Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dracula: Sovreign of the Damned

In this episode of Bennett the Sage's Anime Abandon, Linkara joins in to review a made-for-TV movie based on Marvel's Tomb of Dracula series!

NOTE: Yeah, I know, I should probably wait for the next MAGFest Mega-Post to put this up, but I fear with how scattered the remaining MAGFest content is going to be that that would take a while.


  1. What the fuck did the guy do to you in the title card?

  2. One of the worst anime ever. Just a horrible abomination to it's source material. I mean comic and book. It's fun to laugh at with other people but really dumb. I have had a lot experience with it during Bad Anime Bad panels at anime next convention here in new jersey. I think it was number 2 on his top ten worst anime he shown during the panels 10 years. This and Frankenstein. What was toei and marvel thinking? Not Just Rest In Peaee but how Janus. The way that spelled. Take j off you anus.
    Fun crossover as always. Been looking forward to this since sage mention at the end of the last one.
    This movie is on youtube and I can say why never taken down. If I was toei or Harmony gold people I wouldn't want to admit I did this. I say this is why this and Joesph Lai stuff can be easily found on youtube.
    Fun drinking game with this movie: Take a drink everytime a character eye get sparkle.
    Also, oh Boston. Well how Patriots and Red Sox cheat they way to championship and get away with it. No wonder they don't mind Dracula walking around. :) Sorry I am from New Jersey and well being Giants/Jets/Yankess fan.
    I should have seen the spoony thing coming since sage already showed up in one of his videos I saw on blip. Diatrons? hm.

  3. Speaking as someone with a degree in Eastern European History and who once had a long convosation about Vlad III with a Romanian Historian, I would just like to say that actually the calling him a man concerned with home defence is actually more accurate than the sadist argument, and is precisely how he is remembered in Romania today, as a hero.

    Having said tha tthe Movie has somecheeking calling his wars a denfence against barbarians, it was the Ottaman freaking empire, who wrote that Frank Miller?

  4. Wait, why is Linkara's hat green?

  5. It's OK Sage. I thought the Red Sox joke was funny.

    Also, I should probably be glad Blade and Hannibal King weren't mutilated.

  6. You two work quite well together, I thought that after seeing the Corman Fantastic Four review and I think it's still true now. As for the material you covered here... At least it's... slightly... better than the Corman movie. Had a bit of an 'oh yeah' moment when Maven showed up since this is in her area of expertise.

    Fiery Little One

  7. I wouldn't mind seeing more animated shorts with Frankenstein in them. On topic, the movie does look hella bad and not in the so bad it's good way.
    I like the crossover. There is/was some entertaining moments in it. Why do I get the feeling that Sage's next review is just a terrible giant robot anime that wants to ride on the coattails of either G-Force,Voltron or Transformers?.

  8. My God, that was a terrible anime. This is the worst work featuring Dracula. Somewhere in Transylvania, Dracula is watching this and he is . . . displeased. I have seen worse anime (i.e. Pilot Candidate, Odin: Starlight Mutiny, SD Gundam), but this is still horrible -- lousy dubbing, plot holes, and idiotic behavior. This should never have seen the light of day!

    Great team-up with Sage. Wish Elisa/Maven could have joined in just to see her reaction.

  9. Awesome this was a perfect crossover! Even though I was hoping Linkara would've talked more on the Marvel comic that this anime was based on, but still ceeewwl!
    I actually looked this up and watched the 1st half of it on YouTube after Sage's 1st announcement and only made it threw the 1st half! Up to the Baby Death scene and a little after! I'm guessing the version I watched was screwed up more or ya'll left something out as after Dracula runs off when his kid died it showed the classic mislead of a guy and a girl making out in a car and you're lead to believe he or possibly some one off screen is a Vampire and it turns out it's the girl and she feeds on him! Was that in here and ya'll skipped it or did the bootleg I half-assed watch get mixed in with something else?!
    The story to this anime was good (probably because it was based on Tomb of Dracula), but the rushed nature of this made it un-fallow-able! There's also a Frankenstein one too you should do! Saw it on YouTube too! :P

    What was that anime that Sage assaulted Spoony with!? I was hoping for MDGiest, but whatever! XP

  10. I watched this yesterday and laughed a lot. Then I went to bed, slept the night, woke up, did some reading and suddenly burst out laughing because I remembered the "I'm fickle" -scene. It was just too cute. <3

    Also seen parts of this anime with the ancient Finnish dub and it is simply marvelous how horrible everything about it is. I still quote random phrases from the dub. I should force some of my friends to watch this one with me... Maybe this review will help. So off I go, to copy-paste the link to all my friends. Being a sell-out is working for Sage. XD

  11. So...that was "Tomb of Dracula" condensed into a huge mess. Aside from what could be said about Toei and Marvel's connection in the late 70s-early 80s (I know you don't do Sentai but somehow I could see a review of "Supaidaman" or "Battle Fever J" eventually), it just felt bizarre that their attempt to try and work out a notable horror comic of the 70s turned into...that. Though the part about Dracula eating a burger was hilarious...what, he wants to move in on the Wolfman's territory? (he likes his bloody rare obviously)

  12. Sorry to a bit of a wet blanket, but overall I didn't like this video. I will try and explain.

    First the good. The animation was a suprise, particularly to learn it was Andrew Dickman, an artist whos work I used to enjoy way back in the mid 2000s, and there were a couple of good jokes. Some of the longer clips were good as they gave context instead of feeling that it's only weird due to editing.

    Overall though, the whole thing felt stiff, awkward and forced. It was also uncomfortable to watch, it hung on jokes to long, jokes are repeated, and the sage felt obnoxious. With the likes of the Nerd, NC and you, I get the feeling you have a genuine love for what you are doing. I don't get that here. It feels mean spirited.

    What I would have liked to have seen would be much tighter editing, less "The production quality is bad" type comments, and the ones you do have I'd like justified more. I'd have also liked a more mentions of the comic. What was changed or left out in the conversion that might possibly explain things like characters who didn't do anything?

    I know being a crossover there are some issues, but your crossovers with NC, Spoony, Cinema Snob, they were all good.

  13. "What I would have liked to have seen would be much tighter editing, less "The production quality is bad" type comments, and the ones you do have I'd like justified more. I'd have also liked a more mentions of the comic. What was changed or left out in the conversion that might possibly explain things like characters who didn't do anything?"

    Well, the problem that we have there is that I've never read the Tomb of Dracula series, so I'm not the best qualified to evaluate the movie as an adaptation - just that the movie itself is bad.

  14. Linkara in the title card looks like the engineer from tf2

  15. Hey, kids, let's remember that some artists don't regularly draw me and as such I'd appreciate no insults being thrown at the title card artist.

    Heck, many of you misinterpret the colors on my outfit, too. For example, it's commonly believed that my t-shirt on the show is green when it's grey. No one's perfect.

  16. You know what would be a great non-AT4W related Top 10, your Top Ten most emotional moments of your life. What would you say?

  17. Does Iron Liz moving out have anything to do with her breaking up with you?

  18. I did sound like an ass about the title card didn't I, I'm sorry.

    I'm the first guy you posted.

  19. "Does Iron Liz moving out have anything to do with her breaking up with you?"

    Yes, she moved out because she broke up with me.

  20. Dear Frank,
    If having to go through life with your last name (I'm assuming it's Dracula?) is so horrible for you, you should probably head over to city hall & fill out a form to change your last name. It would probably take quite a bit of paper work & handing over some money but it is possible.

  21. Heh. Nice review. If I have any criticisms, it's that Beanette seemed to write you in an overly sanitized fashion. I mean, "poops and giggles?" Gah.

    Still, it was a pretty good Anime Abandon: Choose something that is so batshit insane that commentary is almost undeeded.

    And so, Spoony's on the next one? I just hope this is an episode of Anime Abandon and not TSE, or we might not see it until September...

  22. Fun stuff. Watched this with Bennett during his birthday party. Yeah, it was an... interesting 'show'.

    By the by. I be the title card artist. And yes, most of the card was put together last minute due to working on a few other projects in preperation for this years fun times. As far as I remembered when I was doing the color at the time, I had recalled that the hat had a slight green tint. Slight, mind, but I was just working on basic coloring.

    ... What I find funny is that, if I recall, Link usually wears a red shirt, though I did that in green too. Funny how legendary a hat can become. XD

    What I find funny is that the same comments are on TGWTG. I think I only got one comment before about my title cards there, and that was for the 'Doomed' anime with the golf club.

    Just finding it amusing how a mistake on a hat (yeah, i know the head is a bit weird too...) is what causes folks to notice.

    Not that any of you guys probably will read this. *shrugs*

    I'd promise a bitter shot of you Link, for the fans, but already got 3+ projects going on right now just for Bennett. Promise though, the next time I get a chance to do a title with you in the vid, I'll get the look right.

    That nonsense aside, again, great work you guys. Wish I could have been at magfest with you.

    Maybe next year?

  23. I effin' loved this movie! It was Marvel's first stab at doing anime. It got a little better later on with Transformers. BTW, I did a review of this about a year ago at...

    http:// /blogs/latest/entry/ani- movies-dracula-sovereign-of-the-damned

  24. Yay, I finally get to see Linkara review anime! :D

    I agree with CrescentLightning, if your surname is giving you so much grief, Frank, then just *change it.* What do you think the relatives of Adolf Hitler did?

    I might be mistaken, but I think that the “eye-twinkling” is a common anime effect used to signify determination and resolve in a character.

    Wait, so Rachel Helsing and Hans Harker went all berserk on Frank and *that* was what convinced him to join up with those two nutcases?

    And yeah, the fact that the cultist leader (who has the same weird chin as Dracula, funnily enough) couldn’t tell the difference between Satan and Dracula is really stupid.

    Wow, so I guess that in this universe, vampires *can* have children. Although in this case, instead of being a dhampir or receiving any demonic characteristics whatsoever, this baby is apparently perfectly normal until he’s killed and is reincarnated as an angel…I guess.

    You’re right; Dolores does look incredibly bored during Dracula’s revelation. XD

    At the risk of jumping on the bandwagon of historical corrections, I will at least say this: many Romanians do view Vlad Tepes as a national hero, so they wouldn’t find this version of Dracula’s back-story that farfetched (except for the part where he turns into a vampire, of course).

    Dear Lord, that scene with Dracula jumping into the sky and shouting, “My darling baby!” has got to be the funniest scene in this movie. XD The 80’s sound effects, the utterly laughable voice-acting, the dialogue – just everything about it sums up this film’s ridiculousness.

    Aside from being grown-up and wearing Blue Beetle’s costume, why does the reincarnated Janus have blond hair and red eyes?

    Wait, so if the Devil knows that Dolores is an “agent of heaven” (whatever that means), then why did he choose her as his bride? Why was she a member of his followers to begin with? Ah, whatever.

  25. Actually Vlad the Impaler was considered a just man by his Turkish opponents (who raised him for a short while)... I don't have a huge problem from the intro based on what you showed...

    Vlad is brutal and possibly evil by our standards at the time, not so much.

  26. It's really not surprising that the Satanists mistook Dracula for their lord, since none of them opened their eyes even once during the entire ritual. In fact, we never see the cult leader with his eyes open. WTH?

    Great video, I really like your cross-overs.

  27. After watching this video again, something else occurred to me. Why exactly are the Harker/Van Helsing crew so intent on Dracula when Satan himself is on Earth?! In fact, they ambush Dracula AT the 1st Church of Satan. Drac gets away, but they see Dolores holding the dead baby don't they? They really have no problem with that? "Huh, let's go kill Dracula, he's an evil, undying murderer. Oh, there's Satan, the one who created Dracula, and by definition PURE EVIL ITSELF! Oh well, nevermind that, we need to kill Dracula!" Even after they witness him scarfing down Big Macs (presumably figuring out he's mortal).

  28. Just so you know vlad wasnt purely an evil vindictive ruler.. he really did use implaing in the way decribed in the video and it was thanks to him that the mores didnt overrun Europe.. His evil personae is derived from later christian sources that used it as justifiaction for invavding and taking over his lands and killing him...

  29. Wait, are you serious about Iron Liz or was that a sarcastic remark?

  30. "Wait, are you serious about Iron Liz or was that a sarcastic remark?"

    Well, it seems like an odd question - the two of us are no longer together, she wanted to be closer to her family, and as such it only made sense for her to move out of the apartment.

  31. Spokavriel ( Daniel Thomas Stack )January 26, 2012 at 2:24 PM

    Real life made me a bit late to this one but there is something I have to comment on. You OBVIOUSLY have not been in Reno around Hot August Nights nor Burning Man.

    About 14-15 years ago now I was working at Harrah's here in Reno at the time there was a Mc Donalds in the basement straight in from the western doors.

    It was the end of shift one late August afternoon. No one made a peep or even gave a first much less second glance to a group of people who came in. One was a Wolf Man, One was a Black Knight, One was an Anne Rice Vampire and the last was suppose to be a mummy but the head was not wrapped. If it had been October they would have at least gotten comments about costume quality but as it was no one cared. It was just more people being odd during a city observed event.

  32. Just three words: BAD. ANIME. BAD.

  33. Nice review I really hope that Bennett and you can do more review's in the future but I have one major complain about this review and it why did you not make a One More Day joke because it was the perfect review to do it in and yes I know that you love to mess with expectations but you should still have made the joke

  34. What's with the bad US dubs? I thought the finnish ones were bad, but man, at least they didn't sound as hammy as these guys did. I've owned it as a VHS since I was 10-year old. And man was all the skewered corpses, satan worshipping and vampires nightmare-inducing but kinda awesome for a little kid to see.
    Dumb story and bad dub aside, visually I find the movie very pleasing, especially the cemetery is a very beatiful setting, wish they would've spent more time in there. Plus the score is really good, been trying to find the original vinyl Ost for years. Too bad the good things were wasted on such an otherwise dumb film...

    If the US-version of the VHS costs that much on ebay, I wonder how much I could get from a finnish VHS.

  35. The following is actually an English translation of a Romanian poem about Vlad the Impaler ,that I postd for now reason ,but to be just plain creepy:

    "But let even ancestors chronoically sleep in dust

    Zoom past what you would look as ironic

    How come not thou, Lord Impaler as putting your hands on them

    To divide into two groups: the mad and the mass

    And two general prisons by force to collect

    To burn down the prison and the madhouse!"

    (another reason why I posted this is that it's a thousand times more intresting than this movie. And for some reason, whenver I read it I always hear Moarte narrating this)

  36. You know what that stab in the face to history was? That was like that joke from Doug's review of the animated King and I where that king got his history facts from American animated films. I mean think about it:

    Teacher: Alright, what do you know about Romanian history?

    King: Vlad the Impaler...
    Teahcer:Yes, go on...
    King:...Was nobleman dedicated to helping out people who lived in his beautiful and prosperous land. Who fought of barbarians and impaled their bodies, and scattered them throughout the land. Then the other countries killed Vlad for being a jerk, but then the Devil revived him as a vampire. Then he moves to America, has family, hijinks ensue.

    Teacher: O_O Okay...we'll come back to Romania later

    King: Wait! I haven’t told you about sinful, mad magician who killed rival magician in order to obtain box of comics and immortality

    Teacher: What?
    King: I read it on tumblr


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