Friday, April 1, 2011


Well, I've decided to try some new things with the show, really play around a bit, and in doing so, I'm going to finally fulfill some requests.

First up, the people want me to review One More Day, so fine! It's time to give a review of One More Day!

Next up, here's a little extra review that many have asked for and I'm frankly more than happy to deliver - the absolutely dreadful conclusion to Titans right before it became Deathstroke's book because how dare Titans be about, you know, the Titans.

And here's our main feature! Here I really try a bold new format for the show as we look at Hamilton Comics' Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #1!


  1. "He's a BEAR!"

    You have made me so happy. 8D

  2. Good lord, man, that MMPR review nailed soooo many reviewers I've seen...

  3. Hahah, clever, but one of these days Linkara you're gonna have to review "One More Day".

  4. That was... weird. Lewis, I have medication, I can send you some if you need it.

    Nah I'm just kidding, funny stuff. BTW, I detected some references to the entity. Nice job.

  5. You can't April Fools me, It not the first where I live. But you did fool me, to bad it didn't count LOL!

  6. That last video alone will have me laughing myself unconscious for months. XD

  7. That was hilarious....I can't stop laughing help

  8. Oh come now, Bear, at least ATTEMPT to address the existence of Mephisto without going on one of your political rants.

    Also, fun fact: did you know that when I first saw an actual picture of Rob Liefeld, the first thought that came to my mind was, "Since when did the IrateGamer join the cast of Deliverance?" XD

  9. Such an insightful review of One More Day.

    This review really seals the fact that it's gonna be one comic I'll never even touch (or end up burning if I do).

  10. I almost peed my pants after watching that last one. I cannot imagine how many takes to took to do those faces.

    that was awesome!

  11. I know it's an April Fools joke, but aren't you worried that Irate Gamer Chris Bores would take it the wrong way?

  12. Happy April Fools Mr. I Rate

  13. Ok, I have to comment on each of these separately.

    One More Day Review: Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! That bear was spot on about every detail. Truly this bear is a genius! But I'll never know the part that pissed him off the most because someone interrupted him! Pfft, just a bear. What do you think this is, April Fools Day?

    Titans Review: Meh, it was a good review. But when you start off with a master piece like bear's review, it just doesn't stack up.
    (Side Note: Being Serious for a moment, last paragraph in the credits. Is that the 3rd part of the poem?)

    Hamilton Comics MMPR: ...
    This is the greatest review of all time. Bear... forgive me.

    I don't... I don't think any review could ever top this one... what review could possi-

    ... Was that a Masked Rider Comic? Aha, I get. Trying to make me believe that comic exists huh? Nice try, I'm no April Fool!

    But seriously, nice job with the April Fools videos this year!

  14. Loved the Vogon Poetry in the second video! :D

  15. To quote the very first MSTie ever, "MORE! MORE! MORE MOOORE MOOOORE!"

  16. That last video was comic gold. I'd love to see the Irate Comic Reader added to the stable of AT4W characters, preferably as a character who could get beaten, blown up or otherwise abused in comedic fashion.

    The subject of the second video looked interesting. Here's hoping you give it an actual full review in due course.

  17. I am amazed at the insight that Bear has touched upon his review. There is so much beauty, so much emotions that he throws upon his review that it honestly made me feel like I was truly sharing his pain, his hatred and sheer anger towards this particular comic. Had I not been intterupted by the mysterious stranger who claimed that he was "only a bear", I would have called this a perfect review.

    (Yes yes, Happy April Fools Day to you too Linkara XD)

  18. Bear's review of One More Day was one of the most thought provoking I've ever seen.

    These were all hilarious and I'll admit you got me with the Teen Titans review.

  19. So this is now the second slam on the irate gamer I have seen in so many days, the first being Guru Larry's on blistered thumbs. Not that this wasn't damned funny but I am just curious if there is some drama I do not know about? Not that I follow the IG or anything, BT and TGWTG gots all I need, but just curious. Keep up the good work!

  20. Epic. Just truly epic.

    Also, I loved that Scorpion Rain footage.

  21. Hehehe, nice use of the song "Ghost Love Score"!

  22. Haha, that was awesome.

    Uh, I mean, expect a DMCA takedown notice in the near future.

  23. What is this blog you refer to that BatDan pointed you to?

    Also, Bear had some very good points. I particularly found his dissertation on the role of the Devil and by extension faustian contracts in comics enlightening.

  24. 1st Video: Haha! WIN!

    2nd Video: You magnificent bastard...!

    3rd Video: 5-min too long. I don't know, maybe I'm just dense and I didn't get the joke. I couldn't tell if you were poking fun at yourself or bad reviewers in general.

    However, in the immortal words of that great bard, Meatloaf, "Two out of three ain't bad".

  25. "So this is now the second slam on the irate gamer I have seen in so many days, the first being Guru Larry's on blistered thumbs. Not that this wasn't damned funny but I am just curious if there is some drama I do not know about? Not that I follow the IG or anything, BT and TGWTG gots all I need, but just curious. Keep up the good work!"

    Larry's took us all by surprise, frankly. XD It's just a coincidence.

  26. Vogon poetry?!

    *flail* *spasm* *froth*

  27. Ah, yes...

    I found that review by bear to be very very insightful on Joe Quesada and his moti... he's just a bear?

    Well, the titans #23 review was straight to the point. I mean how could they dare to remind us of Lian Harper? The credits sequence to the review... well, I know you sometimes sneak in a reference or two but straight from that weird old book you have there?

    The last review: The illiterate comic book reviewer, hm? Too bad you didn't mention that they release comic books in an episodic format - or at least they claim to. One comic book, one that's really a book, bound and all that stuff, that would have been way better... at least for a wonky coffee table.

  28. Ohhoho, These tickled me in the right places.

    Fiery Little One

  29. 1. Bear, awesome. :D

    2. Titan's review, awesome.


    But seriously, these are awesome reviews even if they are April Fools jokes. I'm glad I chose today to actually start watching more of your stuff. HOPR has been a huge joy to watch (And has gotten me full swing into Power Rangers). I will certainly be ensuring I keep up with this from now on.

  30. Personally, I'd of sat through a longer version of the Bear review over the Irate Gamer parody one. :P No offense Lewis. I did laugh once or twice.

  31. " The iLLITErate comic book reviewer, hm?"

    DAMN! Damn damn damn! I wish I had thought of that! XD

  32. The first 2 videos I get, but the last one confuses me. I'm not sure what its theme is. Is it suppose to be Bizarro Linkara?

  33. Thank you Bear, thank you. I have seen the full depths of horror that One More Day has brought upon the comic industry, life and Spider-man. Too bad Linkara interrupted you before you could have told us how to fix One More Day in a way that would even make OMD seem like a brilliant and well thought-out maneuver. Seriously though, nice work Linkara, I did not expect three April Fools videos. I actually thought that the second one would be serious. You spoil us way too much.

    Bear's left eye seems a little slumped, I hope you re-stuff him soon.

  34. I actually forgot what today was... or rather, I was trying REAL hard not to think about it. That being said, LINKARA... YOU DICK!!!!

    ... you could have at least thrown in a "this comic sucks..."

  35. Sorry give me a minute, still chuckling...

    Okay The bear review was great, I didn't think you'd hold it that long but you timed it just right.

    The Mini-Review. It was mini, but I loved the Hitchhikers reference in the credits!

    Now the big one, the New Direction. Well take a left at the lights, then a right...
    No, seriously. I spent half the review trying to figure out who it was you were parodying before I got it. I think I'm getting slow, anyway it was a good blow at the poorly researched, badly produced, "reviews" people keep trying to foist of as the next MS3K.

    A good series of fools,


  36. lik omg new l rate was te best nc is total ripoff youbes-YAAHHHHHHHH!!!1


    Oh....OH GOD. If I spoke like that for anylonger my hands would have disconnected from my arms.

    The Irate Gamer parody was the stuff of Legends. Great work!

  37. i think i got hit over the head repeatedly by your subtlety in the last video. ;p

  38. i know i'm in the minority and will get bashed in by everyone else the comments, but i feel that it's stuff like that mmpr #1 [hamilton] and guru larry's video from the other day that is the reason why as still a fan of ig's stuff i can't have nice things. i know it's all in good humor, but i can't help but thinking this went a little too far. i know channel awesome has made no secret about having a good standing relationship with avgn, but did you really have to go there joke or not?

  39. Is it me or does Lewis look oddly like James Rolfe when he does the angry face?

  40. Oh god, now I actually want to see a Power Rangers/Simon Belmont crossover you monster! Hehehehe, that was hilarious.

  41. Lewis...that last review....pure genius :D

  42. Is your apartment going to be able to take all those lampshades?

    Loved the third verse of the poem and as I listened to Zagreus again recently I have a worrying feeling I know where the entity story is going.

    And because Icouldn't resist here is the forth verse

    The Bear sits inside your head
    The Bear lives amoung the dead
    The Bear sees you in your bed
    And eats you when you're sleeping

  43. BEAR!!!!!!!

    Those videos were so funny and awesome!

  44. I see what you did there.... AND I LIKE IT!!

  45. I noticed that in the third review you had a copy of the Masked Rider comic where he and the Rangers team-up again. Are you going to ever review that one?

  46. The first two videos are just pointless. When you do an April Fools joke, it should at least try to be funny. They simply took no thought or imagination on your part.

  47. I watched the last "April Fools" video, and my god man. What the hell is with you today? Just because it`s easy to make fun of someone, doesn`t mean you should. I think you`ve lost the idea of April Fools. It`s not called Be A Dick To People Day. This might not matter to you, but you`ve lost some of my respect.

  48. I really don't know why I expected to hear the bear say anything. I mean, he did talk a couple of times, but that was when we were going through the multiverse. lol

    So are you ever going to do an actual review of Titans #23?

    So, some Samurai tech made it into the the arsenal, huh?

    And finally, I know everyone likes to take their shots at the Irate Gamer, but personally I tend to wanna take the Simpsons "Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores" approach: If we stop paying attention to him, he'll go away. lol

    Anyway, happy April Fools Day.

  49. He's a bear, BUT WE STILL LOVE HIM!!!!!

  50. "He's a Bear!" Ha classic.

    These were all pretty hilarious..

  51. Also had to mention, saw you in Shortpacked.. Awesome!

  52. Alright, here's something for your next trip to PSA Hell: Captain America goes to war against Drugs. It's got pretty much everything you need: Mixed messages, out of character moments, stupid characters and a hippie villain who is named Weed and wears a vest made out of Marijuana leaves. Also the New Warriors are there, so there's that. Unfortunately I doubt any of the villains in the book can hold a candle to Snow Flame.


    Not gonna lie, I kinda hope there are more Bear Reviews in the future. Even if you don't get many human viewers, my bears'll have a blast watching.

  54. I'm kind of surprised that I'm the first one to comment on that random cameo by the 'Jaws 2' comic. Weird.

    Nice reviews and, to all those that are upset, it's called humor. It's not like he just started doing being funny...

  55. Linkara, you magnificent bastard, I watched your VIDS! :D

    Seriously, though...I was giggling the whole way through. That's right. a 26-year-old male that giggles. I didn't expect all this, and it was all AWESOME.

    From now on, though, give Bear more lines. Just keep him away from the Vogon poetry.

  56. Oh god, there was a masked rider Comic? I pray for the memory of Black RX. Wait...
    Amusing April fools gags man. And nice set up the day before through facebook and Twitter. You got us there, despite the skepticism.
    Bear had some great insights into that abomination. *nods*

  57. ROFL!! That Irate Gamer parody was hilarious xD Specially love your angry face. >:C

    Btw, are you gonna review that Jaws 2 comic? It looks intriging.

  58. Hahaha the first review has to be my fav out of the 3.

  59. I think your april fool failed Linkara, because that bear pretty thoroughly covered all the good points of Identity Crisis.

  60. Somebody needs to show Mike the MMPR video.

  61. My God. Bear made One More Day 100% more understandable. I can clearly say that I know more about the deep undertones and understanding of Joe that can return to my basic sleep patterns. Thank you Bear. Thank you Linkara.

  62. lol... this was hilarious, even better than Spoony and Brad's videos. It's extra fun for me because I cannot stand the Irate Gamer, he is a plagiarizing, unfunny douchebag.

  63. Two april Fools and an Parody of other comic book reviewers

    ... Can't... Tell... If... This an April... Fool's Joke... Parody seems to be an actual Parody... Not an April fools joke...

    Can't tell if you be serious... Or if you Troll me.

    Great skits Linkara! Ill add your three reviews to the vast amount of April fool videos Ive seen today ;D

  64. Beary fun Ape raail fouls day jokes.

    Yeah, I saw all 3 vids. the Last one messy ed up my gramma.

    Seriously, These were very funny. I really got the biggest laugh out of the titans review. When I saw the theme openning, I thought there was going to be more. When I saw it I just lost it. Nice jokes. Can hardly wait to see next years.

  65. Do you actually like Power Rangers Samurai? And is this an accurate parody of the Irate Gamer?

  66. Hey! Until you rudely interrupted him Bear was giving a great lecture of the Psycho-Spiritual dynamics of One More Day in relation to Shakespearean Literature!

    Also love the new format and still love the show even if you are a speciesist.

  67. You really should have saved two of these for future years. But by far the best was I Rate Comic Bookz. Some people may call the parodies "unprofessional", and while that may possibly apply to BT...damn, you did it so freaking perfectly, that I actually wanna see more of this side show. Hats off to you, my friend.

    By the way, will you actually really review that Titans comic, or what?

  68. Sorry Lewis, but lame Irate gamer joke is lame. It's been done to death and he's gotten better since the early days. He's actually quite a nice guy if you come to know him.

    And the one more day joke was kind of ruined when you uploaded the picture on your photobucket account.

  69. Wow, such a well put and thought provoking discourse on just what might be a good reason to make a deal with the devil, methinks Bear may have been putting a bit to much thought into Faustian deals though, looks like Colbert is right, bears really are in league with the forces of Satan.

  70. who is this "IrateGamer" or Chris Bores that, according what i read in the coments, it was what you were parodying?


    Why is look like the BT and TGWTG crew have a feud against him?

  71. sweet Jesus that's hilarious, honestly I actually subscribe to the Bore just to see what shit he has come up with every year or so... his videos are pretty fail, but its funny to watch him try.

  72. How dare you humorously criticize someone's work you don't like! What happened to the old Linkara, who would criticize someone's work he didn't like?

  73. 1. heh
    2. uhhh

    3. REALLY? In 2011 there are still Irate Gamer jokes and parodies? I thought we were done with that stuff, guy hasn't made any waves recently from what i've heard and i've actually heard that he's had some decent vids. In fact the only way I see him being relevant are because of Busystreet's claims that CA producer's are becoming more and more like the stuff that Bores catches flack for. Either way, the jokes are old and I felt like it was 2007 again.

  74. All glory to the hypnobear!

    Also, video 3 is very ackward to watch.

  75. "You really should have saved two of these for future years. But by far the best was I Rate Comic Bookz. Some people may call the parodies "unprofessional", and while that may possibly apply to BT...damn, you did it so freaking perfectly, that I actually wanna see more of this side show. Hats off to you, my friend.

    By the way, will you actually really review that Titans comic, or what?"

    Originally I was just going to do the first one, but then I got the idea for the third and didn't want to wait on either. However, doing two videos didn't seem like enough, so I came up with the one in the middle.

    And I'm not sure if I'll be reviewing Titans #23 or not. It's in the back of my mind, but I'll probably hold off on it for a while. Don't worry, though, we have Cry for Justice follow-up coming later this year.

  76. "And the one more day joke was kind of ruined when you uploaded the picture on your photobucket account."

    Wanted to get it in early for when it hits TGWTG.

    Also, why does anyone follow my photobucket account? XD

  77. AAUGH!

    I can't believe how accurate your impressive of an INTERNET FLAME-WARRIOR/TROLL/Whatever that was for MMPR!

    Plus, Bear's review of One More Day was inspiring....

    and quite deep.

  78. ...There's a follow-up to Cry For Justice? I may have to hurl...As in hurl CfJ into the nearest burning dumpster.

    *Sighs* I see you have a comic based on Saban's Masked Rider. Y'know, that show's a huge sore spot for me, because it is a HUGE indignity to Kamen Rider and it's history. Looking back on it, I'm surprised that show didn't end the relationship between Saban and Toei altogether.

  79. I've never heard a Bear say such insightful things.

  80. Took me a while to get it because I never watched any of his crap, but, I guess, good impersonation of the Irate Gamer. You have given me less reason to watch jim. Happi Aperill Fuulls. Spelling r dum. Sorry wanted to try it out. Anyway great review.

  81. Also, what do you think about Bear's theory that Quesada created an alternate timeline that we are currently focused on in Spider-man's storyline? Or quite possibly his best theory to date, that since the Devil's true power is deception, Spidey is trapped in an illusion and prison of his mind? anyway, thanks, really lifted a lot of stress. Also, what is going on in Brightest Day? I honestly have no clue.

  82. My fault for clicking on the bear. Well played, sir.

    And the last vid was frigging hilarious. Don't let anyone convince you different. Comedy doesn't always have to be nice...not even Linkara's.

  83. Don't you think Bear was a little TOO harsh?
    I haven't read it, not gonna, so I could be off base there.

    Bohemian Polka! Love it! Queen's my favourite band, Weird Al's third (and I saw him live a couple of weeks ago)!!! YESSS!!!
    ... but did I miss the Hitchhiker's Guide's credit in there?

  84. Great parody of the Irate Gamer. :)

  85. Bear made some pretty good points in his review. I really liked the part where he compared the works of J.D. Salinger and John Steinbeck to what Joe Quesada wrote, just inspiring. Comparing Spider-Man to Holden made me stop and think for a moment. He was just getting to the part where he was going to talk about how Spider-Man represents our inner demons before you rudely cut him off.

    All in all three excellent reviews.

  86. I have some requests for you, Lewis:
    Something from Heroic Publishing, due to their 25th anniversary year!
    Archie Double Digest #217: Jason Witten talks about drunk driving!
    The DCU Red Circle books!


  87. That...

    That was an amazing review of the PR comic. So detailed, and you can tell you did ypur research.

  88. Lewis Lovhaug said...

    " Wanted to get it in early for when it hits TGWTG.

    Also, why does anyone follow my photobucket account? XD"

    Dude i stalk your blip account and notice this videos since TUESDAY (they where hidden to watch but still i knew they were there) XD

    anyway awesome april fools videos, the third one i had to pause it a lot thought, not only for the hilarity but also worring a little that Irate fans will come to cry at you... but let's hope this just a joke and people see it as one

  89. Linkara, I'm sad to say, but you no longer have the right to star in your own reviews anymore, instead, that honor should be relegated to Bear.

    Seriously,that guy is good.

  90. "Linkara, I'm sad to say, but you no longer have the right to star in your own reviews anymore, instead, that honor should be relegated to Bear.

    Seriously,that guy is good."

    Now you understand why I don't let him be in more episodes. He upstages me every time he's on!

  91. You know, Linkara. Maybe you should let Bear do the show from now on.

    Seriously though. These were great.

  92. Glorious April Fools, Linkara. I was laughing through it all. I think Bear's review was very insightful, and I love the Vogon poem in the credits for Titans. iRate Comix had me in stitches. My hat is off to you, sir. Keep it up, my friend.

  93. why did this feel like a Yatzee review?

  94. Can't wait for Lewis and Spoonie Road Trip.

  95. Yay! Three April Fools videos!
    The first two got a good laugh out of me and the third was hilarious! Making fun of the Irate Gamer might be getting old, but you hit all the right nails on the head.
    Well, fooled me thrice! XD

  96. Couldn't decide which April Fool's joke to go with? I can see why, they're all funny :D

  97. Beary's review should be your most popular one ever. He didn't say a single thing that could be considered controversial or biased. :D

  98. I've been meaning to ask this for a while but does that bear you have Linkara play music too? If so I have the same kind of stuff bear. I loves it much also.

  99. A. You really need a new Nightwish soundtrack.
    B. Thanks for that.

  100. I liked the bear's dignified, thoughtful demeanour. He is truly the Socrates de nos jours.

  101. The second video won't play. It just keeps showing the spinny buffering thing. I'd assume that was the joke, but I keep seeing comments referencing actual stuff from the video, so... yeah.

    Love the Irate Gamer parody. That guy deserves all the flak he gets and more. I was going to ask if you were aware of the Third Rate Gamer, but then I saw the credits. Love that guy.

    Also, probably a strange time to ask, but I've been meaning to for some time now. A lot of the sound effects you use are lifted directly from RPG Maker 2000/2003, yet I've never seen Enterbrain (assuming they own those sounds) credited in any of your videos. Why is this?

  102. "Also, probably a strange time to ask, but I've been meaning to for some time now. A lot of the sound effects you use are lifted directly from RPG Maker 2000/2003, yet I've never seen Enterbrain (assuming they own those sounds) credited in any of your videos. Why is this?"

    Two reasons:

    -One, I don't know who actually owns RPG Maker 2000.
    -Two, I don't know if they own those sounds.

  103. I'm pretty positive Enterbrain owns it. ASCII published 2000 and 2003, but Enterbrain developed both, and has published the more recent ones (XP, VX) itself. Whether or not that constitutes ownership of the sound effects is another matter, but I've never heard them anywhere else, AT4W aside, of course.

    Then again, some of the songs from RM2K (the English fan translation, anyway) were stolen from actual games (at least two or three from EarthBound alone), but I'm sort of willing to assume that was Don Miguel adding stuff to the RTP, since those songs (and a few sprite sets) were absent from 2K3.

  104. Bear's review was my favorite! He's such a cutie! ;)

    Happy April Fools!

  105. Best April Fool's Day ever! Could you review Longshot #2 or Moonwalker 3-D comic book?

  106. I dunno, Linkara: you said you never would do One More Day...and from what I heard, that bear was telling off rather crucial plot points on how horrible it was and ruined a lot of mythos because Quesada is a douche.

    BTW: hope you properly review that Hamilton comic PR someday.

  107. "Also, what do you think about Bear's theory that Quesada created an alternate timeline that we are currently focused on in Spider-man's storyline? Or quite possibly his best theory to date, that since the Devil's true power is deception, Spidey is trapped in an illusion and prison of his mind?"

    OF COURSE! And yes, I have an awesome theory on how to fix up all of Marvel at once, but unfortunately it's very vague. It *will*, however, involve the massive retconning of Civil War, Secret Invasion, and Dark Reign via some dastardly plot that dramatically affects people's personalities, intelligence, and memory, be kicked off by the Fantastic Four gatecrashing Hell to rescue Johnny Storm, revolve around Peter and MJ realizing that their love and marriage were so strong that continuity itself cannot keep them apart, include Aunt May chewing out lots of people for being morons, eventually reveal that that whole Deal was not made by Peter, but was all an illusion to make him seem like a douchebag, have everyone in the Marvel universe putting aside their differences to bring stability to the universe, and end with GodMode Jack Kirby curb stomping a thinly-veiled Joe Quesada analogue.

    If something like that's too much trouble, fuck Marvel. Let them just pull a Crisis On Infinite Earths to get rid of this crap.

  108. Bear's review of One More Day and your End of an Era bit were certainly brief and to the point.

    And wow, a parody of Irate Gamer? He's still around and has viewers, huh? I'd given up on him just after I found Spoony and TGWTG, and thought most everyone else had too by now.

    Anyway, nice April Fools pranks, Linkara!

  109. I think the Irate Gamer parody was funny, but as some people have said, he's honestly kinda old news at this point. I think you should've made it a more generalized parody with a particular focus on him, rather than something that's honestly *only* an Irate Gamer parody.

    For an example of what I'm talking about, look at the webcomics episode of Zero Punctuation. Almost everything he says applies to Ctrl+Alt+Del (his obvious target), but it still functions as a more generalized parody of gaming webcomics. I think you should've done something more akin to that.

  110. 1) Oh, so just because he's a bear doesn't mean that he doesn't have a valid opinion? And you call yourself a human being...

    2) I'll take your word for it

    3) Is there a link to this blog that BatDan gave you? I'd check the comments but I have small eyes

  111. the one more day review by the bear brought me to tears all reviewers should aspire to the same greatness as the bear.

  112. " the guy who does Naruto Abridged, Kaiser something."

    Silly iRate'r. If it's Naruto Abridged, then it'd be whatshisname, Little Korea Bo. Kaiser made Vision of Escaflone.

    Seriously, though, good job. I'm not familiar with the Irate Gamer, but I still found this funny. That's the sign of a good parody, I think: when even the people who have no idea what's going on get a laugh.

  113. Everything's better with Ghost Love Score.

    No seriously, never having watched any of this irate bloke, I must admit some of the jokes in the third didn't make as much sense as perhaps they could have,but as a general parody of bad internet reviewers, I can see it.

  114. The visual artifacting was a nice subtle jab at IG. I wasn't sure if it was intentional or just a screwup from my computer at first (My work computer has an issue with flash at times), but yeah, good show.

    Incidentally, I think Bear went a bit too far when he speculated that Quesada's own life is what lead him to ruin Spidey's, but I cannot say that his speculation is implausible either.

  115. I actually didn't see this on TGWTG until April 2nd, but I still got a good laugh.

    Thank you, my friend, for cheering me up (again), and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  116. Bear's review of One More Day is probably the best that it could be given. A cute fuzzy thing reduced to stunned, silent horror, unable to articulate the uncomprehending fear and visceral loathing that has seized it.

    Music from Scorpion Rain~, hooray. It had awesome music. I'm sure. No really. I've never seen it.

  117. I'm gonna have to agree with most others on here- Bear's review was insightful, forcing me to change my view of the world and literature as a whole...

    Alright, seriously now. I love April Fools pranks, and yours totally takes the cake this year. "He's a BEAR!" Haha

  118. Your scowl was much more reminiscent AVGN than IG. DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FANS!?

  119. you son of a......

    lol i was honestly hoping this was a real review of atop the fourth wall

  120. I really don't see why you don't have Bear guest-star more often. He truly belongs among the ranks of 90's Kid, Harvey Finevoice, and Iron Liz, what with his incisive wit, eloquent commentary, and passionate rage against the horror and stupidity of Joe Quesada's "One More Day." It's a shame that you had to interrupt him while he was in the middle of deconstructing Quesada's possible motivations for such an atrocity. XD

  121. -who is this "IrateGamer" or Chris Bores that, according what i read in the coments, it was what you were parodying?-

    Chris Bores is an internet personality named "The Irate Gamer" which reviwes video games in the typical upset style that is common place on the internet. He's often accused of copying the Angry Video Game Nerd.
    Fans of the AVGN routinely makes themselves look stupid by constanlty posting on his videos such intelligent critisims like "Stop copying AVGN, fat @$$" or "I hope you die You @#$%$#"
    (I'm censoring myself here). Thing about it is, Jimmy's fans often attack anyone that even mentions video games in their videos. They make up one of the biggest troll groups on the internet currently.
    His videos have gotten better, using more jokes and site gags, while the AVGN relies on finding new combinations of curse words and bodily excretions.

    I'll end with something you've all heard a thousand times before but never listen too-If you don't like it Don't Watch.

  122. 1) The Bear one was very funny! I admit wondering if my speakers went, because I heard nothing!

    2) The Titans one was funny also! That would be cool if it got a real review

    3) I'm still on the floor from seeing it, days ago, laughing! Your funniest thing EVA!!!

    I'm wondering if this I-Rate Comics Bookz guy is actually 90's Kid grown up or something, doing something like what the original idea for the Clone Saga was (with both being real, due to time travel)

    Sadly we probably won't see him again. I wish that wouldn't be the case but I can see some ideas with that character, with the whole multiverse and hypertime stuff established by you on at4w, and also see it just being a stand alone thing.

    I was expecting another 90's Kid or Bum review. That Freak Force review showed the character has vast potiental for more one shots. Putting a new spin on a bleh 90's comic, giving a backhanded explination on how awful it is!

    If this were rap music, and you and IG were battling, this 3rd video would have been a total knockout by you, hands down!

    Keep setting the new standards of awesome!

    So until someone counts all the people named Lee in comics, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  123. Hamilton Comics was a compant imprint of Gladstone, which published a variety of material: Its early books had some horror magazine-sized comics in 1991!

    The artist of the MMPR comic, Gray Morrow, also did some Penthouse Comix at the same time!


  124. why do you like pissing on pr fans?

  125. "why do you like pissing on pr fans?"

    ...huh? What are you talking about?

  126. ""why do you like pissing on pr fans?"

    ...huh? What are you talking about?"

    I think they think you seem to dislike Power Rangers fans and thus have to ruin things for them.

    I have to say I have no idea where this assumption came from, looking at your History of Power Rangers videos...

    I am baffled beyond belief.

  127. " think they think you seem to dislike Power Rangers fans and thus have to ruin things for them.

    I have to say I have no idea where this assumption came from, looking at your History of Power Rangers videos...

    I am baffled beyond belief."

    As am I. The only thing I like to ruin is breakfast.

  128. ""I am baffled beyond belief."
    As am I. The only thing I like to ruin is breakfast."

    Wouldn't that make you waffled beyond belief?

    I'll shut up now.

  129. Is that a Saban's Masked Rider comic? The scourge, the abomination, the antithesis to all that is good in shows about men in rubber suits?

    My spork, it cries out...for JUSTICE!

  130. I just want to say how good your I-RATE Gamer impersonation was. I also noticed in one part of this at the beginning there was a Masked Rider comic.

    Was it an American Masked Rider comic or a UK one? The one I have was from England.

  131. Lookit me, posting three months after the fact! (This is what I get for having to play catch-up on all your episodes)

    Frankly they all got a chuckle out of me, but something I noticed in the third video is that you seem to have completed your quest for a Quantum Morpher, which is awesome! I remember you mentioning wanting one when we talked before your riffing at Morphicon. How's the quest for the other desired morphers going?

  132. "Frankly they all got a chuckle out of me, but something I noticed in the third video is that you seem to have completed your quest for a Quantum Morpher, which is awesome! I remember you mentioning wanting one when we talked before your riffing at Morphicon. How's the quest for the other desired morphers going?"

    Yep, managed to get a Quantum Morpher in a general ebay auction featuring a bunch of other morphers of varying degrees of quality (Quantum Morpher was in the best shape). Still missing a few morphers, but I'm still working on the quest. XD


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