Friday, May 13, 2011

Odds, Ends, and Evens

AT4W Facebook Fan Page
No, I have not reversed my position on the utter pointlessness of Facebook.

However, a bunch of fans have banded together to create a fan page on Facebook, organized under Sakura Mahal! And since it'll get people off my back about it (hopefully), I'm pretty much making it official. I'm giving her authorization to represent me there, though just to be clear it is NOT me who posts there, but her - she relays questions to me via e-mail and she posts the answers I provide (though with my e-mail backlog it can sometimes take a while).

You can find it HERE or along the sidebar!

She's also holding a t-shirt contest in honor of the group recently getting 2000 members! The full details can be found HERE, and you can ignore the bit about providing a mailing address ahead of time (I'd rather people's addresses NOT be sent considering 99% of the entrants aren't going to be getting anything, thus we shouldn't ask for any addresses until someone wins).

Otherwise, the facebook page will be added to the sidebar, so take a gander, join up, do all that stuff that people use facebook for that exist in other places and therefore I have no use for it! ...Or just join up because, hey, you can talk with other AT4W fans and other announcements and stuff. ^_^

AT4W Upcoming Episodes List
Going a bit farther ahead because of the four-parter in July/August, but needless to say hope you look forward to everything that's coming up!

5/16 – Ultimatum #1-2
5/23 – Ultimatum #3-4
5/30 – Ultimatum #5
6/6 – SCI-Spy #2
6/13 – Miller Time: Batman and Spawn
6/20 – Gameboy #1
6/27 – Eminem and the Punisher #1
7/4 – Eminem and the Punisher #2
7/11 – Barbi Twin Adventures #1
7/18 – Rise of Arsenal #1
7/25 – Rise of Arsenal #2
8/1 – Rise of Arsenal #3
8/8 – Rise of Arsenal #4

Here's another podcast! I recorded it recently with the Electric Information Show and you can download it HERE.

The Making of Warrior #1
Watch a bunch of nerds try to figure out how to hang up a green screen for the aborted intro to the Superman 4 crossover review as well as us figuring out different ways of hanging goggles from our heads in this footage Coldguy originally recorded!

Doom's IV #2 Commentary
Also enjoy me trying to figure out why I started off saying "Now we've got it!" in my second episode!

IE9 Compatability
Some of you using Internet Explorer 9 (like myself) may have noticed that videos that are posted here from last January and back are now appearing strangely. Long story short, Blip's new video player has an issue with IE9 or IE9 has an issue with Blip's player, etc., etc. - the point is that older videos not containing a new tag they started adding are appearing as broken quicktime links or similar broken links. I CAN manually fix this, but it means going back and changing the embed codes for over 100 videos. I'm trying to find a way to fix them all automatically (the way suggested by Blip isn't working), but we'll see.

I may have to go back and do it anyway, since Blogspot now has a feature where you can create new permanent pages and since I still don't have an official website for AT4W (I will eventually - it'll just take a while), I'm thinking of creating a permanent archive page for videos, which means I'll have to go and get links to each video page, anyway.

Just another reminder, Comcast, AOL, and a few other e-mail providers still reject my e-mail responses (I really need to get around to trying to fix that), so sadly if you're sending me e-mails through them you probably won't get a response. As to people asking me about donations they've sent - I've honestly been really busy the last few weeks and I've been trying to catch up on e-mails, but I haven't had the time to sit down and answer as many as I'd like. I'll keep trying, but please just be patient.


  1. Eminem and the Punisher?
    Wow, this is going to suuuuuuuck.

  2. thanks Lewis, hope to see all of you there!

  3. You're subjecting yourself to Ultimatum, Eminem and the Punisher AND Rise of Arsenal!?

    Linkara you masochist.

  4. You should've seen my face, I went from smiling at Ultimatum to scowling in disgust at the thought of an Enimenm and Punisher crossover. Should be a good video tho.

  5. They made a comic about the Gameboy? Why do I get the feeling Captain N is going to be in it?

  6. Looking forward to the future episodes of AT4W especially Gameboy #1 since I still have a copy of it.


  7. Holy crap! This is even worse than "Pig Power" by Tag Team! By the way Lewis, could you review Sports Superstars #1, Moonwalker 3-D comic book and Action Comics #900?

  8. I'm huge punisher fan and even though I love all the Garth Ennis stuff I also know there is a lot of crap starring The Punisher. The Arsenal stuff will probably make for a good review series too.

  9. I see, that Warrior #4 isn't on the list. Does that mean, that i will come out later than 8/8, or just that you don't know when you'll post it yet?

  10. The next batch of reviews look interesting. Some make sense, some make me scratch my head, and one... makes me wonder how you're going to be able to show it off, if the title refers to who I think it refers to.

    Fiery Little One

  11. Let's take a look here...

    Ultimatum: I've been waiting for this one for a long time. This is going to be good!
    SCI-Spy: Alright! Time to return to an older comic you reviewed in the past.
    Batman and Spawn: Oh boy! More Miller time. Strange, I thought you would have saved this for later in the near to have a nice long break inbetween each Miller comic.
    Gameboy: I got nothing. This just sounds like another piece of promotional material for a company to hock a product.
    Eminem and the Punisher: This thing speaks for itself.
    Barbi Twin Adventures: Had to look this one up online and from the source I went to, TheyStoleFraizer'sBrain blog, I laughed out loud. This going to be great.
    Rise of Arsenal: I've been looking forward to this since you annouced it during the Cry for Justice review. I'm surprised though. A four part review? Is each issue bad enough to warrant it's own seperate review?! Wow.

    Very nice choice for future reviews. Out of curiousity, I have noticed you review more DC events then Marvel. I know you said you read more DC than Marvel in the past at one point, but are just not any bad enough Marvel events to warrant you reviewing them?

  12. Great commentaries, its great seeing some behind the scenes footage. As an Ultimate Marve fan I'm Looking forward to the "Ultimatum" reviews.

  13. i wonder if that gameboy comic is exactly what we think it is...

    as for future requests, if you can find an inspector gadget comic, i'd love to see you rip that a new one!

  14. Darn, little bummed there's no sign of the next Brute Force in the near future but the titles coming up look cool.

    Any word on when the Warrior review with Spoony will come out?

  15. "I see, that Warrior #4 isn't on the list. Does that mean, that i will come out later than 8/8, or just that you don't know when you'll post it yet?"

    I don't know when it'll be posted plus Spoony's the one who's editing it. ^_~ I don't usually include crossovers in the normal episode list.

  16. "Very nice choice for future reviews. Out of curiousity, I have noticed you review more DC events then Marvel. I know you said you read more DC than Marvel in the past at one point, but are just not any bad enough Marvel events to warrant you reviewing them?"

    On the contrary - I alternate every week unless it's a multi-parter. Marvel-Indy-DC-Indy-Marvel-Indcy-etc.

  17. Since you talked about early Image stuff. may I ask you:

    What do you honestly think about Savage Dragon and its spin-offs and related titles (like Freak Force, the Deadly Duo, Star, Super Patriot and Vanguard)?

    What do you of the artwork of Jim Valentino, Jae Lee and Sam Kieth?

    Did do you that Marv Wolfman worked on some books made by Liefeld's Extreme Studios?

  18. Hey Linkara, I posted a picture of a painting my friend made for me on the Facebook page. I feel it truly captures the essence of Destrucity! Check it out and if you dig it, give me a shout out in the replies here or on Twitter @FordDiem! Oh, and maybe show it to the SpoonyOne too :)

  19. Do I even wanna know what the Game Boy comic is about? (I'm guessing it starts the Game Boy from Captain N. I fail to see how you can make a comic based around a handheld video game system, and considering what we've seen on this show that HAS been made into comic books before, that's saying something)

    Anyway I doubt I'll live long enough to see that review. Even if it's you reviewing it Linkara, Ultimatum is something that makes me want to slit my wrists just being showcased.

  20. Eminem and the Punisher? Wow, a comic I've read is being reviewed on Atop The Fourth Wall! Not that that's trick, I've only read like...not many. Transformers: Escalation, a Spiderman one involving a head injury, a Fantastic Four one involving layered universes, The Killing Joke, this one, nearly the entire run of Asterix and Tintin, and a handful of Simpsons Comics. Even so, I always look forward to each episode, so that I may amuse myself thoroughly and learn more about the world of comics!

  21. Rise of Arsenal hurt me. It hurt me a lot. I bought it and wish I hadn't. I know why I did. I wanted to know how much this was going to hurt me as a Green Arrow family fan. It hurt me a lot. I would really like for you to mention the fallout the whole event had on Green Arrow as well with his arrest, banishment and Joe Quaseda style "what marriage?" to Black Canary.

  22. The website isn't Inked Reality right? It is just for atop the fourth/your other work right?

  23. "The website isn't Inked Reality right? It is just for atop the fourth/your other work right?"

    Yeah. There will be an Inked Reality website eventually, but for the moment I want to develop a better site strictly for Atop the Fourth Wall.

  24. Not be a buzzkill, but I don't think Eminem/The Punisher #2 actually exists. I reviewed it myself - just today, believe it or not - but I can't find any evidence that it's anything more than a one shot digital comic. If there is a #2, it must be the rarest comic, because I can't find hide nor hair of it.

    It's not as bad a comic as you might think, though. It's dumb...but relatively short and over fast. And it has good artwork, Salvador Larocca.

  25. "If there is a #2, it must be the rarest comic, because I can't find hide nor hair of it."

    Crap, you're right. Not sure where I got the idea it was two issues, but I'll update the list when I figure out something else to put there...

  26. Oh, boy, Rise of Arsenal. I've heard all kinds of bad stories about that. They call it one of the worst comics ever. The only thing I can think of that can outmatch this in pure awfulness and suck-it-ude is Warrior.

    Given how that turns out, they should have just called it the Fall of Roy Harper, because that is what it is -- Roy Harper falling into his own pit of insanity. What rose from that pit is a combination of the worst aspects of the Punisher and Rorschach.

    Anyway, I expect to see a repeat of the ending to the Superman at Earth's End review (you burning all four issues of Rise of Arsenal).

  27. i could swear my brother was the one who recommended eminem and the punisher...

    wait a minute, does that mean a cameo from RAP CRITIC!?!?!?

  28. "If there is a #2, it must be the rarest comic, because I can't find hide nor hair of it."

    Crap, you're right. Not sure where I got the idea it was two issues, but I'll update the list when I figure out something else to put there...

    Brute Force, pretty please? ;)

  29. So, um... are there any crappy Frank Miller comics that DON'T involve Batman?

  30. If it makes you feel better (probably won't) I don't use Facebook, either. I don't use my MySpace because I'm too busy on my blog, so why add another account that will go dead in a year tops? I'm surprised I have Twitter.

    For people asking about the Game Boy comic, and to quote Dark Helmet, it's not what you think, it's much worse. The comic features the cast of Super Mario Land essentially torturing some poor schmuck named Herman while using kids to help fight their battles in the real world by traveling from the game via a Game Boy. Logic does not exist here.

  31. "Crap, you're right. Not sure where I got the idea it was two issues"

    I think it was originally released in two parts - one in XXL, one online - but the sum total is just a normal comic.

    Anyway, my work here is done. Little Zack, away!

  32. @Daryl Mandreza: "By the way Lewis, could you review Sports Superstars #1, Moonwalker 3-D comic book and Action Comics #900?"

    Why would he do Action Comics #900? Do you want him to do that because of the 'Superman renounces American citizenship' bit? Because if that's the case I would like to point out that that was a very short extra story and not the main part of the comic the rest of which was pretty good (and I personally don't have a problem with Superman renouncing American citizenship).

  33. I almost forgot. Rise of Arsenal will get us all to see what we really wanted....EVIL ZOMBIE LIAN!

    Fuck this comic. =/

  34. I hate to crush the hopes of those thinking that the GameBoy comic will involve Captain N, but it doesn't.

    It's about some balding fat guy who sees Mario and characters from 'Super Mario Land' in the real world.

    Doesn't change how awful it is, however.

  35. Will you Rise of Arsenal review have any mentions of the Prism Awards travesty?

    For those who didn't hear about it, Rise of Arsenal actually won a Prism Award for accurate portrayal of drug addiction. Yeah.

  36. linkara did you hear that sfdebris has removed his youtube videos?

  37. Eminem and the Punisher? I can't wait to see this...

  38. "Crap, you're right. Not sure where I got the idea it was two issues, but I'll update the list when I figure out something else to put there..."

    Tell Spoony to time it so
    Warrior #4 comes out then? :)

    Actually, I notice E&tP #2 was scheduled to come out July 4th... maybe you could find some crappy patriotic comic to review?

  39. Please, not Brute Force. You've covered two issues of it, and I'd rather see you cover something new. I recently mentioned JTHM. I know the art's probably WAY too good, but on the balance of things, the first issue's really badly written. Vasquez got WAY better (nothing but kudos for #s 4-7 and I at least like the balance of #3, especially the cafe scene, which is a great tribute to gory excess) but he's at least somewhat important culturally and using his worst issue as a springboard to at least TALK about him would be great.

  40. Love your reviews Lewis. Funny, entertaining, enlightening. Keep up the great work!

  41. "I hate to crush the hopes of those thinking that the GameBoy comic will involve Captain N, but it doesn't.

    It's about some balding fat guy who sees Mario and characters from 'Super Mario Land' in the real world.

    Doesn't change how awful it is, however."

    In fact, the comic was so bad, it was cancelled before the big twist could be revealed. What was the twist, you might ask? The balding fat guy (who I believe was named Herman) was hallucinating the entire time. Yeah...

  42. "Please, not Brute Force. You've covered two issues of it, and I'd rather see you cover something new. I recently mentioned JTHM. I know the art's probably WAY too good, but on the balance of things, the first issue's really badly written. Vasquez got WAY better (nothing but kudos for #s 4-7 and I at least like the balance of #3, especially the cafe scene, which is a great tribute to gory excess) but he's at least somewhat important culturally and using his worst issue as a springboard to at least TALK about him would be great."

    Sorry, but I'm not talking about JTHM. I really have no interest in Vasquez's work aside from Invader Zim.

  43. Wow...a Barbi Twins comic. How low can comics go?

    Hint of irony: My capcha is "Gamma."

  44. Hey linkara if your still thinking of a replacement for punisher/m&m #2 I suggest Ash by event comics. one of the worst super hero comics I have read! It also has the 22 brides in it also.


    You are so awesome. Oh, and please, please, please ignore the continuity alarm and rant, rant, rant about the nature of the Titans and Roy's history with them. You know why.

    I really hope all these shitty DC events, first CfJ and now this, get you warmed up for a possible Identity Crisis review in the future!

  46. Information Geek said:

    "Out of curiousity, I have noticed you review more DC events then Marvel. I know you said you read more DC than Marvel in the past at one point, but are just not any bad enough Marvel events to warrant you reviewing them?"

    Looking back to the introduction video, I think it's because most Marvel events suck ass because of continuity issues (like everyone acting horribly out of character in Civil War, the avalanche of stupid in One More Day, the heavy reliance on past events in House of M and Secret Invasion, etc) and he doesn't review based solely on continuity.

    DC events suck ass more because of being really godawfully BAD, and the continuity in DC events are not as integral to the story points or their badness. To put it simply, you can review a DC event and show how terrible it is with just a Prologue video to explain the characters and plot points without launching into huge explanations every time you come upon something that sucks. With Marvel events you really can't do that, because the continuity is the whole point of the event.

    I think that's why the Ultimates can be reviewed — they don't have enough continuity to lock up the plot points. If Linkara tried to review, say, Civil War, the entire thing would consist of him going "WRONG! (cite comic from eight years ago proving wrongness), *turn page* WRONG! (cite comic from twelve years ago proving wrongness) *turn page* NO! (cite comic from five years ago proving contradiction)" see what I'm getting at?

  47. Oh boy, I can't wait for Rise of Arsenal. I still can't believe I read that cancer of a comic book.

    In the meantime, Ultimatum should be a fun watch.

  48. Goody, more crap from CfJ, man, someone at DC really hates Roy Harper. With the amount of suck that your reviewing, we might need Combine Harvester real soon... Anyway keep up the indifference to Facebook Linkara, your my model in staying away from it. Too bad on my end, people actually use the darned thing to announce stuff...

  49. For the July 4th episode, might I suggest Rob Liefeld's attempt at resurrecting the obscure patriotic superhero Fighting American, through his Awesome Comics publication front?

    The character, at least how Liefeld interpreted it, was orginally deemed too much of a Captain America clone, that Marvel's lawyers told him that he can't throw his shield (which oddly resembled Cap's trademark shield). Plus, when you add the downright anatomy-busting Liefeld art to a forgettable story starring a forgettable hero, you've got a recipe for disaster.

  50. Well now I know a little about why we've never seen another epic breakdown since Maximum Clonage. I really do love those segments though. Thanks for the commentary and schedule Lewis!

  51. Ooooh, if the Fourth of July slot is open, could you look up a really bad Captain America comic? I'm sure someone could recommend you one.

  52. Hey, Linkara, I was wondering: is it possible for you to do a "Top 15 Worst Comic Book Covers" video? I saw your short spiel about covers in your Pitt (I think) review, and would like to see you do it again. You're great at making fun of dumb stories, but you're also really good at critiquing and making the viewers realize exactly why what you're critiquing is bad, and I'd like to see more of that.

  53. Ah yes, Dooms 4 #2, good times. I always crack up with that final insanity-losing scene at the end...and yeah, somehow you impersonating Liefeld's females and their disturbing contortions would be insane so best you didn't.

  54. Linkara: Will you review J.T. Krul's work on Soulfire?


  55. Dear Linkara,

    Don't laugh at the DOOMS corporation too hard... the Hong Kong Bank of Canada recently decided to adopt a red and white umbrella as an advertising image.


    A Friend

  56. Awwww shit yeah Eminem and the Punisher. I thought you didn't do good comics. :D

  57. If you are looking for a new BAD comic: Marvel is reviving the old CrossGen title 'Mystic' for a four-issue mini-series, and it is going to be WORSE THAN EVER, because it is going to be written by... G. WILLOW WILSON!


  58. Yeah, Lewis, not so cool is the fact that you associate yourself with guys like TJ (appearing on the same show and discussing with)and even uncooler is the fact that Sakura posts those videos on the AT4W-fanpage on facebook although that video had nothing to do with AT4W at all, as far as i can tell.

    And then she gets snappy at people who openly voice their blunt but honest oppinions on TJ.

    Seems to be the typical god-mod from my p.o.v., but anyway, not my bad PR, but yours.

  59. "Yeah, Lewis, not so cool is the fact that you associate yourself with guys like TJ (appearing on the same show and discussing with)and even uncooler is the fact that Sakura posts those videos on the AT4W-fanpage on facebook although that video had nothing to do with AT4W at all, as far as i can tell.

    And then she gets snappy at people who openly voice their blunt but honest oppinions on TJ.

    Seems to be the typical god-mod from my p.o.v., but anyway, not my bad PR, but yours."

    ...I have no idea what the heck you're talking about.

    The only TJs I can think you're referring to are:
    -The Distressed Watcher, who I didn't hire for TGWTG and as far as I know I'm not posting up any of his videos on the facebook page.

    -TJOmega, who I don't know what your problem with him is, since I have found his videos entertaining... but even then, I don't recall seeing any of his videos posted up on the facebook page or the blog. I was on a podcast recently with him, but then again ALL podcasts that I'm a part of eventually get posted on the blog.


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