Monday, March 19, 2012

Kamandi at Earth's End #2

The story no one demanded continues!

NOTE: Going to head this one off while there are still only three comments on it. I have been informed about rocket-propelled grenades or RPGs.


  1. Loved the Linksanio cameo as douchie McNitpick. Great little nod there.

    If we needed anymore proof that the 90's US comic scene was crap please don't try to find it, Honestly between this and Lupa's Frog town videos I'm ashamed to have grown up in the decade.

    I'm going to get my Judge Dredd Comics and escape this tripe!

  2. Using two George C. Scott clips in the same review? That's got to be a major first for the whole series. You sir deserve one big High Five!

    Also, YES! Jersey Shore is toast! YAY!

  3. long stretch I know but when they say fat file they might be referring to FAT32 a way to format files on the disk (used by windows xp and a lot of Linux systems even today) and even though the comment section was empty when I typed this I'm worried it's going to be one of 50 people saying that.

  4. Did you use a Zero-Wing joke in the first issue (or Bearded Idiot)?

  5. "Did you use a Zero-Wing joke in the first issue (or Bearded Idiot)?"

    DAMN IT! I KNEW the 2101 AD thing was from something but I couldn't think of what!

    1. Hell, they even "set them up the bomb" at the end

  6. Army Dude в РоссииMarch 19, 2012 at 4:49 PM

    While that is some fakey fake hokey crap, there are grenades that are rocket propelled. RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade.

  7. Well, in the interest of not saying the same thing others have commented on (I know that wasn't directed towards most of us but still, I saw the Twitter and all), I will declare that Lucas Chad's closing line resembles one of my remarks exactly.

    Also, in regards to what you would have received multiple comments on, I wouldn't have noticed, not just because geography isn't my strong suit but the whole non-American-ness.
    I was actually more focused on the boneheaded stuff the comic said about Jurassic Park, and that's not even a movie I think super-highly of. It's very good but maybe a little overblown.

    Also, Super Mario Land 2 reference FTW!

  8. Regarding the dubiously drawn weapon near the beginning do a google search for "Rocket Propelled Grenades." The artist wasn't *that* far off.

  9. Actually the bunny ears are a Zelda power up. I looked no one else has told you yet

  10. I admit, Superman at Earth's End is a HORRID portrayal of Clark. But I wanna know...what's your opinion on the Superman in "Superman: Grounded"? Volume 1 and 2 vary differently in the subject matter, but to me, JMS's Superman is pretentious, preachy, talkin'-down-to-you who's emo about his mission and that slap at the beginning of the storyline was disgusting to read about in itself in just how STUPID it is.

  11. "I admit, Superman at Earth's End is a HORRID portrayal of Clark. But I wanna know...what's your opinion on the Superman in "Superman: Grounded"? Volume 1 and 2 vary differently in the subject matter, but to me, JMS's Superman is pretentious, preachy, talkin'-down-to-you who's emo about his mission and that slap at the beginning of the storyline was disgusting to read about in itself in just how STUPID it is."

    You'll see soon enough. ^_~

  12. Welp, tell Linksano he's a failure on fact checking.

    The following image is what is called an RPG:

    Or, a Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher. Sometimes just called, a Grenade Launcher.

    I tell you, because I know you love corrections, and most certainly fifty more people won't tell you the exact same thing.

    Hey, as you're read to the end of this, I'll give you a new nick name for your time, "Linky-boy!". Yes it's stupid, but it's in your head now, and you'll probably use it.

  13. Great Review, although - one could , if one would want to defend that piece of crap, point out that a) they was that scene, where Robert Muldoon , the game warden of the entire clone-zoo, was running around with a pumgun, before he was eaten by a velociraptor. That is the point, they were not hunting the T-Rex, but the Velociraptor.

    So, lousy research by the authors, nonetheless.

    Another point is the "Spielberg-Report" and there I automatically thought of the "historical documents" from Galaxy Quest.
    It is not entirely the same thing, because the the... thermy... however those aliens were called, were aliens and those are cavemen from the future, but the joke is kinda the same.

    *smiles* Those were just the points, that came to my mind, when I watched the review - and, nevertheless, it is a fantastic one.

    So, I am looking forward for next weeks "Blackweb" - which is something, I have actually no idea, what it could be.

    So, I am curious.



  14. Whisky Tango FoxtrotMarch 19, 2012 at 5:04 PM

    venatus: First of all, the FAT filesystem pre-dates FAT32 by quite a few years, with FAT32 being a (somewhat hacked-on) update to the original FAT and VFAT systems that had been in use since the 1980s as the maid filesystem for DOS-based systems.

    Secondly, while Windows XP could be installed on a FAT32 filesystem, the format was already being phased out by that point (at least in terms of hard disk storage; it's still commonly used on smaller, removable storage devices like USB drives and SD cards) and the preferred way of running the operating system was by using the newer, NTFS filesystem.

    Finally, while pretty much all versions of Linux have the ability to read and write FAT, the filesystem lacks several features that a UNIX-like system like Linux needs in order to run, so you'll never see a Linux system booting and running from a FAT system without some major hacks. Linux typically uses the EXT series of filesystems, although there are a variety of other systems in use depending on the setup.

  15. @ Torkuda

    "Hey, as you're read to the end of this, I'll give you a new nick name for your time, "Linky-boy!". Yes it's stupid, but it's in your head now, and you'll probably use it."

    You mean I'm not the only one who's thought of that name? Every time I was watching any You're Such A Card... Game for the first time, I kept expecting to hear Liz or Lewis say it...

  16. Hey linkman: i ordered The Samurai megazord a day ago with normal shipping, and it arrived today just as I got home... Do you have a hand in Amazon?

  17. Awesome episode as always Linkara!

    I like the joke at the end about the spears. funny lil nod to last week's never ending spear debacle in the comments. litterally one after the other, all they had to do was look up xD

  18. Like other viewers, I loved the inclusion of Linksano pointing out all of your mistakes and being annoying about it instead of helpful. I also think Slow Ride should be Linkara's theme song from now on.

  19. Bunny ears also increase your running speed.

  20. ...Douchesano?

    ...Oh dear... the mental images of an actual Douchesano. D: "You're wrong about everything ever and I will prove it with SCIENCE." With the wig and the goggles and the whiny snivelling evil laughter DDDD:

  21. Will you ever think about doing animated movies adapted from comic books?

  22. Did you just punch out Linksano? I know you get frustrated when people keep commenting on the same mistakes without checking to see if someone else has already pointed it out but hitting you staff is taking it a bit far ;)

    But serious good review.

  23. "DAMN IT! I KNEW the 2101 AD thing was from something but I couldn't think of what!"

    For future use Wikipedia has a handy list of "fictional events" under their listings for each year. 2101 has only a single listing (Also Google's first result for 2101 AD).

  24. Okay, I call foul on the T-rex being in the old tripod stance.

  25. Renzi, Steven and Ben are actual Nuclear People (atomic powered cyborgs) from Kirby's Kamandi series:

  26. I must take that 'head jerk' and shop it into "Night at the Roxbury" gif!!! So much win!!!

    Also, will Doctor Linksano be AT4W's McNitpick?


  27. For those curious, from what I can tell, "Ugly American" is a derisive term applied to obnoxious U.S. tourists. I have no idea what that has to do with a group of mutants but... there you have it.

  28. This comic is redundant. New Jersey is already like that.

  29. I love the addition of Linksano! :D Linkara and Linksano arguing at the end was hilarious.

    Ugh, this comic is stupid. If you review the other issues, good luck!

  30. The more I see Kamandi, the more I fut the wuck.

  31. Wait....I'm a little confused about the defense of the artist in regards to the grenade launchers.

    Since everyone has pointed out the existence of RPG's ...How does that excuse the artist for going from "Grenade Launchers" to a drawing of a missle launcher.

    I mean Lazy art is still lazy isn't it?

  32. You tell 'em, Mr. T. Also, what's-her-face has some stupid, stupid pants.

    I eagerly await your take on the monumental stupidity that is "Superman: Grounded."

  33. Great review Lewis. This series seems to be getting dumber issue to issue, so I suppose it can get to Superman at Earth's End level by the end of the series. :)

    The one question that popped into my mind watching this was at the start of Ben Boxer's log. Does he seriously start is daily log by listing his model number and quest each day??

    And the only alternate name I've ever come up with for you was for your holo-double. "Lew-two" XD

  34. card games on motorcycles? thats crazy it would never work!

  35. Wow that was a terrible comic... it didn't even tie up the story! This is a 3 parter!? I thought it was just a 2 parter!
    Wow it looks like New Jersey's residents have actually improved in those 100 years!
    Soooo, there are no Mutant women in the future!?
    I do gotta agree with Linkara on the whole them making a movie reference in a comic or tv show and it's actually very wrong. The closest thing to Dinosaur hunting in the 1st Jurassic Park movie was that one dude trying to hunt down a Raptor before he was killed horribly off screen!
    I do agree on that map the X looked to be somewhere on the Texas-New Mexico boarder! Also how is there still maps and landmarks if that many nukes were dropped!?
    Also that nuke at the end just killed any and all innocent humans being held captive by the Jersey shore Mutants!
    A good example of a not stupid version of Post-Apocalypse is Book of Eli even though the religious overtones were a bit annoying.
    I do hope future cyborgs don't have waddles on there heads!

  36. Hey, Link, did ya'll remove the subscribe feature or something!?

  37. How many issues of Venom: Lethal Protector do you have? Comic-Con's coming up, and I want to see if I should either give them to you, or sell them.

  38. I knew I saw "The Pirate Planet" amidst your clips.

    Well obviously we're getting closer to Bearded Idiot...not like it's a good thing though. Regardless, I did like Linksano's little speech about the whole New Jersey/New York thing...having driven across into Manhattan plenty of times, I probably would have pointed it out if he hadn't.

  39. Oh almost forgot: your impression of Jeff Goldblum probably varys from history crystal to history crystal. At least they didn't discover the one where he was a love god at a disco. (yes I am ashamed to say I've seen "Thank God It's Friday"...and amazingly the fact that Jeff Goldblum was a love god in that movie made it all the more watchable)

  40. Outside the feeling you should have dubbed Linksano voicing the correction of "South from West" well done middle of the road episode.

  41. Actually Kamandi makes more sense then the other guy does when he asks why they should try to save the woman. They have no reason to risk their lives for a woman who just tried to shoot them. They don't know her and she hasn't offered them food or help. Why would anyone in a world of very scarce resources and constant danger want to risk their precious lives on a pointless rescue mission?

    What doesn't make sense is Mr. Idiot's response. To quote: This is a world gone PSYCHO. Rescuing women and killin' scroungers should be the TOP of your list of "things I gotta do today".

    1. Why is this a world gone psycho? As far as we know this guy has spent his life this way. Why would it seem 'psycho' to him?

    2. Humans are creatures of habit like the rest of life on this planet. We have habits because they are either efficient at keeping us alive or they have some emotional meaning to us. This guy should have habits that revolve around efficiently surviving a world of few resources and constant danger. How does he have habits that include chasing after superior enemies, putting his life in danger and wasting fuel and ammunition? Someone who responds to this situation by deliberately going into unnecessary fights would probably die very quickly.

    3. Why, why oh why is saving a woman who tried to KILL you and deliberately chasing superior enemies suddenly on a list of things to do? He never gives a reason, he simply says that they need to do this. No, they don't need to do it. They have no reason to do it. As far as his idiotic brain can go they do not gain anything by doing this. They do not gain resources by doing this, in fact they are wasting resources. They are not gaining valuable information. They are not rescuing a comrade, they are trying to save a woman who (and I cannot belabor this point enough) tried to KILL them*.

    *Yes I know that in comics someone trying to kill you is no reason to hold a grudge or not help them or to be suspicious when they claim to have reformed but think about it realistically. You live in a world where the old civilizations has been blown away. Violence and the use of force is necessary to stay secure and to gather resources. You come into contact with an individual who tries to kill you. Knowing all this would you really try to help them against a (and I cannot belabor this point enough either) SUPERIOR ENEMY?

    Oh, and the 'subhuman scum' thing makes no sense either. These creatures have evolved in a manner that allows them to survive and spread on a world presumably filled with dangerous amounts of radiation. In other words killing them has a negative impact on the amount of life that can actually survive on the planet. Are these idiot machines hoping that pre-apocalypse humans will miraculously spring back from near-nonexistence and casually ignore the radiation if the machines wish hard enough (though considering their version of logic that might be the case).

  42. Boy, you're getting an awful lot of use out of that "Mr. T tells kids to love their mothers" joke, aren't you?

  43. HEY EVRYONE, Check this Guy out...

    Linkara Nazi Super Ninja FTW

  44. I CAN'T believe you missed putting in a "Manimal" joke, at 20:12, when the Saphira Cohen character said, "Let Saphira Cohen teach you something, Manimals!" I actually expected a cameo from Cinema Snob there.

  45. The Comic: Ugh, so much stupid...

    Other: Loved Linksano's comments. lol

    Fiery Little One

  46. Awesome review for this comic. You know, it seems that every issue for this seems a lot worse than the last one. I wonder if the last issue will end up being Superman at Earth's End-level.

    Loved Linksano playing the Douchey McNitpick-type role. Can't wait for the next one.

  47. At what Unknown said of being a Zelda Power Up,its called The Bunny Hood, in Majora's Mask it gave Link a Speed Boost when ever you equipped it.

    But good Lord x.x when you begin to give Props to Battlefield Earth in comparison to how bad this Comic Sucks.....You Know the rest of these Comics will outright Suck.

  48. Oh, FYI, "Ugly Americans" was a band just getting noticed around the time of this comic's release, so it may have been a reference to them.

    I doubt it was a reference to the 60s Marlin Brando film of the same name, though I could be wrong.

  49. Heh, nice of you to correct yourself, Lovehaug, and in such an entertaining manner!

    This comic screams to me "We (DC) don't want to lose the trademark to Kamandi, but we don't care about it either, just hand it to the first guy who wants to do it, never mind what his plans are, just publish something!"

  50. Uh... I live in New Jersey and commute to New York City every day. It IS directly west of NYC... It's south of upstate New York.

    Also, I love the name Ben Boxer. That is all.

  51. I think I'll track down that Kamandi clip of his cameo in a Batman:The Brave and the Bold episode so I can see what Kamandi is like outside of this lame comic and find my copy of a issue of Neil Gaiman's Sandman for a example of a good 90's comic.
    Linksano was like a mixture of Mr. Exposition mixed with Douchie Mcnickpick this episode.

  52. Despite the bad story, I liked the artwork. Very reminiscent of the good parts of 90s comics.

  53. If we needed anymore proof that the 90's US comic scene was crap please don't try to find it, Honestly between this and Lupa's Frog town videos I'm ashamed to have grown up in the decade.

    ^ I wouldn't go that far. I mean yes the 90's had some crappy shows games and comics but seriously i would take almost any of that stuff compared to the stuff we have today. I mean come on you're seriously telling me Frogtown is worse than 16 and Pregnant, Dancing with the Stars or Keeping up with Kardashians?

  54. "Boy, you're getting an awful lot of use out of that "Mr. T tells kids to love their mothers" joke, aren't you?"

    Mr. T is very serious about treating Mommas right. XD

  55. "I CAN'T believe you missed putting in a "Manimal" joke, at 20:12, when the Saphira Cohen character said, "Let Saphira Cohen teach you something, Manimals!" I actually expected a cameo from Cinema Snob there."

    I tried to think of a good one, but nothing came to mind. Plus decided to avoid a Brad cameo because he's still in the midst of filming the Cinema Snob movie.

  56. I think you might be the first person ever to look for the the State when they hear New York

  57. Matthatter

    ^ I wouldn't go that far. I mean yes the 90's had some crappy shows games and comics but seriously i would take almost any of that stuff compared to the stuff we have today. I mean come on you're seriously telling me Frogtown is worse than 16 and Pregnant, Dancing with the Stars or Keeping up with Kardashians?

    Or “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here”, “Das Supertalent”, “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” (our Versions of “America’s got talent” and “American Idol”) and tons and tons of badly written, acted or filmed pseudo-documenteries (so called “Scripted reality”-Shows)
    And besides of the Hulk-Movies (or the show for that matter), I think, that the niveau of TV was higher in the 70’s till 90’s.

  58. As Brad Jones has already proven, as long as a can does not have a bulge on it, you can eat it's contents even after centuries

    Also, alcohol really can last for centuries, and I'm not kidding on this one
    There are wines from the 18th century still in circulation

  59. It bothers me that they would choose Kamandi for this Elseworlds comic, since Kamandi is from a post-apocolyptic future anyway. One thats way cooler then the one shown here!

  60. Actually Rocket propelled grenades do not look like that. The guy still drew a missile so linkara was right.

  61. The more I see of this universe, the more it seems Wildstorm's World's End event was this but done right. Insane helicopter things, robots and the last aspects of technology, recognisable elements of the world the series is based in, character appearing who have been changed by the end of the world. The big difference is that this one embraced the worst aspects of the 90s. Well, that and Stormwatch P.E.D.

    By the way, nice use of Linksano being edited into the videoes to address errors. It made for some good jokes and a nice change of tone.

  62. I just remembered that there was a issue of Hitman in the 90s where time travel brought some dinosaurs into Gotham City.

    So as dumb as the "Spielberg Report" thing was Sleeper was technically right. In the DCU people did in fact hunt dinosaurs in the 90s. Of course that Hitman arc was written long after this but... :p

  63. Need more random Linksano nitpicking. Pretty funny as long as you don't overdo it.

  64. Funny stuff but I just gotta say that those two "ass shots" really weren't all that egregious (it's not like several pages dedicated to her in lingerie a la ASBAR); and the second one really wasn't much of one. She's "highlighted" in orange so she stands out from the mutants, and it didn't strike me as being drawn with the intention of being sexy.

  65. my take on Big Q?

    man Sinestro hasn't been the same since male pattern baldness

  66. Hey, folks talking about the bunny ears? You do know that bunny ears are not the exclusive intellectual property of Legend of Zelda, right?

    At least one Mario game also used bunny ears as a power-up. In Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, Mario could pick up a carrot-shaped power-up that gave him bunny ears, which allowed him to jump higher and glide (by flapping his ears...).

  67. Wow, this review really needs Spoony's Ass Counter... to bad it blew up in the DOA Review.

  68. By the end of the last comments section, I thought some people had to be posting about the spear just as a joke. I was tempted to do it, but decided it'd just be annoying (I would've started with, 'btw, has anyone mentioned...?' or something).

    The women auction... How did that woman in the middle get so fat and survive in such an environment?

    Mr. T: "You insult one mother, you insult them all!" Uh... that's stupid. Really.
    I mean, he is right, without my mother I wouldn't be here, I owe her my very existence on this planet.
    Even as a Christian, that's not the kind of thing I can just forgive.
    But insulting one is insulting one.

  69. Linksano really made this episode for me.

    When you mentioned the bunny ears, and why would he wear them. I was expecting a bioshock reference there.
    (swear warning)

    One thing that always gets me about post apocolypse stories is how they never re-build.

    Also, when you do these comics, do you go back and read the originals, or do you watch the episode you made? Both maybe?


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