Monday, March 14, 2011

Attack of the Odds and Ends

TGWTG TV Podcast
First up is a podcast interview with TGWTG TV's podcast!

Also during it, Liz showed up and they talked to her, as well!

Schedule for Upcoming Atop the Fourth Wall Episodes

Here's the list of scheduled episodes of the show for April and May.

4/4 – Miller Time: All-Star Batman and Robin #3 and #4
4/11 – Lady Gaga #1
4/18 – Star Trek: The Motion Picture #1-3
4/25 – The Godyssey #1
5/2 – Superman Meets the Quik Bunny
5/9 – Ultimate Warrior’s Workout
5/16 – Ultimatum #1-2
5/23 – Ultimatum #3-4
5/30 – Ultimatum #5

As usual, the schedule is subject to change on a whim or the comic ending up not being as bad as I thought it was... but with this list, I highly doubt it.


  1. There was a Lady Gaga comic? The New Kids I could understand, lots of weird things went on in the 80s and 90s, but a LADY GAGA comic? What's the point of it?


    I've been looking forward to this since the Ultimates 3 videos, please tear the abomination a new one.

  3. "4/11 – Lady Gaga #1"


  4. Ultimate Warrior's Workout...I'm not sure whether I should rejoice or screa. Regardless, I'm going to load the spaceship with the rocket fuel and load it with the words!!!

    A Lady Gaga comic...ugh, probably just drawings of her taking herself too seriously and people actually giving a crap about what she does

  5. The Godyssey?

    Crap. That thing? There's really only thing memorable about the whole comic and it happens at the very start. It's hilarious but I don't recall much else of note other than the bad artwork. It was just so...dull.

    The Lady Gaga comic though? That sounds like it'll be an Ultimate Warrior comic with estrogen.

  6. ultimatum I cant wait for that "comic" to be given the treatment it deserves, and an ultimate warrior comic I hope it has insane ramblings on destrucity cause those were the highpoint of the warrior comics to me cause of the "shear what the hell" reaction I get every time I watch the review of the other warrior comics.

  7. LADY GAGA?!

    That is all.

    Okay, that's not all. I'm really excited for Ultimatum and can't wait to see you tear it a new one. Good luck keeping your sanity.

  8. Thank you for the Ultimatum review in advance. I've been dying to know what made that series such a disaster.

  9. So people don't need to dig it up, the last posted schedule listed the following in between now and Miller time.
    3/14 – Spawn #1
    3/21 – X-Force #1
    3/28 – Arcomics Premiere #1

  10. Oh man, Lady Gaga is gonna suck, I just know it.

    Oh good grief, Superman Meets the Quik Bunny. I actually used to have this comic as a kid. I kinda figured when it's cover popped up during the Top Comics You'd Never Review but the comic itself wasn't in the countdown that a review was on it's way. This should be a lot of fun. lol

  11. You had to put Ultimatum in at the end of a two month schedule that includes LADY GAGA AND THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR?! Excuse me, I'm going to go get a few things in preparation for this: namely a bottle of hard liquor, a bat to hit myself with and a CD with Combined Harvester burned onto it.

    I don't think I'm going to survive Ultimatum alone. So many pointless deaths and one of them had to, yet again, be one of my favorite Marvel characters. (The Wasp) And really you'd think Marvel would've learned from Ultimatum not to pointlessly kill off people and yet now they have a new MARKETING STRATEGY revolving around it. I blame you Quesada and Bendis!

  12. You're kidding me...a Lady Gaga comic and another Warrior comic? The comic industry isn't trying anymore, are they?

  13. Another musical comic? I'm worried, because the KISS comic's plot was batshit insane and now we're throwing Lady Gaga into the mix.

    I'm sure that comic will be one big mindfuck

  14. The Lady Gaga comic was published by Bluewater Productions!

    The Star Trek: TMP comic was the first three issues of Marvel's Star Trek series!

    You should check out some of Heroic Publishing's books!


  15. Ultimate Warrior Workout followed by Ultimatum? You're a regular glutton for punishment aren't you? I'll be looking forward to laughing at your frustration with the former, not so much the latter. Ultimatum, is the only time I've felt depressed as a result of reading a comic book. It was just one big "What was the point of that?" Clearly I've underestimated your nerves of steel.

    I am curious about your choice to review "Star Trek: The Motion Picture: The Comic Book". Is the comic so different from the movie itself that it warrants being reviewed separate of its source material?

    With that in mind, I did enjoy your "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" comic review, if only because its plot is so absurd that watching anyone try to tackle it is amusing, so I'll just prepare to be surprised with whatever you come up with when that one comes around.

  16. Well, at least we can know the crossover on the 3-year anniversary. ;).

    In any event, glad to finally see Ultimatum get on the list. Proof positive that DC aren't the only ones who can create a mind numbingly bad crossover event in which a lot of people are senselessly massacred...

  17. I hate to say it, since I know it's gonna be awful (I read it), but I'm really looking forward to your take on ASBAR 3/4. Here's hoping for the brainy specs again. this the famous Ultimate Warrior workout video, or is it an actual comic?

  18. I look forward to Your review of the next issues of All-Star batman and robin. I bought the tpb just see what psychotic mess you would be in for linkara. Please tell me you're gonna bring the weird fact of the Joker not smiling...ever in any panel that features him.

    "The Goddessey"? what the hell is that?

  19. Pretty good list. Glad we are finally going to cover Ultimatum. I've been excited to see that for awhile now.

    ... Wait a minute

    "5/9 – Ultimate Warrior’s Workout"

    I'm confused, I thought Ultimate Warrior comics were reserved for crossovers between you and Spoony (Unless I'm wrong). Does this have to do with Spoony saying he's taking a break from doing video reviews indefinitely?

  20. There's a Lady GaGa comics? Seriously?! Oh my word, this will be amazingly bad. I can't wait!

    And huzzah for more Ultimate Warrior!

  21. "I'm confused, I thought Ultimate Warrior comics were reserved for crossovers between you and Spoony (Unless I'm wrong). Does this have to do with Spoony saying he's taking a break from doing video reviews indefinitely? "

    I'm giving it a pass on that since the Ultimate Warrior did not actually write it. It doesn't even contain the same amount of insanity we're used to from the guy.

  22. Though I admit to not really being a Trekkie like you (or my mom), I may need to see this movie before the TMP review. I did hear really weird things about it that sort of made it infamous before the "proper" series started with "The Wrath of Khan"...that and I read "Kids Next Door" did a parody of it when I saw a certain episode of it again.

    And...more Ultimate Warrior...though not with him doing it. That should be fun.

  23. I'm looking forward to the Ultimatum review. In theory, the concept could have been good if executed well.

    It was not executed well.

  24. Oh, crap! You're actually doing a review of the Manimal comic? I wonder who donated it....

    It's full of DESTRUCITY

  25. Guy Who Never Puts His Name In Because He Has Nothing Better To DoMarch 14, 2011 at 10:37 PM


  26. Hey, Miss Germany 1982 dont look like a Mexican Wrestler! ^^

    But it was a great and funny Podcast.
    I know its hard to review a single comic from the middle of a series.
    But if you can get it, review Spider-Man Nr. 22-23.
    I was a huge Spidey Fan as a Teen, after much Time dont read any Comics i get this Comic (in Germany this two comics was one)and i dont understand anything what happens. Spiderman has a Cyborg-armored Arm, The Sinister Six have alien super Weapons and kill many Guys from Hyrda, the Sandman is shattered to Glass, Solo, Deathlok, Sleepwalker, the Hulk, Ghostrider, Gog (whatever a "Gog" is), the Fantastic Four and Nova appears and fight each other. And all of this ends with a Birthday Party for Peter.
    And also Mary Jane looks like Nemo (from finding Nemo). I was so confused after all this that i never bought a Marvel Comic.

  27. ULTIMATUM! YYEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!! ULTIMATUM!!! I was so, so, so, so, so hoping you'd do that sometime in the near future! *dance*

  28. ULTIMATUM!!!! WOO! WOO! WOO! Manimal though....I'm assuming Brad will show up?

  29. 4/25 – The Godyssey #1

    Oh hells yeah! Kung-fu Jesus for Easter!

  30. Oh, since you'll probably be dealing with trolls and religious discussions in the comments to Godyssey #1 might I recommend checking out The Christians as the Romans Saw Them (Robert L. Wilken, 1984, Yale University Press) for accounts of how Ancient Pagans viewed the Christians.

    I quoted some bits from the philosopher critics here.

  31. Kitsula,

    Yeah it's definitely an interesting book (even though Constantine never did burn Porphyry's work and in fact, the remains we do have ,including the fragments of counters and rebuttals to his arguments by his Christian contemporaries, were preserved by the church and used by later apologists like Aquinas).

    Wilken has a writing style that I really miss: he's informative and clear and really tries to let his sources explain themselves. The only other author who comes close (for me, at least) is James Hannam.

    In any case, the book really does a good job of pointing out the views and misunderstandings the ancient world had about the religion as well as the Christians as a people.

    That, and like I said, Wilken is just such a joy to read.

  32. The Quik Rabbit and Superman?

    The bunny that stirs chocolate powder teams up with the last son of krypton.

    I'm...I'm flabbergasted.

  33. Jannet_Jazz,

    Haven't read any thing by James Hannam before but his The Genesis of Science does sound interesting. I'll have to check it out at some point. Thanks for the recommendation.

  34. You're taking on Bluewater's badly drawn bio-rags? I wish you luck, good sir, in your brave fight against their hackwork. Next, tackle the "Glee" one where suddenly everyone in the cast is drawn to look 40 or the JK Rowling one where the cover has her dressed as Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld for no discernable reason.

  35. Kitsula,

    Yeah, I already got my copy in the mail (and he even granted my request to autograph it! *squee!*). It's basically a revised edition of "God's Philosophers" (some spellings have changed for the American market, he's clarified some of his points and he's expanded his writing on advancements in Architecture in the period). So if you haven't read GP, this is the one to get.

  36. A Lady Gaga comic? They had the nerve to write a LADY Gaga COMIC?! They had the BALLS to write a LADY GAGA COMIC!


  37. I don't know if there's a better area to leave remarks like this, but here goes:

    You know, you're really, really, really good at explaining backstory: you do it in the best way to bring the attention of comic readers to important parts of continuity, AND you give it just the right amount of explanation to inform newcomers of stuff they don't know about. And you manage to make it full of jokes without being disrespectful to comic continuity.

    I'm saying it right now — your big scale overviews of character backstory and continuity issues when reviewing terrible event comics is THE reason I began to read comic books again, because the way you obviously feel about them reminded me of how *I* felt and why I adored them. You manage to convey a palpable love of the superhero comic book genre with all its absurdities and epicness and wonderfulness. You just *get* it, and you convey that in your overviews and explanations so, so well.

    So I was wondering: since you are so amazingly good at going over comic continuity, I have a couple of requests. I'm not saying you should do them if you don't like the idea, but if you think your exposition videos are "boring" or something, I just want to say they DEFINITELY are not. Anyway, I was wondering: 1) could you do more videos similar to your "Top 15 Heroes Becoming Villains", "Top 15 Comics I'll Never Review" and "Top 15 WTFs"? You know — telling the viewer about comics and continuity events that aren't terrible and/or that you aren't reviewing, but are important parts of the DC and Marvel universes? 2) Would you be open to the idea of doing two "History of the DCU/History of the Marvel universe" series to explain continuity (esp. COIE :o) in your joke-filled fashion? Because I think that would be absolutely awesome, and I'm pretty sure other viewers will agree with me. See, that way you can go into all those awesome but useless tangents the Continuity Alarm won't let you elaborate on!

  38. Lady Gaga? *Begins praying for Todd cameo* I'm sure it will be very "symbolic" and exhibit "independence"

  39. Ultimatum will be good, but honestly, I'm more looking forward to more of Miller Time. Miller Time episodes are always my favourites. :) Please keep the standard Miller Time intro. It always bring a big smile to my face. :)

  40. Lewis: Would you return to Continuity Comics in the near future? Your Zero Patrol review was great!


  41. Am I the only one who -while anticipating the review of Ultimatum someday- thinks it is perhaps now a bit too early to review a story about a tsunami like flood?

  42. Hopefully Todd will make an appearance in the Lady Gaga review :D

  43. I find it funny that the next comic you're planning to review is now a backstreet boys comic. We've had kiss comics a few weeks ago, a backstreet boys comic coming up, and now a Lady Gaga comic in the near future.

    I don't know if anyone would have been on board with this, but it sounds like we could have had a music comic month had a few comics been switched around in the schedule.

  44. Superman Meets the Quik Bunny


    You're kidding, right? ...Right?

  45. linkara do you have any idea who "anidiotslantern" is? and no I dont know myself but she sounds really familiar which is why I'm asking.

    and reviewing one of your old comics would make for one hell of a good april fools day joke provided you kept that fact secret till the end of the review.

  46. The Ultimate Warrior's Workout book featured reprints from Valiant's old Battlemania magazine from 1991!


  47. Finally, my wish came true! Ultimatum 1-5 but Lady Gaga? Wow! But there's something's missing... Where's JL: The Rise of Arsenal 1-3?

  48. "Finally, my wish came true! Ultimatum 1-5 but Lady Gaga? Wow! But there's something's missing... Where's JL: The Rise of Arsenal 1-3?"


  49. Please oh please do a crossover review of the new Caligula comic with the cinema snob.

  50. Thanks but I forgot that I am looking for The Rise of Arsenal 1-4, not 1-3.

    Also, don't forget Marvel's Secret Invasion.

  51. I have a suggestion for you for NEXT YEAR for a comic that came out this week: Archie Double Digest #217, which featured a lame drunk-driving story guest-starring Z-LIST pro football star Jason Witten!


  52. Well having finally seen "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" in prep for your comic review, I have to say...well, it felt like it was just a giant set-piece for that V'ger than real Star Trek. There were a lot of glimmers of the characters and their interactions, but it felt like it was just all set-up for Moondragon (yeah, the bald woman reminded me of her) and the other "non-essential" to do the Dark Crystal thing at the end. (and yeah, even with it being a Star Trek review, it would be epic to have the Dark Crystal theme as the ending music for this episode...that is if the comic matches the movie)

  53. Bluewater Studios actually published a second issue of Fame: Lady Gaga in December 2010!

    The three issues of Star Trek: The Motion Picture were the first three issues of Marvel's Star Trek series, and featured art from Dave Cockrum, who is actually a major fan of the old show!


  54. a quick a bunny comic comic a thought it couldnt more dumb than the kool aid man comic
    btw there ren and stimpy spiderman
    crossover outhere

  55. The Ultimate Warrior's Workout book was part of Valiant's 'Illustrated Action Books' line which are squarebound books that featured WWF and Nintendo characters. It also wasn't the only book from that line to feature Warrior: Check out 'Wait Till I Get My Hands On' which not only features a Warrior/Undertaker story, but also a Big Boss Man/Mountie story drawn by... STEVE DITKO!

    Plus, I sent a letter to DC regarding the Global Guardians!



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