Monday, February 27, 2012

Linkara Cosplaying Guide

So as I've gone to conventions or visited Deviantart, I've seen people starting to cosplay as me, be it just brown jackets and hats, to even the awesome people who will construct, say, a keyblade out of the Atop the Fourth Wall symbol or a Pollo.

Come to think of it, an awful lot of women cosplay as me. Go figure.

Anyway, while attending MagFest, a super-awesome fan who goes by SharPhoe on Deviantart came down and was also cosplaying. However, the much more shocking surprise for me was that he had an exact replica of my magic gun! Now, you have to understand: the answer to "Where'd he purchase that?" is "a Renaissance Festival." I did not know the actual MANUFACTURER of the flintlock replica I use on the show as the magic gun.

However, SharPhoe had, using the scant knowledge and close-up screenshots available on the gun, tracked down a replica. This has made me come to realize that there are a lot of cosplayers who probably want to create an accurate costume, so I'm going to try to give you folks as much information as I can on the Linkara outfit and hopefully you'll be able to use it or track down some of the stuff that *I* have wanted to track down, since I do want duplicates of my outfit (partially for backup purposes in case I lose any parts of it and partially for costuming, say, a torn version of it after an intense battle).

Now bear in mind I'm not judging you or anything if your costume isn't 100% accurate or the like. This is just meant as a way to help people if they WANT to make their costumes as accurate as possible. So click on "Read More" to see the Linkara Cosplaying Guide!

The Magic Gun

Since this one is the easiest accessory to locate now thanks to the link, we'll go with this one first! Apparently the magic gun is a 17th century German flintlock pistol, with more historical details in the link. The main thing that attracted me to it originally was the knight motif on the barrel. Unlike a lot of flintlock replicas I've seen, there's no second "barrel" I would call it under the main one (it kind of resembles a horn, but I have no idea what to call it).

You can purchase a replica of it FROM THIS LINK!

The Purdy Hat

My fedora/trilby/whatever was originally given to me by my Grandmother, who got it at a garage sale intending it for my brother. It didn't fit his head, but fit mine perfectly and has been a signature accessory for me since then. Unfortunately, I've never been able to find one exactly like it, but maybe those of you out there will have better luck. Here's what I can tell you about it: as the pictures demonstrate, it's woven, but from what, I have no idea. Definitely not straw, it is some kind of rough, sturdy material. It's very good at keeping its own shape even after getting a little smushed and features a band around it that's the same color as the rest of the hat. There's a guitar pin on it (a gift from my GREAT-Grandmother, who mistook it for a violin), though I've been thinking of replacing it with a pin of a flintlock pistol. The main detail to remember about any hat trying to resemble mine is the upturned brim. A lot of fedoras you can buy from target or the like have the front brim coming down again, but this one has always had an upturned brim and I like it that way.

The Jacket

Despite my best efforts, I know very little about the jacket. I can tell you that it's corduroy, that it was manufactured by a company called Mossimo, and that unlike a lot of corduroy blazers similar to it, it does NOT have shoulderpads. Beyond that, however, I haven't been able to find a jacket like it. Mossimo, from what I understand, is a company owned by Target, with exclusive clothes going to it, so I know that there have GOT to be more like it, but they're probably several years old by this point. It's just a normal brown color and I've been attempting to find one EXACTLY like it with no luck.

The Plaid

This one's another one that, unfortunately, I've never been able to find another one of, though that doesn't surprise me. Both this shirt and the 90s Kid plaid shirt I got at a Walmart YEARS AND YEARS ago and the fact that they fit so damn well even after all that time is still impressive to me. It's a very thin material made from 65% polyester and 35% cotton, so it doesn't wrinkle easily. The actual pattern is on display in the pictures below, though good luck finding one like this after all this time.

The shirt and pants

These ones go together primarily because you can still find them in stores. Over the last two years or so, since I work from home, I've stopped wearing jeans and khakis and wear instead pajama pants. As such, the black pajama pants are what I use for the outfit these days, though if you're going for "early" Linkara, I used to wear black jeans in the videos. They're Merona brand and you can find them at any Target, same as the shirt below.

A common misconception about my shirt is that it's green, like the color of the futon. That's not the case at all - it's just a trick of the light. In fact, my t-shirt is a charcoal grey and is fairly common. I've also started to wear a darker grey t-shirt on occasion, but both versions can be found at Target and are relatively cheap.


  1. i found a mossamo jacket much like yours not sure if yours is double breasted or not but from what i can tell its a womens jacket... which is still cool. hehe

  2. Why anyone would want to cosplay as someone who complains about comic-books on the internet is beyond me.
    Seriously, there are way better things to cosplay as like superheroes, Jedi, anime characters, video-game characters, aliens, monsters, or, hell, even some kind of made-up abomination! It just doesn't make sense to me to dress up as someone who's "costume" consists of toy guns & clothes you buy from WalMart.

  3. You can also order the Magic Gun on Amazon for roughly the same price. Denix is the manufacturer. I used the gun in a pic recently:

    As for the coat, Land's End also makes a coat VERY similar to yours also without shoulder pads.

    Thrift stores are also great places to look for those shirts and the hat. I'm working on my own interpretation of the costume but not a replica exactly because i can't pull off that hat style to save my life XD I'm using a Stetson fedora and the rest of my costume is more...jeans and a dress shit and brown vest and corduroy jacket with the flintlock and Pollo.

    Still, very cool to finally see a break down of your costume used for the show!

  4. Why would an Anon waste his time complaining on the internet about said comic book reviewer when he can go spam up some other cosplayer who DOES dress dress up like superheroes, Jedi, anime characters, videogame characters alien monsters instead of acting like a made up abomination. THAT doesn't make any sense.

  5. "Seriously, there are way better things to cosplay as like superheroes, Jedi, anime characters, video-game characters, aliens, monsters, or, hell, even some kind of made-up abomination! It just doesn't make sense to me to dress up as someone who's "costume" consists of toy guns & clothes you buy from WalMart."

    I'm still amazed by that myself, but if I had to guess (outside of just generally being a fan of the show) it's a fairly simple costume to put together and not everyone has the budget to go all-out for more intricate costumes or the like, so since they want to cosplay as SOMETHING, a relatively inexpensive outfit is the way to go.

  6. Lewis, it's because we're fans. Your character of linkara is just as entertaining to us as any super hero or video game character and unlike them, you're real and we all think you're cool. Many of us can't dress up as their favorite comic book character for one reason or another whether it be physique or budget restrictions or just because many of us think you created a better character than most modern super heroes and well, we admire you and so we dress up as Linkara.

  7. @Stuessy: My guess is he's a boxer man. XD

  8. I'd prefer the 90s Kid suits or Bufo!

    PS how do I fallow this thing the box is still missing!?

  9. *Reads down a couple paragraphs*

    ...Wait. Is- is that..? OH SWEET BUTTERY MARGANARS, it is! I thi9nk my year has just been made all over again! I'm so glad I was tenacious enough to able to inspire this article! You have NO idea how happy this makes me!!

  10. Hey Linkara got a question, and you bringing up the pin on your hat reminded me to ask it,

    Are we ever gonna see you play the violin on any of your vids again? Total violin aficionado here, and just wonder if any upcoming scripts have a way for you to work it in :p

  11. Hey, I just watched your Mr. T #2 review, amazing!!! but you have to admit that Mr. T is so badass that when you tossed the comic on your sofa it stood up!!!

  12. Both Mossimo (the jacket) and Cherokee (the plaid) are Target owned brands. You also could buy those brands at Mervyns (also owned by Target) before they closed and I would guess just by the style and from my hellish experience from working at Target that the jacket came from the latter.

    I don't think anyone will find an exact copy but I am sure close enough copies exist out there.

  13. To the Anon needlessly bitching: Cosplay, to me at least, is about love of a character, about demonstrating your love of a movie, TV show, comic, whatever. Yes, there are people out there who do it to win contests or to impress others, but they aren't the ones I'm talking about. If you really care, you do it for yourself (and maybe the creators), not because you want other people to praise you as a costuming god/ess.

    The Linkara character is funny, goofy, brave, and entertaining, and people choose to show Lewis how much his work means to them by not just re-creating the Linkara costume but doing awesome things like making an AT4W-themed Keyblade. Maybe it's nerdy, but you probably already realized that since you suggested people dress up as other fictional characters who are just as silly in their own ways. Maybe there's more effort involved in dressing as, say, Superman, Ichgo Kurosaki, a Power Ranger or Bayonetta, but it's not like there are rules that say you're not a real cosplayer just because your outfit dips into rummage sales. Hell, I've got the ear of several big-name cosplayers thanks to my ex-girlfriend, and I can ask them what they think of your poor attitude.

  14. @Straker: Very well said.

    Also, the top pic of that cosplayer girl is too much loveliness and awesome all in one and I don't know how to deal with it.

  15. I think it makes total sense why someone would want to cosplay as you. Not only do you review comics, but you also play out your show as if it's a comic book, with recurring characters and not only great stories, but great story arcs.

    And about the sheer number of girls dressing up as you... please take that as a compliment. Trust me ;)

  16. You mentioned in an interview you never dual wielded magic guns because you couldn't find another fake flintlock for a decent cost.

    Now that you have another, will this change?

  17. "I'd prefer the 90s Kid suits or Bufo!

    PS how do I fallow this thing the box is still missing!?"

    Boo Rat, I don't recall ever seeing a "follow" button or the like before. ^^;

  18. "Now that you have another, will this change?"

    Possibly. It may not necessarily be the case with the storyline I have planned for the rest of the year, but it's something I am pondering.

  19. Not only do you have fans, sir, but they're willing to dress up as you at conventions. It's official, you're now a "B" List Internet Celebrity. :)

    To make "A" List, I think you have to either get someone to pay you to do what you do (Yahtzee) or become a ridiculous hot woman (Adrienne Curry).

    I think the former might prove a easier feat. No offense, but the idea of you in drag makes my skin crawl. :)

  20. I think dressing up like an internet reviewer has an element of uniqueness to it. Not to mention just like yourself, a number of the reviewers have different characters they portray, adding a further list of costumes to draw from. And were it not for people dressing up as an angry comic book reviewer, I would never have met some of the greatest friends I've ever had.

    P.S. Lewis, have you ever thought of creating a Linkara comic book (even if it's just a one-shot) or do you feel you put all your energy/creativity in that respect towards the AT4W storylines?

  21. Cosplay is about dressing up as someone else. You want to dress up like Linkara then do it. No rule says you have to be Superman or Crazy Steve. That and a lot of us probably shouldn't be in skin tight spandex so you will not see me as Spider-man even though I love the hell out of Peter if not his current books.

  22. Oh, wow. XD I'm the girl with the Keyblade, and I'm absolutely flattered that you included my picture up there. Thank you!

    And now I know how to make my costume even better, so thanks for that too!

  23. Why do they cosplay as Linkara? I don't know... makes no sense. You'd think they were fans of his or something...

  24. Wow, the Rule63!Linkaras are really cute.

  25. As the keyblade's designer, I'm glad you like it! I know Katie had a lot of fun with it.

    The pictures don't have the keychain (my favorite part), though, which is pictured in the original drawing here

  26. "Oh, wow. XD I'm the girl with the Keyblade, and I'm absolutely flattered that you included my picture up there. Thank you!

    And now I know how to make my costume even better, so thanks for that too!"

    Not a problem at all! When the picture first came out I had about a dozen people telling me to check it out and you did an awesome job with it! ^_^

  27. I never noticed that you wear the same vest as me. And she does too. And she. And she. Damn, just need to find a brown jacket and a magic gun now and my costume would be complete.

  28. "Not a problem at all! When the picture first came out I had about a dozen people telling me to check it out and you did an awesome job with it! ^_^"

    Oh, no, I didn't actually make it. |D Anti-Roxas-99 on DeviantArt built it, and Renee (who just commented here) did the design - about the only thing about it that's mine is the concept and the end product. Glad you like it, though!

  29. How do you do action scenes in corduroy without catching fire? Also, it must take alot of editing to get rid of the vrt vrt sounds. :P

    As to the people wondering why cosplay linkara. I don't cosplay, but I was asked to (I look like the heavy from TF2) but trying to make space marine power armour in 2 weeks with nothing but card and felt tip pen is pointless imo. If it were possible to have it convincing, I'd cosplay in power armour all the time.

  30. at last years Otakon, i cosplayed as the Nostalgia Critic and got a lot of praise for it. mostly because its a character you wouldn't expect to see at an anime convention. i think i'll do it again, as well as the Cinema Snob, because according to my friend, i look like him if i don't shave...go figure.

    thanks for the tips on your outfit.

  31. The hat looks to be a corduroy trilby with a very nice pin on it :)

  32. At cheeky Anonymous bitcher. i went as Dr. Insano for halloween and plan to go to comic con as Linkara or Nostalgia Critic so :P and your a <=3

  33. And now one must wonder if Iron Liz ever gets jealous. Wish I could dress up, act like a dork and be that popular. Normally it just makes people roll their eyes and beg me to stop. Maybe I'm just not as good at it.

  34. Funny thing is, I'm more curious has to who was dressed as the Red Zeo Ranger in the second image. Go figure.

  35. I don't know if Linkara checks his blog's comments daily, but just saying: my name is Ethan, I'm a huge fan, and I think you really should do Iron Man: The crossing.

  36. crap....... apparently his name is Lewis...........

  37. Does anyone know if Lewis has email?
    (It's me Ethan) Anyway, basically, "Iron Man:The Crossing" is the Iron Man version of the "Clone Saga",plus, you haven't done a Iron Man comic yet. But if you REALLY want something to tear to shreds like a wet paper bag,look no further then:

    Hit Comics #1 or
    Brother Power the Geek #1

    that would be a funny episode.....

  38. @ Katie, I was wondering, did you think of a cool keyblade name for your at4w keyblade? (like how all Keyblades are called stuff like Kingdom Key, or Oblivion? - the only two names I can remember off the top of my head)

  39. @ AmuroNT1

    Unfortunately the last part, about the “rules” is not entirely true.
    There are people out there, bitching about things, that should be fun. I heard it myself, when I was at a convention, people said: “I hope the bad cosplayers are so bad, because they want to make us feel good.”
    That caused a massive laughter from the people all around me and I was like “oh my god, they are as bitchy and as stupid as… my classmates are.”

    And I read about a cosplay of mine “Sorry, some accessorys don`t make the doctor.”
    Ah – of course. Okay, so if I don`t look the part, I shall not cosplay, or what?



  40. I hate to repeat an earlier question, but you haven't responded to it yet.

    Are you involved in the writing of the 4th year anniversary TGWTG event?

  41. This is so crying out for some kind of convention event someday. It'd be like Gotham Impostors except instead of the Bats and Jokerz it's Linkaras and Insanoz.

  42. I didn't have the plaid shirt but a friend of mine managed to find a purty [enough] hat for me to use for my Linkara cosplay at MegaCon in Orlando. Oh, and in lieu of a magic gun, I brought a sonic screwdriver mini-torch based on Ten's design. My friend also dressed up as the Nostalgia Critic. Channel Awesome love representin'!

  43. by the way - cosplaying... what would be the best accessories for a really good 11th Doc-Cosplay? I already bought the Sonic Screwdriver... hair is neck-long, should be long enough,... so, clothes? where does one get those things?



  44. Happy Anniversary of no That's All I'm Saying.

    Man, If you can't continue it, just call it quits and end the series so you won't get annoying comments like this.

  45. Because common casual cosplay wear is kewl.

  46. Isn't she holding the Keyblade wrong?

  47. "Happy Anniversary of no That's All I'm Saying.

    Man, If you can't continue it, just call it quits and end the series so you won't get annoying comments like this."

    I pretty much did. I talked about it in my last Odds and Ends post.

  48. I was wondering, did you think of a cool keyblade name for your at4w keyblade?

    @Gareth I did, actually! The Keyblade's name is Razor Wit.

    Isn't she holding the Keyblade wrong?

    There is no one way to hold a Keyblade, Anon. Most canon keybearers use a one-handed grip (Terra, Aqua, Ven, Riku), though Sora sometimes uses a two-handed grip that's down and to the right.

    Also, Razor Wit is solid wood and incredibly end-heavy - a good deal of the weight is in the hat and flame design, partially because it has some dimension to it and is not completely flat. My usual pose is to have it slung over one shoulder (and to have the Magic Gun in the other hand) - if I don't do that, I either have to rest the tip on the ground or use a two-handed stance.

  49. Funny thing, actually. The reason people think you wear a green shirt is the same reason why people think Godzilla is green.

    In reality Godzilla has always been a charcoal gray, like your shirt.

  50. Can we get cosplay guides for your other characters (specifically '90s Kid?)

  51. I find the girl holding the keyblade hot for some reason :D

  52. Never really cosplayed before, but remember back a few years ago when everyone replaced their Facebook photos with their supposed celebrity lookalikes? Yeah, I had you on mine. To this day I get people pointing out our apparent resemblances.

  53. Linkara: "Gone to my head? Gone to my head? Whatever do you mean? I'm only telling people how to cosplay as me and where to get the material! This says nothing about my ego!"

    Seriously though, it's cool that you have such a practical costume that this is actually a possible article to write. Imagine if a buster sword was part of your regular costume.

  54. Will your costume ever change? Come on, you review superheroes for crissakes, and their outfits change every 2 seconds! Given it is a hard costume to find surely someday you will be forced to change it (i.e. a piece get worn out or ruined).

    Personally, I myself was never a fan of the plaid...

  55. It's a testimony to how popular "Linkara Cosplay" has gotten that this blog was the top Google result when I was was searching for a "hat replica." It's especially impressive, because the complete phrase I typed into the Google bar was "Fourth Doctor hat replica." According to our great Google overlords, Linkara = Tom Baker. ^_^

  56. ORZ

    This would have really helped when I was drawing because I was just going off pictures off of google for references, and I was having a hard time finding anything. Oh well. Now I have some good references. And good advice for cosplaying! I was thinking about trying it and I just might get some stuff like this for a halloween costume. I doubt I'll be able to make it to any conventions, but it would be a lot of fun to do!

    Thanks Linkara! ^u~

  57. If you go to village hat shop and search for stingy brim trilby you will find some similar looking hats

  58. The jaxon crushable diamond crown fedora is pretty close (village hat shop).It is close to the shade of brown linkara's hat is.Price $36 free shipping on orders over $75.

  59. One last village hat shop comment the jaxon blues crushable fedora looks a little closer to linkara's trilby it is $38.

  60. The jaxon blues crushable fedora is Not like linkara's.After looking into it more the photo of the elderly man with the hat on is actually the brixton gain wool fedora.I feel this mistake needed to be corrected.The brixton is available for $36 at revolve ups ground shipping is free.

  61. I'm gonna cosplay as Linkara for the NYCC in 2014, I just found the Mossimo jacket. Heck, I'll probably Linkara it up to go comic book shopping. Can I go punching guys dressed as Superman and yell "I AM A MAA-AN!!!"? Hi-jinx to follow...


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