Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Airzone Solution

Linkara and Phelous look at a movie that has a bunch of The Doctors from Doctor Who fighting an evil pollution company.


  1. Jon Pertwee is my favorite Doctor, along with Matt Smith and Mark Kalita, from Broken Sea Audio Productions. The Three Doctors is my favorite Doctor Who Story.

    Personally, when I hear the word Doctor Who, the 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th Doctors, and Pollution, I usually think something cool. Man was this disappointing. And stupid.

    And Phelous: Do not put logic in reviews. Have fun with it. You wanna quit, Just quit.

  2. Wait, so the spirit of Earth gathered a bunch of oldish British guys to fight pollution, and didn't even give them rings?

    What a gyp.

  3. What a boring confusing movie... I would have wasted the money on all the Doctors vs all the Masters. It would have been Nonsensical, but atleast it wouldn't be boring.

    Also I'm not in love with Lupa... I'm in love with Justice.

  4. I could sort of see this being a plotline for the show, but they had some serious holes that would need to be plugged first.

    Fiery Little One

  5. I know yours and Phelous's stuff, but I do believe I should watch everyone else's stuff . . . if I knew the who and where.

  6. Hey, Nicholas Briggs! He ALSO played the Doctor! He did a series of unlicensed Doctor Who audio stories called "Audio Visuals". Though amateur, they were mostly pretty good. Briggs played a fine Doctor. I recommend checking them out. Also, many of the people involved in the Audio Visuals ended up working for Big Finish, the company that is now making official Doctor Who audio dramas.

  7. What a strange movie, and I do agree with the wasted opportunity. Btw, I can't get over how that hotel has the best lighting. Whoever set you guys up needs to get a cookie, or something.

  8. initially this seemed like kind of an odd crossover but I kind of get the connection now. Plus I don't watch everybody on TGWTG so I guess some of the jokes and pairings may go over my head sometimes. Someone should make some sort of a visual representation of the TGWTG universe. That would be awesome!

  9. That was a terrible movie.
    Now that that's out of the way, am I the only one who thinks that if the environment is damaged to the point where you have to wear masks to go outside, turning everyone into mutants that can breathe that air isn't actually that evil?
    Maybe weird and definitely not the best solution (one of it's many, many flaws is a lack of protection for animals and plants, which we need to survive) but it doesn't seem malicious. It seems more like they're the bad guys and have to murder people to keep their secrets (which are apparently all available to the public anyway) because the movie needed them to be. The lady even put "implant trials" IN HER SPEECH. The only shock for the people at that meeting should have been how bad the early prototypes looked.

  10. I wish I could watch this video but unfortunately it's quality is too high and my pc won't handle it (it lags).
    Any chance of adding a lower quality version for people like me?

  11. Six and Peri having sex. Oh god. That's going to be burnt into my retinas forever.

    Tom Baker punting. Cos it's like the Five Doctors when they had to use the Shada footage YOU SEE WHAT THEY DONE THERE.

    Zagreus was better-written and less confusing than this mess. And it had Paul McGann in it.

  12. No "Are You My Mummy" joke? Come on, guys!

  13. @harmonicajay I don't think Phelous really feels that way about reviews I'm pretty sure that was just his character in the review.

    Yay Peter Davison aw he's dead so much for one of my favorite classic Doctors.

    So much wasted potential for something awesome.

    Also are you guy's just putting the crossovers up before the anniversary?

  14. I don't... Can't even...

    One wiki and IMDB search later, and I'm still stunned. It's obvious that Briggs (the current voice of the Daleks and Big Finish Audio producer) was just trying to pull the old doctor's together and adapted a half finished script.

    It's bad, painfuly bad. I liked the cameos both in the Review and in the "Film"


  15. "Also are you guy's just putting the crossovers up before the anniversary?"

    Pretty much, yes. The anniversary movie is going to take longer to edit this time, so we're putting up crossovers before it.

    "Any chance of adding a lower quality version for people like me?"

    Unfortunately, I have no control over that.

  16. I love how the movie tells us not to rely on more technology to clean up the environment when the hero(s) are all originally from a series with highly advanced aliens who travel across reality/time/worlds in an advanced ship. And said aliens rarely seem interested in sharing any knowledge or technology that could be used for cleaner machines on Earth.

    Besides that, nuclear energy usually isn't associated with air pollution. How exactly would stricter standards for cleaner air or less consumption have a thing to do with nuclear power?

  17. I love how you call it a "pollution company"-- and it actually is a company that makes pollution and seemingly very little else. Well, pollution and mutant fish people.

  18. The two of you foil off eachother well (though this is more prominent at the start).

  19. So the Storyline bit at the beginning of the vid. Does that Stem from the troll who attacked here bashing on the storylines who said its not what your fans want or something along those lines?

  20. "So the Storyline bit at the beginning of the vid. Does that Stem from the troll who attacked here bashing on the storylines who said its not what your fans want or something along those lines?"

    There's usually at least one person on an episode who asks me to not do storylines, and that's fair for them - really it more stems just from meta-humor, which is one of the things I love about Phelous' videos - pointing out the odd and eccentric nature of online-reviewing and the recurring tropes of it.

  21. You and Phelous play off each other really well. Who did the majority of the writing for this you or him.

  22. "You and Phelous play off each other really well. Who did the majority of the writing for this you or him."

    We did the live action bits together at the hotel (I didn't have time to watch the movie before coming out there, so we made jokes and comments while we went along) and then he wrote the voiceover bits.

  23. "We did the live action bits together at the hotel (I didn't have time to watch the movie before coming out there, so we made jokes and comments while we went along)"
    Wow! In that case its even more impressive - the on camera "script" was very well paced and extremely funny. You and Phelous play off each other great: I enjoy his videos, but on his own the metahumor grates on me a bit. This ... this was fantastic and I think it's a high point for both you and Phelan .... well done! :D

  24. "Wow! In that case its even more impressive - the on camera "script" was very well paced and extremely funny. You and Phelous play off each other great: I enjoy his videos, but on his own the metahumor grates on me a bit. This ... this was fantastic and I think it's a high point for both you and Phelan .... well done! :D"

    See, I actually love the metahumor, and I came up with one or two of them. XD

  25. What, no Captain Planet jokes?
    Also, did you notice that there didn't seem to be a whole lot of music in that movie?
    Also, was the editing of the movie really that bad? 'Cause it seemed rather... awkward and sudden a lot of the time.
    Also (another Rule of Three there), I was impressed with the Doctor Who style opening and ending. How did you do that?

  26. One more thing: which Crowning Moment of Funny page should we put the stuff from this video on?

  27. "What, no Captain Planet jokes?"

    There was a Captain Planet joke when we laughed about how evil we were.

    "Also (another Rule of Three there), I was impressed with the Doctor Who style opening and ending. How did you do that?"

    Ask Phelous - he does them regularly for his show. ^^

  28. Great review, but it really bugged me the way Phelous kept mispronouncing Peter Davison's name. It's not DAVIDson, there's no second D!

  29. That... I... I am at a complete loss when I watched the review. That movie is such bullcrap that it could fertilize several tracts of land. And the fact that the Doctor actors are in it just hurts. It's such a waste. Well, not of Colin Baker, who could rot for all I care. The sixth Doc was freakin' psycho and stupid and I want to strangle him with his own coat. (Same to Matt Smith. I want to make him choke on his stupid bow tie for ruining Doctor Who for me. That and River Song. Oooh River Song. I Hate Her.) *achem*

    The fact that Tom Baker isn't in this really speaks to me. I have a theory that he took one look at the script and had it shredded to line someone's litter box with. I'm Glad that Tom Baker wasn't in that, but it's Really bad that the fifth Doc has to be subjected to this idiocy.

    Thank you and the rest for the review! I would have lived a life without knowing the waste of talent if it had not been for you.

  30. Wait, you mean Phelous didn't actually leave his show? Oh, I thought he did. Kinda ragequit a little bit. Didn't watch any more of his shows... oops.

  31. Wow, this should have been better. I mean, how could they have screwed up an opportunity to do a movie featuring four former Doctors?

    This is a funny cross-over, BTW. The constant references to those plot-holes in the Airzone Solution are funny moments.

  32. Confused how I missed then forgot about this until now. This was weird...

    Those security guards didn't have a chance to catch Peter Davidson (please forgive if I'm misspelling his name, I've a terrible spelling memory), didn't he chase a burglar down from his own home?

    And EWWWWWW ew ew ew did not need to see that between Perry and the 6th Doctor *shivers*.

    It's like someone took a strange doctor who fan fic and put it to a political message about pollution.

  33. First off Linkara I am so glad to hear you're a fan of the seventh Doctor since my comic book nerd friend isn't and happens to be an insufferable parody of negative fan traits thus leaving my with doubts about comic fandom.

    Re: Colin and Peri. Yeah, it isn't pretty but at least it's not ten and Rose. A '900' year old alien reincarnated from an even older half alien (That's my fanon to explain how Lungbarrow and the TV Movie can both be canonical) who has not only committed genocide several times but changed shlongs more than times than he's changed his clothes and a twenty year old chav.

    I loved the meta humour and will be sure to subscribe to Phelous (or whatever the blogger equivalent is, I'm used to youtube)

    The plot of the story was actually kind of cool, sort Genesis of the Daleks meets Rise of the Cybermen and Davison dying in the room with the mutants makes sense because that's how the process works. The 11% solution (Geddit?) is actually just the result of the toxic gas leaking out of the conversion chambers. Which is really nazi like if you consider that the Airzone Solution is gassing people for a superior and 'fitter' race. Makes sense for a British story to have the villains be nazis since that was the last time we actually did anything.

    I also find it quite hilarious how you highlight the fact that the heroes break a conspiracy when the incriminating evidence is publicly available, I mean that happens to us quite a lot. The expenses scandal, phone hacking, the millenium bug, the war in Iraq, Recent British history is littered with instances of conspiracies being broken using publicly available information.

    Nice to see a woman in the review if kind of random and slightly pointless. I realize it's Obscurus Lupa because I'm a big fan of Counter Monkey and the Spoony Experiment but as a proud owner of two question mark umbrellas and a ticket to Gallifrey One 2013 I find the presence of a woman in a Doctor Who related review to be slightly distracting in its strangeness. Seriously I think only The Naked Scarf and The Ood Cast podcasts have women in them.


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