Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bimbos BC

Linkara and the Cinema Snob review the movie that eventually spawned Bimbos in Time!

NOTE: This review takes place before the Ultimatum three-parter.


  1. Y'know, not to be an ass, but is it really best to cast aspersions on the fight choreography in this movie? I've seen ya'll's fight scenes ;)

  2. That was a great review! I think both crossovers you did with Cinema Snob were very funny. You and Brad play well off each other.

    The cameos really helped make this review alot of fun. Not only did you guys use all the characters from both your shows, you even had Dr. Insano show up! Loved how you guys hit him with comics to make him go away.

    90's Kid and 80's Dan hitting it off was a no brainer. I loved that and Ninja Style Dancer and Kung Tai Ted heading outside to challenge each other in combat.

    Wow, that movie was just as awful as the comic was. You two did a great job in ripping it apart.

    Another awesome crossover review guys, thanks!


  3. Absolutely horrible, stupid, and slow.

    The review, however, was pure genius.

  4. Good god, I directed better movies in HIGH SCHOOL then this! Makes me wonder if any of them had actually taken a class or read a book on acting at all.

    Fantastic work on the collab, really liked the pairings of characters.

    And to Jetstream: very true, the fights in the reviews ARE bad, but at least THEIR fight scenes are CONSISTENT in their methodology, i.e. not going from full-contact to 20-yard miss (and they actually have decent background music to make it fun to watch ;)!

  5. Oh . . . my. That was hilarious! You and Brad do work well together (almost as well as you and Spoony).

    Please say that you filmed the dance-fu battle between the Ninja-style Dancer and Kung-Tai Ted that would be awesome to see. =D

    Wow... that movie...

    It must have taken all of two days to shoot that movie, counting the editing (your fight choreography is MUCH better by-the-way). The creators of this could not have been sober when they wrote or filmed this movie. It looks like the work of a group of college kids with a cheap camera over a weekend.

    Again, great job surviving this review. Very funny and I loved the cameos.


  6. This was just as good as your other crossover. You and Brad have GREAT chemistry. Even your alternate personalities work well together.

  7. I'll echo several comments on here and say 2 work very well together.

    I remember the review you did of the comic and... By comparison? ... This makes the comic look good, though it was still pretty bad on its own.

    Fiery Little One

  8. Totally worth it just to see 90's Kid and 80's Dan. Everyone can go home now, the greatest thing ever has already occurred.

  9. Besides Night on Bald Mountain:

    Looks like the so-called film makers (if you could call them that) loved using Gustav Holst's, "Mars, the Bringer of War", constantly. As I kept hearing it in different clips of Bimbos all through out in the review.

    Mars, the Bringer of War:

    And because so many people use it recently in commercials and previews, you know guys, you do know there are other parts to Gustav Holst's, "The Planets", besides Mars, right?
    Those sections never seem to get any airtime.

    *Classical music fan*

    Loved the crossovers!

  10. being ridiculously meta seems to be a modern 'thing' in your crossovers recently, and i dont really get it. just because phelous makes a living out of meta humor doesnt mean /you/ have to.

  11. "being ridiculously meta seems to be a modern 'thing' in your crossovers recently, and i dont really get it. just because phelous makes a living out of meta humor doesnt mean /you/ have to"

    It was just an unintended side-effect this year, no doubt as a result of us doing these for three years. XD

    With Phelous, I really wanted to make the meta jokes because it's one of the things I love about his videos.

    With Brad, he wrote the Manimal script so that was his thing. With Bimbos BC, I just needed a way to get us both reviewing it and I knew we were going to do the transition from the Manimal to the Bimbos BC one, so we just kind of made it up on the fly after we filmed it (I had the Bimbos BC review script done before I saw the Manimal script).

  12. "It was just an unintended side-effect this year, no doubt as a result of us doing these for three years. XD"

    fair enough. i can forgive unintended side-effects.

    on a completely unrelated note, at 7:27, why did you beep snobs nose? XD dont get me wrong, it was cute, but where in the script did "the fuck was that noise?" equate to nose beeping? i know, im being ridiculously picky.

  13. crap, i meant 6:27, not 7:27.

  14. Harvey Finevoice meets the Big Box Voice, I think the fan-girl squee broke reality like a cheap cracker.

    How else was this film made? The acting was atrocious the editing was most likely done by Stevie Wonder, armed with a pair of blunt shears, and the audio must have been recorded with a soup can over the microphone. Here's a true hint to aspiring film makers, if you don't have a very big budget DON'T TRY A POST APOCALYPTIC SCI-FI STORY!

    I actually felt parts of my brain die as I watched that, the production was even worse than the comic. I didn't think that was possible!

    Great work to the both of you, but please, for the love of god, don't review something like this again. I don't think I could survive it.


  15. Wow! As I said on TGWTG on this review! What High School theater tacher allowed thse idiots to film this movie using thier school and equipment!? Didn't they read the script!?

  16. BEST

  17. Was this actually made for any kind of profit? This is actually painful to watch. It's not good in the guilty pleasure sense. It's not good in the goofy sense. It's just plain bad and the most it ever should have been was a college project.

    'It was just an unintended side-effect this year, no doubt as a result of us doing these for three years. XD

    With Phelous, I really wanted to make the meta jokes because it's one of the things I love about his videos.

    With Brad, he wrote the Manimal script so that was his thing. With Bimbos BC, I just needed a way to get us both reviewing it and I knew we were going to do the transition from the Manimal to the Bimbos BC one, so we just kind of made it up on the fly after we filmed it (I had the Bimbos BC review script done before I saw the Manimal script).'

    I had assumed it was the theme for the big crossover this year, something really meta-oriented.

  18. For those of you disbelieving that something like this could exist, you don't watch Brad's show very much, do you? XD

  19. "For those of you disbelieving that something like this could exist, you don't watch Brad's show very much, do you? XD"

    I think I would rather watch anything brad has reviewed on his show than this crap.

  20. Um, question:

    why are all the late crossover vids hosted on Doug's blip account? Do you share the ad revenue or something?

  21. "why are all the late crossover vids hosted on Doug's blip account? Do you share the ad revenue or something?"

    It's to help offset the cost of bringing us all out there, putting us up in hotels, feeding us, etc. They get the videos themselves, but we get the revenue from commentary tracks about it (they only do this for the anniversary and not for special events like when we're together for the charity drive).

    Hence why you'll see more commentaries around the time of the anniversary than other times. Though sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that have us upload them (for example, last year Angry Joe made 5 episodes of Hotel Awesome, and since he made so many, he was allowed to keep them on his). Usually, though, an individual person doesn't edit more than one or two crossover videos, so the advantage of it is cross-promotion, getting people interested in a reviewer they hadn't considered before.

  22. YES!!! Cinema Snob and Linkara crossover FTW!! And '80's Dan and '90's Kid too?! This is the crossover of my dreams!

    Seriously, of all the crossovers, this one was the most anticipated!

    I have wanted to see either Cinema Snob or Linkara snob the Bimbos BC shot-on-sh*teo shlock since Bimbos in Time.

    There should have been a Crystal Pepsi mention with '90's Kid.

  23. Yeah, obvious it was pre-Ultimatum review considering...sniff...

    As for the movie, an interesting collaboration on a terrible movie...though a random scene of a horse eating grass did get a chuckle. Still doesn't really connect to Bimbos in Time though.

    And BTW: is it just me or would having an 80s Kid really be a problem considering how many "good" ideas came out of the 80s...then again I think that 60s Kid from the Mickey Mantle review is the one who has an entire collection of Neutro.

  24. "Y'know, not to be an ass, but is it really best to cast aspersions on the fight choreography in this movie? I've seen ya'll's fight scenes ;)"


    No seriously. What?

    You can't be serious. Equating a professional director and choreographer to a bunch of web reviewers in their own homes without crews. And then saying that they can't criticize something because of that? You CAN'T be serious. What, is Roger Ebert supposed to be able to direct, act in, write, edit, score, design, and make effects of Oscar-winning merit before he can review a movie? By that extension, YOU are not entitled to dislike or complain about any movie's fight scenes unless you can single-handedly produce a fight scene to rival Indiana Jones.

    Come ON.

  25. @FugueforFrog

    A collection of Nuetro would be the one comic as that is all they ever made.

    Linkara has used the character more than the original creators.

  26. I'm going to have to say that the fight scene that you placed music over to make slightly more amusing, It was actually A LOT more amusing and I actually had a good laugh.
    I was actually surprised to see the ninja style dancer back after watching your episode two weeks ago but I'll just chalk this up to He's Ninja, makes him that awesome.
    Speaking of Awesome, How is Being Awesome going for you as a career? I wanted to save that question for if I ever saw you at a comicon or something but that will probably never happen. lol
    Ah, Ensign Munro, I know it's probably a far fetched question to ask but will you do another let's play as ensign munro?
    Just a question, I know I asked a lot. I apologize for that.

  27. ".....what.

    No seriously. What?"

    Now, now, I'm sure they were just joking - I didn't take any offense to it.

  28. I was very much looking forward to this, and I'm satisfied. Great episode.

  29. @BigMadDraco

    I was sort of emphasizing that if 90s Kid loved everything that many consider the worst of the 90s, 60s Kid would likewise love what would be considered the worst of the 60s. Admittedly I didn't know that about Neutro but it is rather hard when you're not a comic fan and know merely the basics to say what was so bad about the 60s, which many consider a key era in comic books whether you're into DC, Marvel, Charlton, etc.

    Besides, 80s Dan has "Contest of Champions" and many consider that either good or a guilty pleasure...

  30. The one-bite-and-leave thing is dramatically bankrupt, but actually, not bad as science thing. Humans taste awful as a defense mechanism, and most animals that have attacked a human by mistake or in self-defense will rarely bite more than once.

    So we're literally an acquired taste.

    I'm going to have to check out Cinema Snob now, I actually rather liked this.

  31. Brad and Linkara really nailed this collaboration.

  32. Please make the movie dialogue stop! So bad!!!

    But I could stand more 90's kid and 80's Dan.

  33. ".....what.

    No seriously. What?

    You can't be serious. Equating a professional director and choreographer to a bunch of web reviewers in their own homes without crews."

    Oh give me a break. Did you watch the review? "Bimbos BC" was obviously not made by a professional director with a professional choreographer. It looks like it was shot with someone's camcorder.

    This movie wasn't in theatres, son. It's a homebrew production with no budget.

    My comparison was entirely apt.

  34. Ten minutes later I realize I just wasted my time defending myself on the internet again.

    Sorry Lewis, I'll endeavor not to carry on stupid arguments in your comments section in the future.

  35. Don't worry about it - I don't mind arguments on my comments as long as it's kept civil.

  36. I, too, noticed the use of Mars, Bringer of War. Okay, I narrowed it down to 'Holst's Planets', as I usually do, but I noticed.
    How did I not notice Manimal's been posted? I've got it loading now.

    I got the impression this movie actually IS a college project. It looked like the same production values (on every level) as the stuff I made in high school. I don't consider it a professional film.

    Please don't break my delusions.

  37. The shot at 12:12 is the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, MO:


    The shot at 18:40 features Union Station at the bottom (and MY HOUSE in the back):


    There were two sequels to Bimbos, BC.

  38. Um, seriously? Was that some kind of fan film or something? The whole thing was made from collage students with a home video camera. That movie and comic suck. Seriously only on youtube you'll see videos like that.

  39. Dear Linkara,

    Please look up Image Comics' 'Victory', and if you're not going to review it, at least reply here saying 'I won't review it'.

    If you already know of it, sorry for being repetitive.

  40. This is a very brilliant episode. These types of crossovers allow you to do stuff you wouldn't normally do -- movies, TVs, video games, music and the like.

    Love Cinema Snob's other characters showing up and interacting with your other characters too.

    I didn't think it was possible to go beyond epic fail, but Bimbos BC has actually gone beyond epic FAIL! These people should be ashamed of themselves; Bimbos BC is worse than, oh I don't know, Tommy Wiseau's the Room (and we all know how bad it really is). I wonder if that Bimbos in Time movie (assuming that movie actually exists) will be TEN TIMES WORSE!

  41. Less atop the 4th wall, as complete destroying the 4th wall.

    If this was a comic would there be an else world comic of Ranger Steve on voyager? :P


  42. Hey linkara I have just recently bought a bunch of old flash comics, and I was wondering what your thoughts are on the flash rebirth?

  43. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I'm thinking of getting into booster gold, but my knowlage of DC is limited so I wanted your opinion.

    Should I start with 52 or jump straight in at Booster gold: 53 pickup? I know you like 52, so I guess the real question is will my lack of DC knowlage spoil 52, and is it worth reading as an origin story?


  44. Oh, I forgot to mention, I did read your comic recommendation post. I am asking more for clarification and which do you think is more worthwhile for someone without DC experience.


  45. "Should I start with 52 or jump straight in at Booster gold: 53 pickup? I know you like 52, so I guess the real question is will my lack of DC knowlage spoil 52, and is it worth reading as an origin story?"

    While 52 pick-up does tell his origin, events in 52 itself directly lead into his ongoing, so you might want to read 52 first.

  46. Wow....seems like YOU had a bigger budget for equipment and editing than this movie.

  47. TimeTravelerJessicaJune 23, 2011 at 1:12 PM

    All things considered this is actually a pretty enjoyable so bad its good film. Unintentional hilarity is always fun. Could have done without casting all the women as "bimbos" though, and it's very odd that they included the little girl in the "bimbos." Kind of creepy too.

    Shouldn't the "male bimbo" be a "himbo" or was that term not around yet when it was made?

    In regards to the "nothing says comedy like a forty minute rape scene" - unless my memory fails me, it was Thrash who said that, right? Brrr. Kind of makes you wonder about what happened to that one chick before she got eaten. Linkara, it seems as though you've had the misfortune of coming across a lot of fictional cannibalism in the past couple of months, what with the Ultimatum review and everything.

  48. Finally had time to sit down and watch this. Wow. I never thought I'd see a post-apocalyptic movie that made Donald Jackson's "Rollerblade Warriors" flicks look competently made... but this... this is Birdemic-level bad!

  49. I have seen a review of Prehistoric Bimbos in Armageddon City, and I have these notes:

    The only footage from Bimbos BC in that sequel was a recap in the beginning, as it is a true sequel!

    Gabrielle was introduced here.

    Trianna is now blonde, for some reason.

    Thatch looks like the same from Bimbos BC, but with a new cyborg hand!


  50. Another Prehistoric Bimbos in Armageddon City review!

    Click on my name to find it!


  51. Requesting more Space Lancer Steve!

  52. Late questions department:

    You used a piece of music from Lord Of The Rings in this, to show their march being slow.
    Is there any chance you remember which piece of music it was, specifically?

    ~ Mik

  53. Never mind, I think I got it:
    The Ring Goes South.

    ~ Mik


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