Wednesday, October 5, 2011

That's All I'm Saying: 10-5-11

This week, Linkara looks at Action Comics #2, Deadpool #44, Batwing #2, Static Shock #2, Hawk and Dove #2, Animal Man #2, Detective Comics #2, Green Arrow #2, Stormwatch #2, and Justice League International #2.

NOTE: Because of the broken scanner, if people want me to add in panels and whatnot later, feel free to let me know and I'll try to release an improved version of this episode. I decided to not wait until tomorrow because I need extra time for Atop the Fourth Wall this month.


  1. I only picked up 3 this week.

    Action Comics #2: I thought the first issue was only okay. I found this issue to be better. Mainly in the way Luthor talked. I found it interesting and the cliff hanger. I was on the fence with this title, but will give it another issue or two.

    Batwing #2: I am really hopeful for this title. I really enjoyed this and the last issue. The art is great, the action was great, there was drama, real risk. It all worked for me. At my local shop, the clerk was saying that some people were afraid of the title, because of it being set in Africa and the assumed topic of genocide or the like. I am wondering if that kind of mentality (even if it's a minority) will hurt it.

    Detective Comics #2: I enjoyed this. I do like gore and darkness. I was surprised at the first half being dedicated to the next morning. I expected the story to pick up right away. I did enjoy the second half when it got going. The end was gruesome, and really caught my interest.

    Re: JLI. I didn't really like the first issue (didn't hate it though). It just didn't do anything for me. You are free to like anything you want. People need to calm down about this. Personal preference/enjoyment is fine. We disagree, but that doesn't change anything in regards to my enjoyment, and I sure hope my opinion doesn't change yours.

    Regarding the TAIS format: I am fine with just about any format. The visuals are nice, but it wouldn't break my heart if they disappeared. I'm not sure how helpful that is, sorry.

    (I sent this on Twitter, not sure if you got it. I know you read here :p) Oh and I got the Suburban Knights DVD. I enjoyed your speech in the Making Of Feature. Brought a tear to my eye, sir!

  2. Static Shock - This confused me and the art is pretty damn bad. I think I'm dropping this one.

    JLI - Good, but some things bugged me, like Godiva. (BTW, remember Queen's Don't Stop Me Now? Listen to it again to pronounce Godiva.)

    Huntress - I liked this book. So much action.

  3. Please don't make this series simply audio. This one was just fine with the covers, especially given the explaination, but if there are particular moments you want to both show and tell, then I really think you should. If you want to cut back on time, then maybe you don't need to show every page you talk about or something like that.

    Anyway, I'm glad your finiding some joy in the relaunch. Me personally, this thing has turned me into a Marvel Zombie.

  4. Re: Not getting the minis

    The Huntress and Penguin minis? They were actually really good.

  5. Action Comics: Twas okay, but not really good. I would enjoy it more in the trade, it felt like the boring part of a movie.

    Batwing:...Wow. Seriously. This issue proves Batwing is waaay more then "Black Batman mixed with Black *Insert brash young rookie here*. I was afraid of two things on this: One, that he would be a token black charecter, and two, that he would be "the newbie". How silly of me. Batwing is young, but he's a police officer who's done and seen gods know what. And damn is he badass. I actually like this one out of all the other Batman area titles. Well, except maybe Outlaws ;)

    Detective Comics: Twas cool that we got to see a lot of Bruce. I think the whole "Bruce Wayne is a mask for the Batman" is dumb, so it was a treat. Duel identitys in genreal have been overdone. I like my heroes as one person, thank you very much DC. Roarshack did it and that can't be topped.

    JLI: AWESOME. I like August General in Iron, I like Rocket Red, I like Booster, I like Batman, I like Vixen...I do not really care for Fire and Ice though. Still, I am willing to give them a chance to grow on me. I really hope Godiva dies though. I mean, I know thats a harsh thing to say, but does she have any good traits whatsoever? The fact that she was SOOOOO minor before the reboot tells me she is going to bite the dust.

    Green Arrow: Didn't like the last issue. Liked this one. Intrested.

    Swamp Thing: It was amazing.
    I don't think anything else needs to be said.

    Red Lanterns: If you ask me, this should be renamed The Crow: IN SPAAACE!...WITH POWER RIIINGS!. Which is totally radical.

    Animal Man: Eh...didn't really enjoy it. It seems tied to Swamp Thing though, so I'll run though this storyline. I never really liked the charecter.

  6. Well I personally like Detective Comic #2 while picking up Detective Comic #1, and like the Doll Maker villain, he seem to be an interesting match up after the Darkest Knight but that's my opinion. After reading Kick Ass 2 issue 4 where we have poor excuse for the over the top killing gang raping scheme, reading him is bit refreshing. But it's my opinion and thought I would share it with you. After what you said about Animal Man I might picked that up.

  7. I like the old format (I actually WATCH the videos), but if it saves time for you, I say do whatever you feel like doing. And seriously, people are giving you grief for liking JLI? I mean, it's not as good as the original run, but that would be an impossible feat to accomplish a second time. It's a perfectly good book and actually exceeded the expectations I had for it prior to the launch (and I think those expectations were pretty high!) The guy sounds like he was talking out of his ass.

  8. I quite like hearing about current comics news, even if I don't buy them myself very often. TAIS is proving to be a good resource for helping me decide which ones I might want to try getting into next time I'm in the mood to visit the local comics shop.

    As to the format of the show, I can't say as that I really missed the visuals, as it's really something I have playing in the background while I work on other things. For me, I'm just listening.

    Overall, though, this has proven to be an interesting show. I'm looking forward to more.

  9. Interesting points on the books you've talked about.


    To quote AT4W...

    1. Comics are a visual medium.
    2. Show, don't tell.

    If you have good points, show what you think is safe to while you're talking about them. If you have bad points, like the art work in some of this week's books, show them to us also.

    Basically, give us a reason to pick up or avoid the books you are talking about aside from your word.

    Fiery Little One.

  10. ...You did see the disclaimer about how my scanner is broken, right? I didn't want to wait because I need extra time for AT4W for the next several weeks.

  11. I for one am REALLY shocked you dropped Swamp Thing! I know you didn't love the first issue but I figured the amazing art and great writer would at least make you want to check out the second issue which was straight up AMAZING!

    I also accept that you dont really dig the direction that Action Comics is taking but I really think you should give it another issue or two. At least see how the first arc ends.

  12. You better be reading Swamp Thing Linkara, because the writing is on the wall about a crossover between the two books. Their facing the same foe for example. It's gonna be weird/cool!

  13. About JLI: Even though the Bat and GL histories are supposed to be mostly unchanged, it's pretty clear that there was no JLI until this version was formed. The character dynamics don't make sense otherwise. I don't really like that, but the quality of the book is strong enough to make me want to stick with it anyway. All it really lacks is for a certain inventor to become their techie. I want my Ted, dammit.

    (So does Booster, I'm sure)

  14. Okay, I don't know if this is just me, or I'm just lookin' for stuff at this point but...did anyone get the feeling they were looking at a power rangers ripoff with the villains from the new Static comic?

    Now before I either get something thrown at me or threatened somehow I'm just gonna explain my thought process on this. five multi-ethnic teens wearing similarly designed and color coded costumes, riding on highly advanced technological...I want to call them hover bikes but I'm not sure. Those bikes could easily be likened to those toys they always shoved in the show for sales.

    This was just interesting and intriguing to me and I wondered if anyone else thought the same thing.

  15. "I for one am REALLY shocked you dropped Swamp Thing! I know you didn't love the first issue but I figured the amazing art and great writer would at least make you want to check out the second issue which was straight up AMAZING!"

    I figured it'd be better to ground myself some more in Swamp Thing lore before I got into the ongoing, so I bought the first trade of "Saga of the Swamp Thing" last week. I haven't had a chance to read it (oi, to read stuff for my own enjoyment. XD), but I'm planning on it.

  16. Got JLI #2 and Static Shock #2, liked both of em.

    And, due to my need to play catchup through the havey preorders during the first month, also got Blue Beetle #1, Demon Knights #1, and Green Lantern #1. Liked for the most part (especially Demon Knights)

    Also, intresting fact, all the new copies of Action Comics #1 are now $10. Is that only at my place, cause that seems... overpriced.

    Also, I wouldn't mind to see the panels actually show up. I'm a much more visual person anyway.

  17. Speaking of books to read, Lewis, did you ever finish "Games" and did your impression of it change from what you mentioned last week?

    Also, concerning JLI, an interview with Jurgens revealed Ice & Guy never had a deep relationship in the NuDCU. There seems to be some kind of "anti-long term relationship" spell in the rebootvamping. Barry lost Iris, Clark lost Lois, Guy lost most of his history with Ice... Ralph & Sue Dibney should consider themselves lucky they're still dead, or they'd be broke up too!

  18. another great review but i have to say i like to see what your reviewing as well as have audio u have defiantly got me hooked on allot more comics thanks

  19. "Lewis Lovhaug said...

    ...You did see the disclaimer about how my scanner is broken, right? I didn't want to wait because I need extra time for AT4W for the next several weeks."

    I did, so consider my comment for future reference rather than my saying 'take this down and do it over.' Besides I believe you said in that same disclaimer that you were looking for input on how to do this show, in effect, so I gave it to you. ;)

    Fiery Little One

  20. "I did, so consider my comment for future reference rather than my saying 'take this down and do it over.' Besides I believe you said in that same disclaimer that you were looking for input on how to do this show, in effect, so I gave it to you. ;)"

    My mistake, sorry. ^_^

  21. Personally I liked the idea someone put up on Twitter about reenacting the comments with cardboard figures...though as I replied I think hand puppets would be better.

    But seriously, I agree with Anon that having the pages to look at is a good format; helps get my attention as I'm a pretty visual person. But I understand you couldn't do that this week; hope your scanner gets fixed soon!

  22. As always, thanks for this. Looking forward to Animal Man #2.

    I think I'm going to drop Green Arrow BECAUSE of that insulting line about gamers. Do you think I'm being childish?

  23. well, I like having images, even though I do generally listen to the show. If people are watching this, I'd agree with keeping it with pics. Comics are art focused, after all. :)

    Anywho, this week, I actually picked up more minis than ongoings. None of the ongoings were sure sells for me, but both of the minis seemed promising.

    Both were good, Huntress was a solid action/mystery book, whereas Penguin was more of a day in the life met with origin... but had elements that a few issues

    Penguin had art problems; it was atmospheric, but there were one or two panels I outright couldn't understand. Huntress' art was more traditional, worked nicely... but the villian is more than a little silly, complaining about waste right before shooting the messenger. Repeatedly. ;)

    Still, I liked both, and will pick up both next month. I also picked up JLI out of interest; I'd considered it last month, but heard a few bad things about it.

    *sigh* I'm glad I tried it out, the second issue won me over a bit, but there're a couple of things that bug me

    1; We get quite a bit of stereotyping here; most notably Rocket Red and August General in Iron. I haven't written off hope of some development for the two later, but it's tended to dampen my enjoyment of the books thus far a little bit. For an older comic, I'd pass it, but a 2011 JLI shouldn't be writing stereotypes.

    (Also, why was the Queen voting in the UN? She's the Queen! She doesn't. Have. Power.)

    2; Godiva. Yeah, I get that the team needs some weaker emember, but she doesn't really have powers on a level with the rest of the team, and she's just been annoying these two issues. She hasn't done anything except flirt with Booster Gold, which doesn't help establish her as a superheroine. If anything, she seems more like one of those Green Arrow villains you mentioned

    *sigh* It doesn't help that she's our token Brit. Seriously; why couldn't we have at least a somewhat awesome stereotype? (Like Rocket Red? Or August General?)

    Like I say, I still enjoyed it, and will probably pick up issue 3. But... yeah, IMO, there is fault to be found here

  24. Hey Linkara! Have you checked out the "Fear Itself" comics? I'm particularly curious about the Deadpool issues, seeing that the guy behind Dr. McNinja is writing some of those.

  25. Just read Penguin and Huntress, and if you don't mind me commenting again Lewis(let me know if I become a pest =P), I'll do a little mini-review of those two as well.

    Huntress: Pretty good. I'm both glad and upset they brought back Earth-2 though, and that subject, whether or not Huntress is set on Earth-2, seems to overshadow the issue. On one hand, this cleans canon's clock. No more Jade, Obsidian, and so on. I found all of whats happend to the JSA to be so confusing. But on the other hand, one of my favorite books was Young All Stars, and I doubt that is in cannon on either Earths now.

    Penguin: The Penguin is just a monster. The whole issue is him being abused and bullied as a child, and him ruining a guy who was rude to him (not knowing who Penguin was) by killing his parents, burning down his house, and then infecting a girl the poor shmuck knows with an STD. Oh, and an old woman is decapitated. Oh, and Penguin gives his mother a bath. This book is just miserable.

    "We get quite a bit of stereotyping here; most notably Rocket Red and August General in Iron."

    Are you kidding? "Quite a bit"? Yes, and the Titanic was a tad unlucky. Rocket Red is The Heavy! He is clearly The Heavy! His armor is probably named Sasha...but oddly, I don't see August General in Iron's stereoype. He's wise, I guess, like a wise kung fu master? I like him. He is loyal, kind, and intresting, more then I can say for a certain Brit...

  26. Anyone else think whenever someone tries to write warren ellis style authority/stormwatch just gets it all wrong?

    I swear READ CHANGE OR DIE before you write thsi stuff people!

  27. I'm really liking JLI and I think I'll be keeping up with it, though like you I don't really know what Godiva's deal is and I hope there will be more of Vixen in the up coming books. I haven't given Batwing a chance yet mostly because I really don't like his costume and think it looks laughable (something about a Bat character in bright pastels just isn't right) though with how much you seem to like it that might change.

  28. Reading Grant Morrison's ... interesting... autobiography/breakdown of comics-as-cultural-force (trying to fairly decide just what the heck I think of the man-- I've never been so joyfully awed by Superman comics or so irritably let down by Batman comics, and all written by the same person) piqued my interest in Animal Man, but when you even passingly compared to Sandman I immediately put both new issues in my digital shopping cart. Quite literally. Great storytelling aside, the horror/fantasy tone of Sandman is a personal favorite flavor-- it was an apt and helpful comparison!

    If you ever get around to that catching-up on Swamp Thing, I'm one of those who'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm reading Alan Moore's run at the same time that I'm starting with the new issues. I'm so in love with the concept my critical faculties haven't quite caught up yet.... (love fantasy/horror, benevolent monster tropes, AND work in the environmental field.... in a locale where "field" is mostly "swamp")

    Looking forward to the next batch of reviews. Misgivings and disappointments aside, I'm finding myself cautiously excited to buy comics every week-- for the first time, too!

  29. Aw jeez, more lectures Linkara? It seems to be a bad trend going of you spending more and more time in the videos admonishing a few people while punishing the 95% that did nothing to you. Annoying people on the internet will always exist and at this rate we may reach a point where there may be more admonishments than review content.

    98% of your viewers DON'T do anything to you annoy you. We just love the content of your reviews. Let me set the scene from a viewer's perspective: after patiently awaiting the next HOPR, seeing a new one posted is quite exciting. So it's a total bummer to have to listen for the first few minutes to your complaints about comments most of us probably never saw. Again, I love your videos but please try and get a thicker skin. At some point you've got to accept that you will ALWAYS be getting comments you don't like. It comes with the territory.

    Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I was really pumped when I saw the video. And then when the complaints came at the start it really soured my enjoyment of the rest of the videos.

  30. Weighing in on the visuals issue, I seem to remember that in the first episode you said to think of this more as a podcast to be listened to rather than a full video to be watched. I think given the short and sweet nature of the reviews this works as such.
    This weeks worked just fine with just the covers, and maybe when the scanner’s back up and running maybe use specific panels is there’s one scene in particular you’re referencing, but I tend to just have this series running in the background anyway.
    On an unrelated note, I have to agree with you on Scott McDaniel’s art. I’ve never been sold on it. I can’t pinpoint what exactly looks ‘off’. I find a similar thing with Chris Bachalo.
    And finally on the subject of Deadpool, that title opened with so much potential. The first arc was great fun, but it just seems a little patchy, probably since the ‘Hit Monkey’ arc. When it’s fun it’s very fun. (I’m thinking of you Deadpool Vs Bullseye arc!) but sometimes it’s pretty m’eh. But then again, that sums up my view of all Daniel Way’s writing in a nutshell.

  31. Lewis, I'm kinda disappointed. You skipped Men of War 2 and that took a turn for the gloriously weird including someone who may or may not be a long standing Wonder Woman villain.

  32. "Aw jeez, more lectures Linkara? It seems to be a bad trend going of you spending more and more time in the videos admonishing a few people while punishing the 95% that did nothing to you. Annoying people on the internet will always exist and at this rate we may reach a point where there may be more admonishments than review content."

    I'm certainly not trying to lecture people - really it's just that addressing a lot of common questions in video form is a lot more efficient than trying to respond one by one on comments or on twitter, and when I get the same repeatedly, it can get a little frustrating. For that, I'm sorry.

    The Action Comics response was more just giving my final word on why I dsliked it, since many people seemed surprised about my dislike of it and, again, the video allowed me to respond to a lot of people all at once.

    But yeah, if I came off like I was trying to be angry at my audience or the like, I apologize since that was certainly not my intention.

  33. "Lewis, I'm kinda disappointed. You skipped Men of War 2 and that took a turn for the gloriously weird including someone who may or may not be a long standing Wonder Woman villain."

    I admit, the cover did intrigue me, buuut I decided to skip it since I wanted to limit how many comics I bought. Still, I might take a look digitally if you think it'd be worth it.

  34. Linkara, I have a question... With action Comics..

    Don't you think it's pointless? Really with any suspense they could have with the character, all you have to do is look at another comic and ta da there is is all alive and well 5 years later..

    So any near deaths or very strong baddies... become well nothing at all, no threat no risk no anything, its not like "OH NO!! How will he escape?? WILL he escape?... wait 5 years later he working for daily planet so i guess he did get out.. and lived.."

    I mean I already know that he will live but there is no suspense no thrill you know?

    Anyway I was just wondering if you notice that as well... anyway I will bug you on twitter now =D lol

  35. Actually, in Hawk and Dove, Condor was not an existing villain.

    That said, Condor looks and acts just like Kestrel, who WAS a villain from the 90s series.

  36. Justice League International still is, together with a few others, Mystery Science Fiction Theater 3000 material Mr. Lovhaug, me and the crew will nail Dan Jurgens text for the several flaws that contains despite the fact we laugh out loud reading through Hold's wide screen while the slideshow machine works from page to page.

    It's entertaining and we start to figured out your kind of cheesy (not very far away from our own by the way), as far our collective fast readings last night can tell JLI is going to be worthy of your money only if you are a huge fan of classic Keith Giffen's JL versions and most recently the Generation Lost or going a little bit further a fan of Booster Gold. Even if is that the case the story is cheesy as hell in a very non-logical argumentative Vulcan/McCoyan way and my only complaint was you getting your critic reputation in check to stand for your personal preferences as a fan, i may be wrong but the first issue left the feeling you was saying : "What a Hell, i like this characters and i really like this book, so let me put this inconveniences aside and stand for the comic i like !".

    And there we are commenting about "I like Big Mac but you like Burguer King", my point is you can say you liked or not, that's prefereable, but please just don't put yourself in the line of fire to say : It's worth buying! because that's not a worthy shoot to take in the place of those who deserve it.

    Quoting as usual and finishing with a mental image i would like to remind you what your father said in the first Linkara movie years ago :

    Jor-Kara-El :Live as one of them, Lin-Kara-El, to discover where your strength and your power are needed. Always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage. They can be a great people, Lin-Kara-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son.

    P.S.: don't forget to skip the damn advertise if appears first, enjoy the awesomeness

  37. "All it really lacks is for a certain inventor to become their techie. I want my Ted, dammit."

    Agreed. Even if they do a "quit hero'ing due to his heart troubles, and he's the Oracle character now" hand-wave, I'd like to see Ted back.

    (Plus Giffen doing the book, but that's beside the point)

  38. "Aw jeez, more lectures Linkara? It seems to be a bad trend going of you spending more and more time in the videos admonishing a few people while punishing the 95% that did nothing to you. Annoying people on the internet will always exist and at this rate we may reach a point where there may be more admonishments than review content."

    Lewis I apologize on his behalf but...
    What in the? What lecture? What punishment? Linkara was stating his personal reasons for not liking a comic book in one of HIS videos that YOU CHOSE to watch and you are admonishing him for doing so? That makes next to no sense!

    "...if I came off like I was trying to be angry at my audience or the like, I apologize since that was certainly not my intention."

    You didn't at all so don't apologize. besides if if you did out of everyone's videos that I have or do watch online, you would be and are the one who would most likely do so with logical reasons and and make sense doing so, which you did.

  39. I love the fact that you've seen episodes of Penn & Teller's "Bullshit". When I saw that particular episode, I cried a little at the end where they showed the little extra piece of behind-the-scenes footage.

    Children aren't born evil and they just try their best to survive, live well and be happy in whatever environment they're in. If anything, video-games are a great distraction FROM real-life violence!

    For me, a video-game was a nice outlet for my anger, sadness, frustration, etc. The worst that might happen is that I throw a controller at my console or TV. In real life, I didn't actually hurt anyone, unless you count the times I did kind-of a "self-defense" thing whenever people bullied me, which would've happened with me even without playing video-games.

    Without video-games, I would've had no outlet for my moodiness, and no inspiration to keep doing my best. The very thing that my parents were against was the very thing that actually helped me do my best. It had nothing to do with my parents constantly being overly demanding about my grades, behavior, etc. (as it's one thing to guide me, but it's another thing to constantly find fault and be aggressive and critical towards me). I did what I did in life because I had the self-motivation and intelligence to do my best, improve myself, and constructively problem-solve the hellish experiences I was going through.

  40. Wow, two weekly video series that are enjoyable to watch, you sir have my respect. Also I agree with Mitchell Martinez's comment: Covers are great but if you feel there is a specific image to show just how good/bad something is maybe use an audio cue.

  41. First of, thanks a lot for the new TAIS, I really like it - aswell as your other videos - and have been a long time fan !

    I know that your scanner broke down, so the following is just to answer your question on the whole "do you want to see visuals in TAIS" thing:

    Yes, I very, very much appreciate seeing visuals, because this way you can show what's wrong or right with certain panels / covers or the art in general.

    Describing visuals can be quite difficult and if you don't describe them at all and just say stuff like "I (don't) like the art" or "Starfire poses in weird positions in this", then it's actually really hard to follow for almost everybody who didn't pick up the issue you're talking about.

    So please, continue with the visuals, if you have the time to do so, it is very, very much appreciated !

    And yes - just in case you're wondering - I do in fact sit in front of my computer screen from start to finish during your TAIS episodes to see all the visuals and it really gives me a good bonus to the audio and some nice help to see which comics I might pick up as a trade (can't be bothered with collecting individual issues each week) !

    Just to round things up: Thanks again, Louis, your work is - like always - much appreciated and I'm already looking forward to your next Atop the 4th Wall aswell as TAIS (hopefully with visuals, but don't pressure yourself too much if you don't have time) !

  42. Great reviews, Linkara. You really helped me with choosing the New 52 comics to try.

    Although, (and I did search), the reporter in Detective Comics #2 is the same girl mentioned in #1. But, considering they only mentioned the name in one line in issue 1, I wouldn't blame you if you missed it.

    Keep up the good work!

  43. I'm guessing you don't read the walking dead. If you want a title that always good i suggest you give that a try. Best ongoing at the moment by anyone

  44. In case the previous comment don't be posted or backfires for the lack of better grammar and clear consistence : I quote Mr. Lovhaug previous statement on That's All I'm Saying from 9-8-11 you said "You Should Be Buying This Book !", i politely suggest and beg you for the love of all sacred things and being please NEVER use this phrase again for this or any other book in the future until the end of days. No comic book, movie, tv series, video game, internet MMORPG or whatever mankind invent in the future deserves the kind of risk involved in the defense of something that your personal tastes as a reader say "It's damn good" but when comic book loosely based logic applies correctly your criticism must at least agree about the several flaws the book leaves there for everybody to see.

    If you liked that's fine but as a critic no book deserves a scratch in your reputation that comes from supporting a poor developed brainstormed comic written and draw as meant to be "damn good" book but never accomplishing this objective in the first place.

    Even as an acid critic your analisys is in no other way flawless in general and should stay that way, equally balanced for good, bad and meh books with personal preferences reminding in second place.

    That's all i'm saying for the sake of the argument. Continue the good work and enjoy your comics despite the fact DC sucks in most of the new 52's.

    Comics must be good and critics even better. You can be better.

  45. I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for doing this series. I probably am exactly the type of (potential) reader the re-launch was designed for (I'm interested in getting more into the superhero comics but continuity made it hard to know where to start or determine if I'd even understand much of what was happening) so I definitely want to read some of it (though probably not until the trades come out because that's how I like to collect my comics). I've been watching this series as it comes out and rewatching it too, to get an idea of what is starting out good and which series I should pay attention to as they develop. So yeah ... thanks. This is definitely going to help inform what I end up picking up myself, since a lot of the titles are ones I only knew of in passing, if that.

  46. My pulls this week:
    1) Hawk and Dove - This one could be really entertaining, but the two villains are just not grabbing me. To be honest I don't know why. They just seem "bland". I will give it one more month.
    2) Red Lantern - I am looking at this more as a comedy. I will probably give another 1 - 3 to get going, or lose me completely.
    3) Animal Man - This is a Vertigo type title. I am loving it so far.
    4) Stormwatch - I will keep reading this, but I agree with Lewis here, the characters aren't really all that well developed and it is making it hard to get into this one.
    5) OMAC - I continue to love this book. I think this puts me in the minority here, but there is a lot of fun to be had. It is the only comic I reread three times last night.

    I have started to notice something about these comics that surprises me. I know it shouldn't, but the level of graphic violence is really high. Red Lantern, Animal Man, and Stormwatch all had lots of gore directly on the page. Hawk & Dove talks about and shows indirectly much violence. Whereas OMAC had people hitting each other in a more Silver Age style.

    The violence isn't bothersome really, but it seemed unnecessary in Red Lantern (surprisingly) and it seemed like a crutch in Hawk & Dove (We are bad-ass villains cause we KILL MWAHAHAHAHAHA).

    Just something that crossed my mind.

  47. Sorry about the scanner. If I could, I'd let you use mine. =D

    As for this week's picks, I think I may stick with Superman as my Superman fix. Only because I too am not really feeling this brash man of steel.

    I WILL definitely check out JLI in the shop. It depends on the stuff I get this week. That's just the way things go, right?

    Here's hoping the scanner issues get resolved as soon as possible!

  48. I made some mini reviews for the stuff I picked-up from last month

  49. Just one comment- How do you pronounce "Godiva"? Usually like this:

    So, yeah. Your first pronunciation was right.

  50. I only picked up the following DCnU books:

    Action Comics #2: I enjoyed it, mostly because of Lex Luthor, but I do see problems with the story with how Superman is acting. I just hope they don't do that to Captain Marvel when he gets a new series because it will make no sense for the wizard Shazam to give Billy the powers.

    Detective Comics #2: Not as enjoying as the first but would like to see where this story goes.

    JLI #2: Love it! My Favorite DC book of the week. It's fun, funny, and a joy to read. Screw the negative reviews that are posted online, and just go read this book people.

    Animal Man #2: Well written with a good cast and interested to see how the story ends.

    Swamp Thing #2: All I can say I enjoyed it and I need to read Alan Moore's series ASAP! I'm liking Swamp Thing a lot and would love to read his past stories.

    Sorry about your scanner breaking but the images of the covers is good enough for TAIS. Keep up the great work.

  51. Of the titles I picked-up last month (Action Comics, Supergirl, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batwoman, Green Lantern Corps, New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Justice League International, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, DC Universe Presents, Justice League Dark, Swamp Thing, Animal Man, Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E., I Vampire, Resurrection Man, Demon Knights, Stormwatch, Grifter, Suicide Squad, Blackhawks, Men of War, All-Star Western, Static Shock, Hawk and Dove, Legion Lost, Legion of Super-Heroes)
    the only one I'm dropping is Legion Lost, and maybe Suicide Squad, depending on how the second issue turns out

  52. "Actually, in Hawk and Dove, Condor was not an existing villain.

    That said, Condor looks and acts just like Kestrel, who WAS a villain from the 90s series."

    KESTREL, right, that's the one I was thinking of.

  53. Picked up 3 comics this week: Action Comics #2, Detective Comics #2 and Static Shock #2.

    Action Comics: I actually like this because it tells the story of an early supes, but I have never read any Superman stuff before so I don't know anything about the character other than the stuff I have seen in the old movies and the Smallville series. I would assume both used a fair bit of "creative freedom" when adapting the character to their movie/show.

    Detective Comics: As a new comic book reader I really liked this, but I definitely feel the writers should communicate with each other regarding the different relationships of Batman/Bruce.

    Static Shock: Another one I really enjoy so far. The art doesn't really bother me, but when it got to the clone part I needed to reread a few pages while scratching my head and wondering if I missed something.

    Regarding art in comics: If you consider the art in Static Shock to be bad, what do you think of the art in the old Star Wars: Dark Empire comics?

  54. "Comics must be good and critics even better. You can be better."

    I will recommend what *I* think is good.

    I like Justice League International unironically. I enjoy it unironically. I think it's a good book.

    And frankly I have grown weary of your continual insistence that personal tastes prevent me from recommending something I enjoy. I have seen you harp on me about this on twitter and on these comment sections over and over and over.

    I have indulged you until now and I warned you on twitter to knock it off, but this is it. If you don't like it, state it once and be done with it.

    However, you have not, and so I am done with you. If I see any more posts from you on this topic, Sake Mongoose, they will not be posted.

  55. It's okay, Lewis, I don't like the direction Action Comics is taking, either, and I've already dropped the title.

    I'm very excited to read Batwing #2! I was a little apprehensive about picking up the first issue (after all, how many bat-family titles do we need, anyway), but it was definitely one of my favorites of the relaunch. Great action, interesting character.

    Detective Comics is another one I've already dropped. I love Batman, but I'd rather save myself a little money, and the story to me just doesn't seem worth it.

    I'm a huge Booster Gold fan (I own all the trades of his series and 52 and the Showcase Presents book), so I was very upset that the relaunch dropped his title. Now, I see JLI as a chance to see him grow in different ways as a character, and I'm happy that issue 2 doesn't disappoint. I thrive on character development and interaction. To me, it even takes priority over the story.

    Green Arrow is another character that really resonates with me, so I picked up the second issue and can't wait to read it.

    The ending of Animal Man #1 gave me nightmares, and I'm stoked to see how this one plays out. This was another surprise hit for me.

    I know that everyone always raves about how amazing Swamp Thing is, but I just can't get into the character. It's the same way with Marvel characters: I hear that the stories are good/better, but I just can't make myself care.

    Look at that: I rambled on and on, and I haven't even read any of the second issues, yet! ^^; Loving the series so far, and I hope you get your scanner fixed soon.

  56. "I will recommend what *I* think is good.

    I like Justice League International unironically. I enjoy it unironically. I think it's a good book.

    (yadda yadda)..."

    Lewis... are you saying you understand what he's trying to say? Because I've read it four times and I don't.

    (stupid OpenID)

  57. I'd just like to say that, to me, Red Lanterns got much better with issue #2. Of course, I like the multiple colors thing way more than I should.
    Anyways, there are worse concepts. The Blue and Indigo Lanterns don't do much, and an Orange Lantern book would get old fast. I love Larfleeze, but he is more of a one-note character the Atrocitus is.

  58. Yea I had the same issue with that line in Green Arrow also.To me it came off like they were trying to attack the competition (or what think is) and came off hypercritical given comic books show the same acts just as much as any video game.Other then that I would have prefer it to be more one sided beat down.Where Green Arrow just thrash those guys.

    JLI I'm liking.Probably not loving other then August.I never read any thing from Booster Gold but I can see why people like him.Oh Red Rocket make me want to make the in soviet Russia jokes.

    I like Teen Titans the most of the one I read so far and want the next issue out already.Even more so that X-23 was sold out today at my store.

  59. I agree with you completely on Batwing and Green Arrow, in fact I only got Batwing 1 on your reccomendation, leading me to pick up number 2 cos it was so good

    I would also reccomend issue 1 of the miniseries Penguin: Pain and Prejudice, its very well written, very grim and serious and has some fantastic art

    I also feel that Green Arrow is missing something farely crucial to his character... his awesome beard. Is it weird that of all the stuff changed in the reboot it was this that upset me the most?

  60. So you're simultaneously criticizing Action Comics for being not different enough (in that it's another young Superman story) and too different (in that it's Superman not behaving as any Superman had before)? Which is it; Morrison is treading the same ground, or Morrison has changed things into something new and unpalatable?

  61. "personal tastes prevent me from recommending something I enjoy"

    No, i mean the opposite : your personal tastes prevent you from not recommending something you enjoy despite any flaws in the book.

    And i settle down and ended this argument already when I ask you to don't use the phrase : "You Should Be Buying This Book ! when just recommend it is more preferable.

    You can do whatever you want with this comment after read it, this is not a flame war, i don't care if you love the book or not and you shouldn't carte with what i think either because in the end i am a nobody and i will continue to be a nobody after this, probably an irony impaired nobody, doesn't matter. I ask you politely despite you think i was being ironical, i wasn't, i am not smart enough to be ironic even in portuguese.

    In the end i will continue to write on my blog, enjoying your show, learning more english, twit on twitter and appreciate comic books thanks to you and you TAIS mostly because before that read comic books on a computer screen sucks but in the past few weeks i actually learn to enjoy it and i owe you that.

    Thank you for bring me back my childhood passion !

    From your fan Mr. Ricardo.

    p.s.: this comment will self destruct in 5 seconds.

  62. Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I had no problem with the Action Comics stuff as that had to do with the comic itself.

    Quick question for those in the know...were Justice League and Batgirl not on Linkara's pull or did they just not come out this week? I thought they were some of the first available, should I not bother looking for them at my shop this week?

  63. "No, i mean the opposite : your personal tastes prevent you from not recommending something you enjoy despite any flaws in the book. "

    ...huh? O.o

    "And i settle down and ended this argument already when I ask you to don't use the phrase : "You Should Be Buying This Book ! when just recommend it is more preferable."

    It's just a different way of saying "I recommend it." and doing so with a lot of enthusiasm. Look, I honestly don't mind if you're just a normal commenter, but the number of messages from you on twitter and on the comments was getting more than a little irritating. If you like a book, that's fine, but what was annoying was that you wouldn't keep harping on me about my dislike of Red Hood and my liking of JLI. I liked JLI and I said "you should buy this." No one is under any obligation to listen to me or follow my recommendation.

    And then, to add insult, you started rating comics on the blog by a measure of a T&A factor - and I think it's pretty clear by now that that's not something I'd particularly approve of on this blog.

    Maybe my own response is a little over the top, and if that's the case, I apologize, but it's gotten more than a little frustrating. If you have anything you want to post, go ahead, but I'll make the call if I think it adds anything to the discussion.

  64. Well, thank you for being reasonable.

    You was the one praising Booster Gold for doing the right thing and not ignoring those against (despite the fact he ignores the protesters in the next second, i pointed that), therefore you are not the kind of guy who will ignore people which you can be reasonable and find common ground, your profile is not exactly a jigsaw impossible to figured out.

    Like already posted on twitter i hope we can keep ourselves peacefully in common ground in the future and may history learn a few lessons from this.

    Keep this blog in absolutely FOURTHWALLSOMENESS!!!

  65. I'm wondering why Linkara didn't bother to mention Batman when he talked about JLI #2

  66. I forgot to post it on my earlier short reviews comment but here it goes: Don't you find it weird that the first week of the #2 issues Justice League was not out? I mean, if DC wants Justice League to be their flagship title it should have been the first comic to get a #2 issue.

  67. On the note you had about Team Fortress 2, I play BrikWars. For the majority that doesn't know about it, BrikWars is a wargame where your army of death are Lego people, giving you the power to physically rip off their limbs and toss the around the battlefield. I have no inclination whatsoever to injure in any way an actual person. Now, if I met a life-sized minifigure, it might be different.

  68. The only ones I picked up this time were Green Arrow, JLI, and Static Shock. Kinda bummed that Batgirl was not on the shelf, but oh well. I also got the first of the huntress mini if you want to read what I thought about it.

    Anyway, I do agree with you on the points of what you said about the issues I picked up for the most part. I loved Arrow except from that video game line. JLI made me happy to see that we still have Skeets and great characters and story. Static, I disagree a bit with your feelings on the art style. I like it myself. But hey, to each their own, right?

    Still love this show and sorry that your scanner died. Stuff like that always seems to happen at the worst times.

  69. I'm not sure how many people are wading into these waters, but I'll say it: of course Action Comics' socialist Superman is a bully and a prick. As soon as Morrison decided to make him a socialist again, the bullying was inevitable.

  70. for the next TAIS, might i suggest you check out "Here Comes Daredevil," the artwork in it is pretty damn good, the story is pretty interesting, and plus...its a good Marvel title to get into.

    for the format of the show, I'm fine with just the book covers, but panels might not hurt to help explain some of your points and the pros and cons of the particular issue.

  71. "Don't you find it weird that the first week of the #2 issues Justice League was not out? I mean, if DC wants Justice League to be their flagship title it should have been the first comic to get a #2 issue."

    JL #1 was originally scheduled to come out later in September. At a later time, they decided to push it back to August 30th to release alongside Flashpoint #5. As such, JL #2 remains in relation to where #1 was intended to be released. Considering Jim Lee's slowness, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided the book needed a 6 week schedule, though #3 is currently scheduled for 4 weeks after #2.

    For anyone who wishes to know exactly what will be coming out this week, I recommend bookmarking Diamond's site's release list: They update every Monday afternoon, and you can get a glimpse of the next week via the "upcoming releases" link on the left sidebar. There's also a "shipping updates", updated every Tuesday, that reveals what books will be missing their ship dates and for how long.

  72. I sure hope Linkara will consider picking up the Swamp Thing series again after he finishes immersing himself in some of the older material (i.e Moore's run). Especially since it has a great creative team in term of writing and art. Also it might enhance your enjoyment of Animal Man because the two series are going to pseudo-cross over with each. I think Jeff Lemire (Animal Man's author) even stated that Alec Holland will make an appearance in Animal Man in later issues.

  73. Well I've been unsure of the "52" reboot, but it does sound like there is some good stuff to come from this.

    Batwing and Animal Man sound like some really good titles to jump into, but I may just wait until the collected version or their initial story-lines come first.

    It's kinda funny to see JLI back, but judging from the initial response you've given, it, too, might be worth a look down the road.

    As for your new show, first off, I like it. Its nice to see you tackle a variety of series and point out the good, as well as the bad.

    As for the format, I think the best route would be to show the cover art and occasionally some of the pages. Personally, cover art should be enough, but I'm never against showing some pages of issues that are particularly interesting or note-worthy.

    I look forward to the next episode, Linkara, so keep up the fine work.

  74. Ergh. Detective Comics just seems to be getting worse for me.

    Whose face is getting mutilated next chaper, then? Pretty much exactly the same cliffhanger in both stories, but at least in the first issue, the other stuff felt relevant, where here everything else felt pointless.

  75. Well first off i kind of would like to see the panel scans,althou for some people this probally works more like a podcast,meaning you can basically play this in the background while seeing other things i think it would be nice to have a better idea specially in cases like static shock where you say you dont like the art,because some of the times the cover while interesting doesnt really have anything to do with the comic itself,also on a side-note its my first comment and just wanted to thank you for all the awesome reviews so far,you actually got me interested in comics in the first place(althou where i live (Brazil) comics arent really a big thing so unless you look for a specific kind of place you wont see them around so easily,therefore i dont really follow them myself)
    and well ehmm thats about it once again thanks for the good work and hope to see more soon^^

  76. I'ma gonna forgive ya for not adding panels this time :P (seriously, comics aren't sold here and purchasing online is something I don't want to do. I'm a collector, you see. So reading a comic I'm not holding in my hands feels sorta wrong. Principle xD)

    So, thank you for this series, Linkara! This way, I'm still keeping up somewhat with current comics. Not the same as reading them, but still very nice :)

  77. I enjoy your That All I'm Saying show
    I like that you talk about the newer comics that are out and also showing pictures inside the comic(I know that you didn't do it this time due to the broken scanner)
    For your show have the cover of the comic and show pictures inside of the comic

  78. I suggest covers only for That's All I'm Saying. It's good to see what book you're talking about at a glance.

  79. I personally like the more audio-oriented TAIS. I like to hear you talk about them while I do other things, but if there's something you mention that catches my interest, I do like to see the covers of the book so I know I'm buying the right one later. (After all, you have to admit that there are a ton of series that have exactly the same name as other series, with the only at-a-glance differentiation being the date and cover art).

    I do like the audio cue for any on-screen message, like you've been doing for a while now. And it's understandable if you have to throw up an on-screen message if something happened after you finished recording the audio. :)

  80. fI'm glad to see that someone else besides me likes The Green Arrow. It's definitely one of my favorite comics out of the new 52 and every review besides yours ranges from blasting it to just saying it's OK. I will admit though, JT Krul's writing does have an occasional hiccup to it. Like, last issue Ollie said "Rocks to ya!" (does anyone actually talk like that?) And in this issue the line about video games across as a pretty lame argument. Then again though, Ollie's assisstant said it, so I decided to let it slide. To me the new Green Arrow feels like a hybrid of Batman and Spiderman. He has gadgets and an Oracle-esque assisstant, but he is alot more light hearted than Batman. Like Spidey, he even give his opponent goofy taunts while fighting them. Like when he called Lime and Light attention whores.

    I also picked up Swamp Thing and OMAC. Both were great and Swamp Thing did a great job filling me in on who Swamp Thing is and why is he is important. I will admit, last issue I cam pretty close to dropping Swamp Thing, but I'm glad that I stuck around.

  81. Just to your criticism of AC

    You say that there were enough origin stories for Superman
    That's true, but I can't remember there ever being any story chronicling his character development from his original personality his displayed throughout the 30s and 40s to the one we know today

    That is quite a journey, and to my knowlage, no-one ever told it

  82. @Lexia

    I don't read Superman, so nothing is spoiled for me reading Action Comics (which in my opinion is a superior story in every way)

    Also, no-one is that naive as to think that Superman wouldn't make it

  83. I just noticed this, but... what's the deal with that title card? Booster Gold with a Magic Gun tethered to Linkara's? Am I missing some reference here?

  84. Dang, I missed this one! I forgot to come on here for 2 days!?

    Ok, I flipped fhrew the Animal Man comic the other day when I had the chance finnally to get to the one place in my town that sales comics and you're right it does have soem brutel stuff the eyeless bit was creepy!

    Man, I'd hate the hippy Superman too if he's as bad as you put it!

    Sorry, if I asked too much on the cloaked woman. But, I do believe she'll play a more important role in the future more along the lines of if this crap don't work out like DC wants they got a biult in reset!

    Stormwatch I really want to check out! Since I'm reading the trade of Justice League Elite a story arc soully written to show why Wildstorm characters and beliefs would fly in the mainstream DC universe and it's making me question this relaunch more and more.
    Maybe, that;s a comic you can discuss(not review) the story from that trade called "Whatever Happened to Truth, Justice, and the American Way" as it's due to get the Animated Strait to DVD treatment!

    So, Deadpool's own personal Harley Quinn isn't working out as good as everyone hoped!?

    So what are the comics on next weeks agenda!?

    PS: I say you can use images on here but just do covers as a basic thing unless your point just has to be made with an actual panel display! I do watch the images but I do tend to try doing other things and just listen when you're on a comic I'm not that into!

  85. Good point about the absurdity of video game violence leading to real violence.

    What I find ironic is that the writer apparently doesn't even know the history of comics as an art form.

    It would seem that people who work for an industry that was hauled before Congress and forced to adopt a "comics code" by Seduction of the Innocent would be the last ones to jump on the latest hysteria.

    The crap that video games have been getting for the last 25 years is the same crap that comics got in the 1950's.

  86. "I just noticed this, but... what's the deal with that title card? Booster Gold with a Magic Gun tethered to Linkara's? Am I missing some reference here?"

    I think it has o do with the fact he's a time trveler, and he might've tooken Link's gun from someother time.

    Which makes me wonder, did Linkara read Booster's tie ins to Flashpoint? I mean, he is one of Lewis' favourate superheroes, he was already reading the title, and it was the only on-going to tie in directly to Flashpoint. Heck, before I even knew of the relaunch, I was going to buy Flashpoint just so I could follow along with it in Booster Gold.

  87. hey linkara how about picking up a issue of sonic for TAIS, im kinda interestid to hear on what you think of it.

    (and yes I do know that sonic does not intrest you that much. but you should still give the series a try I mean who knows you might like it.)

    banjo tooie

  88. Hey Linkara! A friend of mine just got me into your stuff because I'm trying to get into comic books, and I just wanted to say before I comment on this video that you are very awesome. I've been laughing my ass off to your Amazons Attack, Act of God, and Countdown series reviews. Thanks for all your awesome work.

    As for this video, I admit that my opinion on books is a little slanted because the new 52 is pretty much my first foray into the DC Universe (I read Green Lantern: Rebirth and Green Lantern Corps: Recharge, but I haven't been able to catch up on anything else yet), but here's what I think of this week's sampling (that I read):

    I agree with you on Action Comics whole-heartedly; I dropped it after your first review because it wasn't the Superman I wanted to read.

    Batwing is awesome. One of my favorite series in this reboot so far. Consistently good across the board.

    Animal Man is interesting. I like how he's got a completely different set of character issues due to the wife and kid, but as a college student, I sometimes find it hard to relate as well as I can to some of the others. Still enjoying it though.

    Detective Comics: I like Batman. End of discussion :P

    Stormwatch: I picked this up based off of your review in the first video you did on it. I didn't like the second one as much, but I'm hoping it will return to what I liked soon.

    JLI: I agree with you whole heartedly on this one. I am really enjoying it. I'm not sure why IGN keeps bashing it, but I really like where it's heading.

    Red Lanterns: I wish you'd kept following this one. The second issue was a LOT better than the first. Maybe it's because I like the green lantern universe more than any other in the DC lineup, but I think it's worth checking out on digital if you have even the slightest interest. It was one of my favorites this week.

    Penguin: I found this really interesting. Getting this kind of perspective on villains is very enjoyable. Can't help but feel sorry for the guy. Well done issue.

    Huntress: Awesome. 'Nuff said.

    That went on for longer than I thought. Thanks again for all the awesome content, Linkara :)

  89. I now demand Linkara's Steam username so I can challenge him on TF2 and make a complete jackass of myself.

  90. Woah Woah Woah

    You're telling me the Huntress or even the PENGUIN mini series didn't interest you?
    It's the Penguin! We're lucky if he shows up in comics once a year, let alone get a story that does him well.

    When I found out about it I was ready to bust down my LCS's walls to get to it.
    Then again the Penguin is my fav batman villain.

  91. " the Sandman was back in the mid-nighties, a mixture of horror and fantasy, centered around a likable superhero who's just trying to do good for the people he loves"

    What Sandman were you reading?

  92. "What Sandman were you reading?"

    Yeah, I realized I phrased that weirdly after I finished it, but I was in a rush - I wsa referring to Sandman as a mixture of horror and fantasy, not the superhero part.

  93. I don't mind the idea of just covers, as it gives me an idea of what to look for if I ever pass by a shelf in a store. As for audio, I seem to remember LordKat had some kind of setup on blip where the video was streamed but below was a link to an MP3 file actually hosted by I'm not sure how that's meant to work, if it's something like the voice memes on DeviantART. So, yeah, I think making it a kind of podcast would be fine, though I don't mind seeing the covers, and I don't really miss the pages that much. Typically, you only really talk about the page you're showing to give a general comment on the artwork itself.

  94. The Not So Long T.A.I.L. 10-5-11

    "That's All I Love"

    Lazy reader here but doing much better with audio, maybe comics would improve sales faster if DC decide to go from digital into audio-books, that would keep Liefeld in the Negaverse forever.

    LOL, but serious Negaverse and most of characters names given by George Lucas in Star Wars sounds terrible offensive in portuguese, i can even translate them back to english without offend the Taisoreer a.k.a. the original reviewer of this show.

    That's all i love, the side show for the side show of the main show, fast, gratuitous, charming, uncut, unreviewed and unretroactively unposted and reposted again and only posted once each TAIS.

    There isn't much to love this week except all the unread books from the list and thanks god Lewis is enough wise to avoid purchasing everything or else the list would be bigger and his budget smaller.

    Action Comics finally start to kicks ass and Green Arrow keeps following the way the tv character should followed - really fews like watching tv even more through wide screen slide shows - and that's still remains to be loved yet, not actually loved now, just enjoyable.

    Hawk & Dove is silly, most of the list deserves a rant or two and Justice League International #02 is gold digger material for my personal version of rifftrax also another thing i am really enjoying and loving de facto despite tedious downloads.

    What else has been left to be said ? I need to take a look at Deadpool and ignoring some silliness i really love Batwing even without be a big fan of ethnic demographic aiming superheroes and yes that's probably racist from my part, don't blame for be human.

    For most of the week list DC Sucks, Lewis Rules with surprising modesty and moderation and that's all for the weekend.

  95. Argh, ok Mr. Linkara, I'm done. I'm tired of you sounding angry and aggressive all the time. I dunno if you wanna sound manly or something, but it gets on my nerves watching your videos.

  96. If there is anything this series thought me, it's that you have some pretty boring tastes

    You bash Action comics, while praising the Superman comics
    You bash one of the most enjoyable and fresh takes on the character, while praising a generic snooze-fest

    I'd rather read about Superman being a hero and purging our society of the cancer that's choking it, than about him moping about his work-colleague dating a douche-bag

    But at least we both agree on Animal Man and Demon Knights, so your tastes aren't irredeemable

    I seriously hate how you are willing to dismiss a good series just due to your narrow world views

    violent heroes and idealistic heroes should balance each other out
    There needs to be a Stormwatch, there needs to be an Authority to do what has to be done, and there needs to be a Justice League to give people hope.
    The Authority must do what the Justice League lacks to guts to do, and the Justice League must step in so that the Authority won't overstep their boundaries
    Who watches the watchmen?

  97. "Yeah, I realized I phrased that weirdly after I finished it, but I was in a rush - I wsa referring to Sandman as a mixture of horror and fantasy, not the superhero part."

    I thought so, but since there have been other characters named Sandman I was a little confused and wondered if there was another title I had missed about one of the superheroes under the name. Thanks for clearing it up.

  98. Haven't seen the Penn and Teller episode. Can you explain how they showed the video game violence link to be "nonsense," exactly? A number of peer-reviewed studies/papers have claimed there is a link, and the American Psychological Association in 2005 issued this.

    I'm not saying the statement in the comic made sense, but there is a middle ground between that statement and the claim that there is NO link between media violence and real world violence.

  99. quoting : "Argh, ok Mr. Linkara, I'm done. I'm tired of you sounding angry and aggressive all the time. I dunno if you wanna sound manly or something, but it gets on my nerves watching your videos."

    You missed the point fox, Linkara a.k.a. Lewis Lovhaug really has an annoying high pitched tone at some points but it's all part of the show. The guy is an actor as well a critic and "acid reviewer" and despite the tone used he is probably the most manly among the three stooges' from TGWTG - that doesn't excise the fact you are gaining weight Lewis, cut off the soda now or you will never look like Rocky or even Mickey for that matter but that just my opinion.

    quoting "If there is anything this series thought me, it's that you have some pretty boring tastes"

    Could be worst, did you ever saw any Siskel & Ebert review ? Does guys praise a lot of crap and they pretend to be gentlemen and have fine tastes while Lewis is actually genuine. I may not agree with him about some stuff overly commented about but i respect the fact he don't bow easyly into temptation like me, most of the cheesy stuff is digestible for me including alien females disguised as strippers gathering intell to conquer the planet later.

    What can i say ? Most of humans are suckers, thanks god we have Linkara to save us from ourselves unless of course he snaps and decide to go all Rorschach on our throats, believe me sometimes he is not far away from that when in character.

    Anyway, Bright colors sucks !

  100. I think you misunderstood the line in Green Arrow; I've not read the comic, so I'm going purely by what you said in the video.

    You said... "people spend hours killing and maiming in video games every single day. Why should reality be any different for these psychos."

    Emphasis on that last bit. While I fully agree that the notion of video games turning everyone in serial killers is ridiculous, this is more of a special case... because she's talking about 'psychos', ie. people with actual mental issues. And well, saying that serial killers get inspiration for their deeds from their surroundings, be it literature, comics or video games is... well, completely sensible, really.

    The thing is, blaming video games for that is like blaming the Superman movies because someone with serious mental problems decided to jump out a window, thinking he could fly. Yes, the movie gave him the idea, but it's not the movie's fault, the person was sick, that's the main issue.

  101. Can you be really considered a bully if you go after bullies?

    Remember, laws are made by those in power, and what good is defending a law established by the oppressors?

    Why should a scumbag be treated better just because he's rich or powerful enough to bend the law to their image?

    It makes perfect sense for a defender of truth and justice to go after those who abuse the system and hurt others in the process
    The USA wouldn't exist without people like this.

    This is why I think that Action Comics Superman is the better hero
    He does what is right instead of what is legal

  102. Action Comics' Superman is technically a bully and a prick, yes. By definition, the kind of personality that would become a personality has to have an angry streak and a sense of self-righteousness. The difference between the conventional Superman and this guy is that Morrison's new/old Clark acknowledges that the system is a mess and needs to be challenged from without, while the conventional Supes just gives humanity the chance to better themselves (and as long as a small minority of wealthy hold all the power, they won't be able to do so).

  103. "Can you be really considered a bully if you go after bullies?"

    Yes you can, nobody can take the law in their own hands, there are cops to answer this matter.

    Remember, laws are made by those in power, and what good is defending a law established by the oppressors?

    Opressors ??? Where do you live ? Syria ? Qurac ? Olong Island ? You are talking about Action Comics right ? Last time i check the USA was not ruled by "Oppressors" even in fiction. Your comment is nonsensical taken in the context of Action Comics, even more when compare with the real world.

    Why should a scumbag be treated better just because he's rich or powerful enough to bend the law to their image?

    Not better, just treated in the same way like any other scumbag, through the due process, nobody owns the truth and justice despite it's own imperfections is meant to be fair for everybody, even those who are confessed guilty.

    It makes perfect sense for a defender of truth and justice to go after those who abuse the system and hurt others in the process
    The USA wouldn't exist without people like this.

    So say the anonymous faceless member of the fatherland security, you made so many scumbags proud tonight.

    This is why I think that Action Comics Superman is the better hero
    He does what is right instead of what is legal

    So far no, he is not a better hero, he is really a bully, he made the innocent and the guilty fear him in the same measure, he scares the authorities, Lewis review was accurate and is easily clear why he don't recommended Action Comics #2 even with all setting up action, Superman don't acts like a hero yet, so far he deserved the mistrust and the harsh treatment because he look nuts, i hope Grant do it better in further issues but that's not the case yet. And you Sir/Ma'am/It is also a nut case.

    P.S.: and once i think a diet based on Frank Miller, Howard Chaykin, Garth Ennis, Franco Saudelli and Brian Michael Bendis and extreme hardcore porn was making me crazy...chuckles...really funny thought.

    BRING MORE POPCORN HOLD, tonight in the square we have MONDAY ACTION FLICK MARATHON with:

    -First Blood;
    -Rambo : First Blood II;
    -Rambo III;
    -John Rambo;
    -Terminator II Judgement Day;
    -Terminator III The Rise of the Machines;
    -Predator 3(formerly known as Predator 2);
    -Terminator Salvation;
    and in the finishing line :
    -Universal Soldier;
    -Hard Target;
    -No Retreat, No Surrender;
    and Kung Fu Panda 2;


  104. @ Sake Mangusto

    "Yes you can, nobody can take the law in their own hands, there are cops to answer this matter."

    But doesn't this make the entire concept of superheroes illegal then?
    Because that's what they've been doing since day one

    "Not better, just treated in the same way like any other scumbag, through the due process"

    But these are the scumbags who MAKE the laws, do you really think they don't already have a shitload of loopholes prepared just for this?
    The system is corrupt, people should finally wake-up and realize that.

    "So say the anonymous faceless member of the fatherland security, you made so many scumbags proud tonight."

    Fixed, you can now see who I em
    You are free to track me down and attempt to murder me if you like
    If you wish, I'll mail you direct instructions on how to find me

    "So far no, he is not a better hero, he is really a bully, he made the innocent and the guilty fear him in the same measure"

    And I call bullshit on that
    If nothing else, he saved the people from a building being demolished, WHILE THEY WERE STILL INSIDE
    Not to mention that this act was made on the order of the officials!
    Yeah, what a fair (fictional) system you are defending here.
    The same people who set-up a train disaster, that Superman risked his life to save (since he can't take the hit yet)

    So yeah, you know shit, sir

  105. I admit, I was a little turned off by Superman's portrayal in Action Comics, but actually for different reasons. I didn't catch the comparison to this and the original Golden Age stories (because I'm still not a great authority on Superman), but here's what I saw. Supes is wearing just a T-shirt with his log on it and running fast instead of flying?? Goodnight, they're trying to integrate the Smallville TV show into the comics!! Am I the only one who got that idea?

  106. Numbers came in on the books...Scott Snyder's Batman came in number 1. Yay! Great to see this writer score a big victory.

    I was shocked that despite having Johns and Lee on board, Justice League came in #44. Guess people are sick of Johns (seriously, I can hardly believe the Johns of today wrote Infinite Crisis) or they heard about the lack of story in the issue.

  107. "I was shocked that despite having Johns and Lee on board, Justice League came in #44. Guess people are sick of Johns (seriously, I can hardly believe the Johns of today wrote Infinite Crisis) or they heard about the lack of story in the issue.

    Really? Huh, surprising, actually. Much as I didn't like the book, I'd heard a lot of praise from people about it and there were several printings, IIRC. I thought it was in the 200,000s range for orders. I would have at least suspected top 10.

  108. Deserve a Rant for the Sake of Good Rantings Part 1:

    "But doesn't this make the entire concept of superheroes illegal then? Because that's what they've been doing since day one".

    Superman is not the goddamn Batman and even the Batman can threat the bad guys the way Superman is doing with or without witnesses, there are more intelligent ways to gather evidences against a criminal. A confession under conditions like that has no validation in the court of law and yes in case you didn't notice when a "superhero" cross the line between investigation and revenge through punishment and torture doesn't matter who he/she is or who ever became the target of this self-proclaimed "justice", the act turns the person into a criminal.

    "But these are the scumbags who MAKE the laws, do you really think they don't already have a shitload of loopholes prepared just for this?
    The system is corrupt, people should finally wake-up and realize that.

    And your suggestion is go straight against all laws, doing "justice" with our bare hands by any means possible because it's impossible to make a rich person goes to jail. Therefore we must forget the past 500 years at least of crime fighting development and go away the way into the world of Mad Max ??? Good luck buddy, in this case, if happens, is each people for it self and that means lots of murder, riots, rape and probably enslavement of the weaker because there will be no law enforcement able to help you in any sense because you abolish them you idiot. The rich can pay big guns to kill you so who will protect you against them even in a world with just a few Supermen but no law at all ???

    Fixed, you can now see who I em
    You are free to track me down and attempt to murder me if you like
    If you wish, I'll mail you direct instructions on how to find me.

    Who do you think i am ? The Goddamn Batman or something ?? Why should i care about a nutcase like you ??? I even don't know why Lewis allowed you to post all that crap here and expose yourself to ridicule, at least when i do something like that i do as a character, like a side show with humorous intent, you sir on the other hand must see a doctor urgent, get a life !

    And I call bullshit on that
    If nothing else, he saved the people from a building being demolished, WHILE THEY WERE STILL INSIDE, not to mention that this act was made on the order of the officials!

    Yeah, what a fair (fictional) system you are defending here.

    The same people who set-up a train disaster, that Superman risked his life to save (since he can't take the hit yet)

    So yeah, you know shit, sir

    Superman still is a bully and in case you didn't notice those guys giving those orders and setting up the disasters are called "THE VILLAINS", saving peoples lifes is not enough to give you a good reputation when you use coercion and death threats against people you can't expose and denounce as criminals, doing "justice" with your bare hands when you can gather evidences against the guilty is not justice, it's called vengeance and superheroes can't act like that without making themselves "VILLAINS", if you can't figured out that or either the difference between fictional and real world you are a poor delusional little boy who thinks might equals power. If Superman start to act like judge, jury and executioner instantly condemning all those guilty according to his judgement to death then he is no better than Lex Luthor, Lex plays dirty and must end in jail sooner or later but at least he has legal justification to stop Superman because Superman acts like a threat, the only problem is the criminal ways he use to reach this goal. At this point is just a game of more evil versus less evil with potential victims every where.

    to be continued...

  109. Deserve a Rant for the sake of good ranting Part 2 :

    ....continuing :

    Don't blame me for the unfair fictional portrait of the real system by the way, blame Grant, any more careful government agent can do better than Luthor without risking civilians.

    P.S.: you still are an idiot, meanwhile my loyal Square members after hours of the best action flicks available on DVD are ready for more. Their bodies are tired but their minds are sharp and fit. They give the nickname of "Major Duchess" but i know they are not serious, it's just a soft kind way to address their leader in a dignify military fashion, after all we are all muscle nerds, "Brains built for Pain", "Weaponized Minds of Mass Construction", "The Real Michael Bays", "The Next Generation of Baldwins", "Geeks with License to Kill", and any other metaphor fit for Action Jacksons, the perfect mix between Stormtroopers and Red Shirts, we are INVINCIBLE!!!

    We dress only in attire specially sanctioned by "THEM". We conform to the identity "THEM" give to us, eat where "THEM" tell us, live where "THEM" tell us.

    From now on, we'll have no identifying marks of any kind. We'll not stand out in any way. Our entire image is crafted to leave no lasting memory with anyone we encounter. We're a rumor, recognizable only as déjà vu and dismissed just as quickly. We don't exist; we were never even born. Anonymity is our name, silence our native tongue. We're no longer part of the System. We are above the System. Over it. Beyond it. We're "them." We're "they." We are the Men in Black. (even realizing the fact we don't have enough budget even for socks... OKAY GUYS, NEXT TURN BEGIN AT 6AM, TANK,HAWK,SCOUT BACK TO DELIVERY, PILOT TO THE KITCHEN, HOLD THE PHONE, SEE YOU ALL IN THE MORNING, Captain Power, the bridge is yours, HURRAH !

    End Credits in an Opening Credits Way.

    Basement Dwellers Square Monthly 101 is sponsored by S.A.F.E.T.Y. - STRIPPERS for the ADVANCEMENT of FIREBLASTERS in EFFECTIVE TRAINING for YOUTH.

    Atopofthefourthwall is owned by Lewis Lovhaug.

    Sekele is disowned by it self and should really consider professional advice and prescription of some medication.

  110. Teen Titans and Justice League International with sales ahead from Voodoo and Red Hood and the Outlaws.

    Dear Mr. Lovhaug, i salute you, the numbers this month prove once more you as a worthy adversary, i hope your favorite comics keep doing better than mine despite their average popular common quality, today defeat shrouds but tomorrow may victory sun shine again for me.

    My pen and papers are ready, my sight seeks the next sales in the horizon, may our paths cross again in the wordily field of honor.


  111. Okay, Sake?


    You want to post an opinion, that's fine. The problem is that you're sometimes treating the comments section as if you're writing the script for some show or production and frankly it doesn't make any damn sense - it's like you're stringing together unintelligble phrases. Maybe it's because English isn't your primary language - I don't know, but it's very tiresome for me trying to read through this stuff in order to try to decipher if it's something I need to delete or if it's okay to let through.

    Also, I decided to take a gander at your blog and it seems you're just copy-pasting the entries on your blog and then putting them here free of context. You can post whatever you want on your blog, but on mine - you have to write out actual COMMENTS. Stop trying to make a big production out of your opinions for the comment sections. Agree, disagree, state why, ask questions, have a discussion. That is all. I'm not letting any more of those posts through until they actually have something of subtance to say.

    Subsequently, I don't appreciate any name-calling or insults being thrown around - do not refer to other commenters as an idiot... unless they are clearly trolling, which so far no one is.

    That goes for everyone - this is a friendly place to post and discuss and I intend to keep it that way.

  112. "Superman is not the goddamn Batman and even the Batman can threat the bad guys the way Superman is doing with or without witnesses, there are more intelligent ways to gather evidences against a criminal."

    And as I already said, some people are way too influential to be taken down even with evidence

    Just for example, a blog that documents such a case in real life
    (I know the guy behind this, trust me, he usually isn't much into conspiracies)

    "And your suggestion is go straight against all laws, doing justice with our bare hands by any means possible because it's impossible to make a rich person goes to jail."

    Isn't that basically how the United States came to be?
    (well yes, I know it wasn't exactly how you just described it, but the principle is similar)

    "Why should i care about a nutcase like you ???"

    Then why did you accuse me of hiding behind anonymity?
    And most of all, why did you even reply?
    Not to mention with such a HUGE post, that must have taken some time to write.
    Admit it! You DO love me!

    "saving peoples lives is not enough to give you a good reputation when you use coercion and death threats against people you can't expose and denounce as criminals"

    Don't distract for the point
    You said, and I quote:
    "So far no, he is not a better hero, he is really a bully"
    By which you imply that he didn't do anything heroic.

    Throughout history, Superman has time-and-time again proven that he is not in it for popularity.
    He's just doing what he believes is right - like he always did

    "I even don't know why Lewis allowed you to post all that crap here and expose yourself to ridicule"

    For the exact same reason why he allowed you, and reading his comment, he seems to think you are pretty-damn annoying

    Not bothering to read the rest


  113. Topic : Action Comics #01 and #02.

    Comment : Superman still is part of the humanity ? And If not has he ever been more human in the past ?

    He has powers beyond human capability even if you add cybernetics and ultra technology Batman barely dreams standing side by side with him if the writer consider the last son of Krypton should be portrait as a living all mighty God, let's not forget that he is in fact an alien but Morrison maybe forget another fact : he doesn't grow up as an alien or even lived his whole life in an alien home with those of his kind.

    He grow up in a farm, live his early years in a small town and his parents, foster parents if you wish to make this clear, take the most important job on Superman's creation : they set up his moral values and that's where Morrison probably gets out of touch with the character, i doubt most of the farmer boys from Kansas - even most of those who join the college's football team - grown up to became bullies. Maybe some but not all of them and even those don't grow up to became superhero material and don't mention Guy Gardner, he became a duchess after assume the role as Green Lantern and thanks to an explosion that mess with his head he became this lovely non-role model example for a superhero we all "love???".

    So he should never stop to be part of our civilization, he is the guy every "GUY" must take as a role model but so far he is inconsistent. He does the wrong thing one moment and then turn around and do something right, that not the kind of Clark we know, he should be lawful good but instead he acts chaotic good, answering my own question i say : Not part of humanity yet, Morrison is missing things.

    To answer the second question short i quote the All Star Batman & Robin's review: Linkara said - quoting - "In All Star Superman : SUPERMAN CURES CANCER, in All Star Batman & Robin..." - end quoting, everybody know Frank Miller is a genius but my point is YES, Grant Morrison already portraits Superman as more humane than he is currently showing now and that's disturbing, Superman is meant to be a role model to inspire people while Batman inspire fear Superman inspire hope and that's not the case in most of Action Comics so far despite the sales.

  114. "For the exact same reason why he allowed you, and reading his comment, he seems to think you are pretty-damn annoying"

    I'll remind you of what I just said, though - no insults or the like, and especially don't presume to speak for me. Your post was fine up until this part, so just warning you for the future.

  115. Superman, despite the actual lack of red underwear over pants, always was so far the beacon of truth, justice and the american way - whatever the "american" way really means.

    Even after issue #2 i start to agree with Lewis about Grant forgetting about how to write any character who are not Batman, issue #1 Clark is going too far and in issue #2 people goes too far on him but come on he deserved.

    " want to fight crime, join the force and take a badge, play with the team and play by the rules or else join the other team behind the bars..." any member of law enforcement will say something like that but comic book heroes play behind the enemy lines most of the time.

    Why not Superman ? Because he always help the city of Metropolis and the world in general doing what his powers allowed him to do but the law enforcement agencies were powerless to do : HELPING TO SAVE AND RESCUING PEOPLE THREATENED BY SUPERPOWERED VILLAINS AND CRIMINALS ACTING AGAINST THEIR HELPLESS VICTIMS.

    Superman is not meant to be an All Mighty God omniscient of every evil deed made by corrupt people in Metropolis, he is meant to help not to seek and punish, please Grant take a break, keep that for Batman who by the way is far more effective and better connected with the right side of the law.

    And Superman in a learning curve ? Maybe but powered down looks nonsensical, every incarnation was always Super so why this isn't yet ?

  116. "I'm guessing you don't read the walking dead. If you want a title that always good i suggest you give that a try. Best ongoing at the moment by anyone"

    Yeah, I've read parts of it, but honestly I'm not that interested. It's not that it isn't any good, I just don't really care for zombie stories that much.

  117. Yeah, I've read parts of it, but honestly I'm not that interested. It's not that it isn't any good, I just don't really care for zombie stories that much.

    Say so the man who always forgets the fact that there is no such thing as magic beyond this side of the fourth wall. I think you need a weekend on a Boot Camp : survivor skills against supernatural creatures like vampires, werewolves, Stephenie Meyer's books, Frank Miller's next up coming movie production and ZOMBIES are a top priority for any candidate for a writers career, your character Linkara deals, or at least should i guess, with supernatural phenomenon on a regular basis.

    You should not avoid creative sources that's all, except Stephanie Meyer because those books are crap. If you think Frank Miller is mad you should dare to check at least the movies, it's not for the weak of heart, her characters made All Star Batman looks like a pedophile hobo maniac who stolen Batman's identity.

    Anyway, Demon Knights is far far away a better book than any of this.

  118. From what I saw, there was nothing that would suggest that Superman is anything else that the representant of truth and justice.
    Remember, good is not always nice.

    It also isn't really contradicting his upbringing.
    In fact, it only emphasizes it.
    We have a young man who sees the very ideals he was brought-up to honor, being trampled-upon by the ones in power.
    He who was thought not to abuse his powers sees other people abusing theirs, and getting away with it.
    And the only thing he has to defend those ideals are his stone-crushing fists...

    I know just how enraging it can be when you hear about the injustice and corruption around the world, and that's just the publicly available information.
    The stuff Clark encounters as a reporter must be downright maddening

    The fact that he didn't kill anyone yet, or tried to take over the world only proves a strong moral center and self-control

    " want to fight crime, join the force and take a badge, play with the team and play by the rules or else join the other team behind the bars..."

    People may give Image comics allot of flack, but they actually managed to get this particular point
    Or at least the company's co-founder Erik Larsen did, when he created Savage Dragon.
    A superpowered being that's working as a police officer.

  119. Warning : Remember what i said about Boot Camping, Zombies and stuff above ? You can forget it, you are an innocent young boy, you don't need that kind of crap. So...PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,(insert a infinite loop here).... NEVER OPEN SUICIDE SQUAD #02, it's not a comic book meant for the pure of heart, keep reading Demon Knights, read JLI, read whatever you want but DON'T READ SUICIDE SQUAD #02 FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS SACRED, there are comics meant to be rant about but that is meant to be actually really BURN IN HELL WITHOUT BE READ IT, DC Comics lost it's way totally.

  120. "anything else that the representant of truth and justice"

    i don't know the correct legal terms but there must have something that goes along with invasion, confession under coercion, torture, attempt of murder, etc... that's far away from a representative of truth and justice, the guy is a criminal by several accounts;

    Remember, good is not always nice.

    KICK ASS IS NOT ALWAYS NICE with the ass being kicked, good lacks the ambiguity of kick ass;

    It also isn't really contradicting his upbringing. In fact, it only emphasizes it.

    No, it's not. That line of thought is absurd.

    The stuff Clark encounters as a reporter must be downright maddening

    Clark has more than his "stone-crushing fists" to fight crime, he has supervision (and that includes x-ray vision), superaudition, superspeed, flight capability, just link the dots : "HIS POWERS MADE HIM A MODE EFFECTIVE AGENT TO GATHER CRUSHING EVIDENCES AGAINST CORRUPT PEOPLE THAN BATMAN", he doesn't even have the need to play as Superman all the time, he can go around as Clark Kent, disguise himself as a janitor and build the whole case for the prosecution without even sweat, even with his powers level on the lower setting he can do this easily and his stone crushing fists are better fit for the type writer than for the proverbial anvil of justice.

    "The fact that he didn't kill anyone yet, or tried to take over the world only proves a strong moral center and self-control"

    The fact that he actually threatened and in fact torture people if he caught them doing their evil deeds again is all evidence the judicial system need to target him as a criminal and eventually a terrorist with no self-control and an unbalanced mind set, just because he didn't yet that doesn't mean he can't start doing in the future : this Superman is a SADIST, he is no better than Dexter.

    He is worst than Dexter and at least Dexter is more like Batman because the Dark Knight when in need to gather info or beat the crap out of criminals through the hard way.

    Batman does this kind of hand-to-hand practice in private instead of exposing himself before the media and the law enforcement agents and that's the kind of maniac a Frank Miller's fan can trust.

    Spotlights are for peacocks, fair justice in blind.

    ...The Bat-signal is a distraction, Gordon points one way and Batman goes directly to the opposite way where all action happens Hold.
    ...Robin is not a distraction Hold, he is a decoy meant to attract all bullets away from Batman.
    ...Yes, i hope Damian die sooner or later too, making an abortion after 9 to 12 years at this point is a lesser evil.

  121. i have to disagree on this Action is retreading because of Secret origins or birthright because the superman the minute he shows up in metropolis is the same one years later. he shows no growth at all over the years. in between arcs maybe but soon as it's done it's forgotten. this actually is getting you a person who really does change in the 5ish years between.

    i also think there is something to the fact that superman in the 40's is not really then same as 90's 60's or etc... so if that not the superman you remember, what is wrong with that? really? it's not like there was

    actually character growth over the years it was just Reboot reboot reboot and etc...

    maybe it's just me but you sound like "superman should not change at all and have no character growth. " i don't think that what you mean but it's how it's sounded.

    loved animal man and swamp thing.

  122. Hey! That's why I liked Action Comics! Because I'm an angry commie, I agreed with what Supes did in those issues! Thanks Linkara!


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