Thursday, June 30, 2011

Suburban Knights Part 4

Team 1 must discover which warrior to fight while Team 2 attempts to navigate without their map!


  1. Wow, you're kind of a dick in this one :) I'm also a little disappointed that nobody made any Holy Grail jokes. That being said, I'm very pleased to see that Tom saved the day. It's a happy day for Handsome Tom (and Goat-Fu... I mean, 8-Bit Mickey).

    Orlando is kicking all kinds of ass in his part. I can't wait to see him interact more with the rest of you.

    Poor easily manipulated FilmBrain! They're going to turn him against his beloved Mr. Critic, aren't they? THOSE BASTARDS! :D

  2. Great instalment! Spooney does a great Fat Bastard empreson there!

    Gooble Gable, gooble gable, gooble gable, one of us! Gooble Gable, gooble gable, gooble gable, one of us! One of us!!!

    Is the Rockbighter fixing to turn into Gulom?

    Did they ever goto the right it appears they went backwards!?

    Also, I've asked this before but is the Star Sapphire Ring important to the plot because I can totally see Spooney pulling off his robes and having on a pink(violet) leotard or bikini with a Star Sapphire pin on it! And him making like cheap computer effect constructs or lasor blast it wouldn't be difficalt and it'd be halarious and fitting to ya'll's humor!!!!!

  3. We accept you! We accept you! One of Us! Gooble Goble!

  4. OH MY GOD!!!!! PHELOUS LITTLE FRIEND IS THE RED GOKAIGER!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Why'd you guys have to let the red gokaiger of all people bite it? I mean, hell, kill off the critic.Not the red gokaiger..... TT_TT

  5. Ok, so this chainletter really gives something terrible if you break the chain and decide to look for it?
    Hmm, interesting.

    And Team 1 really should have learned from the Cat encounter.

    So is RunDMC the thing the good witch warned about, or does he intend to save them in the end.
    Maybe he comes from the future where humans have lost their individuality to a computer overmind(Mechakara's universe) and is that why he hates people who always use technology. And, like Mechakara wanted the magic gun, he tries to get his hand on Malachites Hand.
    Just throwing out an idea that I think would be cool.(doubt it though)


    BTW all the extra's you have in this one that are not directly recognisable from the site, are they friends/fammily/neighbours of Doug(asuming you shot in his suburb) that wanted in on this?

  6. It was lagging for me, but only by a little bit. I think they done good. I loved the bit where it was like "You mean machine gun?" "Yea"

  7. I have to say, this part was really awesome - especially the bit with Film Brain at the end. I was almost crying, I felt so bad for him - though I'm excited to see where this is going!

    Also - the whole Ring Around the Rosy part... I feel kind of sorry for you too, Linkara - being a feminist and all (or maybe just too nice in general), you didn't even look like you were having any fun tormenting that lady. I really think they should have had Benzaie or 8-bit Mickey doing that instead :(

  8. Oh, and btw, I think I know what mighty magic Willow used in order to vanquish the good witch of the woods.
    It seemed that it was a magic concoction that worked as a lachrymatory agent.

  9. who's the Witch? I'd figure you of all people would know better then to mock the clearly super natural creature. Especially after getting beat up by a hand puppet. I thought you were the smart one Lewis!

    Also Mister I hate the modern era needs to get knocked down a peg, I grow tired of him just randomly blowing people up because he can.It just doesn't mesh with the rest of the series. Though Luke is dead if the whole Cell phone was foreshadowing.

    Ah, the cloaks skip from honorable combat to just shoot them... To bad Liz Cloak can't hit the broad side of A Barn... at point blank range, neither can Joe. Someone Get Brad a revolver!

  10. "Also - the whole Ring Around the Rosy part... I feel kind of sorry for you too, Linkara - being a feminist and all (or maybe just too nice in general), you didn't even look like you were having any fun tormenting that lady. I really think they should have had Benzaie or 8-bit Mickey doing that instead :( "

    I admit I wasn't big on it, but mostly because it occurred to some of us that, well, our characters are kind of jerks. XD Every person we run into we keep just dismissing out of hand. Still, it's important to remember that we're already pretty snarky people as our characters, sooo maybe proximity to the Critic brings out our wirst tendencies, though that'll improve in the last three parts.

  11. I loved this chapter and I thought it was quite nice, you did extremely well.

  12. Crowning moment of epic funny for Handsome Tom who dispatches the not-so-harmless Witch Warrior with mace.

    Nice to see another character from the Spoony Experiment making an appearance on this part. Also, the encounters with the Cloaks get funnier every moment -- you have one of the Cloaks use an AK-47 against Spoony/Gandalf's team and Angry Joe retaliating with his MP5 submachine gun.


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