Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You're Such a Card... Game - Inuyasha Card Game

Liz and Lewis return with more card games hijinx! Watch as we stumble through the Inuyasha Card Game!

First we open some packs!

Duel one, part one!

Duel one, part two!

Duel two!


  1. What piece of shit wants to watch you fucking pieces of shit play a fucking card game. Oh thats right the idiot fucking Channel fucking Awesome fan base. Get a real fucking job.

  2. What the fuck is taking you so long? Fuck gotta mooch more money off your fucking parents? Hell you are just like Noah Antwiler your parents pay you to fucking leave.

  3. "Hell you are just like Noah Antwiler your parents pay you to fucking leave."

    I'll ignore the rest of your childish, ignorant statements (because obviously your own time must be so valuable commenting on someone else's video as an anonymous poster), but I would like to know how you have such special insight into Spoony's life that you have either deduced or somehow planted hidden spy cameras in his parents' house to know such a fascinating thing.

    Unless, of course, you're just talking out of your ass.

  4. what a mean thing to say realy why would what to leave a commet if you even dont like it

  5. "Anonymous" needs to get a life, too many morons online these days. With that aside,Lewis, great video, I never had a chance to play the Inuyasha TCG when it came out(since it never gained popularity in San Diego,and cards were hard to find at that time). Your pronounced Sesshomaru correctly, when i watched the series in 03 it took me 2 weeks to get his name right.

  6. Ah yes, another of Bandai's card game marketing screwups. Admittedly, since the show was mostly stuck to late night/early morning adult swim (and this was the days before Youtube), and since generally girls don't get interested in collectible card games that often, the fall was expected. Though, conventions that have a variety of card vendors would probably have these for ridiculously cheap, explaining the sent quantity. Way to go Nathan for sending them so many.

    Ah Takahashi-Sensei; when will you provide a series with a definitive and likable ending? Admittedly, I liked the movies.

    Scooby Dooby Doo, "Where are you"?

    Quick, someone continue the trend of Card Games Based on Anime Series Shown on Adult Swim and send them the Bleach card game!

  7. I usually only watch the booster pack video, so I hope you don't mind if I clarify some of the points of Inu Yasha from said video. I was a fan of the show for a long time, so might as well say a few things. I know you probably don't care, but THE MORE YOU KNOW~!

    Most of these cards seem to be lines from various memorable/moronic scenes rather than being based on plot points in the show, and are really understandable to the fans.

    The whole DBZ for girls thing...I dunno, it kind of gets that way later in the series, when it basically loses all plot and turns into a straight action anime.

    Inu Yasha is a dog demon. =)

    Kouga's a wolf demon that wants to make Kagome his wife, but he definitely didn't show up in the first two episodes. More like episode 35. Not much to say about him.

    Yup, Kana's an evil demon child.

    Miroku's defining character trait was that he wanted someone--anyone--to be his baby momma. It makes sense that his card labels him as single.

    Oooh, yeah, eventually the anime devolves into a reverse harem. By the end Kagome had four or five guys going after her.

    Kagome frequently goes back and forth between time periods (e.g spends a few weeks in the past, spends a few days back home to go to grab her homework, goes back into the past, rinse, and repeat).

    Any nudity is for fan service. End of story.

  8. I am the same kind of person that talks shit on something he says he loves and wishes he could do but can't. So thats why he is a fucking critic. As matter of fact thats why critics exist because they could only talk shit about there passion but could never do it themselves.

  9. "As matter of fact thats why critics exist because they could only talk shit about there passion but could never do it themselves."

    I'm pretty sure you've insulted quite a few movie critics, as well as various other critics in the arts, and even jobs you'd consider as hard work.

    There are so many critics of some many different things that have plenty of experience, and wish to help improve either the work of the person they are critiquing, or improving the way a job, an art and various other things are done.

    Your comment shows truly how ignorant you are. Come back when your ego deflates.

  10. I may just start signing these posts just so that I'm not mistaken for the... person... who decided to start these comments off by bad mouthing you...

    I watched Inuyasha pretty much all of the way through. Don't really know they had a card game based on it, though I'm not surprised they made one. What you know of the show is pretty close, the only detail that I think you got off was that the well Kagome used to see Inuyasha was time portal to travel to the 'Waring States' period of Japan's history. Inuyasha, himself, was a half demon, being considered a dog demon as a result as I recall. The thing that Kagome used to control him was I think part of a curse. His brother, who's name you got right, was a full, wolf, demon. I think Liz's 'Dragonball' comparison comes from the main thrust of the series, they were looking for this jewel that had been shattered earlier.

    Fiery Little One. (Been commenting roughly since you started HOPR.)

  11. I never got into Inuyasha (or really anything that artist made as a whole) but it was fun to watch you and Liz play. I do agree that whoever sent you all those cards is freak'in awesome to do so.

    My own feelings on these card game vids is that, well, I like them. They are a nice break from the reviews (which are entertaining and enjoyable to watch) as well as letting people know that you are more then just a reviewer / actor / Power Ranger historian. I feel that there is a bit more of who you are in these vid's. These videos seem to lower the wall of face on the internet and normal person, which a lot of times people seem to forget that you are more then your show. (Talking as a whole to the people with fame)

    Again, these are just my feelings on the matter. If you do not want to have this on your blog comments, I do not mind you just deleting it.

    I do wonder what game will be next. I will NEVER ask when it will be, or what game. Just waiting to see and enjoying them when they are posted is fine by me.

  12. "As matter of fact thats why critics exist because they could only talk shit about there passion but could never do it themselves."

    u bitter bro?

  13. well seeing how Linkara is now evil the world is good as doomed

  14. "As matter of fact that’s why critics exist because they could only talk shit about there passion but could never do it themselves."

    Better for somebody to be passionate about there hobbie and know what there talking about than one talking out of there ass

    I always enjoy these vids keep up the gd work :)

  15. OK, basic plot summery from somebody who hates the show. This should be interesting....

    Inuyasha is a half-dog-demon who turns fully human under the New Moon (reverse werewolf basically) who has a magic sword that can shoot vacuum cuts. For some reason he hates his fully demon half brother. Inuyasha has a cured magic necklace that causes him to crash to the ground wherever he is commanded by Kagome to SIT. Kagome is supposed to be some sort of reincarnation of Inuyahsa's love Kikio but her ghost is still's weird. Kagome is supposed to be an archer action girl, but really is useless. Shipo is a tiny fox-girl/boy (so hard to tell) that turns into various things, including that pink blob. Yeah, I don't get why either. Kilala (sp?) is supposed to be a cat? I always figured it was a magic fox who could grow giant and fly and that woman with the giant boomerang would ride on it. Miroku the priest is a letch and has a magic black hole in his hand that he seals up with magic beads so he doesn't suck up the women he hits on. I don't know why he doesn't just unleash it whenever they run into a bad guy, seriously it would make the fights so much shorter. The point of the series is to collect all the shards of the shattered Soul Jewel because whoever gets it can make one wish. With all the shards they've found so far (there were like 9 in the episode I watched)and how none of them are round, this jewel must have shattered into a ton of pieces. And really, if you want to stop the bad guys from getting the shards, take all of the ones you've collected back to the future where the demons can't go (except Inuyaha who is half-demon and isn't stopped by the wards).

  16. Critics never know what they are talking about fact. Channel Awesome fan boys are fucking retarded who need assholes like Lewis and Noah to think for them. Because all channel awesome fan boys can't think for themeselves and thats a fact. Also everyone on Channel Awesome hates there fans and thinks they are all beneath them fact.

  17. Seeing you have said noone on Channel Awesome has an ego. Let me use the best example of someone with the most rabid and retarded fan base. Noah Antwiler

    See this is a fan using constructive criticism.

    Let me try to explain this best I can, I enjoy Spoony One's videos but it seems like ever since early this year (and I'm talking about the main reviews here) he's had a crossover appearence with someone from TGWTG and while I can understand why he does that (being a part of the site and all) it's got to the point where I think he's just milking it.
    To be honest I'm getting a bit sick of it and it does not help the fact that nearly every video on TGWTG is like that nowadays and has put me off it (then again my strong desire to be part of that site I guess partly explain this)

    Maybe I'm a bit crazy over this, but it just bugs me and I've noticed it bugs other people as well

    Here is how your god replies...

    If they're not happy, they can leave. -Noah Antwiler

    That is how Noah Antwiler replies what do you have to say about that Lewis?

  18. Please tell me you two plan on playing the Fullmetal Alchemist TCG. That's one convoluted piece of work right there!


    Here is a compilation of Noahs Ego proven how much of an ungreatful prick he is. You as well have shown how ungreatful you are with your butt hurt rant against all your fans because of all the bullshitting you did on your history of Power Rangers another video series that takes no talent.

  20. "Seeing you have said noone on Channel Awesome has an ego."

    I never said they didn't have an ego. Of course we have egos - I just don't think it's to the rabid and arrogant lengths that some apparently think we do.

    "Let me try to explain this best I can, I enjoy Spoony One's videos but it seems like ever since early this year (and I'm talking about the main reviews here) he's had a crossover appearence with someone from TGWTG and while I can understand why he does that (being a part of the site and all) it's got to the point where I think he's just milking it."

    It's a somewhat understandable critique, but I don't know if it's necessarily factually accurate. Assuming this is referring to 2010's videos, how many of the individual reviews/riffings/etc. actually feature a crossover or a cameo from a fellow reviewer?

    And even then, what's necessarily wrong with a crossover if the video is still entertaining? If it's not entertaining, that's understandable, but it might be because it wasn't written by Spoony, but he wishes to support his fellow producers.

    "To be honest I'm getting a bit sick of it and it does not help the fact that nearly every video on TGWTG is like that nowadays and has put me off it (then again my strong desire to be part of that site I guess partly explain this)

    Maybe I'm a bit crazy over this, but it just bugs me and I've noticed it bugs other people as well"

    I understand the concern, but I do feel it's a bit of an exaggeration. Still, it's possible that you don't watch EVERYBODY on the site and as such you don't see a lot of the videos where crossovers or cameos are not occurring. Still, full-on crossovers (with both people in the room) occur at very specific times - usually during the charity drive, conventions, or the anniversary. Really it's because we're all spread out and the opportunity to actually interact with one another is a rare one and we want to take advantage of it if the chance comes up, otherwise it may not occur for another year.

    Then again, this may not be the troll's post, but someone else's.

    "Here is how your god replies..."

    I was unaware that I had an altar by which I prayed to Spoony. Please point it out in my home so that I might remove it.

    "If they're not happy, they can leave. -Noah Antwiler

    That is how Noah Antwiler replies what do you have to say about that Lewis?"

    Well, my first question was whether this was in direct response to that particular criticism or if it was just a general response to a bunch of people who were saying much more critical things. It's also possible that Spoony was having a bad day and just responded before he could think.

    Or, just sometimes, we're assholes. It happens to the best of us. And even then, this is one response when often at the end of videos he'll thank the fans.

    No one's perfect, you know.

  21. See Lewis you are in the wrong on this get over it in 2010 there was at least every other video Spoony Stuck his nose in. Hell he ruined the whole Cinema snobs 100th video review with his unfunny bullshit. I am right on this its been known fact he rode almost everyones coattails in 2010.

  22. No Noah Antwiler hates his fans and is an Ungreatful prick and I can totally understand why the Ginger Yoko would leave him. He doesn't care about is fans making constructive criticism and more than likely never cared about her.

    How are you going to sit there and defend this kind of behavior?

  23. "Critics never know what they are talking about fact. Channel Awesome fan boys are fucking retarded who need assholes like Lewis and Noah to think for them. Because all channel awesome fan boys can't think for themeselves and thats a fact. Also everyone on Channel Awesome hates there fans and thinks they are all beneath them fact."

    Fact: "Critics never know what they are talking about" is an exaggeration because it assumes an absolute that never has any exceptions whatsoever. Also, your grammar sucks, since you added the word "fact" to the end without separation, making you seem like you can't structure a sentence.

    Opinion: Using the word "retarded" as an insult shows the level of maturity you display. I dislike it when my fellow producers use it, but at least they're SUPPOSED to be exaggerated for comedic effect. When you do it, you are simply insulting others for no good reason.

    Fact: "Because all channel awesome fan boys can't think for themeselves and thats a fact" once again displays both your inability to use sentence structure, since you miss an apostrophe for "that's" and your sentence is a fragment when it starts with "Because" without a concluding thought. You know what's also a fact? People disagree with me and other producers all the time in the comments, in e-mails, and in forum posts. You'll notice how a lot of them are still there because we think it's okay to disagree with us and because they clearly think for themselves but wish to know our opinions about similar subjects so they can have some dialogue and enrich their own lives.

    Fact: "Also everyone on Channel Awesome hates there fans and thinks they are all beneath them fact" once again demonstrates the same error as fact 1, but we'll ignore that for a second to once again address this point that you keep trying to bring up: how we supposedly feel superior to our fans. I once again would like evidence beyond one post by one person that we don't even have a link to to see the context for ourselves.

    And I once again must ask why the hell you care so much since in your mind I am so pompous and arrogant as to not care, either. Seems like you could be using your time more effectively, like improving your education.

  24. Then maybe you could be using your college education to be improving the world. For one thing I can use all the proper grammar in the world. THAT IS A FACT. This is the internet were plenty of people type as they fucking feel.

    You want me to use proper grammar fuck you pay me. But seeing this is free website I choose no too. As for improving my education. I fucking refuse college because it turns people into arrogant assholes who think they know everything like you and Noah Antwiler.

    Secondly alls you have to do is read Noahs fucking twitter to see how full of shit he is. Hell lets not forget how he trolls Dixie Carter every other day. Like I said no wonder Scarlett fucking left him. She obviously wanted something more in a man.

  25. Alls you and Noah have to worry about is if your parents are going to pay your electric bill.

  26. Oh shit my name got shown I made a mistake. Too bad you Channel Awesome dick bags can't humble yourself enough to admit that you are wrong.

    Now go call your mom and make sure she is paying your electric bill.

  27. Also I wouldn't have such a problem with none of you assholes if I didn't get attacked by your fan boys when i used to be on the forum and then banned because i stood up for myself.

    But Karma is coming back to you assholes with Scarlett leaving the idiot man child Noah its only a matter of time before karma gets you all.

  28. But you will come up with some excuse why its ok for every fucking asshole fan boy to attack any new person who comes on there. So when i got banned for standing up for myself I decided I was going to troll and put all you channel awesome assholes in your fucking place. When I went to a mod on the forums I got told you are new here deal with it.

  29. "Here is a compilation of Noahs Ego proven how much of an ungreatful prick he is. You as well have shown how ungreatful you are with your butt hurt rant against all your fans because of all the bullshitting you did on your history of Power Rangers another video series that takes no talent."

    Oh, this is amusing. You do realize that that one of the videos "mashed up" there was a comedic response to the roast that his forum contributers had made? And that the entire idea of a roast, and in the end, a rebuttal by the man being roasted, is that it's all in good fun? Good-natured ribbing? Hell, in this same mash-up he talks about when he makes mistakes and thanks the fans and that without them he wouldn't exist. You're a real moron, you know that?

    As for my History of Power Rangers rant, I was not "butt-hurt" as you so eloquently described it. Perhaps it was a mistake to do so, but it was my call to make and I gave fair warning to people that they could skip ahead if they wanted to get to the review itself. I also thanked the people who were being patient for it. My complaints were directed at people who didn't know what was happening in my life at the time nor did they understand that History of Power Rangers is not my top priority.

    "See Lewis you are in the wrong on this get over it in 2010 there was at least every other video Spoony Stuck his nose in. Hell he ruined the whole Cinema snobs 100th video review with his unfunny bullshit. I am right on this its been known fact he rode almost everyones coattails in 2010."

    Please, list them off in detail, since you obviously care so much. List every video he made. I'd like statistics to back this up.

    Also, I would remind you that Spoony was the one who first introduced many of us to the Cinema Snob and got people interested in him.

    And as for "ruining the 100th video," bear in mind that Brad wrote those bits. It was his idea and he asked Spoony to do it. So if you honestly believe that it ruined the video (which it certainly didn't in my humble opinion), then you should be blaming Brad for writing it and editing it into his video.

    "No Noah Antwiler hates his fans and is an Ungreatful prick and I can totally understand why the Ginger Yoko would leave him."

    First of all, you will shut your goddamn mouth about Scarlet and their relationship. You don't know any fricking thing about why they broke up, nor do I. You don't sound like you're defending the interwebz against the arrogance of us eeeevil critics - you sound like a gossip magazine.

    Secondly, you still haven't shown any real defense for your opinions other than acting like a petulant troll.

  30. "Oh shit my name got shown I made a mistake. Too bad you Channel Awesome dick bags can't humble yourself enough to admit that you are wrong."

    Really, "Erick?" Because I thought we covered how we admit our mistakes all the time, but apparently you forgot that bit.

    "Also I wouldn't have such a problem with none of you assholes if I didn't get attacked by your fan boys when i used to be on the forum and then banned because i stood up for myself."

    Aaaah, now I understand your whining. Tell me, which one were you? Were you the one who was banned for impersonating a moderator?

    Actually, never mind. I have grown tired of this nonsense. It was amusing to see how much larger a hole a troll could bury himself as he displayed the amount of idiocy you have shown in the last several posts. I wanted to see if maybe you had a real point, that you actually had anything, but frankly these last ones show that you are without class, without purpose, and without sense.

    You are a troll, wanting my attention because you lack any for yourself elsewhere. You think you get to me, but really I have just sit back and laughed at this foolishness. I think the fact that I have allowed your comments through is evidence enough of my commitment to letting your thoughts be heard, but a line is now drawn with these latest remarks. I will leave your comments up so that others may point and laugh at your inability to form an argument.

    However, this is my blog and people are of course free to disagree with me on this matter and they may post as such. However, any more posts by "Erick" or by an Anonymous user whose sentence structure and arguments is similar to his will be deleted or possibly marked as spam.

    This game is over. Thank you for playing.

  31. "I fucking refuse college because it turns people into arrogant assholes who think they know everything like you and Noah Antwiler."
    ya know,for me it had kinda like the oposide effect,in a "i only know that i know nothing" way
    back to the videos
    only watched the first 2 cuz my laptop is slooow, but it was fun,never played the game but i watched the anime and i have all the mangas that have come out in mexico so far,is a ok series but it does have some problems
    oh,and have someone donated yu-yu hakusho cards? i saw some in a flea market the other day and i got curious if liz would do a YSACG episode on them

  32. Nice show! I do have a question about your latest game; sense winning the game requires your opponent running out of cards, or obtaining 10 shards, wouldn’t the later happen far more often? Can it be said that the real outcome of the game is dependent on who wins the coin toss?
    I also have to ask, if all comments are moderated (approved), why do you even post threads by your anonymous troll? Of all the trolls I have dwelt within my life, the common thread that seemly binds them together is a rebellion against their own miserable life. In turn, they seek out and attempt to destroy others in order to make themselves feel a little better. Responding to them only adds fuel to the fire, and while it may increase page hits as they reload a thousand times a second, you are only giving them more reason to linger. For them the thrill is in your response, when you don’t even approve the post they get nothing from the experience.

    -Anonymous (but not that one)

  33. "I also have to ask, if all comments are moderated (approved), why do you even post threads by your anonymous troll? Of all the trolls I have dwelt within my life, the common thread that seemly binds them together is a rebellion against their own miserable life. In turn, they seek out and attempt to destroy others in order to make themselves feel a little better. Responding to them only adds fuel to the fire, and while it may increase page hits as they reload a thousand times a second, you are only giving them more reason to linger. For them the thrill is in your response, when you don’t even approve the post they get nothing from the experience."

    Because sometimes they might actually have a good point. Yes, it's rare, but it does happen on occasion. Other times it's because they keep me honest. It's a good reminder that I'm not perfect and not everybody likes me.

    Other times it's because being snarky and analytical are skills like any other and they must be practiced. Sometimes the comics I review are enough, other times they're either too bland or don't really have all that much offensive material in them for me to analyze, so seeing something downright stupid gives me the perfect opportunity to break down an argument.

    As for why I respond, I really want to understand this mindset, this idea that spawns from a 12 year-old's maturity that makes them think that spending time insulting people who do reviews or whatnot on the internet is somehow worth their time and effort. It's fascinating to me to see people devote so much time to this.

    See, making fun of someone like the Irate Gamer? THAT is worthwhile, since they actually lack talent, intelligence, or knowledge of the thing they're reviewing. But look at the critiques leveled against me from the troll - I evidently don't care about my fans because I postponed doing podcasts to when I had more time to do them and am now doing them. What logical chain does that follow, exactly? THIS is the best they could come up with for making fun of me?

    Also, sometimes they just say something ridiculously stupid and hilarious, like the time I was told I'd never be as popular as the BeeGees.

  34. I want this comment to be seen I never trolled the Forums at your stupid website. I said I didn't enjoy a fucking video and all your idiot fan boys attacked me for no reason. Why did the do that? Huh, Lewis? Because I was fucking polite they started swearing and cursing me for no reason. You say everyone is allowed a difference of opinion. Well Lewis thats not the impression I got from your fan boys. They came across as if your opinion and there opinions are the only ones who mattered? Like I said if you would have paid attention I went to a mod for help thats what they are there for. You know help and I got told get over it.

    So tell me Lewis I am being cordial right now. I never once had the intention. But the Channel Awesome fan boys made me this pissed off. As for posing as a Moderator that wasn't me why would I want to pose as a moderator. Now please tell me what gave the fan boys any right to outright attack me like that Lewis?

    Also I will not apologize for any comments I made. Alls I want is an answer to my question. Also as for my Hatred of Spoony i met him in person once and asked if I could get a pic with him he quickly got an attitude with me. See I would have explained this earlier but you wouldn't let me. Also, thinking you are smarter than someone else on the internet proves that you are the more ignorant one. So you want a peaceful conversation here it is. You answer my questions I will leave you alone I am a man and I keep my word Unlike Noah Antwiler.

  35. "My own feelings on these card game vids is that, well, I like them. They are a nice break from the reviews (which are entertaining and enjoyable to watch) as well as letting people know that you are more then just a reviewer / actor / Power Ranger historian. I feel that there is a bit more of who you are in these vid's."

    I agree as well. I think video's like this tell us a bit more about the person in front of the camera. I'd love to see more video's like this in the future. I can't wait for you guys to get to Duel Masters and play some of that. Me and my brother used to battle each other via card games, and seeing you guys play them too is a huge nostalgia trip for me.

  36. Very well, I'm allowing this one more comment on your part so that I may respond to this, but after that - it's DONE, so let me try to explain this as best as I can.

    "I want this comment to be seen I never trolled the Forums at your stupid website."

    First of all, if you want to come across as cordial, calling TGWTG "your stupid website" is not the best way to do so. But then again, I'm only ASSUMING that you're referring to the TGWTG forums, since that's the only place where I actively have a forum.

    "I said I didn't enjoy a fucking video and all your idiot fan boys attacked me for no reason. Why did the do that? Huh, Lewis? Because I was fucking polite they started swearing and cursing me for no reason. You say everyone is allowed a difference of opinion. Well Lewis thats not the impression I got from your fan boys. They came across as if your opinion and there opinions are the only ones who mattered? Like I said if you would have paid attention I went to a mod for help thats what they are there for. You know help and I got told get over it."

    I'd like to see these posts that you're referring to and I'll decide for myself if you seemed to act cordially or if your comments were, as you said at the beginning of this comment thread: "What piece of shit wants to watch you fucking pieces of shit play a fucking card game. Oh thats right the idiot fucking Channel fucking Awesome fan base. Get a real fucking job."

    "So tell me Lewis I am being cordial right now. I never once had the intention. But the Channel Awesome fan boys made me this pissed off. As for posing as a Moderator that wasn't me why would I want to pose as a moderator. Now please tell me what gave the fan boys any right to outright attack me like that Lewis?"

    If your quarrel is with my fans, then why are you attempting to take it out on ME? In any case, it was once again another assumption, because I can recall a troll or two who was on my forums at TGWTG, the most prominent of which in my mind was one who tried to impersonate a moderator and was banned for doing so. If that wasn't you, then sorry for making that assumption, but frankly dragging any issues you had with a forum over to my comments was certainly not the best way to approach matters.

    Still, as I said, I'd like to see this incident for myself before I make any actual judgments.

    "Also I will not apologize for any comments I made. Alls I want is an answer to my question. Also as for my Hatred of Spoony i met him in person once and asked if I could get a pic with him he quickly got an attitude with me. See I would have explained this earlier but you wouldn't let me. Also, thinking you are smarter than someone else on the internet proves that you are the more ignorant one. So you want a peaceful conversation here it is. You answer my questions I will leave you alone I am a man and I keep my word Unlike Noah Antwiler."

    I can't speak to any personal encounters you may have had with Spoony, but when I have been at conventions with him, I have never seen that kind of behavior.

    And by the way, thinking that someone is smarter than someone else on the internet is not a sign of ignorance, unless you're saying that any remarks you have made against me for calling me an idiot or assuming you know how I live my life or what I do isn't the same thing.

    So, yeah, if you wish to make another comment with links to this alleged incident on the forum, please do so and I will check for myself. Otherwise, I will resume deleting your posts.

  37. "First of all, if you want to come across as cordial, calling TGWTG "your stupid website" is not the best way to do so. But then again, I'm only ASSUMING that you're referring to the TGWTG forums, since that's the only place where I actively have a forum."

    As in the only one that's "official." There are of course other forums that talk about my videos.

  38. >Ah Takahashi-Sensei; when will you provide a series with a definitive and likable ending? <

    Maison Ikkoku is the only one I can actually think of off-hand.

  39. My IP Adress is banned so I can't prove it. YOu may delete this comment Which is fine. But I will say attacking in anger was wrong. But for the comments I said about you I APOLOGIZE. You guys really don't understand how mean the fan boys can be around there to new people. I understand that is out your control and I had no right to take it out on you. But I refuse to apologize about any Noah Antwiler comments I will always thing he is an arrogant asshole. Sorry you can't change that. Trust me I would link it and my account was deleted and I am not making this up. I am an honest man for the most fucking part. But as for leaving rude comments about you I will stop I swear on Frank Castle Head ( My favorite hero of all time.) It was rude of me. Yes I was referring to the Forums as Stupid. I also understand that you aren't around Noah 24/7 so it was wrong of me to hold you accountable for his actions. So I am sorry for taking this out on you. So if you delete this please read it before doing this. We are both gentleman and like you said we boy have bad days. Alls I can give you is my word and its up to you if you want to believe it or not. But this is my last message. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

  40. I can't describe what a waste of a good mangaka Inuyasha was. I watched at least 20-25 episodes (admittedly not in order, but that's no excuse) so trust me, you should be thankful you didn't watch it. Despite being a genre of anime I usually enjoy very easily, it's just so pointless and repeditive. You could watch half a dozen episodes and basically have seen 95% of what the series has to offer, and none of the stories or arcs or whatever are worthwhile by themselves.

    More importantly, this is the last long running action anime I would make a card game out of even if I didn't hate the show. And it's bad even considering that. Some of the pictures look like a tiny version of stuff I could Google image search and the ideas for a few of the cards shows they really ran out of ideas.

  41. "But for the comments I said about you I APOLOGIZE."

    Apology accepted, and best of luck in your own endeavors.

  42. I watched the show for a good lond while... sadly the entire show up untilit reach it's american showing end on Adult Swim if ya'll got any questions I can answer it pretty well in lamens terms! like ya'll's shows!

  43. I might have to turn in my manliness card for this but I use to watch the anime and I still collect the manga for Inuyasha but for a totally different reason than the female fans! They like it because of the long convaluted love triangel(more like an octagone the way it's going) Me I collect it because Ilike the story arkatype that it's biult on the guy that's half human half-(enter magical creature or being here EX: Demon, vampire, werewolf, ghost, alien, whatever) and that hunts down and destroys fullbloods of said creatures for the good of mankind or whatever! like Blade or Vampire Hunter D!
    So back to topic at hand! I've read the Mangas and watched the show up until it reached the end of it's production run and will gladly watch the 2nd series once it reaches American TV! So, Linkara, if ya'll got any questions protaining to the series I can inform ya'll in the easiest to understand way I can the story so you don't got to watch all 150+ episode(granted out of that about 30-50 of those episodes are pure filler! actually 1 whole season except for the opening episode was filler none of it happened in the books at all)
    Also, ignore the HATERS they actually get a rise out of ya'll's responces! seen this yet on a totally unrelated point!

  44. "Opinion: Using the word "retarded" as an insult shows the level of maturity you display. I dislike it when my fellow producers use it, but at least they're SUPPOSED to be exaggerated for comedic effect. When you do it, you are simply insulting others for no good reason."

    To Linkara: THANK YOU!

    You really don't know what this means to me. I've had to struggle to get accepted into normal classes to prove I could do the work just like everybody else only to find my "normal" peers just didn't care at all. It was very disheartening thing to discover in high school.

    I was denied being taught algebra in my semi-special education classes because they thought it was too hard for us to learn it.
    And yet they still expected us to pass a math test that was mostly filled with algebraic questions like everybody else in school.
    It was like setting us up for automatic failure no matter what.

    And when you would ask why algebra was taboo, it's always:
    But it would take forever for everyone in class to grasp it. :( It's just too hard for you, so we'll never teach it to you!

    I passed all those other tests in my freshman year easily enough, but I had to keep taking the math test over and over again.

    For someone who earned a really high point grade average, it was really frustrating to know that there was a possibility of not even graduating due to one simple test.

    Thankfully, I took a summer class on it and passed the test with the best I could do.

    I've been in College trying to earn my art degree. And I have learned a lot from College, the people there, the teachers, and many others. I cannot thank them enough for treating me like an actual person. You never stop learning or improving.

    And to those saying who on earth would watch these videos?
    Me. And it seems like a bunch of other people too.

    How many reviewers actually cover CCGs/Card Games and talk about how to play them?
    Can you name any of them?
    Do you even stop to consider that for those of us into CCGs find these videos really informative?
    That for some us, we tend to be more visual learners, and the rule book is outright confusing at times?
    Or it's informative to Linkara and Liz when commentators tell how the game should be played?
    And then adjust the play style to what they've learned?

    I also find them funny. I also love watching my niece play Scrabble with my family and what I overhear from them playing it. My favorite was when my niece played Clue and lost the game on her first turn.

  45. Delta Tango FoxtrotMarch 26, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    " "But for the comments I said about you I APOLOGIZE."

    Apology accepted, and best of luck in your own endeavors."

    Whoa. That's it? I've been following the argument for a while now. It ended so...amicably. I do get the guy's point about how mean a fan base can be when they perceive the work or creator being attacked. It's this constantly vitriolic environment the internet has become that makes us all so hostile. It was the reason I gave up doing videos. That and mine sucked. Hard.

    I kind of have to admit, I didn't really watch the video. I was just following the dispute.

  46. "Whoa. That's it? I've been following the argument for a while now. It ended so...amicably. I do get the guy's point about how mean a fan base can be when they perceive the work or creator being attacked. It's this constantly vitriolic environment the internet has become that makes us all so hostile. It was the reason I gave up doing videos. That and mine sucked. Hard.

    I kind of have to admit, I didn't really watch the video. I was just following the dispute."

    Hey, if it ends, it ends. I try to be fair when I can be.

  47. Delta Tango Foxtrot 2: the RevengeMarch 26, 2011 at 4:17 PM

    With that said, though, I love Spoony. If anything, he's actually gotten nicer since he joined TGWTG. I'm not sure how old he is now, but I think (and I learned this from someone else) he was like 26 when I subscribed to him on YouTube. So that's how long ago that was.
    He was kind of involved with this group of reviewers that weren't very nice. While he wasn't exactly mean to his fans or anything, his onscreen persona seemed a lot more bitter and just angry. Nowadays, he can still channel it, but he's more about pointing out flaws, which I like as well. Still, his style has changed. As for the other reviewers, though, they either disappeared or are currently verbally attacking him on twitter and other sites.

  48. Ok the game is a cash in made from screenshots and shit from the show , I understand if you don't like the game.

    But if someone donates that much stuff to do its pretty childish to complain about getting too many or about how you like to open the packs yourselves, like seriously that's an issue?

  49. "Ok the game is a cash in made from screenshots and shit from the show , I understand if you don't like the game.

    But if someone donates that much stuff to do its pretty childish to complain about getting too many or about how you like to open the packs yourselves, like seriously that's an issue?"

    Fair enough, it just took us by surprise, is all.

  50. Indeed, things like the card packs being opened and you bringing it up constantly was in my personal opinion rude and probably part of why a lot of people view TGWTG members as egotists. Shouldn't you have just been happy anything was donated at all and not just sold on E-bay for his own profit as unboxed cards? Granted you did thank him but still the cards being opened was brought up more than once. I mean we saw this before when Doug was whining for 10 minutes about a hotel someone else paid for on his free trip. This isn't nearly as bad obviously but still comparable.

    That being said you're still heads and shoulders above 99% of TGWTG in my book. I know I won't hear inane "ironic" racism, demeaning sexist or homophobic jabs, "HUR HUR THIS 'X' GOT RAPED/MOLESTED!" and pointless non stop cursing coming out of your reviews when I drop by and that's more than I can say for more or less the entirety of TGWTG so thanks for being a pretty nifty dude most of the time.

  51. i remember chasing around girls in middle and highschool who loved that show, ive only seen like 2 eisodes all the way through, but i feel like i know EVERYTHING about that show because of them.

    it also seems like every major anime that made it to america had a card game. digimon DBZ Inuyasha pokemon. although ive never seen a Cowboy Bebop one, but i wouldent be suprised

  52. Man, I can't believe you guys have never seen InuYasha. Especially Lewis, who watched the first two episodes. To me, that was a definite pull to watch the rest of the series.

  53. Please don't feed the trolls :3

    I'll spare you a rundown on Inu-Yasha at this point since you've probably already had a number of respondents beat me to the punch.

    I will say though, that Rumiko Takahashi is the most successful female writer of shounen manga. She is also responsible for Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura and several other titles of varying popularity.

    None of her stuff that I've seen would really be fully appropriate for children with a surprising amount of, yet tastefully done [for japan] fanservice. Consider that Ranma turns into a girl when hit with cold water. Awwwkward.

    One of her works that I'm interested in is actually Mermaid Saga. The basic concept is that consuming mermaid flesh either makes you immortal or turns you into some depraved creature. One guy who is immortal is essentially seeking a cure to his immortality and finds others who's lives have also been ruined by bad sushi. It's actually a small collection of stories, and a couple of them (Mermaid's Scar for example) have been turned into anime.

    I hope you guys find this useful as your gaming is interesting :)


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