Monday, July 25, 2011

Comic Book Advertisements

You will worship hostess fruit pies or they shall take their vengeance upon you!


  1. This is a great idea!

    You should try something on 'Comic Book House Ads', where the publishers place ads about their own stuff!


  2. I think it's pretty good. I hope see more. :)

  3. I think this was pretty good and you should do another in a couple of months

  4. I wasn't sure where you were going with this one. Sea monkey's, X-Ray specs and mail order itching power…

    Hang on, was I born in the 40s?

    Computer games, Iron-on transfers, Home Shopping Network(what the…) and bubble gum (it is the 40s) I really miss these things, these days it's always a splash for some other comic, or a movie based on another character. If you get them at all and then at the end you found a whole load of the weird and wacky stuff I really miss

    A nice break from the norm here, can't see much legs with the format. Most of the jokes have been done elsewhere a long time ago. Still variety is the spice of life.

    Still a short overview, rather than a review, that did its job nicely. I don't say this nearly often enough but thanks. A nice little trip into nostalgia


    PS Pigeon Person. Pigeon… Person… I would love to see that wit-less bint try to steal something with a bit more menace than a mountain side. Something like Dr Who's most infamous statues, the Weeping Angels vs pigeons! That would be a comic book! Heck, the angels have enough motivation; revenge.

  5. I Wish X-Ray Glasses Actually Existed

  6. ...Linkara, I think yer totally abusing the fact that you have your own ship...Although Douchey totally deserves it. lol

    Oh sweet, I love those Swiss Cake Rolls! Every time my parents bring some home, I'm filled with glee!... ... ...And I just realised how sad that is...

  7. I liked the Hostess comic ads. If anything, I would like to see you review those Subway mini comic ads that were in DC comics lately.

    Over all, it was alright. The thing is that comic ads, to me at least, never had a lasting punch like old TV ads. Still, if you do more, I'd watch the videos.

  8. I don't think it was as good as the Nostalgia Critic's commercials, but at the same time, I remember a lot of those commercials so it has plenty of the nostalgia factor going for them.

    It may be different with the long-time comic reader though. This just didn't have that same "holy shit, I remember those!" reaction.

    As for the Hostess, there is a Hostess bakery not too far from here, and when the wind is right, you can smell them baking all of that delicious food. Like right now...

    I'll be back in a little bit.

  9. I thought look at comic book advertisements was good.

    I would like to see you review a comic book that has too many advertisements and comment about that. I know the purpose of advertisements, but then they take away from the action of the comic book, it starts to get to a person.

    Great job.

  10. Do more of the Hostess ones next time, that was hilarious. At least do more that are structured like comics.

    Also, how did you miss the ad for Insano-esque goggles on the bottom right-hand side of the mail-order pages at the end? I think they were hypno-glasses or something, but they looked pretty similar.

  11. Also, I went into this expecting ads FOR comics. Might want to do one of those at some point, though I really liked this as well.

  12. Can't Believe You Didn't Make A "Big" Reference With The Giant Building/Robot

  13. Dude You suck J/K

    You part was pretty good. Not as fun as your comic reviews. Just that comic ads are boring and usually people just rush through them paying no mind. I do appreciate what you are trying to do and keep up the good job.

    But please do a manga. Any one will do. Like Bleach or Yu Yu Hakusho

  14. I Liked this experiment. Because just like t.v. commercials, comic book ads exist in their own unique little microcosm of goofiness. I mean where else can you find an ad where captain america punching out red skull for a fruit pie?

  15. I would like to see more comic book ads. And more about the space ship.

  16. Soooo... what's going to be the subject of your 150th episode?

  17. Great video, I loved it.

  18. I think it was pretty good, although it should have been longer.

  19. Cool video. But I'll be honest, it didn't feel as successful as many of your other videos.

    I think for me the big issue was that these ads only offered so much to be made fun of.

    With the Nostalgia Critic commercial reviews, he's able to make fun of the acting, the dialogue, the music, and numerous others aspects of the commercial. But with comic ads, you don't seem to get as many aspects to make fun of, particularly if most of the ads are just straight forward advertisements (i.e. the novelty toys)

    I think the parts that worked best in the video was the Super-hero Hostess Fruit Pie ads, and that was because they were ads in the forms of comics and using iconic characters. You were able to make fun of the ludicrous concept, the art and the narrative. And I always enjoy seeing you use the dark and gritty Batman voice with the more campy Batman art.

    But if I might suggest, if you do another commercial episode, maybe try to find more of those ads that use more narrative methods like the hostess ads. Isn't Subway and DC doing some of those kind of ads these days?

    Still, it was a interesting attempt so I say kudos that.

  20. Pretty good, hope you do more in the future

  21. I liked this. It's funny and pretty enjoyable. Plus, it's nice to do something new every now and then. Besides, I haven't really thought about those old comic book ads that I used to see all the time.

    Good stuff but now I can't wait for the Star Trek review next week. Is it going to be a continuation from that Star Trek #1 Comic you reviewed a few years ago?

  22. This was good, hope to see another one sometime. But I think Atari had a wireless controller for the 2600, not 100% sure thou.

  23. Just to let you know, Atari had a wireless controller before Nintendo. The AVGN used it a few times in his reviews.

  24. That was a wonderful tonal shift from you usual work. Make no mistake I love your show but this was a perfectly spaced breather episode with wonderful humour throughout. Bravo sir.

  25. As you said it was an experiment. Experimentation is designed to figure out what works and what doesn't. Bit of a mix but overall not bad. Just a bit vanilla.

    Personally I thought the adverts that used comic characters like Batman were the funnier aspects. Certainly warrants another attempt further down the line.

  26. Methinks a voice in the Adam west style might have been funnier for that hostess batman ad.
    You can get stamps at a bank?
    Yeah, got one of those hovercrafts as a kid. IT didn't work too bad on polished smooth surfaces or shallow water, but once the water got more than a foot deep, it got progressively harder to keep it afloat. Think it had something to do with forming currents in larger or deeper water bodies. If the rubber tube that served as the air cushion/lift came free regularly, the thing didn't go anywhere either.
    A man spent an entire Zombie movie hunting for a single Twinkie. Methinks Hostess has at least some power.

    I kinda liked this experiment, but maybe instead of an entire special every now and then, you could roll Some of the more absurd Advertisements of the non-trade comics into the normal review. Just a Thought.

  27. That was pretty good, though the Turbografx bit makes me wonder if we'll see a Johnny Turbo review at some point.

  28. I found this amusing, though I think the best ones were the Hostess ads because they kind of were trying to pretend to be real comics.

  29. I commend you for trying this, it seemed like a cool idea, but I wasn't really that enterttained with this video. I guess these ads just don't make for a good episode like commercials did. I want to say that the problem is that it's only your voice during both the ads and comments, but then again it's always just you when you review comic I making any sense here?

    Well anyway, just stick with comic books stories and HOPR(can't wait to see how much you "like" SPD).

  30. I was really happy that you put the Hostess Fruit Pies ads in there. I freaking love those things. They're so goofy, all the time! They're so famous that Dexter's Laboratory actually did a parody ad for them, with the Justice Friends! :-D

    Also, I really did enjoy these ads. Yeah, yeah, McNitpick said that it's "ripping off" of the Nostalgia Critic's commercials, but you're reviewing a different medium, and you maintain your own style. I was thoroughly entertained watching both Doug's work and your own. Well done. :)

  31. I remember the following was posted a few weeks back:

    "Yeah, well I have a spaceship!"

    It dose end any argument! Also, please play Zelda... Or us fa- I mean the Zelda fans might come and get you.


  32. I thought in the AT4W universe the Twin Cities are missing, so how could Duchy McNitpick contact you/you contacting NC?

    This would not be that big of an issue if it was a crossover because they are not part of the story line.

  33. Well I liked it. I wouldn’t say it’s better or worse than Critic’s add reviews just different. I’d definitely be interested in seeing another review like this at some point.

    You know Lewis you’re starting to make Linkara a bit trigger happy with the spaceship. I know it was Douchey but still… First it was Spoony in the Lady GaGa review and now this. I saw a fan discussion once about the possibility of a story line where Linkara turns evil for a bit. Several fans said Linkara is practically there already. They said that despite being resolute, brave and having strong morals about honour, personal freedom and responsibility Linkara also gives advice about how villains should tie up their victims and how to be better villains generally, spy’s on other reviews, is materialistic, easily distracted by neat toys and too smug about his own cleverness.

    To an extent I agree with them. I could definitely see Linkara becoming a well-intentioned extremist or even a real villain for a bit. Is this deliberate and if so will we ever see a story about it? Personally I’d love to see a Dark Ranger story as you already have your White Ranger suit.
    (I did press publish comment already but it said their was an error so sorry if it comes up twice)

  34. I hope you do continue these type of videos. The is some kind of indescribable appeal about them.

    I also heard there was a controversial add on one of the League of extrodinary gentlemen comics but I don't know the details, guess I know what I'm looking up. LOL.

    I agree with that part about cutting a piece of a comic. Even if I didn't like the comic I read(insert "One More Day" reference), I like to keep it all together.

    And don't forget about twinkees. I can't resist those, after all, family guy said they are powerful enough to survive nuclear bombs.

  35. Can you do a crossover with Electric Dragon?

  36. "I thought in the AT4W universe the Twin Cities are missing, so how could Duchy McNitpick contact you/you contacting NC?

    This would not be that big of an issue if it was a crossover because they are not part of the story line."

    It's not the entire Twin Cities - just parts of it.

  37. I think you missed a period on that Star Trek "Book & Record" ad.

    (Which is pronounced "wreck-ord" BTW. Or "what people used before cassette tapes" :) )

    In any case, read-along 45" records were a thing in the 70's. I had a few myself.

  38. Absolutely loved this sketch, and I actually think segments of it are even funnier than the Nostalgia critic's commercials. Especially the head to head you had with yourself. And the little good.

    It rules to have a spaceship. I want one!

    Idiotic jokes aside, I'd love to see more of this. You bring something fun and unique to a formula that's been done before.

  39. Pretty cool of you to mention that TG-16 ad. I just got a TG-16 back in May.

    I hope to see another installment of this. However, if I must offer one bit of criticism is that the video was a little short.

  40. I was thinking of using it in a fan comic, but I was always wondering if you would ever use Comicon 1 to bomb someone from orbit or if the idea really didn't strike you.

    Good luck on developing special effects for something like that on the show, and figuring out how it doesn't just blow up your house.

  41. This was pretty decent, but to me part of what makes ads go from amusing and campy to absolutely hilarious is in fact, the context. I've completely missed that I was reading a hostess ad till the bottom of the page, before, just because it was chosen so well for whatever silver age piece of insanity I was reading at the time.

    Conversely, one of my favorites: The part of Sandman where Shakespeare performs a Midsummer Night's Dream for the denizens of faerie. . . Night sky, gate from the other realm, countless beings stepping through it- there is definitely magic afoot, turn the page- REALISTIC SEVERED ARM! Wow do they NOT know their demographic, or what. I've been whining all over the internet lately about DC in particular having no idea that comic readers even come in demographics, and this ignorance results in hilarity like that. The arm, by the way, was associated with a violent video game. I don't even remember which one offhand so you can see how effective it was.

    So, if you're open to suggestions, maybe whenever you're not working from the trades and you find a hilarious in context ad, let us know.

  42. The video was ok. Don't get me wrong I love your comic reviews, your history of power rangers videos and the story lines you do I am glad you want to try new things. I already know you care about you fans. So it makes me happy when you try new things in your show for your fans. I think you should do this again.Can't wait for your next show.Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing and keep up the good work Linkara.

  43. So wait, that Sub-Terrania contest began on April Fools Day and ended on my birthday?

    Well if that coincidence don't beat all.

  44. Honestly, I really liked this, but I'll admit you were sort of cursed by the medium you work with. Like someone else said, Doug has more material to work with in commercials as opposed to ads in comic books, although I had no idea they did stuff like whole page ads of the characters doing stuff via promoting the product. Live and Learn.

    Also... Pigeon Person. I know she probably wasn't, but was she an actual character or just a one-off creation for the Ad? The premise is so ridiculous, yet it works in those old days of the Dark Knight.

  45. I love how you acknowledged that everyone's pointed out that you've never played a Legend of Zelda game despite that being the inspiration behind your name.

    Everyone should at least play one Zelda game in their lifetime, unless it's Phantom Hourglass on the DS. I'm still baffled as to what went wrong when Nintendo thought that whole Ocean Palace level was a good idea.

  46. Oh man I remember those Hostess fruit pie ads. Actually to be honest I think I read mostly Scrooge McDuck comics since my dad's a big fan of Carl Barks. I always remember reading the ads for the pies and wondering why I never saw them in stores. Then I soon found out, you can't buy them in Canada(or at least Ontario). That also ended up leading to the awesome discovery of the Hostess thrift shop(I think that's what it was) that sold all sorts of hostess and Wonder items at discount.

    Anyway, I love the idea. Comics are really a media I never did get into, but like I said, I do recall some of these ads and it still felt nostalgic to hear about Batman and Robin using cupcakes to foil the plans of evil villains.

  47. I agree with the support for more Hostess comic ad reviews. Their ludicrousness just has to be called on. Seriously, "Pigeon Person"?

    I also support a "comic 2 Television" review a la what you did with James Bond Junior. I know you're not the TV reviewer here, but considering many comic-based TV shows and vice-versa shared stories with each other, it would be interesting to see you point out the similarities and differences between them.

  48. I liked it. I would like to see more.


    Not during the regular scheduled show... I would like the regular comic book reviews and these as an extra video sometimes....

    I also always wanted to order the hover craft.. but the order were for the plans to build it, not the actual device.. Yet, I still don't know how that would have worked...

    Oh and please review Howard the Duck. I know I seen it on an old schedule you had once. It is one of my favorite movies of all time!

  49. ^_^ Cool episode! I enjoyed the Hostess Ads particularly.
    AS for the Hoverboards and levitation devices, Mythbusters tried those. ^_^ And I'm not telling you the results; to quote River Song 'Spoilers'. You can find it Season One 'Levitation Machine'; check it out on Netflix.

  50. No Sea Monkeys??

    Honestly, this was a fun look at comic book ads. I realize it doesn't have as much to go on as NC's commercials, but things like the Hostess ads are really freaking hilarious. Especially some of the Superman ones.

    I think you picked the right length for this too, it wouldn't be a bad thing to revisit every few months.

    Overall, nice job!

  51. I agree with others who said that it wasn't quite as funny as the Nostalgia Critic's version, but that doesn't mean this wasn't entertaining in its own way. :)

    I love comic book advertisements, especially the old ones. They're just so ridiculous. I've got one where, among other things, they're selling a two-foot-tall inflatable Raquel Welch pillow. Also, venus fly traps. :D You definitely won't run out of material if you choose to continue this series.

    If you do this again, I hope you'll mention all those horrible bodybuilding ads ("Hey, boys! Send us a dime, and we'll tell you how to get rich, famous, and lots of girls through the power of MUSCLE!"). And more Hostess. Those are the best things ever.


  52. Since you asked, I echo the thoughts of some other other commenters. Not as good as the nostalgia critics, but entertaining in it's own way. I think it has alot to do with the quick fire format of TV ads instead of the more in depth comic ones.

    I knew a guy once who entered a competion from someone elses game magazine where he cut up the magazine in a similar way.

    As for comic ads, that's another reason I prefer trades. I haven't read many comics with ads, but I hate it as it's like a film going "Omg it's... it's! ...Head and shoulders shower gel!", it just kills the flow much like the sideways double page spreads.

    Finally, I don't get why you not playing a game is such a problem. I'm a gamer myself and am/was an extremely casual comic reader, tv viewer ect. I don't like Zelda myself and it's certainly not a series I'd recomend to a none gamer. If you must play it, play Ocarina of Time. The fact you didn't play Silent Hill at the time of your reviews was a bit weird, but you knew what you were talking about at least. While I would say to stay away from tie in games, when it comes to the none gamer stick to the mainstream stuff and whatever subject you are interested in.


  53. What I would like to see is 90s kid do an episode host this...but other wise its pretty cool to see what people tried to get you to buy back then--like the Hover-cars and such.

  54. i think you should just do an episode about the hostess ads. With all the banter you did, and the ads themselves, it made me giggle.

  55. You could probably make an entire video out of the Hostess ads alone. I see no reason in you stopping while you're ahead. I hope you revisit comic advertisements in the future. I'd like to see you check out some Johnny Turbo advertisements for the TurboDuo, a TurboGrafx16 with a TurboGrafx CD glued onto it. Granted they weren't in comics, but rather gaming magazines like EGM, but they were four pages long and were in comic form, so I thought they'd count. They also happen to be totally insane. There were only three of these ads, in issues 43, 44 and 45 in EGM, so maybe you could give it a look, even if it's only on wikipedia. Keep up the good work.

  56. Which comic were the "Charmin' Charm Pendants" advertised in? While I understand that it's perfectly normal for men to wear jewelry, I find it kind of funny that the company would advertise what is usually thought of as "girlie stuff" in a media outlet aimed overwhelmingly at boys and men! Pretty progressive, when you think about it.

  57. Sad i didn't realize you were doing this sooner. i have an old Iron Man comic with an ad for the "Amazing Night Cat comic" i just found it hilarious.

  58. Loved this idea, Linkara!

    I work at a book store that has a large number of comics donated to it through the past couple of years, and I will often flip through them to look at all the random ads. (My favorite thus far is that Mortal Kombat is to be released on all "major video game systems". Still not entirely clear on what that means.)

    I was a bit surprised to not see the Sales Leadership Club for Kids or Olympia Sales Club not make it. Maybe next time!

  59. I say yes to more comic book ads. I'm always interested to see goofy old ads from way back in the day. Especially the 70s.

    Since I'm commenting, I wanted to say my brother and I are really getting into your reviews, because we never got into comic books, and it's always interesting to us to check out some of the awful disasters of stories and characters that show up. But really only in the early 90s to current comics, and especially from established series, like the JLA ones, or Superman, the Frank Miller reviews, stuff like that. To me, it's always great to see a popular established comic series run way off the rails. Also great is the ridiculous gritty 90s junk, Rob Liefeld's awful wrecks of comics and his freakish art. Me and my brother are hoping one day you'll review The Tenth or Danger Girl. Or Holy Terror when that comes out.

    We skip the reviews for the pre 90s comics actually, or those PSA comics. Although I'm not ever going to say "don't do those" because I know other people like those, so we just wait patiently for the next current era comic review.

  60. Boy's Life magazine in the 90's had the same ads from the end of the video.

    Also, if you do this again, my suggestion would be to make it more like the NC's look at cereal mascots and their evolution through the years. That would be epic.

  61. Don't underestimate the power of Hostess fruit pies! They even work on the undead, as shown in another ad involving Batman fighting mummies, and robin wipping out an "anti-mummy ray gun" they just had lying around the batcave.

  62. Yes, you should do more of these, maybe after another multi-parter comic like a tradition. I'd like to see more Hostess ones (love me some Twinkies) and the crossover stories with Spider-Man and Cap'N Crunch (that sadly never had the Cap'N but did once have Sogmaster).

  63. Neat. Your handling of Doucey certainly got me to chuckle.

    I was expecting some older and obscure ads, but I see you work with what you have. I imagine if I were doing something like this, I'd be pouring through the internet for odd ads, but I suspect thats not the way you roll, preferring to have the actual ad to see as well as scan. Fair enough really.

    Guess I'll just have to get my retro vintage fix with Classic Star Trek next week.

  64. I think I'd enjoy another ad's episode.Also I agree I think house ads would be interesting to see.

    Also I hear ya on the genesis.long live old school sega!!

  65. A giant robot building and no joke from "Big"? I guess I was expecting a bit too much, huh.

    This was a fun episode I say, from the hilarious Nostalgia Critic line to the bizarreness of Hostess...yeah, I sort of knew those would pop up in there. And I remember those Air Cars, I had been tempted to buy them myself on occasion when I collected old Archie TMNT comic books in the early 90s. Those classified ads really did sucker kids into buying all sorts of weird junk that has no use to anyone outside someone naive enough to believe in them.

    At least there are no superheroes based out of Philly...Hostess doesn't work on us, only Tastykakes.

  66. Hmm good idea and it was entertaining so I say keep I up. Although as a resident of the philadelphia area I should point out that hostess and little debbie aint got nothin on hear me Linkara all HAIL TASTYCAKES!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH

  67. To be entirely honest I just don't think the ads have what it takes to hold up a whole episode. Maybe try pointing them out in other reviews but the lack of audio or video is a detriment to your style of show. Comics just have a way of conveying action that these one page ads don't. Glad to see you continually try to branch out and do new things but this just doesn't seem to work.

  68. This overview was okay. Definitely not on par with the Nostalgia Critic's commercial reviews or your other reviews, but it is nice to see you shake up the format.

  69. I liked it and wouldn't mind seeing more.

  70. Why doesn't the Nostagia Chicck look more like Benzie?

  71. Speaking as someone who grew up on the other side of the fence during the Sega vs. Nintendo wars, I completely understand you having never played a Zelda game before. I get a lot of grief from my gamer friends for not ever playing a lot of classic Genesis titles (Hell, I hadn't even played a Sonic game until a few years ago, so yeah).

    As for the rest of the episode, I'll agree that this wasn't as good as the Nostalgia Critic's version, but that's mostly due to the difference in format between TV ads and print ads.

  72. This was pretty great episode, sir. You seemed to have a lot fun with this episode and the type of content this time around. Plus you got to do a bit more comedy then usual and that's always a plus since your pretty good at comedy in general. I hope we see another episode like this sometime in the future.

  73. Well, I did get a decent chuckle out of this, especially near the end with the Hostess comics and those black and white ads, but frankly it kind of felt forced. The ads you picked weren't particularly notable in any way, and it felt like you were kind of reaching for jokes. Still, I think this was a good experiment, and if you found some ads that were noteworthy in some way, I think it would be worth trying again.

  74. To answer your question in the video... YES. This is a keeper.

  75. Hard to say. This wasn't quite as entertaining as your regular comic reviews, but it wasn't exactly bad.

    As for hovercrafts, I have no idea if any of the advertised ones work. However my uncle was able to build his own. He also built an actual ballista. He was the kind of guy who would send all the other kids at the school science fair home crying.

  76. This was a fun experiment, but I found my interest waning about midway through.

    I think the difference between a comic book ad and a TV ad is the presence of a story. Even though they're just commercials, a lot of TV ads in the 80's and 90's tried to set up 30-second tales revolving around their "great" products.

    Comic book ads are much more static, simply talking about the product. That makes them harder to review and joke about.

    The Hostess parts drew me back in, but the best part was the Nintendo dual controller. Your jokes about the intense kids was hilarious. I think future episodes might be more involving if you talk about the mood of the ad more than the product.

  77. First of all: YOU NEVER PLAYED A ZELDA GAME?!?!?! *mind explodes* (death from pity, and minor rage)
    Next thing you tell me you have never played a Metroid of Final Fantasy game. Just get Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess, those are a good way to introduce you to the franchise, but that is besides the point.

    Second of all this WAS pretty entertaining. Though I have not scene the nostalgia critics look at commercials, though I would definately not mind to see this on occasion

  78. I had Sub-Terraria. Not my favorite game but still an okay game.

  79. Well, I certainly thought this was interesting enough. It was kinda cool to see some of those really vintage ads, many of which you dated to the 70s and early 80s. It's something that would be worth trying again sometime, if you're in need of a filler episode.

    And with regard to the wireless controllers for the NES, I can attest to the existence of devices very much like them. My brother and I had something like it for our Sega Master System in the late 80s. Of course, it didn't last very long, if only because we were the sorts to pester one another endlessly, and it got broken in the process almost immediately.

  80. It was a good attempt, Linkara, but I just don't think comic book ads have the same laugh factor as nostalgic commercials. The commercial specials are some of my absolute favorite things Doug's ever done, but this was just...dry.

    I love that you went for it, though, and gave it a shot.

  81. I think we just found out what the physical form of the entity is....HOSTESS!

  82. I did enjoy this video. Watching this lead me to the idea that you should do more videos with topics that span all of, or a big part of comics, like advertisements. Make videos about cliches or tropes you love or hate and countdowns I like top 10 videos.

    Because most your videos entertaining as they might be they only talk about one or two bad comics your viewers coulda maybe read. But if you make a video about an umbrella topic of what makes a comic bad the viewers could relate much more!

  83. I thought this was interesting enough, if you have any others you think might be neat to show off, go for it.

    Fiery Little One

  84. The hostess ones were the best...I'd say stick with them but Seanbaby may have that market cornered....though surely you can get away with it if you distract him with some delicious hostess fruit pies!

    Seriously though, rather than make it it's own episode/segment I'd just include any noteworthy ads in the reviews if they show up in the work in question...or throw it in as an aside gag for an intermission.

  85. Loved your video on comic ads. You should do more.

    Also, I loved the brief cameo of Douchey McNitpick and you unleashing Comicron 1 against his house! Incredibly funny.

    BTW, have you ever considered using the firepower of Comicron 1 against some more of your hated comic book writers as well as hated Internet figures like the Irate Gamer?

  86. 2 things:
    The international stamps were for collectors...though why anyone would collect stamps, is beyond me. :D

    Also "re-cord"? Are you so young as to never have listened to a "wreck-ord"?

    Otherwise decent episode. The only thing that might make this type of ad video not work as well as Doug's is the fact that TV ads are far more iconic than comic book ads. I mean, who specifically remembers an ad they saw in a comic book? Now how many remember Zach the Lego Maniac?

  87. It's not fantastic, but not bad. You're as charming as ever, but print ads don't have the same momentum as watching TV ads do - not your fault.

    I'd love a proper look at Superhero ads though, maybe a look at continuity issues they could possibly present. And get a retro game reviewer to look at old print ads of video games that made it look way cooler than 8-bit graphics turn out to be.

  88. Comic Book Ads, probably the best part of the comic sometimes. Seriously, sometimes me and my friends read my comics for the ads. And I have a lot of comics with REALLY corny ads.

    Let me give you a preview.

    In one I found an ad where Sonic teams up with lifesavers candy and it basically goes like this:
    1.Buy Life savers candy
    2.Collect a bunch of wrappers and send them somewher.
    3.You coud win a Sega Genesis!
    4.So make like Sonic, and collect those rings! (has boy reaching for lifesvcer as ring)

    Okay, this is just one of those "Why?" moments. You can see they where trying to be clever, but it just winds up corny. And that's not even the worst, oh no. Just wait until Captain Crunch teams up With Spider-man.

  89. That was dumb. ...the Hostess ads I mean, this episode was good.

    However, I don't think you should keep using you shapeship as the "STFU" card. Because... well... concidering that I've watched your show for a while now, AND that you're installing an AI for the spaceship... chances are it will go all HAL 9000 on your butt and decide to destroy Canada... for some reason; I didn't think that far ahead.

  90. Great episode. I'd like to see you make these a semi-annual special.

    Also I think you could do a great video just on in-house advertising alone.

  91. Nice to see that you finally got a use out of one of the comics I sent you, Linkara.

    It's good to know that you got more use out of that 'Blackwulf' comic than I did.

    I mean, what kind of comic kills off the lead character in the first issue as a cliffhanger? Man, that comic sucked.

    P.S. You can easily do a dozen of these Specials. Keep it up!

  92. This was very entertaining. I actually had to stop the video to laugh when you said, "I don't think she has enough pigeons."

  93. i liked this but i felt you spent too much time on each individual ad. I think you need to make a few comments and move on. I see potential and i hope you do this again

  94. I think that Comic book advertisements work quite well. I'd love to see more.^_^

    /Sebastian L, Sweden

  95. Awesome review keep this up I like this side videos!

    This reminds me of this old, old late 60s-early 70s Aqua-Man comic I got I'm trying to sale that ironically(to me at least) has a large full page add on the back page for a fishing rod and tackle kit. All for only $15! It's ironic because it freaking Fishing equipment in an Aqua-Man comic! You're fishing and killing Aqua-Man's buddies kids! Yeah!!!
    It's be like if they were saling something to kill bats with in a Batman comic or bug spray in a Spider-Man comic!
    I do love these old adds though! I'm surpised that you didn't bring up more of the classics like X-Rey Specks and Joy Buzzers and the ones where you could get wierd pets like Sea Monkeys! Why no mention?

  96. everyone keep talking about the subway and Hostess mini comic adds but what about the 3 Musketeer ones I recall those alot more than the others!

  97. I thought this episode was genuinely entertaining. I got a few good chuckles at the totally mind-bending weirdness of some of those ads (especially the building robot. wtf?). I'd certainly like to see another one of these.

  98. Count me in for more, if you're willing. This episode was a nice change of pace. It got you out of your comfort zone a bit, and it worked well.

    Also, I have the feeling that a certain somebody is starting to enjoy his spaceship too much, and is going to have it taken away from him.

  99. Good, not as funny as the Nostalgia Critics advert specials though.

    I'm surprised you didn't pick the Subway super friends adverts that are annoyingly in comics at the moment, 8 pages that disrupt the flow
    of the comic to use every word of marketing speak known to man to advertise the sandwitches.

  100. Surely those were seagulls, not pigeons.

  101. Since you explicitly asked for feedback, I'll tell you what I thought.
    Honestly, it was medium.
    The comic review was enjoyable but not nearly as good as the best of the stuff you've done. However, you've also done less entertaining comic reviews. If you can keep it this entertaining I wouldn't mind seeing more of these but I'm not going to lose any sleep if you don't do it again.
    That's probably not the most helpful decision making feedback, but it's the truth.

  102. Great episode Linkara, I'd definitely be up for more episodes like that in the future.

  103. That was an interesting foray. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as NC's look at commercials. I believe, however, that that was really due to the nostalgia goggles that I refuse to take off. I didn't really read comic books as a kid, so the ads don't really have any nostalgic ring to them for me. The Sunday Punch and Hostess bits were good, though. I believe that doing this every once in a while is fine, but I'd honestly prefer straight up comic book reviews (story bits are good too!).

  104. I now have a new fan-theory, that states that Marvel and DC are in the same universe, occuping diffrent parts of the galaxy. Both of these worlds, though, are ruled and judged over by the mighty power of Hostess.

    How are heroes coming back to life so easily? Hostess.

    Where did so many heroes get their costumes? Hostess.

    Where does Joker come from? HOSTESS!!!

  105. Someone asked earlier about the Hostess villains being actual comic book villains. Sometimes they did use actual comic book villains like the Red Skull but a lot of times it was just some crazy made up villain(s). One of the original Hostess villains is now a part of Marvel continuity.

    Also I know Seanbaby has done commentary on some of the Hostess ads, but I've seen people put their spin on them. I remember spotlighted one of them so I don't think it's a problem. Plus, he didn't do commentary for all of them so there's untapped gold.

  106. I liked the idea behind the concept but as people have said before, the video was just too short. Either that or you didn't cover enough ads.
    Your wit has shown through as always but the reviews themselves could use a little POWERHOUSE EXCITEMENT!
    Do it again. Wait a minute, the Hostess jokes made me laugh out loud for the first time in a long time at ANY internet video. What am I talking about? Go, man, go!

  107. I really liked this experiment. These ads were always tongue-in-cheek and were always hilarious to read. The video game ads were always fun to look at to see how crazy a game is supposed to feel.

    If you've ever watched "Dexter's Laboratory," they did a spoof of the hostess ads as a fake commercial in the show with the super hero characters.

    I felt really nostalgic seeing some of those old ads, and recently they've only gotten funnier what with the Justice League/Subway advertisements in last month's comics.


    here's the link to the "justice fruit pies" spoof ad I mentioned in my earlier post.

  109. Link, you know I respect you and I would be the first one to defend you, right?

    Well...this episode? Easily one of your worst.

    It's kind of funny in a mirror sort of way: just as the commercial reviews were the only good episodes Walker has had in nearly two years of decreasing quality, this one was the only bad episode you've had in nearly two years of increasing quality.

    Your heart just didn't seem to be in it. You seemed to know just how thin the comedic material was on this one (and it shows).

    Dust yourself off and learn from this. You can (and have) done better.

  110. It's actually somewhat funny that you do this now since I was reading through old X-Men comics which had an advert of the Hulk sitting and drinking tea and politely conversing with the readers and thought of what you would say about it.

    I certainly think some of the rediculous things advertised in comics deserve some ridicule

  111. Linkara just murdered Douchy McNitpick...


    I'm strangely comfortable with this.


    OOOH! My comment was featured! That's neat! I'd be embarassed if I had any shame! :D

    You should play Zelda games ;)

    (and apparently OpenID is broken so I have to post this the lame way...)

  112. More Hostess ads!

    I remember there was one where aunt May used them to defeat Galactus!

    But seriously, those things could make for a multi-parter video by themselves, appearing all over Marvel, DC, Archie Comics, and Harvey Camics throughout the 70s and 80s

  113. actually, those hover-cars really work

  114. Nice try with the experiment, but it wasn't the sort of thing that matches up to your other videos. Might be me, but some parts I just didn't find as funny. Sure I chuckled here or there, but none of the usual stuff.

    Although I did like batman & robin / the thing saving the days with cupcakes and fruit snacks. That got a good laugh out of me :)
    If you've got more silliness like that packed away, might be something to try.

    To be fair (a phrase you've spoken quite often), the NES staredown / 'Taking over my mind' parts were good too.

  115. Those Hostes ads could make for an entire video series!

    There is a websites that collects them, and shows them in alphabetical order!
    from Aquaman to Wonder Woman

  116. good but i think it should be longer

  117. Link- This was super-charming. I remember back when I used to read comics, that back page with all the weird stuff just mezmorized me. I did get the X-Ray Glasses (that sadly did not give me the power to see through women's clothes) and the 8 foot tall Frankenstien Poster. I think I also got the ant farm, which was pretty cool, while they lived and the Sea Monkeys which were a big rip off.

  118. Oh, by the way. Maybe you could tell us what you thought of the new Captain America movie. Me? I liked it. I think I caught alot of very subtle refereneces in it. Like the first time we see the face of Armin Zola his face is reflected in a round glass, which I think has something to do with his creation HateFace. Or the Red Skull mocking Hilter for searching for trinkets in the desert, which might have been an Indiana Jones reference.

  119. i saw your poll and i voted "only look at the hostess ads". my rationale is that they are the most like mini-comics, ergo they fit your usual repertoire without breaking too far out of the comfort zone. with one-page spreads you only have so much to work with.

  120. i thought he would reference the movie big with that giant building robot.

  121. fruit-pies solve everything,3828/

  122. I have an idea. Why not exchange with the Nostalgia Critic by April Fool's Day 2012? You will review old commercials while he will do the worst comic book review he would ever find. Sounds like fun, eh?

  123. I'd personally do more of these only if you stuck to ads that are in a comic book format. The industry is filled with them. Lex Luthor thwarted by Air Head candies, unrelated superheroes freshening their breath with tooth paste, that sort of thing.

  124. A little rocky at first, but by the end I was enjoying myself so yeah I would like to see more (especially those Hostess adds) It's a nice change of pace.

    Also I think you should change it up more often. Like look at the best/worst covers, do a positive review, or maybe just a list of you're favorite titles (hey even Doug has done it).

  125. "I think I caught alot of very subtle refereneces in it. Like the first time we see the face of Armin Zola his face is reflected in a round glass, which I think has something to do with his creation HateFace."

    That was a referince to his modern self that is nothing more than his personality and memories recorded into a robotic body with an old TV/Computer like screne in his chest that shows like an old grainy recording of his face up close. I'm hoping that's a sign that they'llbring him back in that form in a future Captain America movie.

  126. "Also I think you should change it up more often. Like look at the best/worst covers, do a positive review, or maybe just a list of you're favorite titles (hey even Doug has done it)."

    Honestly, I hate talking about straight-up good comics with few jokes. It's boring for me - all I'm doing is heaping praise on something.

  127. Never! I'll never obey the pies! My mind is my own! ...Well, sort of. I share with seven other people. So the pies have some competition...

    A very funny vid. I was very amused to see Douchy get his. Though I would have used my precious bazooka. *holds up said bazooka* Isn't she pretty? Her name's Soyokaze. *pats the weapon fondly*

  128. Next time, maybe you can get some of the items from the ads. Like a TurboGrafix 16, some Bubble Yum, or a 35 year old Hostess cupcake. And eat them. All of them.

    ...I wonder what Sea Monkeys taste like?

    Hey, I remember that HSC ad. What I remember most about it was the fact it was in a comic that came out in June 1994. Yes, that's right. They promoted Stan's appearance a month after it had already happened. Now, this wouldn't have been a problem if I had bought said book at a comic shop, but this was 1994. Newsstands still existed everywhere. I still got comics at grocery and convenience stores. That's was still some last minute promotion. And, of course, they make it seem like Stan knew what was going on at Marvel, when at that point, he was living in LA and had no actual day to day contact with the comics industry.

  129. There was a Subway ad starring the Jared Fogel, Laila Ali and the Justice League in the most recent issue of Power Girl. It was over five pages long. I was perplexed.

  130. This was amusing, but can I make a small suggestion? As fun as it might be to pick on Douchey Mcnitpick, would you think about avoiding the "don't mess with me, I have magic powers/a heavily armed spaceship and can fuck up whoever I want" stuff? It got this review off on the wrong foot and did a lot to make me forget how amusing the other review where you ended with it was. I like you for how you usually don't seem pompous, Lewis.

  131. That was great. I'll have to dig and see if I can find a few issues I had with really odd ads now...

  132. Thanks for both trying something new and asking for feedback. My verdict? Eh, I guess I liked the concept but I was expecting more hilariously awful ads. Those Hostess ones were pretty bad, in a good way, I mean.

  133. I remember seeing this one ad in a comic that sold money making machines. Yes, you read that right, a MONEY MAKING MACHINE. Yes, you make money with the machine and yes; you can actually spend it!

    Always wondered about those.

    There was also another ad (which I could faintly see in the video) about a $1.00 surprise package! I always wondered were in those...

  134. The fruit pie part made me chuckle. Took me back to when I first read through the Order of the Stick web-comic. I never really got the reference being made in the comic at all, but now I see that it is just as cheesy and nonsensical. Good stuff!

    The comic I am referring to:

  135. Has anyone mentioned that Omaha the Cat Dancer did a parody of the Hostess ads? Not surprised he didn't mention it (furry comic), but it's something worth noting.

  136. The concept and the episode itself was very interesting, but it might have dragged on a little bit at the start and felt too short at the end (if that even makes sense...). I think the best solution would be to do the advertisements that imitates the comics that they are hosted on. The same type of advertisements as the Hostess fruit pies. They are the perfect combination of your comic reviewing and the advertisement watching.

    Also, I am saying it now, the Entity is the embodiment of Hostess Fruit Pies. Part of the world is missing? It's because the GLORY and MAJESTY of Hostess Fruit Pies are not as common in today's world. "Missing", you might say...

  137. Oh, I forgot to add, you don't have to do the comic-style advertisements all the time. You can also occasionally cut back to the other types of goofy advertisements in comic books, giving a good mixture of them.

  138. I think DC actually parodies those Hostess ads in an Green Lantern and Flash crossover. First Alan Scott and Jay Garrick defeat nazi agents with candy bars. Hal Jordan and Barry Allen use them to expose alien invaders. Then halfway through an ad with Kyle Rayner and Wally West, Kyle starts complaining that it doesn't make any sense.
    The whole thing turns out to be a TV ad, and that they're still working off Alan's and Jay's contracts.

  139. I'd love to see videos like these every once in a while, I found it very amusing to watch something more "light".
    Also, I want to thank you for always having such great songs in your videos, we clearly have a similar taste for music. ^_^

  140. Lewis,

    Interesting... there is a lot of potential in this idea as a side project in the vein of Doug's commercial specials.

    Yeah, so was the Book and Record statement a joke, an accent issue or just an error? as mentioned earlier the word is usually pronounced "WRECK-ORD"

    I'm not sure if I saw the HSC special with Stan Lee, but I caught several of them on QVC Home Shopping with Stan as the co-host. I also seem to remember a special over Batman Forever where they were selling merchandise live from the Batcave set. If you could find a copy of that it would be hilarious.

    Did you ever see the advert comics that came with the old Super Powers and He-Man toys, they were basically mini-comics that elaborated on the product they came with.

    Enjoy your shows, thanks for entertaining us!


  141. Nintendo fans can be a hostile bunch can't they?

    Also damn inflation, I'd love to buy all those groovy Star Trek toys for such a low price.

  142. Aside from the content, which seems to hit higher standards every week, I think the quality of your videos is the best I've ever seen. The video always plays clear and smooth, always syncs with the audio, and never stops or sputters. It plays through perfectly right from the beginning, without my having to stop and wait for it to load, and I'm using a dinky little netbook. I'd like to make videos of my own, so can you tell me what software you use and what the format of the finished video is?

  143. When I heard about this I thought you were going to be looking at TV ads FOR comics... then again I don't imagine there were very many of those. :p

  144. Hey, Linkara!

    I really enjoyed your look on some comic book advetisement. I think it's intersting to look at the different type of ads found on comics and make jokes out of it. Even if I not familiar with most(if not all) of the ads presented in the video, the jokes are still funny to me. I think you should stick to this format of a mix between standard ads and ad comics though I want to be a bit longer(17+ minutes is really short for me anyway). Maybe around 25 minutes is fine by me. :)

    Look forward to your future reviews.

  145. Lewis, if you do this again you should use some recent ads, like this Punch Out!! ad:

    And if you want to get in a good burn at One More Day, you could use a recent Mazda ad showing Pete and MJ together (It's recent enough it was on the back of Shadowland: Spider-Man, last October.

  146. Speaking of Hostess promotions I have the 4 mini comics that were sold with Devil Dogs and other products(oddly none of the comics use hostess products to save the day and climax with Jubilee being forced to power the exo frame from the Alien movies).

    I also happen to have a product sold on the Marvel Home Shopping Network show. A set of three original art drawings of the 90's Spiderman cartoon one of them signed by Stan Lee.

  147. Awesome video!

    I dont wanna sound like a Douchy, Ducy?.... whatever
    but Atari 2600 had wireless controllers and that was before nes. just thought I would let you know :)

  148. It's lucky The Thing happens to be walking home having just gone shopping and picked up several dozen Hostess fruit pies!

  149. the giant robot building reminded me of the movie "big"

  150. Bubble Yum - I thought you were going to joke about how they claim the gum lasts a long, long time yet they encourage kids to make it "disappear" quickly.

    Never played Zelda - It's funny how people get overworked about stuff like that. Btw if you were interested in trying a Zelda game "A Link to the Past" is great and one of my favorites. It's old but it's still fun to play.

    Statues/Hostess - Statues ARE worthless.

    Stamps - I think the foreign stamps were really more for collectors rather than people wanting to use them.

  151. I liked the episode, and i felt it took its own identity despite where the idea came from. This felt more serious, but still just as enjoyable as the critics commercial episode(s). I say you should definitely do another episode.

  152. How about the house ad for Pacific Comics' Vanity which appeared in Ms. Mystic #2: The titilar 'Vanity' teasing for us, her scientist sidekick brainwashes us, and it ends with Vanity telling us this:

    'O.K., SLAVES! Read my special preview story in PACIFIC PRESENTS #4...
    Then buy MY comic book, VANITY, where you'll find further orders!'

    The title character is referring to the readers as SLAVES!


  153. Yeah I know, ancient post but have been helping a friend get caught up with storyline so figured I'd drop in my 2 cents.

    This was fun. I would very much enjoy if you did this again and I'd think it'd be a nice way to transition to the break in storyline stuff in Feb. But knowing you you've already got something planned for that.

    I don't remember the Hostess ads so much but do remember for a time they had green pies filled with a vanilla creme that was some sort of TMNT tie-in.

    What's funny is a similarly formed add in the back of a sci-fi magazine for the now defunct 800-Trekker catalog is where I got my TARDIS key, something I get asked about a lot. I just realized that key is almost 20 years old.

  154. I'm working though archives of all stuff I want to see. This wasn't bad, but it doesn't really suit Atop the Fourth Wall...except for the Hostess ads. Doing some longer form ads that are comics like you did at that one live show would be hilarious. Still would love to see part 3 of that one.


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