Sunday, February 6, 2011

Liz and Linkara Play Magic: The Gathering

It's a new episode of You're Such a Card... Game, where we play some Magic the Gathering cards donated to us by a fan at Magfest!

NOTE: We have been given corrections now by several people about the rules we flubbed, so check down below in the comments before pointing out any more rules we messed up... though I believe by the second match we realized the "we don't attack monsters" thing.

Donated by Sigmanonymous! ...if I made a mistake there, let me know - he was the one who e-mailed me and said he gave donations at Magfest, so hopefully that's the right person. XD

First we open some packs!

Now we play! Game One!

Game two!

Game three!


  1. Some corretions to her rule expanation:

    1- You don't attack monsters, you attack the opposing player and they choose what to block and with what. They can choose to not block.
    2- You can't double attack since you son't attack monsters. However, when choosing what you block with your monsters can gang up on an attacking monster. The attacker can divide the dagmage between the monsters.
    3- Monsters with Reach can also block flying monsters, but that ability is only a defensive one.
    4- Trample does leftover damage TO THE DEFENDING PLAYER, not other monsters.

  2. Also Lands don't retap each turn, they UNtap each turn. Tap is marking it as used.

  3. Monsters are tapped when they attack unless they have Vigilance, and thus can't block until your turn comes around again and they untap.

    Tapped monsters can't block.

  4. Even though I'm only ten minutes in the second video but you start off with seven cards in your hand plus if you don't like the hand you drew you can send your hand back to your library and redraw your hand but with one less card. Their's a word for it but I forgot.

  5. Also normally a creature can only block 1 creature per turn

  6. There's a few errors when you guys are playing. In battle, when a monster attacks, they automatically attack directly(you do not attack a creature). The opposing player can either choose to block an attacking creature with an non-tap creature, play an instant, or let it through. But the player must select which creatures to attack with this turn THEN then the opposing player can either block the attack or not.

  7. very good go just a couple of pointers.
    1. starting hand is 7 cards.
    2. you can not attack creatures directly.
    3. when a creature is taped its defense is not 0.
    4. the blocker decides if he/she wants to block and what to block.
    5. creatures can only block one other creature at a time. so if your side out numbers the other you can over run them.

  8. So I understand you haven't played in a while Liz and Linkara hasn't played at all, so I'll give a few corrections on rules as I see them.

    First thing I saw, trample does not work that way. Basically, it depends on how the opponent blocks. If multiple creatures are blocking, the damage can carry over to other to those creatures. If there are no other creatures blocking the player can choose to send the remaining damage at the opponent.

    You start with seven cards, not five.

    In a match, you need to announce all attacks at once.

    You attack the player, not individual creatures. The defending player chooses what to block with. Also, creatures just can't attack block when tapped. They still maintain their toughness(Defensive Power).

    Also, not a rules thing, but a tip for Linkara, instants like Giant Growth are best utilized at the last possible moment. You could play it on a wolf that doesn't get blocked instead of making that wolf the prime target to block.

    Some creatures like Verdant Force have abilities that activate as soon as any turn begins, you should have gotten a 1/1 dude. And Liz would have one after she mind controlled it and god I'm just going to get nit picky, I'm sticking to glaring things from now on.

    Lewis could have won multiple times earlier in the first game with a better understanding of combat. And I'm going to stop here because I'm going to sound like an ass if I keep on prattling on. You'll probably get tons of people to give you the specifics on how much you sucked at the game, and I don't have to be that douche.

  9. Just some tips and rules stuff ^_^

    1 - When you start the game you draw 7 cards. Your max hand size is 7. If you have more than 7 cards you discard at the END of your turn down to 7.

    2 - You never attack creatures directly. You attack your opponent (and you declare all of your attackers at the same time). Your opponent then decides what creatures they control block and what they block. If they choose to have multiple creatures block a single creature you divide your damage against that creature as you choose (So you can choose to kill one over another or weaken them both to kill them with another method like a spell that does damage to all creatures or to that target). They deal both of their power in damage to your creature.

    3 - Giant Growth is an Instant - meaning it can be cast at ANY time (even during your opponents turn). You can do this to save a creature from dying or- cast if after they decide to block. So you can get an extra 3 damage past their blockers- or do an extra 3 damage to a blocker to kill them and possibly save your creature.

    4 - Make sure you read a card carefully. Verdant Force puts a 1/1 token into play during EACH PLAYERS upkeep step. So at the beginning of your turn you get a 1/1 Creature token. On your opponents turn you get a 1/1 creature token! Since liz took him with mind control she would have been getting those creatures.

    5 - That big sheet you pulled out does explain the game rather well but you must read it carefully. I highly suggest going to your card shop and get taught how to play because its an amazingly complex game but amazingly fun once you learn it and start building decks and combos.

    6 - And finally- Trample doesnt mean it kills a bunch of creatures. That damage "Rolls over" to the player- and the player ONLY. Whatever is left after the blocking creatures toughness is how much the player takes.

    Otherwise yall certainly got a better hang of it, Liz needs to catch up on some of the changes and refresh her rules but, I've seen worse new player games XD

    Great job as always ^_^

  10. Actually from what little I remember, you did fine. The only issue you had was with attacking: At the start of a combat round, the attacker declares ALL attackers, and the defender then resolves blocking. It wasn't really an issue with the Green deck, however, as it's unlikely Liz was going to NOT choose to block your ridiclous fatties.

    It would have gotten more complex if you were running, say, Blue. Like really serious, counter-heavy Blue. Nothing was worse than watching two Denial decks go head to head. It got depressing.

    "I cast Serendib Efreet."
    "I counter it."
    "I counter your counter."
    "Well I counter THAT counter."
    "In which case, I counter THAT counter."
    "I counter your counter with another counter!"

    And so on. These videos made me kind of miss Magic, though. But it was too expensive a hobby (Says the man who spent $400 on D&D miniatures last year, but hey. They won't be obselete in six months...)

  11. I only watched the first match but I thought it right to make a few corrections. I promise to be nice guys and I'm sure I won't be the first in my comments.

    A creatures never gets to choose what creature it attacks. The attacking creature simply chooses to attack and the opponent chooses to defend or not.

    A blocking creature gets to deal its damage to the creature it blocks, thus attacking creatures can be killed if the opponent has less toughness.

    All creatures that you wish to have attack must attack all at once, not one at a time.

    A creature may only block one creature unless the card says otherwise, all other attacking creatures go directly to the opponent's life.

    Trample damage does not get spread to other creatures but instead always goes directly to the opponent's life.

    Still love the show despite the mistakes!

  12. Hi there! when i saw this i was pretty happy because i play magic a lot and love to watch others play magic too. I do have just a few things to say in regards to rules when you guys played.

    Liz: Awesome games! and high five for teaching Louis how to basically play the game, you guys should head over to to look at all the cards of magic and how much their rules have changed. :D

    Louis: If you like green when it has big creatures you should try to use green with elves, its totally just getting several thousand elves and buffing them up and decimating your opponents. i suggest trying out all the different colors of magic to see what you like. you can also combine colors and whatnot or even have a no color deck and use artifacts or colorless creatures to do your bidding for you. *mwahahaha*

    I started playing magic last year and I mainly play standard. One thing you both should keep in mind when playing next time is the parts of the turn and the different subparts of each. Mainly i just wanted to mention when Louis was attacking. Technically you were playing correctly (although sometimes you were attacking creatures), but the attacking phase is split into a few subparts; the initiate attackers step, declare blockers step, and finally damage step.
    If louis was playing against someone that has played magic nowadays, he or she would say that he would need to assign all of his blockers, the defending opponent will then need to assign blockers, then damage is dealt at the end of combat phase at the same time. You also do not need to use only one creature to block another, you can use as many as you want, in the "how to play" paper you received in the boxes you opened it talks about this as well.

    For example, If Louis had a 3/3 creature on the field and Liz had one 1/1 creature and one 2/2 creature on her side of the battlefield, Liz could block the 3/3 (if it were attacking) with either of her creatures, blocking with both would kill off the3/3, but sadly the 1/1 and the 2/2 will die as well. on the sheet mentioned earlier, it also mentions that the person that declared attackers can choose how much of the attacking creatures damage goes to which creature if it were blocked by more than one creature.

    Going back to the example from before.
    Louis can choose to have 2 of the 3/3's power go to the 2/2 and of of the 3/3's power go to the 1/1. If he decided not to do that, Louis can decide to have 2 power go to the 1/1 and one power go to the 2/2. This will destroy the 1/1 and the 3/3 (because it was blocked), but it will not destroy the 2/2. Its not exactly a tactic worth using unless you have a really good card that you want to use.

    Liz i do wonder what you think of Planeswalkers in Magic. I remember in the unwrapping video Luis said "Chandra Nalaar" and my eyes lit up right then and there. There are quite a lot of Planeswalkers in magic at the moment and even before they were created we had several other Planeswalkers that were just creature cards.

    Also if you do not mind Liz, what cards make up your black deck?


  13. I'd hate to be a Douchy McNitpick here, but I kind of had to stop paying attention halfway though the first game due to all the rules mess-ups. Seems to be a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh bleeding through and affecting things here.

    I don't know if you've corrected these in the later two videos, but here is useful information relating to learning to play.

  14. Linkara, the main theme of Zendikar cards were "Lands comes to life." so Searing Seacliff makes some sort of sense.

    really love you saying the card's name. I hope to see more.

  15. Not going to lie, this was a bit rough to watch. It felt the rules of other games (Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon for example) may have bled into your playing of Magic the Gathering, and I wondered why the two of you didn't try to find the turn order and rules list. However, in the end as long as you both had fun, that's what matters.

  16. It's a pity, if I had known that you could use them I would have just shipped my decks to you (been trying to get rid of them for a year). Got any use for several more decks?

    As for the rules, well it's clearly been a while since Liz has played and the rules have actually changed a bit since then. Isn't anything horrible.

  17. the magic player in me is angry at all the rule oddness, however, the fan of both of you in me is ecstatic that you gave my favorite card game a whirl. :3

  18. Sorry for the intense length; I just usually have a lot to say with this show, and this is a game I love to pieces.

    1.) Indeed, MtG is ancient. It is commonly regarded as the establishment of the entire trading card game genre.

    2.)a.) Every character (playing the game) is supposed to be a planeswalker, a rare individual with the ability to jump from the plane they are on to the outside (the Blind Eternities), and either jump back or traverse the Eternities to find a new plane. They used to be godlike immortals, now they're more like regular entities but with far greater potential and overall resilience then a mere mortal. They're hardly IMmortal, but they do have staying power.
    2.)b.) Part of each character's knowledge is represented by the lands they remember. Mana, the energy of magic, exists within all things to some degree (outside of barren areas like the Dead Zone in Ulgrotha); when mana is drawn to cast a spell, a mage is remembering a place, and tapping into its inherent energy. The better they remember a place and the mana existing within everything it embodies and encompasses, the better they can cast their spells. The majority of mages have access to at best a few at a time; it's very, VERY rare for any mage to be experienced enough to remember the land with such detail that they can cast a truly enormous spell. Hence another reason why planeswalkers have the power they do: at the bare minimum, they have seen more places, been a part of more places, and simply acquired more experience over the course of their existence than nonplaneswalkers.

    3.) Duels of the Planeswalkers is the recent X-Box game. It's...just see Angry Joe's review of it. Point being, some of the decks presented within have been recently been given proper printings. I imagine that's what you're holding.

    4.) The "Core Set" is acknowledged as MtG's backbone in terms of its cards, embodying all of its fundamental aspects and traditional fantasy with a pinch of its own. Since the decision was made to make them annual instead of biannual, they've become much more popular and respected, and I'd highly recommend a newcomer like yourself Lewis, to invest more heavily in the core set stuff for a while, especially as you'd also gain great access to reprints of some of Magic's oldest cards. Oh, interesting tidbit, WotC only recently decided to name them after the year they come out. Where did they get their inspiration? EA Sports. Just let that sink in.

    5.) Bear in mind, one is a basic land. They used to have 15 regular cards (11 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare, 1 (occasional foil); then for a year they included tokens/"Tips & Tricks" cards (11 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare, 1 (occasional foil)); then they went with the currently established 14 cards, plus 1 basic and 1 token/"Tips & Tricks" (10 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare (1/8 mythic rare), 1 (occasional) foil). Then there was Time Spiral...but I'll explain that later.

    6.) Torment was released in January 2002.

    7.) No matter you liked Torment; it was the only black-primary set.

  19. 8.) Zombies? Hate to disappoint, but...they no longer consider the Zombie type to be the best iconic "race" of all things black. They're going with the Vampire type instead. And NO, not because of...that...THING...this was developed LONG before THAT monstrosity exploded.

    9.) Zendikar is a land-oriented block, with Vampires, Traps, Allies (as in adventuring parties), kicker costs (pay more for a spell to do more), and dropping a land stirring up an effect. There's a minor treasure theme to it, too ("Deadly Perils, Priceless Treasures"); if you're very, VERY lucky, opening a booster from Zendikar may get you a now out-of-print card worth anywhere from $20 to $200.

    10.) RotE? Hoo boy, where to begin...basically, as Wizards put it, "Cthulhu meets Galactus," which I think is apt. They're cosmic horrors of the Blind Eternities that act like parasites for planes, consuming all life and mana they can from them. There are only three, but they're so powerful even the godlike planeswalkers of old could barely even seal them away. They did so on Zendikar, using its unique style of mana to draw the Eldrazi in. Zendikar...has never taken it well, the constantly shifting landscape, buckling terrain, erratic physics, and abundant elementals being strong evidence for that. There's a long, LONG story involving dragons and fire and vampires and dumbass elves involving why they get loose, but the important thing to remember is: in RotE, Magic's Lovecraftian monsters are loose. If their brood lineages don't eat you, they will.

    11.) You mean Spirit of the Night. It WAS effective in its day; if you still have it, horde it if you don't want cash; it's on the Reserved List, so they'll never, EVER print another. Another long story.

    12.) 7/7? Hmmm...think 3000+ ATK in Yugioh, plus untouched by monster effects. You might have a similar threat.

    13.) Black Lotus, ah yes...the top of the Power 9, the most expensive and overpowered cards ever. EVER.

    14.) Pokemopolis agrees with you, and really hates Weezing. Out of curiosity, how do you feel about Weezing?

    15.) Magic sometimes goes with established terminology, other times using word roots in combinations that haven't been used before...and other times inserts tons of placenames like "Halimar", "Kalastria" or "Emeria" in there.

    16.) They brought back Lightning Bolt...and there was much rejoicing. I actually really like the M10 version of the card, 'cause not only is the art awesome, but also because the flavor is so spot-on both in-world and out-.

    17.) ...the cliff is referring to what it causes to happen to creatures, not it itself. Note the " creature gains flying until end of turn."

    18.) Oooh, Crypt Ripper, I love it!

    19.) Huh. Two of the same rare in one pack. Now THAT is rare.

  20. 21.) Chandra's one of the planeswalker characters you can call for in-game. You can find her in core sets, Lorwyn, or Zendikar. That Bird token is supposed to be a roc, actually.

    22.) You just pulled Chandra? AWESOME!

    23.) Essence Scatter: a spell in Magic is a construct of the mana you use to cast it. When the essence of a creature spell is scattered, I presume it's safe to assume it's rendered useless, therefore countered.

    24.) No, hit points don't exist in this game. Players have "life", and creatures have "toughness".

    25.) You should see Progenitus. 2 of EVERY color.

    26.) Indeed. Much like only one attachment of Energy per turn or one Normal Summon per turn, only one playing of a land per turn.

    27.) ...the "attack" is called "power" and the "defense" is called "toughness".

    28.) Ooh, first big error there. Damage doesn't spill over in this game from an attacker through the defenders, unless the attacker has the trample ability. If a creature WITHOUT trample becomes blocked, that's it, it's blocked, no combat damage is getting through.

    30.) There actually IS a mechanic - the morph keyword - that lets you play cards face-down, but it isn't used much.

    31.) Yes, you can go much, MUCH higher than 20 - a few decks have won solely by increasing their life to an arbitrary multiple of googolplex and waiting out their opponent to draw out their deck and lose.

    32.) Ghost...shame on you, Liz!

    33.) Card types...artifacts are inorganic solid material, creatures are anything from bugs to golems to crabs to leviathans to mice to cosmic horrors, enchantments are solid magic and/or ambient continuous magic, sorceries are spells that take effect then and there as a one-time deal, instants are the same only you can cast them whenever (you can also cast something with the flash ability whenever), lands are generally just mana sources but they do occasionally have other powers (and are NEVER spells), planeswalkers are characters you summon into the game, and tribals are noncreatures that have a strong affiliation to creature types regardless.

    34.) The 3 total there is what's known as "converted mana cost".

    35.) The field = the battlefield; a card in play = a permanent; the deck = library; the discard pile = graveyard; removing something from regular play = exile.

  21. Well, you guys did better than I could have. I haven't taken a serious look at Magic cards since... '97, or so. That and I never seriously played to begin with, I just liked the artwork. :)

  22. thought I'd comment on the video about the set up of a magic game.

    the layout is basically like this

    Libary(deck) summoned monsters artifacts and enchants and below that is the mana pool.

    As for trampling liz you were a bit off how it's used now. the overflow goes to the opponents life not to the other monsters.

  23. Since everyone has already pointed out the rules issues, I'd just like to say one other thing nobody has: Please PLEASE Liz don't shuffle the deck like that! It damages the cards! Those aren't cheap, you know!

  24. Hooray! Finally a grown up children's card game!

  25. It's fantastic to see you guys playing my favorite card game of all time. You guys did make a few mistakes, but since Linkara reads all the comments, I don't doubt that next time you play, all the mistakes will be fixed. Great series, can't wait to see more!

  26. i dont care about if you mess up the rules or not i just happy to see you two have fun and enjoy it

    and if you play yuyuhaskie game at some time i think it be fun to see how that works { sorry for bad spelling and gammmer }

  27. Wow, I can't believe you have old gems, like Spirit of the Night. I love that card. I don't play; I'm a collector, and I stopped collecting around when the Odyssey block came out. It makes me happy whenever I see someone playing with old cards, like that Spirit of the Night, from 1996. Woohoo!

  28. Also, since no one else seems to have mentioned it, equipment just drop onto the field when you cast them. You have to pay more mana to get them onto the dude, hence the equip cost.

  29. I have to say, I'm honestly loving these games between you two. Watching either one of you play a game for the first time is amazing and the two of you are ridiculously adorable together.
    I'd like to draw your attention to a few of the comments I've read. Everyone seems to be giving out great rules advice here, especially Philip and Senel, but the fine Anonymous a few posts above has given some great insight into the lore of Magic, which was always my favorite part. I really miss the little novelas they packed in with the decks that doubled as the rule books. They are my fondest memories from Exodus and Urza's Legacy.
    Anyway, Linkara, I'm glad you enjoyed the game and I can't wait to see what you two play next time.

  30. If you're still shaky on the rules, I believe there is a Magic: The Gathering demo for free on steam with a tutorial that runs you through the basics of the game.

  31. No offense, but could u stop it with all the card games and go back to History of Power Rangers? I think these are fun and all, but I am getting kinda inpatient.

  32. Gotta ask, what was that noise at 17:38? Sounded like a woman saying "nevermind", but didn't sound like you or Liz.

  33. So you want to be good at MAGIC: The Gathering?

    You know the guy who invented the game was a math wizard? Richard Garfield?

    Anyway, here's a tip:

    The most powerful decks often use the ASYMMETRY theory. Let me explain how this works:

    -You take a card that affects ALL players, including you. It doesn't matter if the effect is good or bad.

    EX: Wrath of God
    [Destroy all creatures. They can't be regenerated.]

    EX: Destructive Force
    [Each player sacrifices 5 lands. Destructive force deals 5 damage to each creature.]

    These cards are called SYMMETRICAL cards, because they affect all players.

    Now, your goal is to find another card or design your deck in such a way so that the effects are ASYMMETRICAL. You combine the cards in such a way so that the combo works in your favor; screwing over all your opponents.



    Jade Statue is an artifact that becomes a creature when you activate it for 2 mana. You play Wrath of God (destroying all creatures) then activate your Jade Statue to start bashing your opponent in the head.

    This combo is only the beginning, but I've seen NASTY stuff out there. Don't get me started on Stasis...

  34. Have you two ever thought about trying to find a copy of the Naruto or Kingdom Hearts card game?

  35. I am something of an aspiring judge (I've taken the practice tests but haven't gotten around to apprenticing at a store yet) and I have to say some of that was hard to watch and I skipped over bits of it. But, I have also had a lot of experience teaching new players, especially young players, how to play so I completely understand many of the issues that came up. I also realize how it is weird to transfer from one game you know to another you don't. The one time I played YuGiOh I kept having to rethink what I was doing.

    A few small nitpicks that I have

    1) most of the big stuff has already been said, mostly about attacking. However, I do recommended checking out the wizards site and getting a bit more familiar with the rules if you are interested in playing the game more.

    One note though: Do not try to read the comprehensive rules. The comp rules is the Complete rules for Magic and is over 150 long and very dense. Fortunately, the game is made so that most people never need to read it. It's like driving a car, you don't need to know how it actually works to know how to drive it in your day to day life.

    2) I know it is really unimportant but it is "creatures" not monsters. It's fine if you're saying "and I swing with all of my monsters" but it feels really weird when you are constantly referring to the cards that way.

    3)Lands are not mana they produce mana. This sounds like a little thing but it is a mistake that a lot of new players make and it can really mess them up. A lot of cards in magic say something like "T: add one [green mana] to your mana pool." I have found an unfortunate number of players who think that means they can search their library for a forest and put it into play. This didn't seem like it was a problem in your games but it's just another thing to try to remember.

    And finally I will leave you with the golden rule of magic: Every rule can and probably will be broken. What this means is, if a card says something that goes against the rules, the card takes precedent. So, for every rule you will ever learn, their will most likely be an exception waiting out there. "Creatures can't attack the turn they come into play" except if they have haste. "Creatures can only block one attacker," except some creatures can block any number of guys. "You loose when your life is at 0" unless you have a card that says you don't, in fact their is card that says you can't loose at all (not as overpowered as it sounds, but still good).

    Basically, this just means, read every card carefully, even if you have already seen it, and keep an open mind. Magic has been around for almost 20 years and there are over 10,000 cards to deal with.

  36. I noticed you two mentioning how some of the walls have an attack strength greater than 0. I think that's because there is at least one card that allows walls to attack like normal creatures. I'm not sure if that's the main reason, though, since I've never actually played this game (aside from a demo of the XBOX Live version).

    That said, it's fun watching you play a card game that may or may not be for children.

  37. I always found the best way to ensure that I always had lands available (and so I never ran into the problem Liz had there in the second duel) was to arrange my deck beforehand with one land to every three monster/spell cards. With this arrangement even after you shuffle your deck there's a very good chance you'll get at least one land card in your hand.

  38. One thing about the names of some cards. I'm not sure how they do it in YuGiOh but in Magic sets are released in "Blocks" which usually consist of sets. Usually the first set in a block is "big" and contains between 240 and 300 cards while the next two "small" sets are between 140 and 180.

    Each block tells a story, and often the story of each block connects with the ones before it and/or after.

    Many of the "weird" names are the names of places or groups of people that inhabit the plane (dimension) that the block takes place on. Zendicar is one such plane, a world filled with deathtraps, hidden treasure, and strange terrain. Their are large stone monoliths that float in the sky, except when they come crashing down, and large storms that rip apart the landscape and rearrange it almost at random.

    It is also the prison for a group of horrid lovecraftian monsters know as the Eldrazi. These beings were sealed away not because they were a threat to the plain, but to the entire mulitverse.

  39. Even if you got things wrong while playing this I now WANT to learn how to play. I had avoided learning before since I thought it was way more complicated then my beloved YuGiOh. Thanks you two.

  40. Magic, a game so ridiculous, cards made to bring the game down a notch only served to make things much more so, need proof look up Necropotence, Lion's eye diamond (I still don't understand that one, but people do use it), Lotus Petal, One for nothing the list goes on and on and on and on.

    That said, just remember, if someone says "if it fails to doom blade, it sucks" punch them in the nuts/face/throat, hard.

  41. After seeing this I went on Youtube and re-watched one of the most entertaining Magic: The Gathering tutorials; the 6th Edition one (

  42. I once again issue my magic the gathering challenge to you and liz linkara. :D

  43. I have read through the comments and everything people have said is correct. But remember this, and I was told this by the makers of the game themselves. The directions on a card trump the game rules. Basically if the card says it then you do it, even if it appears to be against the official rules.

  44. I loved how Liz said "it is about as complex as Yu-Gi-Oh" ^^ Magic has, I think, almost 150 card specific rules - not to mention the general game rules :D

  45. My boyfriend taught me how to play this a few months ago and it's confusing, but fun!

    I have an embarrassing speculation/question, but is Iron Liz a transsexual??? This is why I'm remaining anonymous lol, but I've always wondered! I have a good friend who is male-female transsexual. If she is, she's doing it well! I'm also drinking right now- reverse beer goggles? I don't know LMAO!!! Maybe you guys can make fun of this comment in future vids or something. :-p


  46. explain to me: is that a boy or a girl on the right?
    I sure hope its a guy - else there is just no hope left for me.
    and if its a guy - why is he dressed like a girl?
    is this Linkara's orgy-riddled lifestyle?
    as you can probably tell I am new here . . . .

  47. "as you can probably tell I am new here . . . ."

    And because you're new here, I'm not going to be rough on you. That would be Liz, and if you had simply watched more episodes of Atop the Fourth Wall or just paid attention to the fact that she has breasts you'd notice that she's a woman. Try not to make the mistake again.

  48. Holy Crud. I just noticed! you got Shazam by Jeff Smith! I love that guys stuff! Bone is by far my all time favorite comic story. It is to me as Justice League / Titans The Technis Imperative is to Linkara.

    Sorry about that tangent. And about that Yu yu hakusho card game, I look forward to seeing that. I use to play so it would be cool to see what you two come up with.

  49. As a tournament player my brain was imploding at the lack of rules.
    As a fan of both of you, this was awesome!

    LOL @ the Rampant Growth play in Game 1. Lewis' being OCD with the cards facing the same way. I have a friend who's just like that.

    The games are quicker as you understand more of what's going on.

    There are exceptions to virtually any rule, so the following are generalizations, trying to only comment on stuff that others have not:

    The limit to the number of creatures you can have in play is "as many as you can make."

    Kraken's Eye has an ability that says "you may" so if you miss it, you missed it. Most helpful abilities in the game are worded this way. This lets the game keep working without getting into "Oh but I really should have this" territory.

    A card's color is determined by the colors of mana symbols in its upper right corner. Since lands have none, they are colorless.

    Some walls have power because defending creatures deal combat damage, too.

    Looks like you had fun.

  50. You know next to nothing about the game and yet you chose to make this. It shows your utter lack of respect for the audience and your complete unwillingness to do any research for your projects. also i dislike your hat

  51. "You know next to nothing about the game and yet you chose to make this. It shows your utter lack of respect for the audience and your complete unwillingness to do any research for your projects. also i dislike your hat"

    Let me guess - my theories outrage you, my heresies appall you, I never answer letters, and you don't like my tie.


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