Saturday, May 28, 2011

Manimal #1

The lack of people changing into sharks in this comic upsets me.


  1. I'm always in favor of killing nazis in comic books. But adding in hooker murder makes it more like Frank Miller and less like anything of value.

  2. at 8:00 or thereabouts....

    what's with the spot on Linkara's hand? Has he been on a pirate ship recently?

  3. hehehe. This was unexpected, but fun. I was only mildly surprised that Brad came up with this one since I know that he likes Manimal and exploitation movies. The latter being what this comic apparently has in spades...

    Fiery Little One

  4. That was pretty funny, but if you get much more meta, you have to change this blog's name to "punching big holes in the fourth wall." I mean, I know you didn't write this, but ... directly remind viewers that it's scripted multiple times in a ten minute review?

  5. I know I shouldn't be, but for some reason my mind keeps drifting towards the skull man. oh well....

    nice crossover regardless, and I look forward to how this play out

    ~The Monk

  6. The 'Manimal' one-shot reprinted three Ernie Colon-drawn stories orginally published in Hot Stuf' #6 to #8 in 1977-78!


  7. Kinda expected this from your alternate endings video from Silent Hill Dead/Alive. Didn't expect it to be unlike the Manimal that Brad praises so much nor for him to like the comic. Did expect the exploitation review though. Lots of expectations all around!

  8. This is probably one of the best crossovers I've seen from TGWTG. You guys play off each other well, and I honestly couldn't tell that Brad wrote the script until you mentioned it. I can't wait for the next part.

  9. So Linkara, does this comic have anything to do with Buddy Baker/ Animal Man kind of like how DC owns Blue Beetle from its original comic, or do they have nothing to do with each?
    (Sorry if I think poor literacy is cool, grammar is not my friend)

  10. Okay, but seriously, when are the Snob and Spoony going to do something together?

  11. Ass kicking jews? Always gold with me!

  12. Awesome review! I'd like to read dis book... is it really that rare and does it have fallowups!?

  13. "what's with the spot on Linkara's hand? Has he been on a pirate ship recently?"

    Yeah what was up with that black dot on Linkara's hand at around the 8 minute mark? I wonder if it was apart of another video he did and he forgot to wash it off or if he's been reenacting scenes from Doctor Who again? Anyways good crossover episode.

  14. "Yeah what was up with that black dot on Linkara's hand at around the 8 minute mark? I wonder if it was apart of another video he did and he forgot to wash it off or if he's been reenacting scenes from Doctor Who again? Anyways good crossover episode."

    The spot was from me accidentally pushing a sharpie into my palm.

  15. Well, I guess other Linkara is right. He is going to need that Bimbos in Time disc. Was expecting Brad to reference your Silent Hill review with you having the Manimal comic and all that. But then, it was an alternate ending, so technically it never happened...

  16. Hi! Glad to see its finally up! Hope Brad dug the comic.

    Renegade Press did alot of indy comics during the B&W Golden Age of the 80s. They also printed Flaming Carrot, Eternity Smith, Ms. Tree, and my personal favorite...STRATA!

  17. you DO have the manimal comic, thank you for giving this to me inbetween my revision times.

  18. I just love how if a story involves killing Nazis you can't possibly be against it on any grounds.

    "The spot was from me accidentally pushing a sharpie into my palm."

    Pity. I was hoping it was a subtle hint at coming events like the Entity possessing you.

  19. Huzzah! I can't wait to see what movie ya'll review! :D

  20. Why do I get the feeling this is what the Bimbos B.C. DVD is for? O_O

    Damn, this was some dark stuff in this comic. Or maybe I'm just not used to that kinda stuff yet?

  21. So... are you actually going to be doing a review of an exploitation film with Brad? Or was that just a joke?

  22. Oh no Linkara has a black spot on the palm of his right hand. That means the "mermaid" is gonna come for him.

  23. Now that was a Crossover I didn't expect. But it worked better than I thought it would. Also I think I know what the movie, you two will review, is going to be. *looking at Ultimate Warrior Workout Review*

  24. "Now that was a Crossover I didn't expect. But it worked better than I thought it would. Also I think I know what the movie, you two will review, is going to be. *looking at Ultimate Warrior Workout Review*"


  25. Interesting to note that this comic was published by Renegade Press which was owned by Denise "Deni" Lubert, the former wife of Cerebus creator Dave Sim. Judging by this Wikipedia entry ( and ), it seems that Renegade was formed by Deni after she divorced Dave and moved from Canada to the States. Renegade picked up most of the non-Cerebus titles that Sim's Aardvark-Vanaheim had previously published (Flaming Carrot, normalman, Journey: The Adventures of Wolverine MacAlistaire, Neil the Horse and Ms. Tree)

  26. Yeah, somehow when Nazis are done more realistically than the insane stuff of the comics (or...twin clones of Hitler) really can be sickening. This was definitely a book made for adults than just something made to exploit crap the usual times these sorts of violent things occur.

  27. when's the reverse crossover happening? because that's an episode i want to see.

  28. Despite and storytelling shortcomings the art in this comic looked pretty sharp. Who drew it?

  29. This was...

    ...well it was Nazis, SS types, it's hard to say it's overblown isn't it?

    Still, I'm kind of surprised, and also curious. How old is this comic? It predates the Dark Age, doesn't it? In a way, a rather perverse one, it's forward-looking.

  30. I actually remember the episode of Manimal you showed, where he became a cat.

    "Despite and storytelling shortcomings the art in this comic looked pretty sharp. Who drew it?"

    I don't know, but the cover looked like Pat Broderick's work.
    ... I didn't look close, though.


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