comic never gets old. Although honestly I think you missed an opportunity to comment on something. I don't think anyone's said this yet, but those dudes faces in the opening panels, the ones lying on the ground, they're all stretched out and wider than a normal face would be. Maybe it's the opened mouths on all of them but they look their heads have been slightly squashed.

  93. Good work on the reviews, Link, you explained the Doctor quite well and showed Liefeld for even more of a hack than we thought he already was.

    I predict that, since this arc was all about using a mixture of brains and brute force, the next one (The entity and all) will be of a more psychological sort, ala the Silent Hill reviews.

    And Linksano had better not be loose on that ship, you know how those Insano brothers are with their finger lightning, he's liable to start a fire or something.

  94. "We got a point where the people who enjoyed your show for the reviews are skipping over your storyline bits tha take over the show."

    They are free to do so. It's pretty much the reason why I have the story bits at the beginning and end - so people can just skip over them should they so desire to get to the reviews.

  95. "Why doesn't Vyce just blow up the building?"

    Sadly I forgot to fill in this plot hole, but I had intended to - two reasons:

    -He makes it personal. He doesn't want to just kill his enemies; he wants to do it with his own hands and not just by pushing a button.
    -He's afraid that an explosive attack would just scatter the Entity into multiple pieces that, in turn, grow into multiple Entities that he can't pursue.

  96. "The show was scored by Kohei Tanaka. Chihiro Yonekura only did the openings and endings to the series. either way its a great track to choose. "

    Damn! Wikipedia fails me - when I clicked his name, it listed him as the composer for 08th MS Team's first OST.

  97. Excellent as always, Linkara. Only way this would have been better is if I'd been able to see it at a con. I can just imagine the crowd flipping out at the Linksano reveal. Speaking of that, I'm hoping there will be more of him soon, since the Insano clan are AWEEESOOOOOMMMMEEEE!!! [/90skid]

    I think it's probably a good thing that Lord Vyce wasn't revealed as an alternate-universe Linkara, since that was pretty much where all the buildup was pointing. It would have been too obvious. Though a small part of me was hoping he'd be revealed as Ninja-Style Dancer, thrown backwards through time (hey, there was a Doctor Who comic, it wouldn't have been that out of place) and driven to extreme measures by his suffering. But I'm nuts.

    Oh, and at first, I was surprised you didn't fire off an e-mail to Film Brain or Welshy about synthesiser, but when the joke began to mutate, I realized that the funny was well worth the several comments you were going to get from people about British vs. American spelling and grammar.

    Excellent as ever, Linkara!

  98. (sniff) I, to, loved Doctor Who before it was cool--hence why I was able to snag "the-doctor" as my LJ handle way back in the day. ;)

    Some nice, meaty reviews to go with the storytelling--nice! I was wondering at one point if you and Liz were trading off the costume for your individual fight scenes, but then saw all 3 of you in the same shot, so you must have some more help. I /do/ wonder whether Linkara shouldn't invest in some neck armor, though, considering how many villains go for his throat, heh.

    Well done!

  99. I noticed this in one of your other reviews...

    How come you don't wear shoes during your fight?

  100. A glorious conclusion to an epic story arc! Well done, Lewis!

  101. Freaky sounds there at the very end. Good review. Plenty of Loose ends to pop up later :)

    Also I didn't know Iron Liz reviewed Tabeltop RPGs. I thought she reviewed Animes which I find so uninteresting I never bothered to look. Where can I find her reviews?

  102. Great job! Now the multi verse will die because you didn't bow to the great Lord Vice! The Lord Vice was our only light and only hope. I'm going to go cry in a corner now.

  103. hey linkara, about those swords (or should i say scimitars?) iron liz used? i may be reading too much salvatore but was that twinkle and icingdeath she was using? :-D

  104. "He's afraid that an explosive attack would just scatter the Entity into multiple pieces that, in turn, grow into multiple Entities that he can't pursue."

    Wait, so does that mean the entity is in the building? Is that was the final scene was suppose to reveal?

  105. "-He's afraid that an explosive attack would just scatter the Entity into multiple pieces that, in turn, grow into multiple Entities that he can't pursue."

    wait, so "the entity" is actually living inside your house? that can't be good, I was willing to think maybe "the entity" wasn't as bad as Vyce made it out to be, then I heard that laugh...

    Anyway great video, like some others I was at first hoping for a bit more action, especially when you two were fighting the final battle against Vyce, but thinking about it more, it was great as is. It made sense from what we know about Vyce, and really it was great to see you outsmarting him like that instead of just finding some new uber-weapon to make him go "BOOM!" So yeah, not what I was expecting, but all the better for it. Besides, "I am the Doctor" makes ANYTHING instantly epic, and makes the already epic... something I don't now the word for. Keep up the great work.

  106. "Wait, so does that mean the entity is in the building? Is that was the final scene was suppose to reveal?"

    Mmhmm. And the sound has appeared twice before on the show, to the confusion of Linkara.

  107. "He doesn't want to just kill his enemies; he wants to do it with his own hands and not just by pushing a button."

    if vyce didnt want his enemies killed by external sources, then why did he send the shades and the vorsoth to attack linkara initially?

  108. ""Wait, so does that mean the entity is in the building? Is that was the final scene was suppose to reveal?"

    Mmhmm. And the sound has appeared twice before on the show, to the confusion of Linkara."

    Yeah, I was going to comment on that, but I wasn't sure. So the entity has been in Linkara's house for awhile now. Interesting.

    Wait a minute, the sound was in your old location also. So that means unless the entity just teleported to the new location, Linkara had to have (not realizing it) moved the entity correct?

    And one other question I have to ask. We know Linkara has been able to access Vyce's Database. Does that mean he knows or has some sort of hint about the entity? Didn't Vyce keep some sort of record on it?

  109. "if vyce didnt want his enemies killed by external sources, then why did he send the shades and the vorsoth to attack linkara initially?"

    The Shades were beamed out along with Linkara because they were close enough to his size.

    The Vohrsoth TECHNICALLY followed Lt. Munro after he had come into this universe, but if that isn't good enough given the conversation afterwards between Vyce and Mechakara, consider that Vyce wasn't pissed at Linkara yet - to him, Linkara was just another Champion, barely beneath his notice.

  110. "And one other question I have to ask. We know Linkara has been able to access Vyce's Database. Does that mean he knows or has some sort of hint about the entity? Didn't Vyce keep some sort of record on it?"

    That is actually a good point and one I hadn't considered. However, I will say that looking up info on the Entity isn't really Linkara's priority at the moment, since as he said, he's more concerned with working on how to free the other worlds that were under Vyce's thumb, ideally by switching off the Shades.

  111. Those Kung Tai Ted, Highlander: The Source references were so ninja. But I had to stop the video when "It" showed up. I saw it coming, but it worked wonders.

    As for the storyline...I honestly think that the Vyce arc was a little to say it? It was a weird pace. It was mainly slow, with most of it just being foreshadowing and mystery, but it was also a bit rushed. Lord Vyce has had entire UNIVERSES conquered, with, as you stated, quadrillions of Shades and several armies, but he comes down to fight by himself anyways. I know his ego got poked, but even so.

    This new entity, I'm gonna guess right off the bat, is Judas Liz. She just sort of left after the Youngblood review, and she was nowhere to be found. Regardless of the plans, I do look forward to this story. Presentation wise, this final fight didn't feel AS amazing as the two Mechakara fights, but it still had great music choices.

    But now, I wonder...what is the Ninja Style Dancer up to? Unless...HE is the entity? Or maybe he's Lord Vyce under the helmet...hey, when you have Mechakara become Pollo from an alternate universe, I am leaving nothing up to chance.

  112. "Good guys with Lord/Emperor/Etc in thier name...

    Lord Captain Cecil Harvey"
    I don't think that counts as it is more of a military title, not a self-proclaim one.

    Anyway Linkara, nice finale to the Lord Vyce saga. I think the fact that you could only knock him to unconscious, and only through very careful planning, says a lot about Vyce. It should also quell naysayers that Linkara is too strong, as he could not technically beat Vyce.

    Man, now you got an even stronger enemy to face, the Entity. I'm betting it's the Ninja-style Dancer, he didn't turn up for the battle as Lord Vyce will probably recognise (sorry, raised in British spelling, being once colonised by them and all) him or his energy signature. The Ninja-style Dancer doesn't speak as it might reveal him as an otherworldly being. It also explains why Lord Vyce was targeting your house first, beside you being the champion. Or maybe the Ninja-style Dancer is a red herring. Looking forward to your coming reviews and great sagas.

  113. My goodness man, the radio dramas? I feel like I should pass my moniker onto you (but you can't have it! It's mine! My precious!) I too grew up watching it because my mom was a huge fan since her college days, owning a lot of the novels. The first Doctor I remember was actually Pertwee but I too held a fondness for McCoy since his were the "new" episodes when I was a wee lad.

    (Also I'm assuming you heard he was cast as Radagast the Brown in the upcoming "Hobbit" movies. Wow, two LotR references in the same post!)

    I could go on and on but let's face it, no one wants to hear those ramblings. Good job as always, sir. Fantastic use to the 11th Doctor's theme in the Vyce fight.

    Nice to see Brad pop up also!

    Trust me, I'm an Evil Alien Snufalufagus Doctor.

    (PS, how dare you! Bow ties AND suspenders are cool!)

  114. Comic 1: 3 issues in and they don't even touch on any of the characters we're supposed to know/care about? Lame. The updated colouring on the trade was interesting, though. ...Yeah, I'm reaching on stuff for this one.

    Comic 2: These stories didn't strike me as being any more odd than any of the normal TV stories, I'm admittedly more used to/familiar with 9 -> 11's stories,(have 10 and 11's Sonic Screwdrivers myself)so there ya go. The Doctor did seem superfluous in these stories, truth be told. Also, from what I know of the Fifth Doctor, a slap seems a little out of place, for him.

    Your Arc: I figured Joe's army would act as your stormtroopers, for lack of a better word, since he was the one that warned you that Vyce's ship had appeared in orbit.

    Linksano as your agent on board Vyce's ship... Didn't see that coming. The fact that he wants to be 'the big bad' isn't a shock, but it's him. He's almost always played second fiddle to somebody else so it makes sense that he'd want more than he's gotten before.

    I wonder what's up with Ninja Style Dancer, missing out on something like this seems very odd. I also can't help but notice the timing on this. He suddenly disappears almost literally right before Vyce makes his move on you? Something's ... off about that. I'm going to refrain from making any guesses for the moment, though, in case I get it right.

    Judas Liz leaving when she did also seemed off. Something's up with that, but I figure it's your standard she 'saw how things were going and decided it was time to split.'

    Letting Vyce live, unexpected, but very welcome. He could be useful later for whatever info you can get out of him, if anything.

  115. My fave Doctors are 4, 10, and 11. Tom Baker rox! (puts on her super long scarf).

    But my fave companion has to be Frobisher. It would be awesome if he ever showed up on tv (I was hoping that the human named Frobisher in Torchwood: Children of Earth was really the shapeshifter but alas they didn't go there. :P)

    He's a comic book companion only. Well and he's also got his own audio books and novels.

    Frobsisher is a wifferdill. His people are shapeshifters but he prefers to be in the form of a penguin because his ex-wife loves Penguins and he's a tad bit obsessed with her. *lol* Oh and he's a P.I.!

  116. two thing to pick up on that shows your lack of britishness.
    i believe the first has already been picked up on, but it is an s instead of a z, and the americans actually changed the spelling, not the other way round (it is, after all, English, there's a clue in the name)
    secondly gloucestershire is pronounced glostosheer. it just is (and the sheer applies to all shires whenever county names are concerned).
    anyway great show, and loved the doctor who review in particular.

  117. I loved the Doctor Who comic review and honeslty I never knew there were comics about him ( kind of obvious really, but never mind ). My only question is - where can I find The Whispering Gallery online? If I could I would buy it but in my country there arent any comic book stores at all and getting it from amazon or where ever would be a pain..

  118. I don't have a complete run of Alan Moore's Supreme issues, so it's possible that Liefeld did work on it in some capacity, but none of the issues I do have feature his creative anatomy. Instead, I remember Joe Bennett (who did some of the issues of 52) being the artist for most of the issues I have.
    And yes, they are really worth reading, mixing Silver Age concepts with modern (but not EXTREME) sensibilities. In fact, there is a bit of an overlap in style between Moore's Supreme and Busiek's Astro City. I enjoyed them a lot. It's mind-boggling that this is what the Superman books of the 90s could have been if DC hadn't screwed Alan Moore over at any opportunity.

    But I digress.

    Two very fine reviews. Great finale to the whole Vyce plot. But to be honest, I think it would do the show good if you had a bit of a breather before you delve into the next big storyline with the entity.

  119. :O

    I so want a film version of that fight, it was so delightfully nerdy.

    P.S. You do a pretty decent, non-Dick van Dyke, British accent.

  120. Linkara I have had a pretty rough month, with being extremely busy and I just want to say that your videos especially following the conclusion to the Vyce arc. The fight was great especially because I love watching you and Liz because youcombine badass and hilarious. Have you watched any of the stripped for action series about the Doctor who comics, what worries me after this review is that stars fell on stockbridge is considered a classic of the fifth doctor comics.

    Incidnetly I love the 7th doctor (he's tied with the 11th for me) have you ever thought about how similar your costume is to McCoy's season 26 costume? You seriously need a question mark umbrella.

    I take it everyone is over reacting about ninja style dancer and he was only absent because you couldn't resist the chance to get a kung tai ted cameo or couldn't be bothered to write the whole scene up on idiot boards?

    Keep up the good work and carry on being awesome

  121. Did you know that Alan Moore also had a run on YoungBlood for a while?

    Also, I can see some appeal in Liefeld's style
    While he does obviously seem to fail at perspective and juxtaposing, there really is a certain charm to his characters' over-the-top anatomy.
    He takes the concept oh heroic built to it's logical extreme.
    The characters literally feel as if they were about to burst from the overload of manliness and sexuality.
    There's just some raw animalism to it.
    A physical incarnation of testosterone poisoning one may say.
    If Liefeld could ever make his character move more fluently and overcame the problems with perspective, I'd actually like him.

    Also, who said the alien ambassador came from a species that evolved?
    Seeing how bizarre superhero universes can be, they may as well have originally been a race of fire-like energy beings that were forced into material bodies by some outside entity
    Wouldn't be the first time

  122. Oh, Linkara. We give you Americans a perfectly good language and you take out all the U's, (colour to color) reverse RE's to ER's (centre to center) and put Z's in there instead of S's realise to realize Right now my in-browser spell checker is going crazy from all the American spellings. The hours I've spent helping American Harry Potter fans with their fanfic's, telling them we do the Hokey Cokey, not the Hokey Pokey and beer is spelt lager.

    Slyvestor McCoy is my favourite Doctor too, I met him during his run in Little Shop of Horrors and he was so nice and was able to cope with me and my friends being reduced to gibbering messes.

  123. I am calling it now The entity is Dark Nella

  124. Actually, Shaft uses magnets to propel his arrows.

    Yeah don't ask me how that works. Honestly I think the guy was being lazy and tried to justify it.

    And Liefeld left Supreme after a while, which is for the better.

  125. Clearly "The Entity" is the Dancing Ninja. Or it was inhabiting him, and now he'll turn up as a dried up husk at some point. Notice how he's vanished since Vyce showed up, and Linkara has made mention twice recently that he's missing and that they couldn't find him.

  126. I hope you don't mind this comment, but I have to really speak my mind here.

    First of all I have to say I love your reviews. Looking into bad comics is pretty fun and your HotPR stuff is AMAZING (looking forward to the Ninja Storm episode). I watch Atop the Fourth Wall every week and have seen most of the episodes

    that being said, I have to tell you that I don't really like the storyline stuff you do in "Atop the Fourth Wall." Back in the day you used to do small skits that were related to the comic at hand and those were fun and relevant. Then you started doing Dr. Insano and Mechakara. Now those guys were fun to interact with, because it gave you sort of a super hero persona, like the comics you were reviewing. But once you actually started to fight Mechakara and then you got into Linksano and Lord Vyce...things got really boring.

    It just turned into a show about you doing things and fighting yourself over and over again, which gets really old really fast. Not only that, but at the end of the Youngblood review today, you sound so arrogant and snooty taunting Vyce, that I seriously wanted to see him smack your character around.

    I think the real turning point for me was the Silent Hill reviews where you had your magic gun come from the soul of a slaughtered little girl. sure that fit the tone of Silent Hill, but the tone of the overall show fell through with that I think. It was just way too dark for an entertaining little skit bit.

    Now Lord Vyce started out ok, as it seemed like he was supposed to be some kind of Power Ranger Villain homage or parody, but watching it now, it's too overly dramatic, which I feel doesn't work when you got a cast of 2. Also bringing in other comedic reviewers into your drama just comes off as disjointed and jarring. The Angry Joe Army is supposed to be funny, not something used in a drama. Seriously, it's like you're actually doing stuff from your "Previously on Atop the Fourth Wall" skits and playing it with a straight face, when you should be playing it tongue-in-cheek.

    That's my thoughts on the issue

  127. Best. Arc finale. ever.

    Seriously, that was AMAZING! The whole fight, and the payoff, great! And I know Lord Vyce will be back eventually, it just wouldn't do not to take his jackass arrogence down a peg. besides, the "enemy mine" trope could totally be used later!

    As for the comics. I came is wayyy after the youngblood reviews but, boy is that story stupid and the artwork awful!

    As for Doctor Who, thanks you so much for reviwing that! I actually saw it in a comics store once and thought about buying it! Yeah, I really like five and ten, but eleven is my Doctor. Just wondering, are you going to review the Doctor Who TV comics? Those are baaad! On a related note, what are your opinions on the season six trailer?

    As for the entity...fuck that thing is creepy! I'm starting to think it ate Ninja Style Dance and then Judas'd better start worrying if someone else disappears...

  128. I still say the Entity is the Nostalgia Critic (but not Doug). It was entertaining episode, though I do have a question. Vyce's helmit never came off, is that something we will have to wait for in the future, or is the helmet actually his face for all intents and purposes?

  129. I've been watching your show for quite a while now. It's very entertaining and informative at times.
    And now for the criticism...
    Your fights are generally written fairly well, but you really need to work on the acting part of the fight. Some of it seems kind of stiff and lacking momentum, which can be a bit jarring. Even in the most rigid martial arts, there is at least some degree of flowing motion. Work on that and perhaps speed up the footage from time to time during editing.

    On a sidenote, seeing that you're a bit of a "stickler" for literacy, it kind of surprised me that you wouldn't know about the differences between American and British English
    (ignore that bit if it was a joke)

  130. awesome episode... however i am now having trouble playing the Dr. Who ep. it either stops at the tardis description or skips to the group shoot out. Ive tried it on blip, tgwtg, and at4w.

  131. Okay, I'll try to make a coherent reply, but for the past ten minutes I've been completely fan-flailing all over the house.

    First, that was one of the best Twitter jokes I've ever heard. Seriously.

    Second, that whole bit about you telling Vyce to show Iron Liz some respect, was that also partially aimed at some of the viewers? Specifically, the jerks that saw fit to disparage her with sexist barbs and completely ridicule her performance when she first showed up? Cause that's how I read it, and I'm totally behind that.

    Third, I am so wearing that hat you signed to my college class today.

  132. Nice finale. Enjoyed thouroughly. Keep up the good work, and great job with the screening of your multiple selves. Your technical expertise in that area seems to be caught up to Spoony's!

  133. "If you hate Rob Leifield, you hate Jack Kirby". Man, what a load. In fact, thats a bit a pet peeve of mine, that when you criticize something, some jerk comes out of the woodwork and says "Oh, well if you don't think this, you wouldn't have liked this groundbreaking piece of high quality when it first came out."

    It reminds me of back when I said I didn't like the Tomb Raider movie because (of its many other problems) it had shallow characters. Some guy immediately jumped down my throat saying that I must hate the original Star Wars because "the characters are almost the same". What?!

    The Doctor slapping someone doesn't really seem within any of his characters, even Tom Baker seems to do half heartedly (or should I say one heartedly?) Leaving the slap happy antics to Sidney Poitier next time Doctor.

  134. "Oh, Linkara. We give you Americans a perfectly good language and you take out all the U's, (colour to color) reverse RE's to ER's (centre to center) and put Z's in there instead of S's realise to realize"

    We prefer to think of ourselves as more efficient. ^_~ You guys add so many extra letters and syllables that aren't necessary for the word!

  135. I watch Dr. Who off and on. One of my favorite episodes is of the most recent season where the Doctor teams up with Vincent Van Gogh to fight an invisible alien.
    Great climax to the Vyce arc. Now you have a ship! I'm sure it will come in handy one day.
    And the whole Z - S issue has always confused me. My family comes from Brazil, but there it is spelled "Brasil." In American English the S is replaced with a Z. I guess because the S is pronounced similarly to a Z.
    I like the allusion to "Space Seed" when you banish Vyce to the uninhabited planet. Can't wait to see what becomes of it.
    Great videos!
    Three Sonic Screwdrivers!?

  136. "Mmhmm. And the sound has appeared twice before on the show, to the confusion of Linkara."

    Where? I can't remember.

  137. "Where? I can't remember."

    The end of the Elite Force comic review was the first time, then at the end of the Dead/Alive review.

  138. And now I know! This whole time I've been puzzling over why Linksano, who'd been on the run from Vyce, would be doing upgrades for him. "Because he's afraid of him" I told myself. HA! Need to trust those instincts. Although, was the double agent move really insane of him? Seems like a ruddy good idea!

    Now where's Judas Liz got off to? Hmm.

    The comic choices were fitting, the music fantastic. Very exciting, very satisfying. And may I say, you telling Vyce to respect Liz, YEAH! It brought to mind LordKat putting that dreadful whatshisface in his place not so long ago.

    About the Dr. Who comic: my gut reaction at the end of the first story was that it wasn't real. Experience has shown that when everything is suddenly 'tea and cricket', something is severely 'up'.

    To make a long comment short, just bravo to everybody! -Oracle

  139. Actually Lewis..Synthesiser is just another way to spell Synthesizer and is pronounced exactly the same.

  140. Here is what an Even Synthesizer (synthesiser) is

  141. As always, the fight had be grinning from ear to ear, good sir, and though I can see where some of the criticism is coming from, I must say, I don't personally share it. Personally, I was I surprised that you went so far into the backstory of the Doctor Who franchise, and I have to say kudos to you for doing so (the fact that the Doctor is one of my most favourite characters of all time (pun not intended) is probably saying something for that).

    What's kind of painful about this whole Rob Liefeld thing is that while his works are painful, they generally have potential in their cores. The problem is that his art isn't helping that potential being realized, and the stories themselves aren't that great helpful either. I can appreciate that someone might want a gritty, dark super hero team...but when someone makes such a team, you can't market it towards children! It's either for the adult market or it's for the younger one, both of which are viable, but you can't have it both ways.

    And the stringless-bow thing using magnets makes absolutely no sense. Liefeld obviously tried to turn the thing into a hand-held railgun (and yes, that's apparently how railguns work, using magnets to propel metal out at insane velocities), but its shape just doesn't lend it any credence., all that said I have something to ask you Linkara. In the intro to your Superman: Distant Fires review, Liz was about to visit something ominous, something that she'd "risk life and limb" in doing so. Whatever happened to that? I honestly can't see anything here that would really denote Liz needing to really put herself at risk over.

    Thanks for giving us geeks so much to swoon over Linkara!

    P.S. Lewis, I realize that you're a Power Rangers fan, and not so much a Sentai fan, but look up the beginning (NOT the opening theme mind you, although that is good too, the first few minutes of the episode itself) of the first episode to Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger on youtube. Rangers/Sentai...EVERYWHERE! It lasts for only a few minutes, but it's GODLY seeing them all!

  142. You know, I just relized something. Linkara and Liz live in an apartment complex. I wonder what their neighbors think as they fight battles for the fate of the multiverse on the other side of presumibly thin walls?
    "Lewis. Liz. I'm returning that messuring cup you let me barrow. Oh, I'm sorry, didn't realize you were battling for your lives agienst a multiversal conquorer agien. I'll just leave it by your door." xD

  143. ", all that said I have something to ask you Linkara. In the intro to your Superman: Distant Fires review, Liz was about to visit something ominous, something that she'd "risk life and limb" in doing so. Whatever happened to that? I honestly can't see anything here that would really denote Liz needing to really put herself at risk over."

    The thing she was doing was contacting Linksano, which was risky for the both of them if Vyce found out about it.

  144. I meant to say this yesterday, but I forgot.

    When Liz morphed, she didn't morph into a power ranger. It seems to me like her powers were more along the lines of that other saban show (which I wouldn't have realized existed had it not been HOPR making me try to find all the spin-off shows saban made). I think it was called "The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nóg" or something like that. Was that suppose to be a reference to that show? Or was that just a coincidence?

  145. Obviously, I loved the episode. Great way to finish off the Vyce arc. I did kind of wonder if Linkara would make him some sort of team-up offer against the Entity, but I guess not. I'm sure that'll come back to bite him later on.

    I do wish the battle could have been a bit more polished, but I understand there's only so much two people with a camera can do. Maybe in future story arcs you can ask local fans to help out and play side roles so you can have all these characters on screen at the same time?

    Also, when it first appeared I said that the "White Zeo" suit looked off to me, and I think this episode showed me why. Simply put, it's the fact that it's about 90% white, with only a few gold parts like the trim around the chest area. It looked a lot better when you added the Dragon Armor to it, because the large amount of gold broke up the...I wanna say "uniformness" of all that white. My recommendation would be to make your own chest protector like those worn by many Sixth Rangers past, to add a bit more style and color to the suit (and of course, extra armor for whatever threat Linkara faces in the future).

    Either way, I look forward to your next storyline with great interest. Keep up the good work.

  146. Okay, this is weird XP I JUST saw Remembrance of the Daleks (my first Doctor Who story with the Seventh Doctor) and he's my favorite now. He is a tad darker than the others, no?

    I do like the tenth and eleventh Doctors but they are just so similar and, well...sometimes you get tired of the same lines about how fantastic humanity is, you know? With the Seventh Doctor you don't need speeches to show that he likes humanity (show don't tell, right?).

    ...if the Seventh Doctor kills every alien enemy he has, though (when there are many other alternatives...Remembrance had no other choices) then maybe I'll like hom less. So far, though, Sylvester McCoy is awesome.

    How do you think the Seventh Doctor compares to the Second and Ninth ones (the other 'grittier' Doctors, for lack of a better word)?

  147. After thinking about it for a day I think I know why I didn't like the Lord Vice fight very much. It is too disconnected to reviewing bad comics for humor. It just was not very funny it had a very different tone and feel than the rest of your show. Let me stress that I did not think that it was bad but it was so out of left field that it made me uncomfortable. Good fiction can make you uncomfortable but I doubt that is what you wanted here. The big drama of an evil space warlord is not right for a show about making fun of stuff. If Lord Vice was played for laughs somehow or you played up how silly it is that an evil warlord would attack you rather than say the government it could work but played straight. In short this was not badly done but the tone issues made it hard to watch

  148. You must have some really good timing or something. Stranding Lord Vyce into Antartica like that.

    Was it your intention to end the Vyce arc in the middle of Winter or did you have something else in mind if your Vyce arc ended in Spring instead?

  149. Great to see a fan of the Doctor acriss the pond, particualrly of all the old episodes too. I always loved Five, and his celery badge. Oh and also yay for using the soundtrack for your fight scene

    Anyway as a Brit, I feel duty-bound to throw in my tuppence-worth:

    1) Maybe we need a new non-sarcastic flash card 'BRITISH literacy is cool'!!:) I know you yanks tinkered with some of the rules of spelling (I dont know why. Maybe your literacy skills were adversely affected by the move to America :p), but you still use words that are pronounced differently to how they are spelled. Think of the word knife. It's ought to be pronounced 'K'niffeh' but you have been taught to say it 'nyfe'. There are lots of similar instances where a letter has two different sounds in the same word which you'll use every day (although they tend to be vowels more than consonants)

    As for turning 'colour' into 'color' ...I still don't know why you guys did that. Phonetically it makes no sense :)

    2) Of course it's a British spelling of synthesiser! -the Doctor is British (and has been in every regenration, and probably always will be. Rule Britannia!)

    3) At 12mins, the pronunciation is 'Gloss-ter-shire' not 'Glouw-chester-shire'. Same reason as above. That spelling is from the days before spelling rules were standardised in England (which is why you can find different apellings of the same word in Shakespeare) Most visitors to the UK make the same mistake so it's not a big deal... unless you actually meet somewhere from the town you just mis-pronounced in which case you are DEAD. We Brits will happily slate our own country, but when someone else mis-represents it we tend to get suddenly and inexplicably patriotic. It's a rather endearing complex we have :)

    4) I loved the Linkara-alter egos en mass! Ah the joys of blue-screen :) And as for your solution to the problem of disposing of Vyce, I think the Doctor would approve :)

  150. While I didn't like the fight as much as previous battles, I do have some favourite moments, the Morphing scene, and the line-up of all your characters (sans the Ninja Style Dancer, of course).

    About Doctor Who, though: What did you think of McCoy's appearance and death scene in the 1996 movie?

  151. The reviews were great as always, but as for the Vice story…well, not so much. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't up to the standard you set with the Mechakara story. I have a bit of (constructive) criticism, if you'll allow me:

    First, the exposition-fests need to stop. Seriously. I know you've got this big story in your head and you really want to get it out there, but when you pump it out in these big info-dumps it starts to sound like badly written fanfiction. And I'm not saying I don't like the Vice story, I'm just saying that for your next story arc you need to figure out a way to tell it that doesn't involve standing there for minutes at a time and talking into a camera (and yes, I realize that's basically what your reviews boil down to, but go with me here). The Mechakara fight didn't have nearly this much exposition in it.

    Second, speaking of the Mechakara fight, one of the reasons that worked so well IMO was because it mixed in a lot more humor alongside the action. In other words, you could stand to add more jokes next time. Without the jokes there's some real mood whiplash when we transition between the funny review and the serious plot arc. Incidentally, that may be why the exposition-fests don't work out so well; they're not funny so they're not entertaining. So, there's one possible solution to the first two problems. Add more humor to the next story. The exposition won't drag so much and the plot arc won't clash so much with the funny review.

    Third, I know you and Liz aren't professionals and you're working on a limited budget but…your fight scenes need work. Admittedly I don't really have a suggestion how to fix this one since I'm not exactly a professional fight choreographer myself, but I do know that you're capable of filming a good fight scene. I thought the Mechakara fight was quite good, one of the better (for lack of a better word) non-professional fight scenes I've ever seen. But this one…wasn't. And in fairness, of the three criticisms I have this is the smallest. If you took care of the first two and ignored this one I'd probably be happy.

    Again, I'm not saying this was horrible. Just sort of...I don't know, underwhelming I guess.

  152. Also, I just realized that I misspelled "Vyce" as "Vice". Apparently I'm an idiot.

  153. Youngblood #3 - Wow ... Just ......... *sigh* I don't think I can even articulate how much fail is in that single comic. I just ....... yeah. The best part was your taunting of Vyce - excellent.

    Dr. Who Classic - When I saw that guy's name was Mad Max and you didn't make the joke immediately, I almost lost it. But you were just waiting for the proper moment to show your cards ... well played sir. And this makes the count - Linkara:1 / Spoony: 4 ... at least!
    ... Have fun catching up ;)

    Storyline - Oh hell yeah! This is what I was hoping for: a conclusion with decent action, a bit of humor, and lots of pure, raw, BADAZZZZZ! :D Especially your demand that Vyce respect Liz. It had me fistpumping with glee ... and some morons think "feminist" equals "pussy"! ;)

    Liz's morphing scene was gold, and her comedic timing ("BOOT!" XD) really helped keep the pace during the fight. After the storming of the ship and Linksano's reveal, the pace does get bogged down in info-dumping. However, thanks to Liz being there to split the lines with, it's not *that* bad - just something to keep an eye on in the future.

    The choreography of the fights are definitely improving, and I'm glad to see it. I assume it's because your crew has essentially gone from one-man to three-man (ZOMG SO MANY PEOPLE! :O). It helps so much to have at least one person to hold the camera for you. My only suggestion in this case is to consider finding a body double (and wig) for Liz. If Judas Liz comes back in a bigger role (which I really hope she does!), there won't be any way to shoot convincing around the fact that there is only one of her.

    As to the arcs themselves - I enjoy them and the reviews equally. I like seeing you, Liz, Harvey, and co kicking ass and taking name. However, I'd caution you to use them sparingly. The last few months or so have had a *LOT* of plot in them, and the people are getting over-saturated. I was a little worried about your plot - review ratio in the Zeo episode, but the subsequent episodes have been nearly perfect in that regard! I'm not going to ask you to cut stories entirely or that you're being "arrogant" for being the star of your own show, however, they are a little tiring for your audience because we get really excited and invested in them. So, the plots are great ... just us a little break (a month or two) with no plot at all, so we can rest and prepare for the eventual coming of the entity. (For which I am, of course, very excited! :D)

    Sorry for the long, rambling post Lewis, but I hope it was at least somewhat helpful. So for now, and until the End of Time, Make Mine Linkara!

    PS - Major props to your friend Will and the PropLady! Angry Joe was badass, as always ;)

  154. (My apologies, but due to length this comment will have to be divided in half).

    I actually -wasn't- going to comment about this, until I saw this comment:

    "Second, that whole bit about you telling Vyce to show Iron Liz some respect, was that also partially aimed at some of the viewers? Specifically, the jerks that saw fit to disparage her with sexist barbs and completely ridicule her performance when she first showed up? Cause that's how I read it, and I'm totally behind that."

    I too felt like you were speaking to us viewers, Louis, and, well, it kind of made me mad. Why? Because I also hate Liz's appearances on the show. Every single one of them, and I've held my tongue up until now. But when I feel like we, the viewers, are being called out and told that (like it or not) we're going to have to deal with her? I've got to say something.

    Now, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying, at all, that I think Liz deserves half the crap I've seen posted about her online. Everyone should be respected, and from what I've seen of her, I think Liz is a great person. I honestly wish her the best.

    However, in terms of this show? I cringe every time I see her come on camera. Liz's acting is BAD. Not over-the-top goofy like yours, not so bad it's good like The Room. Just BAD. She saps the life out of every scene she is in, whether it's talking, fighting, or pretending to be her darker self. (Although, Judas Liz IS a bit better if only because her facial expressions change more.) As others before me have said, that's not necessarily a bad thing--lots of reviewers get by just through pure reviews. From what I've seen of Liz's show, she's not bad at what she does. However, when it comes to acting, she clearly isn't the one that should be pulling it off. Her delivery, her body positioning, her facial expressions... honestly, they're all really, really awkward and hard to watch. I thought that, after a while, maybe she would get better, but nothing has changed. I feel -bad- for her when she's in those situations, and that makes me uncomfortable.

    You clearly love your girlfriend, and I respect and admire that. But I feel there's a need to seperate between personal and professional here. In my opinion, Liz never needed to be added to this show. I know the two of you are living together, but Linkara and Iron Liz didn't have to be. But that's water under the bridge. Obviously, Liz has been introduced and cannot be removed. I'm not suggesting a retcon or anything; I don't think anyone is. But what I am suggesting, and the sentiment I've gotten since she's been introduced, is that she's a very alienating factor. I honestly think the show needs less Liz then what we've been having. An appearance every now and again, okay, but not every episode, and not intricate cross overs that will require not only more exposure here but the watching of Liz's show. The more she appears, the more open to criticism she becomes.

    I'm not trying to be disrespectful, mean, or hateful; I'm not trying to troll or make anyone feel bad. But other viewers have made similiar, legitimate criticisms, and I feel like we're being shoved off into the negative zone unnecessarily.

  155. (2nd half of my post)

    Since I've already typed a mountain, I might as well tack on another crit as well: like others, I don't think the Vyce plot arc worked as well as the Mechakara one. And I believe one of the other posters hit the reason why: it feels too much like Power Rangers and not enough like comic books. There's too much focus on action, power ups, etc. and not enough on characterization. The moments where you DID focus on character (such as when Linkara got beaten up by Vyce) were quite good. Subtlety and the less-is-more approach seems to work much better for your reviews than the more elaborate set up here. I don't mind epic battles with tech and etc. as the climax. But the Vyce arc just didn't seem to really fall in the spirit of the show, of reviewing comic books. (In short, I agree with the criticisms of mightysamurai).

    I hope no one gets the wrong idea and thinks I'm just here to complain. I love this show. I love the reviews and the storylines, and I fully recognize Louis's agency in all of this. It's his show--he can, and should, do what he wants with it. I'm not trying to say that just because I like/dislike something it should be changed. What I AM suggesting, however, is that maybe taking such critiques as mine and the other I've been seeing in mind would not be a bad thing. Louis, you've shown in the past that you care a great deal about what your fans think, and I've always admired that about you. So, I hope that you might take what I've said into consideration too.

  156. I can't tell you how much it delights me that you like Doctor Who. I just got into the series myself, but I'm up to date on the new series and trying to work my way through the older one and am undertaking the mission to addict all my friends to it.

    As for your storyline, I was actually most fascinated by the mix of different themes you used as background music and how they blended seamlessly from so many different sources. Did I hear a bit of Kingdom Hearts in there?

    And of course when "I Am The Doctor" plays you just knows it's time for things to get epic.

    Also, your solution is very Doctor-like.

    P.S. The CAPTCHA for this entry was "colin." Message that I need to get back to my Colin Baker marathon.

  157. Oh, should add, I own the comic anthology "Through Time And Space" and I must agree "The Whispering Gallery" is really excellent.

  158. "I'm not trying to be disrespectful, mean, or hateful; I'm not trying to troll or make anyone feel bad. But other viewers have made similiar, legitimate criticisms, and I feel like we're being shoved off into the negative zone unnecessarily."

    Don't worry, your comments were not taken as ones of a troll, even though I disagree with you. I see a lot of bad acting (I watch Power Rangers, for crying out loud. XD), and I don't see it. Maybe I'm too close to it to notice, but I don't see what you see. She's also not in every episode, and in fact has only made so many appearances since she was first introduced.

    I think you only THINK she's in a lot because the last few episodes have been story intensive and she's been a part of the story. However, your comments are duly noted and don't worry, I don't hate you for expressing them in a clear, non-hateful fashion. Kudos! You accomplish what so many jerks are incapable of doing. XD

  159. "Don't worry, your comments were not taken as ones of a troll, even though I disagree with you. I see a lot of bad acting (I watch Power Rangers, for crying out loud. XD), and I don't see it. Maybe I'm too close to it to notice, but I don't see what you see. She's also not in every episode, and in fact has only made so many appearances since she was first introduced.

    I think you only THINK she's in a lot because the last few episodes have been story intensive and she's been a part of the story. However, your comments are duly noted and don't worry, I don't hate you for expressing them in a clear, non-hateful fashion. Kudos! You accomplish what so many jerks are incapable of doing. XD"

    You could very well be right--maybe it's just a higher frequency lately and that's why it feels like a lot to me. I'll still stick with my original opinion on the acting and general critiques, though.

    Thanks for your reply, Louis. I really appreciate it because it both allows me to know that my tone came across correctly and happily reminds me, once more, that you do take into account what someone like me thinks. Keep on keeping on. =3

  160. Episodes like this are the reason why I like your show so much. Also, I am looking forward to the Entity storyline you just setup!

  161. First off, I think you're taking "talk to the hand" a little too literal. (Just kidding! I couldn't help myself.)

    Second, all I thought about during that chivalrous speech about Liz was, "I am a gentleMAN!!"

    And third, awesome resolution to the Lord Vice story. Can't wait to see the next installment.

  162. Hi there, Lewis. You don't know me but I'm a 24 year old guy with college degrees in history and political science and nothing to do with them at the time due to the crummy economy. I'm currently at home with my parents without any job or source of income, but they're very supportive and I'm trying to work on a book. The problem is I keep procrastinating due watching you folks at ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, in addition to old Conan O'Brien and SNL clips (I'm partial to Norm MacDonald myself, and if you've never seen Dirty Work, well, drop whatever you're doing and see it right now). Anyhow, due to the fact that I never really come into contact with many people these days (I never really had a need for a driver's license and my parents and little sister are away on business and school during the day) you guys are providing me with a helluva lot of entertainment and for that I thank you. As a guy who wasn't allowed to watch much television as a kid, and actually didn't follow the popular culture of the 1990s the way most kids did, you guys have really been very educational in terms of the way my own generation views things. Considering that I was a bookworm, I went to a Catholic School (even though I'm an Episcopalian) and that I got along better with adults as a kid, my cultural sensibilities have always been a bit out of the 1950s. In a way this juggurnuat gave me more introspection into what the current generation thinks. I love the fact that the work you guys are doing provides a pastiche of what life was like for kids growing up in our generation and how in turn we view the world as adults as a result of what we saw. In this current recession I think all of us need a good laugh and you guys are certainly doing your part to keep the fire burning bright. I just wanted to tell you guys that even if I never finish that book, I'm still grateful that there are people out there who can make me laugh with some intelligence. That is a rare quality in a world that often rewards the mean, the degrading, and the shallow. Anyhow, I'm exhausting my vocabulary and as I face another day of being in John Lennon's position (I hate hippies though trust me) I must make ample use of my time, and either go to bed or work on that book.

    Guy From New England.

  163. Great episode as always, I especially loved how you talked like the Doctor while talking to Lord Vyce. BTW my favorite Doctor, right now, is Matt Smith. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have gotten into Doctor Who. I can't wait to see where you go with the Entity.

  164. I was wondering if Linkara is aware of the fact Alan Moore wrote for that very Dr Who series in the early 80's? He's done everything in his power to stop Marvel from republishing it though, so most of us will never get to read it.
    Also, since he mentioned Supreme at the end of the youngbloods review, I thought people may find these interesting. First off is an interview with Linefeld where he acts like a moron (no surprises there)and also bashes Alan Moore, calling him a a weirdo and a crybaby:

    secondly. a podcast in which Alan Moore discusses Liefeld and image comics.... which I can't find! I'm sure I have it downloaded somewhere so I'll post it when I find it. He basically says he was promised other artists would be working on Supreme but Liefeld then insisted on doing it himself despite the fact there were some great artists lined up to do it. I guess liefeld wanted his name on an Alan Moore book, who wouldn't, it pretty much garuantees you a place in comics' history. Moore seems to sort-of pity Liefeld rather than begrudge him.

  165. Ever watch Torchwood?

  166. A triumphant and worthy ending to the thrilling Vyce saga! I really liked the variety and pacing you were able to keep up during the fight. It wasn't just back-and-forth combat shots, and that helped keep it interesting. With every video, you continue to gain skill, learning from both your missteps and your successes. I look forward to what comes next as you rip into ever more deserving comics. (And, no doubt, conquer yet another multiverse-threatening evil.)

  167. "First off is an interview with Linefeld where he acts like a moron (no surprises there)and also bashes Alan Moore, calling him a a weirdo and a crybaby"

    Well, Alan Moore is kind of a weirdo, but that's neither here nor there...

  168. Loved the Doctor Who review. You seem to get what makes the Doctor so appealing and why he's a great hero. My only real experience with pre-2005 "Doctor Who" has been through borrowed DVDs and some of the older comics. Now I know that I still have a bit more to collect.

    Good review and very good end the whole "Vyce arc."

  169. awesome,just awesome.
    i noticed judas liz was left as a loose
    judas liz design isnt as cool as iron's metalhead asthetic.
    (iron's morph is pimp as yours in a different way.thumbs up)

    idk if anyone has said this but you know thats what they did to shredder in the tmnt the 2003 version:banished him to an ice planet. is Vyce coming back for TGWTG-forever?

    Have u been reading about David E.Kelley's Wondy adaptation?
    It's going to suuuuuck.David E.Kelley is such an uninspired parody of himself at this point,its like they used a David E.Kelley program to write this shit.
    For example,every female character is described as sassy BY HE HIMSELF.SASSY,YA.He actually says sassy.sassy,the first word that comes to mind when you think of wonder woman!(sarcasm)
    she a CEO at complete random,and she has 2-3 SIMULTAENEOUS love interests,so theyre trying to make her seem slutty too i guess.

    so get ready for Diana McBeal,and no Wonder Woman movie ever now...
    fade to black...the heroes lost..

  170. That was a really great conclusion for this arc and the stinger was actually one of the creepiest things I've seen in some time. I'm always amazed at how good the plot is for this show where you review comic books for the internet (no offense, but this isn't exactly the first place most people would expect a good plot (or even an actual plot) to exist). I honestly don't even have to really try to justify enjoying it by saying "well by internet review standards it's good" or anything. The villian's good, the writing's good, the plot twists are good, the foreshadowing is good, the characters are fun and awesome etc.

    I could complain about some minor things like Iron Liz not being as good at acting or the fight choreography but that feels like nitpicking.

    I will say it would be pretty cool if you had more settings outside of where you live and greenscreen. There's probably like 5 different reasons why filming almost anywhere else wouldn't work though (and you put a ton of effort into these vids already).

  171. Thank you! For finally calling him on his bull. It was driving me nuts like it always does when the hero of a story doesn't call the villain on the poor logic behind his villainy.

    Though honestly after the fight I would have extended my hand and offered reform, rather than exile. He seems like a better choice of ally than Linksano.

    It's sad, but I have no real opinion on either of the comic reviews. The young blood one was okay, but lacked the intensity of your earlier stuff, and the Dr. Who one felt like filler because you shot more fight footage than you meant to and had to pad it out into a 2 parter.

    Maybe some time if you run out of children's card games to play on motorcycles you can just put together story videos that cut out the reviews and then just do Story OR review videos. It just seems like it would flow better for narratives. Right now it sort of has a Super Mario bros. Super Show (Which I honestly loved) vibe to it.

    Closing comment? This was HILARIOUS for many reasons, but I mainly lost it when Vyce showed up and improved the lighting. And just generally seeing an Epic battle contained to 1 room in apartment.

  172. As always, an incredible piece of work, and an awesome way to end the saga of Vyse.

    Of course, a couple things come to mind; having been stalled myself on the Eleventh Doctor (My first being Ninth, and my favorite being Tenth.), I do have some DVDs of the fourth Doctor, but outside of searching, I'm not sure of a good jumping point for the older stuff instead of just jumping in with The Unearthly Child. Any recommendations?

    Also, I would like to hear your thoughts about the Tenth Doctor; especially his morality. I have heard many times him being called quite amoral due to his "No Second Chances" clause and the defeat of the Racnoss in Runaway Bride. I claim that The Doctor knew-as did we all-that if they left that hole into the Earth, they would have consumed humanity. He gave them fair warning and a chance to surrender, and they did not take it. He destroyed them in order to stop the world-like he'd do for any other world-from being destroyed.

    This comes to mind for me because of Waters of Mars, and that he finally had gotten some control over his life; he had the chance to save and care for the people he had lost by being someone who could control the Laws of Time without repercussions-especially Reavers. It was a major turning point in the development and morality of the Doctor towards a far greater end...and it was stolen from him for a captain and her gun. That always irked me on so many levels, mainly because it chilled me to the core to see his aspirations falter, and that David Tennant is a wonderous actor at the role.

    Onto the fight with Vyse, and the aftermath, two things strike me almost immediately.

    1) I can understand the stalling to lull Vyse into a false sense of security. However, it didn't mean you and Liz had to severely weaken yourselves just to create the illusion; he was already quite powerful and skilled in his own way beyond the transformations you had planned and the weapons at your disposal. I mean, he DID kill Pyramid Head. Could have at least used the non-Zeoized Battleizer on him, or taken a lovely blast to the face with the Magic Gun, which seemed to grow with power after you spoke with the girl's spirit within. (I might be reading into that, but the extra attacks it had made me think that.)
    2) If you wanted to destroy Vyse, since you mentioned that to be something you had considered, why didn't you bombard the planet from orbit, or space him? That would be a way to keep him out of your hair. (I do understand narratively why, but the considering of destroying him was established.)

    Crappy Youngblood, and So-So Doctor Who? I can dig it. Good pushing through, Linkara. We're all rooting for ya.

  173. The alien ambassador was a pretty blatant palette swap of Nova, Galactus' other runaway herald from the Silver Surfer line of comics. Going by Star Trek/Babylon 5 reasoning she might appear to be on fire because she's an energy being of some type.

    Yeah, that's all I got. No way I'm going to spend more than a minute's thought justifying Liefeld's character design choices.

  174. @mightysamurai he may come across a bit weird, but he's a gentleman and from a moral point of view he's far more sane than Liefeld will ever be! he's also not the type to go bashing other artists/writers in an interview, he reserves that behaviour for producers, editors and company execs.

    the article is worth reading anyway, some insight into the mindset of Liefeld, or lack thereof!

  175. The synthesiser bit seemed a bit weird given how you brought up the whole accent (and therefore linguistic variation due to localisation) thing in the 15 screw-ups video with the room and roof business. As a Canadian I get the luxury of living in a society that doesn't care which style I use, I generally prefer the British spelling since it has a stronger basis in French, and I am a French Canadian. I think this felt a bit pedantic to me.

    As for the story arc culmination, it was good and fun, but I get the feeling your show is starting to get a bit cluttered with weapons and characters, I felt it dragged on a bit while you tried to give everything its moment. That's just my opinion though.

  176. You know, I just realised that I only ever post when I've got something negative to say. I try to think of it as constructive criticism, but I probably should post once in a while about how awesome this series is. I mean, I never read any comics other than Astérix and one or two manga recently, so you'd think I'd have no interest in this show, but the things you say could also apply to many different media of storytelling, and I do have an interest in many of those.

    I actually read Superman: Red Son following your recommendation way back when, and it was a very interesting story. I don't see myself starting to read comics regularly any time soon, but I still thank you for the suggestion, and who knows, I might go for another one eventually.

  177. You rock Linkara! Few Internet celebs are as epic as you man.

  178. I hope you don't mind this comment, and I apologize in advance if it sounds rude, but I think that the storylines are getting a bit too cheesy and not in a good kind of way.

    I know that most people like them, as evidenced by most comments here, so I can't really expect you to change what makes your show popular or what you have fun doing because that would be really dumb.

    But personally, I can't stand the storylines. I'm fine with small skits, but I don't think you should try to make storylines like that. I think that sometimes--and this is where I hope I don't sound rude-- it comes off as hypocritical of you to make a review pointing out how bad certain comics are and then come up with an even worse story just a few minutes later.

    Again, no offense. I love watching the reviews, they are informative and funny. The storylines on the other hand, just make me cringe. It would be better if they weren't serious, but it seems to me that sometimes you are taking them too seriously, which comes off as really, really weird to me.

    Hope you don't mind this comment, I just wanted to say what I thought about it, and I understand that there is no reason for you to do so all things considered.

  179. Hey there Linkara,
    Loved the episodes. I have people over every week just so we can watch the reviews. Last week, when i saw you were doing Distant Fires i re-read my copy before watching the review just to refresh my memory of it.
    Anyways, the purpose of this post besides the praise was to inform you that the Doctor Who Fox movie came out on dvd last week. There is commentary by both McCoy and McGann on it as well as lots of other extras. Thought i would throw you a heads up about it in case you didn't know. 7th Doctor is also my favourite Doctor and i have seen almost all the episodes as well as the "Stranger" show (Colin Baker) and some of the other spin-offs and shorts (Comic Relief shorts) over the years.
    Keep the great reviews coming!

  180. Sorry, meant to ask a request of you. Any chance you doing a "Best Of..." of Doctor Who episodes?
    I saw a few people in the comments who asked you what a good starting point would be for watching the older episodes. I was thinking you could do a "best of" for each Doctor in the manner that you did the Power Ranger episodes. As this is your show you could pick your favourite episodes and that might cut down on the research you would have to do.
    Mind you, i have no idea exactly how busy you are with life outside Linkara so this may be too daunting.

  181. Great, entertaining stuff, as always, Linkara. :)

    As a brief Doctor Who aside, speaking as someone who is just at this very moment beginning to get into the show and it's lore, can anyone tell me if there's any significance to the Doctor seemingly getting progressively younger in appearance over the years (and decades)? I bring this up after looking back on the first few Doctors, and how much younger the two most recent Doctors David Tennant and Matt Smith look by comparison. Does this play into anything related to the Timelords, or is it just how the casting happened to work out?

  182. While she does look like Lilith (as somebody mentioned), I agree with Birthmark Hal - that... person... looks just like the Frankie Raye Nova. That's what I thought the second I saw her.
    So it must be true.
    However, Frankie was changed into that by Galactus; what's this thing's excuse? I'm not saying this to justify Liefeld, though - he's ripping somebody off here. (Byrne, I think.)

    Aang! We need you!

    I wonder if the 'higher evolutionaries' were a reference to The High Evolutionary? (The comic was originally Marvel.)

    A demon? In Doctor Who? before Sylvester McCoy? That is so wrong! He was the first (I could be wrong) to bring in 'magic' as a thing - they always enforced science before that.

    Forget vegetarianism as a talent (or, watch / read Scott Pilgrim)... how is it 'full-time'?
    It's not something you spend time doing, it's just something you are (and I am).

  183. "As a brief Doctor Who aside, speaking as someone who is just at this very moment beginning to get into the show and it's lore, can anyone tell me if there's any significance to the Doctor seemingly getting progressively younger in appearance over the years (and decades)? I bring this up after looking back on the first few Doctors, and how much younger the two most recent Doctors David Tennant and Matt Smith look by comparison. Does this play into anything related to the Timelords, or is it just how the casting happened to work out? "

    I like to think of it as a mid-life crisis, but no, it's just how casting works out and the focus of the show has shifted. These days, it's hard to imagine casting an older guy for a lead role like this, plus with such a young demographic they want to appeal to younger people, as well.

    Actually, at the time, Peter Davison was the youngest person to play the Doctor when he came on.

  184. "I like to think of it as a mid-life crisis, but no, it's just how casting works out and the focus of the show has shifted. These days, it's hard to imagine casting an older guy for a lead role like this, plus with such a young demographic they want to appeal to younger people, as well."

    Yeah, I figured it was something like that. You'd think at this point, though, someone writing for the show would've noticed it and took hold of it as a plot point of some kind - something to the effect of Timelords aging in reverse with every regeneration. There's a million things you could do with that. Hell, the Merlin analogy pretty much writes itself.

  185. "Yeah, I figured it was something like that. You'd think at this point, though, someone writing for the show would've noticed it and took hold of it as a plot point of some kind - something to the effect of Timelords aging in reverse with every regeneration. There's a million things you could do with that. Hell, the Merlin analogy pretty much writes itself. "

    Actually, both of those points HAVE been brought up. ^_~

    In the 10th Doctor Children in Need Special, the 10th meets the 5th again and says when he loved being him - "Because when I was young I was always trying to be older and grumpier, like you are when you're young... but then I was you and I had so much fun being you."

    And in Battlefield, both sides of the conflict recognize the Doctor as Merlin, suggesting that either in the future or in the alternate universe, the Doctor was Merlin.

  186. The cathphrase YABBA DABBA DOOM! was probably intended to be Badrock's catchphrase due to the fact that his original name was 'Bedrock'. It was changed to the 'LET'S ROCK' phrase as part of the name change!

    Another question: Will you be doing the Hamilton Comics MMPR books at all?


  187. This...was not as good as the Mechakara fight. I will attempt to examine the reasons as I see them in hopes that it's helpful to you.

    Mechakara came first. It's really that simple, unfortunately. He will forever be the metric by which others are judged.

    Vyce simply isn't as engaging as a character concept as Mechakara. The Mirror Match/Doppelganger thing can be milked for a whole heck of a lot, and you exploited it well and wisely. The Galactic Conqueror Evil Overlord is ultimately a flatter, less personal, and less exploitable concept, but it was also not pushed to its limits. Vyce is not fit to stand in the same rank as Vader before we knew he was Anakin, but Mechakara as a proper use and exploitation of the archetype will stand up to anyone in the genre.

    We simply didn't know Vyce. He was too present to menace by his mysteriousness but not present enough for us to build up a reaction to him. Mechakara actually hijacked the show at one point and was even recognizably different yet similar to Linkara while he was doing so (in what I still regard as the best of your acting). He held the main character hostage, visibly, for a full episode before the final battle. He was built up better.

    The sheer cheesy glory of it all felt played down, or at least not embraced.

    Spoony didn't play a part in helping the buildup or the conclusion. Angry Joe was a worthy substitute, admittedly, and seeing the Angry Joe Army storm Vyce's spaceship while he was away was a worthwhile demonstration of the ability to coordinate and marshal allies against the threat. But Spoony has a certain talent for madcap that would have helped with the things mentioned above.

    While I was nodding through the exposition on dimensional mechanics, in the end it's still exposition dumping and breaks the flow. Mechakara we just got down to the ol' ultraviolence and the pace didn't let up.

  188. Hey Lewis you never answered my question.

    Have you ever watched Torchwood you know the DR. Who spinoff it's pretty good if you ask me.

    But than again so was Red Dwarf.

  189. When you quit being Noah Antwilers piece of shit lap dog and quit with these retarded story lines and go back to being yourself I will watch again.

    But your story lines all suck they are piss poor and terrible. This is not what your fans want they want a good review without all the bullshit mixed in. Your not good at storytelling Linkara your are down right horrible at it.

  190. "When you quit being Noah Antwilers piece of shit lap dog and quit with these retarded story lines and go back to being yourself I will watch again.

    But your story lines all suck they are piss poor and terrible. This is not what your fans want they want a good review without all the bullshit mixed in. Your not good at storytelling Linkara your are down right horrible at it. "

    Well, first of all: not only has Spoony not had anything to do with this storyline, I was doing storylines before Spoony, so they were all my idea.

    Secondly: The majority of my fans have proudly proclaimed that they like the storylines and enjoy them, so I'm sorry to say you're wrong. If you don't enjoy them, fine, but there hasn't been a single episode of this show that HASN'T had a review, so I don't get what you're complaining about since the reviews haven't gone anywhere.

  191. "When you quit being Noah Antwilers piece of shit lap dog and quit with these retarded story lines and go back to being yourself I will watch again. "

    Name ONE episode that has not had a review.

    I'm waiting....

    "This is not what your fans want they want a good review without all the bullshit mixed in. "

    If you personally don't like it, that's fine. That is your opinion and you are welcome to it

    But don't you dare attempt speak for "the fans" because you sure as hell don't speak for me, pal.

    I personally liked this storyline. It was a funny little change of pace.

    In fact, I would love to see these kinds of story arcs more often.

  192. @Night
    I actually saw Darth Vader as being much more threatening after finding out his back-story

    He went from a simple ominous villain to being a seasoned complete monster veteran
    We are talking about a guy who without a hesitation eviscerated little children without even flinching, and was proud of himself for doing it!

  193. Was the crushing of you hands while you were trying the sonic trick the second time an attack of the cybermen reference?

    Also will you record comentaries for this and the Zeo reveiw? If you do you should do it as a joint commentary with Liz, you two are just hilarious together, as well as 40,000 kinds of awesome

  194. Oh, and the female news reporter in Youngblood you thought was a tribute to Lois Lane is actually the news reporter from the Spawn comics. She even appeared in the live-action Spawn movie played by Robia LaMorte, BTW.

  195. Hey Lewis

    Just wondering,Did you hear about the fanmade Doctor Who Anime?
    This guy called the "Otaking" is drawing and animating his own Doctor Who Anime,It's mainly revolving around the 3rd doctor *Jon Pertwee* but from what I witnessed it was pretty killer.

    Otaking's DeviantArt


    Just wanted to share this. :)

    Zombie Zach

  196. This is an epic finale to the Lord Vyce saga. Awesome choice of using epic music from Doctor Who.

    The final battle between Team AT4W and Vyce ranks among the most epic fight scenes ever.

    Now, to wait for your inevitable showdown with the Entity.

    P.S.: Any word on Ninja-Style Dancer's fate?


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