Thursday, May 3, 2012

Warrior #2-3 Commentary

Learn how I annoyed Spoony with wanting to film this!


  1. I liked the auto-focus seen, it was cool how it focused just as the whole group came together

  2. You know, I wonder the first conversation between Lewis and Liz about the vid is like.

    "Hey, I have a video series on the internet, and I'd like you to cameo in it."

    "Well, I'm flattered and all, but I don't think I'd want some creepy perv-"

    "It's not that kind of series."

    "It's not?"

    "No, it's a review series."

    "... When you say review-""I make jokes about comic books." *angry face*

    "Oh. Sure, I'd love to."

    And that's how Equestria was made. XD

  3. Alex: Actually, they both worked at Barnes & Noble, so I think Liz new about it. I'd imagine it went more like this.

    Lewis: Hey Liz, you know that web series I do?

    Liz: The one that a dozen people come in to bug you about every day?

    Lewis: Yeah, that's it. You wanna do a cameo in it?

    Liz: Wouldn't that mean the nerds would be bothering me non-stop? Coming in every hour and saying "ZOMG you were in Atop the Fourth Wall!"

    Lewis: Yup.

    Liz: ... sounds cool.

  4. I remember seeing this review and laughing very hard at the 1408 joke, its probably my favorite joke of the review.

  5. what was Mechakara's face made out of? I mean the fleshy meaty part, not the robot face part.

  6. Robert 'Staredcraft' WIllingMay 4, 2012 at 4:18 PM

    Nice commentary. From the sounds of it you guys also did the Warrior #4 commentary after this, will we be seeing that soon too?

  7. Actually Spoony...if you check your Rants & Raves forum as well as your section of the forums on TGWTG, I've assembled a list of everything official of yours as well as tie-ins like this video and Blackest Night. I'm sure you'd know better than me, but I've at least supplied a blueprint.


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