Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Forget About It: Top 10 That Guy With the Glasses Reviewers

Sad Panda counts down his top 10 (sort of) reviewers on That Guy With the Glasses (sort of)!

NOTE: If this is your first time watching Forget About It, you may want to watch THIS first.


  1. Linkara, you have helped me immensely in all my lamp-purchasing decisions over the years!

  2. And now we know the whole cast for Year 4. This is gonna be sweet! Very hilarious by the way (And I didn't have to watch the intro to Forget About It to enjoy it).

  3. I always did like Sad Panda's vids. He's like one of those halariously ineffective forum trolls in reviewer form. I always have a fun time when he's on my computer screen, even when he pissed of the bronies that have never seen him before. XD

  4. Argh, I have never seen this show before and I am pissed off.

    Also - WOW there are a lot of people at the anniversary this year.

  5. Inb4 "I love lamp"

    Ah, yes, the undersung hero, Linkara, the Lightbringer, defender of the Lamp! Dedicating his life to illuminating the universe and fighting the forces of darkness!

    (What is even what. What.)

  6. I never buy lamps any more without consulting Atop the Lightbulb.

  7. I always found your explanations about LED vs classic bulbs vs Energy-saving Bulbs highly interesting.

    That said, when is the new "History of Kamen Rider" coming around. I know you said we should not ask but you said you were finally done with the review for the third "Heisei/New Kamen Rider", Kamen Rider Ryuki and that tied with your Kamen Rider Agito review being almost a year ago some people have grown anxious.

    P.D.: Please forgive that, just wanted to follow along with the spirit SadPanda's review. Would be nice for you to watch and review Japanese Sentai or Kamen Rider once you are done, be it for comparison or doing some of the series that predated Power Rangers (or even the dubbed ones) but maybe by then you are burned out.

  8. So Linkara, are you the fan of the model 90 or T-1000 lamp? I'm just trying to get the biggest bang for my buck.

  9. This list is sexist! Where are the female reviewers on this list!!! HAHAHA! Kidding.

    Anyways, this video is hilarious. Sad were you ended up.

  10. That was abso-freaking-lutely hilarious. Sad Panda's videos always make me laugh. Atop the Lightbulb is the best show on the That Guy With The Glasses no matter what SadPanda says! The theme song is epic as well. I shall immediately download it and play it a hundred billion times. Why I haven't done so already is a mystery.

    More seriously, Julien is hilarious and everybody there that took part in the video did excellent.

  11. I've seen Forget About it a couple of times and and this was pretty funny.

    Linkara have you heard about the 50th Anniversary Spider-Man Event Marvel plans on doing? The Event is called "The Spidermen" were Peter Parker meets Miles Morales the new Spider-Man in that Universe.

  12. You realize you actually have to do at least one lamp review now, right? It's mandated by internet law 342256-B: Linkara must do a lamp review if he mentions it.

  13. Suprised he didn't use Filmbrain at all, considering how his crossover with Spoony went. (btw: I actually liked it)

  14. And coming this Arbor Day, a story by Linkara called...The Lightbulbbringer. Find out just how many superheroes it takes to screw in a light bulb. This film is not yet rated...

    Ahh, Panda. He's gotta be TGWTG's Deadpool. No, wait. Phelous is TGWTG's Deadpool. Panda is Panda. That's all there is to it.

  15. Having seen the videos from the 4th year shoot so far, all I can say is Awww man, Welshy isn't there is he.

    That just feels wrong. You can't have Panda without Welshy, And you can't have Welshy without Panda.

    They're a duo, like Abbot and Costello, Bill and Ted, Laurel and Hardy, Butch and Sundance, Han and Chewie, Woody and Buzz, Riggs and Murtugh, Vince and Jules, Thelma and Louise.

    Still fingers crossed for the long awaited when Panda meets Ask That Guy.

    The Nostalgia Chicks disguise was brilliant. Even though she was in the same room as him, she looked more like Panda than Panda did.

  16. Anonymous 04/11/12 10:47 AM:

    Well, I think CR! was there as well and he's not mentioned in the credits...for some reason.

  17. I know Linky boy reads these, and I feel just compelled to share this with our loveable Power Ranger aficionado.

    Remember any of this stuff Linkara?

  18. Okay Linkara, when will you FINALY give upddate list of upcoming episodes?

  19. "Okay Linkara, when will you FINALY give upddate list of upcoming episodes?"

    ...I posted it at the end of last month. I just haven't updated the side bar yet, which I'll take care of in a minute.

  20. The new song was freaking brilliant. :-P

  21. SadPanda is WEEEEEEEIRD. I think I'll wach his videos more often from now on.
    Also, now we know a bit more about the cast for Year 4... Sweet.

  22. Lewis, I love you're reaction in this video. Just how you react after hearing the "theme song."

    You have this look on your face like: "Finally I can review the Possini Euro Design Urban Coffee Torchiere Floor Lamp and have reason to. I shall get right on that!"

  23. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't like the lamp jokes. Curse you Sad Panda!!!!


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