Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Odds and/or Ends

Revised Schedule

Well, many fans were quick to point out that I was operating under a misconception - there actually ISN'T a second issue of Eminem and the Punisher, meaning that I had to revise the schedle a bit. It's not just a matter of filling it in, though, since I try to keep to my "Marvel-Indy-DC-Indy-Marvel-etc." alternating schedule (exceptions being the holiday season). And since the 150th episode is coming at the end of August, I didn't want to change what I had planned for that, so I just had to reshuffle some episodes, including a few that I had planned for September and moving them up.

Plus I was only doing Rise of Arsenal as four individual episodes because I didn't want to have two 2-part episodes next to each other, so that was revised, as well. Still, here's the updated schedule for the next two months.

6/6 – SCI-Spy #2
6/13 – Miller Time: Spawn/Batman
6/20 – Gameboy #1
6/27 – Eminem and the Punisher #1
7/4 – Barbi Twin Adventures #1
7/11 – Rise of Arsenal #1-2
7/18 – Rise of Arsenal #3-4
7/25 – Comic Book Advertisements
8/1 – Star Trek #2 (Gold Key)
8/8 – PSA Hell: Captain America: Return of the Asthma Monster!

You're Such a Card Game: E.T. The Card Game

Behold as Liz and I play the 1980s E.T. Card Game! Okay, it's not a trading card game, but hey, it uses cards!


First up we have the Lawrence Ross Waterhead Show!

I also just appeared on the BunnyCast, which you can listen to HERE!


Lately I've had a lot of people asking me if I'll be making any convention appearances. Unfortunately, as I've said before, because of my busy schedule I don't have a lot of time to go to conventions just for fun. However, the Prop Lady has convinced me to go to CONvergence this July... though I'll be an attendee and not a guest.

Otherwise, I have no convention plans. Because of the aforementioned schedule, I really can only go to a lot of conventions if I'm invited. I've been told I need to register with DragonCon in order to get in, though I don't know if it's too late for that or not. Otherwise, nope - no one's invited me anywhere so I have no plans to go anywhere. ^^;

Mini-Contest in the Facebook Page
Sakura Mahal is running a new mini-contest over on the Fan Facebook page! Go take a look for yourselves by clicking on the link in the sidebar!


  1. "Comic Book Advertisements"? "Borrowing" a little from the Nostalgia Critic, eh? *wink wink nudge nudge*

  2. the Punisher vs Eminem?
    That actually sounds pretty awesome!

  3. Holy crap, Captain America and the Asthma Monster? That takes me back to my days as a young lad, visiting the pediatrician and excited to see a FREE COMIC BOOK available, no matter how nonsensical it was.

  4. ""Comic Book Advertisements"? "Borrowing" a little from the Nostalgia Critic, eh? *wink wink nudge nudge*"

    Yes. =D

  5. You know I think this works better. You're done with Rise of Arsenal quicker and you can fit other comics into the slot as well. Unless of course you had a lot to say about each individual issue. Then again, I enjoy the long episodes, and since Rise of Arsenal is so terrible...

    I look forward to seeing you react to that series.

  6. A Captain America comic staring an... asthma monster. Um... yeah, I'll definitely need to see how that one pans out. Does he defeat it with an inhaler attached to a Volumatic attached to... an air cannon?

  7. Linkara: I have a few suggestions for future reviews:

    *The upcoming revival of CrossGen's Mystic, because it is written by G. Willow Wilson, the ANTI-GAIL SIMONE.
    *Soulfire: We get Michael Turner, the writer of Ultimatum, and the writer of Rise of Arsenal. Plus, it has Sonia, the most beautiful orphan in comics!
    *The Marvel WCW comic!

    Will you include any Red Circle, Heroic Publishing, or Aspen MLT books in your 'Comic Book Advertisements' video?


  8. Comic book ads? So...we're probably getting some bizarre Hostess ads? Or more along the line of the Charles Atlas method?

    And...somehow if we're getting Cap in a PSA Hell incident, I somehow imagine the Kinks' "Catch Me Now I'm Falling" being used...I mean come on, he's the symbol of America and has a song by a British band, what more can you ask for?

  9. Oh, dear god, there's an actual ET card game? *glares over at the ET Atari 2500 cartridge I own* This is going to hurt, isn't it?

    I still want to see you review one of the Malibu Comics Mortal Kombat issues, if only to see your reaction to everyone speaking in the third person and women's spines bending into perfect right angles.

    "Comic Book Advertisements"? Hmm, interesting. As an aside, I would like to see something similar done for your "You're such a card...game!" series; believe me, the American Yu-Gi-Oh commercials, as of late, are prime material for snark.

  10. Looking forward to Rise of Arsenal.

    One thing DC needs to clear up: JLA member Zatana can do pretty much anything. Why couldn't she just say "laeh noitcefni" and fix Arsenal's arm? If not to regrow it, at least to stop the pain. "Niap ni mra hsinav!"

    For that matter, why can't she just say "eruc sdia" for Speedy?

    That's the big problem with "real world" storylines like HIV infection, because in a universe where these kinds of powers are commonplace there's no good explanation why Speedy can't be cured and Arsenal can't have his pain relieved.

    The worst part of Rise of Arsenal, by far, was him doing heroin. Much like Marvel's Tony Stark and alcoholism, Arsenal's biggest victory wasn't over a super-villain or cosmic threat but over his heroin addiction.

    If they really felt this needed to be a part of the story, what should have happened is for Arsenal, having lost everything, to get some heroin and be ready to use it as the issue ends in a cliffhanger.

    As the next issue begins with a flashback to his days of withdrawal and the horrible results of heroin addiction, he tosses it aside and destroys it. "I'm not going back there again. That would be a huge victory for the character instead of the depressing nonsense we got.

    I am ashamed to admit I own "Rise of Arsenal" as part of a hardcover.

  11. As I said last time you posted the schedule for the next little while, these look interesting, I'm just not sure how you're going to show off one of them, if it's about who I think it's about.

    This Your Such A Card Game... I knew you 2 would try to track down the game the second I saw the last commercials vid that the Critic put out. :D

    Fiery Little One

  12. Comic book advertisements? You mean like the old-school silver age stuff? Sounds interesting & effin' sweet, but be careful, as this is the territory of Seanbaby, another popular internet comic writer, & thus you may endanger the internet's wrath somehow. =P

    Also, comic donations incoming, should be there in a few days. Threw in some extras as well, will explain later.

    Finally, an elephant just suddenly appeared in room, & you may need to shoot it down somehow. Just sayin'. ^^;

  13. Something I just happened to think about as I was reading your proposed schedule of reviews:

    How do you fit History of Power Rangers episodes into your review schedule? Does it replace something in the schedule, and then everything gets knocked down a day, or does it just come out whenever it happens to be finished, regardless of what the schedule says?

  14. There's a Gameboy comic? It's not the same Gameboy from Captain N is it?

    Also might as well ask these here:

    1) Been watching the newest Doctor Who episodes?

    2) What's your take on DC's huge announcement to revamp....basically the whole of DC?

  15. I remember that Captain America PSA. I think that was the first comic I ever read.

    Also, can't wait for Spawn/Batman. I actually used to have that comic for a while before I got bored with my Spawn stuff and sold it. Spawn/Batman was pretty amusing in its own weird way, but it gave me a headache trying to figure out the continuity. I guess Batman must have fallen into a transdimensional vortex and not realized it or something.

  16. Just checked the DragonCon site and the deadline for guest registration is June 30. So there's still plenty of time if you're seriously considering it. I've been before and its a great con.

    Anyways, looking forward to the new lineup. Seems like its going to be full of terrible comics and good episodes.

  17. Hate to ask this Linkara, but will you comment in the future on DC's #1 Initiative??? My.... Brain hurts just thinking of OMD with Superman... (*BARF!*)

  18. I'm one of the six guys who's doing an AT4W-style video! I hope you'll like it when it's up!

    Maybe you'll remember me from MAGFest. ;)

  19. Silly question, did you ever read that oneshot comic Xeno-Men I sent ya?

  20. I sent DC a letter regarding their plans for the reboot.

    Of course, like the previous letter I sent them, it regards the Global Guardians!


  21. So... um... have you finished watching Power Rangers SPD yet? Just curious...

    Also, I need your help with something. I remember, about 10 years ago, a Spider-Man PSA comic published in several issues of the Boy Scouts magazine, Boy's Life. Thing is, I can't remember what it's called, and I don't know if it was ever published outside of those issues of Boy's Life. Heck, I don't even remember what the PSA was about! I vaguely remember some mistaken identity plot involving a famous movie star and... one of Peter's coworkers... it was weird. Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?

  22. You know I reliesed Punisher vs Eminem will probably be the first Punisher comic on this show. You seem to stay away from good ol' Frank Castle (aside from the Archie crossover mentioned). Now I've never read Spawn/Batman so I wounder if this will be another bash against Miller or if you will decide to do a "Today we are going to look at a good Frank Miller comic." And finally Rise of Arsenal ohh boy screw Ultimatum it's THIS book I've been looking foward to. When I heard whats been going on with Roy I knew you have a few words about this comic It's not much of "Rise" as it is a big middle finger to the fans

  23. "You know I reliesed Punisher vs Eminem will probably be the first Punisher comic on this show. You seem to stay away from good ol' Frank Castle (aside from the Archie crossover mentioned). Now I've never read Spawn/Batman so I wounder if this will be another bash against Miller or if you will decide to do a "Today we are going to look at a good Frank Miller comic." And finally Rise of Arsenal ohh boy screw Ultimatum it's THIS book I've been looking foward to. When I heard whats been going on with Roy I knew you have a few words about this comic It's not much of "Rise" as it is a big middle finger to the fans"

    ...This is Atop the Fourth Wall we're talking about. OF COURSE Spawn/Batman is going to be a bad comic. Also, you misspelled "wonder."

  24. Hi, Lewis, Could you review Mortal Kombat comic book (any issue)?

  25. Here is what I would like to see in the 150th episode:

    Any book featuring any version of the 'Red Circle' heroes!
    Vixen: Return of the Lion
    Any book from Heroic Publishing

    See you later!


  26. Must of missed this post, cool to see that you'll be going to CONvergence. Maybe I will see you there, I have a Doctor Insano outfit that I bought months ago as one of the two costumes I am using this year.

  27. Getting primed for more Valiant this coming week, especially with them returning in 2012!


  28. Hey Lewis,
    When are you going to review the following:
    Ultimate Power
    Battle for Bludhaven

    For secret origins month you should do:
    Green Lantern
    Captain America
    Thor/Wolverine/other character from Marvel


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