Monday, January 16, 2012

Brute Force #3

Cyborg animals, swamp monsters, and the Airzone Solution. It must be Brute Force!


  1. Dude! The circus with the bazookas and lasers would be the best circus ever!

  2. I'm guessing had the series continued DeMal would have been shown to have survived the explosion and turned into some sort of pollution villain.

  3. I wonder how well Captain Planet's cast would fit into this universe? Same with Ra's al Ghul.

  4. First, there are animals, plants and other microbes that can live on and thrive in polluted areas, some of which are used to actually clean the environment, so I was with his plan, until he decided to use the new creatures as his template for his "new world order".

    Second, dolphins are one of the only animals that actively murders FOR FUN, so having the dolphin good guy being SAD for killing another creature is purely illogical and shows the hippie ideas of "dolphins are angels of the sea" and how crap it is.

    Third, this must be based on Captain Pollution from the Captain Planet cartoons, if they're using the logic that "creature created to live in toxic environments get killed/hurt by clean objects. Yes, taking a creature out of their natural (or unnatural) environment would eventually kill them (like taking a fish out of water or putting a person in space without a space suit), but even then it wouldn't be instantaneous like this comic suggests it would be; fish don't instantly suffocate when out of water, and you can even stay alive for surprisingly long (about 30 minutes at most, I believe) in the vacuum of space with the right preparation, so unless the creature was literally made of toxicity, there's no way a squirt of clean water would kill it.

    Finally, this comic keeps on reminding me of Battle Beasts, for some reason. Maybe it's because Battle Beasts was an awesome toy line, and this wholly pales in comparison to it.

  5. Behold! Venus Flytraps that feed off McDonald's! LOL Good one, Lewis

  6. Awesome I love the Brute Force reviews! I'd love it if Marvel got bored and did like they did with US1 and brought these creatures basic as serious characters in a modern comic! Like some mad scientist found them frozena way and woke them up and reprogrammed them!
    We3!? What's that!? Must look up now!
    I think that 3 headed creature int his book was mint to be a reference to Asmodeus or Asmodai The Demon of Lust that had a Serpent (or Dragon's) head, a goat's head, or a bull's, lion's, whatever just 3 different heads!
    If this comic went on to be a series I wouldn't have been surprised if they did a Capt. Planet crossover! :D
    I like that Cranberry's song! Reminds me of the 90s when I was a kid!
    I wonder what you had to research for New Guardians!?

  7. And now I'm picturing the whole group falling over dead as the super-pollution rocket that exploded nearby (and was going to render Canada and North America uninhabitable) kills every living thing for hundreds of miles around the factory.

  8. This de Mal butthead is just that, a butthead. That aside, I find it hilarious that he's like "Canada and North America", implying that Canada isn't part of North America and it's its own continent.

  9. Dude, you have the resources to bread pollution breathing flora and fauna, why not just breed super filte plants or something. You'd probably get a Nobel Peace Prize and be the most praised man on Earth!

  10. Actually Linkara, that's not a bull it's a goat. Now that I look at it, it looks like more than just any goat. It might be the Goat of Menedes. THE DEVIL HIMSELF! (dun) (dun) (dun).

    My God! He has created a plant monster hybrid with the power of Satan. RUN BRUTE FORCE! SAVE YOURSELVES!

  11. This comic is dumb but so funny. DeMal is a prototypical Captain Planet villain. Seriously, he is one step away from shaking his fist and saying, "I'll get you next time, Brute Force. Next Time!" Good review.

  12. Well, Simon Furman has certainly come a long way since then. Though this does feel like he was phoning in a storyline even in comparison to his other stuff from this time.

    Nice jokes all around, the constant poking on fun at how two dimensionally evil the villains were was definitely the highlights.

  13. "I'm guessing had the series continued DeMal would have been shown to have survived the explosion and turned into some sort of pollution villain."

    He'd became the G.I.Joe Villain Cesspool! :P
    "Cesspool is the code name of Vincent D'Alleva. He was born in Newton, Massachusetts, and was first released as an action figure in 1991, as part of the Eco-Warriors line.[9]
    For a time Cesspool was the Chief Executive Officer of a company with holdings in large number of oil refineries, mills and chemical plants. In an effort to placate environmentalists, he takes some on a personal tour of one of his holdings. He suffers an accident, dropping him into chemical sludge. He acquires a scar running down the right side of his face, leaving him blind in that eye. Cesspool comes to believe that environmentalists were the cause of his misfortune. He also wishes to make the world as 'ugly and deformed' as he is. To that end, he offers his services as a businessman to Cobra.[10]
    In the Marvel Comics G.I. Joe series, he first appeared in issue #123. Continuing in the next two issues, he and his men fought the G.I. Joe "Eco-Warriors" team, made up of Clean-Sweep, Ozone and Flint. The Joes drive Cesspool off of his "plasmatox" base on an abandoned oil drilling platform, ultimately using a U.S. government lawyer to inform Cesspool that his assets have been seized.[11] Cesspool continued to work for Cobra, ultimately operating alongside Zarana on Cobra Island. Firefly, with the aid of the Red Ninjas, captures them and holds them prisoner. Cobra Commander however, refuses to pay their ransom, and says Firefly can keep them and the island, as they are all ultimately worthless to him and his newer ventures.[volume & issue needed] As revealed in issue #135, Zarana and her close ally Road Pig spent months as prisoners alongside Cesspool.[12]
    In the Devil's Due G.I. Joe series America's Elite, it is revealed Cesspool has settled down into suburbia with the help of a version of the Witness Protection Program. Scarlett stops by to grill him about suspected Cobra ties to the satellite bombing of Chicago. She finds Cesspool is dying of cancer due to past exposure to toxins. Guarding the sick Cesspool in his home is a younger woman claiming to be his wife and three robotic soldiers in the guise of children. They subdue and capture Scarlett.[13] Sometime later, Cesspool is captured by the Joes and transferred to the Coffin prison. Cobra forces later invade the prison, freeing some while executing others considered to be "loose ends". Cesspool falls under the latter category.[14]
    Cesspool appeared in the DiC G.I. Joe cartoon series voiced by Gary Chalk. He also appeared as a boss in 1992's G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor for the Nintendo Entertainment System."

  14. "Finally, this comic keeps on reminding me of Battle Beasts, for some reason. Maybe it's because Battle Beasts was an awesome toy line, and this wholly pales in comparison to it."

    Is that the one from Todd McFarlane Toyline!?
    Because I use to have a couple of those toys as a kid!

  15. "Actually Linkara, that's not a bull it's a goat. Now that I look at it, it looks like more than just any goat. It might be the Goat of Menedes. THE DEVIL HIMSELF! (dun) (dun) (dun)."

    Naaaw, it's just Asmodeus!

  16. My god. Robotic squirrels? Burn down the nut trees, the Rodents are militarizing!
    ...Squirrels tend to be Evil.

    Once again a symptom of the stupid villain. Eh, guess his plan 'technically' could have been rushed at the end due to all the interfering factions. After all, if you want to send rockets out to kill whole nations with it's contents, you have to start with a prototype. But yeah, why adapt an entire planetary population to an extreme environment when it would be more profitable to patent technology that would increase cleansing of the environment of those pollutants? Hell, the genetic manipulation alone with the plants showed they could produce strains that could survive in the toxicity, just tweak them so they absorb the pollutants and can convert then to something more useful.

  17. Well, to be fair, the "clean" water might've given it an extreme case of water poisoning (humans can get it if they drink too much water in too short a time, rarely fatal.) Something like that would still depend on water like most life, and it probably has an efficient trapping mechanism for it. Too much clean water on such a sensitive system might've caused a problem (or ruptured a bladder for all we know)

  18. "Well, Simon Furman has certainly come a long way since then. Though this does feel like he was phoning in a storyline even in comparison to his other stuff from this time.

    Nice jokes all around, the constant poking on fun at how two dimensionally evil the villains were was definitely the highlights."

    THIS WAS WRITTEN BY SIMON FURMAN? ...Wow. Just... wow. Still, it didn't seem to have any of his Furmanisms.

  19. "Dude! The circus with the bazookas and lasers would be the best circus ever!"

    Is that you, 90's Kid?

  20. @BooRat

    "Actually Linkara, that's not a bull it's a goat. Now that I look at it, it looks like more than just any goat. It might be the Goat of Menedes. THE DEVIL HIMSELF! (dun) (dun) (dun)."

    Naaaw, it's just Asmodeus!

    You're right, I may need to look into information about the occult elsewhere. Those Hammer horror films don't tell you everything.

  21. "BooRat said...

    Is that the one from Todd McFarlane Toyline!?
    Because I use to have a couple of those toys as a kid!"

    No, they were a forgotten line of the Transformers franchise that was sorta like Rock, Paper, Scissors with anthropomorphic cyborgs. The bear, lion, and Dolphin look very similar to their counterparts in that line. Hell, put an eyepatch on the lion and make his armor more humanlike and you've pretty much gotten Pirate Leo.

  22. Kinda disapointed you didn't review New Guardians.

  23. So, uh, where was the dolphin's compassion for his teammates who were getting brutally beaten by the mutant?

    Who wants to bet the first thing they did after this issue was kick the dolphin's ass?

  24. Thanks for including all of us at your MAGfest panel. Most of us still can't get over how epic the convention was, and wish we could go back. You wouldn't happen to have a Tardis handy, would you?

  25. Oh brute force. ::Shrugs:: I don't know what to say really other good review and if I ever find copies of this I probably buy it. It's been goofy enough to enjoy just from videos. I probably find it 50 cent bin.

  26. You know I can think of at least one other comic specifically designed to garner interest for a toyline... but it actually worked! Larry Hama's Bucky O'Hare. He went the extra step of actually designing toys (which can be seen on his facebook) and it spawned a cartoon, video game and toyline.

    You know as much as you don't like to comment on politics in your reviews I think you missed an opportunity to make a joke about Canada pulling out of the Kyoto accord to monitor green house gasses, with DaMal...

    What kind of pollution is in that rocket? I mean it could be anything from crude oil to the plastic that's used to hold 6-packs together... more details are needed, what exactly are they supposed to be able to breath?

  27. @Des Shinta: Every Squirrel Girl fan out there is now saying, "YOU SHUT YOUR EVIL, EVIL PIE HOLE!" *grin*

    After all, squirrels are good, pure, loving creatures who can defeat Doctor Doom!

  28. I don't know, saying "Brute Force" in front of your panel doesn't sound as powerful as the Nostalgia Critic saying "Wonder Boner" in front of his panel.

    And just to add to the Spaceball clip, merchandising IS the only way a movie can make a profit in this day and age. For example, although it was stupid for Disney to release Winnie the Pooh alongside of Harry Potter 7 Part 2, Disney had already made a billion dollars in profit from the new Pooh products a month before release(Similar with Cars 2 were it made a billion dollars 3 months before the movie was released). In other words, the sales from the box office was just chump change compare to its merchandise sales.

  29. I was sort of hoping that Roger Delgado was making mutant fish people. Then it would give a legitimate villains to "The Airzone Solution" instead of...well what the movie had. (rewatched that episode yesterday)

    I really liked the ranting in this episode just due to the absurdities and stupidities of the whole concept here. Instead of cyborg animals, we just more moral bullcrap and...well, "The Airzone Solution". I was sort of cheering the humans would actually become mutant fish people this time around though so we can dump them an get back to Heavy Metal...but that's next time.

    Next week will be fun: been a while since we had a comic-based Top 15, let alone its finally your long-awaited Identity Crisis rant. Sort of more expected a full episode as I said before but the rant will be fun regardless.

  30. Pants To Be Darkened! (with laughter)
    My favorite joke: the poison roses.
    Also, what does the villain gain with his world full of pollution? Seriously. If he wants money, he could hold the world at ransom, and then, when it falls through (as it assuredly does, given the tone of this thing) he launches it anyway, and then makes money from the surgeries...except it would have fallen through because the ransom part of the plan would have fallen through because they would have killed him. Of course, that didn't happen. Because logic ran away from this dreck a long, long time ago. The End.
    I wonder what it is that you had to look up, Linkara. Maybe we'll find out in a future episode. Whatever.
    So, good episode, looking forward to the next.
    *runs into the fourth wall*
    Who put that there?

  31. silly robot bear he doesn't have any picnic baskets. Brute Force needs to be brought back they could join the Great Lakes Avengers or hang out with Dead Pool a letter writing campaign must be started!

    so wait his rocket is full of more pollutants then his factory that seems to just produce black smoke and fire?

  32. Hey, Linkara, loved the episode, but I have to point this out:

    De Mal's plot sounds a lot more like that of Kane's plot in Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun: evil guy who sees himself as a messianic figure experiments on carbon-based life in order to make them survive in a hostile world and even builds a missile (though Kane's missile would have hit the whole world and not just North America).

    Granted, pollution sounds closer to the Airzone Solution than Tiberium, so there's that.

  33. Wait...poison dart flowers that try to eat you...was that a Jumanji reference? It sure sounded like one.

  34. Spaceballs the Lunch Box is also a Transformers lunch box with the Spaceballs logo on it.

  35. "quietm4n has left a new comment on the post "Brute Force #3":
    silly robot bear he doesn't have any picnic baskets. Brute Force needs to be brought back they could join the Great Lakes Avengers or hang out with Dead Pool a letter writing campaign must be started!"

    I totally agree! I'd love to see that! :D Like they did with US1!

  36. HAHA I never noticed that optimus prime was on that cover. I wonder which comic that was.. Maybe we'll find out? lol :D great episode as always!

  37. Oh, and if that rocket had enough fuel to pollute north america, wouldn't it still pollute the country if it went off in his factory? So many things wrong with this >.<

  38. The Soviets did have cyborg animals, actually. Of course, since it was the Soviets, it was just a badger with an Atari strapped to it's back.

  39. One other problem with De Mal's plan... if he covers only the US and Canada with air pollution, then eventually the process of diffusion would spread the pollution all over the world while bringing clean air in...

    Basically, this would end up killing both normal life and the pollution adapted life.

    Not that De Mal is really stable... but....

    By the by, does this get a spot on the list of stupid plans for world domination?

  40. @Ozaline: Because of Bucky O'Hare, we never got a Space Usagi series.

    Stan Sakai: "We could not get a toy company to finance the series. At that time, toys were an integral part of the merchandising, even more so than it is now. Space Usagi was the first creator-owned license that Turner Entertainment handled and it was the first new project Mirage Licensing had since the Turtles. We even were offered a time slot on tv. Unfortunately, toy companies had been burned badly by Bucky O'Hare many years ago and anything with a rabbit in space was considered off limits to them. A lot of time has passed and we're still getting offers to license SU as well as UY." (Source)

  41. Huh, that's weird... you didn't list "Pizicato Playtime" (or whatever that music is called) in the credits, despite it playing in the episode at one point. Mind you, I've already forgotten what part of this episode it played in, but I definitely heard it at one point.

  42. And this shows why the Brute Force toyline never took off:

    because there wasn't a Brute Force cartoon show to go with the Brute Force comic.

  43. You blew my mind by pointing out Optimus Prime on the Space Balls coloring book. As many times as I've seen that movie, I have never noticed it.

    ...Well, maybe blowing my mind is speaking in hyperbole, but it was neat to know it was there. I would believe that they just snatched it from a kid's hand on set to use it as a fill-in prop.

  44. rich people don't need to be smart
    just look at Paris Hilton!

  45. "Did the Commies try to build cyborg animals?"

    Not that I know of, but in Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 they had mind controlled squid.

  46. Dear Brother Lewis,

    When are we gonna to see your own storyline at the end on each show again ? Those extra bits at the end of the videos are really missed.

    Opening night prayers : The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

    P.S.: didn't the Transformers had a cartoon and toy line based on robots shape shifting into animals and them they decide to go one step further and literally mash-up robots disguised as animals with robots disguised as vehicles for no particular reason other than sell more toys ?

  47. Actually, I quite like the idea of genetically engineering plants that thrive on pollution, although it would need to be more specific than that, e.g. if they could convert sulphur dioxide into oxygen.

    As for the minimum population you'd need, it's surprisingly low. Estimates vary, but some people think that all modern humans are descended from a group of 1000. (I think this is related to the "mitochondrial Eve" theory, but I'm not certain about that.) There's a discussion about it at Zombie Squad:

  48. "And just to add to the Spaceball clip, merchandising IS the only way a movie can make a profit in this day and age. For example, although it was stupid for Disney to release Winnie the Pooh alongside of Harry Potter 7 Part 2, Disney had already made a billion dollars in profit from the new Pooh products a month before release(Similar with Cars 2 were it made a billion dollars 3 months before the movie was released). In other words, the sales from the box office was just chump change compare to its merchandise sales."

    ...except that Harry Potter also has merchandising:

    -Harry Potter iphone cases

    -Harry Potter scarves

    -Harry Potter jewelry

    -a replica of the Time Turner

    -Collectible wands

    -Harry Potter calendars

    -a model replica of Hogwarths Castle

    -Harry Potter watches

    -Harry Potter shirts

    -Harry Potter sweaters

    -Harry Potter bobbleheads

    -Harry Potter Legos

    -Harry Potter action figures

    -Harry Potter trading cards

    -Harry Potter coloring books

    -Harry Potter board games

    "You know I can think of at least one other comic specifically designed to garner interest for a toyline... but it actually worked! Larry Hama's Bucky O'Hare. He went the extra step of actually designing toys (which can be seen on his facebook) and it spawned a cartoon, video game and toyline."

    SQUEE! Someone else remembers Bucky O'Hare! ^^

    In another dimension, another time and space
    A parallel universe was fallin' on its Face
    When out of the Chaos, who else could it be,
    But the animal adventurers from S-P-A-C-E!

    Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare!
    Mutants and Aliens and Toads beware!
    You're looking for Adventure? Well, this is it!
    With Jenny, Deadeye, Blinky, and Willy DeWitt!

    I said Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare!
    "And now, an update on Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars!"

    In the Battle of the Aniverse, you don't know what's next
    You only know amphibians have made it KOMPLEX!
    When you check out your Scanner and the evil that it shows
    There's only one course of action: let's croak us some toads!

    Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare!
    He goes where no ordinary rabbit would dare!
    If your Righteous Indignation has suffered a hit
    And your Photon Accelerator is broken a bit
    And you're losing your mind, and you're having a fit
    Get the funky fresh rabbit who can take care of it!

    Bucky! Captain Bucky O'Hare!
    You say Bucky? I said Bucky!
    Bucky O'Hare!
    Let's croak us some Toads!

  49. The idea of having a high tech noahs ark to create superior plants and animals was also used in the game Parasite Eve 2. I'm guessing it's a popular evil plot in fiction.

  50. Every time I watch these Brute Force reviews I get the urge to watch a Tramsformers Beast Wars episodes. But that's probable just me. Man,the comic book baddie in this issue of Brute Force might as well have given out business cards that advertises he's evil.I'm not going to lie I didn't watched Captain planet that much growing up.But the few episodes I did saw, I got the gist that DeMal would've fit right in with the rest of the Captain Planet badguys.

  51. It seems that every issue for Brute Force becomes even more "so bad it's good". I gotta admit though, this issue does seem a little weak. It looks like something created just for filler.

    Can't wait to see the last Brute Force comic.

  52. Rothide- They had bears too in the sequal I think.

    I forgot to mention. There is a toy line very similar to this called Planet Protectors. Even had a series of extended adverts.

    I have those toys. (I'm 25)

  53. Pollution is a substance now? I thought it was a wide variety of industrial byproducts with different effects.

    I'll second the idea of producing filter plants or whatever.

  54. I think the lady confused the Brute Force with Zoo Animals on Wheels:

  55. i just LOVE this review! Wish I could have seen it live. When will be the next convention you will go to?

  56. "Is that you, 90's Kid? "

    Of course not. If I were 90s Kid, I would have said...

    DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! The circus with the bazookas and lasers would be the most HARD CORE circus EVAR!

  57. (Looking at the back of the comic for some reason) of course on the back of a bad comic has to be an advert for a bad video game... go LJN.

    BTW great review.

  58. It's been 57 comments, and thus far we have zero signs of Captain Sake and his unfunny and obnoxious "comments".

    That's nothing short of a miracle.

  59. Spokavriel ( Daniel Thomas Stack )January 26, 2012 at 8:37 PM

    I noticed Prime the first time I saw Space Balls. Him not being in the movie after seeing that was a major disappointment. But I got over it before the 80's ended.

    You missed #6 With the world's population so drastically reduced there are insufficient polluters to maintain an environment that the mutations could survive in.

  60. "(Looking at the back of the comic for some reason) of course on the back of a bad comic has to be an advert for a bad video game... go LJN."

    The funny thing about LJN, is that LJN was only the PUBLISHER of most of those games. The actual developer for most of them (not all of them, mind you, but a good chunk of them) was Rare. Yes, THAT Rare. But no one wants to even CONSIDER the idea that Rare could POSSIBLY make horrible games filled with glitches that make said games nearly unplayable (coughBattletoadscough), so it's FAR easier to blame LJN. Of course, that sort of thing happens all the time today, even for good games.

  61. just watching this in the first time, in preparation for part 4.

    Villain, using a rocket to spread posion all over the world while also preparing "Adam and Eves" to survive it... that's also the plot of the Doctor Who episode "The Crimson Horror"

    ...of course that's with leech poison in Victorian times, but it fits otherwise


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