Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Facebook Fanpage Contest Winner

A few weeks ago, the Facebook Fan page held a contest for people in honor of the fanpage reaching a certain amount of followers. The contest was to do your own version of Atop the Fourth Wall. The winner was DGCakes and the prize was to have the video posted on the blog as well as win an AT4W T-shirt!

So here is is, with her review of Cyberfrog #0!


  1. Haha, this was great! I especially like her version of Insano and 90's Kid, who kind of looks like an alternate Bandit Keith..

    ..in Americuh.

  2. I still don't understand how you can say Facebook is useless. Maybe you explained it somewhere else, I don't know

  3. This was really good, very creative. Bravo! That said, it actually seems like an okay comic, not really taking itself too seriously. I thought the designs were original, as was the sci-fi aspects of the origin story. It almost reminds me of some of Alan Davis' work on Captain Britain and it's worlds better than every single derivative Image comic ever made.

  4. this was alot of fun. There were alot of great contestants. They all worked very hard. If you'd like to see other videos from the contest, check out this link: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=219948294700854

  5. Thanks guys :3 <3

    And thanks for posting this up, Linkara!

    @tobymobias yeah I can see the Bandit Keith look - then again, he is the same sort of guy in some ways. And yes, I love my Dr. Insano too - she's fun to hang around with. :D

    @Anon - Oh I had a blast reading the comic - the main problem I had was the only person who actually keeps comics in my house is my big brother who loves them, so the only BAD ones he had were because they were boring or had weird continuity. So I picked something that would be funny to talk about.

  6. Wow, that was really good, DGCakes! My enjoyment managed to beat out my utter jealousy! And your Insano was pretty awesome. I would look out for any Final Fantasy-based hitmen if I were you.

    @DrunkenLemur - I believe he expressed in the initial Facebook Group post that he was comfortable sticking with just Twitter and the comments. He does read everything posted, so I guess one more avenue of fan communication isn't really all that needed, and might be a bit overwhelming.

  7. You did a really great job with this! As other people have said, I liked your Insano as well, and you really got the attitude down!

    I had fun making a video for this as well, but I noticed that I was literally the only one who didn't actually dress up as Linkara. D'oh! :-P

  8. Thanks Vermillion :D

    Oh dear, Final Fantasy hitmen. I shall have to ask my favorite FF character to protect me - Zell Dinct >D XD

    Thanks Anon. And from that, I think I can guess who that is there. :3 And if it is who I think it is, you did okay on yours

  9. all these people keep saying they like me.....i am flattered so much. thank you (*////*)

    anyway, congrats again to deeg, and thanks for all the compliments on the video!

  10. This was quite funny and very clever! The only negative criticism I have is the minor audio editing mistakes, and the poor quality of the comic panels. It's really distracting, especially when you zoom into a specific picture.

  11. ^Aw, crap, I didn't put my name in my previous post. The Anonymous post right after Vermillion's is mine. Sorry about that.

  12. This was great! Wonderful job of emulating Linkara while making it your own too. I hope to see this contest done again, as you have set the bar high.

  13. For a AT4W Facebook Fan Video Tribute, this is actually very good. The people who came up with this should get their own show!

  14. You did pretty well though, Lotus Prince :3

    @Core Thanks. And oh gawd, yeah, I haaaaaate my editing and panels on this. I had only just gotten the program and had absolutely no idea what I was doing with it.

    @Otto - thanks, I hope to see more of them too! It was fun and I think more people getting this kind of oppurtunity would be really cool

    @Ming Well I have two planned, at least one of which may feature Quagsire, my Dr. Insano but we'll see

    Sorry for hijacking the comments Linkara

  15. Cewl video! This comic reminds me of alll those TMNT ripoffs fromback in the early 90s!
    At 1st I thought this was about that video game about those toad dudes! I for get their names but it was an complete knockoff of TMNT!

  16. I looked up Cyberfrog on Wikipedia and was greeted with this phrase

    "Cyberfrog was created when Ethan Van Sciver was threatened by his girlfriend to do something important with his drawings or she would leave him.[1]"

    that.....that right there could have been the entire review

  17. Hey, she even got the hat flip in during the intro!

  18. This video is a cover song, exactly how any good cover song is supposed to be :)

    It takes everything that's good about the original and the people making it not only make it their own but keep every separate bit within the spirit of the original.

    I love your recreation of the intro, I love Insano, '90s Kid, Liz, Linkara (and I'm not picking a favorite because if I did I'd probably still be writing this post next week) Most of all though, I just love how all of it completely captures exactly what I enjoy about Linkara's videos.

    One tiny nit I can't resist picking though, I tend to read the credits all in one go, jokes included. Yours made that impossible as I'm not Superman and cannot speed-read :< (I wasn't kidding when I called it a tiny nit, was I? ;) )

  19. This is a really funny video! Well worthy of first place! Congratulations on your victory! And thumbs up to Mr. Linkara for posting it!

  20. So considering what happened to the 90s Kid of this dimension...was this tied to the story or not? Good college try though...even with another fusion of stupid 90s character and hopping onto the TMNT fad (or what was left of it)

  21. @BooRat Thanks :3 best I can think of is Frogger? Dunno if that helps

    @JessicaRaven I could have done that, but I was iffy on the accuracy of half the statements regarding his creation of the character so I only included so many.

    @Hibryd thank you for noticing! :D Took me a bit to get that right - we were even going to jokingly have my Iron Liz standing behind me and flipping that hat as a joke (he's also standing in the closet with the hangers on his hand in the first part, since we didn't have an actual hanging closet)

    @YourD Thanks a lot! :D
    The only reason the credits go so fast and half of the editing's really choppy is the contest had a time requirement of under 20 minutes (minus themesong) so I had to cut out a ton of jokes and speed up the credits sequence to smooth things over. My editing was bad enough but cutting for time was really what made it messy.

    @DarkSeraphim thankies <3

    @FugueForFrog That's up to Linkara if he counted that as canon (thought I doubt he would), however it'd definitely be interesting if that were to be canon, since that would imply there's more than one of The Entity (or a similar version of it anyway). XD though I have no idea if that's what you meant with your question

  22. @Dgcakes Yeah, Hypertime gets so screwed up that I forgot that the characters are essentially different even if they're "the same". therefore, 90s Kid in his uni is still safe...and you still have Harriet Finevoice and Ninja-Style Dancer running amuck.

  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battletoads it was BattleToads! had to wiki to find it but it does look alot like this comic!


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